path: root/accel-pptpd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'accel-pptpd')
152 files changed, 0 insertions, 28294 deletions
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e0a8dd48..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "openssl library not found")
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "openssl headers not found")
-SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Wall -fvisibility=hidden -fno-strict-aliasing -D_GNU_SOURCE -DPTHREAD_SPINLOCK -DMEMDEBUG -fPIC")
- COMMAND git log
- COMMAND head -n1
- COMMAND awk "{print $2}"
- )
- ppp/ppp.c
- ppp/ppp_fsm.c
- ppp/ppp_lcp.c
- ppp/lcp_opt_mru.c
- ppp/lcp_opt_magic.c
- ppp/lcp_opt_pcomp.c
- ppp/lcp_opt_accomp.c
- ppp/ppp_auth.c
- ppp/ppp_ipcp.c
- ppp/ipcp_opt_ipaddr.c
- ppp/ipcp_opt_dns.c
- ppp/ppp_ccp.c
- ppp/ccp_mppe.c
- cli/std_cmd.c
- cli/show_sessions.c
- cli/telnet.c
- cli/tcp.c
- cli/cli.c
- pwdb.c
- ipdb.c
- iprange.c
- utils.c
- log.c
- main.c
- memdebug.c
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(accel-pptpd triton rt pthread crypto pcre)
-set_property(TARGET accel-pptpd PROPERTY INSTALL_RPATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/accel-pptp)
-INSTALL(TARGETS accel-pptpd
-INSTALL(FILES accel-pptp.conf DESTINATION /etc RENAME accel-pptp.conf.dist)
-INSTALL(FILES accel-pptp.conf.5 DESTINATION share/man/man5)
-INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND mkdir -p /var/log/accel-pptp)")
-INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND mkdir -p /var/run/accel-pptp)")
-INSTALL(CODE "EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND 'echo 0 > /var/run/accel-pptp/seq')")
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf b/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0050ceab..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#dm_coa_secret=testing123 (deprecated)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf.5 b/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf.5
deleted file mode 100644
index b786bef2..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/accel-pptp.conf.5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-.TH ACCEL-PPTP.CONF 5 "6 October 2010"
-.B accel-pptp.conf
-- ACCEL-PPTP VPN daemon configuration
-.BR accel-pptpd (8)
-reads options from this file, usually
-.IR /etc/accel-pptp.conf
-Configuration file consists of sections in form:
- ....
-.SH [modules]
-containes list of modules to load
-.BI log_file
-This is logging target which logs messages to files. It support per-session/per-user features.
-.BI log_tcp
-This is logging target which logs messages over TCP/IP.
-.BI log_pgsql
-This is logging target which logs messages to PostgreSQL.
-.BI pptp
-PPTP controlling connection handling module.
-.BI pppoe
-PPPoE discovery stage handling module.
-.BI auth_pap
-PAP authentication module.
-.BI auth_chap
-CHAP (md5) authentication module.
-.BI auth_mschap_v1
-Microsoft CHAP (version 1) authentication module.
-.BI auth_mschap_v2
-Microsoft CHAP (version 2) authentication module.
-.BI radius
-RADIUS interaction module.
-.BI ippool
-IP address assigning module.
-.BI sigchld
-Helper module to manage child processes, required by pppd_compat
-.BI pppd_compat
-This module starts pppd compatible ip-up/ip-down scripts and ip-change to handle RADIUS CoA request.
-.SH [core]
-Configuration of core module
-.BI "log-error=" path
-Path to file for core module error logging.
-.BI "thread-count=" n
-number of working threads, optimal - number of processors/cores
-.SH [ppp]
-PPP module configuration.
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If n is not zero ppp module will produce verbose logging.
-.BI "min-mtu=" n
-Minimum acceptable MTU. If client will try to negotiate less then specified MTU then it will be NAKed or disconnected if rejects greater MTU.
-.BI "mtu=" n
-MTU which will be negotiated if client's MRU will be not acceptable.
-.BI "mru=" n
-Prefered MRU.
-.BI "ccp=" n
-Disable CCP negotiation if this parameter is zero.
-.BI "sid-case=" upper|lower
-Specifies in which case generate session identifier (default lower).
-.BI "check-ip=" 0|1
-Specifies whether accel-pptp should check if IP already assigned to other ppp interface (default 0).
-.SH [lcp]
-PPP LCP module configuration
-.BI "echo-interval=" n
-If this option is given and greater then 0 then lcp module will send echo-request every
-.B n
-.BI "echo-failure=" n
-Specifies maximum number of echo-requests may be sent without valid echo-reply, if exceeds connection will be terminated.
-.SH [dns]
-.BI "dns1=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies primary DNS to be sent to peer.
-.BI "dns2=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies secondary DNS to be sent to peer.
-.SH [client-ip-range]
-You have to explicitly specify range of ip address from which clients can connect to server in form:
-.B x.x.x.x/mask
-(for example
-.B x.x.x.x-y
-(for example
-.SH [pptp]
-Configuration of PPTP module.
-.BI "bind=" x.x.x.x
-If this option is given then pptp server will bind to specified IP address.
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If this option is given and
-.B n
-is greater of zero then pptp module will produce verbose logging.
-.BI "echo-interval=" n
-If this option is given and greater then zero then pptp module will send echo-request every
-.B n
-.BI "echo-failure=" n
-Specifies maximum number of echo-requests may be sent without valid echo-reply, if exceeds connection will be terminated.
-.BI "timeout=" n
-Timeout waiting reply from client in seconds (default 5).
-.SH [pppoe]
-Configuration of PPPoE module.
-.BI "interface=" ethX
-Specifies interface name to listen/send discovery packets. You may specify multiple
-.B interface
-.BI "ac-name=" ac-name
-Specifies AC-Name tag value. If absent tag will not be sent.
-.BI "service-name=" service-name
-Specifies Service-Name to respond. If absent any Service-Name is acceptable and client's Service-Name will be sent back.
-.BI "pado-delay=" delay[,delay1:count1[,delay2:count2[,...]]]
-Specifies delays (also in condition of connection count) to send PADO (ms).
-Last delay in list may be -1 which means don't accept new connections.
-List have to be sorted by count key.
-.BI "mac-filter=" filename,type
-Specifies mac-filter filename and type, type maybe
-.B allow
-.B deny
-.BI "ifname-in-sid=" called-sid|calling-sid|both
-Specifies that interface name should be present in Called-Station-ID or in Calling-Station-ID or in both attributes.
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If this option is given and
-.B n
-is greater of zero then pppoe module will produce verbose logging.
-.SH [l2tp]
-Configuration of L2TP module.
-.BI "bind=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies IP address to bind.
-.BI "host-name=" string
-This name will be sent to clients in Host-Name attribute.
-.BI "hello-interval=" n
-Specifies interval (in seconds) to send Hello control message. Its used for keep alive connection. If peer will not respond to Hello connection will be terminated.
-.BI "timeout=" n
-Specifies timeout (in seconds) to wait peer completes tunnel and session negotiation.
-.BI "rtimeout=" n
-Specifies timeout (in seconds) to wait message acknowledge, if elapsed message retransmition will be performed.
-.BI "retransmit=" n
-Specifies maximum number of message retransmission, if exceeds connection will be terminated.
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If this option is given and
-.B n
-is greater of zero then l2tp module will produce verbose logging.
-.SH [radius]
-Configuration of RADIUS module.
-.BI "nas-identifier=" identifier
-Specifies value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-Identifier attribute and to be matched in DM/CoA requests.
-.BI "nas-ip-address=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies value to send to RADIUS server in NAS-IP-Address attribute and to be matched in DM/CoA requests.
-Also DM/CoA server will bind to that address.
-.BI "gw-ip-address=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies address to use as local address of ppp interfaces if Framed-IP-Address received from RADIUS server.
-.BI "auth-server=" x.x.x.x:port,secret
-Specifies IP address, port and secret of authentication RADIUS server.
-.BI "acct-server=" x.x.x.x:port,secret
-Specifies IP address, port and secret of accounting RADIUS server.
-.BI "dae-server=" x.x.x.x:port,secret
-Specifies IP address, port to bind and secret for Dynamic Authorization Extension server (DM/CoA).
-.BI "dm_coa_secret=" secret (deprecated, use dae-server instead)
-Specifies secret to use in DM/CoA communication.
-.BI "acct-interim-interval=" n
-Specifies interval in seconds to send accounting information (may be overriden by radius Acct-Interim-Interval attribute)
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If this option is given and
-.B n
-is greater of zero then radius module will produce verbose logging.
-.BI "interim-verbose=" n
-If this option is given and
-.B n
-is greater of zero then radius module will produce verbose logging of interim radius packets.
-.BI "timeout=" n
-Timeout to wait response from server (sec)
-.BI "max-try=" n
-Specifies number of tries to send Access-Request/Accounting-Request queries.
-.BI "acct-timeout=" n
-Specifies timeout of accounting interim update.
-.SH [log]
-Configuration of log and log_file modules.
-.BI "log-file=" file
-Path to file to write general log.
-.BI "log-emerg=" file
-Path to file to write emergency messages.
-.BI "log-tcp=" x.x.x.x:port
-Send logs to specified host.
-.BI "copy=" n
-If this options is given and greater then zero logging engine will duplicate session log in general log.
-(Useful when per-session/per-user logs are not used)
-.BI "per-session-dir=" dir
-Directory for session logs. If specified each session will be logged separately to file which name is unique session identifier.
-.BI "per-user-dir=" dir
-Directory for user logs. If specified all sessions of same user will be logged to file which name is user name.
-.BI "per-session=" n
-If specified and n is greater then zero each session of same user will be logger separately to directory specified by "per-user-dir"
-and subdirectory which name is user name and to file which name os unique session identifier.
-.BI "level=" n
-Specifies log level which values are:
-.B 0
-turn off all logging
-.B 1
-log only error messages
-.B 2
-log error and warning messages
-.B 3
-log error, warning and minimum information messages (use this level in conjuction with verbose option of other modules if you need verbose logging)
-.B 4
-log error, warning and full information messages (use this level in conjuction with verbose option of other modules if you need verbose logging)
-.B 5
-log all messages including debug messages
-.SH [log-pgsql]
-Configuration of log_pgsql module.
-.BI "conninfo=" conninfo
-Conninfo to connect to PostgreSQL server.
-.BI "log-table=" table
-Table to send log messages. Table must contain following field:
-.B timestamp
-.B username
-.B sessionid
-.B msg
-.SH [pppd_compat]
-Configuration of pppd_compat module.
-.BI "ip-pre-up=" file
-Path to ip-pre-up script which is executed before ppp interface comes up, useful to setup firewall rules before any traffic can pass through the interface.
-.BI "ip-up=" file
-Path to ip-up script which is executed when ppp interfaces is completly configured and started.
-.BI "ip-down=" file
-Path to ip-down script which is executed when session is about to terminate.
-.BI "ip-change=" file
-Path to ip-change script which is executed for RADIUS CoA handling.
-.BI "radattr=" prefix
-Prefix of radattr files (for example /var/run/radattr, resulting files will be /var/run/radattr.pppX)
-.BI "verbose=" n
-If specified and greated then zero pppd_module will produce verbose logging.
-.SH [ip-pool]
-Configuration of ippool module.
-.BI "gw-ip-address=" x.x.x.x
-Specifies single IP address to be used as local address of ppp interfaces.
-.BI "gw=" range
-Specifies range of local address of ppp interfaces if form:
-.B x.x.x.x/mask
-(for example
-.B x.x.x.x-y
-(for example
-.BI "tunnel=" range
-Specifies range of remote address of ppp interfaces if form:
-.B x.x.x.x/mask
-.B x.x.x.x-y
-.BI "x.x.x.x/mask or x.x.x.x-y"
-Also specifies range of remote address of ppp interfaces.
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/auth/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/auth/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf4d13b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/auth/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-ADD_LIBRARY(auth_pap SHARED auth_pap.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(auth_chap_md5 SHARED auth_chap_md5.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(auth_mschap_v1 SHARED auth_mschap_v1.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(auth_mschap_v2 SHARED auth_mschap_v2.c)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(auth_chap_md5 crypto)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(auth_mschap_v1 crypto)
-TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(auth_mschap_v2 crypto)
-INSTALL(TARGETS auth_pap auth_chap_md5 auth_mschap_v1 auth_mschap_v2
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_chap_md5.c b/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_chap_md5.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d19634a5..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_chap_md5.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define CHAP_RESPONSE 2
-#define CHAP_SUCCESS 3
-#define CHAP_FAILURE 4
-#define CHAP_MD5 5
-#define VALUE_SIZE 16
-#define MSG_FAILURE "Authentication failed"
-#define MSG_SUCCESS "Authentication successed"
-#define HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct chap_hdr_t)-2)
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-static int conf_interval = 0;
-static int conf_max_failure = 3;
-static int conf_any_login = 0;
-static int urandom_fd;
-struct chap_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_challenge_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val_size;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- char name[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_failure_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_FAILURE)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_success_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_SUCCESS)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_auth_data_t
- struct auth_data_t auth;
- struct ppp_handler_t h;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int id;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- struct triton_timer_t timeout;
- struct triton_timer_t interval;
- int failure;
- int started:1;
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad);
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h);
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void print_buf(const uint8_t *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%x", buf[i]);
-static void print_str(const char *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%c", buf[i]);
-static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = _malloc(sizeof(*d));
- memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d));
- d->auth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->ppp = ppp;
- return &d->auth;
-static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- _free(d);
-static int chap_start(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- d->h.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->h.recv = chap_recv;
- d->timeout.expire = chap_timeout_timer;
- d->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- d->interval.expire = chap_restart_timer;
- d->interval.period = conf_interval * 1000;
- ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static int chap_finish(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- ppp_unregister_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- return 0;
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: timeout\n");
- if (++d->failure == conf_max_failure) {
- if (d->started)
- ppp_terminate(d->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(d->ppp, NULL);
- } else {
- --d->id;
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- }
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), interval);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
-static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- *ptr = CHAP_MD5;
- return 1;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- if (*ptr == CHAP_MD5)
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
-static void chap_send_failure(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_failure_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_FAILURE,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 1 - 2),
- .message = MSG_FAILURE,
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CHAP Failure id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, MSG_FAILURE);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
-static void chap_send_success(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_success_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_SUCCESS,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg)-1-2),
- .message = MSG_SUCCESS,
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CHAP Success id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, MSG_SUCCESS);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_challenge_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_CHALLENGE,
- = ++ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 2),
- .val_size = VALUE_SIZE,
- };
- read(urandom_fd, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- memcpy(msg.val, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send [CHAP Challenge id=%x <",;
- print_buf(msg.val, VALUE_SIZE);
- log_ppp_info2(">]\n");
- }
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
- if (conf_timeout && !ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->timeout, 0);
-static void chap_recv_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_hdr_t *hdr)
- MD5_CTX md5_ctx;
- uint8_t md5[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- char *passwd;
- char *name;
- int r;
- struct chap_challenge_t *msg = (struct chap_challenge_t*)hdr;
- if (ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&ad->timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CHAP Response id=%x <", msg->;
- print_buf(msg->val, msg->val_size);
- log_ppp_info2(">, name=\"");
- print_str(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- log_ppp_info2("\"]\n");
- }
- if (msg-> != ad->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_error("chap-md5: id mismatch\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- }
- if (msg->val_size != VALUE_SIZE) {
- log_ppp_error("chap-md5: incorrect value-size (%i)\n", msg->val_size);
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- }
- name = _strndup(msg->name,ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- if (conf_any_login) {
- chap_send_success(ad);
- ad->started = 1;
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- return;
- }
- r = pwdb_check(ad->ppp, name, PPP_CHAP, CHAP_MD5, ad->id, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE, msg->val);
- if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL) {
- passwd = pwdb_get_passwd(ad->ppp,name);
- if (!passwd)
- {
- _free(name);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: user not found\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- return;
- }
- MD5_Init(&md5_ctx);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,&msg->,1);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,passwd,strlen(passwd));
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,ad->val,VALUE_SIZE);
- MD5_Final(md5,&md5_ctx);
- if (memcmp(md5,msg->val,sizeof(md5)))
- {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: challenge response mismatch\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, name);
- _free(name);
- } else {
- chap_send_success(ad);
- if (!ad->started) {
- ad->started = 1;
- if (conf_interval)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0);
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- } else
- _free(name);
- }
- _free(passwd);
- } else if (r == PWDB_DENIED) {
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, name);
- _free(name);
- } else {
- chap_send_success(ad);
- if (!ad->started) {
- ad->started = 1;
- if (conf_interval)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0);
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- } else
- _free(name);
- }
-static int chap_check(uint8_t *ptr)
- return *ptr == CHAP_MD5;
-static int chap_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_auth_handler_t chap=
- .name = "CHAP-md5",
- .init = auth_data_init,
- .free = auth_data_free,
- .send_conf_req = lcp_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = lcp_recv_conf_req,
- .start = chap_start,
- .finish = chap_finish,
- .check = chap_check,
- .restart = chap_restart,
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(h, typeof(*d), h);
- struct chap_hdr_t *hdr = (struct chap_hdr_t *)d->ppp->chan_buf;
- if (d->ppp->chan_buf_size < sizeof(*hdr) || ntohs(hdr->len) < HDR_LEN || ntohs(hdr->len) < d->ppp->chan_buf_size - 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- if (hdr->code == CHAP_RESPONSE)
- chap_recv_response(d, hdr);
- else
- log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: unknown code received %x\n", hdr->code);
-static void __init auth_chap_md5_init()
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_interval = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "max-failure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_failure = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "any-login");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_any_login = 1;
- urandom_fd=open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (urandom_fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("chap-md5: failed to open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- if (ppp_auth_register_handler(&chap))
- log_emerg("chap-md5: failed to register handler\n");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v1.c b/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v1.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b38db54..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <byteswap.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <openssl/md4.h>
-#include <openssl/des.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define MSCHAP_V1 0x80
-#define CHAP_RESPONSE 2
-#define CHAP_SUCCESS 3
-#define CHAP_FAILURE 4
-#define VALUE_SIZE 8
-#define RESPONSE_VALUE_SIZE (24+24+1)
-#define MSG_FAILURE "E=691 R=0"
-#define MSG_SUCCESS "Authentication successed"
-#define HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct chap_hdr_t)-2)
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-static int conf_interval = 0;
-static int conf_max_failure = 3;
-static int conf_any_login = 0;
-static int urandom_fd;
-struct chap_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_challenge_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val_size;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- char name[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_response_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val_size;
- uint8_t lm_hash[24];
- uint8_t nt_hash[24];
- uint8_t flags;
- char name[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_failure_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_FAILURE)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_success_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_SUCCESS)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_auth_data_t
- struct auth_data_t auth;
- struct ppp_handler_t h;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int id;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- struct triton_timer_t timeout;
- struct triton_timer_t interval;
- int failure;
- int started:1;
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad);
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h);
-static int chap_check_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *res, const char *name);
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void set_mppe_keys(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, uint8_t *z_hash);
-static void print_buf(const uint8_t *buf,int size)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%x", buf[i]);
-static void print_str(const char *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%c", buf[i]);
-static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = _malloc(sizeof(*d));
- memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d));
- d->auth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->ppp = ppp;
- return &d->auth;
-static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- _free(d);
-static int chap_start(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- d->h.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->h.recv = chap_recv;
- d->timeout.expire = chap_timeout_timer;
- d->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- d->interval.expire = chap_restart_timer;
- d->interval.period = conf_interval * 1000;
- ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static int chap_finish(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- ppp_unregister_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- return 0;
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v1: timeout\n");
- if (++d->failure == conf_max_failure) {
- if (d->started)
- ppp_terminate(d->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(d->ppp, NULL);
- } else {
- --d->id;
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- }
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), interval);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
-static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- *ptr = MSCHAP_V1;
- return 1;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- if (*ptr == MSCHAP_V1)
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
-static void chap_send_failure(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_failure_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_FAILURE,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg)-1-2),
- .message = MSG_FAILURE,
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v1 Failure id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, MSG_FAILURE);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp,&msg,ntohs(msg.hdr.len)+2);
-static void chap_send_success(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_success_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_SUCCESS,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg)-1-2),
- .message = MSG_SUCCESS,
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v1 Success id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, MSG_SUCCESS);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_challenge_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_CHALLENGE,
- = ++ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 2),
- .val_size = VALUE_SIZE,
- };
- read(urandom_fd, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- memcpy(msg.val, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v1 Challenge id=%x <",;
- print_buf(msg.val, VALUE_SIZE);
- log_ppp_info2(">]\n");
- }
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
- if (conf_timeout && !ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->timeout, 0);
-static void chap_recv_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_hdr_t *hdr)
- struct chap_response_t *msg = (struct chap_response_t*)hdr;
- char *name;
- int r;
- if (ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&ad->timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv [MSCHAP-v1 Response id=%x <", msg->;
- print_buf(msg->lm_hash, 24);
- log_ppp_info2(">, <");
- print_buf(msg->nt_hash, 24);
- log_ppp_info2(">, F=%i, name=\"", msg->flags);
- print_str(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- log_ppp_info2("\"]\n");
- }
- if (msg-> != ad->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_error("mschap-v1: id mismatch\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- }
- if (msg->val_size != RESPONSE_VALUE_SIZE) {
- log_ppp_error("mschap-v1: incorrect value-size (%i)\n", msg->val_size);
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_AUTH_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- }
- name = _strndup(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- if (!name) {
- log_emerg("mschap-v1: out of memory\n");
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- return;
- }
- if (conf_any_login) {
- chap_send_success(ad);
- ad->started = 1;
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- return;
- }
- r = pwdb_check(ad->ppp, name, PPP_CHAP, MSCHAP_V1, ad->id, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE, msg->lm_hash, msg->nt_hash, msg->flags);
- if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL)
- if (chap_check_response(ad, msg, name))
- if (r == PWDB_DENIED) {
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_AUTH_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, name);
- _free(name);
- } else {
- chap_send_success(ad);
- if (!ad->started) {
- ad->started = 1;
- if (conf_interval)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0);
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- } else
- _free(name);
- }
-static void des_encrypt(const uint8_t *input, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *output)
- int i, j, parity;
- union
- {
- uint64_t u64;
- uint8_t buf[8];
- } p_key;
- DES_cblock cb;
- DES_cblock res;
- DES_key_schedule ks;
- memcpy(p_key.buf, key, 7);
- p_key.u64 = bswap_64(p_key.u64);
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- cb[i] = (((p_key.u64 << (7 * i)) >> 56) & 0xfe);
- for( j = 0, parity = 0; j < 7; j++)
- if ((cb[i] >> (j + 1)) & 1)
- parity++;
- cb[i] |= (~parity) & 1;
- }
- DES_set_key_checked(&cb, &ks);
- memcpy(cb, input, 8);
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&cb, &res, &ks, DES_ENCRYPT);
- memcpy(output, res, 8);
-static int chap_check_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *msg, const char *name)
- MD4_CTX md4_ctx;
- uint8_t z_hash[21];
- uint8_t nt_hash[24];
- char *passwd;
- char *u_passwd;
- int i;
- passwd = pwdb_get_passwd(ad->ppp,name);
- if (!passwd) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v1: user not found\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- }
- u_passwd = _malloc(strlen(passwd) * 2);
- for (i = 0; i< strlen(passwd); i++) {
- u_passwd[i * 2] = passwd[i];
- u_passwd[i * 2 + 1] = 0;
- }
- memset(z_hash, 0, sizeof(z_hash));
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx, u_passwd, strlen(passwd) * 2);
- MD4_Final(z_hash, &md4_ctx);
- des_encrypt(ad->val, z_hash, nt_hash);
- des_encrypt(ad->val, z_hash + 7, nt_hash + 8);
- des_encrypt(ad->val, z_hash + 14, nt_hash + 16);
- set_mppe_keys(ad, z_hash);
- _free(passwd);
- _free(u_passwd);
- return memcmp(nt_hash, msg->nt_hash, 24) ? PWDB_DENIED : PWDB_SUCCESS;
-static int chap_check(uint8_t *ptr)
- return *ptr == MSCHAP_V1;
-static void set_mppe_keys(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, uint8_t *z_hash)
- MD4_CTX md4_ctx;
- SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
- uint8_t digest[20];
- struct ev_mppe_keys_t ev_mppe = {
- .ppp = ad->ppp,
- .type = 1 << 2,
- .policy = 1,
- .recv_key = digest,
- .send_key = digest,
- };
- //NtPasswordHashHash
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx, z_hash, 16);
- MD4_Final(digest, &md4_ctx);
- //Get_Start_Key
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, digest, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, digest, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- SHA1_Final(digest, &sha_ctx);
- triton_event_fire(EV_MPPE_KEYS, &ev_mppe);
-static int chap_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_auth_handler_t chap = {
- .name = "MSCHAP-v1",
- .init = auth_data_init,
- .free = auth_data_free,
- .send_conf_req = lcp_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = lcp_recv_conf_req,
- .start = chap_start,
- .finish = chap_finish,
- .check = chap_check,
- .restart = chap_restart,
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(h, typeof(*d), h);
- struct chap_hdr_t *hdr = (struct chap_hdr_t *)d->ppp->chan_buf;
- if (d->ppp->chan_buf_size < sizeof(*hdr) || ntohs(hdr->len) < HDR_LEN || ntohs(hdr->len) < d->ppp->chan_buf_size - 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v1: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- if (hdr->code == CHAP_RESPONSE)
- chap_recv_response(d, hdr);
- else
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v1: unknown code received %x\n", hdr->code);
-static void __init auth_mschap_v1_init()
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_interval = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "max-failure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_failure = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "any-login");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_any_login = 1;
- urandom_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (urandom_fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("mschap-v1: failed to open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- if (ppp_auth_register_handler(&chap))
- log_emerg("mschap-v1: failed to register handler\n");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v2.c b/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e07c4f7e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_mschap_v2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <byteswap.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <openssl/md4.h>
-#include <openssl/des.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define MSCHAP_V2 0x81
-#define CHAP_RESPONSE 2
-#define CHAP_SUCCESS 3
-#define CHAP_FAILURE 4
-#define VALUE_SIZE 16
-#define RESPONSE_VALUE_SIZE (16+8+24+1)
-#define MSG_FAILURE "E=691 R=0 C=cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc V=3 M=Authentication failure"
-#define MSG_SUCCESS "S=cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc M=Authentication successed"
-#define HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct chap_hdr_t)-2)
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-static int conf_interval = 0;
-static int conf_max_failure = 3;
-static int urandom_fd;
-struct chap_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_challenge_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val_size;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- char name[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_response_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val_size;
- uint8_t peer_challenge[16];
- uint8_t reserved[8];
- uint8_t nt_hash[24];
- uint8_t flags;
- char name[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_failure_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_FAILURE)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_success_t
- struct chap_hdr_t hdr;
- char message[sizeof(MSG_SUCCESS)];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct chap_auth_data_t
- struct auth_data_t auth;
- struct ppp_handler_t h;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int id;
- uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE];
- struct triton_timer_t timeout;
- struct triton_timer_t interval;
- int failure;
- int started:1;
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad);
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h);
-static int chap_check_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *msg, const char *name);
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void set_mppe_keys(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, uint8_t *z_hash, uint8_t *nt_hash);
-static void print_buf(const uint8_t *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%x", buf[i]);
-static void print_str(const char *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_ppp_info2("%c", buf[i]);
-static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = _malloc(sizeof(*d));
- memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d));
- d->auth.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->ppp = ppp;
- return &d->auth;
-static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- _free(d);
-static int chap_start(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- d->h.proto = PPP_CHAP;
- d->h.recv = chap_recv;
- d->timeout.expire = chap_timeout_timer;
- d->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- d->interval.expire = chap_restart_timer;
- d->interval.period = conf_interval * 1000;
- ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static int chap_finish(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- if (d->interval.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->interval);
- ppp_unregister_handler(ppp,&d->h);
- return 0;
-static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v2: timeout\n");
- if (++d->failure == conf_max_failure) {
- if (d->started)
- ppp_terminate(d->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(d->ppp, NULL);
- } else {
- --d->id;
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- }
-static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), interval);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
-static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- *ptr = MSCHAP_V2;
- return 1;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- if (*ptr == MSCHAP_V2)
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
-static void chap_send_failure(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_failure_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_FAILURE,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 1 - 2),
- .message = MSG_FAILURE,
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v2 Failure id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, MSG_FAILURE);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
-static int generate_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *msg, const char *name, char *authenticator)
- MD4_CTX md4_ctx;
- SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
- char *passwd;
- char *u_passwd;
- uint8_t pw_hash[MD4_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint8_t c_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint8_t response[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- int i;
- uint8_t magic1[39] =
- {0x4D, 0x61, 0x67, 0x69, 0x63, 0x20, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76,
- 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x65,
- 0x6E, 0x74, 0x20, 0x73, 0x69, 0x67, 0x6E, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x67,
- 0x20, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x74};
- uint8_t magic2[41] =
- {0x50, 0x61, 0x64, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x6B,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x69, 0x74, 0x20, 0x64, 0x6F, 0x20, 0x6D, 0x6F,
- 0x72, 0x65, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x61, 0x6E, 0x20, 0x6F, 0x6E,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x69, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6F,
- 0x6E};
- passwd = pwdb_get_passwd(ad->ppp,name);
- if (!passwd)
- return -1;
- u_passwd=_malloc(strlen(passwd)*2);
- for(i=0; i<strlen(passwd); i++)
- {
- u_passwd[i*2]=passwd[i];
- u_passwd[i*2+1]=0;
- }
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx,u_passwd,strlen(passwd)*2);
- MD4_Final(pw_hash,&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx,pw_hash,16);
- MD4_Final(pw_hash,&md4_ctx);
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,pw_hash,16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,msg->nt_hash,24);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,magic1,39);
- SHA1_Final(response,&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,msg->peer_challenge,16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,ad->val,16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,name,strlen(name));
- SHA1_Final(c_hash,&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,response,20);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,c_hash,8);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,magic2,41);
- SHA1_Final(response,&sha_ctx);
- for(i=0; i<20; i++)
- sprintf(authenticator+i*2,"%02X",response[i]);
- _free(passwd);
- _free(u_passwd);
- return 0;
-static void chap_send_success(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *res_msg, const char *authenticator)
- struct chap_success_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_SUCCESS,
- = ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 1 - 2),
- .message = MSG_SUCCESS,
- };
- memcpy(msg.message + 2, authenticator, 40);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v2 Success id=%x \"%s\"]\n",, msg.message);
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
-static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad)
- struct chap_challenge_t msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP),
- .hdr.code = CHAP_CHALLENGE,
- = ++ad->id,
- .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 2),
- .val_size = VALUE_SIZE,
- };
- read(urandom_fd, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- memcpy(msg.val, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send [MSCHAP-v2 Challenge id=%x <",;
- print_buf(msg.val, VALUE_SIZE);
- log_ppp_info2(">]\n");
- }
- ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2);
- if (conf_timeout && !ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->timeout, 0);
-static void chap_recv_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_hdr_t *hdr)
- struct chap_response_t *msg = (struct chap_response_t*)hdr;
- char *name;
- char authenticator[41];
- int r;
- if (ad->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&ad->timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv [MSCHAP-v2 Response id=%x <", msg->;
- print_buf(msg->peer_challenge,16);
- log_ppp_info2(">, <");
- print_buf(msg->nt_hash, 24);
- log_ppp_info2(">, F=%i, name=\"", msg->flags);
- print_str(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- log_ppp_info2("\"]\n");
- }
- if (msg-> != ad->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_error("mschap-v2: id mismatch\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- }
- if (msg->val_size != RESPONSE_VALUE_SIZE) {
- log_ppp_error("mschap-v2: incorrect value-size (%i)\n", msg->val_size);
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- }
- name = _strndup(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2);
- if (!name) {
- log_emerg("mschap-v2: out of memory\n");
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, NULL);
- return;
- }
- r = pwdb_check(ad->ppp, name, PPP_CHAP, MSCHAP_V2, ad->id, ad->val, msg->peer_challenge, msg->reserved, msg->nt_hash, msg->flags, authenticator);
- if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL) {
- r = chap_check_response(ad, msg, name);
- if (r)
- else if (generate_response(ad, msg, name, authenticator))
- }
- if (r == PWDB_DENIED) {
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- if (ad->started)
- ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_AUTH_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp, name);
- _free(name);
- } else {
- chap_send_success(ad, msg, authenticator);
- if (!ad->started) {
- ad->started = 1;
- if (conf_interval)
- triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0);
- ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name);
- } else
- _free(name);
- }
-static void des_encrypt(const uint8_t *input, const uint8_t *key, uint8_t *output)
- int i,j,parity;
- union
- {
- uint64_t u64;
- uint8_t buf[8];
- } p_key;
- DES_cblock cb;
- DES_cblock res;
- DES_key_schedule ks;
- memcpy(p_key.buf,key,7);
- p_key.u64=bswap_64(p_key.u64);
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- cb[i]=(((p_key.u64<<(7*i))>>56)&0xfe);
- for(j=0, parity=0; j<7; j++)
- if ((cb[i]>>(j+1))&1) parity++;
- cb[i]|=(~parity)&1;
- }
- DES_set_key_checked(&cb, &ks);
- memcpy(cb,input,8);
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&cb,&res,&ks,DES_ENCRYPT);
- memcpy(output,res,8);
-static int chap_check_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_response_t *msg, const char *name)
- MD4_CTX md4_ctx;
- SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
- uint8_t z_hash[21];
- uint8_t c_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint8_t nt_hash[24];
- char *passwd;
- char *u_passwd;
- int i;
- passwd = pwdb_get_passwd(ad->ppp, name);
- if (!passwd) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v2: user not found\n");
- chap_send_failure(ad);
- return -1;
- }
- u_passwd=_malloc(strlen(passwd)*2);
- for(i=0; i<strlen(passwd); i++)
- {
- u_passwd[i*2]=passwd[i];
- u_passwd[i*2+1]=0;
- }
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,msg->peer_challenge,16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,ad->val,16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx,name,strlen(name));
- SHA1_Final(c_hash,&sha_ctx);
- memset(z_hash,0,sizeof(z_hash));
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx,u_passwd,strlen(passwd)*2);
- MD4_Final(z_hash,&md4_ctx);
- des_encrypt(c_hash,z_hash,nt_hash);
- des_encrypt(c_hash,z_hash+7,nt_hash+8);
- des_encrypt(c_hash,z_hash+14,nt_hash+16);
- set_mppe_keys(ad, z_hash, msg->nt_hash);
- _free(passwd);
- _free(u_passwd);
- return memcmp(nt_hash,msg->nt_hash,24);
-static void set_mppe_keys(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, uint8_t *z_hash, uint8_t *nt_hash)
- MD4_CTX md4_ctx;
- SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
- uint8_t digest[20];
- uint8_t send_key[20];
- uint8_t recv_key[20];
- uint8_t pad1[40] =
- {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
- uint8_t pad2[40] =
- {0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2,
- 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2,
- 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2,
- 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2, 0xf2};
- uint8_t magic1[27] =
- {0x54, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74,
- 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x50, 0x45, 0x20, 0x4d,
- 0x61, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x4b, 0x65, 0x79};
- uint8_t magic2[84] =
- {0x4f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69,
- 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x20, 0x73, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20,
- 0x74, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x20, 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79,
- 0x3b, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73,
- 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65,
- 0x2c, 0x20, 0x69, 0x74, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x63, 0x65, 0x69, 0x76, 0x65, 0x20,
- 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x2e};
- uint8_t magic3[84] =
- {0x4f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x69,
- 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x20, 0x73, 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20,
- 0x74, 0x68, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x72, 0x65, 0x63, 0x65, 0x69, 0x76, 0x65, 0x20,
- 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x3b, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x73,
- 0x69, 0x64, 0x65, 0x2c, 0x20, 0x69, 0x74, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73,
- 0x20, 0x74, 0x68, 0x65, 0x20, 0x73, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x20,
- 0x6b, 0x65, 0x79, 0x2e};
- struct ev_mppe_keys_t ev_mppe = {
- .ppp = ad->ppp,
- .type = 1 << 2,
- .policy = 1,
- .recv_key = recv_key,
- .send_key = send_key,
- };
- //NtPasswordHashHash
- MD4_Init(&md4_ctx);
- MD4_Update(&md4_ctx, z_hash, 16);
- MD4_Final(digest, &md4_ctx);
- //GetMasterKey
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, digest, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, nt_hash, 24);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, magic1, sizeof(magic1));
- SHA1_Final(digest, &sha_ctx);
- //send key
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, digest, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, pad1, sizeof(pad1));
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, magic3, sizeof(magic2));
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, pad2, sizeof(pad2));
- SHA1_Final(send_key, &sha_ctx);
- //recv key
- SHA1_Init(&sha_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, digest, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, pad1, sizeof(pad1));
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, magic2, sizeof(magic3));
- SHA1_Update(&sha_ctx, pad2, sizeof(pad2));
- SHA1_Final(recv_key, &sha_ctx);
- triton_event_fire(EV_MPPE_KEYS, &ev_mppe);
-static int chap_check(uint8_t *ptr)
- return *ptr == MSCHAP_V2;
-static int chap_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- chap_send_challenge(d);
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_auth_handler_t chap=
- .name = "MSCHAP-v2",
- .init = auth_data_init,
- .free = auth_data_free,
- .send_conf_req = lcp_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = lcp_recv_conf_req,
- .start = chap_start,
- .finish = chap_finish,
- .check = chap_check,
- .restart = chap_restart,
-static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(h, typeof(*d), h);
- struct chap_hdr_t *hdr = (struct chap_hdr_t *)d->ppp->chan_buf;
- if (d->ppp->chan_buf_size < sizeof(*hdr) || ntohs(hdr->len) < HDR_LEN || ntohs(hdr->len) < d->ppp->chan_buf_size - 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v2: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- if (hdr->code == CHAP_RESPONSE)
- chap_recv_response(d, hdr);
- else
- log_ppp_warn("mschap-v2: unknown code received %x\n",hdr->code);
-static void __init auth_mschap_v2_init()
- urandom_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (urandom_fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("mschap-v2: failed to open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- if (ppp_auth_register_handler(&chap))
- log_emerg("mschap-v2: failed to register handler\n");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_pap.c b/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_pap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69090464..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/auth/auth_pap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define MSG_FAILED "Authentication failed"
-#define MSG_SUCCESSED "Authentication successed"
-#define HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct pap_hdr_t)-2)
-#define PAP_REQ 1
-#define PAP_ACK 2
-#define PAP_NAK 3
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-static int conf_any_login = 0;
-static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*);
-static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*, uint8_t*);
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*, uint8_t*);
-static int pap_start(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*);
-static int pap_finish(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*);
-static void pap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*h);
-static void pap_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-struct pap_auth_data_t
- struct auth_data_t auth;
- struct ppp_handler_t h;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int started:1;
- struct triton_timer_t timeout;
-struct pap_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct pap_ack_t
- struct pap_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t msg_len;
- char msg[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-static struct ppp_auth_handler_t pap=
- .name = "PAP",
- .init = auth_data_init,
- .free = auth_data_free,
- .send_conf_req = lcp_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = lcp_recv_conf_req,
- .start = pap_start,
- .finish = pap_finish,
-static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = _malloc(sizeof(*d));
- memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d));
- d->auth.proto = PPP_PAP;
- d->ppp = ppp;
- return &d->auth;
-static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- _free(d);
-static int pap_start(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- d->h.proto = PPP_PAP;
- d->h.recv = pap_recv;
- d->timeout.expire = pap_timeout;
- d->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- triton_timer_add(ppp->ctrl->ctx, &d->timeout, 0);
- ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- return 0;
-static int pap_finish(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth);
- if (d->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&d->timeout);
- ppp_unregister_handler(ppp, &d->h);
- return 0;
-static void pap_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("pap: timeout\n");
- ppp_auth_failed(d->ppp, NULL);
-static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- return 0;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr)
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
-static void pap_send_ack(struct pap_auth_data_t *p, int id)
- uint8_t buf[128];
- struct pap_ack_t *msg = (struct pap_ack_t*)buf;
- msg->hdr.proto = htons(PPP_PAP);
- msg->hdr.code = PAP_ACK;
- msg-> = id;
- msg->hdr.len = htons(HDR_LEN + 1 + sizeof(MSG_SUCCESSED) - 1);
- msg->msg_len = sizeof(MSG_SUCCESSED) - 1;
- memcpy(msg->msg, MSG_SUCCESSED, sizeof(MSG_SUCCESSED));
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PAP AuthAck id=%x \"%s\"]\n", id, MSG_SUCCESSED);
- ppp_chan_send(p->ppp, msg, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) + 2);
-static void pap_send_nak(struct pap_auth_data_t *p, int id)
- uint8_t buf[128];
- struct pap_ack_t *msg = (struct pap_ack_t*)buf;
- msg->hdr.proto = htons(PPP_PAP);
- msg->hdr.code = PAP_NAK;
- msg-> = id;
- msg->hdr.len = htons(HDR_LEN + 1 + sizeof(MSG_FAILED) - 1);
- msg->msg_len = sizeof(MSG_FAILED) - 1;
- memcpy(msg->msg, MSG_FAILED, sizeof(MSG_FAILED));
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PAP AuthNak id=%x \"%s\"]\n", id, MSG_FAILED);
- ppp_chan_send(p->ppp, msg, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) + 2);
-static int pap_recv_req(struct pap_auth_data_t *p, struct pap_hdr_t *hdr)
- int ret, r;
- char *peer_id;
- char *passwd;
- char *passwd2;
- int peer_id_len;
- int passwd_len;
- uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1);
- if (p->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&p->timeout);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PAP AuthReq id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- peer_id_len = *(uint8_t*)ptr; ptr++;
- if (peer_id_len > ntohs(hdr->len) - sizeof(*hdr) + 2 - 1) {
- log_ppp_warn("PAP: short packet received\n");
- return -1;
- }
- peer_id = (char*)ptr; ptr += peer_id_len;
- passwd_len = *(uint8_t*)ptr; ptr++;
- if (passwd_len > ntohs(hdr->len) - sizeof(*hdr ) + 2 - 2 - peer_id_len) {
- log_ppp_warn("PAP: short packet received\n");
- return -1;
- }
- peer_id = _strndup((const char*)peer_id, peer_id_len);
- if (conf_any_login) {
- pap_send_ack(p, hdr->id);
- p->started = 1;
- ppp_auth_successed(p->ppp, peer_id);
- return 0;
- }
- passwd = _strndup((const char*)ptr, passwd_len);
- r = pwdb_check(p->ppp, peer_id, PPP_PAP, passwd);
- if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL) {
- passwd2 = pwdb_get_passwd(p->ppp, peer_id);
- if (!passwd2 || strcmp(passwd2, passwd))
- else
- _free(passwd2);
- }
- if (r == PWDB_DENIED) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("PAP: authentication error\n");
- pap_send_nak(p, hdr->id);
- if (p->started)
- ppp_terminate(p->ppp, TERM_AUTH_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_auth_failed(p->ppp, peer_id);
- ret=-1;
- _free(peer_id);
- } else {
- pap_send_ack(p, hdr->id);
- if (!p->started) {
- p->started = 1;
- ppp_auth_successed(p->ppp, peer_id);
- }
- ret = 0;
- }
- _free(passwd);
- return ret;
-static void pap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- struct pap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(h, typeof(*d), h);
- struct pap_hdr_t *hdr = (struct pap_hdr_t *)d->ppp->chan_buf;
- if (d->ppp->chan_buf_size < sizeof(*hdr) || ntohs(hdr->len) < HDR_LEN || ntohs(hdr->len) < d->ppp->chan_buf_size - 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("PAP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- if (hdr->code == PAP_REQ)
- pap_recv_req(d, hdr);
- else {
- log_ppp_warn("PAP: unknown code received %x\n",hdr->code);
- }
-static void __init auth_pap_init()
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "any-login");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_any_login = 1;
- ppp_auth_register_handler(&pap);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/cli/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b137891..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.c b/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ef168ded..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "cli_p.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define MAX_CMD_ITEMS 100
-#define MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR "syntax error\r\n"
-#define MSG_INVAL_ERROR "invalid argument\r\n"
-#define MSG_UNKNOWN_CMD "command unknown\r\n"
-char *conf_cli_passwd;
-static const char *def_cli_prompt = "accel-pptp";
-char *conf_cli_prompt;
-static LIST_HEAD(simple_cmd_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(regexp_cmd_list);
-void __export cli_register_simple_cmd(struct cli_simple_cmd_t *cmd)
- list_add_tail(&cmd->entry, &simple_cmd_list);
-void __export cli_register_simple_cmd2(
- int (*exec)(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client),
- void (*help)(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client),
- int hdr_len,
- ...
- )
- struct cli_simple_cmd_t *c;
- int i;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, hdr_len);
- c = malloc(sizeof(*c));
- memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
- c->exec = exec;
- c->help = help;
- c->hdr_len = hdr_len;
- c->hdr = malloc(hdr_len * sizeof(void*));
- for (i = 0; i < hdr_len; i++)
- c->hdr[i] = va_arg(ap, char *);
- list_add_tail(&c->entry, &simple_cmd_list);
-void __export cli_register_regexp_cmd(struct cli_regexp_cmd_t *cmd)
- int err;
- cmd->re = pcre_compile2(cmd->pattern, cmd->options, &err, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (!cmd->re) {
- log_emerg("cli: failed to compile regexp %s: %i\n", cmd->pattern, err);
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- list_add_tail(&cmd->entry, &simple_cmd_list);
-int __export cli_send(void *client, const char *data)
- struct cli_client_t *cln = (struct cli_client_t *)client;
- return cln->send(cln, data, strlen(data));
-int __export cli_sendv(void *client, const char *fmt, ...)
- struct cli_client_t *cln = (struct cli_client_t *)client;
- int r;
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- r = cln->sendv(cln, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return r;
-static char *skip_word(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static char *skip_space(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static int split(char *buf, char **ptr)
- int i;
- ptr[0] = buf;
- for (i = 1; i <= MAX_CMD_ITEMS; i++) {
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- *buf = 0;
- buf = skip_space(buf + 1);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- ptr[i] = buf;
- }
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- *buf = 0;
- return i;
-int cli_process_cmd(struct cli_client_t *cln)
- struct cli_simple_cmd_t *cmd1;
- struct cli_regexp_cmd_t *cmd2;
- char *f[MAX_CMD_ITEMS];
- int r, i, n, found = 0;
- n = split((char *)cln->cmdline, f);
- if (n >= 1 && !strcmp(f[0], "help")) {
- list_for_each_entry(cmd1, &simple_cmd_list, entry)
- if (cmd1->help)
- cmd1->help(f, n, cln);
- list_for_each_entry(cmd2, &regexp_cmd_list, entry)
- if (cmd2->help)
- cmd1->help(f, n, cln);
- return 0;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(cmd1, &simple_cmd_list, entry) {
- if (cmd1->hdr_len && n >= cmd1->hdr_len) {
- for (i = 0; i < cmd1->hdr_len; i++) {
- if (strcmp(cmd1->hdr[i], f[i]))
- break;
- }
- if (i < cmd1->hdr_len)
- continue;
- r = cmd1->exec((char *)cln->cmdline, f, n, cln);
- switch (r) {
- case CLI_CMD_EXIT:
- cln->disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- cli_send(cln, MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR);
- return 0;
- cli_send(cln, MSG_INVAL_ERROR);
- return 0;
- case CLI_CMD_OK:
- found = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- list_for_each_entry(cmd2, &regexp_cmd_list, entry) {
- r = cmd2->exec((char *)cln->cmdline, cln);
- switch (r) {
- case CLI_CMD_EXIT:
- cln->disconnect(cln);
- return 0;
- cli_send(cln, MSG_SYNTAX_ERROR);
- return 0;
- case CLI_CMD_OK:
- found = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- if (cli_send(cln, MSG_UNKNOWN_CMD))
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static void load_config(void)
- const char *opt;
- if (conf_cli_passwd)
- _free(conf_cli_passwd);
- opt = conf_get_opt("cli", "password");
- if (opt)
- conf_cli_passwd = _strdup(opt);
- else
- conf_cli_passwd = NULL;
- if (conf_cli_prompt && conf_cli_prompt != def_cli_prompt)
- _free(conf_cli_prompt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("cli", "prompt");
- if (opt)
- conf_cli_prompt = _strdup(opt);
- else
- conf_cli_prompt = (char *)def_cli_prompt;
-static void __init init(void)
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.h b/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cdceb2fa..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __CLI_H
-#define __CLI_H
-#include <pcre.h>
-#include <list.h>
-#define CLI_CMD_OK 0
-#define CLI_CMD_FAILED -1
-#define CLI_CMD_EXIT -2
-#define CLI_CMD_SYNTAX 1
-#define CLI_CMD_INVAL 2
-struct cli_simple_cmd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int hdr_len;
- const char **hdr;
- int (*exec)(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client);
- void (*help)(char * const *fields, int field_cnt, void *client);
-struct cli_regexp_cmd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- pcre *re;
- const char *pattern;
- int options;
- int (*exec)(const char *cmd, void *client);
- int (*help)(char * const *fields, int field_cnt, void *client);
-struct ppp_t;
-void cli_register_simple_cmd(struct cli_simple_cmd_t *cmd);
-void cli_register_simple_cmd2(
- int (*exec)(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client),
- void (*help)(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client),
- int hdr_len,
- ...
- );
-void cli_register_regexp_cmd(struct cli_regexp_cmd_t *cmd);
-void cli_show_ses_register(const char *name, const char *desc, void (*print)(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf));
-int cli_send(void *client, const char *data);
-int cli_sendv(void *client, const char *fmt, ...);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli_p.h b/accel-pptpd/cli/cli_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fcba309..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/cli_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __CLI_P_H
-#define __CLI_P_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-struct cli_client_t
- uint8_t *cmdline;
- int (*send)(struct cli_client_t *, const void *buf, int size);
- int (*sendv)(struct cli_client_t *, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
- void (*disconnect)(struct cli_client_t *);
-int cli_process_cmd(struct cli_client_t *cln);
-extern char *conf_cli_passwd;
-extern char *conf_cli_prompt;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/show_sessions.c b/accel-pptpd/cli/show_sessions.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 90aeb3fc..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/show_sessions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define CELL_SIZE 128
-#define DEF_COLUMNS "ifname,username,calling-sid,ip,rate-limit,type,state,uptime"
-struct column_t
- struct list_head entry;
- const char *name;
- const char *desc;
- void (*print)(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf);
-struct col_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct column_t *column;
- int width;
-struct row_t
- struct list_head entry;
- char *match_key;
- char *order_key;
- struct list_head cell_list;
-struct cell_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct col_t *col;
- char buf[CELL_SIZE + 1];
-static LIST_HEAD(col_list);
-void __export cli_show_ses_register(const char *name, const char *desc, void (*print)(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf))
- struct column_t *c = malloc(sizeof(*c));
- c->name = name;
- c->desc = desc;
- c->print = print;
- list_add_tail(&c->entry, &col_list);
-static void show_ses_help(char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- struct column_t *col;
- char buf[129];
- cli_send(cli, "show sessions [columns] [order <column>] [match <column> <regexp>] - shows sessions\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "\tcolumns:\r\n");
- list_for_each_entry(col, &col_list, entry) {
- snprintf(buf, 128, "\t\t%s - %s\r\n", col->name, col->desc);
- cli_send(cli, buf);
- }
-static struct column_t *find_column(const char *name)
- struct column_t *col;
- list_for_each_entry(col, &col_list, entry) {
- if (strcmp(col->name, name))
- continue;
- return col;
- }
- return NULL;
-static void free_row(struct row_t *row)
- struct cell_t *cell;
- while (!list_empty(&row->cell_list)) {
- cell = list_entry(row->, typeof(*cell), entry);
- list_del(&cell->entry);
- _free(cell);
- }
- _free(row);
-static void insert_row(struct list_head *list, struct row_t *row)
- struct row_t *row2, *row3;
- row3 = NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(row2, list, entry) {
- if (strcmp(row->order_key, row2->order_key) <= 0) {
- row3 = row2;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (row3)
- list_add_tail(&row->entry, &row3->entry);
- else
- list_add_tail(&row->entry, list);
-static int show_ses_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- char *columns = NULL;
- struct column_t *match_key = NULL;
- char *match_pattern = NULL;
- struct column_t *order_key = NULL;
- pcre *re = NULL;
- const char *pcre_err;
- int pcre_offset;
- struct column_t *column;
- struct col_t *col;
- struct row_t *row;
- struct cell_t *cell;
- char *ptr1, *ptr2;
- int i, n, total_width, def_columns = 0;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- char *buf = NULL;
- LIST_HEAD(c_list);
- LIST_HEAD(r_list);
- LIST_HEAD(t_list);
- for (i = 2; i < f_cnt; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(f[i], "order")) {
- if (i == f_cnt - 1)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- order_key = find_column(f[++i]);
- if (!order_key) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "unknown column %s\r\n", f[i]);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(f[i], "match")) {
- if (i == f_cnt - 2)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- match_key = find_column(f[++i]);
- if (!match_key) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "unknown column %s\r\n", f[i]);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- }
- match_pattern = f[++i];
- } else if (!columns)
- columns = f[i];
- else
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- }
- if (match_key) {
- re = pcre_compile2(match_pattern, 0, NULL, &pcre_err, &pcre_offset, NULL);
- if (!re) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "match: %s at %i\r\n", pcre_err, pcre_offset);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- }
- }
- if (!columns) {
- columns = DEF_COLUMNS;
- def_columns = 1;
- }
- columns = _strdup(columns);
- ptr1 = columns;
- while (1) {
- ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ',');
- if (ptr2)
- *ptr2 = 0;
- column = find_column(ptr1);
- if (column) {
- col = _malloc(sizeof(*col));
- col->column = column;
- col->width = strlen(column->name);
- list_add_tail(&col->entry, &c_list);
- } else {
- if (!def_columns) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "unknown column %s\r\n", ptr1);
- _free(columns);
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (!ptr2)
- break;
- ptr1 = ptr2 + 1;
- }
- _free(columns);
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- row = _malloc(sizeof(*row));
- if (!row)
- goto oom;
- memset(row, 0, sizeof(*row));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&row->cell_list);
- if (match_key || order_key)
- list_add_tail(&row->entry, &t_list);
- else
- list_add_tail(&row->entry, &r_list);
- list_for_each_entry(col, &c_list, entry) {
- cell = _malloc(sizeof(*cell));
- if (!cell)
- goto oom;
- cell->col = col;
- list_add_tail(&cell->entry, &row->cell_list);
- col->column->print(ppp, cell->buf);
- n = strlen(cell->buf);
- if (n > col->width)
- col->width = n;
- if (col->column == order_key)
- row->order_key = cell->buf;
- if (col->column == match_key)
- row->match_key = cell->buf;
- }
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- if (order_key || match_key) {
- while(!list_empty(&t_list)) {
- row = list_entry(, typeof(*row), entry);
- list_del(&row->entry);
- if (match_key) {
- if (pcre_exec(re, NULL, row->match_key, strlen(row->match_key), 0, 0, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- free_row(row);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (order_key)
- insert_row(&r_list, row);
- else
- list_add_tail(&row->entry, &r_list);
- }
- }
- total_width = -1;
- list_for_each_entry(col, &c_list, entry)
- total_width += col->width + 3;
- buf = _malloc(total_width + 3);
- if (!buf)
- goto oom;
- ptr1 = buf;
- list_for_each_entry(col, &c_list, entry) {
- n = strlen(col->column->name);
- if (col->width > n + 1) {
- ptr2 = ptr1;
- memset(ptr1, ' ', col->width/2 - n/2 + 1);
- ptr1 += col->width/2 - n/2 + 1;
- sprintf(ptr1, "%s", col->column->name);
- ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, 0);
- memset(ptr1, ' ', col->width + 2 - (ptr1 - ptr2));
- ptr1 += col->width + 2 - (ptr1 - ptr2);
- *ptr1 = '|';
- ptr1++;
- } else if (col->width > n) {
- sprintf(ptr1, " %s |", col->column->name);
- ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, 0);
- } else {
- sprintf(ptr1, " %s |", col->column->name);
- ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, 0);
- }
- }
- strcpy(ptr1 - 1, "\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, buf);
- ptr1 = buf;
- list_for_each_entry(col, &c_list, entry) {
- memset(ptr1, '-', col->width + 2);
- ptr1 += col->width + 2;
- *ptr1 = '+';
- ptr1++;
- }
- strcpy(ptr1 - 1, "\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, buf);
- while (!list_empty(&r_list)) {
- row = list_entry(, typeof(*row), entry);
- ptr1 = buf;
- list_for_each_entry(cell, &row->cell_list, entry) {
- ptr2 = ptr1;
- sprintf(ptr1, " %s ", cell->buf);
- ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, 0);
- n = ptr1 - ptr2;
- if (n - 2 < cell->col->width) {
- memset(ptr1, ' ', cell->col->width + 2 - (ptr1 - ptr2));
- ptr1 += cell->col->width + 2 - (ptr1 - ptr2);
- }
- *ptr1 = '|';
- ptr1++;
- }
- strcpy(ptr1 - 1, "\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, buf);
- list_del(&row->entry);
- free_row(row);
- }
- _free(buf);
- while (!list_empty(&c_list)) {
- col = list_entry(, typeof(*col), entry);
- list_del(&col->entry);
- _free(col);
- }
- if (re)
- pcre_free(re);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- if (buf)
- _free(buf);
- while (!list_empty(&t_list)) {
- row = list_entry(, typeof(*row), entry);
- list_del(&row->entry);
- free_row(row);
- }
- cli_send(cli, "out of memory");
- goto out;
-static void print_ifname(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->ifname);
-static void print_username(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- if (ppp->username)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->username);
-static void print_ip(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- char str[17];
- u_inet_ntoa(ppp->peer_ipaddr, str);
- sprintf(buf, "%s", str);
-static void print_type(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->ctrl->name);
-static void print_state(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- char *state;
- switch (ppp->state) {
- state = "start";
- break;
- state = "active";
- break;
- state = "finish";
- break;
- default:
- state = "unk";
- }
- sprintf(buf, "%s", state);
-static void print_uptime(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- time_t uptime;
- int day,hour,min,sec;
- char time_str[14];
- if (ppp->stop_time)
- uptime = ppp->stop_time - ppp->start_time;
- else {
- time(&uptime);
- uptime -= ppp->start_time;
- }
- day = uptime/ (24*60*60); uptime %= (24*60*60);
- hour = uptime / (60*60); uptime %= (60*60);
- min = uptime / 60;
- sec = uptime % 60;
- if (day)
- snprintf(time_str, 13, "%i.%02i:%02i:%02i", day, hour, min, sec);
- else
- snprintf(time_str, 13, "%02i:%02i:%02i", hour, min, sec);
- sprintf(buf, "%s", time_str);
-static void print_calling_sid(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id);
-static void print_called_sid(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->ctrl->called_station_id);
-static void print_sid(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- snprintf(buf, CELL_SIZE, "%s", ppp->sessionid);
-void __init init(void)
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_ses_exec, show_ses_help, 2, "show", "sessions");
- cli_show_ses_register("ifname", "interface name", print_ifname);
- cli_show_ses_register("username", "user name", print_username);
- cli_show_ses_register("ip", "IP address", print_ip);
- cli_show_ses_register("type", "VPN type", print_type);
- cli_show_ses_register("state", "state of session", print_state);
- cli_show_ses_register("uptime", "uptime", print_uptime);
- cli_show_ses_register("calling-sid", "calling station id", print_calling_sid);
- cli_show_ses_register("called-sid", "called station id", print_called_sid);
- cli_show_ses_register("sid", "session id", print_sid);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/std_cmd.c b/accel-pptpd/cli/std_cmd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a49bbce6..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/std_cmd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- time_t dt;
- int day,hour;
- char statm_fname[128];
- FILE *f;
- unsigned long vmsize = 0, vmrss = 0;
- unsigned long page_size_kb = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) / 1024;
- sprintf(statm_fname, "/proc/%i/statm", getpid());
- f = fopen(statm_fname, "r");
- if (f) {
- fscanf(f, "%lu %lu", &vmsize, &vmrss);
- fclose(f);
- }
- time(&dt);
- dt -= triton_stat.start_time;
- day = dt / (60 * 60 * 24);
- dt %= 60 * 60 * 24;
- hour = dt / (60 * 60);
- dt %= 60 * 60;
- cli_sendv(client, "uptime: %i.%02i:%02i:%02i\r\n", day, hour, dt / 60, dt % 60);
- cli_sendv(client, "cpu: %i%%\r\n", triton_stat.cpu);
- cli_sendv(client, "mem(rss/virt): %lu/%lu kB\r\n", vmrss * page_size_kb, vmsize * page_size_kb);
- cli_send(client, "core:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client, " mempool_allocated: %u\r\n", triton_stat.mempool_allocated);
- cli_sendv(client, " mempool_available: %u\r\n", triton_stat.mempool_available);
- cli_sendv(client, " thread_count: %u\r\n", triton_stat.thread_count);
- cli_sendv(client, " thread_active: %u\r\n", triton_stat.thread_active);
- cli_sendv(client, " context_count: %u\r\n", triton_stat.context_count);
- cli_sendv(client, " context_sleeping: %u\r\n", triton_stat.context_sleeping);
- cli_sendv(client, " context_pending: %u\r\n", triton_stat.context_pending);
- cli_sendv(client, " md_handler_count: %u\r\n", triton_stat.md_handler_count);
- cli_sendv(client, " md_handler_pending: %u\r\n", triton_stat.md_handler_pending);
- cli_sendv(client, " timer_count: %u\r\n", triton_stat.timer_count);
- cli_sendv(client, " timer_pending: %u\r\n", triton_stat.timer_pending);
- cli_send(client, "ppp:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client, " staring: %u\r\n", ppp_stat.starting);
- cli_sendv(client, " active: %u\r\n",;
- cli_sendv(client, " finishing: %u\r\n", ppp_stat.finishing);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void show_stat_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "show stat - shows various statistics information\r\n");
-static int exit_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- return CLI_CMD_EXIT;
-static void exit_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "exit - exit cli\r\n");
-static void ppp_terminate_soft(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_REQUEST, 0);
-static void ppp_terminate_hard(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_REQUEST, 1);
-static int terminate_exec1(char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int hard = 0;
- pcre *re;
- const char *pcre_err;
- int pcre_offset;
- if (f_cnt == 5) {
- if (!strcmp(f[4], "hard"))
- hard = 1;
- else if (strcmp(f[4], "soft"))
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- } else if (f_cnt != 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- re = pcre_compile2(f[3], 0, NULL, &pcre_err, &pcre_offset, NULL);
- if (!re) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "match: %s at %i\r\n", pcre_err, pcre_offset);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- if (pcre_exec(re, NULL, ppp->username, strlen(ppp->username), 0, 0, NULL, 0) < 0)
- continue;
- if (hard)
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_hard, ppp);
- else
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_soft, ppp);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- pcre_free(re);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int terminate_exec2(int key, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int hard = 0;
- in_addr_t ipaddr = 0;
- if (f_cnt == 4) {
- if (!strcmp(f[3], "hard"))
- hard = 1;
- else if (strcmp(f[3], "soft"))
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- } else if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (key == 1)
- ipaddr = inet_addr(f[2]);
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- switch (key) {
- case 0:
- if (strcmp(ppp->username, f[2]))
- continue;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (ppp->peer_ipaddr != ipaddr)
- continue;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (strcmp(ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id, f[2]))
- continue;
- break;
- case 3:
- if (strcmp(ppp->sessionid, f[2]))
- continue;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (strcmp(ppp->ifname, f[2]))
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if (hard)
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_hard, ppp);
- else
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_soft, ppp);
- break;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int terminate_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int hard = 0;
- if (fields_cnt == 1)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (!strcmp(fields[1], "match") && fields_cnt > 3 && !strcmp(fields[2], "username"))
- return terminate_exec1(fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[1], "username"))
- return terminate_exec2(0, fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[1], "ip"))
- return terminate_exec2(1, fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[1], "csid"))
- return terminate_exec2(2, fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[1], "sid"))
- return terminate_exec2(3, fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[1], "if"))
- return terminate_exec2(4, fields, fields_cnt, client);
- else if (strcmp(fields[1], "all"))
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (fields_cnt == 3) {
- if (!strcmp(fields[2], "hard"))
- hard = 1;
- else if (strcmp(fields[2], "soft"))
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- } else if (fields_cnt != 2)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- if (hard)
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_hard, ppp);
- else
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_soft, ppp);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void terminate_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "terminate if <interface> [soft|hard]- terminate session by interface name\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\t[match] username <username> [soft|hard]- terminate session by username\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\tip <addresss> [soft|hard]- terminate session by ip address\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\tcsid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by calling station id\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\tsid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by session id\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\tall [soft|hard]- terminate all sessions\r\n");
-static void shutdown_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "shutdown [soft|hard|cancel]- shutdown daemon\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\t\tdefault action - send termination signals to all clients and wait everybody disconnects\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\t\tsoft - wait until all clients disconnects, don't accept new connections\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\t\thard - shutdown now, don't wait anything\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "\t\tcancel - cancel 'shutdown soft' and return to normal operation\r\n");
-static void ppp_terminate_soft2(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_REBOOT, 0);
-static void ppp_terminate_hard2(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_REBOOT, 1);
-static int shutdown_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- int hard = 0;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- if (f_cnt == 2) {
- if (!strcmp(f[1], "soft")) {
- ppp_shutdown_soft();
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- } else if (!strcmp(f[1], "hard"))
- hard = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(f[1], "cancel")) {
- ppp_shutdown = 0;
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- } else
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- }
- ppp_shutdown_soft();
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- if (hard)
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_hard2, ppp);
- else
- triton_context_call(ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)ppp_terminate_soft2, ppp);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int conf_reload_res;
-static struct triton_context_t *conf_reload_ctx;
-static void conf_reload_notify(int r)
- if (!r)
- triton_event_fire(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, NULL);
- conf_reload_res = r;
- triton_context_wakeup(conf_reload_ctx);
-static int reload_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt == 1) {
- conf_reload_ctx = triton_context_self();
- triton_conf_reload(conf_reload_notify);
- triton_context_schedule();
- if (conf_reload_res)
- cli_send(cli, "failed\r\n");
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- } else
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
-static void reload_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "reload - reload config file\r\n");
-static void __init init(void)
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_stat_exec, show_stat_help, 2, "show", "stat");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(terminate_exec, terminate_help, 1, "terminate");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(reload_exec, reload_help, 1, "reload");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(shutdown_exec, shutdown_help, 1, "shutdown");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(exit_exec, exit_help, 1, "exit");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/tcp.c b/accel-pptpd/cli/tcp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 260225f1..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/tcp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "cli_p.h"
-#define RECV_BUF_SIZE 1024
-struct tcp_client_t
- struct cli_client_t cli_client;
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct list_head xmit_queue;
- struct buffer_t *xmit_buf;
- uint8_t *cmdline;
- int xmit_pos;
- int recv_pos;
- int auth:1;
- int disconnect:1;
-struct buffer_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int size;
- uint8_t buf[0];
-static struct triton_context_t serv_ctx;
-static struct triton_md_handler_t serv_hnd;
-static LIST_HEAD(clients);
-static uint8_t *temp_buf;
-static void disconnect(struct tcp_client_t *cln)
- struct buffer_t *b;
- log_debug("cli: disconnect\n");
- list_del(&cln->entry);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&cln->hnd);
- close(cln->hnd.fd);
- if (cln->xmit_buf)
- _free(cln->xmit_buf);
- while (!list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue)) {
- b = list_entry(cln->, typeof(*b), entry);
- list_del(&b->entry);
- _free(b);
- }
- _free(cln->cmdline);
- _free(cln);
-static void cli_client_disconnect(struct cli_client_t *tcln)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- cln->disconnect = 1;
-static void queue_buffer(struct tcp_client_t *cln, struct buffer_t *b)
- if (cln->xmit_buf)
- list_add_tail(&b->entry, &cln->xmit_queue);
- else
- cln->xmit_buf = b;
-static int cli_client_send(struct cli_client_t *tcln, const void *_buf, int size)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- int n, k;
- struct buffer_t *b;
- const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)_buf;
- if (cln->disconnect)
- return -1;
- if (!list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue)) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + size);
- b->size = size;
- memcpy(b->buf, buf, size);
- queue_buffer(cln, b);
- return 0;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < size; n += k) {
- k = write(cln->hnd.fd, buf + n, size - n);
- if (k < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + size - n);
- b->size = size - n;
- memcpy(b->buf, buf, size - n);
- queue_buffer(cln, b);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&cln->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- break;
- }
- if (errno != EPIPE)
- log_error("cli: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- //disconnect(cln);
- cln->disconnect = 1;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int cli_client_sendv(struct cli_client_t *tcln, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- int r = vsnprintf((char *)temp_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, fmt, ap);
- if (r >= RECV_BUF_SIZE) {
- strcpy((char *)temp_buf + RECV_BUF_SIZE - 5, "...\n");
- }
- return cli_client_send(tcln, temp_buf, r);
-static int cln_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln = container_of(h, typeof(*cln), hnd);
- int n;
- char *d;
- while (1) {
- n = read(h->fd, cln->cmdline + cln->recv_pos, RECV_BUF_SIZE - cln->recv_pos);
- if (n == 0)
- break;
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno != EAGAIN)
- log_error("cli: read: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- cln->recv_pos += n;
- while (cln->recv_pos) {
- d = strchr((char *)cln->cmdline, '\n');
- if (!d) {
- if (cln->recv_pos == RECV_BUF_SIZE) {
- log_warn("cli: tcp: recv buffer overflow\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- break;
- }
- *d = 0;
- if (!cln->auth) {
- if (strcmp((char *)cln->cmdline, conf_cli_passwd))
- goto drop;
- cln->auth = 1;
- } else
- cli_process_cmd(&cln->cli_client);
- if (cln->disconnect)
- goto drop;
- cln->recv_pos -= (uint8_t *)d + 1 - cln->cmdline;
- memmove(cln->cmdline, d + 1, cln->recv_pos);
- }
- }
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
-static int cln_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln = container_of(h, typeof(*cln), hnd);
- int k;
- while (1) {
- for (; cln->xmit_pos < cln->xmit_buf->size; cln->xmit_pos += k) {
- k = write(cln->hnd.fd, cln->xmit_buf->buf + cln->xmit_pos, cln->xmit_buf->size - cln->xmit_pos);
- if (k < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- if (errno != EPIPE)
- log_error("cli: tcp: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- _free(cln->xmit_buf);
- cln->xmit_pos = 0;
- if (list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue))
- break;
- cln->xmit_buf = list_entry(cln->, typeof(*cln->xmit_buf), entry);
- list_del(&cln->xmit_buf->entry);
- }
- triton_md_disable_handler(&cln->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
-static int serv_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t size = sizeof(addr);
- int sock;
- struct tcp_client_t *conn;
- while(1) {
- sock = accept(h->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &size);
- if (sock < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_error("cli: tcp: accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- continue;
- }
- log_info2("cli: tcp: new connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
- if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_error("cli: tcp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s, closing connection...\n", strerror(errno));
- close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- conn = _malloc(sizeof(*conn));
- memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn));
- conn->hnd.fd = sock;
- conn-> = cln_read;
- conn->hnd.write = cln_write;
- conn->cmdline = _malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->xmit_queue);
- conn->cli_client.cmdline = conn->cmdline;
- conn->cli_client.send = cli_client_send;
- conn->cli_client.sendv = cli_client_sendv;
- conn->cli_client.disconnect = cli_client_disconnect;
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv_ctx, &conn->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd,MD_MODE_READ);
- list_add_tail(&conn->entry, &clients);
- if (!conf_cli_passwd)
- conn->auth = 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static void serv_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct tcp_client_t *cln;
- while (!list_empty(&clients)) {
- cln = list_entry(, typeof(*cln), entry);
- disconnect(cln);
- }
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&serv_hnd);
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(ctx);
-static struct triton_context_t serv_ctx = {
- .close = serv_close,
- .before_switch = log_switch,
-static struct triton_md_handler_t serv_hnd = {
- .read = serv_read,
-static void start_server(const char *host, int port)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- serv_hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (serv_hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: tcp: failed to create server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- if (host)
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host);
- else
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- setsockopt(serv_hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &serv_hnd.fd, 4);
- if (bind (serv_hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: tcp: failed to bind socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (listen (serv_hnd.fd, 1) < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: tcp: failed to listen socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(serv_hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("cli: tcp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host);
- triton_context_register(&serv_ctx, NULL);
- triton_context_set_priority(&serv_ctx, 1);
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv_ctx, &serv_hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&serv_hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&serv_ctx);
-static void __init init(void)
- const char *opt;
- char *host, *d;
- int port;
- opt = conf_get_opt("cli", "tcp");
- if (!opt)
- return;
- host = strdup(opt);
- d = strstr(host, ":");
- if (!d)
- goto err_fmt;
- *d = 0;
- port = atoi(d + 1);
- if (port <= 0)
- goto err_fmt;
- temp_buf = malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- start_server(host, port);
- return;
- log_emerg("cli: tcp: invalid format\n");
- free(host);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/cli/telnet.c b/accel-pptpd/cli/telnet.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ea19fb1..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/cli/telnet.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,757 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <arpa/telnet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "cli_p.h"
-#define RECV_BUF_SIZE 1024
-#define MSG_AUTH_FAILED "\r\nAuthentication failed\r\n"
-#define MSG_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS "note: 'shutdown soft' is in progress...\r\n"
-#define ESC_LEFT "[D"
-#define ESC_RIGHT "[C"
-#define ESC_UP "[A"
-#define ESC_DOWN "[B"
-struct telnet_client_t
- struct cli_client_t cli_client;
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct list_head xmit_queue;
- struct buffer_t *xmit_buf;
- int xmit_pos;
- struct list_head history;
- struct list_head *history_pos;
- uint8_t *cmdline;
- int cmdline_pos;
- int cmdline_pos2;
- int cmdline_len;
- int auth:1;
- int echo:1;
- int telcmd:1;
- int esc:1;
- int disconnect:1;
-struct buffer_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int size;
- struct buffer_t *p_buf;
- uint8_t buf[0];
-static struct triton_context_t serv_ctx;
-static struct triton_md_handler_t serv_hnd;
-static LIST_HEAD(clients);
-static uint8_t *recv_buf;
-static uint8_t *temp_buf;
-static int conf_history_len = 100;
-static const char *conf_history_file = "/var/run/accel-pptp/history";
-static LIST_HEAD(history);
-static int history_len;
-static pthread_mutex_t history_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static void disconnect(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- struct buffer_t *b, *b2;
- log_debug("cli: disconnect\n");
- triton_stop_collect_cpu_usage();
- list_del(&cln->entry);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&cln->hnd);
- close(cln->hnd.fd);
- if (cln->xmit_buf)
- _free(cln->xmit_buf);
- while (!list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue)) {
- b = list_entry(cln->, typeof(*b), entry);
- list_del(&b->entry);
- _free(b);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&history_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&cln->history)) {
- b = list_entry(cln->history.prev, typeof(*b), entry);
- list_del(&b->entry);
- if (!b->p_buf) {
- if (history_len == conf_history_len) {
- b2 = list_entry(, typeof(*b2), entry);
- list_del(&b2->entry);
- _free(b2);
- } else
- history_len++;
- list_add_tail(&b->entry, &history);
- } else
- _free(b);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&history_lock);
- _free(cln->cmdline);
- _free(cln);
-static void cli_client_disconnect(struct cli_client_t *tcln)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- cln->disconnect = 1;
-static void queue_buffer(struct telnet_client_t *cln, struct buffer_t *b)
- if (cln->xmit_buf)
- list_add_tail(&b->entry, &cln->xmit_queue);
- else
- cln->xmit_buf = b;
-static int telnet_send(struct telnet_client_t *cln, const void *_buf, int size)
- int n, k;
- struct buffer_t *b;
- const uint8_t *buf = (const uint8_t *)_buf;
- if (cln->disconnect)
- return -1;
- if (!list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue)) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + size);
- b->size = size;
- memcpy(b->buf, buf, size);
- queue_buffer(cln, b);
- return 0;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < size; n += k) {
- k = write(cln->hnd.fd, buf + n, size - n);
- if (k < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + size - n);
- b->size = size - n;
- memcpy(b->buf, buf, size - n);
- queue_buffer(cln, b);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&cln->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- break;
- }
- if (errno != EPIPE)
- log_error("cli: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- //disconnect(cln);
- cln->disconnect = 1;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int cli_client_send(struct cli_client_t *tcln, const void *buf, int size)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- return telnet_send(cln, buf, size);
-static int cli_client_sendv(struct cli_client_t *tcln, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln = container_of(tcln, typeof(*cln), cli_client);
- int r = vsnprintf((char *)temp_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, fmt, ap);
- if (r >= RECV_BUF_SIZE) {
- strcpy((char *)temp_buf + RECV_BUF_SIZE - 6, "...\r\n");
- }
- return telnet_send(cln, temp_buf, r);
-static int send_banner(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- if (telnet_send(cln, "accel-pptp version " ACCEL_PPTP_VERSION "\r\n", sizeof("accel-pptp version " ACCEL_PPTP_VERSION "\r\n")))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int send_config(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- return telnet_send(cln, buf, sizeof(buf));
-static int send_password_request(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- uint8_t buf0[] = {IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO};
- uint8_t buf1[] = "Password: ";
- if (telnet_send(cln, buf0, sizeof(buf0)))
- return -1;
- if (telnet_send(cln, buf1, sizeof(buf1)))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int send_prompt(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- sprintf((char *)temp_buf, "%s%s# ", conf_cli_prompt, ppp_shutdown ? "(shutdown)" : "");
- return telnet_send(cln, temp_buf, strlen((char *)temp_buf));
-/*static void print_buf(const uint8_t *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- log_debug("%x ", buf[i]);
- log_debug("\n");
-static int send_cmdline_tail(struct telnet_client_t *cln, int corr)
- if (telnet_send(cln, cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_pos, cln->cmdline_len - cln->cmdline_pos))
- return -1;
- memset(temp_buf, '\b', cln->cmdline_len - cln->cmdline_pos - corr);
- if (telnet_send(cln, temp_buf, cln->cmdline_len - cln->cmdline_pos - corr))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int load_history(struct telnet_client_t *cln)
- struct buffer_t *b = list_entry(cln->history_pos, typeof(*b), entry);
- if (b->size < cln->cmdline_len) {
- memset(temp_buf, '\b', cln->cmdline_len - b->size);
- memset(temp_buf + cln->cmdline_len - b->size, ' ', cln->cmdline_len - b->size);
- if (telnet_send(cln, temp_buf, (cln->cmdline_len - b->size) * 2))
- return -1;
- }
- if (telnet_send(cln, "\r", 1))
- return -1;
- if (send_prompt(cln))
- return -1;
- memcpy(cln->cmdline, b->p_buf ? b->p_buf->buf : b->buf, b->size);
- cln->cmdline_pos = b->size;
- cln->cmdline_len = b->size;
- if (telnet_send(cln, b->p_buf ? b->p_buf->buf : b->buf, b->size))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int telnet_input_char(struct telnet_client_t *cln, uint8_t c)
- uint8_t buf[] = {IAC, DONT, 0};
- struct buffer_t *b;
- if (c == '\n')
- return 0;
- if (c == '\r') {
- cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_len] = 0;
- if (cln->echo) {
- if (telnet_send(cln, "\r\n", 2))
- return -1;
- }
- if (!cln->auth) {
- if (strcmp((char *)cln->cmdline, conf_cli_passwd)) {
- if (telnet_send(cln, MSG_AUTH_FAILED, sizeof(MSG_AUTH_FAILED)))
- return -1;
- cln->disconnect = 1;
- return -1;
- }
- cln->auth = 1;
- if (ppp_shutdown) {
- return -1;
- }
- } else if (cln->cmdline_len) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + cln->cmdline_len);
- b->p_buf = NULL;
- memcpy(b->buf, cln->cmdline, cln->cmdline_len);
- b->size = cln->cmdline_len;
- list_add(&b->entry, cln->;
- cln->history_pos = cln->;
- if (cli_process_cmd(&cln->cli_client))
- return -1;
- }
- cln->cmdline_pos = 0;
- cln->cmdline_len = 0;
- return send_prompt(cln);
- }
- if (cln->telcmd) {
- if (cln->cmdline_pos2 == RECV_BUF_SIZE - 1) {
- log_error("cli: buffer overflow, dropping connection ...\n");
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_pos2] = c;
- cln->cmdline_pos2++;
- if (cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_len] >= WILL && cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_len] <= DONT && cln->cmdline_pos2 - cln->cmdline_len != 2)
- return 0;
- switch (cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_len]) {
- case WILL:
- case WONT:
- buf[2] = c;
- if (telnet_send(cln, buf, 3))
- return -1;
- break;
- case DO:
- if (c == TELOPT_ECHO)
- cln->echo = 1;
- break;
- case SB:
- if (c != SE)
- return 0;
- }
- cln->telcmd = 0;
- } else if (cln->esc) {
- if (cln->cmdline_pos2 == RECV_BUF_SIZE - 1) {
- log_error("cli: buffer overflow, dropping connection ...\n");
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_pos2] = c;
- cln->cmdline_pos2++;
- if (cln->cmdline_pos2 - cln->cmdline_len != 2)
- return 0;
- cln->esc = 0;
- if (cln->auth) {
- if (!memcmp(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_len, ESC_LEFT, 2)) {
- if (cln->cmdline_pos) {
- if (telnet_send(cln, "\b", 1))
- return -1;
- cln->cmdline_pos--;
- }
- } else if (!memcmp(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_len, ESC_RIGHT, 2)) {
- if (cln->cmdline_pos < cln->cmdline_len) {
- if (send_cmdline_tail(cln, 1))
- return -1;
- cln->cmdline_pos++;
- }
- } else if (!memcmp(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_len, ESC_UP, 2)) {
- if (cln->history_pos == cln-> {
- b = list_entry(cln->history_pos, typeof(*b), entry);
- memcpy(b->buf, cln->cmdline, cln->cmdline_len);
- b->size = cln->cmdline_len;
- }
- cln->history_pos = cln->history_pos->next;
- if (cln->history_pos == &cln->history) {
- cln->history_pos = cln->history_pos->prev;
- return 0;
- }
- if (load_history(cln))
- return -1;
- } else if (!memcmp(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_len, ESC_DOWN, 2)) {
- cln->history_pos = cln->history_pos->prev;
- if (cln->history_pos == &cln->history) {
- cln->history_pos = cln->history_pos->next;
- return 0;
- }
- if (load_history(cln))
- return -1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- switch (c) {
- case 0xff:
- cln->cmdline_pos2 = cln->cmdline_len;
- cln->telcmd = 1;
- return 0;
- case 0x1b:
- cln->cmdline_pos2 = cln->cmdline_len;
- cln->esc = 1;
- return 0;
- case 0x7f:
- if (cln->cmdline_pos) {
- if (cln->cmdline_pos < cln->cmdline_len) {
- memmove(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_pos - 1, cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_pos, cln->cmdline_len - cln->cmdline_pos);
- cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_len - 1] = ' ';
- if (telnet_send(cln, "\b", 1))
- return -1;
- cln->cmdline_pos--;
- if (send_cmdline_tail(cln, 0))
- return -1;
- } else {
- buf[0] = '\b';
- buf[1] = ' ';
- buf[2] = '\b';
- if (telnet_send(cln, buf, 3))
- return -1;
- cln->cmdline_pos--;
- }
- cln->cmdline_len--;
- }
- return 0;
- case 3:
- cln->disconnect = 1;
- return -1;
- }
- if (isprint(c)) {
- if (cln->cmdline_len == RECV_BUF_SIZE - 1)
- return 0;
- if (cln->cmdline_pos < cln->cmdline_len)
- memmove(cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_pos + 1, cln->cmdline + cln->cmdline_pos, cln->cmdline_len - cln->cmdline_pos);
- cln->cmdline[cln->cmdline_pos] = c;
- cln->cmdline_pos++;
- cln->cmdline_len++;
- if (cln->echo) {
- if (!cln->auth) {
- if (telnet_send(cln, "*", 1))
- return -1;
- } else {
- if (telnet_send(cln, &c, 1))
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (cln->cmdline_pos < cln->cmdline_len) {
- if (send_cmdline_tail(cln, 0))
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int cln_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln = container_of(h, typeof(*cln), hnd);
- int i, n;
- while (1) {
- n = read(h->fd, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- if (n == 0) {
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno != EAGAIN)
- log_error("cli: telnet: read: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- /*log_debug("cli: read(%i): ", n);
- print_buf(cln->recv_buf + cln->recv_pos, n);*/
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (telnet_input_char(cln, recv_buf[i]))
- break;
- }
- if (cln->disconnect) {
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static int cln_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln = container_of(h, typeof(*cln), hnd);
- int k;
- while (1) {
- for (; cln->xmit_pos < cln->xmit_buf->size; cln->xmit_pos += k) {
- k = write(cln->hnd.fd, cln->xmit_buf->buf + cln->xmit_pos, cln->xmit_buf->size - cln->xmit_pos);
- if (k < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- if (errno != EPIPE)
- log_error("cli: telnet: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- disconnect(cln);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- _free(cln->xmit_buf);
- cln->xmit_pos = 0;
- if (list_empty(&cln->xmit_queue))
- break;
- cln->xmit_buf = list_entry(cln->, typeof(*cln->xmit_buf), entry);
- list_del(&cln->xmit_buf->entry);
- }
- triton_md_disable_handler(&cln->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
-static int serv_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t size = sizeof(addr);
- int sock;
- struct telnet_client_t *conn;
- struct buffer_t *b, *b2;
- while(1) {
- sock = accept(h->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &size);
- if (sock < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_error("cli: telnet: accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- continue;
- }
- log_info2("cli: telnet: new connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
- if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_error("cli: telnet: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s, closing connection...\n", strerror(errno));
- close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- conn = _malloc(sizeof(*conn));
- memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn));
- conn->hnd.fd = sock;
- conn-> = cln_read;
- conn->hnd.write = cln_write;
- conn->cmdline = _malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->xmit_queue);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->history);
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- b->p_buf = b;
- b->size = 0;
- list_add_tail(&b->entry, &conn->history);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&history_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(b, &history, entry) {
- b2 = _malloc(sizeof(*b));
- b2->p_buf = b;
- b2->size = b->size;
- list_add(&b2->entry, conn->;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&history_lock);
- conn->history_pos = conn->;
- conn->cli_client.cmdline = conn->cmdline;
- conn->cli_client.send = cli_client_send;
- conn->cli_client.sendv = cli_client_sendv;
- conn->cli_client.disconnect = cli_client_disconnect;
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv_ctx, &conn->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd,MD_MODE_READ);
- list_add_tail(&conn->entry, &clients);
- if (send_banner(conn))
- continue;
- if (send_config(conn))
- continue;
- if (conf_cli_passwd)
- send_password_request(conn);
- else {
- conn->auth = 1;
- if (ppp_shutdown) {
- if (telnet_send(conn, MSG_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS, sizeof(MSG_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS)))
- continue;
- }
- send_prompt(conn);
- }
- triton_collect_cpu_usage();
- }
- return 0;
-static void serv_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct telnet_client_t *cln;
- while (!list_empty(&clients)) {
- cln = list_entry(, typeof(*cln), entry);
- disconnect(cln);
- }
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&serv_hnd);
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(ctx);
-static struct triton_context_t serv_ctx = {
- .close = serv_close,
- .before_switch = log_switch,
-static struct triton_md_handler_t serv_hnd = {
- .read = serv_read,
-static void start_server(const char *host, int port)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- serv_hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (serv_hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: telnet: failed to create server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- if (host)
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host);
- else
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- setsockopt(serv_hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &serv_hnd.fd, 4);
- if (bind (serv_hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: telnet: failed to bind socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (listen (serv_hnd.fd, 1) < 0) {
- log_emerg("cli: telnet: failed to listen socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(serv_hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("cli: telnet: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv_hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host);
- triton_context_register(&serv_ctx, NULL);
- triton_context_set_priority(&serv_ctx, 1);
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv_ctx, &serv_hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&serv_hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&serv_ctx);
-static void save_history_file(void)
- int fd;
- struct buffer_t *b;
- fd = open(conf_history_file, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
- if (!fd)
- return;
- list_for_each_entry(b, &history, entry) {
- b->buf[b->size] = '\n';
- write(fd, b->buf, b->size + 1);
- }
- close(fd);
-static void load_history_file(void)
- struct buffer_t *b;
- FILE *f;
- f = fopen(conf_history_file, "r");
- if (!f)
- return;
- while (fgets((char *)temp_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, f)) {
- b = _malloc(sizeof(*b) + strlen((char *)temp_buf));
- b->p_buf = NULL;
- b->size = strlen((char *)temp_buf) - 1;
- memcpy(b->buf, temp_buf, b->size);
- list_add_tail(&b->entry, &history);
- }
- fclose(f);
-static void __init init(void)
- const char *opt;
- char *host, *d;
- int port;
- opt = conf_get_opt("cli", "telnet");
- if (!opt)
- return;
- host = strdup(opt);
- d = strstr(host, ":");
- if (!d)
- goto err_fmt;
- *d = 0;
- port = atoi(d + 1);
- if (port <= 0)
- goto err_fmt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("cli", "history-file");
- if (opt)
- conf_history_file = _strdup(opt);
- recv_buf = malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- temp_buf = malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE);
- load_history_file();
- start_server(host, port);
- atexit(save_history_file);
- return;
- log_emerg("cli: telnet: invalid format\n");
- free(host);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b37bc4a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e0edd517..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- l2tp.c
- dict.c
- packet.c
- # netlink.c
-#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(l2tp nl nl-genl)
-INSTALL(FILES ${dict} DESTINATION share/accel-pptp/l2tp)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/attr_defs.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/attr_defs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e7991574..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/attr_defs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __ATTR_DEFS_H
-#define __ATTR_DEFS_H
-#define Message_Type 0
-#define Random_Vector 36
-#define Result_Code 1
-#define Protocol_Version 2
-#define Framing_Capabilities 3
-#define Bearer_Capabilities 4
-#define Tie_Breaker 5
-#define Firmware_Revision 6
-#define Host_Name 7
-#define Vendor_Name 8
-#define Assigned_Tunnel_ID 9
-#define Recv_Window_Size 10
-#define Challenge 11
-#define Challenge_Response 13
-#define Cause_Code 12
-#define Assigned_Session_ID 14
-#define Call_Serial_Number 15
-#define Minimum_BPS 16
-#define Maximum_BPS 17
-#define Bearer_Type 18
-#define Framing_Type 19
-#define Called_Number 21
-#define Calling_Number 22
-#define Sub_Address 23
-#define TX_Speed 24
-#define RX_Speed 38
-#define Physical_Channel_ID 25
-#define Private_Group_ID 37
-#define Sequencing_Required 39
-#define Init_Recv_LCP 26
-#define Last_Sent_LCP 27
-#define Last_Recv_LCP 28
-#define Proxy_Authen_Type 29
-#define Proxy_Authen_Name 30
-#define Proxy_Authen_Challenge 31
-#define Proxy_Authen_ID 32
-#define Proxy_Authen_Response 33
-#define Call_Errors 34
-#define ACCM 35
-#define Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Request 1
-#define Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Reply 2
-#define Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Connected 3
-#define Message_Type_Stop_Ctrl_Conn_Notify 4
-#define Message_Type_Hello 6
-#define Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Request 7
-#define Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Reply 8
-#define Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Connected 9
-#define Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Request 10
-#define Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Reply 11
-#define Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Connected 12
-#define Message_Type_Call_Disconnect_Notify 14
-#define Message_Type_WAN_Error_Notify 15
-#define Message_Type_Set_Link_Info 16
-#define Message_Digest 59
-#define Router_ID 60
-#define Assigned_Connection_ID 61
-#define Pseudowire_Capabilities 62
-#define Prefered_Language 72
-#define Local_Session_ID 63
-#define Remote_Session_ID 64
-#define Assigned_Cookie 65
-#define Remote_End_ID 66
-#define Pseudowire_Type 68
-#define L2_Specific_Sublayer 69
-#define Data_Sequencing 70
-#define TX_Connect_Speeed 74
-#define RX_Connect_Speeed 75
-#define Circuit_Status 71
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c93ccd48..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "l2tp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct l2tp_dict_t
- struct list_head items;
-static struct l2tp_dict_t *dict;
-#define BUF_SIZE 1024
-static char *path, *fname1, *buf;
-struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_name(const char *name)
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &dict->items, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(attr->name, name))
- return attr;
- }
- return NULL;
-struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_id(int id)
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &dict->items, entry) {
- if (attr->id == id)
- return attr;
- }
- return NULL;
-struct l2tp_dict_value_t *l2tp_dict_find_value(struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr, l2tp_value_t val)
- struct l2tp_dict_value_t *v;
- list_for_each_entry(v, &attr->values, entry) {
- switch (attr->type) {
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT16:
- if (v->val.int16 == val.int16)
- return v;
- break;
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT32:
- if (v->val.int32 == val.int32)
- return v;
- break;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static char *skip_word(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static char *skip_space(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static int split(char *buf, char **ptr)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- *buf = 0;
- buf = skip_space(buf + 1);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- ptr[i] = buf;
- }
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- //if (*buf == '\n')
- *buf = 0;
- //else if (*buf)
- // return -1;
- return i;
-static int dict_load(const char *fname)
- FILE *f;
- char *ptr[6], *endptr;
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct l2tp_dict_value_t *value;
- struct list_head *items;
- int i, r, n = 0;
- f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (!f) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- items = &dict->items;
- while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, f)) {
- n++;
- if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == 0)
- continue;
- r = split(buf, ptr);
- if (!strcmp(buf, "$INCLUDE")) {
- if (r != 1)
- goto out_syntax;
- for (i = strlen(path) - 1; i; i--) {
- if (path[i] == '/') {
- path[i + 1] = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- strcpy(fname1, path);
- strcat(fname1, ptr[0]);
- if (dict_load(fname1))
- goto out_err;
- } else if (!strcmp(buf, "ATTRIBUTE")) {
- if (r < 3)
- goto out_syntax;
- attr = malloc(sizeof(*attr));
- memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, items);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&attr->values);
- attr->name = strdup(ptr[0]);
- attr->id = strtol(ptr[1], &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != 0)
- goto out_syntax;
- if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "none"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_NONE;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "int16"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_INT16;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "int32"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_INT32;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "int64"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_INT64;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "octets"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_OCTETS;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "string"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_STRING;
- else
- goto out_syntax;
- attr->M = -1;
- attr->H = -1;
- for (i = 3; i < r; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(ptr[i], "M=0"))
- attr->M = 0;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[i], "M=1"))
- attr->M = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[i], "H=0"))
- attr->H = 0;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[i], "H=1"))
- attr->H = 1;
- else
- goto out_syntax;
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(buf, "VALUE")) {
- if (r != 3)
- goto out_syntax;
- attr = l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_name(ptr[0]);
- if (!attr) {
- log_emerg("l2tp:%s:%i: attribute not found\n", fname, n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- value = malloc(sizeof(*value));
- memset(value, 0, sizeof(*value));
- list_add_tail(&value->entry, &attr->values);
- value->name = strdup(ptr[1]);
- switch (attr->type) {
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT16:
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT32:
- value->val.int16 = strtol(ptr[2], &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != 0)
- goto out_syntax;
- break;
- value->val.string = strdup(ptr[2]);
- break;
- }
- } else
- goto out_syntax;
- }
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- log_emerg("l2tp:%s:%i: syntaxis error\n", fname, n);
- fclose(f);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_dict_load(const char *fname)
- int r;
- dict = _malloc(sizeof(*dict));
- memset(dict, 0, sizeof(*dict));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dict->items);
- path = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- fname1 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- buf = _malloc(BUF_SIZE);
- strcpy(path, fname);
- r = dict_load(fname);
- _free(buf);
- _free(fname1);
- _free(path);
- return r;
-static void __init dict_init(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "dictionary");
- if (!opt)
- if (l2tp_dict_load(opt))
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d7c423..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2661
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3931
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc2661 b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc2661
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd9614e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc2661
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-ATTRIBUTE Message-Type 0 int16 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Random-Vector 36 octets M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Result-Code 1 octets M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Protocol-Version 2 int16 M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Framing-Capabilities 3 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Bearer-Capabilities 4 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Tie-Breaker 5 int64 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Firmware-Revision 6 int16 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Host-Name 7 string M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Vendor-Name 8 string M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Assigned-Tunnel-ID 9 int16 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Recv-Window-Size 10 int16 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Challenge 11 octets M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Challenge-Response 13 octets M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Cause-Code 12 int32 M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Assigned-Session-ID 14 int16 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Call-Serial-Number 15 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Minimum-BPS 16 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Maximum-BPS 17 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Bearer-Type 18 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Framing-Type 19 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Called-Number 21 string M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Calling-Number 22 string M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Sub-Address 23 string M=1
-ATTRIBUTE TX-Speed 24 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE RX-Speed 38 int32 M=1
-ATTRIBUTE Physical-Channel-ID 25 int32 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Private-Group-ID 37 int32 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Sequencing-Required 39 none M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Init-Recv-LCP 26 octets M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Last-Sent-LCP 27 octets M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Last-Recv-LCP 28 octets M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-Authen-Type 29 int16 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-Authen-Name 30 string M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-Authen-Challenge 31 octets M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-Authen-ID 32 int16 M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-Authen-Response 33 octets M=0
-ATTRIBUTE Call-Errors 34 octets M=1
-ATTRIBUTE ACCM 35 octets M=1
-VALUE Message-Type Start-Ctrl-Conn-Request 1
-VALUE Message-Type Start-Ctrl-Conn-Reply 2
-VALUE Message-Type Start-Ctrl-Conn-Connected 3
-VALUE Message-Type Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Notify 4
-VALUE Message-Type Hello 6
-VALUE Message-Type Outgoing-Call-Request 7
-VALUE Message-Type Outgoing-Call-Reply 8
-VALUE Message-Type Outgoing-Call-Connected 9
-VALUE Message-Type Incoming-Call-Request 10
-VALUE Message-Type Incoming-Call-Reply 11
-VALUE Message-Type Incoming-Call-Connected 12
-VALUE Message-Type Call-Disconnect-Notify 14
-VALUE Message-Type WAN-Error-Notify 15
-VALUE Message-Type Set-Link-Info 16
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc3931 b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc3931
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ad410b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/dict/dictionary.rfc3931
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-ATTRIBUTE Message-Digest 59 octets M=1 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Router-ID 60 int32 H=0
-ATTRIBUTE Assigned-Connection-ID 61 int32
-ATTRIBUTE Pseudowire-Capabilities 62 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Prefered-Language 72 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Local-Session-ID 63 int32
-ATTRIBUTE Remote-Session-ID 64 int32
-ATTRIBUTE Assigned-Cookie 65 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Remote-End-ID 66 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Pseudowire-Type 68 int16
-ATTRIBUTE L2-Specific-Sublayer 69 int16
-ATTRIBUTE Data-Sequencing 70 int16
-ATTRIBUTE TX-Connect-Speeed 74 int64
-ATTRIBUTE RX-Connect-Speeed 75 int64
-ATTRIBUTE Circuit-Status 71 int16
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/ b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0961e7..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import sys,re
-hdr = file(sys.argv[2],'w')
-def process(fname, hdr):
- for line in file(fname):
- if line[:-1].strip() == '':
- continue
- if line[0] == '#':
- continue
- f = re.compile('[$.a-zA-Z0-9\-]+').findall(line)
- if f[0] == 'ATTRIBUTE' or f[0] == 'VENDOR':
- hdr.write('#define {0} {1}\n'.format(f[1].replace('-','_').replace('.','_'), f[2]))
- elif f[0] == 'VALUE':
- hdr.write('#define {0}_{1} {2}\n'.format(f[1].replace('-','_').replace('.','_'), f[2].replace('-','_'),f[3]))
- elif f[0] == '$INCLUDE':
- process(f[1], hdr)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- process(sys.argv[1], hdr)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ca56051b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1141 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <linux/socket.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/if_ether.h>
-#include <linux/if_pppox.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "iprange.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "l2tp.h"
-#include "attr_defs.h"
-#ifndef SOL_PPPOL2TP
-#define SOL_PPPOL2TP 273
-#define STATE_WAIT_ICRQ 2
-#define STATE_WAIT_ICCN 3
-#define STATE_WAIT_OCRP 4
-#define STATE_WAIT_OCCN 5
-#define STATE_ESTB 6
-#define STATE_PPP 7
-#define STATE_FIN 8
-#define STATE_CLOSE 0
-int conf_verbose = 0;
-int conf_timeout = 60;
-int conf_rtimeout = 5;
-int conf_retransmit = 5;
-int conf_hello_interval = 60;
-char *conf_host_name = NULL;
-static unsigned int stat_active;
-static unsigned int stat_starting;
-struct l2tp_serv_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
-struct l2tp_conn_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct triton_timer_t timeout_timer;
- struct triton_timer_t rtimeout_timer;
- struct triton_timer_t hello_timer;
- int tunnel_fd;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- uint16_t tid;
- uint16_t sid;
- uint16_t peer_tid;
- uint16_t peer_sid;
- uint32_t framing_cap;
- int retransmit;
- uint16_t Ns, Nr;
- struct list_head send_queue;
- int state;
- int state1;
- int state2;
- struct ppp_ctrl_t ctrl;
- struct ppp_t ppp;
-static pthread_mutex_t l2tp_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static struct l2tp_conn_t **l2tp_conn;
-static uint16_t l2tp_tid;
-static mempool_t l2tp_conn_pool;
-static void l2tp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void l2tp_rtimeout(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void l2tp_send_HELLO(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void l2tp_send_SCCRP(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn);
-static int l2tp_send(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int log_debug);
-static int l2tp_conn_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *);
-static void l2tp_disconnect(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&conn->hnd);
- close(conn->hnd.fd);
- if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer);
- if (conn->rtimeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->rtimeout_timer);
- if (conn->hello_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->hello_timer);
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_FIN;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1);
- } else if (conn->state != STATE_FIN)
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&l2tp_lock);
- l2tp_conn[conn->tid] = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&l2tp_lock);
- if (conn->ppp.fd != -1)
- close(conn->ppp.fd);
- if (conn->tunnel_fd != -1)
- close(conn->tunnel_fd);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, &conn->ppp);
- log_ppp_info1("disconnected\n");
- triton_context_unregister(&conn->ctx);
- while (!list_empty(&conn->send_queue)) {
- pack = list_entry(conn->, typeof(*pack), entry);
- list_del(&pack->entry);
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- }
- if (conn->ppp.chan_name)
- _free(conn->ppp.chan_name);
- _free(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id);
- _free(conn->ctrl.called_station_id);
- mempool_free(conn);
-static int l2tp_terminate(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, int res, int err)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- struct l2tp_avp_result_code rc = {res, err};
- log_ppp_debug("l2tp: terminate (%i, %i)\n", res, err);
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, Message_Type_Stop_Ctrl_Conn_Notify, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack)
- return -1;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Assigned_Tunnel_ID, conn->tid, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_octets(pack, Result_Code, (uint8_t *)&rc, sizeof(rc), 0))
- goto out_err;
- l2tp_send(conn, pack, 0);
- conn->state = STATE_FIN;
- return 0;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- return -1;
-static void l2tp_ppp_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ppp, typeof(*conn), ppp);
- log_ppp_debug("l2tp: ppp started\n");
- if (conf_hello_interval)
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->hello_timer, 0);
-static void l2tp_ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ppp, typeof(*conn), ppp);
- log_ppp_debug("l2tp: ppp finished\n");
- if (conn->state != STATE_FIN) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 0, 0))
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (triton_event_func)l2tp_disconnect, conn);
- }
-static void l2tp_conn_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ctx, typeof(*conn), ctx);
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_FIN;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_ADMIN_RESET, 1);
- }
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 0, 0))
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
-static int l2tp_tunnel_alloc(struct l2tp_serv_t *serv, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, struct in_pktinfo *pkt_info, struct l2tp_attr_t *assigned_tid, struct l2tp_attr_t *framing_cap)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- uint16_t tid;
- //char *opt;
- int flag = 1;
- conn = mempool_alloc(l2tp_conn_pool);
- if (!conn) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn->send_queue);
- conn->hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (conn->hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_error("l2tp: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- mempool_free(conn);
- return -1;
- }
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_addr = pkt_info->ipi_addr;
- addr.sin_port = htons(L2TP_PORT);
- setsockopt(conn->hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &flag, sizeof(flag));
- if (bind(conn->hnd.fd, &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
- log_error("l2tp: bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (connect(conn->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *)&pack->addr, sizeof(addr))) {
- log_error("l2tp: connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (fcntl(conn->hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&l2tp_lock);
- for (tid = l2tp_tid + 1; tid != l2tp_tid; tid++) {
- if (tid == L2TP_MAX_TID)
- tid = 1;
- if (!l2tp_conn[tid]) {
- l2tp_conn[tid] = conn;
- conn->tid = tid;
- break;
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&l2tp_lock);
- if (!conn->tid) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: no free tid available\n");
- mempool_free(conn);
- return -1;
- }
- conn->sid = 1;
- memcpy(&conn->addr, &pack->addr, sizeof(pack->addr));
- conn->peer_tid = assigned_tid->val.uint16;
- conn->framing_cap = framing_cap->val.uint32;
- conn->ctx.before_switch = log_switch;
- conn->ctx.close = l2tp_conn_close;
- conn-> = l2tp_conn_read;
- conn->timeout_timer.expire = l2tp_timeout;
- conn->timeout_timer.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- conn->rtimeout_timer.expire = l2tp_rtimeout;
- conn->rtimeout_timer.period = conf_rtimeout * 1000;
- conn->hello_timer.expire = l2tp_send_HELLO;
- conn->hello_timer.period = conf_hello_interval * 1000;
- conn->ctrl.ctx = &conn->ctx;
- conn-> = "l2tp";
- conn->ctrl.started = l2tp_ppp_started;
- conn->ctrl.finished = l2tp_ppp_finished;
- conn->ctrl.max_mtu = 1420;
- conn->ctrl.calling_station_id = _malloc(17);
- conn->ctrl.called_station_id = _malloc(17);
- u_inet_ntoa(conn->addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.calling_station_id);
- u_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.called_station_id);
- ppp_init(&conn->ppp);
- conn->ppp.ctrl = &conn->ctrl;
- conn->ppp.fd = -1;
- conn->tunnel_fd = -1;
- triton_context_register(&conn->ctx, &conn->ppp);
- triton_md_register_handler(&conn->ctx, &conn->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&conn->ctx);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_switch(&conn->ctx, &conn->ppp);
- log_ppp_info2("recv ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (triton_event_func)l2tp_send_SCCRP, conn);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- return 0;
- close(conn->hnd.fd);
- mempool_free(conn);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_connect(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct sockaddr_pppol2tp pppox_addr;
- int arg = 1;
- memset(&pppox_addr, 0, sizeof(pppox_addr));
- pppox_addr.sa_family = AF_PPPOX;
- pppox_addr.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_OL2TP;
- pppox_addr.pppol2tp.fd = conn->hnd.fd;
- memcpy(&pppox_addr.pppol2tp.addr, &conn->addr, sizeof(conn->addr));
- pppox_addr.pppol2tp.s_tunnel = conn->tid;
- pppox_addr.pppol2tp.d_tunnel = conn->peer_tid;
- conn->tunnel_fd = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_DGRAM, PX_PROTO_OL2TP);
- if (!conn->ppp.fd) {
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: socket(AF_PPPOX): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- conn->ppp.fd = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_DGRAM, PX_PROTO_OL2TP);
- if (!conn->ppp.fd) {
- close(conn->tunnel_fd);
- conn->tunnel_fd = -1;
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: socket(AF_PPPOX): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (connect(conn->tunnel_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&pppox_addr, sizeof(pppox_addr)) < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: connect(tunnel): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- pppox_addr.pppol2tp.s_session = conn->sid;
- pppox_addr.pppol2tp.d_session = conn->peer_sid;
- if (connect(conn->ppp.fd, (struct sockaddr *)&pppox_addr, sizeof(pppox_addr)) < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: connect(session): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (setsockopt(conn->ppp.fd, SOL_PPPOL2TP, PPPOL2TP_SO_LNSMODE, &arg, sizeof(arg))) {
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: setsockopt: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- conn->ppp.chan_name = _strdup(inet_ntoa(conn->addr.sin_addr));
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTED, &conn->ppp);
- if (establish_ppp(&conn->ppp))
- return -1;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_PPP;
- return 0;
-static void l2tp_rtimeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), rtimeout_timer);
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- if (!list_empty(&conn->send_queue)) {
- log_ppp_debug("l2tp: retransmit (%i)\n", conn->retransmit);
- if (++conn->retransmit <= conf_retransmit) {
- pack = list_entry(conn->, typeof(*pack), entry);
- pack->hdr.Nr = htons(conn->Nr + 1);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_debug("send ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_debug);
- }
- if (l2tp_packet_send(conn->hnd.fd, pack) == 0)
- return;
- } else
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
- }
-static void l2tp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), timeout_timer);
- log_ppp_debug("l2tp: timeout\n");
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
-static int l2tp_send(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int log_debug)
- conn->retransmit = 0;
- pack->hdr.tid = htons(conn->peer_tid);
- //pack->hdr.sid = htons(conn->peer_sid);
- pack->hdr.Nr = htons(conn->Nr + 1);
- pack->hdr.Ns = htons(conn->Ns);
- if (!list_empty(&pack->attrs))
- conn->Ns++;
- if (conf_verbose) {
- if (log_debug) {
- log_ppp_debug("send ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_debug);
- } else {
- log_ppp_info2("send ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- }
- if (l2tp_packet_send(conn->hnd.fd, pack))
- goto out_err;
- if (!list_empty(&pack->attrs)) {
- list_add_tail(&pack->entry, &conn->send_queue);
- if (!conn->rtimeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->rtimeout_timer, 0);
- } else
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- return 0;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_send_ZLB(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, 0, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack)
- return -1;
- if (l2tp_send(conn, pack, 1))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static void l2tp_send_HELLO(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), hello_timer);
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, Message_Type_Hello, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack) {
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
- return;
- }
- if (l2tp_send(conn, pack, 1))
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
-static void l2tp_send_SCCRP(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Reply, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack)
- goto out;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Protocol_Version, L2TP_V2_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (conf_host_name && l2tp_packet_add_string(pack, Host_Name, conf_host_name, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Framing_Capabilities, conn->framing_cap, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Assigned_Tunnel_ID, conn->tid, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_send(conn, pack, 0))
- goto out;
- if (!conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- else
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- conn->state = STATE_WAIT_SCCCN;
- return;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
-static int l2tp_send_ICRP(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Reply, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack)
- return -1;
- pack->hdr.sid = htons(conn->peer_sid);
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Assigned_Session_ID, conn->sid, 1))
- goto out_err;
- l2tp_send(conn, pack, 0);
- if (!conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- else
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- conn->state1 = STATE_WAIT_ICCN;
- return 0;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_send_OCRQ(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- pack = l2tp_packet_alloc(2, Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Request, &conn->addr);
- if (!pack)
- return -1;
- pack->hdr.sid = htons(conn->peer_sid);
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Assigned_Session_ID, conn->sid, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Call_Serial_Number, 0, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Minimum_BPS, 100, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Maximum_BPS, 100000, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Bearer_Type, 3, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int32(pack, Framing_Type, 3, 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_packet_add_string(pack, Called_Number, "", 1))
- goto out_err;
- if (l2tp_send(conn, pack, 0))
- return -1;
- if (!conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- else
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- conn->state2 = STATE_WAIT_OCRP;
- return 0;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_recv_SCCRQ(struct l2tp_serv_t *serv, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, struct in_pktinfo *pkt_info)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *protocol_version = NULL;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *assigned_tid = NULL;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *assigned_cid = NULL;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *framing_cap = NULL;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *router_id = NULL;
- if (ppp_shutdown)
- return 0;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- switch (attr->attr->id) {
- case Protocol_Version:
- protocol_version = attr;
- break;
- case Framing_Capabilities:
- framing_cap = attr;
- break;
- case Assigned_Tunnel_ID:
- assigned_tid = attr;
- break;
- case Challenge:
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: Challenge in SCCRQ is not supported\n");
- return -1;
- case Assigned_Connection_ID:
- assigned_cid = attr;
- break;
- case Router_ID:
- router_id = attr;
- break;
- case Message_Digest:
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: Message-Digest is not supported\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (assigned_tid) {
- if (!protocol_version) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: SCCRQ: no Protocol-Version present in message\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (protocol_version->val.uint16 != L2TP_V2_PROTOCOL_VERSION) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: protocol version %02x is not supported\n", protocol_version->val.uint16);
- return -1;
- }
- if (!framing_cap) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: SCCRQ: no Framing-Capabilities present in message\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (l2tp_tunnel_alloc(serv, pack, pkt_info, assigned_tid, framing_cap))
- return -1;
- } else if (assigned_cid) {
- // not yet implemented
- return 0;
- } else {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: SCCRQ: no Assigned-Tunnel-ID or Assigned-Connection-ID present in message\n");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_SCCCN(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (conn->state == STATE_WAIT_SCCCN) {
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- conn->state = STATE_ESTB;
- conn->state1 = STATE_WAIT_ICRQ;
- }
- else
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: unexpected SCCCN\n");
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_StopCCN(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- l2tp_send_ZLB(conn);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_recv_HELLO(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (l2tp_send_ZLB(conn))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_ICRQ(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *assigned_sid = NULL;
- if (conn->state1 != STATE_WAIT_ICRQ) {
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: unexpected ICRQ\n");
- return 0;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- switch(attr->attr->id) {
- case Assigned_Session_ID:
- assigned_sid = attr;
- break;
- case Message_Type:
- case Call_Serial_Number:
- case Bearer_Type:
- case Calling_Number:
- case Called_Number:
- case Sub_Address:
- case Physical_Channel_ID:
- break;
- default:
- if (attr->M) {
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: ICRQ: unknown attribute %i\n", attr->attr->id);
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 2, 8))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!assigned_sid) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: ICRQ: no Assigned-Session-ID attribute present in message\n");
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 2, 0))
- return -1;
- }
- conn->peer_sid = assigned_sid->val.uint16;
- if (l2tp_send_ICRP(conn))
- return -1;
- if (l2tp_send_OCRQ(conn))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_ICCN(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (conn->state1 != STATE_WAIT_ICCN) {
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: unexpected ICCN\n");
- return 0;
- }
- conn->state1 = STATE_ESTB;
- if (l2tp_connect(conn)) {
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 2, 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (l2tp_send_ZLB(conn))
- return -1;
- triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer);
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_OCRP(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (conn->state2 != STATE_WAIT_OCRP) {
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: unexpected OCRP\n");
- return 0;
- }
- conn->state2 = STATE_WAIT_OCCN;
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_OCCN(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (conn->state2 != STATE_WAIT_OCCN) {
- log_ppp_warn("l2tp: unexpected OCCN\n");
- return 0;
- }
- conn->state2 = STATE_ESTB;
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_CDN(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- if (ntohs(pack->hdr.sid) != conn->sid) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: sid %i is incorrect\n", ntohs(pack->hdr.sid));
- return 0;
- }
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_FIN;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1);
- }
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 0, 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_recv_SLI(struct l2tp_conn_t *conn, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- return 0;
-static int l2tp_conn_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct l2tp_conn_t *conn = container_of(h, typeof(*conn), hnd);
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, *p;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *msg_type;
- while (1) {
- if (l2tp_recv(h->fd, &pack, NULL))
- return 0;
- if (!pack)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(pack->hdr.tid) != conn->tid) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect tid %i in tunnel %i\n", ntohs(pack->hdr.tid), conn->tid);
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- continue;
- }
- if (ntohs(pack->hdr.Ns) == conn->Nr + 1) {
- if (!list_empty(&pack->attrs))
- conn->Nr++;
- if (!list_empty(&conn->send_queue)) {
- p = list_entry(conn->, typeof(*pack), entry);
- list_del(&p->entry);
- l2tp_packet_free(p);
- conn->retransmit = 0;
- }
- if (!list_empty(&conn->send_queue))
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->rtimeout_timer, 0);
- else {
- if (conn->rtimeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->rtimeout_timer);
- if (conn->state == STATE_FIN)
- goto drop;
- }
- } else {
- if (ntohs(pack->hdr.Ns) < conn->Nr + 1 || (ntohs(pack->hdr.Ns > 32767 && conn->Nr + 1 < 32767))) {
- log_ppp_debug("duplicate packet\n");
- if (l2tp_send_ZLB(conn))
- goto drop;
- } else
- log_ppp_debug("reordered packet\n");
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- continue;
- }
- if (list_empty(&pack->attrs)) {
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- continue;
- }
- msg_type = list_entry(pack->, typeof(*msg_type), entry);
- if (msg_type->attr->id != Message_Type) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_error("l2tp: first attribute is not Message-Type, dropping connection...\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- if (conf_verbose) {
- if (msg_type->val.uint16 == Message_Type_Hello) {
- log_ppp_debug("recv ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_debug);
- } else {
- log_ppp_info2("recv ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- }
- switch (msg_type->val.uint16) {
- case Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Connected:
- if (l2tp_recv_SCCCN(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Stop_Ctrl_Conn_Notify:
- if (l2tp_recv_StopCCN(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Hello:
- if (l2tp_recv_HELLO(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Request:
- if (l2tp_recv_ICRQ(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Connected:
- if (l2tp_recv_ICCN(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Reply:
- if (l2tp_recv_OCRP(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Connected:
- if (l2tp_recv_OCCN(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Call_Disconnect_Notify:
- if (l2tp_recv_CDN(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Set_Link_Info:
- if (l2tp_recv_SLI(conn, pack))
- goto drop;
- break;
- case Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Request:
- case Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Reply:
- case Message_Type_Outgoing_Call_Request:
- case Message_Type_Incoming_Call_Reply:
- case Message_Type_WAN_Error_Notify:
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: unexpected Message-Type %i\n", msg_type->val.uint16);
- break;
- default:
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: unknown Message-Type %i\n", msg_type->val.uint16);
- if (msg_type->M) {
- if (l2tp_terminate(conn, 2, 8))
- goto drop;
- }
- }
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- }
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- l2tp_disconnect(conn);
- return -1;
-static int l2tp_udp_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct l2tp_serv_t *serv = container_of(h, typeof(*serv), hnd);
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *msg_type;
- struct in_pktinfo pkt_info;
- while (1) {
- if (l2tp_recv(h->fd, &pack, &pkt_info))
- break;
- if (!pack)
- continue;
- if (iprange_client_check(pack->addr.sin_addr.s_addr)) {
- log_warn("l2tp: IP is out of client-ip-range, droping connection...\n");
- goto skip;
- }
- if (pack->hdr.tid)
- goto skip;
- if (list_empty(&pack->attrs)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: to Message-Type attribute present\n");
- goto skip;
- }
- msg_type = list_entry(pack->, typeof(*msg_type), entry);
- if (msg_type->attr->id != Message_Type) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: first attribute is not Message-Type\n");
- goto skip;
- }
- if (msg_type->val.uint16 == Message_Type_Start_Ctrl_Conn_Request)
- l2tp_recv_SCCRQ(serv, pack, &pkt_info);
- else {
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_warn("recv (unexpected) ");
- l2tp_packet_print(pack, log_ppp_warn);
- }
- }
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- }
- return 0;
-static void l2tp_udp_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct l2tp_serv_t *serv = container_of(ctx, typeof(*serv), ctx);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&serv->hnd);
- close(serv->hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(&serv->ctx);
-static struct l2tp_serv_t udp_serv =
- = l2tp_udp_read,
- .ctx.close = l2tp_udp_close,
- .ctx.before_switch = log_switch,
-/*static struct l2tp_serv_t ip_serv =
- .ctx.close=l2tp_ip_close,
-static void start_udp_server(void)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- char *opt;
- int flag = 1;
- udp_serv.hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (udp_serv.hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(L2TP_PORT);
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "bind");
- if (opt)
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(opt);
- else
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- setsockopt(udp_serv.hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &udp_serv.hnd.fd, sizeof(udp_serv.hnd.fd));
- setsockopt(udp_serv.hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NO_CHECK, &udp_serv.hnd.fd, sizeof(udp_serv.hnd.fd));
- if (bind (udp_serv.hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(udp_serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(udp_serv.hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(udp_serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (setsockopt(udp_serv.hnd.fd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_PKTINFO, &flag, sizeof(flag))) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: setsockopt(IP_PKTINFO): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(udp_serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- memcpy(&udp_serv.addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
- triton_context_register(&udp_serv.ctx, NULL);
- triton_md_register_handler(&udp_serv.ctx, &udp_serv.hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&udp_serv.hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&udp_serv.ctx);
-static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "l2tp:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client, " starting: %u\r\n", stat_starting);
- cli_sendv(client, " active: %u\r\n", stat_active);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "hello-interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_hello_interval = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "rtimeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_rtimeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "retransmit");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_retransmit = atoi(opt);
- if (conf_host_name)
- _free(conf_host_name);
- opt = conf_get_opt("l2tp", "host-name");
- if (opt)
- conf_host_name = _strdup(opt);
- else
- conf_host_name = NULL;
-static void __init l2tp_init(void)
- l2tp_conn = malloc(L2TP_MAX_TID * sizeof(void *));
- memset(l2tp_conn, 0, L2TP_MAX_TID * sizeof(void *));
- l2tp_conn_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct l2tp_conn_t));
- load_config();
- start_udp_server();
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(&show_stat_exec, NULL, 2, "show", "stat");
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9b8e0b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __L2TP_H
-#define __L2TP_H
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "l2tp_prot.h"
-#define ATTR_TYPE_NONE 0
-#define ATTR_TYPE_INT16 1
-#define ATTR_TYPE_INT32 2
-#define ATTR_TYPE_INT64 3
-#define L2TP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 65536
-#define L2TP_MAX_TID 65534
-#define L2TP_V2_PROTOCOL_VERSION ( 1 << 8 | 0 )
-typedef union
- uint32_t uint32;
- int32_t int32;
- uint16_t uint16;
- int16_t int16;
- uint64_t uint64;
- uint8_t *octets;
- char *string;
-} l2tp_value_t;
-struct l2tp_dict_attr_t
- struct list_head entry;
- const char *name;
- int id;
- int type;
- int M;
- int H;
- struct list_head values;
-struct l2tp_dict_value_t
- struct list_head entry;
- const char *name;
- l2tp_value_t val;
-struct l2tp_attr_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr;
- int M:1;
- int H:1;
- int length;
- l2tp_value_t val;
-struct l2tp_packet_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- struct l2tp_hdr_t hdr;
- struct list_head attrs;
-extern int conf_verbose;
-struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_name(const char *name);
-struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_id(int id);
-struct l2tp_dict_value_t *l2tp_dict_find_value(struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *attr, l2tp_value_t val);
-int l2tp_recv(int fd, struct l2tp_packet_t **, struct in_pktinfo *);
-void l2tp_packet_free(struct l2tp_packet_t *);
-void l2tp_packet_print(struct l2tp_packet_t *, void (*print)(const char *fmt, ...));
-struct l2tp_packet_t *l2tp_packet_alloc(int ver, int msg_type, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-int l2tp_packet_send(int sock, struct l2tp_packet_t *);
-int l2tp_packet_add_int16(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, int16_t val, int M);
-int l2tp_packet_add_int32(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, int32_t val, int M);
-int l2tp_packet_add_string(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, const char *val, int M);
-int l2tp_packet_add_octets(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, const uint8_t *val, int size, int M);
-void l2tp_nl_create_tunnel(int fd, int tid, int peer_tid);
-void l2tp_nl_create_session(int tid, int sid, int peer_sid);
-void l2tp_nl_delete_tunnel(int tid);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_kernel.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_kernel.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bdb31df..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_kernel.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
- * L2TP-over-IP socket for L2TPv3.
- *
- * Author: James Chapman <>
- */
-#ifndef _LINUX_L2TP_H_
-#define _LINUX_L2TP_H_
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/socket.h>
-#include <linux/in.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#define IPPROTO_L2TP 115
- * struct sockaddr_l2tpip - the sockaddr structure for L2TP-over-IP sockets
- * @l2tp_family: address family number AF_L2TPIP.
- * @l2tp_addr: protocol specific address information
- * @l2tp_conn_id: connection id of tunnel
- */
-#define __SOCK_SIZE__ 16 /* sizeof(struct sockaddr) */
-struct sockaddr_l2tpip {
- /* The first fields must match struct sockaddr_in */
- sa_family_t l2tp_family; /* AF_INET */
- __be16 l2tp_unused; /* INET port number (unused) */
- struct in_addr l2tp_addr; /* Internet address */
- __u32 l2tp_conn_id; /* Connection ID of tunnel */
- /* Pad to size of `struct sockaddr'. */
- unsigned char __pad[sizeof(struct sockaddr) - sizeof(sa_family_t) -
- sizeof(__be16) - sizeof(struct in_addr) -
- sizeof(__u32)];
- * NETLINK_GENERIC netlink family.
- *****************************************************************************/
- * Commands.
- * Valid TLVs of each command are:-
- * TUNNEL_CREATE - CONN_ID, pw_type, netns, ifname, ipinfo, udpinfo, udpcsum, vlanid
- * TUNNEL_MODIFY - CONN_ID, udpcsum
- * TUNNEL_GET - CONN_ID, (...)
- * SESSION_CREATE - SESSION_ID, PW_TYPE, offset, data_seq, cookie, peer_cookie, offset, l2spec
- *
- */
-enum {
-#define L2TP_CMD_MAX (__L2TP_CMD_MAX - 1)
- * ATTR types defined for L2TP
- */
-enum {
- L2TP_ATTR_NONE, /* no data */
- L2TP_ATTR_PW_TYPE, /* u16, enum l2tp_pwtype */
- L2TP_ATTR_ENCAP_TYPE, /* u16, enum l2tp_encap_type */
- L2TP_ATTR_OFFSET, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_DATA_SEQ, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_L2SPEC_TYPE, /* u8, enum l2tp_l2spec_type */
- L2TP_ATTR_L2SPEC_LEN, /* u8, enum l2tp_l2spec_type */
- L2TP_ATTR_IFNAME, /* string */
- L2TP_ATTR_CONN_ID, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_PEER_CONN_ID, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_SESSION_ID, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_UDP_CSUM, /* u8 */
- L2TP_ATTR_VLAN_ID, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_COOKIE, /* 0, 4 or 8 bytes */
- L2TP_ATTR_PEER_COOKIE, /* 0, 4 or 8 bytes */
- L2TP_ATTR_DEBUG, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_RECV_SEQ, /* u8 */
- L2TP_ATTR_SEND_SEQ, /* u8 */
- L2TP_ATTR_LNS_MODE, /* u8 */
- L2TP_ATTR_RECV_TIMEOUT, /* msec */
- L2TP_ATTR_FD, /* int */
- L2TP_ATTR_IP_SADDR, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_IP_DADDR, /* u32 */
- L2TP_ATTR_UDP_SPORT, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_UDP_DPORT, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_MTU, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_MRU, /* u16 */
- L2TP_ATTR_STATS, /* nested */
-#define L2TP_ATTR_MAX (__L2TP_ATTR_MAX - 1)
-/* Nested in L2TP_ATTR_STATS */
-enum {
- L2TP_ATTR_STATS_NONE, /* no data */
- L2TP_ATTR_TX_PACKETS, /* u64 */
- L2TP_ATTR_TX_BYTES, /* u64 */
- L2TP_ATTR_TX_ERRORS, /* u64 */
- L2TP_ATTR_RX_PACKETS, /* u64 */
- L2TP_ATTR_RX_BYTES, /* u64 */
- L2TP_ATTR_RX_ERRORS, /* u64 */
-enum l2tp_pwtype {
- L2TP_PWTYPE_NONE = 0x0000,
- L2TP_PWTYPE_ETH_VLAN = 0x0004,
- L2TP_PWTYPE_ETH = 0x0005,
- L2TP_PWTYPE_PPP = 0x0007,
- L2TP_PWTYPE_PPP_AC = 0x0008,
- L2TP_PWTYPE_IP = 0x000b,
-enum l2tp_l2spec_type {
-enum l2tp_encap_type {
-enum l2tp_seqmode {
- L2TP_SEQ_NONE = 0,
- L2TP_SEQ_IP = 1,
- L2TP_SEQ_ALL = 2,
- * NETLINK_GENERIC related info
- */
-#define L2TP_GENL_NAME "l2tp"
-#define L2TP_GENL_VERSION 0x1
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_prot.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_prot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1d9dae..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/l2tp_prot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __L2TP_PROT_H
-#define __L2TP_PROT_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define L2TP_PORT 1701
-struct l2tp_hdr_t
- uint8_t P:1;
- uint8_t O:1;
- uint8_t reserved2:1;
- uint8_t S:1;
- uint8_t reserved1:2;
- uint8_t L:1;
- uint8_t T:1;
- uint8_t ver:4;
- uint8_t reserved3:4;
- uint16_t length;
- union {
- struct {
- uint16_t tid;
- uint16_t sid;
- };
- uint32_t cid;
- };
- uint16_t Ns;
- uint16_t Nr;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/*#define L2TP_T(hdr) (hdr->flags >> 15)
-#define L2TP_L(hdr) ((hdr->flags >> 14) & 1)
-#define L2TP_S(hdr) ((hdr->flags >> 10) & 1)
-#define L2TP_O(hdr) ((hdr->flags >> 8) & 1)
-#define L2TP_VER(hdr) (hdr->flags & 0xf)*/
-struct l2tp_avp_t
- uint16_t length:10;
- uint16_t reserved:4;
- uint16_t H:1;
- uint16_t M:1;
- uint16_t vendor;
- uint16_t type;
- uint8_t val[0];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct l2tp_avp_result_code
- uint16_t result_code;
- uint16_t error_code;
-} __attribute__((packed));
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/netlink.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/netlink.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c8c79a6..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/netlink.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-#include <netlink/netlink.h>
-#include <netlink/genl/genl.h>
-#include <netlink/genl/ctrl.h>
-#include "l2tp_kernel.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-static int family;
-void l2tp_nl_delete_tunnel(int tid)
- struct nl_sock *nl_sock;
- struct nl_msg *msg;
- nl_sock = nl_socket_alloc();
- msg = nlmsg_alloc();
- genl_connect(nl_sock);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_CONN_ID, tid);
- nl_send_auto_complete(nl_sock, msg);
- nl_recvmsgs_default(nl_sock);
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- nl_close(nl_sock);
- nl_socket_free(nl_sock);
-void l2tp_nl_create_tunnel(int fd, int tid, int peer_tid)
- struct nl_sock *nl_sock;
- struct nl_msg *msg;
- nl_sock = nl_socket_alloc();
- msg = nlmsg_alloc();
- genl_connect(nl_sock);
- nla_put_u8(msg, L2TP_ATTR_PROTO_VERSION, 2);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_CONN_ID, tid);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_PEER_CONN_ID, peer_tid);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_FD, fd);
- //nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_DEBUG, 0xffffffff);
- nl_send_auto_complete(nl_sock, msg);
- nl_recvmsgs_default(nl_sock);
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- nl_close(nl_sock);
- nl_socket_free(nl_sock);
-void l2tp_nl_create_session(int tid, int sid, int peer_sid)
- struct nl_sock *nl_sock;
- struct nl_msg *msg;
- nl_sock = nl_socket_alloc();
- msg = nlmsg_alloc();
- genl_connect(nl_sock);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_CONN_ID, tid);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_SESSION_ID, sid);
- nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_PEER_SESSION_ID, peer_sid);
- nla_put_u16(msg, L2TP_ATTR_PW_TYPE, L2TP_PWTYPE_PPP);
- nla_put_u8(msg, L2TP_ATTR_LNS_MODE, 1);
- //nla_put_u32(msg, L2TP_ATTR_DEBUG, 0xffffffff);
- nl_send_auto_complete(nl_sock, msg);
- nl_recvmsgs_default(nl_sock);
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- nl_close(nl_sock);
- nl_socket_free(nl_sock);
-static void __init init(void)
- struct nl_sock *nl_sock = nl_socket_alloc();
- genl_connect(nl_sock);
- family = genl_ctrl_resolve(nl_sock, L2TP_GENL_NAME);
- nl_close(nl_sock);
- nl_socket_free(nl_sock);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/packet.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/packet.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f68965..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/l2tp/packet.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "l2tp.h"
-#include "attr_defs.h"
-static mempool_t attr_pool;
-static mempool_t pack_pool;
-static mempool_t buf_pool;
-void l2tp_packet_print(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, void (*print)(const char *fmt, ...))
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- struct l2tp_dict_value_t *val;
- if (pack->hdr.ver == 2) {
- print("[L2TP tid=%i sid=%i", ntohs(pack->hdr.tid), ntohs(pack->hdr.sid));
- log_ppp_debug(" Ns=%i Nr=%i", ntohs(pack->hdr.Ns), ntohs(pack->hdr.Nr));
- } else {
- print("[L2TP cid=%u", pack->hdr.cid);
- log_ppp_debug(" Ns=%i Nr=%i", ntohs(pack->hdr.Ns), ntohs(pack->hdr.Nr));
- }
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- print(" <%s", attr->attr->name);
- val = l2tp_dict_find_value(attr->attr, attr->val);
- if (val)
- print(" %s", val->name);
- else {
- switch (attr->attr->type) {
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT16:
- print(" %i", attr->val.int16);
- break;
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT32:
- print(" %i", attr->val.int32);
- break;
- print(" %s", attr->val.string);
- break;
- }
- }
- print(">");
- }
- print("]\n");
-struct l2tp_packet_t *l2tp_packet_alloc(int ver, int msg_type, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack = mempool_alloc(pack_pool);
- if (!pack)
- return NULL;
- memset(pack, 0, sizeof(*pack));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pack->attrs);
- pack->hdr.ver = ver;
- pack->hdr.T = 1;
- pack->hdr.L = 1;
- pack->hdr.S = 1;
- memcpy(&pack->addr, addr, sizeof(*addr));
- if (msg_type) {
- if (l2tp_packet_add_int16(pack, Message_Type, msg_type, 1)) {
- mempool_free(pack);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- return pack;
-void l2tp_packet_free(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- while (!list_empty(&pack->attrs)) {
- attr = list_entry(pack->, typeof(*attr), entry);
- if (attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_OCTETS || attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_STRING)
- _free(attr->val.octets);
- list_del(&attr->entry);
- mempool_free(attr);
- }
- mempool_free(pack);
-int l2tp_recv(int fd, struct l2tp_packet_t **p, struct in_pktinfo *pkt_info)
- int n, length;
- uint8_t *buf;
- struct l2tp_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct l2tp_avp_t *avp;
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *da;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr, *RV = NULL;
- uint8_t *ptr;
- struct l2tp_packet_t *pack;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
- struct msghdr msg;
- char msg_control[128];
- struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
- *p = NULL;
- if (pkt_info) {
- memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
- msg.msg_control = msg_control;
- msg.msg_controllen = 128;
- n = recvmsg(fd, &msg, MSG_PEEK);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return -1;
- log_error("l2tp: recvmsg: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg != NULL; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmsg)) {
- if (cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO) {
- memcpy(pkt_info, CMSG_DATA(cmsg), sizeof(*pkt_info));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- buf = mempool_alloc(buf_pool);
- if (!buf) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- return 0;
- }
- hdr = (struct l2tp_hdr_t *)buf;
- ptr = (uint8_t *)(hdr + 1);
- n = recvfrom(fd, buf, L2TP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0, &addr, &len);
- if (n < 0) {
- mempool_free(buf);
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return -1;
- log_error("l2tp: recv: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- if (n < sizeof(*hdr)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: short packet received (%i/%i)\n", n, sizeof(*hdr));
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- if (n < ntohs(hdr->length)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: short packet received (%i/%i)\n", n, ntohs(hdr->length));
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- if (hdr->T == 0)
- goto out_err_hdr;
- if (hdr->ver == 2) {
- if (hdr->L == 0) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect message received (L=0)\n");
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- if (hdr->S == 0) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect message received (S=0)\n");
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- if (hdr->O == 1) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect message received (O=1)\n");
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- } else if (hdr->ver != 3) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: protocol version %i is not supported\n", hdr->ver);
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- pack = mempool_alloc(pack_pool);
- if (!pack) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err_hdr;
- }
- memset(pack, 0, sizeof(*pack));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pack->attrs);
- memcpy(&pack->addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
- memcpy(&pack->hdr, hdr, sizeof(*hdr));
- length = ntohs(hdr->length) - sizeof(*hdr);
- while (length) {
- *(uint16_t *)ptr = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)ptr);
- avp = (struct l2tp_avp_t *)ptr;
- if (avp->length > length) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect avp received (exceeds message length)\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (avp->vendor)
- goto skip;
- da = l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_id(ntohs(avp->type));
- if (!da) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: unknown avp received (type=%i, M=%u)\n", ntohs(avp->type), avp->M);
- if (avp->M)
- goto out_err;
- } else {
- if (da->M != -1 && da->M != avp->M) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect avp received (type=%i, M=%i, must be %i)\n", ntohs(avp->type), avp->M, da->M);
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (da->H != -1 && da->H != avp->H) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect avp received (type=%i, H=%i, must be %i)\n", ntohs(avp->type), avp->H, da->H);
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (avp->H) {
- if (!RV) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect avp received (type=%i, H=1, but Random-Vector is not received)\n", ntohs(avp->type));
- goto out_err;
- } else {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: hidden avp received (type=%i)\n", ntohs(avp->type));
- }
- }
- attr = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- attr->attr = da;
- attr->M = avp->M;
- attr->H = avp->H;
- attr->length = avp->length - sizeof(*avp);
- if (attr->attr->id == Random_Vector)
- RV = attr;
- switch (da->type) {
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT16:
- if (avp->length != sizeof(*avp) + 2)
- goto out_err_len;
- attr->val.uint16 = ntohs(*(uint16_t *)avp->val);
- break;
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT32:
- if (avp->length != sizeof(*avp) + 4)
- goto out_err_len;
- attr->val.uint32 = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)avp->val);
- break;
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT64:
- if (avp->length != sizeof(*avp) + 8)
- goto out_err_len;
- attr->val.uint64 = *(uint64_t *)avp->val;
- break;
- attr->val.octets = _malloc(attr->length);
- if (!attr->val.octets)
- goto out_err_mem;
- memcpy(attr->val.octets, avp->val, attr->length);
- break;
- attr->val.string = _malloc(attr->length + 1);
- if (!attr->val.string)
- goto out_err_mem;
- memcpy(attr->val.string, avp->val, attr->length);
- attr->val.string[attr->length] = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- ptr += avp->length;
- length -= avp->length;
- }
- *p = pack;
- mempool_free(buf);
- return 0;
- l2tp_packet_free(pack);
- mempool_free(buf);
- return 0;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: incorrect avp received (type=%i, incorrect length %i)\n", ntohs(avp->type), avp->length);
- goto out_err;
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
-int l2tp_packet_send(int sock, struct l2tp_packet_t *pack)
- uint8_t *buf = mempool_alloc(buf_pool);
- struct l2tp_avp_t *avp;
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- uint8_t *ptr;
- int n;
- int len = sizeof(pack->hdr);
- if (!buf) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(buf, 0, L2TP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
- ptr = buf + sizeof(pack->hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (len + sizeof(*avp) + attr->length >= L2TP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
- log_error("l2tp: cann't send packet (exceeds maximum size)\n");
- mempool_free(buf);
- return -1;
- }
- avp = (struct l2tp_avp_t *)ptr;
- avp->type = htons(attr->attr->id);
- avp->M = attr->M;
- avp->H = attr->H;
- avp->length = sizeof(*avp) + attr->length;
- *(uint16_t *)ptr = htons(*(uint16_t *)ptr);
- switch (attr->attr->type) {
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT16:
- *(int16_t *)avp->val = htons(attr->val.int16);
- break;
- case ATTR_TYPE_INT32:
- *(int32_t *)avp->val = htonl(attr->val.int32);
- break;
- memcpy(avp->val, attr->val.string, attr->length);
- break;
- }
- ptr += sizeof(*avp) + attr->length;
- len += sizeof(*avp) + attr->length;
- }
- pack->hdr.length = htons(len);
- memcpy(buf, &pack->hdr, sizeof(pack->hdr));
- n = write(sock, buf, ntohs(pack->hdr.length));
- mempool_free(buf);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: buffer overflow (packet lost)\n");
- } else {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: sendto: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (n != ntohs(pack->hdr.length)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("l2tp: short write (%i/%i)\n", n, ntohs(pack->hdr.length));
- }
- return 0;
-static struct l2tp_attr_t *attr_alloc(int id, int M)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr;
- struct l2tp_dict_attr_t *da;
- da = l2tp_dict_find_attr_by_id(id);
- if (!da)
- return NULL;
- attr = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!attr) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
- attr->attr = da;
- if (da->M != -1)
- attr->M = da->M;
- else
- attr->M = M;
- //if (da->H != -1)
- //attr->H = da->H;
- return attr;
-int l2tp_packet_add_int16(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, int16_t val, int M)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr = attr_alloc(id, M);
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- attr->length = 2;
- attr->val.int16 = val;
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- return 0;
-int l2tp_packet_add_int32(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, int32_t val, int M)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr = attr_alloc(id, M);
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- attr->length = 4;
- attr->val.int32 = val;
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- return 0;
-int l2tp_packet_add_string(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, const char *val, int M)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr = attr_alloc(id, M);
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- attr->length = strlen(val);
- attr->val.string = _strdup(val);
- if (!attr->val.string) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- mempool_free(attr);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(attr->val.string, val, attr->length);
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- return 0;
-int l2tp_packet_add_octets(struct l2tp_packet_t *pack, int id, const uint8_t *val, int size, int M)
- struct l2tp_attr_t *attr = attr_alloc(id, M);
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- attr->length = size;
- attr->val.octets = _malloc(size);
- if (!attr->val.string) {
- log_emerg("l2tp: out of memory\n");
- mempool_free(attr);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(attr->val.octets, val, attr->length);
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- return 0;
-static void __init init(void)
- attr_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct l2tp_attr_t));
- pack_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct l2tp_packet_t));
- buf_pool = mempool_create(L2TP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f047936e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- pppoe.c
- mac_filter.c
- dpado.c
- cli.c
-SET(sources ${sources} tr101.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(pppoe SHARED ${sources})
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/cli.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/cli.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9929f669..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/cli.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <net/ethernet.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "pppoe.h"
-static void show_interfaces(void *cli)
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv;
- cli_send(cli, "interface: connections: state:\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "-----------------------------------\r\n");
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&serv_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(serv, &serv_list, entry) {
- cli_sendv(cli, "%9s %11u %6s\r\n", serv->ifname, serv->conn_cnt, serv->stopping ? "stop" : "active");
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
-static void intf_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "pppoe interface add <name> - start pppoe server on specified interface\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "pppoe interface del <name> - stop pppoe server on specified interface and drop his connections\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "pppoe interface show - show interfaces on which pppoe server started\r\n");
-static int intf_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- if (fields_cnt == 2)
- goto help;
- if (fields_cnt == 3) {
- if (!strcmp(fields[2], "show"))
- show_interfaces(client);
- else
- goto help;
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- }
- if (fields_cnt != 4)
- goto help;
- if (!strcmp(fields[2], "add"))
- pppoe_server_start(fields[3], client);
- else if (!strcmp(fields[2], "del"))
- pppoe_server_stop(fields[3]);
- else
- goto help;
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- intf_help(fields, fields_cnt, client);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "pppoe:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client, " active: %u\r\n", stat_active);
- cli_sendv(client, " delayed PADO: %u\r\n", stat_delayed_pado);
- cli_sendv(client, " recv PADI: %lu\r\n", stat_PADI_recv);
- cli_sendv(client, " sent PADO: %lu\r\n", stat_PADO_sent);
- cli_sendv(client, " recv PADR(dup): %lu(%lu)\r\n", stat_PADR_recv, stat_PADR_dup_recv);
- cli_sendv(client, " sent PADS: %lu\r\n", stat_PADS_sent);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void set_verbose_help(char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe set verbose <n> - set verbosity of pppoe logging\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe set PADO-delay <delay[,delay1:count1[,delay2:count2[,...]]]> - set PADO delays (ms)\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe set Service-Name <name> - set Service-Name to respond\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe set Service-Name * - respond with client's Service-Name\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe set AC-Name <name> - set AC-Name tag value\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe show verbose - show current verbose value\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe show PADO-delay - show current PADO delay value\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe show Service-Name - show current Service-Name value\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "pppoe show AC-Name - show current AC-Name tag value\r\n");
-static int show_verbose_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- cli_sendv(cli, "%i\r\n", conf_verbose);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int show_pado_delay_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- cli_sendv(cli, "%s\r\n", conf_pado_delay);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int show_service_name_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (conf_service_name)
- cli_sendv(cli, "%s\r\n", conf_service_name);
- else
- cli_sendv(cli, "*\r\n", conf_service_name);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int show_ac_name_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- cli_sendv(cli, "%s\r\n", conf_ac_name);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int set_verbose_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (!strcmp(f[3], "0"))
- conf_verbose = 0;
- else if (!strcmp(f[3], "1"))
- conf_verbose = 1;
- else
- return CLI_CMD_INVAL;
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int set_pado_delay_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (dpado_parse(f[3]))
- return CLI_CMD_INVAL;
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int set_service_name_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (conf_service_name)
- _free(conf_service_name);
- if (!strcmp(f[3], "*"))
- conf_service_name = NULL;
- else
- conf_service_name = _strdup(f[3]);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static int set_ac_name_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- if (f_cnt != 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- _free(conf_ac_name);
- conf_ac_name = _strdup(f[3]);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void __init init(void)
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_stat_exec, NULL, 2, "show", "stat");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(intf_exec, intf_help, 2, "pppoe", "interface");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(set_verbose_exec, set_verbose_help, 3, "pppoe", "set", "verbose");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(set_pado_delay_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "set", "PADO-delay");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(set_service_name_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "set", "Service-Name");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(set_ac_name_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "set", "AC-Name");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_verbose_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "show", "verbose");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_pado_delay_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "show", "PADO-delay");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_service_name_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "show", "Service-Name");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_ac_name_exec, NULL, 3, "pppoe", "show", "AC-Name");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/dpado.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/dpado.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f565198..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/dpado.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <net/ethernet.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "pppoe.h"
-struct dpado_range_t
- struct list_head entry;
- unsigned int conn_cnt;
- int pado_delay;
-static pthread_mutex_t dpado_range_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(dpado_range_list);
-static struct dpado_range_t *dpado_range_next;
-static struct dpado_range_t *dpado_range_prev;
-int pado_delay;
-void dpado_check_next(int conn_cnt)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&dpado_range_lock);
- if (dpado_range_next && conn_cnt == dpado_range_next->conn_cnt) {
- pado_delay = dpado_range_next->pado_delay;
- dpado_range_prev = dpado_range_next;
- if (dpado_range_next-> != &dpado_range_list)
- dpado_range_next = list_entry(dpado_range_next->, typeof(*dpado_range_next), entry);
- else
- dpado_range_next = NULL;
- /*printf("active=%i, prev=%i:%i, next=%i:%i, pado_delay=%i\n", stat_active,
- dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->conn_cnt:0,
- dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->conn_cnt:0,
- pado_delay);*/
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&dpado_range_lock);
-void dpado_check_prev(int conn_cnt)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&dpado_range_lock);
- if (dpado_range_prev && conn_cnt == dpado_range_prev->conn_cnt) {
- dpado_range_next = dpado_range_prev;
- dpado_range_prev = list_entry(dpado_range_prev->entry.prev, typeof(*dpado_range_prev), entry);
- pado_delay = dpado_range_prev->pado_delay;
- /*printf("active=%i, prev=%i:%i, next=%i:%i, pado_delay=%i\n", stat_active,
- dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->conn_cnt:0,
- dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->conn_cnt:0,
- pado_delay);*/
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&dpado_range_lock);
-static void strip(char *str)
- char *ptr = str;
- char *endptr = strchr(str, 0);
- while (1) {
- ptr = strchr(ptr, ' ');
- if (ptr)
- memmove(ptr, ptr + 1, endptr - ptr - 1);
- else
- break;
- }
-int dpado_parse(const char *str)
- char *str1 = _strdup(str);
- char *ptr1, *ptr2, *ptr3, *endptr;
- LIST_HEAD(range_list);
- struct dpado_range_t *r;
- strip(str1);
- ptr1 = str1;
- while (1) {
- ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, ',');
- if (ptr2)
- *ptr2 = 0;
- ptr3 = strchr(ptr1, ':');
- if (ptr3)
- *ptr3 = 0;
- r = _malloc(sizeof(*r));
- memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
- r->pado_delay = strtol(ptr1, &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr)
- goto out_err;
- if (list_empty(&range_list))
- r->conn_cnt = INT_MAX;
- else {
- if (!ptr3)
- goto out_err;
- r->conn_cnt = strtol(ptr3 + 1, &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr)
- goto out_err;
- }
- list_add_tail(&r->entry, &range_list);
- //printf("parsed range: %i:%i\n", r->pado_delay, r->conn_cnt);
- if (!ptr2)
- break;
- ptr1 = ptr2 + 1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&dpado_range_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&dpado_range_list)) {
- r = list_entry(, typeof(*r), entry);
- list_del(&r->entry);
- _free(r);
- }
- dpado_range_next = NULL;
- dpado_range_prev = NULL;
- while (!list_empty(&range_list)) {
- r = list_entry(, typeof(*r), entry);
- list_del(&r->entry);
- list_add_tail(&r->entry, &dpado_range_list);
- if (!dpado_range_prev || stat_active >= r->conn_cnt)
- dpado_range_prev = r;
- else if (!dpado_range_next)
- dpado_range_next = r;
- }
- pado_delay = dpado_range_prev->pado_delay;
- if (conf_pado_delay)
- _free(conf_pado_delay);
- conf_pado_delay = _strdup(str);
- /*printf("active=%i, prev=%i:%i, next=%i:%i, pado_delay=%i\n", stat_active,
- dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_prev?dpado_range_prev->conn_cnt:0,
- dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->pado_delay:0,dpado_range_next?dpado_range_next->conn_cnt:0,
- pado_delay);*/
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&dpado_range_lock);
- _free(str1);
- return 0;
- _free(str1);
- log_emerg("pppoe: pado_delay: invalid format\n");
- return -1;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/mac_filter.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/mac_filter.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b101c67..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/mac_filter.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <net/ethernet.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "pppoe.h"
-struct mac_t
- struct list_head entry;
- uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
-static LIST_HEAD(mac_list);
-static int type; // -1 - disabled, 1 - allow, 0 - denied
-static pthread_rwlock_t lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static const char *conf_mac_filter;
-int mac_filter_check(const uint8_t *addr)
- struct mac_t *mac;
- int res = type;
- if (type == -1)
- return 0;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&lock);
- list_for_each_entry(mac, &mac_list, entry) {
- if (memcmp(mac->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN))
- continue;
- res = !type;
- break;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock);
- return res;
-static int mac_filter_load(const char *opt)
- struct mac_t *mac;
- FILE *f;
- char *c;
- char *name = _strdup(opt);
- char *buf = _malloc(1024);
- int n[ETH_ALEN];
- int i, line = 0;
- c = strstr(name, ",");
- if (!c)
- goto err_inval;
- *c = 0;
- if (!strcmp(c + 1, "allow"))
- type = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(c + 1, "deny"))
- type = 0;
- else
- goto err_inval;
- f = fopen(name, "r");
- if (!f) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: open '%s': %s\n", name, strerror(errno));
- goto err;
- }
- conf_mac_filter = opt;
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&lock);
- while (!list_empty(&mac_list)) {
- mac = list_entry(, typeof(*mac), entry);
- list_del(&mac->entry);
- _free(mac);
- }
- while (fgets(buf, 1024, f)) {
- line++;
- if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == ';' || buf[0] == '\n')
- continue;
- if (sscanf(buf, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
- n + 0, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4, n + 5) != 6) {
- log_warn("pppoe: mac-filter:%s:%i: address is invalid\n", name, line);
- continue;
- }
- mac = _malloc(sizeof(*mac));
- for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) {
- if (n[i] > 255) {
- log_warn("pppoe: mac-filter:%s:%i: address is invalid\n", name, line);
- _free(mac);
- continue;
- }
- mac->addr[i] = n[i];
- }
- list_add_tail(&mac->entry, &mac_list);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock);
- fclose(f);
- _free(name);
- _free(buf);
- return 0;
- log_emerg("pppoe: mac-filter format is invalid\n");
- _free(name);
- _free(buf);
- return -1;
-static void mac_filter_add(const char *addr, void *client)
- int n[ETH_ALEN];
- struct mac_t *mac;
- int i;
- if (sscanf(addr, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
- n + 0, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4, n + 5) != 6) {
- cli_send(client, "invalid format\r\n");
- return;
- }
- mac = _malloc(sizeof(*mac));
- for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) {
- if (n[i] > 255) {
- _free(mac);
- cli_send(client, "invalid format\r\n");
- return;
- }
- mac->addr[i] = n[i];
- }
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&lock);
- list_add_tail(&mac->entry, &mac_list);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock);
-static void mac_filter_del(const char *addr, void *client)
- int n[ETH_ALEN];
- uint8_t a[ETH_ALEN];
- struct mac_t *mac;
- int i;
- int found = 0;
- if (sscanf(addr, "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x",
- n + 0, n + 1, n + 2, n + 3, n + 4, n + 5) != 6) {
- cli_send(client, "invalid format\r\n");
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ETH_ALEN; i++) {
- if (n[i] > 255) {
- cli_send(client, "invalid format\r\n");
- return;
- }
- a[i] = n[i];
- }
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&lock);
- list_for_each_entry(mac, &mac_list, entry) {
- if (memcmp(a, mac->addr, ETH_ALEN))
- continue;
- list_del(&mac->entry);
- _free(mac);
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock);
- if (!found)
- cli_send(client, "not found\r\n");
-static void mac_filter_show(void *client)
- struct mac_t *mac;
- const char *filter_type;
- if (type == 0)
- filter_type = "deny";
- else if (type == 1)
- filter_type = "allow";
- else
- filter_type = "disabled";
- cli_sendv(client, "filter type: %s\r\n", filter_type);
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&lock);
- list_for_each_entry(mac, &mac_list, entry) {
- cli_sendv(client, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\r\n",
- mac->addr[0], mac->addr[1], mac->addr[2],
- mac->addr[3], mac->addr[4], mac->addr[5]);
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&lock);
-static void cmd_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client);
-static int cmd_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- if (fields_cnt == 2)
- goto help;
- if (!strcmp(fields[2], "reload")) {
- if (!conf_mac_filter)
- cli_send(client, "error: mac-filter was not specified in the config\r\n");
- else if (mac_filter_load(conf_mac_filter))
- cli_send(client, "error: check logs\r\n");
- } else if (!strcmp(fields[2], "add")) {
- if (fields_cnt != 4)
- goto help;
- mac_filter_add(fields[3], client);
- } else if (!strcmp(fields[2], "del")) {
- if (fields_cnt != 4)
- goto help;
- mac_filter_del(fields[3], client);
- } else if (!strcmp(fields[2], "show")) {
- mac_filter_show(client);
- }
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
- cmd_help(fields, fields_cnt, client);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void cmd_help(char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "pppoe mac-filter reload - reload mac-filter file\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "pppoe mac-filter add <address> - add address to mac-filter list\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "pppoe mac-filter del <address> - delete address from mac-filter list\r\n");
- cli_send(client, "pppoe mac-filter show - show current mac-filter list\r\n");
-static void __init init(void)
- const char *opt = conf_get_opt("pppoe", "mac-filter");
- if (!opt || mac_filter_load(opt))
- type = -1;
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(cmd_exec, cmd_help, 2, "pppoe", "mac-filter");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 95ae3944..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <net/ethernet.h>
-#include <netpacket/packet.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <printf.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include "events.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#ifdef RADIUS
-#include "radius.h"
-#include "pppoe.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct pppoe_conn_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv;
- int disc_sock;
- uint16_t sid;
- uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
- int ppp_started:1;
- struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid;
- struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq;
- struct pppoe_tag *service_name;
- struct pppoe_tag *tr101;
- uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_LENGTH];
- struct ppp_ctrl_t ctrl;
- struct ppp_t ppp;
-#ifdef RADIUS
- struct rad_plugin_t radius;
-struct delayed_pado_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_timer_t timer;
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv;
- uint8_t addr[ETH_ALEN];
- struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq;
- struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid;
- struct pppoe_tag *service_name;
-int conf_verbose;
-char *conf_service_name;
-char *conf_ac_name;
-int conf_ifname_in_sid;
-char *conf_pado_delay;
-static mempool_t conn_pool;
-static mempool_t pado_pool;
-unsigned int stat_active;
-unsigned int stat_delayed_pado;
-unsigned long stat_PADI_recv;
-unsigned long stat_PADO_sent;
-unsigned long stat_PADR_recv;
-unsigned long stat_PADR_dup_recv;
-unsigned long stat_PADS_sent;
-pthread_rwlock_t serv_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static uint8_t bc_addr[ETH_ALEN] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
-static void pppoe_send_PADT(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn);
-static void _server_stop(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv);
-void pppoe_server_free(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv);
-static int init_secret(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv);
-static void disconnect(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn)
- if (conn->ppp_started) {
- dpado_check_prev(__sync_fetch_and_sub(&stat_active, 1));
- conn->ppp_started = 0;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1);
- }
- pppoe_send_PADT(conn);
- close(conn->disc_sock);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, &conn->ppp);
- log_ppp_info1("disconnected\n");
- pthread_mutex_lock(&conn->serv->lock);
- conn->serv->conn[conn->sid] = NULL;
- list_del(&conn->entry);
- conn->serv->conn_cnt--;
- if (conn->serv->stopping && conn->serv->conn_cnt == 0) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn->serv->lock);
- pppoe_server_free(conn->serv);
- } else
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn->serv->lock);
- _free(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id);
- _free(conn->ctrl.called_station_id);
- _free(conn->service_name);
- if (conn->host_uniq)
- _free(conn->host_uniq);
- if (conn->relay_sid)
- _free(conn->relay_sid);
- triton_context_unregister(&conn->ctx);
- mempool_free(conn);
-static void ppp_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- log_ppp_debug("pppoe: ppp started\n");
-static void ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn = container_of(ppp, typeof(*conn), ppp);
- log_ppp_debug("pppoe: ppp finished\n");
- if (conn->ppp_started) {
- dpado_check_prev(__sync_fetch_and_sub(&stat_active, 1));
- conn->ppp_started = 0;
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (triton_event_func)disconnect, conn);
- }
-static void pppoe_conn_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn = container_of(ctx, typeof(*conn), ctx);
- if (conn->ppp_started)
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_ADMIN_RESET, 0);
- else
- disconnect(conn);
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static int pppoe_rad_send_access_request(struct rad_plugin_t *rad, struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn = container_of(rad, typeof(*conn), radius);
- if (conn->tr101)
- return tr101_send_access_request(conn->tr101, pack);
- return 0;
-static int pppoe_rad_send_accounting_request(struct rad_plugin_t *rad, struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn = container_of(rad, typeof(*conn), radius);
- if (conn->tr101)
- return tr101_send_accounting_request(conn->tr101, pack);
- return 0;
-static struct pppoe_conn_t *allocate_channel(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *addr, const struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq, const struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid, const struct pppoe_tag *service_name, const struct pppoe_tag *tr101, const uint8_t *cookie)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn;
- int sid;
- conn = mempool_alloc(conn_pool);
- if (!conn) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn));
- pthread_mutex_lock(&serv->lock);
- for (sid = serv->sid + 1; sid != serv->sid; sid++) {
- if (sid == MAX_SID)
- sid = 1;
- if (!serv->conn[sid]) {
- conn->sid = sid;
- serv->sid = sid;
- serv->conn[sid] = conn;
- list_add_tail(&conn->entry, &serv->conn_list);
- serv->conn_cnt++;
- break;
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
- if (!conn->sid) {
- log_warn("pppoe: no free sid available\n");
- mempool_free(conn);
- return NULL;
- }
- conn->serv = serv;
- memcpy(conn->addr, addr, ETH_ALEN);
- if (host_uniq) {
- conn->host_uniq = _malloc(sizeof(*host_uniq) + ntohs(host_uniq->tag_len));
- memcpy(conn->host_uniq, host_uniq, sizeof(*host_uniq) + ntohs(host_uniq->tag_len));
- }
- if (relay_sid) {
- conn->relay_sid = _malloc(sizeof(*relay_sid) + ntohs(relay_sid->tag_len));
- memcpy(conn->relay_sid, relay_sid, sizeof(*relay_sid) + ntohs(relay_sid->tag_len));
- }
- if (tr101) {
- conn->tr101 = _malloc(sizeof(*tr101) + ntohs(tr101->tag_len));
- memcpy(conn->tr101, tr101, sizeof(*tr101) + ntohs(tr101->tag_len));
- }
- conn->service_name = _malloc(sizeof(*service_name) + ntohs(service_name->tag_len));
- memcpy(conn->service_name, service_name, sizeof(*service_name) + ntohs(service_name->tag_len));
- memcpy(conn->cookie, cookie, COOKIE_LENGTH);
- conn->ctx.before_switch = log_switch;
- conn->ctx.close = pppoe_conn_close;
- conn->ctrl.ctx = &conn->ctx;
- conn->ctrl.started = ppp_started;
- conn->ctrl.finished = ppp_finished;
- conn->ctrl.max_mtu = MAX_PPPOE_MTU;
- conn-> = "pppoe";
- conn->ctrl.calling_station_id = _malloc(IFNAMSIZ + 19);
- conn->ctrl.called_station_id = _malloc(IFNAMSIZ + 19);
- if (conf_ifname_in_sid == 1 || conf_ifname_in_sid == 3)
- sprintf(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id, "%s:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", serv->ifname,
- addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
- else
- sprintf(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
- addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
- if (conf_ifname_in_sid == 2 || conf_ifname_in_sid == 3)
- sprintf(conn->ctrl.called_station_id, "%s:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", serv->ifname,
- serv->hwaddr[0], serv->hwaddr[1], serv->hwaddr[2], serv->hwaddr[3], serv->hwaddr[4], serv->hwaddr[5]);
- else
- sprintf(conn->ctrl.called_station_id, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
- serv->hwaddr[0], serv->hwaddr[1], serv->hwaddr[2], serv->hwaddr[3], serv->hwaddr[4], serv->hwaddr[5]);
- ppp_init(&conn->ppp);
- conn->ppp.ctrl = &conn->ctrl;
- conn->ppp.chan_name = conn->ctrl.calling_station_id;
- triton_context_register(&conn->ctx, &conn->ppp);
- triton_context_wakeup(&conn->ctx);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTING, &conn->ppp);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTED, &conn->ppp);
- conn->disc_sock = dup(serv->hnd.fd);
- return conn;
-static void connect_channel(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn)
- int sock;
- struct sockaddr_pppox sp;
- sock = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_STREAM, PX_PROTO_OE);
- if (!sock) {
- log_error("pppoe: socket(PPPOX): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- memset(&sp, 0, sizeof(sp));
- sp.sa_family = AF_PPPOX;
- sp.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_OE;
- sp.sa_addr.pppoe.sid = htons(conn->sid);
- strcpy(, conn->serv->ifname);
- memcpy(sp.sa_addr.pppoe.remote, conn->addr, ETH_ALEN);
- if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sp, sizeof(sp))) {
- log_error("pppoe: connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err_close;
- }
- conn->ppp.fd = sock;
- if (establish_ppp(&conn->ppp))
- goto out_err_close;
-#ifdef RADIUS
- if (conn->tr101) {
- conn->radius.send_access_request = pppoe_rad_send_access_request;
- conn->radius.send_accounting_request = pppoe_rad_send_accounting_request;
- rad_register_plugin(&conn->ppp, &conn->radius);
- }
- conn->ppp_started = 1;
- dpado_check_next(__sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1));
- return;
- close(sock);
- disconnect(conn);
-static struct pppoe_conn_t *find_channel(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *cookie)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn;
- list_for_each_entry(conn, &serv->conn_list, entry)
- if (!memcmp(conn->cookie, cookie, COOKIE_LENGTH))
- return conn;
- return NULL;
-static void print_tag_string(struct pppoe_tag *tag)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ntohs(tag->tag_len); i++)
- log_info2("%c", tag->tag_data[i]);
-static void print_tag_octets(struct pppoe_tag *tag)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ntohs(tag->tag_len); i++)
- log_info2("%02x", (uint8_t)tag->tag_data[i]);
-static void print_packet(uint8_t *pack)
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_tag *tag;
- int n;
- log_info2("[PPPoE ");
- switch (hdr->code) {
- case CODE_PADI:
- log_info2("PADI");
- break;
- case CODE_PADO:
- log_info2("PADO");
- break;
- case CODE_PADR:
- log_info2("PADR");
- break;
- case CODE_PADS:
- log_info2("PADS");
- break;
- case CODE_PADT:
- log_info2("PADT");
- break;
- }
- log_info2(" %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x => %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
- ethhdr->h_source[0], ethhdr->h_source[1], ethhdr->h_source[2], ethhdr->h_source[3], ethhdr->h_source[4], ethhdr->h_source[5],
- ethhdr->h_dest[0], ethhdr->h_dest[1], ethhdr->h_dest[2], ethhdr->h_dest[3], ethhdr->h_dest[4], ethhdr->h_dest[5]);
- log_info2(" sid=%04x", ntohs(hdr->sid));
- for (n = 0; n < ntohs(hdr->length); n += sizeof(*tag) + ntohs(tag->tag_len)) {
- tag = (struct pppoe_tag *)(pack + ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + n);
- switch (ntohs(tag->tag_type)) {
- log_info2(" <End-Of-List>");
- break;
- log_info2(" <Service-Name ");
- print_tag_string(tag);
- log_info2(">");
- break;
- case TAG_AC_NAME:
- log_info2(" <AC-Name ");
- print_tag_string(tag);
- log_info2(">");
- break;
- log_info2(" <Host-Uniq ");
- print_tag_octets(tag);
- log_info2(">");
- break;
- log_info2(" <AC-Cookie ");
- print_tag_octets(tag);
- log_info2(">");
- break;
- if (ntohs(tag->tag_len) < 4)
- log_info2(" <Vendor-Specific invalid>");
- else
- log_info2(" <Vendor-Specific %x>", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)tag->tag_data));
- break;
- log_info2(" <Relay-Session-Id");
- print_tag_octets(tag);
- log_info2(">");
- break;
- log_info2(" <Service-Name-Error>");
- break;
- log_info2(" <AC-System-Error>");
- break;
- log_info2(" <Generic-Error>");
- break;
- default:
- log_info2(" <Unknown (%x)>", ntohs(tag->tag_type));
- break;
- }
- }
- log_info2("]\n");
-static void generate_cookie(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *src, uint8_t *cookie)
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- DES_cblock key;
- DES_key_schedule ks;
- int i;
- union {
- DES_cblock b[3];
- uint8_t raw[24];
- } u1, u2;
- memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
- DES_random_key(&key);
- DES_set_key(&key, &ks);
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, serv->secret, SECRET_LENGTH);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, serv->hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, src, ETH_ALEN);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, &key, 8);
- MD5_Final(u1.raw, &ctx);
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&u1.b[i], &u2.b[i], &ks, DES_ENCRYPT);
- memcpy(u2.b[2], &key, 8);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&u2.b[i], &u1.b[i], &serv->des_ks, DES_ENCRYPT);
- memcpy(cookie, u1.raw, 24);
-static int check_cookie(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *cookie)
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- DES_key_schedule ks;
- int i;
- union {
- DES_cblock b[3];
- uint8_t raw[24];
- } u1, u2;
- memcpy(u1.raw, cookie, 24);
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&u1.b[i], &u2.b[i], &serv->des_ks, DES_DECRYPT);
- if (DES_set_key_checked(&u2.b[2], &ks))
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- DES_ecb_encrypt(&u2.b[i], &u1.b[i], &ks, DES_DECRYPT);
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, serv->secret, SECRET_LENGTH);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, serv->hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, src, ETH_ALEN);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, u2.b[2], 8);
- MD5_Final(u2.raw, &ctx);
- return memcmp(u1.raw, u2.raw, 16);
-static void setup_header(uint8_t *pack, const uint8_t *src, const uint8_t *dst, int code, uint16_t sid)
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- memcpy(ethhdr->h_source, src, ETH_ALEN);
- memcpy(ethhdr->h_dest, dst, ETH_ALEN);
- ethhdr->h_proto = htons(ETH_P_PPP_DISC);
- hdr->ver = 1;
- hdr->type = 1;
- hdr->code = code;
- hdr->sid = htons(sid);
- hdr->length = 0;
-static void add_tag(uint8_t *pack, int type, const uint8_t *data, int len)
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_tag *tag = (struct pppoe_tag *)(pack + ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + ntohs(hdr->length));
- tag->tag_type = htons(type);
- tag->tag_len = htons(len);
- memcpy(tag->tag_data, data, len);
- hdr->length = htons(ntohs(hdr->length) + sizeof(*tag) + len);
-static void add_tag2(uint8_t *pack, const struct pppoe_tag *t)
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_tag *tag = (struct pppoe_tag *)(pack + ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + ntohs(hdr->length));
- memcpy(tag, t, sizeof(*t) + ntohs(t->tag_len));
- hdr->length = htons(ntohs(hdr->length) + sizeof(*tag) + ntohs(t->tag_len));
-static void pppoe_send(int fd, const uint8_t *pack)
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- int n, s;
- s = ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + ntohs(hdr->length);
- n = write(fd, pack, s);
- if (n < 0 )
- log_error("pppoe: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- else if (n != s) {
- log_warn("pppoe: short write %i/%i\n", n,s);
- }
-static void pppoe_send_PADO(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *addr, const struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq, const struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid, const struct pppoe_tag *service_name)
- uint8_t pack[ETHER_MAX_LEN];
- uint8_t cookie[COOKIE_LENGTH];
- setup_header(pack, serv->hwaddr, addr, CODE_PADO, 0);
- add_tag(pack, TAG_AC_NAME, (uint8_t *)conf_ac_name, strlen(conf_ac_name));
- if (conf_service_name)
- add_tag(pack, TAG_SERVICE_NAME, (uint8_t *)conf_service_name, strlen(conf_service_name));
- if (service_name)
- add_tag2(pack, service_name);
- generate_cookie(serv, addr, cookie);
- add_tag(pack, TAG_AC_COOKIE, cookie, COOKIE_LENGTH);
- if (host_uniq)
- add_tag2(pack, host_uniq);
- if (relay_sid)
- add_tag2(pack, relay_sid);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("send ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_PADO_sent, 1);
- pppoe_send(serv->hnd.fd, pack);
-static void pppoe_send_err(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, const uint8_t *addr, const struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq, const struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid, int code, int tag_type)
- uint8_t pack[ETHER_MAX_LEN];
- setup_header(pack, serv->hwaddr, addr, code, 0);
- add_tag(pack, TAG_AC_NAME, (uint8_t *)conf_ac_name, strlen(conf_ac_name));
- add_tag(pack, tag_type, NULL, 0);
- if (host_uniq)
- add_tag2(pack, host_uniq);
- if (relay_sid)
- add_tag2(pack, relay_sid);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("send ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- pppoe_send(serv->hnd.fd, pack);
-static void pppoe_send_PADS(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn)
- uint8_t pack[ETHER_MAX_LEN];
- setup_header(pack, conn->serv->hwaddr, conn->addr, CODE_PADS, conn->sid);
- add_tag(pack, TAG_AC_NAME, (uint8_t *)conf_ac_name, strlen(conf_ac_name));
- add_tag2(pack, conn->service_name);
- if (conn->host_uniq)
- add_tag2(pack, conn->host_uniq);
- if (conn->relay_sid)
- add_tag2(pack, conn->relay_sid);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("send ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_PADS_sent, 1);
- pppoe_send(conn->disc_sock, pack);
-static void pppoe_send_PADT(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn)
- uint8_t pack[ETHER_MAX_LEN];
- setup_header(pack, conn->serv->hwaddr, conn->addr, CODE_PADT, conn->sid);
- add_tag(pack, TAG_AC_NAME, (uint8_t *)conf_ac_name, strlen(conf_ac_name));
- add_tag2(pack, conn->service_name);
- if (conn->host_uniq)
- add_tag2(pack, conn->host_uniq);
- if (conn->relay_sid)
- add_tag2(pack, conn->relay_sid);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("send ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- pppoe_send(conn->disc_sock, pack);
-static void free_delayed_pado(struct delayed_pado_t *pado)
- triton_timer_del(&pado->timer);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_delayed_pado, 1);
- list_del(&pado->entry);
- if (pado->host_uniq)
- _free(pado->host_uniq);
- if (pado->relay_sid)
- _free(pado->relay_sid);
- if (pado->service_name)
- _free(pado->service_name);
- mempool_free(pado);
-static void pado_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct delayed_pado_t *pado = container_of(t, typeof(*pado), timer);
- if (!ppp_shutdown)
- pppoe_send_PADO(pado->serv, pado->addr, pado->host_uniq, pado->relay_sid, pado->service_name);
- free_delayed_pado(pado);
-static void pppoe_recv_PADI(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, uint8_t *pack, int size)
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_tag *tag;
- struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *service_name_tag = NULL;
- int n, service_match = 0;
- struct delayed_pado_t *pado;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_PADI_recv, 1);
- if (ppp_shutdown || pado_delay == -1)
- return;
- if (hdr->sid) {
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding PADI packet (sid is not zero)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("recv ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- for (n = 0; n < ntohs(hdr->length); n += sizeof(*tag) + ntohs(tag->tag_len)) {
- tag = (struct pppoe_tag *)(pack + ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + n);
- switch (ntohs(tag->tag_type)) {
- break;
- if (conf_service_name && tag->tag_len) {
- if (ntohs(tag->tag_len) != strlen(conf_service_name))
- break;
- if (memcmp(tag->tag_data, conf_service_name, ntohs(tag->tag_len)))
- break;
- service_match = 1;
- } else {
- service_name_tag = tag;
- service_match = 1;
- }
- break;
- host_uniq_tag = tag;
- break;
- relay_sid_tag = tag;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!service_match) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding PADI packet (Service-Name mismatch)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (pado_delay) {
- list_for_each_entry(pado, &serv->pado_list, entry) {
- if (memcmp(pado->addr, ethhdr->h_source, ETH_ALEN))
- continue;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding PADI packet (already queued)\n");
- return;
- }
- pado = mempool_alloc(pado_pool);
- memset(pado, 0, sizeof(*pado));
- pado->serv = serv;
- memcpy(pado->addr, ethhdr->h_source, ETH_ALEN);
- if (host_uniq_tag) {
- pado->host_uniq = _malloc(sizeof(*host_uniq_tag) + ntohs(host_uniq_tag->tag_len));
- memcpy(pado->host_uniq, host_uniq_tag, sizeof(*host_uniq_tag) + ntohs(host_uniq_tag->tag_len));
- }
- if (relay_sid_tag) {
- pado->relay_sid = _malloc(sizeof(*relay_sid_tag) + ntohs(relay_sid_tag->tag_len));
- memcpy(pado->relay_sid, relay_sid_tag, sizeof(*relay_sid_tag) + ntohs(relay_sid_tag->tag_len));
- }
- if (service_name_tag) {
- pado->service_name = _malloc(sizeof(*service_name_tag) + ntohs(service_name_tag->tag_len));
- memcpy(pado->service_name, service_name_tag, sizeof(*service_name_tag) + ntohs(service_name_tag->tag_len));
- }
- pado->timer.expire = pado_timer;
- pado->timer.period = pado_delay;
- triton_timer_add(&serv->ctx, &pado->timer, 0);
- list_add_tail(&pado->entry, &serv->pado_list);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_delayed_pado, 1);
- } else
- pppoe_send_PADO(serv, ethhdr->h_source, host_uniq_tag, relay_sid_tag, service_name_tag);
-static void pppoe_recv_PADR(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, uint8_t *pack, int size)
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_tag *tag;
- struct pppoe_tag *host_uniq_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *relay_sid_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *ac_cookie_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *service_name_tag = NULL;
- struct pppoe_tag *tr101_tag = NULL;
- int n, service_match = 0;
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn;
- int vendor_id;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_PADR_recv, 1);
- if (ppp_shutdown)
- return;
- if (!memcmp(ethhdr->h_dest, bc_addr, ETH_ALEN)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discard PADR (destination address is broadcast)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (hdr->sid) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding PADR packet (sid is not zero)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("recv ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- for (n = 0; n < ntohs(hdr->length); n += sizeof(*tag) + ntohs(tag->tag_len)) {
- tag = (struct pppoe_tag *)(pack + ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + n);
- switch (ntohs(tag->tag_type)) {
- break;
- service_name_tag = tag;
- if (tag->tag_len == 0)
- service_match = 1;
- else if (conf_service_name) {
- if (ntohs(tag->tag_len) != strlen(conf_service_name))
- break;
- if (memcmp(tag->tag_data, conf_service_name, ntohs(tag->tag_len)))
- break;
- service_match = 1;
- } else {
- service_match = 1;
- }
- break;
- host_uniq_tag = tag;
- break;
- ac_cookie_tag = tag;
- break;
- relay_sid_tag = tag;
- break;
- if (ntohs(tag->tag_len) < 4)
- continue;
- vendor_id = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)tag->tag_data);
- if (vendor_id == VENDOR_ADSL_FORUM)
- tr101_tag = tag;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ac_cookie_tag) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discard PADR packet (no AC-Cookie tag present)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (ntohs(ac_cookie_tag->tag_len) != COOKIE_LENGTH) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discard PADR packet (incorrect AC-Cookie tag length)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (check_cookie(serv, ethhdr->h_source, (uint8_t *)ac_cookie_tag->tag_data)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discard PADR packet (incorrect AC-Cookie)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (!service_match) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: Service-Name mismatch\n");
- pppoe_send_err(serv, ethhdr->h_source, host_uniq_tag, relay_sid_tag, CODE_PADS, TAG_SERVICE_NAME_ERROR);
- return;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&serv->lock);
- conn = find_channel(serv, (uint8_t *)ac_cookie_tag->tag_data);
- if (conn && !conn->ppp.username) {
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_PADR_dup_recv, 1);
- pppoe_send_PADS(conn);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
- if (conn)
- return;
- conn = allocate_channel(serv, ethhdr->h_source, host_uniq_tag, relay_sid_tag, service_name_tag, tr101_tag, (uint8_t *)ac_cookie_tag->tag_data);
- if (!conn)
- pppoe_send_err(serv, ethhdr->h_source, host_uniq_tag, relay_sid_tag, CODE_PADS, TAG_AC_SYSTEM_ERROR);
- else {
- pppoe_send_PADS(conn);
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (triton_event_func)connect_channel, conn);
- }
-static void pppoe_recv_PADT(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv, uint8_t *pack)
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn;
- if (!memcmp(ethhdr->h_dest, bc_addr, ETH_ALEN)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discard PADT (destination address is broadcast)\n");
- return;
- }
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_info2("recv ");
- print_packet(pack);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&serv->lock);
- conn = serv->conn[ntohs(hdr->sid)];
- if (conn && !memcmp(conn->addr, ethhdr->h_source, ETH_ALEN))
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void *))disconnect, conn);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
-static int pppoe_serv_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv = container_of(h, typeof(*serv), hnd);
- uint8_t pack[ETHER_MAX_LEN];
- struct ethhdr *ethhdr = (struct ethhdr *)pack;
- struct pppoe_hdr *hdr = (struct pppoe_hdr *)(pack + ETH_HLEN);
- int n;
- while (1) {
- n = read(h->fd, pack, sizeof(pack));
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- break;
- log_error("pppoe: read: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- if (n < ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: short packet received (%i)\n", n);
- continue;
- }
- if (mac_filter_check(ethhdr->h_source))
- continue;
- if (memcmp(ethhdr->h_dest, bc_addr, ETH_ALEN) && memcmp(ethhdr->h_dest, serv->hwaddr, ETH_ALEN))
- continue;
- if (!memcmp(ethhdr->h_source, bc_addr, ETH_ALEN)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding packet (host address is broadcast)\n");
- continue;
- }
- if ((ethhdr->h_source[0] & 1) != 0) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding packet (host address is not unicast)\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (n < ETH_HLEN + sizeof(*hdr) + ntohs(hdr->length)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: short packet received\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (hdr->ver != 1) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding packet (unsupported version %i)\n", hdr->ver);
- continue;
- }
- if (hdr->type != 1) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_warn("pppoe: discarding packet (unsupported type %i)\n", hdr->type);
- }
- switch (hdr->code) {
- case CODE_PADI:
- pppoe_recv_PADI(serv, pack, n);
- break;
- case CODE_PADR:
- pppoe_recv_PADR(serv, pack, n);
- break;
- case CODE_PADT:
- pppoe_recv_PADT(serv, pack);
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void pppoe_serv_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv = container_of(ctx, typeof(*serv), ctx);
- triton_md_disable_handler(&serv->hnd, MD_MODE_READ | MD_MODE_WRITE);
- serv->stopping = 1;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&serv->lock);
- if (!serv->conn_cnt) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
- pppoe_server_free(serv);
- return;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
-void pppoe_server_start(const char *ifname, void *cli)
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv;
- int sock;
- int opt = 1;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct sockaddr_ll sa;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&serv_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(serv, &serv_list, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(serv->ifname, ifname)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_send(cli, "error: already exists\r\n");
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
- return;
- }
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
- serv = _malloc(sizeof(*serv));
- memset(serv, 0, sizeof(*serv));
- if (init_secret(serv)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "init secret failed\r\n");
- _free(serv);
- return;
- }
- sock = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_PPP_DISC));
- if (sock < 0) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "socket: %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- _free(serv);
- return;
- }
- if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &opt, sizeof(opt))) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST): %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: setsockopt(SO_BROADCAST): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
- if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR): %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: ioctl(SIOCGIFHWADDR): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHDR_ETHER) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: interface %s is not ethernet\n", ifname);
- goto out_err;
- }
- if ((ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data[0] & 1) != 0) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "interface %s has not unicast address\r\n", ifname);
- log_emerg("pppoe: interface %s has not unicast address\n", ifname);
- goto out_err;
- }
- memcpy(serv->hwaddr, ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, ETH_ALEN);
- if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "ioctl(SIOCGIFMTU): %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: ioctl(SIOCGIFMTU): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (ifr.ifr_mtu < ETH_DATA_LEN) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "interface %s has MTU of %i, should be %i\r\n", ifname, ifr.ifr_mtu, ETH_DATA_LEN);
- log_emerg("pppoe: interface %s has MTU of %i, should be %i\n", ifname, ifr.ifr_mtu, ETH_DATA_LEN);
- }
- if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX): %s\r\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
- sa.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
- sa.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_PPP_DISC);
- sa.sll_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex;
- if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa))) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- if (cli)
- cli_sendv(cli, "failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- log_emerg("pppoe: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- serv->ctx.close = pppoe_serv_close;
- serv->ctx.before_switch = log_switch;
- serv->hnd.fd = sock;
- serv-> = pppoe_serv_read;
- serv->ifname = _strdup(ifname);
- pthread_mutex_init(&serv->lock, NULL);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&serv->conn_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&serv->pado_list);
- triton_context_register(&serv->ctx, NULL);
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv->ctx, &serv->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&serv->hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&serv->ctx);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&serv_lock);
- list_add_tail(&serv->entry, &serv_list);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
- return;
- close(sock);
- _free(serv);
-static void _conn_stop(struct pppoe_conn_t *conn)
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, 0, TERM_ADMIN_RESET);
-static void _server_stop(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv)
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn;
- if (serv->stopping)
- return;
- serv->stopping = 1;
- triton_md_disable_handler(&serv->hnd, MD_MODE_READ | MD_MODE_WRITE);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&serv->lock);
- if (!serv->conn_cnt) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
- pppoe_server_free(serv);
- return;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(conn, &serv->conn_list, entry)
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (triton_event_func)_conn_stop, conn);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&serv->lock);
-void pppoe_server_free(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv)
- struct delayed_pado_t *pado;
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&serv_lock);
- list_del(&serv->entry);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&serv->pado_list)) {
- pado = list_entry(serv->, typeof(*pado), entry);
- free_delayed_pado(pado);
- }
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&serv->hnd);
- close(serv->hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(&serv->ctx);
- _free(serv->ifname);
- _free(serv);
-void pppoe_server_stop(const char *ifname)
- struct pppoe_serv_t *serv;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&serv_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(serv, &serv_list, entry) {
- if (strcmp(serv->ifname, ifname))
- continue;
- triton_context_call(&serv->ctx, (triton_event_func)_server_stop, serv);
- break;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&serv_lock);
-static int init_secret(struct pppoe_serv_t *serv)
- int fd;
- DES_cblock key;
- fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: cann't open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (read(fd, serv->secret, SECRET_LENGTH) < 0) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: faild to read /dev/urandom\n", strerror(errno));
- close(fd);
- return -1;
- }
- close(fd);
- memset(key, 0, sizeof(key));
- DES_random_key(&key);
- DES_set_key(&key, &serv->des_ks);
- return 0;
-static void __init pppoe_init(void)
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section("pppoe");
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- conn_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct pppoe_conn_t));
- pado_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct delayed_pado_t));
- if (!s) {
- log_emerg("pppoe: no configuration, disabled...\n");
- return;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &s->items, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(opt->name, "interface")) {
- if (opt->val)
- pppoe_server_start(opt->val, NULL);
- } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "verbose")) {
- if (atoi(opt->val) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
- } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "ac-name") || !strcmp(opt->name, "AC-Name")) {
- if (opt->val && strlen(opt->val))
- conf_ac_name = _strdup(opt->val);
- } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "service-name") || !strcmp(opt->name, "Service-Name")) {
- if (opt->val && strlen(opt->val))
- conf_service_name = _strdup(opt->val);
- } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "pado-delay") || !strcmp(opt->name, "PADO-delay")) {
- if (dpado_parse(opt->val))
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "ifname-in-sid")) {
- if (!opt->val)
- continue;
- if (!strcmp(opt->val, "called-sid"))
- conf_ifname_in_sid = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(opt->val, "calling-sid"))
- conf_ifname_in_sid = 2;
- else if (!strcmp(opt->val, "both"))
- conf_ifname_in_sid = 3;
- else if (atoi(opt->val) >= 0)
- conf_ifname_in_sid = atoi(opt->val);
- }
- }
- if (!conf_ac_name)
- conf_ac_name = _strdup("accel-pptp");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2264dd16..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/pppoe.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __PPPOE_H
-#define __PPPOE_H
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <openssl/des.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/if_pppox.h>
-/* PPPoE codes */
-#define CODE_PADI 0x09
-#define CODE_PADO 0x07
-#define CODE_PADR 0x19
-#define CODE_PADS 0x65
-#define CODE_PADT 0xA7
-#define CODE_SESS 0x00
-/* PPPoE Tags */
-#define TAG_END_OF_LIST 0x0000
-#define TAG_SERVICE_NAME 0x0101
-#define TAG_AC_NAME 0x0102
-#define TAG_HOST_UNIQ 0x0103
-#define TAG_AC_COOKIE 0x0104
-#define TAG_VENDOR_SPECIFIC 0x0105
-#define TAG_RELAY_SESSION_ID 0x0110
-#define TAG_SERVICE_NAME_ERROR 0x0201
-#define TAG_AC_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x0202
-#define TAG_GENERIC_ERROR 0x0203
-/* Discovery phase states */
-#define STATE_SENT_PADI 0
-#define STATE_SENT_PADR 2
-#define STATE_SESSION 3
-/* Header size of a PPPoE packet */
-#define PPPOE_OVERHEAD 6 /* type, code, session, length */
-#define HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct ethhdr) + PPPOE_OVERHEAD)
-#define VENDOR_ADSL_FORUM 0xde9
-#define MAX_SID 65534
-#define SECRET_LENGTH 16
-#define COOKIE_LENGTH 24
-struct pppoe_tag_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int type;
- int len;
-struct pppoe_packet_t
- uint8_t src[ETH_ALEN];
- uint8_t dst[ETH_ALEN];
- int code;
- uint16_t sid;
- struct list_head tags;
-struct pppoe_serv_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- uint8_t hwaddr[ETH_ALEN];
- char *ifname;
- uint8_t secret[SECRET_LENGTH];
- DES_key_schedule des_ks;
- pthread_mutex_t lock;
- struct pppoe_conn_t *conn[MAX_SID];
- uint16_t sid;
- int stopping:1;
- unsigned int conn_cnt;
- struct list_head conn_list;
- struct list_head pado_list;
-extern int conf_verbose;
-extern char *conf_service_name;
-extern char *conf_ac_name;
-extern char *conf_pado_delay;
-extern unsigned int stat_active;
-extern unsigned int stat_delayed_pado;
-extern unsigned long stat_PADI_recv;
-extern unsigned long stat_PADO_sent;
-extern unsigned long stat_PADR_recv;
-extern unsigned long stat_PADR_dup_recv;
-extern unsigned long stat_PADS_sent;
-extern pthread_rwlock_t serv_lock;
-extern struct list_head serv_list;
-int mac_filter_check(const uint8_t *addr);
-void pppoe_server_start(const char *intf, void *client);
-void pppoe_server_stop(const char *intf);
-extern int pado_delay;
-void dpado_check_next(int conn_cnt);
-void dpado_check_prev(int conn_cnt);
-int dpado_parse(const char *str);
-struct rad_packet_t;
-int tr101_send_access_request(struct pppoe_tag *tr101, struct rad_packet_t *pack);
-int tr101_send_accounting_request(struct pppoe_tag *tr101, struct rad_packet_t *pack);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/tr101.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/tr101.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb0fbcf..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pppoe/tr101.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <net/ethernet.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "radius.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "pppoe.h"
-#define OPT_CIRCUIT_ID 0x01
-#define OPT_REMOTE_AGENT_ID 0x02
-#define OPT_MIN_DATA_RATE_UP 0x83
-#define OPT_MAX_DATA_RATE_DOWN 0x84
-static int tr101_send_request(struct pppoe_tag *tr101, struct rad_packet_t *pack, int type)
- uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t *)tr101->tag_data + 4;
- uint8_t *endptr = (uint8_t *)tr101->tag_data + ntohs(tr101->tag_len);
- int id, len;
- char str[64];
- while (ptr < endptr) {
- if (ptr + 2 > endptr)
- goto inval;
- id = *ptr++;
- len = *ptr++;
- if (ptr + len - 2 > endptr)
- goto inval;
- if (type && id > 0x80)
- continue;
- switch (id) {
- if (len - 2 > 63)
- goto inval;
- memcpy(str, ptr, len);
- str[len - 2] = 0;
- if (rad_packet_add_str(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id", str))
- return -1;
- break;
- if (len - 2 > 63)
- goto inval;
- memcpy(str, ptr, len);
- str[len - 2] = 0;
- if (rad_packet_add_str(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "ADSL-Agent-Remote-Id", str))
- return -1;
- break;
- if (len != 6)
- goto inval;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "Actual-Data-Rate-Upstream", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)ptr)))
- return -1;
- break;
- if (len != 6)
- goto inval;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "Actual-Data-Rate-Downstream", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)ptr)))
- return -1;
- break;
- if (len != 6)
- goto inval;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "Minimum-Data-Rate-Upstream", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)ptr)))
- return -1;
- break;
- if (len != 6)
- goto inval;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(pack, "ADSL-Forum", "Maximum-Data-Rate-Upstream", ntohl(*(uint32_t *)ptr)))
- return -1;
- break;
- }
- ptr += len - 2;
- }
- return 0;
- log_ppp_warn("pppoe:tr101: invalid tag received\n");
- return -1;
-int tr101_send_access_request(struct pppoe_tag *tr101, struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- return tr101_send_request(tr101, pack, 1);
-int tr101_send_accounting_request(struct pppoe_tag *tr101, struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- return tr101_send_request(tr101, pack, 0);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e9c27791..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ADD_LIBRARY(pptp SHARED pptp.c)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp.c b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 687aecbc..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,775 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include "if_pppox.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "pptp_prot.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "iprange.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define STATE_IDLE 0
-#define STATE_ESTB 1
-#define STATE_PPP 2
-#define STATE_FIN 3
-#define STATE_CLOSE 4
-struct pptp_conn_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct triton_timer_t timeout_timer;
- struct triton_timer_t echo_timer;
- int call_id;
- int peer_call_id;
- int state;
- int echo_sent;
- uint8_t *in_buf;
- int in_size;
- uint8_t *out_buf;
- int out_size;
- int out_pos;
- struct ppp_ctrl_t ctrl;
- struct ppp_t ppp;
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-static int conf_echo_interval = 0;
-static int conf_echo_failure = 3;
-static int conf_verbose = 0;
-static mempool_t conn_pool;
-static unsigned int stat_starting;
-static unsigned int stat_active;
-static int pptp_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h);
-static int pptp_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h);
-static void pptp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *);
-static void ppp_started(struct ppp_t *);
-static void ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *);
-static void disconnect(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- log_ppp_debug("pptp: disconnect\n");
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&conn->hnd);
- close(conn->hnd.fd);
- if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer);
- if (conn->echo_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->echo_timer);
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_CLOSE;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1);
- } else if (conn->state != STATE_CLOSE)
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, &conn->ppp);
- log_ppp_info1("disconnected\n");
- triton_context_unregister(&conn->ctx);
- if (conn->ppp.chan_name)
- _free(conn->ppp.chan_name);
- _free(conn->in_buf);
- _free(conn->out_buf);
- _free(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id);
- _free(conn->ctrl.called_station_id);
- mempool_free(conn);
-static int post_msg(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, void *buf, int size)
- int n;
- if (conn->out_size) {
- log_error("pptp: buffer is not empty\n");
- return -1;
- }
- n=write(conn->hnd.fd, buf, size);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN)
- n = 0;
- else {
- if (errno != EPIPE) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pptp: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( n<size ) {
- memcpy(conn->out_buf, buf + n, size - n);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- }
- return 0;
-static int send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int reason)
- struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn msg = {
- .reason_result = hton8(reason),
- };
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Request <Reason %i>]\n", reason);
- return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static int send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int reason, int err_code)
- struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn msg = {
- .reason_result = hton8(reason),
- .error_code = hton8(err_code),
- };
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Reply <Result %i> <Error %i>]\n", msg.reason_result, msg.error_code);
- return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static int pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *)conn->in_buf;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Request <Reason %i>]\n", msg->reason_result);
- send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_STOP_OK, 0);
- return -1;
-static int pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn*)conn->in_buf;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Reply <Result %i> <Error %i>]\n", msg->reason_result, msg->error_code);
- return -1;
-static int send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int res_code, int err_code)
- struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn msg = {
- .version = htons(PPTP_VERSION),
- .result_code = res_code,
- .error_code = err_code,
- .framing_cap = htonl(3),
- .bearer_cap = htonl(3),
- .max_channels = htons(1),
- .firmware_rev = htons(PPTP_FIRMWARE_VERSION),
- };
- memset(msg.hostname, 0, sizeof(msg.hostname));
- strcpy((char*)msg.hostname, PPTP_HOSTNAME);
- memset(msg.vendor, 0, sizeof(msg.vendor));
- strcpy((char*)msg.vendor, PPTP_VENDOR);
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Start-Ctrl-Conn-Reply <Version %i> <Result %i> <Error %i> <Framing %x> <Bearer %x> <Max-Chan %i>]\n", msg.version, msg.result_code, msg.error_code, ntohl(msg.framing_cap), ntohl(msg.bearer_cap), ntohs(msg.max_channels));
- return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static int pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn *)conn->in_buf;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Start-Ctrl-Conn-Request <Version %i> <Framing %x> <Bearer %x> <Max-Chan %i>]\n", msg->version, ntohl(msg->framing_cap), ntohl(msg->bearer_cap), ntohs(msg->max_channels));
- if (conn->state != STATE_IDLE) {
- log_ppp_warn("unexpected PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RQST\n");
- if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_EXISTS, 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (msg->version != htons(PPTP_VERSION)) {
- log_ppp_warn("PPTP version mismatch: expecting %x, received %s\n", PPTP_VERSION, msg->version);
- if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_PROTOCOL, 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- /*if (!(ntohl(msg->framing_cap) & PPTP_FRAME_SYNC)) {
- log_ppp_warn("connection does not supports sync mode\n");
- if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_GE, 0))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }*/
- if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_SUCCESS, 0))
- return -1;
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- conn->state = STATE_ESTB;
- return 0;
-static int send_pptp_out_call_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, struct pptp_out_call_rqst *rqst, int call_id, int res_code, int err_code)
- struct pptp_out_call_rply msg = {
- .call_id = htons(call_id),
- .call_id_peer = rqst->call_id,
- .result_code = res_code,
- .error_code = err_code,
- .cause_code = 0,
- .speed = rqst->bps_max,
- .recv_size = rqst->recv_size,
- .delay = 0,
- .channel = 0,
- };
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Outgoing-Call-Reply <Call-ID %x> <Peer-Call-ID %x> <Result %i> <Error %i> <Cause %i> <Speed %i> <Window-Size %i> <Delay %i> <Channel %x>]\n", ntohs(msg.call_id), ntohs(msg.call_id_peer), msg.result_code, msg.error_code, ntohs(msg.cause_code), ntohl(msg.speed), ntohs(msg.recv_size), ntohs(msg.delay), ntohl(;
- return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static int pptp_out_call_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_out_call_rqst *msg = (struct pptp_out_call_rqst *)conn->in_buf;
- struct sockaddr_pppox src_addr, dst_addr;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t addrlen;
- int pptp_sock;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Outgoing-Call-Request <Call-ID %x> <Call-Serial %x> <Min-BPS %i> <Max-BPS %i> <Bearer %x> <Framing %x> <Window-Size %i> <Delay %i>]\n", ntohs(msg->call_id), ntohs(msg->call_sernum), ntohl(msg->bps_min), ntohl(msg->bps_max), ntohl(msg->bearer), ntohl(msg->framing), ntohs(msg->recv_size), ntohs(msg->delay));
- if (conn->state != STATE_ESTB) {
- log_ppp_warn("unexpected PPTP_OUT_CALL_RQST\n");
- if (send_pptp_out_call_rply(conn, msg, 0, PPTP_CALL_RES_GE, PPTP_GE_NOCONN))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- memset(&src_addr, 0, sizeof(src_addr));
- src_addr.sa_family = AF_PPPOX;
- src_addr.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_PPTP;
- src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id = 0;
- addrlen = sizeof(addr);
- getsockname(conn->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen);
- src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr = addr.sin_addr;
- memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr));
- dst_addr.sa_family = AF_PPPOX;
- dst_addr.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_PPTP;
- dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id = htons(msg->call_id);
- addrlen = sizeof(addr);
- getpeername(conn->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen);
- dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr = addr.sin_addr;
- pptp_sock = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_STREAM, PX_PROTO_PPTP);
- if (pptp_sock < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("failed to create PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (bind(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, sizeof(src_addr))) {
- log_ppp_error("failed to bind PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
- close(pptp_sock);
- return -1;
- }
- addrlen = sizeof(src_addr);
- getsockname(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, &addrlen);
- if (connect(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&dst_addr, sizeof(dst_addr))) {
- log_ppp_error("failed to connect PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
- close(pptp_sock);
- return -1;
- }
- if (send_pptp_out_call_rply(conn, msg, src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id, PPTP_CALL_RES_OK, 0))
- return -1;
- conn->call_id = src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id;
- conn->peer_call_id = msg->call_id;
- conn->ppp.fd = pptp_sock;
- conn->ppp.chan_name = _strdup(inet_ntoa(dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr));
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTED, &conn->ppp);
- if (establish_ppp(&conn->ppp)) {
- close(pptp_sock);
- //if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0, 0))
- conn->state = STATE_FIN;
- return -1;
- }
- conn->state = STATE_PPP;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer);
- if (conf_echo_interval) {
- conn->echo_timer.period = conf_echo_interval * 1000;
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->echo_timer, 0);
- }
- return 0;
-static int send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int result)
- struct pptp_call_clear_ntfy msg = {
- .call_id = htons(conn->peer_call_id),
- .result_code = result,
- .error_code = 0,
- .cause_code = 0,
- };
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Call-Disconnect-Notify <Call-ID %x> <Result %i> <Error %i> <Cause %i>]\n", ntohs(msg.call_id), msg.result_code, msg.error_code, msg.cause_code);
- return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static int pptp_call_clear_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_call_clear_rqst *rqst = (struct pptp_call_clear_rqst *)conn->in_buf;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Call-Clear-Request <Call-ID %x>]\n", ntohs(rqst->call_id));
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_CLOSE;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1);
- }
- return send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 4);
-static int pptp_echo_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_echo_rqst *in_msg = (struct pptp_echo_rqst *)conn->in_buf;
- struct pptp_echo_rply out_msg = {
- .identifier = in_msg->identifier,
- .result_code = 1,
- };
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_debug("recv [PPTP Echo-Request <Identifier %x>]\n", in_msg->identifier);
- log_ppp_debug("send [PPTP Echo-Reply <Identifier %x>]\n", out_msg.identifier);
- }
- return post_msg(conn, &out_msg, sizeof(out_msg));
-static int pptp_echo_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_echo_rply *msg = (struct pptp_echo_rply *)conn->in_buf;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("recv [PPTP Echo-Reply <Identifier %x>]\n", msg->identifier);
- if (msg->identifier != conn->echo_sent) {
- log_ppp_warn("pptp:echo: identifier mismatch\n");
- //return -1;
- }
- conn->echo_sent = 0;
- return 0;
-static void pptp_send_echo(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), echo_timer);
- struct pptp_echo_rqst msg = {
- };
- if (++conn->echo_sent == conf_echo_failure) {
- log_ppp_warn("pptp: no echo reply\n");
- disconnect(conn);
- return;
- }
- conn->echo_sent = random();
- msg.identifier = conn->echo_sent;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("send [PPTP Echo-Request <Identifier %x>]\n", msg.identifier);
- if (post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)))
- disconnect(conn);
-static int process_packet(struct pptp_conn_t *conn)
- struct pptp_header *hdr = (struct pptp_header *)conn->in_buf;
- switch(ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type))
- {
- return pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn);
- return pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn);
- return pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(conn);
- return pptp_out_call_rqst(conn);
- return pptp_echo_rqst(conn);
- return pptp_echo_rply(conn);
- return pptp_call_clear_rqst(conn);
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Set-Link-Info]\n");
- return 0;
- default:
- log_ppp_warn("recv [PPTP Unknown (%x)]\n", ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type));
- }
- return 0;
-static int pptp_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn=container_of(h,typeof(*conn),hnd);
- struct pptp_header *hdr=(struct pptp_header *)conn->in_buf;
- int n;
- while(1) {
- n = read(h->fd, conn->in_buf + conn->in_size, PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX - conn->in_size);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_ppp_error("pptp: read: %s\n",strerror(errno));
- goto drop;
- }
- if (n == 0) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pptp: disconnect by peer\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- conn->in_size += n;
- if (conn->in_size >= sizeof(*hdr)) {
- if (hdr->magic != htonl(PPTP_MAGIC)) {
- log_ppp_error("pptp: invalid magic\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- if (ntohs(hdr->length) >= PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX) {
- log_ppp_error("pptp: message is too long\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- if (ntohs(hdr->length) > conn->in_size)
- continue;
- if (ntohs(hdr->length) <= conn->in_size) {
- if (ntohs(hdr->length) != PPTP_CTRL_SIZE(ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type))) {
- log_ppp_error("pptp: invalid message length\n");
- goto drop;
- }
- if (process_packet(conn))
- goto drop;
- conn->in_size -= ntohs(hdr->length);
- if (conn->in_size)
- memmove(conn->in_buf, conn->in_buf + ntohs(hdr->length), conn->in_size);
- }
- }
- }
- disconnect(conn);
- return 1;
-static int pptp_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(h, typeof(*conn), hnd);
- int n;
- while (1) {
- n = write(h->fd, conn->out_buf+conn->out_pos, conn->out_size-conn->out_pos);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- n = 0;
- else {
- if (errno != EPIPE) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pptp: post_msg: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
- disconnect(conn);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- conn->out_pos += n;
- if (conn->out_pos == conn->out_size) {
- conn->out_pos = 0;
- conn->out_size = 0;
- triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
- }
- }
-static void pptp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), timeout_timer);
- disconnect(conn);
-static void pptp_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ctx, typeof(*conn), ctx);
- if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- conn->state = STATE_CLOSE;
- ppp_terminate(&conn->ppp, TERM_ADMIN_RESET, 1);
- if (send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 3)) {
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn);
- return;
- }
- } else {
- if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0)) {
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- else
- triton_timer_add(ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
-static void ppp_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- log_ppp_debug("pptp: ppp started\n");
-static void ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ppp, typeof(*conn), ppp);
- if (conn->state != STATE_CLOSE) {
- log_ppp_debug("pptp: ppp finished\n");
- conn->state = STATE_CLOSE;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1);
- if (send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 3))
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn);
- else if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0))
- triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn);
- else {
- if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- else
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- }
- }
-struct pptp_serv_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
-static int pptp_connect(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- socklen_t size = sizeof(addr);
- int sock;
- struct pptp_conn_t *conn;
- while(1) {
- sock = accept(h->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &size);
- if (sock < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_error("pptp: accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- continue;
- }
- if (ppp_shutdown) {
- close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- log_info2("pptp: new connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
- if (iprange_client_check(addr.sin_addr.s_addr)) {
- log_warn("pptp: IP is out of client-ip-range, droping connection...\n");
- close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_error("pptp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s, closing connection...\n", strerror(errno));
- close(sock);
- continue;
- }
- conn = mempool_alloc(conn_pool);
- memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn));
- conn->hnd.fd = sock;
- conn-> = pptp_read;
- conn->hnd.write = pptp_write;
- conn->ctx.close = pptp_close;
- conn->ctx.before_switch = log_switch;
- conn->in_buf = _malloc(PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX);
- conn->out_buf = _malloc(PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX);
- conn->timeout_timer.expire = pptp_timeout;
- conn->timeout_timer.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- conn->echo_timer.expire = pptp_send_echo;
- conn->ctrl.ctx = &conn->ctx;
- conn->ctrl.started = ppp_started;
- conn->ctrl.finished = ppp_finished;
- conn->ctrl.max_mtu = PPTP_MAX_MTU;
- conn-> = "pptp";
- conn->ctrl.calling_station_id = _malloc(17);
- conn->ctrl.called_station_id = _malloc(17);
- u_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.calling_station_id);
- getsockname(sock, &addr, &size);
- u_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.called_station_id);
- ppp_init(&conn->ppp);
- conn->ppp.ctrl = &conn->ctrl;
- triton_context_register(&conn->ctx, &conn->ppp);
- triton_md_register_handler(&conn->ctx, &conn->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd,MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0);
- triton_context_wakeup(&conn->ctx);
- triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTING, &conn->ppp);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1);
- }
- return 0;
-static void pptp_serv_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct pptp_serv_t *s=container_of(ctx,typeof(*s),ctx);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&s->hnd);
- close(s->hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(ctx);
-static struct pptp_serv_t serv=
- = pptp_connect,
- .ctx.close = pptp_serv_close,
- .ctx.before_switch = log_switch,
-static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "pptp:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client," starting: %u\r\n", stat_starting);
- cli_sendv(client," active: %u\r\n", stat_active);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "echo-interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0)
- conf_echo_interval = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "echo-failure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_echo_failure = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
-static void __init pptp_init(void)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- char *opt;
- serv.hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (serv.hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("pptp: failed to create server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons(PPTP_PORT);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "bind");
- if (opt)
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(opt);
- else
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- setsockopt(serv.hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &serv.hnd.fd, 4);
- if (bind (serv.hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) {
- log_emerg("pptp: failed to bind socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (listen (serv.hnd.fd, 100) < 0) {
- log_emerg("pptp: failed to listen socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(serv.hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("pptp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- conn_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct pptp_conn_t));
- load_config();
- triton_context_register(&serv.ctx, NULL);
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv.ctx, &serv.hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&serv.hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&serv.ctx);
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_stat_exec, NULL, 2, "show", "stat");
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp_prot.h b/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp_prot.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8cb341..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ctrl/pptp/pptp_prot.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPTP_PROT_H
-#define PPTP_PROT_H
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define PPTP_MAX_MTU 1436
-#define hton8(x) (x)
-#define ntoh8(x) (x)
-#define hton16(x) htons(x)
-#define ntoh16(x) ntohs(x)
-#define hton32(x) htonl(x)
-#define ntoh32(x) ntohl(x)
-/* PPTP magic numbers: ----------------------------------------- */
-#define PPTP_MAGIC 0x1A2B3C4D /* Magic cookie for PPTP datagrams */
-#define PPTP_PORT 1723 /* PPTP TCP port number */
-#define PPTP_PROTO 47 /* PPTP IP protocol number */
-/* PPTP result codes:---------------------------------------- */
-#define PPTP_CONN_RES_GE 2
-#define PPTP_CONN_STOP_OK 1
-#define PPTP_CONN_STOP_GE 2
-#define PPTP_CALL_RES_OK 1
-#define PPTP_CALL_RES_GE 2
-#define PPTP_GE_NOCONN 1
-/* Control Connection Message Types: --------------------------- */
-/* Control Message Types: -------------------------------------- */
-/* (Control Connection Management) */
-#define PPTP_ECHO_RQST 5
-#define PPTP_ECHO_RPLY 6
-/* (Call Management) */
-#define PPTP_IN_CALL_RQST 9
-#define PPTP_IN_CALL_RPLY 10
-/* (Error Reporting) */
-#define PPTP_WAN_ERR_NTFY 14
-/* (PPP Session Control) */
-#define PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO 15
-/* PPTP version information: --------------------------------------*/
-#define PPTP_VERSION_STRING "1.00"
-#define PPTP_VERSION 0x100
-#define PPTP_FIRMWARE_STRING "0.01"
-#define PPTP_HOSTNAME "local"
-#define PPTP_VENDOR "cananian"
-/* PPTP capabilities: ---------------------------------------------*/
-/* (Framing capabilities for msg sender) */
-#define PPTP_FRAME_SYNC 2
-#define PPTP_FRAME_ANY 3
-/* (Bearer capabilities for msg sender) */
-#define PPTP_BEARER_ANY 3
-/* (Reasons to close a connection) */
-#define PPTP_STOP_NONE 1 /* no good reason */
-#define PPTP_STOP_PROTOCOL 2 /* can't support peer's protocol version */
-#define PPTP_STOP_LOCAL_SHUTDOWN 3 /* requester is being shut down */
-/* PPTP datagram structures (all data in network byte order): ----------*/
-struct pptp_header
- uint16_t length; /* message length in octets, including header */
- uint16_t pptp_type; /* PPTP message type. 1 for control message. */
- uint32_t magic; /* this should be PPTP_MAGIC. */
- uint16_t ctrl_type; /* Control message type (0-15) */
- uint16_t reserved0; /* reserved. MUST BE ZERO. */
-struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn /* for control message types 1 and 2 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t version; /* PPTP protocol version. = PPTP_VERSION */
- uint8_t result_code; /* these two fields should be zero on rqst msg*/
- uint8_t error_code; /* 0 unless result_code==2 (General Error) */
- uint32_t framing_cap; /* Framing capabilities */
- uint32_t bearer_cap; /* Bearer Capabilities */
- uint16_t max_channels; /* Maximum Channels (=0 for PNS, PAC ignores) */
- uint16_t firmware_rev; /* Firmware or Software Revision */
- uint8_t hostname[64]; /* Host Name (64 octets, zero terminated) */
- uint8_t vendor[64]; /* Vendor string (64 octets, zero term.) */
-struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn /* for control message types 3 and 4 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint8_t reason_result; /* reason for rqst, result for rply */
- uint8_t error_code; /* MUST be 0, unless rply result==2 (general err)*/
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST be 0 */
-struct pptp_echo_rqst /* for control message type 5 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint32_t identifier; /* arbitrary value set by sender which is used */
- /* to match up reply and request */
-struct pptp_echo_rply /* for control message type 6 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint32_t identifier; /* should correspond to id of rqst */
- uint8_t result_code;
- uint8_t error_code; /* =0, unless result_code==2 (general error) */
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
-struct pptp_out_call_rqst /* for control message type 7 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (unique id used to multiplex data) */
- uint16_t call_sernum; /* Call Serial Number (used for logging) */
- uint32_t bps_min; /* Minimum BPS (lowest acceptable line speed) */
- uint32_t bps_max; /* Maximum BPS (highest acceptable line speed) */
- uint32_t bearer; /* Bearer type */
- uint32_t framing; /* Framing type */
- uint16_t recv_size; /* Recv. Window Size (no. of buffered packets) */
- uint16_t delay; /* Packet Processing Delay (in 1/10 sec) */
- uint16_t phone_len; /* Phone Number Length (num. of valid digits) */
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
- uint8_t phone_num[64]; /* Phone Number (64 octets, null term.) */
- uint8_t subaddress[64]; /* Subaddress (64 octets, null term.) */
-struct pptp_out_call_rply /* for control message type 8 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (used to multiplex data over tunnel)*/
- uint16_t call_id_peer; /* Peer's Call ID (call_id of pptp_out_call_rqst)*/
- uint8_t result_code; /* Result Code (1 is no errors) */
- uint8_t error_code; /* Error Code (=0 unless result_code==2) */
- uint16_t cause_code; /* Cause Code (addt'l failure information) */
- uint32_t speed; /* Connect Speed (in BPS) */
- uint16_t recv_size; /* Recv. Window Size (no. of buffered packets) */
- uint16_t delay; /* Packet Processing Delay (in 1/10 sec) */
- uint32_t channel; /* Physical Channel ID (for logging) */
-struct pptp_in_call_rqst /* for control message type 9 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (unique id used to multiplex data) */
- uint16_t call_sernum; /* Call Serial Number (used for logging) */
- uint32_t bearer; /* Bearer type */
- uint32_t channel; /* Physical Channel ID (for logging) */
- uint16_t dialed_len; /* Dialed Number Length (# of valid digits) */
- uint16_t dialing_len; /* Dialing Number Length (# of valid digits) */
- uint8_t dialed_num[64]; /* Dialed Number (64 octets, zero term.) */
- uint8_t dialing_num[64]; /* Dialing Number (64 octets, zero term.) */
- uint8_t subaddress[64]; /* Subaddress (64 octets, zero term.) */
-struct pptp_in_call_rply /* for control message type 10 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (used to multiplex data over tunnel)*/
- uint16_t call_id_peer; /* Peer's Call ID (call_id of pptp_out_call_rqst)*/
- uint8_t result_code; /* Result Code (1 is no errors) */
- uint8_t error_code; /* Error Code (=0 unless result_code==2) */
- uint16_t recv_size; /* Recv. Window Size (no. of buffered packets) */
- uint16_t delay; /* Packet Processing Delay (in 1/10 sec) */
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
-struct pptp_in_call_connect /* for control message type 11 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id_peer; /* Peer's Call ID (call_id of pptp_out_call_rqst)*/
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
- uint32_t speed; /* Connect Speed (in BPS) */
- uint16_t recv_size; /* Recv. Window Size (no. of buffered packets) */
- uint16_t delay; /* Packet Processing Delay (in 1/10 sec) */
- uint32_t framing; /* Framing type */
-struct pptp_call_clear_rqst /* for control message type 12 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (used to multiplex data over tunnel)*/
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
-struct pptp_call_clear_ntfy /* for control message type 13 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id; /* Call ID (used to multiplex data over tunnel)*/
- uint8_t result_code; /* Result Code */
- uint8_t error_code; /* Error Code (=0 unless result_code==2) */
- uint16_t cause_code; /* Cause Code (for ISDN, is Q.931 cause code) */
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
- uint8_t call_stats[128]; /* Call Statistics: 128 octets, ascii, 0-term */
-struct pptp_wan_err_ntfy /* for control message type 14 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id_peer; /* Peer's Call ID (call_id of pptp_out_call_rqst)*/
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
- uint32_t crc_errors; /* CRC errors */
- uint32_t frame_errors; /* Framing errors */
- uint32_t hard_errors; /* Hardware overruns */
- uint32_t buff_errors; /* Buffer overruns */
- uint32_t time_errors; /* Time-out errors */
- uint32_t align_errors; /* Alignment errors */
-struct pptp_set_link_info /* for control message type 15 */
- struct pptp_header header;
- uint16_t call_id_peer; /* Peer's Call ID (call_id of pptp_out_call_rqst) */
- uint16_t reserved1; /* MUST BE ZERO */
- uint32_t send_accm; /* Send ACCM (for PPP packets; default 0xFFFFFFFF)*/
- uint32_t recv_accm; /* Receive ACCM (for PPP pack.;default 0xFFFFFFFF)*/
-/* helpful #defines: -------------------------------------------- */
-#define pptp_isvalid_ctrl(header, type, length) \
- (!( ( ntoh16(((struct pptp_header *)header)->length) < (length) ) || \
- ( ntoh16(((struct pptp_header *)header)->pptp_type) !=(type) ) || \
- ( ntoh32(((struct pptp_header *)header)->magic) !=PPTP_MAGIC) || \
- ( ntoh16(((struct pptp_header *)header)->ctrl_type) > PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO) || \
- ( ntoh16(((struct pptp_header *)header)->reserved0) !=0 ) ))
-#define PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(type) \
-{ hton16(PPTP_CTRL_SIZE(type)), \
- hton32(PPTP_MAGIC), \
- hton16(type), 0 }
-#define PPTP_CTRL_SIZE(type) ( \
-(type==PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RQST)?sizeof(struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn): \
-(type==PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RPLY)?sizeof(struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn): \
-(type==PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RQST )?sizeof(struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn): \
-(type==PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RPLY )?sizeof(struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn): \
-(type==PPTP_ECHO_RQST )?sizeof(struct pptp_echo_rqst): \
-(type==PPTP_ECHO_RPLY )?sizeof(struct pptp_echo_rply): \
-(type==PPTP_OUT_CALL_RQST )?sizeof(struct pptp_out_call_rqst): \
-(type==PPTP_OUT_CALL_RPLY )?sizeof(struct pptp_out_call_rply): \
-(type==PPTP_IN_CALL_RQST )?sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_rqst): \
-(type==PPTP_IN_CALL_RPLY )?sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_rply): \
-(type==PPTP_IN_CALL_CONNECT )?sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_connect): \
-(type==PPTP_CALL_CLEAR_RQST )?sizeof(struct pptp_call_clear_rqst): \
-(type==PPTP_CALL_CLEAR_NTFY )?sizeof(struct pptp_call_clear_ntfy): \
-(type==PPTP_WAN_ERR_NTFY )?sizeof(struct pptp_wan_err_ntfy): \
-(type==PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO )?sizeof(struct pptp_set_link_info): \
-#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
-#define PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX ( \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_echo_rqst), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_echo_rply), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_out_call_rqst), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_out_call_rply), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_rqst), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_rply), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_in_call_connect), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_call_clear_rqst), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_call_clear_ntfy), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_wan_err_ntfy), \
-max(sizeof(struct pptp_set_link_info), 0)))))))))))))
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/extra/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5578e930..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-ADD_LIBRARY(pppd_compat SHARED pppd_compat.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(ippool SHARED ippool.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(sigchld SHARED sigchld.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(chap-secrets SHARED chap-secrets.c)
-INSTALL(TARGETS pppd_compat ippool sigchld chap-secrets
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
- ADD_LIBRARY(shaper_tbf SHARED shaper_tbf.c)
- TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(shaper_tbf nl m)
- INSTALL(TARGETS shaper_tbf LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/chap-secrets.c b/accel-pptpd/extra/chap-secrets.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 35503473..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/chap-secrets.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static char *def_chap_secrets = "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets";
-static char *conf_chap_secrets;
-static in_addr_t conf_gw_ip_address = 0;
-static void *pd_key;
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb;
-struct cs_pd_t
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- struct ipdb_item_t ip;
- char *passwd;
- char *rate;
-static char *skip_word(char *ptr)
- char quote = 0;
- if (*ptr == '\'' || *ptr == '"') {
- quote = *ptr;
- ptr++;
- }
- for(; *ptr; ptr++) {
- if (quote) {
- if (*ptr == '\n')
- break;
- if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1] && ptr[1] != '\n') {
- memmove(ptr, ptr + 1, strlen(ptr));
- continue;
- }
- if (*ptr == quote) {
- *ptr = ' ';
- break;
- }
- } else if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n')
- break;
- }
- return ptr;
-static char *skip_space(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static int split(char *buf, char **ptr)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- *buf = 0;
- buf = skip_space(buf + 1);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- if (*buf == '"' || *buf == '\'')
- ptr[i] = buf + 1;
- else
- ptr[i] = buf;
- }
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- //if (*buf == '\n')
- *buf = 0;
- //else if (*buf)
- // return -1;
- return i;
-static struct cs_pd_t *create_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username)
- FILE *f;
- char *buf;
- char *ptr[5];
- int n;
- struct cs_pd_t *pd;
- if (!conf_chap_secrets)
- return NULL;
- f = fopen(conf_chap_secrets, "r");
- if (!f) {
- log_error("chap-secrets: open '%s': %s\n", conf_chap_secrets, strerror(errno));
- return NULL;
- }
- buf = _malloc(4096);
- if (!buf) {
- log_emerg("chap-secrets: out of memory\n");
- fclose(f);
- return NULL;
- }
- while (fgets(buf, 4096, f)) {
- if (buf[0] == '#')
- continue;
- n = split(buf, ptr);
- if (n < 3)
- continue;
- if (*buf == '\'' || *buf == '"') {
- if (!strcmp(buf + 1, username))
- goto found;
- } else {
- if (!strcmp(buf, username))
- goto found;
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- _free(buf);
- return NULL;
- pd = _malloc(sizeof(*pd));
- if (!pd) {
- log_emerg("chap-secrets: out of memory\n");
- goto out;
- }
- memset(pd, 0, sizeof(*pd));
- pd->pd.key = &pd_key;
- pd->passwd = _strdup(ptr[1]);
- if (!pd->passwd) {
- log_emerg("chap-secrets: out of memory\n");
- _free(pd);
- goto out;
- }
- pd->ip.addr = conf_gw_ip_address;
- if (n >= 3)
- pd->ip.peer_addr = inet_addr(ptr[2]);
- pd->ip.owner = &ipdb;
- if (n == 4)
- pd->rate = _strdup(ptr[3]);
- list_add_tail(&pd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
- fclose(f);
- _free(buf);
- return pd;
-static struct cs_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == &pd_key) {
- return container_of(pd, typeof(struct cs_pd_t), pd);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static void ev_ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct cs_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- list_del(&pd->pd.entry);
- _free(pd->passwd);
- if (pd->rate)
- _free(pd->rate);
- _free(pd);
-static void ev_ppp_pre_up(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct cs_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- struct ev_shaper_t ev = {
- .ppp = ppp,
- };
- if (!pd)
- return;
- if (pd->rate) {
- ev.val = pd->rate;
- triton_event_fire(EV_SHAPER, &ev);
- }
-static struct ipdb_item_t *get_ip(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct cs_pd_t *pd;
- if (!conf_gw_ip_address)
- return NULL;
- pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return NULL;
- if (!pd->ip.addr)
- return NULL;
- return &pd->ip;
-static char* get_passwd(struct pwdb_t *pwdb, struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username)
- struct cs_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- pd = create_pd(ppp, username);
- if (!pd)
- return NULL;
- return _strdup(pd->passwd);
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb = {
- .get = get_ip,
-static struct pwdb_t pwdb = {
- .get_passwd = get_passwd,
-static void load_config(void)
- const char *opt;
- if (conf_chap_secrets && conf_chap_secrets != def_chap_secrets)
- _free(conf_chap_secrets);
- opt = conf_get_opt("chap-secrets", "chap-secrets");
- if (opt)
- conf_chap_secrets = _strdup(opt);
- else
- conf_chap_secrets = def_chap_secrets;
- opt = conf_get_opt("chap-secrets", "gw-ip-address");
- if (opt)
- conf_gw_ip_address = inet_addr(opt);
-static void __init init(void)
- load_config();
- pwdb_register(&pwdb);
- ipdb_register(&ipdb);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_FINISHED, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_finished);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_PRE_UP, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_pre_up);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/ippool.c b/accel-pptpd/extra/ippool.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6136a14d..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/ippool.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct ippool_item_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ipdb_item_t it;
-struct ipaddr_t
- struct list_head entry;
- in_addr_t addr;
-static LIST_HEAD(gw_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(tunnel_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(ippool);
-static spinlock_t pool_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb;
-static in_addr_t conf_gw_ip_address;
-static int cnt;
-static void parse_gw_ip_address(const char *val)
- if (!val)
- return;
- conf_gw_ip_address = inet_addr(val);
-//parses ranges like x.x.x.x/mask
-static int parse1(const char *str, uint32_t *begin, uint32_t *end)
- int n, f1, f2, f3, f4, m, mask = 0;
- n = sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u/%u",&f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &m);
- if (n != 5)
- return -1;
- if (f1 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f2 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f3 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f4 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (m == 0 || m > 32)
- return -1;
- for (n = 0; n < m ; n++)
- mask |= 1 << n;
- *begin = (f4 << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1;
- *end = *begin | ~mask;
- return 0;
-//parses ranges like x.x.x.x-y
-static int parse2(const char *str, uint32_t *begin, uint32_t *end)
- int n, f1, f2, f3, f4, m;
- n = sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u-%u",&f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &m);
- if (n != 5)
- return -1;
- if (f1 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f2 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f3 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (f4 > 255)
- return -1;
- if (m < f4 || m > 255)
- return -1;
- *begin = (f4 << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1;
- *end = (m << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1;
- return 0;
-static void add_range(struct list_head *list, const char *name)
- uint32_t i,startip, endip;
- struct ipaddr_t *ip;
- if (parse1(name, &startip, &endip))
- if (parse2(name, &startip, &endip)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ippool: cann't parse '%s'\n", name);
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- for (i = ntohl(startip); i <= ntohl(endip); i++) {
- ip = malloc(sizeof(*ip));
- ip->addr = htonl(i);
- list_add_tail(&ip->entry, list);
- cnt++;
- }
-static void generate_pool(void)
- struct ippool_item_t *it;
- struct ipaddr_t *addr = NULL;
- struct ipaddr_t *peer_addr;
- while (1) {
- if (list_empty(&tunnel_list))
- break;
- else {
- peer_addr = list_entry(, typeof(*peer_addr), entry);
- list_del(&peer_addr->entry);
- }
- if (!conf_gw_ip_address) {
- if (list_empty(&gw_list))
- break;
- else {
- addr = list_entry(, typeof(*addr), entry);
- list_del(&addr->entry);
- }
- }
- it = malloc(sizeof(*it));
- if (!it) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ippool: out of memory\n");
- break;
- }
- it->it.owner = &ipdb;
- if (conf_gw_ip_address)
- it->it.addr = conf_gw_ip_address;
- else
- it->it.addr = addr->addr;
- it->it.peer_addr = peer_addr->addr;
- list_add_tail(&it->entry, &ippool);
- }
-static struct ipdb_item_t *get_ip(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ippool_item_t *it;
- spin_lock(&pool_lock);
- if (!list_empty(&ippool)) {
- it = list_entry(, typeof(*it), entry);
- list_del(&it->entry);
- } else
- it = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&pool_lock);
- return it ? &it->it : NULL;
-static void put_ip(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ipdb_item_t *it)
- struct ippool_item_t *pit = container_of(it, typeof(*pit), it);
- spin_lock(&pool_lock);
- list_add_tail(&pit->entry, &ippool);
- spin_unlock(&pool_lock);
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb = {
- .get = get_ip,
- .put = put_ip,
-static void __init ipool_init(void)
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section("ip-pool");
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- if (!s)
- return;
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &s->items, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(opt->name, "gw-ip-address"))
- parse_gw_ip_address(opt->val);
- else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "gw"))
- add_range(&gw_list, opt->val);
- else if (!strcmp(opt->name, "tunnel"))
- add_range(&tunnel_list, opt->val);
- else if (!opt->val)
- add_range(&tunnel_list, opt->name);
- }
- generate_pool();
- ipdb_register(&ipdb);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/pppd_compat.c b/accel-pptpd/extra/pppd_compat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f897dd68..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/pppd_compat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "sigchld.h"
-#ifdef RADIUS
-#include "radius.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static char *conf_ip_up = "/etc/ppp/ip-up";
-static char *conf_ip_pre_up;
-static char *conf_ip_down = "/etc/ppp/ip-down";
-static char *conf_ip_change;
-static char *conf_radattr_prefix = "/var/run/radattr.";
-static int conf_verbose = 0;
-static void *pd_key;
-struct pppd_compat_pd_t
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct sigchld_handler_t ip_pre_up_hnd;
- struct sigchld_handler_t ip_up_hnd;
- struct sigchld_handler_t ip_change_hnd;
- struct sigchld_handler_t ip_down_hnd;
-#ifdef RADIUS
- int radattr_saved:1;
- int started:1;
- int res;
- int bytes_sent;
- int bytes_rcvd;
-static struct pppd_compat_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-static void fill_argv(char **argv, struct ppp_t *ppp, char *path);
-static void fill_env(char **env, struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd);
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static void remove_radattr(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-static void write_radattr(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct rad_packet_t *pack, int save_old);
-static void ip_pre_up_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h, int status)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = container_of(h, typeof(*pd), ip_pre_up_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_switch(NULL, pd->ppp);
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-pre-up finished (%i)\n", status);
- pd->res = status;
- }
- sched_yield();
- triton_context_wakeup(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx);
-static void ip_up_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h, int status)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = container_of(h, typeof(*pd), ip_up_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_switch(NULL, pd->ppp);
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-up finished (%i)\n", status);
- }
-static void ip_down_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h, int status)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = container_of(h, typeof(*pd), ip_down_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_switch(NULL, pd->ppp);
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-down finished (%i)\n", status);
- }
- sched_yield();
- triton_context_wakeup(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx);
-static void ip_change_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h, int status)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = container_of(h, typeof(*pd), ip_change_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_switch(NULL, pd->ppp);
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-change finished (%i)\n", status);
- }
- sched_yield();
- pd->res = status;
- triton_context_wakeup(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx);
-static void ev_ppp_starting(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = _malloc(sizeof(*pd));
- if (!pd) {
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- memset(pd, 0, sizeof(*pd));
- pd->pd.key = &pd_key;
- pd->ppp = ppp;
- pd->ip_pre_up_hnd.handler = ip_pre_up_handler;
- pd->ip_up_hnd.handler = ip_up_handler;
- pd->ip_down_hnd.handler = ip_down_handler;
- pd->ip_change_hnd.handler = ip_change_handler;
- list_add_tail(&pd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
-static void ev_ppp_pre_up(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- pid_t pid;
- char *argv[8];
- char *env[2];
- char ipaddr[17];
- char peer_ipaddr[17];
- char peername[64];
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- argv[4] = ipaddr;
- argv[5] = peer_ipaddr;
- fill_argv(argv, ppp, conf_ip_up);
- env[0] = peername;
- env[1] = NULL;
- fill_env(env, pd);
- if (conf_ip_pre_up) {
- sigchld_lock();
- pid = fork();
- if (pid > 0) {
- pd-> = pid;
- sigchld_register_handler(&pd->ip_pre_up_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-pre-up started (pid %i)\n", pid);
- sigchld_unlock();
- triton_context_schedule();
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pd->ip_pre_up_hnd.lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pd->ip_pre_up_hnd.lock);
- if (pd->res != 0) {
- ppp_terminate(ppp, 0, pd->res < 0 ? TERM_NAS_ERROR : TERM_ADMIN_RESET);
- return;
- }
- } else if (pid == 0) {
- execve(conf_ip_pre_up, argv, env);
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: exec '%s': %s\n", conf_ip_pre_up, strerror(errno));
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else
- log_error("pppd_compat: fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
-static void ev_ppp_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- pid_t pid;
- char *argv[8];
- char *env[2];
- char ipaddr[17];
- char peer_ipaddr[17];
- char peername[64];
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- argv[4] = ipaddr;
- argv[5] = peer_ipaddr;
- fill_argv(argv, ppp, conf_ip_up);
- env[0] = peername;
- env[1] = NULL;
- fill_env(env, pd);
- if (conf_ip_up) {
- sigchld_lock();
- pid = fork();
- if (pid > 0) {
- pd-> = pid;
- sigchld_register_handler(&pd->ip_up_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-up started (pid %i)\n", pid);
- sigchld_unlock();
- } else if (pid == 0) {
- execve(conf_ip_up, argv, env);
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: exec '%s': %s\n", conf_ip_up, strerror(errno));
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else
- log_error("pppd_compat: fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
- pd->started = 1;
-static void ev_ppp_finishing(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ifpppstatsreq ifreq;
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- memset(&ifreq, 0, sizeof(ifreq));
- ifreq.stats_ptr = (void *)&ifreq.stats;
- strcpy(ifreq.ifr__name, ppp->ifname);
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGPPPSTATS, &ifreq)) {
- log_ppp_error("pppd_compat: failed to get ppp statistics: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- pd->bytes_sent = ifreq.stats.p.ppp_obytes;
- pd->bytes_rcvd = ifreq.stats.p.ppp_ibytes;
-static void ev_ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- pid_t pid;
- char *argv[8];
- char *env[5];
- char ipaddr[17];
- char peer_ipaddr[17];
- char peername[64];
- char connect_time[24];
- char bytes_sent[24];
- char bytes_rcvd[24];
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- if (!pd->started)
- goto skip;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pd->ip_up_hnd.lock);
- if (pd-> {
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: ip-up is not yet finished, terminating it ...\n");
- kill(pd->, SIGTERM);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pd->ip_up_hnd.lock);
- argv[4] = ipaddr;
- argv[5] = peer_ipaddr;
- fill_argv(argv, pd->ppp, conf_ip_down);
- env[0] = peername;
- env[1] = connect_time;
- env[2] = bytes_sent;
- env[3] = bytes_rcvd;
- env[4] = NULL;
- fill_env(env, pd);
- sigchld_lock();
- pid = fork();
- if (pid > 0) {
- pd-> = pid;
- sigchld_register_handler(&pd->ip_down_hnd);
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-down started (pid %i)\n", pid);
- sigchld_unlock();
- triton_context_schedule();
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pd->ip_down_hnd.lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pd->ip_down_hnd.lock);
- } else if (pid == 0) {
- execve(conf_ip_down, argv, env);
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: exec '%s': %s\n", conf_ip_down, strerror(errno));
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else
- log_error("pppd_compat: fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pd->ip_up_hnd.lock);
- if (pd-> {
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: ip-up is not yet finished, killing it ...\n");
- kill(pd->, SIGKILL);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pd->ip_up_hnd.lock);
- sigchld_unregister_handler(&pd->ip_up_hnd);
- } else
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pd->ip_up_hnd.lock);
-#ifdef RADIUS
- if (pd->radattr_saved)
- remove_radattr(ppp);
- list_del(&pd->pd.entry);
- _free(pd);
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static void ev_radius_access_accept(struct ev_radius_t *ev)
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ev->ppp);
- write_radattr(ev->ppp, ev->reply, 0);
- pd->radattr_saved = 1;
-static void ev_radius_coa(struct ev_radius_t *ev)
- pid_t pid;
- char *argv[8];
- char *env[2];
- char ipaddr[17];
- char peer_ipaddr[17];
- char peername[64];
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ev->ppp);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- write_radattr(ev->ppp, ev->request, 1);
- argv[4] = ipaddr;
- argv[5] = peer_ipaddr;
- fill_argv(argv, pd->ppp, conf_ip_change);
- env[0] = peername;
- env[1] = NULL;
- fill_env(env, pd);
- sigchld_lock();
- pid = fork();
- if (pid > 0) {
- pd-> = pid;
- sigchld_register_handler(&pd->ip_change_hnd);
- sigchld_unlock();
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("pppd_compat: ip-change started (pid %i)\n", pid);
- triton_context_schedule();
- if (!ev->res)
- ev->res = pd->res;
- } else if (pid == 0) {
- execve(conf_ip_change, argv, env);
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: exec '%s': %s\n", conf_ip_change, strerror(errno));
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- } else
- log_error("pppd_compat: fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-static void remove_radattr(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- char *fname;
- fname = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname) {
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- sprintf(fname, "%s.%s", conf_radattr_prefix, ppp->ifname);
- if (unlink(fname)) {
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: failed to remove '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- }
- sprintf(fname, "%s_old.%s", conf_radattr_prefix, ppp->ifname);
- unlink(fname);
- _free(fname);
-static void write_radattr(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct rad_packet_t *pack, int save_old)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- FILE *f;
- char *fname1, *fname2 = NULL;
- int i;
- fname1 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname1) {
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- if (save_old) {
- fname2 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname2) {
- log_emerg("pppd_compat: out of memory\n");
- _free(fname1);
- return;
- }
- }
- sprintf(fname1, "%s.%s", conf_radattr_prefix, ppp->ifname);
- if (save_old) {
- sprintf(fname2, "%s_old.%s", conf_radattr_prefix, ppp->ifname);
- if (rename(fname1, fname2)) {
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: rename: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- }
- }
- f = fopen(fname1, "w");
- if (f) {
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- fprintf(f, "%s ", attr->attr->name);
- switch (attr->attr->type) {
- val = rad_dict_find_val(attr->attr, attr->val);
- if (val)
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", val->name);
- else
- fprintf(f, "%i\n", attr->val.integer);
- break;
- fprintf(f, "%s\n", attr->val.string);
- break;
- for (i = 0; i < attr->len; i++)
- fprintf(f, "%02X", attr->val.octets[i]);
- fprintf(f, "\n");
- break;
- fprintf(f, "%i.%i.%i.%i\n", attr->val.ipaddr & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 8) & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 16) & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 24) & 0xff);
- break;
- fprintf(f, "%lu\n", attr->;
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- } else
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: failed to create '%s': %s\n", fname1, strerror(errno));
- _free(fname1);
- if (save_old)
- _free(fname2);
-static struct pppd_compat_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- struct pppd_compat_pd_t *cpd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == &pd_key) {
- cpd = container_of(pd, typeof(*cpd), pd);
- return cpd;
- }
- }
- log_ppp_warn("pppd_compat: pd not found\n");
- return NULL;
-static void fill_argv(char **argv, struct ppp_t *ppp, char *path)
- argv[0] = path;
- argv[1] = ppp->ifname;
- argv[2] = "none";
- argv[3] = "0";
- u_inet_ntoa(ppp->ipaddr, argv[4]);
- u_inet_ntoa(ppp->peer_ipaddr, argv[5]);
- argv[6] = ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id;
- argv[7] = NULL;
-static void fill_env(char **env, struct pppd_compat_pd_t *pd)
- snprintf(env[0], 64, "PEERNAME=%s", pd->ppp->username);
- if (pd->ppp->stop_time && env[1]) {
- snprintf(env[1], 24, "CONNECT_TIME=%lu", pd->ppp->stop_time - pd->ppp->start_time);
- snprintf(env[2], 24, "BYTES_SENT=%u", pd->bytes_sent);
- snprintf(env[3], 24, "BYTES_RCVD=%u", pd->bytes_rcvd);
- }
-static void __init init(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "ip-pre-up");
- if (opt)
- conf_ip_pre_up = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "ip-up");
- if (opt)
- conf_ip_up = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "ip-down");
- if (opt)
- conf_ip_down = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "ip-change");
- if (opt)
- conf_ip_change = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "radattr-prefix");
- if (opt)
- conf_radattr_prefix = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("pppd-compat", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_STARTING, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_starting);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_PRE_UP, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_pre_up);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_STARTED, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_started);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_FINISHING, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_finishing);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_FINISHED, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_finished);
-#ifdef RADIUS
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, (triton_event_func)ev_radius_access_accept);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_RADIUS_COA, (triton_event_func)ev_radius_coa);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/shaper_tbf.c b/accel-pptpd/extra/shaper_tbf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e4f0bd..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/shaper_tbf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/if_ether.h>
-#include <linux/pkt_cls.h>
-#include <linux/pkt_sched.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "netlink/netlink.h"
-#include "netlink/socket.h"
-#include "netlink/msg.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#ifdef RADIUS
-#include "radius.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define RTNL_TC_RTABLE_SIZE 256
-#define TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC 1000000
-#define ATTR_UP 1
-#define ATTR_DOWN 2
-static int conf_verbose = 0;
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static int conf_attr_down = 11; //Filter-Id
-static int conf_attr_up = 11; //Filter-Id
-static int conf_vendor = 0;
-static double conf_down_burst_factor = 0.1;
-static double conf_up_burst_factor = 1;
-static int conf_latency = 50;
-static int conf_mpu = 0;
-static int temp_down_speed;
-static int temp_up_speed;
-static pthread_rwlock_t shaper_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(shaper_list);
-static double tick_in_usec = 1;
-static double clock_factor = 1;
-struct time_range_pd_t;
-struct shaper_pd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- int temp_down_speed;
- int temp_up_speed;
- int down_speed;
- int up_speed;
- struct list_head tr_list;
- struct time_range_pd_t *cur_tr;
-struct time_range_pd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- int down_speed;
- int down_burst;
- int up_speed;
- int up_burst;
-struct time_range_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- struct triton_timer_t begin;
- struct triton_timer_t end;
-static void *pd_key;
-static LIST_HEAD(time_range_list);
-static int time_range_id;
-static void shaper_ctx_close(struct triton_context_t *);
-static struct triton_context_t shaper_ctx = {
- .close = shaper_ctx_close,
- .before_switch = log_switch,
-static unsigned tc_time2tick(unsigned time)
- return time*tick_in_usec;
-/*static unsigned tc_tick2time(unsigned tick)
- return tick/tick_in_usec;
-static unsigned tc_calc_xmittime(unsigned rate, unsigned size)
- return tc_time2tick(TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC*((double)size/rate));
-/*static unsigned tc_calc_xmitsize(unsigned rate, unsigned ticks)
- return ((double)rate*tc_tick2time(ticks))/TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
-static void tc_calc_rtable(struct tc_ratespec *r, uint32_t *rtab, int cell_log, unsigned mtu)
- int i;
- unsigned sz;
- unsigned bps = r->rate;
- unsigned mpu = r->mpu;
- if (mtu == 0)
- mtu = 2047;
- if (cell_log <= 0) {
- cell_log = 0;
- while ((mtu >> cell_log) > 255)
- cell_log++;
- }
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
- //sz = tc_adjust_size((i + 1) << cell_log, mpu, linklayer);
- sz = (i + 1) << cell_log;
- if (sz < mpu)
- sz = mpu;
- rtab[i] = tc_calc_xmittime(bps, sz);
- }
- r->cell_align=-1; // Due to the sz calc
- r->cell_log=cell_log;
-static int install_tbf(struct nl_sock *h, int ifindex, int speed, int burst)
- struct tc_tbf_qopt opt;
- struct nl_msg *msg;
- struct nl_msg *pmsg = NULL;
- uint32_t rtab[RTNL_TC_RTABLE_SIZE];
- double rate = speed * 1000 / 8;
- double bucket = burst ? burst : rate * conf_down_burst_factor;
- struct tcmsg tchdr = {
- .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
- .tcm_ifindex = ifindex,
- .tcm_handle = 0x00010000,
- .tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT,
- };
- memset(&opt, 0, sizeof(opt));
- opt.rate.rate = rate;
- opt.rate.mpu = conf_mpu;
- opt.limit = rate*conf_latency/1000 + bucket;
- opt.buffer = tc_calc_xmittime(rate, bucket);
- tc_calc_rtable(&opt.rate, rtab, 0, 0);
- msg = nlmsg_alloc();
- if (!msg)
- goto out_err;
- NLA_PUT(msg, TCA_TBF_PARMS, sizeof(opt), &opt);
- NLA_PUT(msg, TCA_TBF_RTAB, sizeof(rtab), rtab);
- pmsg = nlmsg_alloc_simple(RTM_NEWQDISC, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
- if (!pmsg)
- goto out_err;
- if (nlmsg_append(pmsg, &tchdr, sizeof(tchdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- NLA_PUT_STRING(pmsg, TCA_KIND, "tbf");
- nla_put_nested(pmsg, TCA_OPTIONS, msg);
- if (nl_send_auto_complete(h, pmsg) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_wait_for_ack(h) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- return 0;
- if (msg)
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- if (pmsg)
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- log_ppp_error("tbf: error occured, tbf is not installed\n");
- return -1;
-static int install_ingress(struct nl_sock *h, int ifindex)
- struct nl_msg *pmsg;
- struct tcmsg tchdr = {
- .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
- .tcm_ifindex = ifindex,
- .tcm_handle = 0xffff0000,
- .tcm_parent = TC_H_INGRESS,
- };
- pmsg = nlmsg_alloc_simple(RTM_NEWQDISC, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
- if (!pmsg)
- goto out_err;
- if (nlmsg_append(pmsg, &tchdr, sizeof(tchdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- NLA_PUT_STRING(pmsg, TCA_KIND, "ingress");
- if (nl_send_auto_complete(h, pmsg) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_wait_for_ack(h) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- return 0;
- if (pmsg)
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- log_ppp_error("tbf: error occured, ingress is not installed\n");
- return -1;
-static int install_filter(struct nl_sock *h, int ifindex, int speed, int burst)
- //double rate = speed*1000/8;
- //double bucket = rate*conf_burst_factor;
- double rate = speed * 1000 / 8;
- double bucket = burst ? burst : rate * conf_up_burst_factor;
- struct nl_msg *pmsg = NULL;
- struct nl_msg *msg = NULL;
- struct nl_msg *msg1 = NULL;
- struct nl_msg *msg2 = NULL;
- struct nl_msg *msg3 = NULL;
- uint32_t rtab[RTNL_TC_RTABLE_SIZE];
- struct tcmsg tchdr = {
- .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
- .tcm_ifindex = ifindex,
- .tcm_handle = 1,
- .tcm_parent = 0xffff0000,
- .tcm_info = TC_H_MAKE(10 << 16, ntohs(ETH_P_IP)),
- };
- struct sel_t {
- struct tc_u32_sel sel;
- struct tc_u32_key key;
- } sel = {
- .sel.nkeys = 1,
- .sel.flags = TC_U32_TERMINAL,
- = 12,
- };
- struct tc_police police = {
- .action = TC_POLICE_SHOT,
- .rate.rate = rate,
- .rate.mpu = conf_mpu,
- .limit = rate*conf_latency/1000 + bucket,
- .burst = tc_calc_xmittime(rate, bucket),
- };
- tc_calc_rtable(&police.rate, rtab, 0, 0);
- pmsg = nlmsg_alloc_simple(RTM_NEWTFILTER, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
- if (!pmsg)
- goto out_err;
- msg = nlmsg_alloc();
- if (!msg)
- goto out_err;
- msg1 = nlmsg_alloc();
- if (!msg1)
- goto out_err;
- msg2 = nlmsg_alloc();
- if (!msg2)
- goto out_err;
- msg3 = nlmsg_alloc();
- if (!msg3)
- goto out_err;
- if (nlmsg_append(pmsg, &tchdr, sizeof(tchdr), NLMSG_ALIGNTO) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- NLA_PUT_STRING(pmsg, TCA_KIND, "u32");
- NLA_PUT_U32(msg, TCA_U32_CLASSID, 1);
- NLA_PUT(msg, TCA_U32_SEL, sizeof(sel), &sel);
- NLA_PUT_STRING(msg3, TCA_ACT_KIND, "police");
- NLA_PUT(msg2, TCA_POLICE_TBF, sizeof(police), &police);
- NLA_PUT(msg2, TCA_POLICE_RATE, sizeof(rtab), rtab);
- if (nla_put_nested(msg3, TCA_ACT_OPTIONS, msg2) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nla_put_nested(msg1, 1, msg3) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nla_put_nested(msg, TCA_U32_ACT, msg1))
- goto out_err;
- if (nla_put_nested(pmsg, TCA_OPTIONS, msg))
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_send_auto_complete(h, pmsg) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_wait_for_ack(h) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- nlmsg_free(msg1);
- nlmsg_free(msg2);
- nlmsg_free(msg3);
- return 0;
- if (pmsg)
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- if (msg)
- nlmsg_free(msg);
- if (msg1)
- nlmsg_free(msg1);
- if (msg2)
- nlmsg_free(msg1);
- if (msg3)
- nlmsg_free(msg1);
- log_ppp_error("tbf: error occured, filter is not installed\n");
- return -1;
-static int install_shaper(const char *ifname, int down_speed, int down_burst, int up_speed, int up_burst)
- struct nl_sock *h;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int err;
- memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr)) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX)", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- h = nl_socket_alloc();
- if (!h) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: nl_socket_alloc failed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- err = nl_connect(h, NETLINK_ROUTE);
- if (err < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: nl_connect: %s", strerror(errno));
- goto out;
- }
- if (down_speed)
- if (install_tbf(h, ifr.ifr_ifindex, down_speed, down_burst))
- return -1;
- if (up_speed) {
- if (install_ingress(h, ifr.ifr_ifindex))
- return -1;
- if (install_filter(h, ifr.ifr_ifindex, up_speed, up_burst))
- return -1;
- }
- nl_close(h);
- nl_socket_free(h);
- return 0;
-static struct shaper_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp, int create)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- struct shaper_pd_t *spd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == &pd_key) {
- spd = container_of(pd, typeof(*spd), pd);
- return spd;
- }
- }
- if (create) {
- spd = _malloc(sizeof(*spd));
- if (!spd) {
- log_emerg("tbf: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(spd, 0, sizeof(*spd));
- spd->ppp = ppp;
- list_add_tail(&spd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
- spd->pd.key = &pd_key;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&spd->tr_list);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_add_tail(&spd->entry, &shaper_list);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
- return spd;
- }
- return NULL;
-static int remove_shaper(const char *ifname)
- struct nl_sock *h;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct nl_msg *pmsg;
- int err;
- memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname);
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifr)) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX)", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- struct tcmsg tchdr1 = {
- .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
- .tcm_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex,
- .tcm_handle = 0x00010000,
- .tcm_parent = TC_H_ROOT,
- };
- struct tcmsg tchdr2 = {
- .tcm_family = AF_UNSPEC,
- .tcm_ifindex = ifr.ifr_ifindex,
- .tcm_handle = 0xffff0000,
- .tcm_parent = TC_H_INGRESS,
- };
- h = nl_socket_alloc();
- if (!h) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: nl_socket_alloc failed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- err = nl_connect(h, NETLINK_ROUTE);
- if (err < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("tbf: nl_connect: %s", strerror(errno));
- nl_socket_free(h);
- return -1;
- }
- pmsg = nlmsg_alloc_simple(RTM_DELQDISC, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
- if (!pmsg)
- goto out_err;
- if (nlmsg_append(pmsg, &tchdr1, sizeof(tchdr1), NLMSG_ALIGNTO) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_send_auto_complete(h, pmsg) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_wait_for_ack(h) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- pmsg = nlmsg_alloc_simple(RTM_DELQDISC, NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
- if (!pmsg)
- goto out_err;
- if (nlmsg_append(pmsg, &tchdr2, sizeof(tchdr2), NLMSG_ALIGNTO) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_send_auto_complete(h, pmsg) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- if (nl_wait_for_ack(h) < 0)
- goto out_err;
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- nl_close(h);
- nl_socket_free(h);
- return 0;
- log_ppp_error("tbf: failed to remove shaper\n");
- if (pmsg)
- nlmsg_free(pmsg);
- nl_close(h);
- nl_socket_free(h);
- return -1;
-static void parse_string(const char *str, int dir, int *speed, int *burst, int *tr_id)
- char *endptr;
- long int val;
- unsigned int n1, n2, n3;
- if (strstr(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit output access-group") == str) {
- if (dir == ATTR_DOWN) {
- val = sscanf(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit output access-group %i %u %u %u conform-action transmit exceed-action drop", tr_id, &n1, &n2, &n3);
- if (val == 4) {
- *speed = n1/1000;
- *burst = n2;
- }
- }
- return;
- } else if (strstr(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit input access-group") == str) {
- if (dir == ATTR_UP) {
- val = sscanf(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit input access-group %i %u %u %u conform-action transmit exceed-action drop", tr_id, &n1, &n2, &n3);
- if (val == 4) {
- *speed = n1/1000;
- *burst = n2;
- }
- }
- return;
- } else if (strstr(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit output") == str) {
- if (dir == ATTR_DOWN) {
- val = sscanf(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit output %u %u %u conform-action transmit exceed-action drop", &n1, &n2, &n3);
- if (val == 3) {
- *speed = n1/1000;
- *burst = n2;
- }
- }
- return;
- } else if (strstr(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit input") == str) {
- if (dir == ATTR_UP) {
- val = sscanf(str, "lcp:interface-config#1=rate-limit input %u %u %u conform-action transmit exceed-action drop", &n1, &n2, &n3);
- if (val == 3) {
- *speed = n1/1000;
- *burst = n2;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- val = strtol(str, &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr == 0) {
- *speed = val;
- return;
- }
- if (*endptr == ',') {
- *tr_id = val;
- val = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
- }
- if (*endptr == 0) {
- *speed = val;
- return;
- } else {
- if (*endptr == '/' || *endptr == '\\' || *endptr == ':') {
- if (dir == ATTR_DOWN)
- *speed = val;
- else
- *speed = strtol(endptr + 1, &endptr, 10);
- }
- }
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static void parse_attr(struct rad_attr_t *attr, int dir, int *speed, int *burst, int *tr_id)
- if (attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_STRING)
- parse_string(attr->val.string, dir, speed, burst, tr_id);
- else if (attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_INTEGER)
- *speed = attr->val.integer;
-static struct time_range_pd_t *get_tr_pd(struct shaper_pd_t *pd, int id)
- struct time_range_pd_t *tr_pd;
- list_for_each_entry(tr_pd, &pd->tr_list, entry) {
- if (tr_pd->id == id)
- return tr_pd;
- }
- tr_pd = _malloc(sizeof(*tr_pd));
- memset(tr_pd, 0, sizeof(*tr_pd));
- tr_pd->id = id;
- if (id == time_range_id)
- pd->cur_tr = tr_pd;
- list_add_tail(&tr_pd->entry, &pd->tr_list);
- return tr_pd;
-static void clear_tr_pd(struct shaper_pd_t *pd)
- struct time_range_pd_t *tr_pd;
- while (!list_empty(&pd->tr_list)) {
- tr_pd = list_entry(pd->, typeof(*tr_pd), entry);
- list_del(&tr_pd->entry);
- _free(tr_pd);
- }
-static void check_radius_attrs(struct shaper_pd_t *pd, struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- int down_speed, down_burst;
- int up_speed, up_burst;
- int tr_id;
- struct time_range_pd_t *tr_pd;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (attr->vendor && attr->vendor->id != conf_vendor)
- continue;
- if (!attr->vendor && conf_vendor)
- continue;
- if (attr->attr->id != conf_attr_down && attr->attr->id != conf_attr_up)
- continue;
- tr_id = 0;
- down_speed = 0;
- down_burst = 0;
- up_speed = 0;
- up_burst = 0;
- if (attr->attr->id == conf_attr_down)
- parse_attr(attr, ATTR_DOWN, &down_speed, &down_burst, &tr_id);
- if (attr->attr->id == conf_attr_up)
- parse_attr(attr, ATTR_UP, &up_speed, &up_burst, &tr_id);
- tr_pd = get_tr_pd(pd, tr_id);
- if (down_speed)
- tr_pd->down_speed = down_speed;
- if (down_burst)
- tr_pd->down_burst = down_burst;
- if (up_speed)
- tr_pd->up_speed = up_speed;
- if (up_burst)
- tr_pd->up_burst = up_burst;
- }
-static void ev_radius_access_accept(struct ev_radius_t *ev)
- int down_speed, down_burst;
- int up_speed, up_burst;
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ev->ppp, 1);
- if (!pd)
- return;
- check_radius_attrs(pd, ev->reply);
- if (temp_down_speed || temp_up_speed) {
- pd->temp_down_speed = temp_down_speed;
- pd->temp_up_speed = temp_up_speed;
- pd->down_speed = temp_down_speed;
- pd->up_speed = temp_up_speed;
- down_speed = temp_down_speed;
- up_speed = temp_up_speed;
- down_burst = 0;
- up_burst = 0;
- } else {
- if (!pd->cur_tr)
- return;
- pd->down_speed = pd->cur_tr->down_speed;
- pd->up_speed = pd->cur_tr->up_speed;
- down_speed = pd->cur_tr->down_speed;
- up_speed = pd->cur_tr->up_speed;
- down_burst = pd->cur_tr->down_burst;
- up_burst = pd->cur_tr->up_speed;
- }
- if (down_speed > 0 && up_speed > 0) {
- if (!install_shaper(ev->ppp->ifname, down_speed, down_burst, up_speed, up_burst)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: installed shaper %i/%i (Kbit)\n", down_speed, up_speed);
- }
- }
-static void ev_radius_coa(struct ev_radius_t *ev)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ev->ppp, 0);
- if (!pd) {
- ev->res = -1;
- return;
- }
- clear_tr_pd(pd);
- check_radius_attrs(pd, ev->request);
- if (pd->temp_down_speed || pd->temp_up_speed)
- return;
- if (!pd->cur_tr) {
- if (pd->down_speed || pd->up_speed) {
- pd->down_speed = 0;
- pd->up_speed = 0;
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: removed shaper\n");
- remove_shaper(ev->ppp->ifname);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (pd->down_speed != pd->cur_tr->down_speed || pd->up_speed != pd->cur_tr->up_speed) {
- pd->down_speed = pd->cur_tr->down_speed;
- pd->up_speed = pd->cur_tr->up_speed;
- if (remove_shaper(ev->ppp->ifname)) {
- ev->res = -1;
- return;
- }
- if (pd->down_speed > 0 || pd->up_speed > 0) {
- if (install_shaper(ev->ppp->ifname, pd->cur_tr->down_speed, pd->cur_tr->down_burst, pd->cur_tr->up_speed, pd->cur_tr->up_burst)) {
- ev->res= -1;
- return;
- } else {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: changed shaper %i/%i (Kbit)\n", pd->down_speed, pd->up_speed);
- }
- } else {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: removed shaper\n");
- }
- }
-static void ev_shaper(struct ev_shaper_t *ev)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ev->ppp, 1);
- int down_speed = 0, down_burst = 0;
- int up_speed = 0, up_burst = 0;
- int tr_id;
- if (!pd)
- return;
- parse_string(ev->val, ATTR_DOWN, &down_speed, &down_burst, &tr_id);
- parse_string(ev->val, ATTR_UP, &up_speed, &up_burst, &tr_id);
- if (down_speed > 0 && up_speed > 0) {
- pd->down_speed = down_speed;
- pd->up_speed = up_speed;
- if (!install_shaper(ev->ppp->ifname, down_speed, down_burst, up_speed, up_burst)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: installed shaper %i/%i (Kbit)\n", down_speed, up_speed);
- }
- }
-static void ev_ctrl_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd = find_pd(ppp, 0);
- if (pd) {
- clear_tr_pd(pd);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_del(&pd->entry);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_del(&pd->pd.entry);
- _free(pd);
- }
-static void shaper_change_help(char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- cli_send(cli, "shaper change <interface> <value> [temp] - change shaper on specified interface, if temp is set then previous settings may be restored later by 'shaper restore'\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "shaper change all <value> [temp] - change shaper on all interfaces, if temp is set also new interfaces will have specified shaper value\r\n");
-static void shaper_change(struct shaper_pd_t *pd)
- if ((pd->temp_down_speed && pd->temp_up_speed) || (pd->down_speed && pd->up_speed))
- remove_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname);
- if (pd->temp_down_speed && pd->temp_up_speed)
- install_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname, pd->temp_down_speed, 0, pd->temp_up_speed, 0);
- else if (pd->down_speed && pd->up_speed)
- install_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname, pd->cur_tr->down_speed, pd->cur_tr->down_burst, pd->cur_tr->up_speed, pd->cur_tr->up_burst);
-static int shaper_change_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd;
- int down_speed = 0, up_speed = 0, down_burst = 0, up_burst = 0;
- int all = 0, temp = 0, found = 0;
- int tr_id;
- if (f_cnt < 4)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- parse_string(f[3], ATTR_DOWN, &down_speed, &down_burst, &tr_id);
- parse_string(f[3], ATTR_UP, &up_speed, &up_burst, &tr_id);
- if (down_speed == 0 || up_speed == 0)
- return CLI_CMD_INVAL;
- if (!strcmp(f[2], "all"))
- all = 1;
- if (f_cnt == 5) {
- if (strcmp(f[4], "temp"))
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- else
- temp = 1;
- }
- if (all && temp) {
- temp_down_speed = down_speed;
- temp_up_speed = up_speed;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &shaper_list, entry) {
- if (all || !strcmp(f[2], pd->ppp->ifname)) {
- if (temp) {
- pd->temp_down_speed = down_speed;
- pd->temp_up_speed = up_speed;
- } else {
- pd->temp_down_speed = 0;
- pd->temp_up_speed = 0;
- if (!pd->cur_tr)
- pd->cur_tr = get_tr_pd(pd, 0);
- pd->cur_tr->down_speed = down_speed;
- pd->cur_tr->down_burst = down_burst;
- pd->cur_tr->up_speed = up_speed;
- pd->cur_tr->up_burst = up_burst;
- }
- triton_context_call(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)shaper_change, pd);
- if (!all) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
- if (!all && !found)
- cli_send(cli, "not found\r\n");
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void shaper_restore_help(char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- cli_send(cli, "shaper restore <interface> - restores shaper settings on specified interface made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag\r\n");
- cli_send(cli, "shaper restore all - restores shaper settings on all interfaces made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag\r\n");
-static void shaper_restore(struct shaper_pd_t *pd)
- remove_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname);
- if (pd->cur_tr)
- install_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname, pd->cur_tr->down_speed, pd->cur_tr->down_burst, pd->cur_tr->up_speed, pd->cur_tr->up_burst);
-static int shaper_restore_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *f, int f_cnt, void *cli)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd;
- int all, found = 0;;
- if (f_cnt != 3)
- return CLI_CMD_SYNTAX;
- if (strcmp(f[2], "all"))
- all = 0;
- else
- all = 1;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&shaper_lock);
- if (all) {
- temp_down_speed = 0;
- temp_up_speed = 0;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &shaper_list, entry) {
- if (!pd->temp_down_speed)
- continue;
- if (all || !strcmp(f[2], pd->ppp->ifname)) {
- pd->temp_down_speed = 0;
- pd->temp_up_speed = 0;
- triton_context_call(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)shaper_restore, pd);
- if (!all) {
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
- if (!all && !found)
- cli_send(cli, "not found\r\n");
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-static void print_rate(const struct ppp_t *ppp, char *buf)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd = find_pd((struct ppp_t *)ppp, 0);
- if (pd && (pd->down_speed || pd->up_speed))
- sprintf(buf, "%i/%i", pd->down_speed, pd->up_speed);
- else
- *buf = 0;
-static void shaper_ctx_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct time_range_t *r;
- while (!list_empty(&time_range_list)) {
- r = list_entry(, typeof(*r), entry);
- list_del(&r->entry);
- if (r->begin.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&r->begin);
- if (r->end.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&r->end);
- _free(r);
- }
- triton_context_unregister(ctx);
-static void update_shaper_tr(struct shaper_pd_t *pd)
- struct time_range_pd_t *tr;
- list_for_each_entry(tr, &pd->tr_list, entry) {
- if (tr->id != time_range_id)
- continue;
- pd->cur_tr = tr;
- break;
- }
- if (pd->temp_down_speed || pd->temp_up_speed)
- return;
- if (pd->down_speed || pd->up_speed) {
- if (pd->cur_tr && pd->down_speed == pd->cur_tr->down_speed && pd->up_speed == pd->cur_tr->up_speed)
- return;
- remove_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname);
- }
- if (pd->cur_tr && (pd->cur_tr->down_speed || pd->cur_tr->up_speed)) {
- pd->down_speed = pd->cur_tr->down_speed;
- pd->up_speed = pd->cur_tr->up_speed;
- if (!install_shaper(pd->ppp->ifname, pd->cur_tr->down_speed, pd->cur_tr->down_burst, pd->cur_tr->up_speed, pd->cur_tr->up_burst)) {
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: changed shaper %i/%i (Kbit)\n", pd->cur_tr->down_speed, pd->cur_tr->up_speed);
- }
- } else
- if (conf_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("tbf: removed shaper\n");
-static void time_range_begin_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct time_range_t *tr = container_of(t, typeof(*tr), begin);
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd;
- time_range_id = tr->id;
- log_debug("tbf: time_range_begin_timer: id=%i\n", time_range_id);
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &shaper_list, entry)
- triton_context_call(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)update_shaper_tr, pd);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
-static void time_range_end_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct shaper_pd_t *pd;
- time_range_id = 0;
- log_debug("tbf: time_range_end_timer\n");
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&shaper_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &shaper_list, entry)
- triton_context_call(pd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)update_shaper_tr, pd);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&shaper_lock);
-static struct time_range_t *parse_range(const char *val)
- char *endptr;
- int id;
- time_t t;
- struct tm begin_tm, end_tm;
- struct time_range_t *r;
- id = strtol(val, &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != ',')
- return NULL;
- if (id <= 0)
- return NULL;
- time(&t);
- localtime_r(&t, &begin_tm);
- begin_tm.tm_sec = 1;
- end_tm = begin_tm;
- end_tm.tm_sec = 0;
- endptr = strptime(endptr + 1, "%H:%M", &begin_tm);
- if (*endptr != '-')
- return NULL;
- endptr = strptime(endptr + 1, "%H:%M", &end_tm);
- if (*endptr)
- return NULL;
- r = _malloc(sizeof(*r));
- memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r));
- r->id = id;
- r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec = mktime(&begin_tm);
- r->begin.period = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
- r->begin.expire = time_range_begin_timer;
- r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec = mktime(&end_tm);
- r->end.period = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
- r->end.expire = time_range_end_timer;
- return r;
-static void load_time_ranges(void)
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section("tbf");
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- struct time_range_t *r;
- time_t ts;
- if (!s)
- return;
- time(&ts);
- while (!list_empty(&time_range_list)) {
- r = list_entry(, typeof(*r), entry);
- list_del(&r->entry);
- if (r->begin.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&r->begin);
- if (r->end.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&r->end);
- _free(r);
- }
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &s->items, entry) {
- if (strcmp(opt->name, "time-range"))
- continue;
- r = parse_range(opt->val);
- if (r) {
- list_add_tail(&r->entry, &time_range_list);
- if (r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec > r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec) {
- if (ts >= r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec - 24*60*60 && ts <= r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec)
- time_range_begin_timer(&r->begin);
- } else {
- if (ts >= r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec && ts <= r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec)
- time_range_begin_timer(&r->begin);
- }
- if (r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec < ts)
- r->begin.expire_tv.tv_sec += 24 * 60 * 60;
- if (r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec < ts)
- r->end.expire_tv.tv_sec += 24 * 60 * 60;
- triton_timer_add(&shaper_ctx, &r->begin, 1);
- triton_timer_add(&shaper_ctx, &r->end, 1);
- } else
- log_emerg("tbf: failed to parse time-range '%s'\n", opt->val);
- }
-#ifdef RADIUS
-static int parse_attr_opt(const char *opt)
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- if (conf_vendor)
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_id(conf_vendor);
- else
- vendor = NULL;
- if (conf_vendor) {
- if (vendor)
- attr = rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(vendor, opt);
- else
- attr = NULL;
- }else
- attr = rad_dict_find_attr(opt);
- if (attr)
- return attr->id;
- return atoi(opt);
-static int parse_vendor_opt(const char *opt)
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(opt);
- if (vendor)
- return vendor->id;
- return atoi(opt);
-static void load_config(void)
- const char *opt;
-#ifdef RADIUS
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "vendor");
- if (opt)
- conf_vendor = parse_vendor_opt(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "attr");
- if (opt) {
- conf_attr_down = parse_attr_opt(opt);
- conf_attr_up = parse_attr_opt(opt);
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "attr-down");
- if (opt)
- conf_attr_down = parse_attr_opt(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "attr-up");
- if (opt)
- conf_attr_up = parse_attr_opt(opt);
- if (conf_attr_up <= 0 || conf_attr_down <= 0) {
- log_emerg("tbf: incorrect attribute(s), tbf disabled...\n");
- return;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "burst-factor");
- if (opt) {
- conf_down_burst_factor = strtod(opt, NULL);
- conf_up_burst_factor = conf_down_burst_factor * 10;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "down-burst-factor");
- if (opt)
- conf_down_burst_factor = strtod(opt, NULL);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "up-burst-factor");
- if (opt)
- conf_up_burst_factor = strtod(opt, NULL);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "latency");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_latency = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "mpu");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0)
- conf_mpu = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("tbf", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
- triton_context_call(&shaper_ctx, (triton_event_func)load_time_ranges, NULL);
-static int clock_init(void)
- FILE *fp;
- uint32_t clock_res;
- uint32_t t2us;
- uint32_t us2t;
- fp = fopen("/proc/net/psched", "r");
- if (!fp) {
- log_emerg("tbf: failed to open /proc/net/psched: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (fscanf(fp, "%08x%08x%08x", &t2us, &us2t, &clock_res) != 3) {
- log_emerg("tbf: failed to parse /proc/net/psched\n");
- fclose(fp);
- return -1;
- }
- fclose(fp);
- /* compatibility hack: for old iproute binaries (ignoring
- * the kernel clock resolution) the kernel advertises a
- * tick multiplier of 1000 in case of nano-second resolution,
- * which really is 1. */
- if (clock_res == 1000000000)
- t2us = us2t;
- clock_factor = (double)clock_res / TIME_UNITS_PER_SEC;
- tick_in_usec = (double)t2us / us2t * clock_factor;
- return 0;
-static void __init init(void)
- if (clock_init())
- return;
- triton_context_register(&shaper_ctx, NULL);
- triton_context_wakeup(&shaper_ctx);
- load_config();
-#ifdef RADIUS
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, (triton_event_func)ev_radius_access_accept);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_RADIUS_COA, (triton_event_func)ev_radius_coa);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, (triton_event_func)ev_ctrl_finished);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_SHAPER, (triton_event_func)ev_shaper);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(shaper_change_exec, shaper_change_help, 2, "shaper", "change");
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(shaper_restore_exec, shaper_restore_help, 2, "shaper", "restore");
- cli_show_ses_register("rate-limit", "rate limit down-stream/up-stream (Kbit)", print_rate);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.c b/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abfd42f1..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "sigchld.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static LIST_HEAD(handlers);
-static int lock_refs;
-static pthread_mutex_t handlers_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static pthread_cond_t refs_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
-static pthread_t sigchld_thr;
-static void* sigchld_thread(void *arg)
- sigset_t set;
- struct sigchld_handler_t *h, *h0;
- pid_t pid;
- int status, sig;
- sigfillset(&set);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSTOP);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
- sigemptyset(&set);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGCHLD);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT);
- while (1) {
- pid = waitpid(0, &status, 0);
- if (pid < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- if (errno == ECHILD) {
- sigwait(&set, &sig);
- if (sig == SIGQUIT)
- break;
- continue;
- }
- log_error("sigchld: waitpid: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- continue;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&handlers_lock);
- while (lock_refs)
- pthread_cond_wait(&refs_cond, &handlers_lock);
- h0 = NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(h, &handlers, entry) {
- if (h->pid == pid) {
- h0 = h;
- list_del(&h0->entry);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&h0->lock);
- break;
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&handlers_lock);
- if (h0) {
- h0->handler(h0, WEXITSTATUS(status));
- h0->pid = 0;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&h0->lock);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void __export sigchld_register_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h)
- pthread_mutex_init(&h->lock, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&handlers_lock);
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &handlers);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&handlers_lock);
-void __export sigchld_unregister_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *h)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&handlers_lock);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&h->lock);
- if (h->pid) {
- list_del(&h->entry);
- h->pid = 0;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&handlers_lock);
-void __export sigchld_lock()
- pthread_mutex_lock(&handlers_lock);
- ++lock_refs;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&handlers_lock);
-void __export sigchld_unlock()
- pthread_mutex_lock(&handlers_lock);
- if (--lock_refs == 0)
- pthread_cond_signal(&refs_cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&handlers_lock);
-static void __init init(void)
- if (pthread_create(&sigchld_thr, NULL, sigchld_thread, NULL))
- log_emerg("sigchld: pthread_create: %s\n", strerror(errno));
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.h b/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d1adf4..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/extra/sigchld.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __SIGCHLD_H
-#define __SIGCHLD_H
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "list.h"
-struct sigchld_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- pthread_mutex_t lock;
- pid_t pid;
- void (*handler)(struct sigchld_handler_t *, int status);
-void sigchld_register_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *);
-void sigchld_unregister_handler(struct sigchld_handler_t *);
-void sigchld_lock();
-void sigchld_unlock();
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/cli.h b/accel-pptpd/include/cli.h
deleted file mode 120000
index b0f49023..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/cli.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../cli/cli.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/events.h b/accel-pptpd/include/events.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a8caf05..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/events.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __EVENTS_H
-#define __EVENTS_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define EV_PPP_STARTING 1
-#define EV_PPP_STARTED 2
-#define EV_PPP_FINISHED 4
-#define EV_CTRL_STARTED 7
-#define EV_PPP_PRE_UP 9
-#define EV_PPP_ACCT_START 10
-#define EV_CONFIG_RELOAD 11
-#define EV_IP_CHANGED 100
-#define EV_SHAPER 101
-#define EV_MPPE_KEYS 102
-#define EV_RADIUS_COA 201
-struct ppp_t;
-struct rad_packet_t;
-struct ev_radius_t
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct rad_packet_t *request;
- struct rad_packet_t *reply;
- int res;
-struct ev_mppe_keys_t
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- uint8_t *recv_key;
- uint8_t *send_key;
- int policy;
- int type;
-struct ev_shaper_t
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- const char *val;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/if_pppox.h b/accel-pptpd/include/if_pppox.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0532d18f..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/if_pppox.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
- * Linux PPP over X - Generic PPP transport layer sockets
- * Linux PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) Socket Implementation (RFC 2516)
- *
- * This file supplies definitions required by the PPP over Ethernet driver
- * (pppox.c). All version information wrt this file is located in pppox.c
- *
- * License:
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
- * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- */
-#ifndef __LINUX_IF_PPPOX_H
-#define __LINUX_IF_PPPOX_H
-#include <asm/types.h>
-#include <asm/byteorder.h>
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/if_ether.h>
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-#include <linux/in.h>
-#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-#include <linux/ppp_channel.h>
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-/* For user-space programs to pick up these definitions
- * which they wouldn't get otherwise without defining __KERNEL__
- */
-#ifndef AF_PPPOX
-#define AF_PPPOX 24
-#endif /* !(AF_PPPOX) */
-struct pppoe_addr {
- __be16 sid;
- unsigned char remote[ETH_ALEN];
- char dev[IFNAMSIZ];
-struct pptp_addr {
- __u16 call_id;
- struct in_addr sin_addr;
- * Protocols supported by AF_PPPOX
- */
-#define PX_PROTO_OE 0 /* Currently just PPPoE */
-#define PX_PROTO_PPTP 1
-#define PX_MAX_PROTO 2
-#define PX_PROTO_PPTP 2
-#define PX_MAX_PROTO 3
-struct sockaddr_pppox {
- sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family, AF_PPPOX */
- unsigned int sa_protocol; /* protocol identifier */
- union{
- struct pppoe_addr pppoe;
- struct pptp_addr pptp;
- }sa_addr;
-}__attribute__ ((packed));
- *
- * ioctl interface for defining forwarding of connections
- *
- ********************************************************************/
-#define PPPOEIOCSFWD _IOW(0xB1 ,0, size_t)
-#define PPPOEIOCDFWD _IO(0xB1 ,1)
-/*#define PPPOEIOCGFWD _IOWR(0xB1,2, size_t)*/
-/* Codes to identify message types */
-#define PADI_CODE 0x09
-#define PADO_CODE 0x07
-#define PADR_CODE 0x19
-#define PADS_CODE 0x65
-#define PADT_CODE 0xa7
-struct pppoe_tag {
- __u16 tag_type;
- __u16 tag_len;
- char tag_data[0];
-} __attribute ((packed));
-/* Tag identifiers */
-#define PTT_EOL __constant_htons(0x0000)
-#define PTT_SRV_NAME __constant_htons(0x0101)
-#define PTT_AC_NAME __constant_htons(0x0102)
-#define PTT_HOST_UNIQ __constant_htons(0x0103)
-#define PTT_AC_COOKIE __constant_htons(0x0104)
-#define PTT_VENDOR __constant_htons(0x0105)
-#define PTT_RELAY_SID __constant_htons(0x0110)
-#define PTT_SRV_ERR __constant_htons(0x0201)
-#define PTT_SYS_ERR __constant_htons(0x0202)
-#define PTT_GEN_ERR __constant_htons(0x0203)
-struct pppoe_hdr {
- __u8 ver : 4;
- __u8 type : 4;
-#elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN_BITFIELD)
- __u8 type : 4;
- __u8 ver : 4;
-#error "Please fix <asm/byteorder.h>"
- __u8 code;
- __u16 sid;
- __u16 length;
- struct pppoe_tag tag[0];
-} __attribute__ ((packed));
-/* Socket options */
-#define PPTP_SO_TIMEOUT 1
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-struct pppoe_opt {
- struct net_device *dev; /* device associated with socket*/
- struct pppoe_addr pa; /* what this socket is bound to*/
- struct sockaddr_pppox relay; /* what socket data will be
- relayed to (PPPoE relaying) */
-struct pptp_opt {
- struct pptp_addr src_addr;
- struct pptp_addr dst_addr;
- int timeout;
- __u32 ack_sent, ack_recv;
- __u32 seq_sent, seq_recv;
- int ppp_flags;
- int flags;
- struct sk_buff_head skb_buf;
- struct tq_struct buf_work; //check bufferd packets work
- struct timer_list buf_timer;
- #else
- struct delayed_work buf_work; //check bufferd packets work
- #else
- struct work_struct buf_work; //check bufferd packets work
- #endif
- #endif
- struct gre_statistics *stat;
- spinlock_t xmit_lock;
- spinlock_t rcv_lock;
-#define PPTP_FLAG_PAUSE 0
-#define PPTP_FLAG_PROC 1
-#include <net/sock.h>
-struct pppox_sock {
- /* struct sock must be the first member of pppox_sock */
- struct ppp_channel chan;
- struct sock *sk;
- #else
- struct sock sk;
- struct ppp_channel chan;
- #endif
- struct pppox_sock *next; /* for hash table */
- union {
- struct pppoe_opt pppoe;
- struct pptp_opt pptp;
- } proto;
- unsigned short num;
-#define pppoe_dev
-#define pppoe_pa
-#define pppoe_relay proto.pppoe.relay
-static inline struct pppox_sock *pppox_sk(struct sock *sk)
- return (struct pppox_sock *)sk->protinfo.pppox;
- #else
- return (struct pppox_sock *)sk;
- #endif
-static inline struct sock *sk_pppox(struct pppox_sock *po)
- return po->sk;
- #else
- return (struct sock *)po;
- #endif
-struct module;
-struct pppox_proto {
- int (*create)(struct socket *sock);
- #else
- int (*create)(struct net *net, struct socket *sock);
- #endif
- int (*ioctl)(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd,
- unsigned long arg);
- struct module *owner;
- #endif
-extern int register_pppox_proto(int proto_num, struct pppox_proto *pp);
-extern void unregister_pppox_proto(int proto_num);
-extern void pppox_unbind_sock(struct sock *sk);/* delete ppp-channel binding */
-extern int pppox_ioctl(struct socket *sock, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
-/* PPPoX socket states */
-enum {
- PPPOX_NONE = 0, /* initial state */
- PPPOX_CONNECTED = 1, /* connection established ==TCP_ESTABLISHED */
- PPPOX_BOUND = 2, /* bound to ppp device */
- PPPOX_RELAY = 4, /* forwarding is enabled */
- PPPOX_ZOMBIE = 8, /* dead, but still bound to ppp device */
- PPPOX_DEAD = 16 /* dead, useless, please clean me up!*/
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-#endif /* !(__LINUX_IF_PPPOX_H) */
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/ipdb.h b/accel-pptpd/include/ipdb.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 77ab85b8..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/ipdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../ipdb.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/iprange.h b/accel-pptpd/include/iprange.h
deleted file mode 120000
index b8c2c43d..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/iprange.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../iprange.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/linux_ppp.h b/accel-pptpd/include/linux_ppp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ebb4c235..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/linux_ppp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __KERNEL_PPP_H
-#define __KERNEL_PPP_H
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#ifndef aligned_u64
-#define aligned_u64 __u64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
-#ifndef __aligned_u64
-#define __aligned_u64 __u64 __attribute__((aligned(8)))
-#include <linux/ppp_defs.h>
-#include <linux/if.h>
-#include <linux/if_ppp.h>
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/list.h b/accel-pptpd/include/list.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 4b6d9a91..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../triton/list.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/log.h b/accel-pptpd/include/log.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 49a04dd9..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/log.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../log.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/memdebug.h b/accel-pptpd/include/memdebug.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 3ee61bc2..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/memdebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../memdebug.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/mempool.h b/accel-pptpd/include/mempool.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 2637ab65..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/mempool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../triton/mempool.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp.h b/accel-pptpd/include/ppp.h
deleted file mode 120000
index ae3fa2ef..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../ppp/ppp.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_auth.h b/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_auth.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 527c8538..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_auth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../ppp/ppp_auth.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_fsm.h b/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_fsm.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 5c6b7f47..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_fsm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../ppp/ppp_fsm.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_lcp.h b/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_lcp.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 49027522..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/ppp_lcp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../ppp/ppp_lcp.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/pwdb.h b/accel-pptpd/include/pwdb.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 360efe4d..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/pwdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../pwdb.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/radius.h b/accel-pptpd/include/radius.h
deleted file mode 120000
index e1465f19..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/radius.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../radius/radius.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/sigchld.h b/accel-pptpd/include/sigchld.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 9b74ebdb..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/sigchld.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../extra/sigchld.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/spinlock.h b/accel-pptpd/include/spinlock.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 09edcf6b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/spinlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../triton/spinlock.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/triton.h b/accel-pptpd/include/triton.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 6f35a2fe..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/triton.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../triton/triton.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/include/utils.h b/accel-pptpd/include/utils.h
deleted file mode 120000
index 6cd5d4fd..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/include/utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-../utils.h \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ipdb.c b/accel-pptpd/ipdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a08d3be2..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ipdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static LIST_HEAD(ipdb_handlers);
-__export struct ipdb_item_t *ipdb_get(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ipdb_t *ipdb;
- struct ipdb_item_t *it;
- list_for_each_entry(ipdb, &ipdb_handlers, entry) {
- it = ipdb->get(ppp);
- if (it)
- return it;
- }
- return NULL;
-void __export ipdb_put(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ipdb_item_t *it)
- if (it->owner->put)
- it->owner->put(ppp, it);
-void __export ipdb_register(struct ipdb_t *ipdb)
- list_add_tail(&ipdb->entry, &ipdb_handlers);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ipdb.h b/accel-pptpd/ipdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf38853..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ipdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef IPDB_H
-#define IPDB_H
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "list.h"
-struct ipdb_item_t
- struct ipdb_t *owner;
- in_addr_t addr;
- in_addr_t peer_addr;
-struct ipdb_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ipdb_item_t *(*get)(struct ppp_t *ppp);
- void (*put)(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ipdb_item_t *);
-struct ipdb_item_t *ipdb_get(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-void ipdb_put(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ipdb_item_t *);
-void ipdb_register(struct ipdb_t *);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/iprange.c b/accel-pptpd/iprange.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 411dcb76..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/iprange.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "iprange.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct iprange_t
- struct list_head entry;
- uint32_t begin;
- uint32_t end;
-static int conf_disable = 0;
-static LIST_HEAD(client_ranges);
-//static LIST_HEAD(tunnel_ranges);
-//parses ranges like x.x.x.x/mask
-static struct iprange_t *parse1(const char *str)
- int n,f1,f2,f3,f4,m;
- struct iprange_t *r;
- int mask;
- n = sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u/%u",&f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &m);
- if (n != 5)
- return NULL;
- if (f1 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f2 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f3 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f4 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (m == 0 || m > 32)
- return NULL;
- r = _malloc(sizeof(*r));
- r->begin = (f4 << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1;
- mask = htonl(~((1 << (32 - m)) - 1));
- r->end = ntohl(r->begin | ~mask);
- r->begin = ntohl(r->begin);
- return r;
-//parses ranges like x.x.x.x-y
-static struct iprange_t *parse2(const char *str)
- int n,f1,f2,f3,f4,m;
- struct iprange_t *r;
- n = sscanf(str, "%u.%u.%u.%u-%u",&f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &m);
- if (n != 5)
- return NULL;
- if (f1 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f2 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f3 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (f4 > 255)
- return NULL;
- if (m < f4 || m > 255)
- return NULL;
- r = _malloc(sizeof(*r));
- r->begin = ntohl((f4 << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1);
- r->end = ntohl((m << 24) | (f3 << 16) | (f2 << 8) | f1);
- return r;
-static void load_ranges(struct list_head *list, const char *conf_sect)
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section(conf_sect);
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- struct iprange_t *r;
- if (!s) {
- log_emerg("iprange: section '%s' not found in config file, pptp and l2tp probably will not work...\n", conf_sect);
- return;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &s->items, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(opt->name, "disable")) {
- conf_disable = 1;
- log_emerg("iprange: iprange module disabled so improper ip address assigning may cause kernel soft lockup!\n");
- continue;
- }
- r = parse1(opt->name);
- if (!r)
- r = parse2(opt->name);
- if (!r) {
- log_emerg("iprange: cann't parse '%s' in '%s'\n", opt->name, conf_sect);
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- list_add_tail(&r->entry, list);
- }
-static int check_range(struct list_head *list, in_addr_t ipaddr)
- struct iprange_t *r;
- uint32_t a = ntohl(ipaddr);
- list_for_each_entry(r, list, entry) {
- if (a >= r->begin && a <= r->end)
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-int __export iprange_client_check(in_addr_t ipaddr)
- if (conf_disable)
- return 0;
- return check_range(&client_ranges, ipaddr);
-int __export iprange_tunnel_check(in_addr_t ipaddr)
- if (conf_disable)
- return 0;
- return !check_range(&client_ranges, ipaddr);
-static void __init iprange_init(void)
- load_ranges(&client_ranges, "client-ip-range");
- //load_ranges(&tunnel_ranges, "tunnel-ip-range");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/iprange.h b/accel-pptpd/iprange.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a2486a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/iprange.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __IPRANGE_H
-#define __IPRANGE_H
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-int iprange_client_check(in_addr_t ipaddr);
-int iprange_tunnel_check(in_addr_t ipaddr);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/log.c b/accel-pptpd/log.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 428feddf..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "triton/mempool.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct log_pd_t
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct list_head msgs;
- struct log_msg_t *msg;
- int authorized:1;
-struct _log_msg_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int level;
- struct timeval timestamp;
- struct list_head chunks;
- unsigned int refs;
-static int log_level;
-static LIST_HEAD(targets);
-static mempool_t msg_pool;
-static mempool_t _msg_pool;
-static mempool_t chunk_pool;
-static __thread struct ppp_t *cur_ppp;
-static __thread struct _log_msg_t *cur_msg;
-static __thread char *stat_buf;
-static FILE *emerg_file;
-static FILE *debug_file;
-static void _log_free_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg);
-static struct log_msg_t *clone_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg);
-static int add_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg, const char *buf);
-//static struct log_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-static void write_msg(FILE *f, struct _log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp);
-static void do_log(int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_target_t *t;
- struct log_msg_t *m;
- if (!stat_buf)
- stat_buf = _malloc(LOG_MAX_SIZE + 1);
- vsnprintf(stat_buf, LOG_MAX_SIZE, fmt, ap);
- if (!cur_msg) {
- cur_msg = mempool_alloc(_msg_pool);
- if (!cur_msg)
- return;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&cur_msg->chunks);
- cur_msg->refs = 1;
- cur_msg->level = level;
- gettimeofday(&cur_msg->timestamp, NULL);
- }
- if (add_msg(cur_msg, stat_buf))
- goto out;
- if (stat_buf[strlen(stat_buf) - 1] != '\n')
- return;
- if (debug_file)
- write_msg(debug_file, cur_msg, ppp);
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry) {
- m = clone_msg(cur_msg);
- if (!m)
- break;
- t->log(t, m, ppp);
- }
- _log_free_msg(cur_msg);
- cur_msg = NULL;
-void __export log_error(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_ERROR) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,fmt);
- do_log(LOG_ERROR, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_warn(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_WARN) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap,fmt);
- do_log(LOG_WARN, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_info1(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_INFO1) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_INFO1, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_info2(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_INFO2) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_INFO2, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_debug(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_DEBUG) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_debug2(const char *fmt,...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(debug_file, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- fflush(debug_file);
-void __export log_msg(const char *fmt,...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_MSG, fmt, ap, NULL);
- va_end(ap);
-void __export log_ppp_error(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_ERROR) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_ERROR, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_ppp_warn(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_WARN) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_WARN, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_ppp_info1(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_INFO1) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_INFO1, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_ppp_info2(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_INFO2) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_INFO2, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_ppp_debug(const char *fmt,...)
- if (log_level >= LOG_DEBUG) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_DEBUG, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
- }
-void __export log_ppp_msg(const char *fmt,...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(LOG_MSG, fmt, ap, cur_ppp);
- va_end(ap);
-void __export log_emerg(const char *fmt, ...)
- if (emerg_file) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(emerg_file, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- fflush(emerg_file);
- }
-void __export log_free_msg(struct log_msg_t *m)
- struct _log_msg_t *msg = (struct _log_msg_t *)m->lpd;
- //printf("free msg %p\n", m);
- mempool_free(m->hdr);
- _log_free_msg(msg);
- mempool_free(m);
-static void _log_free_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg)
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- if (__sync_sub_and_fetch(&msg->refs, 1))
- return;
- while(!list_empty(&msg->chunks)) {
- chunk = list_entry(msg->, typeof(*chunk), entry);
- list_del(&chunk->entry);
- mempool_free(chunk);
- }
- mempool_free(msg);
-static struct log_msg_t *clone_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg)
- struct log_msg_t *m = mempool_alloc(msg_pool);
- if (!m) {
- log_emerg("log: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- m->hdr = mempool_alloc(chunk_pool);
- if (!m->hdr) {
- log_emerg("log: out of memory\n");
- mempool_free(m);
- return NULL;
- }
- m->hdr->len = 0;
- m->lpd = msg;
- m->chunks = &msg->chunks;
- m->timestamp = msg->timestamp;
- m->level = msg->level;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&msg->refs, 1);
- //printf("clone msg %p\n", m);
- return m;
-static int add_msg(struct _log_msg_t *msg, const char *buf)
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- int i, len, chunk_cnt;
- len = strlen(buf);
- chunk_cnt = (len - 1)/LOG_CHUNK_SIZE + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < chunk_cnt; i++) {
- chunk = mempool_alloc(chunk_pool);
- if (!chunk)
- return -1;
- chunk->len = i == chunk_cnt -1 ? len - i * LOG_CHUNK_SIZE : LOG_CHUNK_SIZE;
- memcpy(chunk->msg, buf + i * LOG_CHUNK_SIZE, chunk->len);
- chunk->msg[chunk->len] = 0;
- list_add_tail(&chunk->entry, &msg->chunks);
- }
- return 0;
-static void write_msg(FILE *f, struct _log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- if (ppp)
- sprintf(stat_buf,"%s: %s: ", ppp->ifname, ppp->sessionid);
- else
- stat_buf[0] = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(chunk, &msg->chunks, entry)
- strcat(stat_buf, chunk->msg);
- fwrite(stat_buf, strlen(stat_buf), 1, f);
- fflush(f);
-/*static struct log_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- struct log_pd_t *lpd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == &pd_key) {
- lpd = container_of(pd, typeof(*lpd), pd);
- return lpd;
- }
- }
- log_emerg("log:BUG: pd not found\n");
- abort();
-static void ev_ctrl_starting(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_pd_t *lpd = _malloc(sizeof(*lpd));
- if (!lpd) {
- log_emerg("log: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- memset(lpd, 0, sizeof(*lpd));
- lpd->pd.key = &pd_key;
- lpd->ppp = ppp;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lpd->msgs);
- list_add_tail(&lpd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
-static void ev_ctrl_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_pd_t *lpd = find_pd(ppp);
- struct _log_msg_t *msg;
- struct log_msg_t *m;
- struct log_target_t *t;
- if (lpd->msg) {
- log_emerg("log:BUG: lpd->msg is not NULL\n");
- abort();
- }
- if (lpd->authorized) {
- if (!list_empty(&lpd->msgs)) {
- log_emerg("log:BUG: lpd->msgs is not empty\n");
- abort();
- }
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry)
- if (t->session_stop)
- t->session_stop(ppp);
- }
- while (!list_empty(&lpd->msgs)) {
- msg = list_entry(lpd->, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry) {
- if (!t->log)
- continue;
- m = clone_msg(msg);
- if (!m)
- break;
- t->log(m);
- }
- _log_free_msg(msg);
- }
- list_del(&lpd->pd.entry);
- _free(lpd);
-static void ev_ppp_authorized(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_pd_t *lpd = find_pd(ppp);
- struct _log_msg_t *msg;
- struct log_msg_t *m;
- struct log_target_t *t;
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry)
- if (t->session_start)
- t->session_start(ppp);
- while(!list_empty(&lpd->msgs)) {
- msg = list_entry(lpd->, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry) {
- if (!t->session_log)
- continue;
- m = clone_msg(msg);
- if (!m)
- break;
- t->session_log(lpd->ppp, m);
- }
- _log_free_msg(msg);
- }
- lpd->authorized = 1;
-void __export log_switch(struct triton_context_t *ctx, void *arg)
- cur_ppp = (struct ppp_t *)arg;
-void __export log_register_target(struct log_target_t *t)
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &targets);
-static void sighup(int n)
- struct log_target_t *t;
- list_for_each_entry(t, &targets, entry)
- if (t->reopen)
- t->reopen();
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "level");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0)
- log_level = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "log-emerg");
- if (opt) {
- if (emerg_file)
- emerg_file = freopen(opt, "a", emerg_file);
- else
- emerg_file = fopen(opt, "a");
- if (!emerg_file)
- fprintf(stderr, "log:open: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- } else if (emerg_file) {
- fclose(emerg_file);
- emerg_file = NULL;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "log-debug");
- if (opt) {
- if (debug_file)
- debug_file = freopen(opt, "a", debug_file);
- else
- debug_file = fopen(opt, "a");
- if (!debug_file)
- fprintf(stderr, "log:open: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- } else if (debug_file) {
- fclose(debug_file);
- debug_file = NULL;
- }
-static void __init log_init(void)
- struct sigaction sa = {
- .sa_handler = sighup,
- };
- msg_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct log_msg_t));
- _msg_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct _log_msg_t));
- chunk_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct log_chunk_t) + LOG_CHUNK_SIZE + 1);
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
- sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/log.h b/accel-pptpd/log.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d87c42c0..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/log.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __LOG_H
-#define __LOG_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#define LOG_MSG 0
-#define LOG_ERROR 1
-#define LOG_WARN 2
-#define LOG_INFO1 3
-#define LOG_INFO2 4
-#define LOG_DEBUG 5
-#define LOG_CHUNK_SIZE 128
-#define LOG_MAX_SIZE 4096
-struct ppp_t;
-struct triton_context_t;
-struct log_msg_t
- struct list_head entry;
- void *lpd;
- void *tpd;
- struct timeval timestamp;
- int level;
- struct log_chunk_t *hdr;
- struct list_head *chunks;
-struct log_chunk_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int len;
- char msg[0];
-struct log_target_t
- struct list_head entry;
- void (*log)(struct log_target_t *, struct log_msg_t *, struct ppp_t *ppp);
- void (*reopen)(void);
-void log_free_msg(struct log_msg_t *msg);
-void log_emerg(const char *fmt, ...);
-void log_error(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_warn(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_info1(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_info2(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_debug(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_msg(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_error(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_warn(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_info1(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_info2(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_debug(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_ppp_msg(const char *fmt,...);
-void log_switch(struct triton_context_t *ctx, void *arg);
-void log_register_target(struct log_target_t *t);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/logs/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/logs/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0665e9a5..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/logs/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-ADD_LIBRARY(log_file SHARED log_file.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(log_tcp SHARED log_tcp.c)
-INSTALL(TARGETS log_file log_tcp
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
- ADD_LIBRARY(log_pgsql SHARED log_pgsql.c)
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
- )
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_file.c b/accel-pptpd/logs/log_file.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e4357573..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_file.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <aio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define LOG_BUF_SIZE 16*1024
-#define RED_COLOR "\033[1;31m"
-#define GREEN_COLOR "\033[1;32m"
-#define YELLOW_COLOR "\033[1;33m"
-#define BLUE_COLOR "\033[1;34m"
-#define NORMAL_COLOR "\033[0;39m"
-struct log_file_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct list_head msgs;
- spinlock_t lock;
- int need_free:1;
- int queued:1;
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- int fd;
- int new_fd;
- off_t offset;
- unsigned long magic;
-struct log_file_pd_t
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- struct log_file_t lf;
- unsigned long tmp;
-static int conf_color;
-static int conf_per_session;
-static char *conf_per_user_dir;
-static char *conf_per_session_dir;
-static int conf_copy;
-static const char* level_name[]={" msg", "error", " warn", " info", " info", "debug"};
-static void *pd_key1;
-static void *pd_key2;
-static struct log_file_t *log_file;
-static mempool_t lpd_pool;
-static char *log_buf;
-static struct aiocb aiocb = {
- .aio_lio_opcode = LIO_WRITE,
- .aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL,
- .aio_sigevent.sigev_signo = SIGIO,
-static LIST_HEAD(lf_queue);
-static spinlock_t lf_queue_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static int lf_queue_sleeping = 1;
-static unsigned long temp_seq;
-static void send_next_chunk();
-static void log_file_init(struct log_file_t *lf)
- spinlock_init(&lf->lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lf->msgs);
- lf->fd = -1;
- lf->new_fd = -1;
-static int log_file_open(struct log_file_t *lf, const char *fname)
- lf->fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if (lf->fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("log_file: open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- lf->offset = lseek(lf->fd, 0, SEEK_END);
- return 0;
-static void sigio(int num, siginfo_t *si, void *uc)
- struct log_file_t *lf;
- int n;
- if (si->si_signo != SIGIO)
- return;
- if (si->si_code != SI_ASYNCIO) {
- if (aio_write(&aiocb))
- log_emerg("log_file: aio_write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- lf = (struct log_file_t *)si->si_ptr;
- n = aio_return(&aiocb);
- if (n < 0)
- log_emerg("log_file: %s\n", strerror(aio_error(&aiocb)));
- else if (n != aiocb.aio_nbytes)
- log_emerg("log_file: short write %p %i %lu\n", lf, n, aiocb.aio_nbytes);
- spin_lock(&lf->lock);
- lf->offset += n;
- if (list_empty(&lf->msgs)) {
- if (lf->need_free) {
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- close(lf->fd);
- mempool_free(lf->lpd);
- } else {
- lf->queued = 0;
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- }
- } else {
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- spin_lock(&lf_queue_lock);
- list_add_tail(&lf->entry, &lf_queue);
- spin_unlock(&lf_queue_lock);
- }
- send_next_chunk();
-static int dequeue_log(struct log_file_t *lf)
- int n, pos = 0;
- struct log_msg_t *msg;
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- while (1) {
- spin_lock(&lf->lock);
- if (list_empty(&lf->msgs)) {
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- return pos;
- }
- msg = list_entry(lf->, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- if (pos + msg->hdr->len > LOG_BUF_SIZE)
- goto overrun;
- memcpy(log_buf + pos, msg->hdr->msg, msg->hdr->len);
- n = msg->hdr->len;
- list_for_each_entry(chunk, msg->chunks, entry) {
- if (pos + n + chunk->len > LOG_BUF_SIZE)
- goto overrun;
- memcpy(log_buf + pos + n, chunk->msg, chunk->len);
- n += chunk->len;
- }
- log_free_msg(msg);
- pos += n;
- }
- spin_lock(&lf->lock);
- list_add(&msg->entry, &lf->msgs);
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- return pos;
-static void send_next_chunk(void)
- struct log_file_t *lf;
- int n;
- spin_lock(&lf_queue_lock);
- if (list_empty(&lf_queue)) {
- lf_queue_sleeping = 1;
- spin_unlock(&lf_queue_lock);
- return;
- }
- lf = list_entry(, typeof(*lf), entry);
- n = log_file-> == NULL;
- list_del(&lf->entry);
- spin_unlock(&lf_queue_lock);
- if (lf->new_fd != -1) {
- close(lf->fd);
- lf->fd = lf->new_fd;
- lf->new_fd = -1;
- lf->offset = 0;
- }
- aiocb.aio_fildes = lf->fd;
- aiocb.aio_offset = lf->offset;
- aiocb.aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = lf;
- aiocb.aio_nbytes = dequeue_log(lf);
- if (aio_write(&aiocb))
- log_emerg("log_file: aio_write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-static void queue_lf(struct log_file_t *lf)
- int r;
- spin_lock(&lf_queue_lock);
- list_add_tail(&lf->entry, &lf_queue);
- r = lf_queue_sleeping;
- lf_queue_sleeping = 0;
- spin_unlock(&lf_queue_lock);
- if (r)
- send_next_chunk();
-static void queue_log(struct log_file_t *lf, struct log_msg_t *msg)
- int r;
- spin_lock(&lf->lock);
- list_add_tail(&msg->entry, &lf->msgs);
- if (lf->fd != -1) {
- r = lf->queued;
- lf->queued = 1;
- } else
- r = 1;
- spin_unlock(&lf->lock);
- if (!r)
- queue_lf(lf);
-static void set_hdr(struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct tm tm;
- char timestamp[32];
- localtime_r(&msg->timestamp.tv_sec, &tm);
- strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
- sprintf(msg->hdr->msg, "%s[%s]: %s: %s%s%s", conf_color ? level_color[msg->level] : "",
- timestamp, level_name[msg->level],
- ppp ? ppp->ifname : "",
- ppp ? ": " : "",
- conf_color ? NORMAL_COLOR : "");
- msg->hdr->len = strlen(msg->hdr->msg);
-static void general_log(struct log_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- if (ppp && !conf_copy) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- set_hdr(msg, ppp);
- queue_log(log_file, msg);
-static struct log_file_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp, void *pd_key)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == pd_key) {
- lpd = container_of(pd, typeof(*lpd), pd);
- return lpd;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static void per_user_log(struct log_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- if (!ppp) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key1);
- if (!lpd) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- set_hdr(msg, ppp);
- queue_log(&lpd->lf, msg);
-static void per_session_log(struct log_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- if (!ppp) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key2);
- if (!lpd) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- set_hdr(msg, ppp);
- queue_log(&lpd->lf, msg);
-static void general_reopen(void)
- char *fname = conf_get_opt("log", "log-file");
- int fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
- if (fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("log_file: open '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- log_file->new_fd = fd;
-static void free_lpd(struct log_file_pd_t *lpd)
- struct log_msg_t *msg;
- spin_lock(&lpd->lf.lock);
- list_del(&lpd->pd.entry);
- lpd->lf.need_free = 1;
- if (lpd->lf.queued)
- spin_unlock(&lpd->lf.lock);
- else {
- while (!list_empty(&lpd->lf.msgs)) {
- msg = list_entry(lpd->, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- log_free_msg(msg);
- }
- if (lpd->lf.fd != -1)
- close(lpd->lf.fd);
- spin_unlock(&lpd->lf.lock);
- mempool_free(lpd);
- }
-static void ev_ctrl_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- char *fname;
- if (conf_per_user_dir) {
- lpd = mempool_alloc(lpd_pool);
- if (!lpd) {
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- memset(lpd, 0, sizeof(*lpd));
- lpd->pd.key = &pd_key1;
- log_file_init(&lpd->lf);
- lpd->lf.lpd = lpd;
- list_add_tail(&lpd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
- }
- if (conf_per_session_dir) {
- lpd = mempool_alloc(lpd_pool);
- if (!lpd) {
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- memset(lpd, 0, sizeof(*lpd));
- lpd->pd.key = &pd_key2;
- log_file_init(&lpd->lf);
- lpd->lf.lpd = lpd;
- fname = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname) {
- mempool_free(lpd);
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- lpd->tmp = temp_seq++;
- strcpy(fname, conf_per_session_dir);
- strcat(fname, "/tmp");
- sprintf(fname + strlen(fname), "%lu", lpd->tmp);
- if (log_file_open(&lpd->lf, fname)) {
- mempool_free(lpd);
- _free(fname);
- return;
- }
- _free(fname);
- list_add_tail(&lpd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
- }
-static void ev_ctrl_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- char *fname;
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key1);
- if (lpd)
- free_lpd(lpd);
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key2);
- if (lpd) {
- if (lpd->tmp) {
- fname = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (fname) {
- strcpy(fname, conf_per_session_dir);
- strcat(fname, "/tmp");
- sprintf(fname + strlen(fname), "%lu", lpd->tmp);
- if (unlink(fname))
- log_emerg("log_file: unlink '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- _free(fname);
- } else
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- }
- free_lpd(lpd);
- }
-static void ev_ppp_starting(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- char *fname1, *fname2;
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key2);
- if (!lpd)
- return;
- fname1 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname1) {
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- fname2 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname2) {
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- _free(fname1);
- return;
- }
- strcpy(fname1, conf_per_session_dir);
- strcat(fname1, "/tmp");
- sprintf(fname1 + strlen(fname1), "%lu", lpd->tmp);
- strcpy(fname2, conf_per_session_dir);
- strcat(fname2, "/");
- strcat(fname2, ppp->sessionid);
- strcat(fname2, ".log");
- if (rename(fname1, fname2))
- log_emerg("log_file: rename '%s' to '%s': %s\n", fname1, fname2, strerror(errno));
- lpd->tmp = 0;
- _free(fname1);
- _free(fname2);
-static void ev_ppp_authorized(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct log_file_pd_t *lpd;
- char *fname;
- lpd = find_pd(ppp, &pd_key1);
- if (!lpd)
- return;
- fname = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname) {
- log_emerg("log_file: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(fname, conf_per_user_dir);
- strcat(fname, "/");
- strcat(fname, ppp->username);
- if (conf_per_session) {
- if (mkdir(fname, S_IRWXU) && errno != EEXIST) {
- log_emerg("log_file: mkdir '%s': %s'\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- strcat(fname, "/");
- strcat(fname, ppp->sessionid);
- }
- strcat(fname, ".log");
- if (log_file_open(&lpd->lf, fname))
- goto out_err;
- _free(fname);
- if (!list_empty(&lpd->lf.msgs)) {
- lpd->lf.queued = 1;
- queue_lf(&lpd->lf);
- }
- return;
- _free(fname);
- list_del(&lpd->pd.entry);
- free_lpd(lpd);
-static struct log_target_t general_target =
- .log = general_log,
- .reopen = general_reopen,
-static struct log_target_t per_user_target =
- .log = per_user_log,
-static struct log_target_t per_session_target =
- .log = per_session_log,
-static void __init init(void)
- char *opt;
- sigset_t set;
- sigemptyset(&set);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGIO);
- struct sigaction sa = {
- .sa_sigaction = sigio,
- .sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO,
- .sa_mask = set,
- };
- lpd_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct log_file_pd_t));
- log_buf = malloc(LOG_BUF_SIZE);
- aiocb.aio_buf = log_buf;
- if (sigaction(SIGIO, &sa, NULL)) {
- log_emerg("log_file: sigaction: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "log-file");
- if (opt) {
- log_file = malloc(sizeof(*log_file));
- memset(log_file, 0, sizeof(*log_file));
- log_file_init(log_file);
- if (log_file_open(log_file, opt)) {
- free(log_file);
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("log","color");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_color = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "per-user-dir");
- if (opt)
- conf_per_user_dir = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "per-session-dir");
- if (opt)
- conf_per_session_dir = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "per-session");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_per_session = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("log", "copy");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_copy = 1;
- log_register_target(&general_target);
- if (conf_per_user_dir)
- log_register_target(&per_user_target);
- if (conf_per_session_dir)
- log_register_target(&per_session_target);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CTRL_STARTED, (triton_event_func)ev_ctrl_started);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, (triton_event_func)ev_ctrl_finished);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_STARTING, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_starting);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_AUTHORIZED, (triton_event_func)ev_ppp_authorized);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_pgsql.c b/accel-pptpd/logs/log_pgsql.c
deleted file mode 100644
index af67e0b0..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_pgsql.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <postgresql/libpq-fe.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static char *conf_conninfo;
-static int conf_queue_max = 1000;
-static char *conf_query;
-#define QUERY_TEMPLATE "insert into %s (timestamp, username, sessionid, msg) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)"
-static void start_connect(void);
-static void start_connect_timer(struct triton_timer_t *);
-static void pgsql_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx);
-static struct triton_context_t pgsql_ctx = {
- .close = pgsql_close,
- .before_switch = log_switch,
-static struct triton_md_handler_t pgsql_hnd;
-static struct triton_timer_t connect_timer = {
- .period = 5000,
- .expire = start_connect_timer,
-static PGconn *conn;
-static LIST_HEAD(msg_queue);
-static int queue_size;
-static int sleeping = 0;
-static spinlock_t queue_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static char *log_buf;
-static int need_close;
-static void unpack_msg(struct log_msg_t *msg)
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- int pos = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(chunk, msg->chunks, entry) {
- memcpy(log_buf + pos, chunk->msg, chunk->len);
- pos += chunk->len;
- }
- if (pos > 1)
- log_buf[pos - 1] = 0;
- else
- log_buf[0] = 0;
-static void set_hdr(struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct tm tm;
- localtime_r(&msg->timestamp.tv_sec, &tm);
- strftime(msg->hdr->msg, LOG_CHUNK_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
- msg->hdr->len = strlen(msg->hdr->msg) + 1;
- if (ppp && ppp->username) {
- strcpy(msg->hdr->msg + msg->hdr->len, ppp->username);
- msg->hdr->len += strlen(ppp->username) + 1;
- strcpy(msg->hdr->msg + msg->hdr->len, ppp->sessionid);
- msg->hdr->len += strlen(ppp->sessionid) + 1;
- } else
- memset(msg->hdr->msg + msg->hdr->len, 0, 2);
-static void write_next_msg(void)
- struct log_msg_t *msg;
- const char *paramValues[4];
- int paramFormats[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
- char *ptr1, *ptr2;
- int r;
- spin_lock(&queue_lock);
- if (list_empty(&msg_queue)) {
- sleeping = 1;
- spin_unlock(&queue_lock);
- if (need_close) {
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&pgsql_hnd);
- PQfinish(conn);
- conn = NULL;
- triton_context_unregister(&pgsql_ctx);
- }
- return;
- }
- msg = list_entry(, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- --queue_size;
- spin_unlock(&queue_lock);
- unpack_msg(msg);
- ptr1 = strchr(msg->hdr->msg, 0);
- ptr2 = strchr(ptr1 + 1, 0);
- paramValues[1] = ptr1[1] ? ptr1 + 1 : NULL;
- paramValues[2] = ptr2[1] ? ptr2 + 1 : NULL;
- paramValues[0] = msg->hdr->msg;
- paramValues[3] = log_buf;
- if (!PQsendQueryParams(conn, conf_query, 4, NULL, paramValues, NULL, paramFormats, 0))
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- log_free_msg(msg);
- r = PQflush(conn);
- if (r == -1)
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- if (r == 0)
- triton_md_enable_handler(&pgsql_hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
-static int pgsql_check_ready(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- PGresult *res;
- if (!PQconsumeInput(conn)) {
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
- PQfinish(conn);
- start_connect();
- }
- }
- if (PQisBusy(conn))
- return 0;
- while (1) {
- res = PQgetResult(conn);
- if (!res)
- break;
- if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- PQclear(res);
- }
- write_next_msg();
- return 0;
-static int pgsql_flush(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- int r;
- r = PQflush(conn);
- if (r == -1)
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", PQerrorMessage(conn));
- if (r == 1)
- return 0;
- triton_md_disable_handler(&pgsql_hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
-static void wakeup_log(void)
- write_next_msg();
-static void queue_log(struct log_msg_t *msg)
- int r = 0, f = 0;
- spin_lock(&queue_lock);
- if (!conn) {
- log_free_msg(msg);
- spin_unlock(&queue_lock);
- return;
- }
- if (queue_size < conf_queue_max) {
- list_add_tail(&msg->entry, &msg_queue);
- ++queue_size;
- r = sleeping;
- sleeping = 0;
- } else
- f = 1;
- spin_unlock(&queue_lock);
- if (r)
- triton_context_call(&pgsql_ctx, (void (*)(void*))wakeup_log, NULL);
- else if (f)
- log_free_msg(msg);
-static void general_log(struct log_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- set_hdr(msg, ppp);
- queue_log(msg);
-static int wait_connect(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- PostgresPollingStatusType status = PQconnectPoll(conn);
- char *err_msg;
- switch(status) {
- triton_md_enable_handler(h, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- break;
- triton_md_enable_handler(h, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_READ);
- break;
- err_msg = PQerrorMessage(conn);
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: %s\n", err_msg);
- triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_READ | MD_MODE_WRITE);
- PQfinish(conn);
- h->read = NULL;
- h->write = NULL;
- if (!connect_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(&pgsql_ctx, &connect_timer, 0);
- break;
- //triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_READ | MD_MODE_WRITE);
- PQsetnonblocking(conn, 1);
- h->write = pgsql_flush;
- h->read = pgsql_check_ready;
- triton_md_enable_handler(&pgsql_hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- wakeup_log();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static void start_connect(void)
- conn = PQconnectStart(conf_conninfo);
- if (!conn) {
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: PQconnectStart failed\n");
- }
- pgsql_hnd.fd = PQsocket(conn);
- = wait_connect;
- pgsql_hnd.write = wait_connect;
- wait_connect(&pgsql_hnd);
-static void start_connect_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- triton_timer_del(t);
- start_connect();
-static void pgsql_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- spin_lock(&queue_lock);
- if (sleeping) {
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&pgsql_hnd);
- PQfinish(conn);
- conn = NULL;
- triton_context_unregister(&pgsql_ctx);
- } else
- need_close = 1;
- spin_unlock(&queue_lock);
-static struct log_target_t target = {
- .log = general_log,
-static void __init init(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("log-pgsql", "conninfo");
- if (!opt)
- return;
- conf_conninfo = _strdup(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("log-pgsql", "connect-inteval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- connect_timer.period = atoi(opt) * 1000;
- opt = conf_get_opt("log-pgsql", "log-query");
- if (opt)
- conf_query = _strdup(opt);
- else {
- opt = conf_get_opt("log-pgsql", "log-table");
- if (!opt || strlen(opt) > 32)
- opt = "log";
- conf_query = _malloc(sizeof(QUERY_TEMPLATE) + strlen(opt));
- sprintf(conf_query, QUERY_TEMPLATE, opt);
- }
- log_buf = _malloc(LOG_MAX_SIZE + 1);
- if (!log_buf) {
- log_emerg("log_pgsql: out of memory\n");
- return;
- }
- triton_context_register(&pgsql_ctx, NULL);
- triton_md_register_handler(&pgsql_ctx, &pgsql_hnd);
- triton_md_set_trig(&pgsql_hnd, MD_TRIG_LEVEL);
- triton_context_wakeup(&pgsql_ctx);
- start_connect();
- log_register_target(&target);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_tcp.c b/accel-pptpd/logs/log_tcp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 306c450f..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/logs/log_tcp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct tcp_target_t
- struct log_target_t target;
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct triton_timer_t conn_timer;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- char *buf;
- int buf_size;
- int buf_pos;
- spinlock_t lock;
- struct list_head queue;
- int queue_len;
- int connected:1;
- int wait:1;
-static int conf_connect_interval = 5;
-static int conf_queue_len = 1000;
-static struct triton_context_t tcp_ctx;
-static const char* level_name[]={" msg", "error", " warn", " info", " info", "debug"};
-static void start_connect(struct tcp_target_t *t);
-static LIST_HEAD(targets);
-static void disconnect(struct tcp_target_t *t)
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&t->hnd);
- close(t->hnd.fd);
- start_connect(t);
-static void unpack_msg(struct tcp_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg)
- struct log_chunk_t *chunk;
- int pos = strlen(msg->hdr->msg);
- strcpy(t->buf, msg->hdr->msg);
- list_for_each_entry(chunk, msg->chunks, entry) {
- memcpy(t->buf + pos, chunk->msg, chunk->len);
- pos += chunk->len;
- }
- t->buf_size = pos;
- t->buf_pos = 0;
-static int send_log(struct tcp_target_t *t)
- struct log_msg_t *msg;
- int n;
- while (1) {
- spin_lock(&t->lock);
- if (!t->queue_len) {
- t->wait = 0;
- spin_unlock(&t->lock);
- return 0;
- }
- msg = list_entry(t->, typeof(*msg), entry);
- list_del(&msg->entry);
- t->queue_len--;
- spin_unlock(&t->lock);
- unpack_msg(t, msg);
- log_free_msg(msg);
- while (t->buf_pos != t->buf_size) {
- n = write(t->hnd.fd, t->buf + t->buf_pos, t->buf_size - t->buf_pos);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 1;
- if (errno != EPIPE)
- log_emerg("log-tcp: write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- disconnect(t);
- return 0;
- }
- t->buf_pos += n;
- }
- }
-static void queue_log(struct tcp_target_t *t, struct log_msg_t *msg)
- int r;
- spin_lock(&t->lock);
- if (t->queue_len == conf_queue_len) {
- spin_unlock(&t->lock);
- log_free_msg(msg);
- return;
- }
- list_add_tail(&msg->entry, &t->queue);
- t->queue_len++;
- if (t->connected) {
- r = t->wait;
- t->wait = 1;
- } else
- r = 1;
- spin_unlock(&t->lock);
- if (!r) {
- if (send_log(t))
- triton_md_enable_handler(&t->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- }
-static void set_hdr(struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct tm tm;
- char timestamp[32];
- localtime_r(&msg->timestamp.tv_sec, &tm);
- strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
- sprintf(msg->hdr->msg, "[%s]: %s: %s: ", timestamp, level_name[msg->level], ppp ? ppp->ifname : "");
- msg->hdr->len = strlen(msg->hdr->msg);
-static void general_log(struct log_target_t *lt, struct log_msg_t *msg, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct tcp_target_t *t = container_of(lt, typeof(*t), target);
- set_hdr(msg, ppp);
- queue_log(t, msg);
-static int log_tcp_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct tcp_target_t *t = container_of(h, typeof(*t), hnd);
- if (!send_log(t))
- triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
-static int log_tcp_connect(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct tcp_target_t *t = container_of(h, typeof(*t), hnd);
- if (connect(t->hnd.fd, &t->addr, sizeof(t->addr))) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- if (errno == EINPROGRESS)
- return 0;
- log_emerg("log-tcp: connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&t->hnd);
- close(t->hnd.fd);
- triton_timer_add(&tcp_ctx, &t->conn_timer, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- t->hnd.write = log_tcp_write;
- triton_md_disable_handler(&t->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- spin_lock(&t->lock);
- t->connected = 1;
- t->wait = 1;
- spin_unlock(&t->lock);
- if (send_log(t))
- triton_md_enable_handler(&t->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
- return 0;
-static void connect_timer(struct triton_timer_t *timer)
- struct tcp_target_t *t = container_of(timer, typeof(*t), conn_timer);
- triton_timer_del(timer);
- start_connect(t);
-static void start_connect(struct tcp_target_t *t)
- t->hnd.write = log_tcp_connect;
- t->hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (!t->hnd.fd) {
- log_emerg("log-tcp: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(t->hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("log-tcp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(t->hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (connect(t->hnd.fd, &t->addr, sizeof(t->addr))) {
- if (errno != EINPROGRESS) {
- log_emerg("log-tcp: connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(t->hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- }
- triton_md_register_handler(&tcp_ctx, &t->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&t->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE);
-static void log_tcp_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct tcp_target_t *t;
- while (!list_empty(&targets)) {
- t = list_entry(, typeof(*t), entry);
- list_del(&t->entry);
- if (t->conn_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&t->conn_timer);
- else {
- t->connected = 0;
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&t->hnd);
- close(t->hnd.fd);
- }
- }
- triton_context_unregister(&tcp_ctx);
-static int start_log(const char *_opt)
- struct tcp_target_t *t;
- char *opt = strdup(_opt);
- int port;
- char *d;
- d = strchr(opt, ':');
- if (!d)
- goto err;
- *d = 0;
- port = atoi(d + 1);
- if (port <= 0)
- goto err;
- t = _malloc(sizeof(*t));
- memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t));
- t->buf = _malloc(LOG_MAX_SIZE + 64);
- t->conn_timer.expire_tv.tv_sec = conf_connect_interval;
- t->conn_timer.expire = connect_timer;
- t->target.log = general_log;
- memset(&t->addr, 0, sizeof(t->addr));
- t->addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- t->addr.sin_port = htons(port);
- t->addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(opt);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&t->queue);
- spinlock_init(&t->lock);
- start_connect(t);
- log_register_target(&t->target);
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &targets);
- return 0;
- free(opt);
- return -1;
-static struct triton_context_t tcp_ctx ={
- .close = log_tcp_close,
- .before_switch = log_switch,
-static void __init init(void)
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section("log");
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- if (!s)
- return;
- triton_context_register(&tcp_ctx, NULL);
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &s->items, entry) {
- if (strcmp(opt->name, "log-tcp"))
- continue;
- if (!opt->val || start_log(opt->val))
- log_emerg("log: log-tcp: invalid format: '%s'\n", opt->val);
- }
- triton_context_wakeup(&tcp_ctx);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/main.c b/accel-pptpd/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a026856..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include "triton/triton.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-static int goto_daemon;
-static char *pid_file;
-static char *conf_file;
-#define ARG_MAX 128
-static int parse_cmdline(char ***argv)
- FILE *f;
- int i;
- size_t len;
- f = fopen("/proc/self/cmdline", "r");
- if (!f) {
- perror("open cmdline");
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- *argv = _malloc(ARG_MAX * sizeof(void *));
- memset(*argv, 0, ARG_MAX * sizeof(void *));
- for(i = 0; i < ARG_MAX; i++) {
- len = 0;
- if (getdelim(&(*argv)[i], &len, 0, f) < 0)
- break;
- }
- fclose(f);
- return i;
-static void __init __main(void)
- int i,argc;
- char **argv;
- argc=parse_cmdline(&argv);
- if (argc < 2)
- goto usage;
- for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d"))
- goto_daemon = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")) {
- if (i == argc - 1)
- goto usage;
- pid_file = argv[++i];
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c")) {
- if (i == argc - 1)
- goto usage;
- conf_file = argv[++i];
- }
- }
- if (!conf_file)
- goto usage;
- if (triton_init(conf_file))
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- return;
- printf("usage: pptpd [-d] [-p <file>] -c <file>\n\
- where:\n\
- -d - daemon mode\n\
- -p - write pid to <file>\n\
- -c - config file\n");
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-static void change_limits(void)
- FILE *f;
- struct rlimit lim;
- unsigned int file_max;
- f = fopen("/proc/sys/fs/file-max", "r");
- if (f) {
- fscanf(f, "%d", &file_max);
- fclose(f);
- lim.rlim_cur = file_max;
- lim.rlim_max = file_max;
- if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim))
- log_emerg("main: setrlimit: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- } else
- log_emerg("main: failed to open '/proc/sys/fs/file-max': %s\n", strerror(errno));
-static void config_reload_notify(int r)
- if (!r)
- triton_event_fire(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, NULL);
-static void config_reload(int num)
- triton_conf_reload(config_reload_notify);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- sigset_t set;
- int sig;
- if (goto_daemon) {
- /*pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid > 0)
- _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
- if (pid < 0) {
- perror("fork");
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (setsid() < 0)
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- pid = fork();
- if (pid)
- _exit(0);
- umask(0);
- chdir("/");
- close(STDIN_FILENO);
- close(STDERR_FILENO);*/
- daemon(0, 0);
- }
- if (pid_file) {
- FILE *f = fopen(pid_file, "w");
- if (f) {
- fprintf(f, "%i", getpid());
- fclose(f);
- }
- }
- //signal(SIGTERM, sigterm);
- //signal(SIGPIPE, sigterm);
- change_limits();
- if (triton_load_modules("modules"))
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- log_msg("accel-pptp version %s\n", ACCEL_PPTP_VERSION);
- triton_run();
- sigfillset(&set);
- struct sigaction sa = {
- .sa_handler = config_reload,
- .sa_mask = set,
- };
- sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSTOP);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSEGV);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGFPE);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGBUS);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGHUP);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGIO);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGINT);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGUSR1);
- sigdelset(&set, 35);
- sigdelset(&set, 36);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &set, NULL);
- sigemptyset(&set);
- //sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGTERM);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGSEGV);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGILL);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGFPE);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGBUS);
- sigwait(&set, &sig);
- log_info1("terminate, sig = %i\n", sig);
- triton_terminate();
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/memdebug.c b/accel-pptpd/memdebug.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c33e34bc..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/memdebug.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-#undef MEMDEBUG
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#define __init __attribute__((constructor))
-#define __export __attribute__((visibility("default")))
-#undef offsetof
-#ifdef __compiler_offsetof
-#define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) __compiler_offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
-#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
- const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
- (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
-#define MAGIC1 0x1122334455667788llu
-struct mem_t
- struct list_head entry;
- char fname[PATH_MAX];
- int line;
- size_t size;
- uint64_t magic2;
- uint64_t magic1;
- char data[0];
-static LIST_HEAD(mem_list);
-static spinlock_t mem_list_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-struct mem_t *_md_malloc(size_t size, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = malloc(sizeof(*mem) + size + 8);
- if (size > 4096)
- line = 0;
- strcpy(mem->fname, fname);
- mem->line = line;
- mem->size = size;
- mem->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- mem->magic2 = (uint64_t)random() * (uint64_t)random();
- *(uint64_t*)(mem->data + size) = mem->magic2;
- spin_lock(&mem_list_lock);
- list_add_tail(&mem->entry, &mem_list);
- spin_unlock(&mem_list_lock);
- return mem;
-void __export *md_malloc(size_t size, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = _md_malloc(size, fname, line);
- return mem->data;
-void __export md_free(void *ptr, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = container_of(ptr, typeof(*mem), data);
- if (!ptr) {
- printf("free null pointer at %s:%i\n", fname, line);
- abort();
- }
- if (mem->magic1 != MAGIC1) {
- printf("memory corruption:\nfree at %s:%i\n", fname, line);
- abort();
- }
- if (mem->magic2 != *(uint64_t*)(mem->data + mem->size)) {
- printf("memory corruption:\nmalloc(%lu) at %s:%i\nfree at %s:%i\n", (long unsigned)mem->size, mem->fname, mem->line, fname, line);
- abort();
- }
- mem->magic1 = 0;
- mem->magic2 = 0;
- spin_lock(&mem_list_lock);
- list_del(&mem->entry);
- spin_unlock(&mem_list_lock);
- free(mem);
- return;
-void __export *md_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = container_of(ptr, typeof(*mem), data);
- struct mem_t *mem2;
- if (mem->magic1 != MAGIC1) {
- printf("memory corruption:\nfree at %s:%i\n", fname, line);
- abort();
- }
- if (mem->magic2 != *(uint64_t*)(mem->data + mem->size)) {
- printf("memory corruption:\nmalloc(%lu) at %s:%i\nfree at %s:%i\n", (long unsigned)mem->size, mem->fname, mem->line, fname, line);
- abort();
- }
- mem2 = _md_malloc(size, fname, line);
- memcpy(mem2->data, mem->data, mem->size);
- md_free(mem->data, fname, line);
- return mem2->data;
-char __export *md_strdup(const char *ptr, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = _md_malloc(strlen(ptr) + 1, fname, line);
- memcpy(mem->data, ptr, strlen(ptr) + 1);
- return mem->data;
-char __export *md_strndup(const char *ptr, size_t n, const char *fname, int line)
- struct mem_t *mem = _md_malloc(n + 1, fname, line);
- memcpy(mem->data, ptr, n);
- mem->data[n] = 0;
- return mem->data;
-static void siginfo(int num)
- struct mem_t *mem;
- size_t total = 0;
- spin_lock(&mem_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(mem, &mem_list, entry) {
- printf("%s:%i %lu\n", mem->fname, mem->line, (long unsigned)mem->size);
- total += mem->size;
- }
- spin_unlock(&mem_list_lock);
- printf("total = %lu\n", (long unsigned)total);
-static void siginfo2(int num)
- struct mem_t *mem;
- spin_lock(&mem_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(mem, &mem_list, entry) {
- if (mem->magic1 != MAGIC1 || mem->magic2 != *(uint64_t*)(mem->data + mem->size))
- printf("%s:%i %lu\n", mem->fname, mem->line, (long unsigned)mem->size);
- }
- spin_unlock(&mem_list_lock);
-void __export md_check(void *ptr)
- struct mem_t *mem = container_of(ptr, typeof(*mem), data);
- if (!ptr)
- abort();
- if (mem->magic1 != MAGIC1)
- abort();
- if (mem->magic2 != *(uint64_t*)(mem->data + mem->size))
- abort();
-static void __init init(void)
- signal(36, siginfo);
- signal(37, siginfo2);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/memdebug.h b/accel-pptpd/memdebug.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dc6b9ad1..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/memdebug.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __MEMDEBUG_H
-#define __MEMDEBUG_H
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define _malloc(size) md_malloc(size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define _realloc(ptr, size) md_realloc(ptr, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define _free(ptr) md_free(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define _strdup(str) md_strdup(str, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define _strndup(str, size) md_strndup(str, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-void *md_malloc(size_t size, const char *fname, int line);
-void *md_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const char *fname, int line);
-void md_free(void *ptr, const char *fname, int line);
-char* md_strdup(const char *ptr, const char *fname, int line);
-char* md_strndup(const char *ptr, size_t size, const char *fname, int line);
-void md_check(void *ptr);
-#define _malloc(size) malloc(size)
-#define _realloc(ptr, size) realloc(ptr, size)
-#define _free(ptr) free(ptr)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/ppp/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c0f04a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-SET(target ppp)
- ppp.c
- ppp_fsm.c
- ppp_lcp.c
- lcp_opt_mru.c
- lcp_opt_magic.c
- lcp_opt_pcomp.c
- lcp_opt_accomp.c
- ppp_auth.c
- ppp_ipcp.c
- ipcp_opt_ipaddr.c
- ipcp_opt_dns.c
- ppp_ccp.c
-ADD_LIBRARY(${target} SHARED ${sources_c})
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ccp_mppe.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ccp_mppe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0952aa01..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ccp_mppe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_ccp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define MPPE_H (1 << 24)
-#define MPPE_M (1 << 7)
-#define MPPE_S (1 << 6)
-#define MPPE_L (1 << 5)
-#define MPPE_D (1 << 4)
-#define MPPE_C (1 << 0)
-#define MPPE_PAD 4
-static struct ccp_option_t *mppe_init(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp);
-static void mppe_free(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt);
-static int mppe_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mppe_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mppe_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mppe_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void mppe_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ccp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct mppe_option_t
- struct ccp_option_t opt;
- int mppe;
- uint8_t recv_key[16];
- uint8_t send_key[16];
- int policy; // 1 - allowed, 2 - required
-static struct ccp_option_handler_t mppe_opt_hnd = {
- .init = mppe_init,
- .send_conf_req = mppe_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak = mppe_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = mppe_recv_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_nak = mppe_recv_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_rej = mppe_recv_conf_rej,
- .free = mppe_free,
- .print = mppe_print,
-static struct ccp_option_t *mppe_init(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = _malloc(sizeof(*mppe_opt));
- memset(mppe_opt, 0, sizeof(*mppe_opt));
- mppe_opt->mppe = -1;
- mppe_opt-> = CI_MPPE;
- mppe_opt->opt.len = 6;
- return &mppe_opt->opt;
-static void mppe_free(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- _free(mppe_opt);
-static int setup_mppe_key(int fd, int transmit, uint8_t *key)
- struct ppp_option_data data;
- uint8_t buf[6 + 16];
- memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
- buf[0] = CI_MPPE;
- buf[1] = 6;
- *(uint32_t*)(buf + 2) = htonl(MPPE_S | MPPE_H);
- if (key)
- memcpy(buf + 6, key, 16);
- memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
- data.ptr = buf;
- data.length = sizeof(buf);
- data.transmit = transmit;
- if (ioctl(fd, PPPIOCSCOMPRESS, &data)) {
- log_ppp_warn("mppe: MPPE requested but not supported by kernel\n");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int decrease_mtu(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ifreq ifr;
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ppp->ifname);
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFMTU, &ifr)) {
- log_ppp_error("mppe: failed to get MTU: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- ifr.ifr_mtu -= MPPE_PAD;
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr)) {
- log_ppp_error("mppe: failed to set MTU: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int mppe_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mppe_opt),opt);
- struct ccp_opt32_t *opt32 = (struct ccp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- if (mppe_opt->mppe != -1) {
- opt32-> = CI_MPPE;
- opt32->hdr.len = 6;
- opt32->val = mppe_opt->mppe ? htonl(MPPE_S | MPPE_H) : 0;
- if (mppe_opt->mppe && setup_mppe_key(ccp->ppp->unit_fd, 0, mppe_opt->recv_key))
- return 0;
- return 6;
- }
- return 0;
-static int mppe_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- struct ccp_opt32_t *opt32 = (struct ccp_opt32_t *)ptr;
- /*if (!ptr) {
- if (mppe_opt->policy == 2)
- return CCP_OPT_NAK;
- return CCP_OPT_ACK;
- }*/
- if (opt32->hdr.len != 6)
- return CCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (mppe_opt->policy == 2) {
- if (ntohl(opt32->val) != (MPPE_S | MPPE_H))
- return CCP_OPT_NAK;
- } else if (mppe_opt->policy == 1) {
- if (ntohl(opt32->val) == (MPPE_S | MPPE_H))
- mppe_opt->mppe = 1;
- else if ((ntohl(opt32->val) & (MPPE_S | MPPE_H)) == (MPPE_S | MPPE_H)) {
- mppe_opt->mppe = 1;
- return CCP_OPT_NAK;
- } else if (opt32->val) {
- mppe_opt->mppe = 0;
- return CCP_OPT_NAK;
- } else
- mppe_opt->mppe = 0;
- } else
- return CCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (mppe_opt->mppe) {
- if (setup_mppe_key(ccp->ppp->unit_fd, 1, mppe_opt->send_key))
- return CCP_OPT_REJ;
- decrease_mtu(ccp->ppp);
- log_ppp_debug(" (mppe enabled)");
- }
- return CCP_OPT_ACK;
-static int mppe_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- if (mppe_opt->mppe != 2) {
- mppe_opt->mppe = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
-static int mppe_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- struct ccp_opt32_t *opt32 = (struct ccp_opt32_t *)ptr;
- if (opt32->hdr.len != 6)
- return -1;
- if (mppe_opt->policy == 2) {
- if (ntohl(opt32->val) == (MPPE_S | MPPE_H))
- return -1;
- } else if (mppe_opt->policy == 1) {
- if ((ntohl(opt32->val) & (MPPE_S | MPPE_H)) == (MPPE_S | MPPE_H))
- mppe_opt->mppe = 0;
- else
- mppe_opt->mppe = 1;
- } else {
- if (opt32->val == 0)
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static void mppe_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ccp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- struct ccp_opt32_t *opt32 = (struct ccp_opt32_t *)ptr;
- uint32_t bits;
- if (ptr)
- bits = ntohl(opt32->val);
- else
- if (mppe_opt->mppe)
- bits = MPPE_S | MPPE_H;
- else
- bits = 0;
- print("<mppe %sH %sM %sS %sL %sD %sC>",
- bits & MPPE_H ? "+" : "-",
- bits & MPPE_M ? "+" : "-",
- bits & MPPE_S ? "+" : "-",
- bits & MPPE_L ? "+" : "-",
- bits & MPPE_D ? "+" : "-",
- bits & MPPE_C ? "+" : "-"
- );
-static void ev_mppe_keys(struct ev_mppe_keys_t *ev)
- struct mppe_option_t *mppe_opt = container_of(ccp_find_option(ev->ppp, &mppe_opt_hnd), typeof(*mppe_opt), opt);
- if ((ev->type & 0x04) == 0) {
- log_ppp_warn("mppe: 128-bit session keys not allowed, disabling mppe ...\n");
- return;
- }
- memcpy(mppe_opt->recv_key, ev->recv_key, 16);
- memcpy(mppe_opt->send_key, ev->send_key, 16);
- mppe_opt->policy = ev->policy;
- if (ev->policy == 2)
- mppe_opt->mppe = 1;
-static void __init mppe_opt_init()
- ccp_option_register(&mppe_opt_hnd);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_MPPE_KEYS, (triton_event_func)ev_mppe_keys);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_dns.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_dns.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c1770922..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_dns.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_ipcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static in_addr_t conf_dns1;
-static in_addr_t conf_dns2;
-static struct ipcp_option_t *dns1_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp);
-static struct ipcp_option_t *dns2_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp);
-static void dns_free(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt);
-static int dns_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int dns_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int dns_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void dns1_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void dns2_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct dns_option_t
- struct ipcp_option_t opt;
- in_addr_t addr;
-static struct ipcp_option_handler_t dns1_opt_hnd=
- .init=dns1_init,
- .send_conf_req=dns_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=dns_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=dns_recv_conf_req,
- .free=dns_free,
- .print=dns1_print,
-static struct ipcp_option_handler_t dns2_opt_hnd=
- .init=dns2_init,
- .send_conf_req=dns_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=dns_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=dns_recv_conf_req,
- .free=dns_free,
- .print=dns2_print,
-static struct ipcp_option_t *dns1_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*dns_opt));
- memset(dns_opt,0,sizeof(*dns_opt));
- dns_opt->;
- dns_opt->opt.len=6;
- return &dns_opt->opt;
-static struct ipcp_option_t *dns2_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*dns_opt));
- memset(dns_opt,0,sizeof(*dns_opt));
- dns_opt->;
- dns_opt->opt.len=6;
- return &dns_opt->opt;
-static void dns_free(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*dns_opt),opt);
- _free(dns_opt);
-static int dns_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- return 0;
-static int dns_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*dns_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- opt32->>;
- opt32->hdr.len=6;
- opt32->val=dns_opt->addr;
- return 6;
-static int dns_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*dns_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- if (opt32->hdr.len != 6)
- return IPCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (!dns_opt->addr)
- {
- if (dns_opt-> == CI_DNS1 && conf_dns1) dns_opt->addr=conf_dns1;
- else if (dns_opt-> == CI_DNS2 && conf_dns2) dns_opt->addr=conf_dns2;
- if (!dns_opt->addr)
- {
- dns_opt->addr=opt32->val;
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
- }
- }
- if (dns_opt->addr==opt32->val)
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
- return IPCP_OPT_NAK;
-static void dns1_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*dns_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- struct in_addr in;
- if (ptr) in.s_addr=opt32->val;
- else in.s_addr=dns_opt->addr;
- print("<dns1 %s>",inet_ntoa(in));
-static void dns2_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct dns_option_t *dns_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*dns_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- struct in_addr in;
- if (ptr) in.s_addr=opt32->val;
- else in.s_addr=dns_opt->addr;
- print("<dns2 %s>",inet_ntoa(in));
-static void __init dns_opt_init()
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("dns", "dns1");
- if (opt)
- conf_dns1 = inet_addr(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("dns", "dns2");
- if (opt)
- conf_dns2 = inet_addr(opt);
- ipcp_option_register(&dns1_opt_hnd);
- ipcp_option_register(&dns2_opt_hnd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_ipaddr.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_ipaddr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 334f4256..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ipcp_opt_ipaddr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_ipcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "iprange.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int conf_check_exists;
-static struct ipcp_option_t *ipaddr_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp);
-static void ipaddr_free(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt);
-static int ipaddr_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int ipaddr_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int ipaddr_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-//static int ipaddr_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void ipaddr_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct ipaddr_option_t
- struct ipcp_option_t opt;
- struct ipdb_item_t *ip;
- int started:1;
-static struct ipcp_option_handler_t ipaddr_opt_hnd=
- .init=ipaddr_init,
- .send_conf_req=ipaddr_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=ipaddr_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=ipaddr_recv_conf_req,
- .free=ipaddr_free,
- .print=ipaddr_print,
-static struct ipcp_option_t *ipaddr_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*ipaddr_opt));
- memset(ipaddr_opt,0,sizeof(*ipaddr_opt));
- ipaddr_opt->;
- ipaddr_opt->opt.len=6;
- return &ipaddr_opt->opt;
-static void ipaddr_free(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*ipaddr_opt),opt);
- if (ipaddr_opt->ip)
- ipdb_put(ipcp->ppp, ipaddr_opt->ip);
- _free(ipaddr_opt);
-static int check_exists(struct ppp_t *self_ppp, in_addr_t addr)
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- int r = 0;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp, &ppp_list, entry) {
- if (!ppp->terminating && ppp->peer_ipaddr == addr && ppp != self_ppp) {
- log_ppp_warn("ppp:ipcp: requested IP already assigned to %s\n", ppp->ifname);
- r = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- return r;
-static int ipaddr_send_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*ipaddr_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- if (!ipaddr_opt->ip) {
- ipaddr_opt->ip = ipdb_get(ipcp->ppp);
- if (!ipaddr_opt->ip) {
- log_ppp_warn("ppp:ipcp: no free IP address\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (iprange_tunnel_check(ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr)) {
- log_ppp_warn("ppp:ipcp: to avoid kernel soft lockup requested IP cannot be assigned (%i.%i.%i.%i)\n",
- ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr&0xff,
- (ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr >> 8)&0xff,
- (ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr >> 16)&0xff,
- (ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr >> 24)&0xff);
- return -1;
- }
- if (conf_check_exists && check_exists(ipcp->ppp, ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr))
- return -1;
- opt32->;
- opt32->hdr.len=6;
- opt32->val=ipaddr_opt->ip->addr;
- return 6;
-static int ipaddr_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*ipaddr_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- opt32->;
- opt32->hdr.len=6;
- opt32->val=ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr;
- return 6;
-static int ipaddr_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*ipaddr_opt), opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32 = (struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- struct npioctl np;
- if (opt32->hdr.len != 6)
- return IPCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr == opt32->val)
- goto ack;
- /*if (!ipaddr_opt->peer_addr) {
- ipaddr_opt->peer_addr = opt32->val;
- goto ack;
- }*/
- return IPCP_OPT_NAK;
- if (ipaddr_opt->started)
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
- ipaddr_opt->started = 1;
- ipcp->ppp->ipaddr = ipaddr_opt->ip->addr;
- ipcp->ppp->peer_ipaddr = ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr;
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_ACCT_START, ipcp->ppp);
- if (ipcp->ppp->stop_time)
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_PRE_UP, ipcp->ppp);
- if (ipcp->ppp->stop_time)
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
- memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ipcp->ppp->ifname);
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddr_opt->ip->addr;
- memcpy(&ifr.ifr_addr,&addr,sizeof(addr));
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCSIFADDR, &ifr))
- log_ppp_error("ipcp: failed to set PA address: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ipaddr_opt->ip->peer_addr;
- memcpy(&ifr.ifr_dstaddr,&addr,sizeof(addr));
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCSIFDSTADDR, &ifr))
- log_ppp_error("ipcp: failed to set remote PA address: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr))
- log_ppp_error("ipcp: failed to get interface flags: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- ifr.ifr_flags |= IFF_UP | IFF_POINTOPOINT;
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr))
- log_ppp_error("ipcp: failed to set interface flags: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- np.protocol = PPP_IP;
- np.mode = NPMODE_PASS;
- if (ioctl(ipcp->ppp->unit_fd, PPPIOCSNPMODE, &np))
- log_ppp_error("ipcp: failed to set NP mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return IPCP_OPT_ACK;
-static void ipaddr_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct ipcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct ipaddr_option_t *ipaddr_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*ipaddr_opt),opt);
- struct ipcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct ipcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- struct in_addr in = { .s_addr = 0, };
- if (ptr)
- in.s_addr = opt32->val;
- else if (ipaddr_opt->ip)
- in.s_addr = ipaddr_opt->ip->addr;
- print("<addr %s>",inet_ntoa(in));
-static void load_config(void)
- const char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "check-ip");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_check_exists = 1;
-static void __init ipaddr_opt_init()
- ipcp_option_register(&ipaddr_opt_hnd);
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_accomp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_accomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 241b0e06..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_accomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static struct lcp_option_t *accomp_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void accomp_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt);
-static int accomp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int accomp_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int accomp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void accomp_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct accomp_option_t
- struct lcp_option_t opt;
- int accomp; // 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - allow,disabled, 3 - allow,enabled
- int require;
-static struct lcp_option_handler_t accomp_opt_hnd=
- .init=accomp_init,
- .send_conf_req=accomp_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=accomp_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=accomp_recv_conf_req,
- .free=accomp_free,
- .print=accomp_print,
-static struct lcp_option_t *accomp_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct accomp_option_t *accomp_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*accomp_opt));
- memset(accomp_opt,0,sizeof(*accomp_opt));
- accomp_opt->accomp=0;
- accomp_opt->;
- accomp_opt->opt.len=2;
- return &accomp_opt->opt;
-static void accomp_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt)
- struct accomp_option_t *accomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*accomp_opt),opt);
- _free(accomp_opt);
-static int accomp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct accomp_option_t *accomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*accomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- if (accomp_opt->accomp==1 || accomp_opt->accomp==3)
- {
- opt0->id=CI_ACCOMP;
- opt0->len=2;
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-static int accomp_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct accomp_option_t *accomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*accomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- opt0->id=CI_ACCOMP;
- opt0->len=2;
- return 2;
-static int accomp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct accomp_option_t *accomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*accomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- /*if (!ptr) {
- if (accomp_opt->require)
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
- accomp_opt->accomp=0;
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- }*/
- if (opt0->len != 2)
- return LCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (accomp_opt->accomp>0)
- {
- accomp_opt->accomp=1;
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- }else return LCP_OPT_REJ;
-static void accomp_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- print("<accomp>");
-static void __init accomp_opt_init()
- lcp_option_register(&accomp_opt_hnd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_magic.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_magic.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a61ef91..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_magic.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static struct lcp_option_t *magic_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void magic_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt);
-static int magic_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int magic_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void magic_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct magic_option_t
- struct lcp_option_t opt;
- int magic;
-static struct lcp_option_handler_t magic_opt_hnd=
- .init=magic_init,
- .send_conf_req=magic_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req=magic_recv_conf_req,
- .free=magic_free,
- .print=magic_print,
-static struct lcp_option_t *magic_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct magic_option_t *magic_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*magic_opt));
- memset(magic_opt,0,sizeof(*magic_opt));
- magic_opt->magic=random();
- magic_opt->;
- magic_opt->opt.len=6;
- lcp->magic = magic_opt->magic;
- return &magic_opt->opt;
-static void magic_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt)
- struct magic_option_t *magic_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*magic_opt),opt);
- _free(magic_opt);
-static int magic_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct magic_option_t *magic_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*magic_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct lcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- opt32->;
- opt32->hdr.len=6;
- opt32->val=htonl(magic_opt->magic);
- return 6;
-static int magic_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct magic_option_t *magic_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*magic_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt32_t *opt32=(struct lcp_opt32_t*)ptr;
- /*if (!ptr)
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;*/
- if (opt32->hdr.len != 6)
- return LCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (magic_opt->magic==ntohl(opt32->val))
- {
- log_ppp_error("loop detected");
- return -1;
- }
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
-static void magic_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct magic_option_t *magic_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*magic_opt),opt);
- print("<magic %04x>",magic_opt->magic);
-static void __init magic_opt_init()
- lcp_option_register(&magic_opt_hnd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_mru.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_mru.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 78e06b5a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_mru.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int conf_mtu;
-static int conf_mru;
-static int conf_min_mtu = 100;
-static int conf_max_mtu = 1500;
-static struct lcp_option_t *mru_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void mru_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt);
-static int mru_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mru_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mru_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mru_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int mru_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void mru_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct mru_option_t
- struct lcp_option_t opt;
- int mru;
- int mtu;
- int naked:1;
-static struct lcp_option_handler_t mru_opt_hnd=
- .init=mru_init,
- .send_conf_req=mru_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=mru_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=mru_recv_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_ack=mru_recv_conf_ack,
- .recv_conf_nak=mru_recv_conf_nak,
- .free=mru_free,
- .print=mru_print,
-static struct lcp_option_t *mru_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*mru_opt));
- memset(mru_opt, 0, sizeof(*mru_opt));
- mru_opt->mru = (conf_mru && conf_mru <= lcp->ppp->ctrl->max_mtu) ? conf_mru : lcp->ppp->ctrl->max_mtu;
- if (mru_opt->mru > conf_max_mtu)
- mru_opt->mru = conf_max_mtu;
- mru_opt->mtu = (conf_mtu && conf_mtu <= lcp->ppp->ctrl->max_mtu) ? conf_mtu : lcp->ppp->ctrl->max_mtu;
- if (mru_opt->mtu > conf_max_mtu)
- mru_opt->mtu = conf_max_mtu;
- mru_opt-> = CI_MRU;
- mru_opt->opt.len = 4;
- return &mru_opt->opt;
-static void mru_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mru_opt), opt);
- _free(mru_opt);
-static int mru_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mru_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- if (mru_opt->naked)
- return 0;
- opt16-> = CI_MRU;
- opt16->hdr.len = 4;
- opt16->val = htons(mru_opt->mru);
- return 4;
-static int mru_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mru_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- opt16-> = CI_MRU;
- opt16->hdr.len = 4;
- opt16->val = htons(mru_opt->mtu);
- return 4;
-static int mru_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mru_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- /*if (!ptr)
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;*/
- if (opt16->hdr.len != 4)
- return LCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (ntohs(opt16->val) < conf_min_mtu || ntohs(opt16->val) > lcp->ppp->ctrl->max_mtu || ntohs(opt16->val) > conf_max_mtu)
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
- mru_opt->mtu = ntohs(opt16->val);
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
-static int mru_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mru_opt), opt);
- struct ifreq ifr = {
- .ifr_mtu = mru_opt->mtu,
- };
- strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, lcp->ppp->ifname);
- if (ioctl(lcp->ppp->unit_fd, PPPIOCSMRU, &mru_opt->mru))
- log_ppp_error("lcp:mru: failed to set MRU: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCSIFMTU, &ifr))
- log_ppp_error("lcp:mru: failed to set MTU: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
-static int mru_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*mru_opt), opt);
- mru_opt->naked = 1;
- return 0;
-static void mru_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct mru_option_t *mru_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*mru_opt), opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- if (ptr)
- print("<mru %i>",ntohs(opt16->val));
- else
- print("<mru %i>",mru_opt->mru);
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "mtu");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_mtu = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "mru");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_mru = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "min-mtu");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_min_mtu = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "max-mtu");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_mtu = atoi(opt);
- if (conf_min_mtu > conf_mru) {
- log_emerg("min-mtu cann't be greater then mtu/mru\n");
- conf_min_mtu = conf_mru;
- }
- if (conf_min_mtu > 1500) {
- log_emerg("min-mtu cann't be greater then 1500\n");
- conf_min_mtu = 1500;
- }
- if (conf_mru > 1500 || conf_mtu > 1500) {
- log_emerg("mtu/mru cann't be greater then 1500\n");
- conf_mru = 1500;
- }
-static void __init mru_opt_init()
- load_config();
- lcp_option_register(&mru_opt_hnd);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_pcomp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_pcomp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8532bb..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/lcp_opt_pcomp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static struct lcp_option_t *pcomp_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void pcomp_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt);
-static int pcomp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int pcomp_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int pcomp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void pcomp_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-struct pcomp_option_t
- struct lcp_option_t opt;
- int pcomp; // 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - allow,disabled, 3 - allow,enabled
- int require;
-static struct lcp_option_handler_t pcomp_opt_hnd=
- .init=pcomp_init,
- .send_conf_req=pcomp_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak=pcomp_send_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_req=pcomp_recv_conf_req,
- .free=pcomp_free,
- .print=pcomp_print,
-static struct lcp_option_t *pcomp_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct pcomp_option_t *pcomp_opt=_malloc(sizeof(*pcomp_opt));
- memset(pcomp_opt,0,sizeof(*pcomp_opt));
- pcomp_opt->pcomp=0;
- pcomp_opt->;
- pcomp_opt->opt.len=2;
- return &pcomp_opt->opt;
-static void pcomp_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt)
- struct pcomp_option_t *pcomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*pcomp_opt),opt);
- _free(pcomp_opt);
-static int pcomp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct pcomp_option_t *pcomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*pcomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- if (pcomp_opt->pcomp==1 || pcomp_opt->pcomp==3)
- {
- opt0->id=CI_PCOMP;
- opt0->len=2;
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-static int pcomp_send_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct pcomp_option_t *pcomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*pcomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- opt0->id=CI_PCOMP;
- opt0->len=2;
- return 2;
-static int pcomp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct pcomp_option_t *pcomp_opt=container_of(opt,typeof(*pcomp_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *opt0=(struct lcp_opt_hdr_t*)ptr;
- /*if (!ptr) {
- if (pcomp_opt->require)
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
- pcomp_opt->pcomp=0;
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- }*/
- if (opt0->len != 2)
- return LCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (pcomp_opt->pcomp>0)
- {
- pcomp_opt->pcomp=1;
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- }else return LCP_OPT_REJ;
-static void pcomp_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...),struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- print("<pcomp>");
-static void __init pcomp_opt_init()
- lcp_option_register(&pcomp_opt_hnd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cf1c720..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <features.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_fsm.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-int __export conf_ppp_verbose;
-static int conf_sid_ucase;
-pthread_rwlock_t __export ppp_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-__export LIST_HEAD(ppp_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(layers);
-int __export sock_fd;
-int __export ppp_shutdown;
-static unsigned long long seq;
-#if __WORDSIZE == 32
-static spinlock_t seq_lock;
-struct ppp_stat_t ppp_stat;
-struct layer_node_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int order;
- struct list_head items;
-static int ppp_chan_read(struct triton_md_handler_t*);
-static int ppp_unit_read(struct triton_md_handler_t*);
-static void init_layers(struct ppp_t *);
-static void _free_layers(struct ppp_t *);
-static void start_first_layer(struct ppp_t *);
-void __export ppp_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- memset(ppp,0,sizeof(*ppp));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ppp->layers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ppp->chan_handlers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ppp->unit_handlers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ppp->pd_list);
-static void _free_ppp(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- if (ppp->chan_buf)
- free(ppp->chan_buf);
- if (ppp->unit_buf)
- _free(ppp->unit_buf);
- if (ppp->username)
- _free(ppp->username);
-static void generate_sessionid(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- unsigned long long sid;
-#if __WORDSIZE == 32
- spin_lock(&seq_lock);
- sid = ++seq;
- spin_unlock(&seq_lock);
- sid = __sync_add_and_fetch(&seq, 1);
- if (conf_sid_ucase)
- sprintf(ppp->sessionid, "%016llX", sid);
- else
- sprintf(ppp->sessionid, "%016llx", sid);
-int __export establish_ppp(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- /* Open an instance of /dev/ppp and connect the channel to it */
- if (ioctl(ppp->fd, PPPIOCGCHAN, &ppp->chan_idx) == -1) {
- log_ppp_error("ioctl(PPPIOCGCHAN): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- ppp->chan_fd = open("/dev/ppp", O_RDWR);
- if (ppp->chan_fd < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("open(chan) /dev/ppp: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- if (ioctl(ppp->chan_fd, PPPIOCATTCHAN, &ppp->chan_idx) < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("ioctl(PPPIOCATTCHAN): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_chan;
- }
- ppp->unit_fd = open("/dev/ppp", O_RDWR);
- if (ppp->unit_fd < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("open(unit) /dev/ppp: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_chan;
- }
- ppp->unit_idx = -1;
- if (ioctl(ppp->unit_fd, PPPIOCNEWUNIT, &ppp->unit_idx) < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("ioctl(PPPIOCNEWUNIT): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_unit;
- }
- if (ioctl(ppp->chan_fd, PPPIOCCONNECT, &ppp->unit_idx) < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("ioctl(PPPIOCCONNECT): %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_unit;
- }
- if (fcntl(ppp->chan_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_ppp_error("ppp: cann't to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_unit;
- }
- if (fcntl(ppp->unit_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_ppp_error("ppp: cann't to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto exit_close_unit;
- }
- ppp->start_time = time(NULL);
- generate_sessionid(ppp);
- sprintf(ppp->ifname, "ppp%i", ppp->unit_idx);
- log_ppp_info1("connect: %s <--> %s(%s)\n", ppp->ifname, ppp->ctrl->name, ppp->chan_name);
- init_layers(ppp);
- if (list_empty(&ppp->layers)) {
- log_ppp_error("no layers to start\n");
- goto exit_close_unit;
- }
- ppp->chan_buf = _malloc(PPP_MRU);
- ppp->unit_buf = _malloc(PPP_MRU);
- ppp->chan_hnd.fd = ppp->chan_fd;
- ppp-> = ppp_chan_read;
- ppp->unit_hnd.fd = ppp->unit_fd;
- ppp-> = ppp_unit_read;
- triton_md_register_handler(ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ppp->chan_hnd);
- triton_md_register_handler(ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ppp->unit_hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&ppp->chan_hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&ppp->unit_hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- ppp->state = PPP_STATE_STARTING;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.starting, 1);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_add_tail(&ppp->entry, &ppp_list);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- log_ppp_debug("ppp established\n");
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_STARTING, ppp);
- start_first_layer(ppp);
- return 0;
- close(ppp->unit_fd);
- close(ppp->chan_fd);
- _free_ppp(ppp);
- return -1;
-static void destablish_ppp(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&ppp_lock);
- list_del(&ppp->entry);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&ppp_lock);
- switch (ppp->state) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&, 1);
- break;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.starting, 1);
- break;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.finishing, 1);
- break;
- }
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&ppp->chan_hnd);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&ppp->unit_hnd);
- close(ppp->unit_fd);
- close(ppp->chan_fd);
- close(ppp->fd);
- ppp->unit_fd = -1;
- ppp->chan_fd = -1;
- ppp->fd = -1;
- _free(ppp->unit_buf);
- _free(ppp->chan_buf);
- _free_layers(ppp);
- ppp->terminated = 1;
- log_ppp_debug("ppp destablished\n");
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_FINISHED, ppp);
- ppp->ctrl->finished(ppp);
- if (ppp->username) {
- _free(ppp->username);
- ppp->username = NULL;
- }
- if (ppp_shutdown && !ppp_stat.starting && ! && !ppp_stat.finishing)
- kill(getpid(), SIGTERM);
-/*void print_buf(uint8_t *buf, int size)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- printf("%x ",buf[i]);
- printf("\n");
-int __export ppp_chan_send(struct ppp_t *ppp, void *data, int size)
- int n;
- //printf("ppp_chan_send: ");
- //print_buf((uint8_t*)data,size);
- n = write(ppp->chan_fd,data,size);
- if (n < size)
- log_ppp_error("ppp_chan_send: short write %i, excpected %i\n", n, size);
- return n;
-int __export ppp_unit_send(struct ppp_t *ppp, void *data, int size)
- int n;
- //printf("ppp_unit_send: ");
- //print_buf((uint8_t*)data,size);
- n=write(ppp->unit_fd, data, size);
- if (n < size)
- log_ppp_error("ppp_unit_send: short write %i, excpected %i\n",n,size);
- return n;
-static int ppp_chan_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct ppp_t *ppp = container_of(h, typeof(*ppp), chan_hnd);
- struct ppp_handler_t *ppp_h;
- uint16_t proto;
- while(1) {
- ppp->chan_buf_size = read(h->fd, ppp->chan_buf, PPP_MRU);
- if (ppp->chan_buf_size < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_ppp_error("ppp_chan_read: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- //printf("ppp_chan_read: ");
- //print_buf(ppp->chan_buf,ppp->chan_buf_size);
- if (ppp->chan_buf_size == 0) {
- ppp_terminate(ppp, 1, TERM_NAS_ERROR);
- return 1;
- }
- if (ppp->chan_buf_size < 2) {
- log_ppp_error("ppp_chan_read: short read %i\n", ppp->chan_buf_size);
- continue;
- }
- proto = ntohs(*(uint16_t*)ppp->chan_buf);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp_h, &ppp->chan_handlers, entry) {
- if (ppp_h->proto == proto) {
- ppp_h->recv(ppp_h);
- if (ppp->chan_fd == -1) {
- ppp->ctrl->finished(ppp);
- return 1;
- }
- goto cont;
- }
- }
- lcp_send_proto_rej(ppp, proto);
- //log_ppp_warn("ppp_chan_read: discarding unknown packet %x\n", proto);
- }
-static int ppp_unit_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct ppp_t *ppp = container_of(h, typeof(*ppp), unit_hnd);
- struct ppp_handler_t *ppp_h;
- uint16_t proto;
- while (1) {
- ppp->unit_buf_size = read(h->fd, ppp->unit_buf, PPP_MRU);
- if (ppp->unit_buf_size < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN)
- return 0;
- log_ppp_error("ppp_unit_read: %s\n",strerror(errno));
- return 0;
- }
- md_check(ppp->unit_buf);
- //printf("ppp_unit_read: ");
- //print_buf(ppp->unit_buf,ppp->unit_buf_size);
- if (ppp->unit_buf_size == 0) {
- ppp_terminate(ppp, 1, TERM_NAS_ERROR);
- return 1;
- }
- if (ppp->unit_buf_size < 2) {
- log_ppp_error("ppp_unit_read: short read %i\n", ppp->unit_buf_size);
- continue;
- }
- proto=ntohs(*(uint16_t*)ppp->unit_buf);
- list_for_each_entry(ppp_h, &ppp->unit_handlers, entry) {
- if (ppp_h->proto == proto) {
- ppp_h->recv(ppp_h);
- if (ppp->unit_fd == -1) {
- ppp->ctrl->finished(ppp);
- return 1;
- }
- goto cont;
- }
- }
- lcp_send_proto_rej(ppp, proto);
- //log_ppp_warn("ppp_unit_read: discarding unknown packet %x\n", proto);
- }
-void ppp_recv_proto_rej(struct ppp_t *ppp, uint16_t proto)
- struct ppp_handler_t *ppp_h;
- list_for_each_entry(ppp_h, &ppp->chan_handlers, entry) {
- if (ppp_h->proto == proto) {
- if (ppp_h->recv_proto_rej)
- ppp_h->recv_proto_rej(ppp_h);
- return;
- }
- }
- list_for_each_entry(ppp_h, &ppp->unit_handlers, entry) {
- if (ppp_h->proto == proto) {
- if (ppp_h->recv_proto_rej)
- ppp_h->recv_proto_rej(ppp_h);
- return;
- }
- }
-void __export ppp_layer_started(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ppp_layer_data_t *d)
- struct layer_node_t *n = d->node;
- if (d->started)
- return;
- d->started = 1;
- list_for_each_entry(d, &n->items, entry)
- if (!d->started) return;
- if (n-> == &ppp->layers) {
- ppp->state = PPP_STATE_ACTIVE;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.starting, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&, 1);
- ppp->ctrl->started(ppp);
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_STARTED, ppp);
- } else {
- n = list_entry(n->, typeof(*n), entry);
- list_for_each_entry(d, &n->items, entry) {
- d->starting = 1;
- if (d->layer->start(d)) {
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-void __export ppp_layer_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ppp_layer_data_t *d)
- struct layer_node_t *n = d->node;
- d->finished = 1;
- d->starting = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &ppp->layers, entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(d, &n->items, entry) {
- if (d->starting && !d->finished)
- return;
- }
- }
- destablish_ppp(ppp);
-void __export ppp_terminate(struct ppp_t *ppp, int cause, int hard)
- struct layer_node_t *n;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *d;
- int s = 0;
- if (ppp->terminated)
- return;
- if (!ppp->stop_time)
- time(&ppp->stop_time);
- if (!ppp->terminate_cause)
- ppp->terminate_cause = cause;
- if (ppp->terminating) {
- if (hard)
- destablish_ppp(ppp);
- return;
- }
- ppp->terminating = 1;
- if (ppp->state == PPP_STATE_ACTIVE)
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&, 1);
- else
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.starting, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&ppp_stat.finishing, 1);
- ppp->state = PPP_STATE_FINISHING;
- log_ppp_debug("ppp_terminate\n");
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_FINISHING, ppp);
- if (hard) {
- destablish_ppp(ppp);
- return;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(n,&ppp->layers,entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(d,&n->items,entry) {
- if (d->starting) {
- s = 1;
- d->layer->finish(d);
- }
- }
- }
- if (s)
- return;
- destablish_ppp(ppp);
-void __export ppp_register_chan_handler(struct ppp_t *ppp,struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- list_add_tail(&h->entry,&ppp->chan_handlers);
-void __export ppp_register_unit_handler(struct ppp_t *ppp,struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- list_add_tail(&h->entry,&ppp->unit_handlers);
-void __export ppp_unregister_handler(struct ppp_t *ppp,struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- list_del(&h->entry);
-static int get_layer_order(const char *name)
- if (!strcmp(name,"lcp")) return 0;
- if (!strcmp(name,"auth")) return 1;
- if (!strcmp(name,"ccp")) return 2;
- if (!strcmp(name,"ipcp")) return 2;
- return -1;
-int __export ppp_register_layer(const char *name, struct ppp_layer_t *layer)
- int order;
- struct layer_node_t *n,*n1;
- order = get_layer_order(name);
- if (order < 0)
- return order;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &layers, entry) {
- if (order > n->order)
- continue;
- if (order < n->order) {
- n1 = _malloc(sizeof(*n1));
- memset(n1, 0, sizeof(*n1));
- n1->order = order;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n1->items);
- list_add_tail(&n1->entry, &n->entry);
- n = n1;
- }
- goto insert;
- }
- n1 = _malloc(sizeof(*n1));
- memset(n1, 0, sizeof(*n1));
- n1->order = order;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n1->items);
- list_add_tail(&n1->entry, &layers);
- n = n1;
- list_add_tail(&layer->entry, &n->items);
- return 0;
-void __export ppp_unregister_layer(struct ppp_layer_t *layer)
- list_del(&layer->entry);
-static void init_layers(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct layer_node_t *n, *n1;
- struct ppp_layer_t *l;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *d;
- list_for_each_entry(n,&layers,entry) {
- n1 = _malloc(sizeof(*n1));
- memset(n1, 0, sizeof(*n1));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&n1->items);
- list_add_tail(&n1->entry, &ppp->layers);
- list_for_each_entry(l, &n->items, entry) {
- d = l->init(ppp);
- d->layer = l;
- d->started = 0;
- d->node = n1;
- list_add_tail(&d->entry, &n1->items);
- }
- }
-static void _free_layers(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct layer_node_t *n;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *d;
- while (!list_empty(&ppp->layers)) {
- n = list_entry(ppp->, typeof(*n), entry);
- while (!list_empty(&n->items)) {
- d = list_entry(n->, typeof(*d), entry);
- list_del(&d->entry);
- d->layer->free(d);
- }
- list_del(&n->entry);
- _free(n);
- }
-static void start_first_layer(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct layer_node_t *n;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *d;
- n = list_entry(ppp->, typeof(*n), entry);
- list_for_each_entry(d, &n->items, entry) {
- d->starting = 1;
- if (d->layer->start(d)) {
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- return;
- }
- }
-struct ppp_layer_data_t *ppp_find_layer_data(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ppp_layer_t *layer)
- struct layer_node_t *n;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *d;
- list_for_each_entry(n,&ppp->layers,entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(d,&n->items,entry) {
- if (d->layer == layer)
- return d;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void ppp_shutdown_soft(void)
- ppp_shutdown = 1;
- if (!ppp_stat.starting && ! && !ppp_stat.finishing)
- kill(getpid(), SIGTERM);
-static void save_seq(void)
- FILE *f;
- char *opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "seq-file");
- if (!opt)
- opt = "/var/run/accel-pptp/seq";
- f = fopen(opt, "w");
- if (f) {
- fprintf(f, "%llu", seq);
- fclose(f);
- }
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_ppp_verbose = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "sid-case");
- if (opt) {
- if (!strcmp(opt, "upper"))
- conf_sid_ucase = 1;
- else if (strcmp(opt, "lower"))
- log_emerg("ppp: sid-case: invalid format\n");
- }
-static void __init init(void)
- char *opt;
- FILE *f;
- sock_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (sock_fd < 0) {
- perror("socket");
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "seq-file");
- if (!opt)
- opt = "/var/run/accel-pptp/seq";
- f = fopen(opt, "r");
- if (f) {
- fscanf(f, "%llu", &seq);
- fclose(f);
- } else
- seq = (unsigned long long)random() * (unsigned long long)random();
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
- atexit(save_seq);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c633135c..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_H
-#define PPP_H
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "list.h"
- * Packet header = Code, id, length.
- */
-#define PPP_HEADERLEN 4
-#define PPP_MTU 1500
- * Protocol field values.
- */
-#define PPP_IP 0x21 /* Internet Protocol */
-#define PPP_AT 0x29 /* AppleTalk Protocol */
-#define PPP_IPX 0x2b /* IPX protocol */
-#define PPP_VJC_COMP 0x2d /* VJ compressed TCP */
-#define PPP_VJC_UNCOMP 0x2f /* VJ uncompressed TCP */
-#define PPP_IPV6 0x57 /* Internet Protocol Version 6 */
-#define PPP_COMP 0xfd /* compressed packet */
-#define PPP_IPCP 0x8021 /* IP Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_ATCP 0x8029 /* AppleTalk Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_IPXCP 0x802b /* IPX Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_IPV6CP 0x8057 /* IPv6 Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_CCP 0x80fd /* Compression Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_ECP 0x8053 /* Encryption Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_LCP 0xc021 /* Link Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_PAP 0xc023 /* Password Authentication Protocol */
-#define PPP_LQR 0xc025 /* Link Quality Report protocol */
-#define PPP_CHAP 0xc223 /* Cryptographic Handshake Auth. Protocol */
-#define PPP_CBCP 0xc029 /* Callback Control Protocol */
-#define PPP_EAP 0xc227 /* Extensible Authentication Protocol */
-#define PPP_IFNAME_LEN 10
-#define TERM_USER_ERROR 4
-#define TERM_NAS_ERROR 5
-#define TERM_NAS_REBOOT 7
-#define TERM_AUTH_ERROR 8
-struct ppp_t;
-struct ppp_ctrl_t
- struct triton_context_t *ctx;
- const char *name;
- int max_mtu;
- char *calling_station_id;
- char *called_station_id;
- void (*started)(struct ppp_t*);
- void (*finished)(struct ppp_t*);
-struct ppp_pd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- void *key;
-struct ppp_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct triton_md_handler_t chan_hnd;
- struct triton_md_handler_t unit_hnd;
- int fd;
- int chan_fd;
- int unit_fd;
- int chan_idx;
- int unit_idx;
- int state;
- char *chan_name;
- char ifname[PPP_IFNAME_LEN];
- char sessionid[PPP_SESSIONID_LEN+1];
- time_t start_time;
- time_t stop_time;
- char *username;
- in_addr_t ipaddr;
- in_addr_t peer_ipaddr;
- struct ppp_ctrl_t *ctrl;
- int terminating:1;
- int terminated:1;
- int terminate_cause;
- void *chan_buf;
- int chan_buf_size;
- void *unit_buf;
- int unit_buf_size;
- struct list_head chan_handlers;
- struct list_head unit_handlers;
- struct list_head layers;
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp;
- struct list_head pd_list;
-struct ppp_layer_t;
-struct layer_node_t;
-struct ppp_layer_data_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ppp_layer_t *layer;
- struct layer_node_t *node;
- int starting:1;
- int started:1;
- int finished:1;
-struct ppp_layer_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ppp_layer_data_t *(*init)(struct ppp_t *);
- int (*start)(struct ppp_layer_data_t*);
- void (*finish)(struct ppp_layer_data_t*);
- void (*free)(struct ppp_layer_data_t *);
-struct ppp_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int proto;
- void (*recv)(struct ppp_handler_t*);
- void (*recv_proto_rej)(struct ppp_handler_t *h);
-struct ppp_stat_t
- unsigned int active;
- unsigned int starting;
- unsigned int finishing;
-struct ppp_t *alloc_ppp(void);
-void ppp_init(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-int establish_ppp(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-int ppp_chan_send(struct ppp_t *ppp, void *data, int size);
-int ppp_unit_send(struct ppp_t *ppp, void *data, int size);
-void lcp_send_proto_rej(struct ppp_t *ppp, uint16_t proto);
-void ppp_recv_proto_rej(struct ppp_t *ppp, uint16_t proto);
-struct ppp_fsm_t* ppp_lcp_init(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-void ppp_layer_started(struct ppp_t *ppp,struct ppp_layer_data_t*);
-void ppp_layer_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp,struct ppp_layer_data_t*);
-void ppp_terminate(struct ppp_t *ppp, int hard, int cause);
-void ppp_register_chan_handler(struct ppp_t *, struct ppp_handler_t *);
-void ppp_register_unit_handler(struct ppp_t * ,struct ppp_handler_t *);
-void ppp_unregister_handler(struct ppp_t *, struct ppp_handler_t *);
-int ppp_register_layer(const char *name, struct ppp_layer_t *);
-void ppp_unregister_layer(struct ppp_layer_t *);
-struct ppp_layer_data_t *ppp_find_layer_data(struct ppp_t *, struct ppp_layer_t *);
-extern int ppp_shutdown;
-void ppp_shutdown_soft(void);
-extern int conf_ppp_verbose;
-extern pthread_rwlock_t ppp_lock;
-extern struct list_head ppp_list;
-extern struct ppp_stat_t ppp_stat;
-extern int sock_fd; // internet socket for ioctls
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 32413c6b..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static LIST_HEAD(auth_handlers);
-static int extra_opt_len = 0;
-static struct lcp_option_t *auth_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void auth_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt);
-static int auth_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int auth_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int auth_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int auth_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static int auth_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr);
-static void auth_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct lcp_option_t*, uint8_t *ptr);
-static struct ppp_layer_data_t *auth_layer_init(struct ppp_t*);
-static int auth_layer_start(struct ppp_layer_data_t *);
-static void auth_layer_finish(struct ppp_layer_data_t *);
-static void auth_layer_free(struct ppp_layer_data_t *);
-struct auth_option_t
- struct lcp_option_t opt;
- struct list_head auth_list;
- struct auth_data_t *auth;
- struct auth_data_t *peer_auth;
- int started:1;
-struct auth_layer_data_t
- struct ppp_layer_data_t ld;
- struct auth_option_t auth_opt;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
-static struct lcp_option_handler_t auth_opt_hnd =
- .init = auth_init,
- .send_conf_req = auth_send_conf_req,
- .send_conf_nak = auth_send_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_req = auth_recv_conf_req,
- .recv_conf_nak = auth_recv_conf_nak,
- .recv_conf_rej = auth_recv_conf_rej,
- .recv_conf_ack = auth_recv_conf_ack,
- .free = auth_free,
- .print = auth_print,
-static struct ppp_layer_t auth_layer =
- .init = auth_layer_init,
- .start = auth_layer_start,
- .finish = auth_layer_finish,
- .free = auth_layer_free,
-static struct lcp_option_t *auth_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct ppp_auth_handler_t *h;
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad;
- ad = container_of(ppp_find_layer_data(lcp->ppp, &auth_layer), typeof(*ad), ld);
- ad-> = CI_AUTH;
- ad->auth_opt.opt.len = 4 + extra_opt_len;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ad->auth_opt.auth_list);
- list_for_each_entry(h, &auth_handlers, entry) {
- d = h->init(lcp->ppp);
- d->h = h;
- list_add_tail(&d->entry, &ad->auth_opt.auth_list);
- }
- return &ad->auth_opt.opt;
-static void auth_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- if (auth_opt->started && auth_opt->auth) {
- auth_opt->auth->h->finish(lcp->ppp, auth_opt->auth);
- auth_opt->started = 0;
- }
- while(!list_empty(&auth_opt->auth_list)) {
- d = list_entry(auth_opt->, typeof(*d), entry);
- list_del(&d->entry);
- d->h->free(lcp->ppp, d);
- }
-static int auth_send_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- int n;
- if (list_empty(&auth_opt->auth_list))
- return 0;
- if (!auth_opt->auth || auth_opt->auth->state == LCP_OPT_NAK) {
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->state == LCP_OPT_NAK || d->state == LCP_OPT_REJ)
- continue;
- auth_opt->auth = d;
- break;
- }
- }
- opt16-> = CI_AUTH;
- opt16->val = htons(auth_opt->auth->proto);
- n = auth_opt->auth->h->send_conf_req(lcp->ppp, auth_opt->auth, (uint8_t*)(opt16 + 1));
- opt16->hdr.len = 4 + n;
- return 4 + n;
-static int auth_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt,typeof(*auth_opt),opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- int r;
- if (list_empty(&auth_opt->auth_list))
- return LCP_OPT_REJ;
- if (!ptr)
- return LCP_OPT_ACK;
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->proto == ntohs(opt16->val)) {
- r = d->h->recv_conf_req(lcp->ppp, d, (uint8_t*)(opt16 + 1));
- if (r == LCP_OPT_FAIL)
- return LCP_OPT_FAIL;
- if (r == LCP_OPT_REJ)
- break;
- auth_opt->peer_auth = d;
- return r;
- }
- }
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->state != LCP_OPT_NAK) {
- auth_opt->peer_auth = d;
- return LCP_OPT_NAK;
- }
- }
- log_ppp_error("cann't negotiate authentication type\n");
- return LCP_OPT_FAIL;
-static int auth_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- auth_opt->peer_auth = NULL;
- return 0;
-static int auth_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- if (!auth_opt->auth) {
- log_ppp_error("auth: unexcepcted configure-nak\n");
- return -1;
- }
- auth_opt->auth->state = LCP_OPT_NAK;
- if (auth_opt->peer_auth)
- auth_opt->auth = auth_opt->peer_auth;
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->state != LCP_OPT_NAK)
- return 0;
- }
- log_ppp_error("cann't negotiate authentication type\n");
- return -1;
-static int auth_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- if (!auth_opt->auth) {
- log_ppp_error("auth: unexcepcted configure-reject\n");
- return -1;
- }
- auth_opt->auth->state = LCP_OPT_NAK;
- if (auth_opt->peer_auth)
- auth_opt->auth = auth_opt->peer_auth;
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->state != LCP_OPT_NAK)
- return 0;
- }
- log_ppp_error("cann't negotiate authentication type\n");
- return -1;
-static void auth_print(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct lcp_option_t *opt, uint8_t *ptr)
- struct auth_option_t *auth_opt = container_of(opt, typeof(*auth_opt), opt);
- struct lcp_opt16_t *opt16 = (struct lcp_opt16_t*)ptr;
- struct auth_data_t *d;
- if (ptr) {
- list_for_each_entry(d, &auth_opt->auth_list, entry) {
- if (d->proto == ntohs(opt16->val) && (!d->h->check || d->h->check((uint8_t *)(opt16 + 1))))
- goto print_d;
- }
- print("<auth %02x>", ntohs(opt16->val));
- return;
- } else if (auth_opt->auth)
- d = auth_opt->auth;
- else
- return;
- print("<auth %s>", d->h->name);
-static struct ppp_layer_data_t *auth_layer_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = _malloc(sizeof(*ad));
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_init\n");
- memset(ad, 0, sizeof(*ad));
- ad->ppp = ppp;
- return &ad->ld;
-static int auth_layer_start(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = container_of(ld,typeof(*ad),ld);
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_start\n");
- if (ad->auth_opt.auth) {
- ad->auth_opt.started = 1;
- ad->auth_opt.auth->h->start(ad->ppp, ad->auth_opt.auth);
- } else {
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_started\n");
- ppp_layer_started(ad->ppp, ld);
- }
- return 0;
-static void auth_layer_finish(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = container_of(ld, typeof(*ad), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_finish\n");
- if (ad->auth_opt.auth)
- ad->auth_opt.auth->h->finish(ad->ppp, ad->auth_opt.auth);
- ad->auth_opt.started = 0;
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_finished\n");
- ppp_layer_finished(ad->ppp, ld);
-static void auth_layer_free(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = container_of(ld, typeof(*ad), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_free\n");
- _free(ad);
-void __export ppp_auth_successed(struct ppp_t *ppp, char *username)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = container_of(ppp_find_layer_data(ppp, &auth_layer), typeof(*ad), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("auth_layer_started\n");
- ppp->username = username;
- ppp_layer_started(ppp, &ad->ld);
- log_ppp_info1("%s: authentication successed\n", username);
- triton_event_fire(EV_PPP_AUTHORIZED, ppp);
-void __export ppp_auth_failed(struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username)
- if (username)
- log_ppp_info1("%s: authentication failed\n", username);
- else
- log_ppp_info1("authentication failed\n");
- ppp_terminate(ppp, TERM_AUTH_ERROR, 0);
-int __export ppp_auth_register_handler(struct ppp_auth_handler_t *h)
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &auth_handlers);
- return 0;
-int __export ppp_auth_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct auth_layer_data_t *ad = container_of(ppp_find_layer_data(ppp, &auth_layer), typeof(*ad), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ppp_auth_restart\n");
- if (!ad->auth_opt.auth->h->restart)
- return -1;
- if (ad->auth_opt.auth->h->restart(ppp, ad->auth_opt.auth))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static void __init ppp_auth_init()
- ppp_register_layer("auth", &auth_layer);
- lcp_option_register(&auth_opt_hnd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87cc7420..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_auth.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_AUTH_H
-#define PPP_AUTH_H
-#include "list.h"
-struct ppp_auth_handler_t;
-struct auth_data_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int proto;
- int state;
- struct ppp_auth_handler_t *h;
-struct ppp_auth_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- const char *name;
- struct auth_data_t* (*init)(struct ppp_t*);
- int (*send_conf_req)(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*, uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_req)(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*, uint8_t*);
- int (*start)(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*);
- int (*finish)(struct ppp_t*, struct auth_data_t*);
- void (*free)(struct ppp_t*,struct auth_data_t*);
- int (*check)(uint8_t *);
- int (*restart)(struct ppp_t*,struct auth_data_t*);
-int ppp_auth_register_handler(struct ppp_auth_handler_t*);
-void ppp_auth_successed(struct ppp_t *ppp, char *username);
-void ppp_auth_failed(struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username);
-int ppp_auth_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 721dd9b6..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,759 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_ccp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct recv_opt_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- int len;
- int state;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
-static int conf_ccp = 1;
-static struct ppp_layer_t ccp_layer;
-static LIST_HEAD(option_handlers);
-static void ccp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void ccp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void ccp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*);
-static void ccp_recv_proto_rej(struct ppp_handler_t*);
-static void ccp_options_init(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp)
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- struct ccp_option_handler_t *h;
- ccp->conf_req_len = sizeof(struct ccp_hdr_t);
- list_for_each_entry(h, &option_handlers, entry) {
- lopt = h->init(ccp);
- if (lopt) {
- lopt->h = h;
- list_add_tail(&lopt->entry, &ccp->options);
- ccp->conf_req_len += lopt->len;
- }
- }
-static void ccp_options_free(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp)
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- while (!list_empty(&ccp->options)) {
- lopt = list_entry(ccp->, typeof(*lopt), entry);
- list_del(&lopt->entry);
- lopt->h->free(ccp, lopt);
- }
-static int ccp_set_flags(int fd, int isopen, int isup)
- int flags;
- if (ioctl(fd, PPPIOCGFLAGS, &flags)) {
- log_ppp_error("ccp: failed to get flags: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- flags &= ~(SC_CCP_OPEN | SC_CCP_UP);
- flags |= (isopen ? SC_CCP_OPEN : 0) | (isup ? SC_CCP_UP : 0);
- if (ioctl(fd, PPPIOCSFLAGS, &flags)) {
- log_ppp_error("ccp: failed to set flags: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_layer_data_t *ccp_layer_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = _malloc(sizeof(*ccp));
- memset(ccp, 0, sizeof(*ccp));
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_init\n");
- ccp->ppp = ppp;
- ccp->fsm.ppp = ppp;
- ccp->hnd.proto = PPP_CCP;
- ccp->hnd.recv = ccp_recv;
- ccp->hnd.recv_proto_rej = ccp_recv_proto_rej;
- ppp_register_unit_handler(ppp, &ccp->hnd);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ccp->options);
- ccp_options_init(ccp);
- ccp->passive = 0;
- ccp->fsm.proto = PPP_CCP;
- ppp_fsm_init(&ccp->fsm);
- ccp->fsm.layer_up = ccp_layer_up;
- ccp->fsm.layer_finished = ccp_layer_down;
- ccp->fsm.send_conf_req = send_conf_req;
- ccp->fsm.send_conf_ack = send_conf_ack;
- ccp->fsm.send_conf_nak = send_conf_nak;
- ccp->fsm.send_conf_rej = send_conf_rej;
- ccp->fsm.send_term_req = send_term_req;
- ccp->fsm.send_term_ack = send_term_ack;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ccp->ropt_list);
- return &ccp->ld;
-int ccp_layer_start(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ccp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_start\n");
- if (list_empty(&ccp->options) || !conf_ccp) {
- ppp_layer_started(ccp->ppp, &ccp->ld);
- return 0;
- }
- ppp_fsm_lower_up(&ccp->fsm);
- if (ppp_fsm_open(&ccp->fsm))
- return -1;
- if (ccp_set_flags(ccp->ppp->unit_fd, 1, 0)) {
- ppp_fsm_close(&ccp->fsm);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-void ccp_layer_finish(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ccp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_finish\n");
- ccp_set_flags(ccp->ppp->unit_fd, 0, 0);
- ccp->fsm.fsm_state = FSM_Closed;
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_finished\n");
- ppp_layer_finished(ccp->ppp, &ccp->ld);
-void ccp_layer_free(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ccp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_free\n");
- ppp_unregister_handler(ccp->ppp, &ccp->hnd);
- ccp_options_free(ccp);
- ppp_fsm_free(&ccp->fsm);
- _free(ccp);
-static void ccp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_started\n");
- if (!ccp->started) {
- ccp->started = 1;
- if (ccp_set_flags(ccp->ppp->unit_fd, 1, 1)) {
- ppp_terminate(ccp->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- return;
- }
- ppp_layer_started(ccp->ppp, &ccp->ld);
- }
-static void ccp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("ccp_layer_finished\n");
- if (!ccp->started)
- ppp_layer_started(ccp->ppp, &ccp->ld);
- ccp->started = 0;
- ppp_layer_finished(ccp->ppp, &ccp->ld);
-static void print_ropt(struct recv_opt_t *ropt)
- int i;
- uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr;
- log_ppp_info2("<");
- for (i = 0; i < ropt->len; i++) {
- log_ppp_info2(" %x", ptr[i]);
- }
- log_ppp_info2(" >");
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf, *ptr;
- struct ccp_hdr_t *ccp_hdr;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- int n;
- ccp->need_req = 0;
- if (ccp->passive) {
- ccp->passive--;
- return 0;
- }
- buf = _malloc(ccp->conf_req_len);
- ccp_hdr = (struct ccp_hdr_t*)buf;
- ccp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_CCP);
- ccp_hdr->code = CONFREQ;
- ccp_hdr->id = ++ccp->;
- ccp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr = (uint8_t*)(ccp_hdr + 1);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP ConfReq id=%x", ccp_hdr->id);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ccp->options, entry) {
- n = lopt->h->send_conf_req(ccp, lopt, ptr);
- if (n < 0)
- return -1;
- if (n) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, NULL);
- }
- }
- ptr += n;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- ccp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_unit_send(ccp->ppp, ccp_hdr, ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
- return 0;
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- struct ccp_hdr_t *hdr = (struct ccp_hdr_t*)ccp->ppp->unit_buf;
- hdr->code = CONFACK;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP ConfAck id=%x]\n", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- ppp_unit_send(ccp->ppp,hdr,ntohs(hdr->len)+2);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(ccp->conf_req_len), *ptr = buf;
- struct ccp_hdr_t *ccp_hdr = (struct ccp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP ConfNak id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- ccp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_CCP);
- ccp_hdr->code = CONFNAK;
- ccp_hdr->id = ccp->fsm.recv_id;
- ccp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*ccp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ccp->ropt_list, entry) {
- if (ropt->state == CCP_OPT_NAK) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- ropt->lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, ropt->lopt, NULL);
- }
- ptr += ropt->lopt->h->send_conf_nak(ccp, ropt->lopt, ptr);
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- ccp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_unit_send(ccp->ppp, ccp_hdr, ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(ccp->ropt_len + sizeof(struct ccp_hdr_t)), *ptr = buf;
- struct ccp_hdr_t *ccp_hdr = (struct ccp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP ConfRej id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- ccp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_CCP);
- ccp_hdr->code = CONFREJ;
- ccp_hdr->id = ccp->fsm.recv_id;
- ccp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*ccp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ccp->ropt_list, entry) {
- if (ropt->state == CCP_OPT_REJ) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- if (ropt->lopt)
- ropt->lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, ropt->lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- else
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- memcpy(ptr, ropt->hdr, ropt->len);
- ptr += ropt->len;
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- ccp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_unit_send(ccp->ppp, ccp_hdr, ptr-buf);
- _free(buf);
-static int ccp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- int r, ret = 1, ack = 0;
- ccp->need_req = 0;
- ccp->ropt_len = size;
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- ropt = _malloc(sizeof(*ropt));
- memset(ropt, 0, sizeof(*ropt));
- if (hdr->len > size)
- ropt->len = size;
- else
- ropt->len = hdr->len;
- ropt->hdr = hdr;
- ropt->state = CCP_OPT_NONE;
- list_add_tail(&ropt->entry, &ccp->ropt_list);
- data += ropt->len;
- size -= ropt->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP ConfReq id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ccp->ropt_list, entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ccp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == ropt->hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- }
- r = lopt->h->recv_conf_req(ccp, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- if (ack) {
- lopt->state = CCP_OPT_REJ;
- ropt->state = CCP_OPT_REJ;
- } else {
- /*if (lopt->state == CCP_OPT_NAK && r == CCP_OPT_ACK)
- ccp->need_req = 1;*/
- lopt->state = r;
- ropt->state = r;
- }
- ropt->lopt = lopt;
- if (r < ret)
- ret = r;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ropt->state == CCP_OPT_ACK || ropt->state == CCP_OPT_NAK)
- ack = 1;
- else if (!ropt->lopt) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- ropt->state = CCP_OPT_REJ;
- ret = CCP_OPT_REJ;
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- /*list_for_each_entry(lopt,&ccp->options,entry)
- {
- if (lopt->state==CCP_OPT_NONE)
- {
- r=lopt->h->recv_conf_req(ccp,lopt,NULL);
- lopt->state=r;
- if (r<ret) ret=r;
- }
- }*/
- return ret;
-static void ccp_free_conf_req(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp)
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- while (!list_empty(&ccp->ropt_list)) {
- ropt = list_entry(ccp->, typeof(*ropt), entry);
- list_del(&ropt->entry);
- _free(ropt);
- }
-static int ccp_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP ConfRej id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ccp->fsm.recv_id != ccp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ccp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_rej)
- res = -1;
- else if (lopt->h->recv_conf_rej(ccp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int ccp_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP ConfNak id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ccp->fsm.recv_id != ccp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ccp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, data);
- }
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_nak && lopt->h->recv_conf_nak(ccp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- //lopt->state = CCP_OPT_NAK;
- //ccp->need_req = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int ccp_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ccp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP ConfAck id=%x", ccp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ccp->fsm.recv_id != ccp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ccp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ccp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2,lopt,data);
- }
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_ack)
- break;
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_ack(ccp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- struct ccp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_CCP),
- .code = TERMREQ,
- .id = ++ccp->,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP TermReq id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_chan_send(ccp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ccp), fsm);
- struct ccp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_CCP),
- .code = TERMACK,
- .id = ccp->fsm.recv_id,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [CCP TermAck id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_chan_send(ccp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-static void ccp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*h)
- struct ccp_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(h, typeof(*ccp), hnd);
- int r;
- if (ccp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Initial || ccp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Closed || ccp->ppp->terminating) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("CCP: discarding packet\n");
- if (ccp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Closed || !conf_ccp)
- lcp_send_proto_rej(ccp->ppp, PPP_CCP);
- return;
- }
- if (ccp->ppp->unit_buf_size < PPP_HEADERLEN + 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("CCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- hdr = (struct ccp_hdr_t *)ccp->ppp->unit_buf;
- if (ntohs(hdr->len) < PPP_HEADERLEN) {
- log_ppp_warn("CCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- ccp->fsm.recv_id = hdr->id;
- switch(hdr->code) {
- case CONFREQ:
- r = ccp_recv_conf_req(ccp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- switch(r) {
- case CCP_OPT_ACK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_ack(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case CCP_OPT_NAK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_nak(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case CCP_OPT_REJ:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_rej(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- }
- ccp_free_conf_req(ccp);
- if (r == CCP_OPT_ACK && ccp->passive) {
- ccp->passive = 0;
- send_conf_req(&ccp->fsm);
- }
- if (r == CCP_OPT_FAIL)
- ppp_terminate(ccp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- break;
- case CONFACK:
- if (ccp_recv_conf_ack(ccp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(ccp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else {
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_ack(&ccp->fsm);
- if (ccp->need_req)
- send_conf_req(&ccp->fsm);
- }
- break;
- case CONFNAK:
- ccp_recv_conf_nak(ccp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case CONFREJ:
- if (ccp_recv_conf_rej(ccp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1),ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(ccp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case TERMREQ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP TermReq id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_term_req(&ccp->fsm);
- ppp_fsm_close(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case TERMACK:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP TermAck id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_term_ack(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- case CODEREJ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [CCP CodeRej id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_bad(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- default:
- ppp_fsm_recv_unk(&ccp->fsm);
- break;
- }
-static void ccp_recv_proto_rej(struct ppp_handler_t *h)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(h, typeof(*ccp), hnd);
- if (ccp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Initial || ccp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Closed)
- return;
- ppp_fsm_lower_down(&ccp->fsm);
- ppp_fsm_close(&ccp->fsm);
-int ccp_option_register(struct ccp_option_handler_t *h)
- /*struct ccp_option_drv_t *p;
- list_for_each_entry(p,option_drv_list,entry)
- if (p->id==h->id)
- return -1;*/
- list_add_tail(&h->entry,&option_handlers);
- return 0;
-struct ccp_option_t *ccp_find_option(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ccp_option_handler_t *h)
- struct ppp_ccp_t *ccp = container_of(ppp_find_layer_data(ppp, &ccp_layer), typeof(*ccp), ld);
- struct ccp_option_t *opt;
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &ccp->options, entry)
- if (opt->h == h)
- return opt;
- log_emerg("ccp: BUG: option not found\n");
- abort();
-static struct ppp_layer_t ccp_layer=
- .init = ccp_layer_init,
- .start = ccp_layer_start,
- .finish = ccp_layer_finish,
- .free = ccp_layer_free,
-static void load_config(void)
- const char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "ccp");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0)
- conf_ccp = atoi(opt);
-static void __init ccp_init(void)
- ppp_register_layer("ccp", &ccp_layer);
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c2dc6dd..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ccp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_CCP_H
-#define PPP_CCP_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ppp_fsm.h"
- * Options.
- */
-#define CI_MPPE 18 /* MPPE */
-struct ccp_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ccp_opt_hdr_t
- uint8_t id;
- uint8_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ccp_opt8_t
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ccp_opt16_t
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint16_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ccp_opt32_t
- struct ccp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint32_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-#define CCP_OPT_NONE 0
-#define CCP_OPT_ACK 1
-#define CCP_OPT_NAK -1
-#define CCP_OPT_REJ -2
-#define CCP_OPT_FAIL -3
-struct ppp_ccp_t;
-struct ccp_option_handler_t;
-struct ccp_option_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- int len;
- int state;
- struct ccp_option_handler_t *h;
-struct ccp_option_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ccp_option_t* (*init)(struct ppp_ccp_t*);
- int (*send_conf_req)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_rej)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_nak)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_req)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_rej)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_nak)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_ack)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- void (*free)(struct ppp_ccp_t*,struct ccp_option_t*);
- void (*print)(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct ccp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
-struct ppp_ccp_t
- struct ppp_layer_data_t ld;
- struct ppp_handler_t hnd;
- struct ppp_fsm_t fsm;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct list_head options;
- struct list_head ropt_list; // last received ConfReq
- int ropt_len;
- int conf_req_len;
- int passive;
- int started:1;
- int need_req:1;
-int ccp_option_register(struct ccp_option_handler_t *h);
-struct ccp_option_t *ccp_find_option(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct ccp_option_handler_t *h);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bc430e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_fsm.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int conf_max_terminate = 2;
-static int conf_max_configure = 10;
-static int conf_max_failure = 10;
-static int conf_timeout = 5;
-void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void send_echo_reply(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-static void init_req_counter(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer,int timeout);
-static void zero_req_counter(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-static void restart_timer_func(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-static void stop_timer(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-void ppp_fsm_init(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- layer->fsm_state = FSM_Initial;
- layer->restart_timer.expire = restart_timer_func;
- layer->restart_timer.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- layer->restart_counter = 0;
- layer->max_terminate = conf_max_terminate;
- layer->max_configure = conf_max_configure;
- layer->max_failure = conf_max_failure;
- layer->timeout = conf_timeout;
-void ppp_fsm_free(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- stop_timer(layer);
-int ppp_fsm_lower_up(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Initial:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closed;
- break;
- case FSM_Starting:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req)
- if (layer->send_conf_req(layer))
- return -1;
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-void ppp_fsm_lower_down(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- case FSM_Closing:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Initial;
- break;
- case FSM_Stopped:
- if (layer->layer_started) layer->layer_started(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Starting;
- break;
- case FSM_Stopping:
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Starting;
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Starting;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-int ppp_fsm_open(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Initial:
- if (layer->layer_started) layer->layer_started(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Starting;
- break;
- case FSM_Starting:
- break;
- case FSM_Closed:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req)
- if (layer->send_conf_req(layer))
- return -1;
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Closing:
- case FSM_Stopping:
- case FSM_Stopped:
- case FSM_Opened:
- ppp_fsm_lower_down(layer);
- ppp_fsm_lower_up(layer);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-void ppp_fsm_close(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Starting:
- stop_timer(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Initial;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopped:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closed;
- stop_timer(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopping:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closing;
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_terminate);
- layer->send_term_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closing;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_timeout0(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closing:
- case FSM_Stopping:
- --layer->restart_counter;
- layer->send_term_req(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- --layer->restart_counter;
- --layer->id;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_timeout1(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closing:
- stop_timer(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closed;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopping:
- stop_timer(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopped;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- stop_timer(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopped;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopped:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- if (layer->send_conf_ack) layer->send_conf_ack(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Ack_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- if (layer->send_conf_ack) layer->send_conf_ack(layer);
- stop_timer(layer);
- if (layer->layer_up) layer->layer_up(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Opened;
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- if (layer->send_conf_ack) layer->send_conf_ack(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Ack_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopped:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- if (layer->send_conf_nak) layer->send_conf_nak(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- if (++layer->conf_failure == layer->max_failure) {
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- return;
- }
- if (layer->send_conf_nak) layer->send_conf_nak(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- if (layer->send_conf_nak) layer->send_conf_nak(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopped:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- if (++layer->conf_failure == layer->max_failure) {
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- return;
- }
- if (layer->send_conf_rej) layer->send_conf_rej(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- if (++layer->conf_failure == layer->max_failure) {
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- return;
- }
- if (layer->send_conf_rej) layer->send_conf_rej(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- if (layer->send_conf_rej) layer->send_conf_rej(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- case FSM_Stopped:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Ack_Rcvd;
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- //init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- //tlu
- stop_timer(layer);
- if (layer->layer_up) layer->layer_up(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Opened;
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closed:
- case FSM_Stopped:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- if (++layer->conf_failure == layer->max_failure) {
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- return;
- }
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_failure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- //if (layer->init_req_cnt) layer->init_req_cnt(layer);
- init_req_counter(layer,layer->max_configure);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- //send_term_req(layer);
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- //if (layer->zero_req_cnt) layer->zero_req_cnt(layer);
- zero_req_counter(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopping;
- break;
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- layer->send_term_ack(layer);
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- stop_timer(layer);
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Closing:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closed;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopping:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopped;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- if (layer->send_conf_req) layer->send_conf_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_unk(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- if (layer->send_code_rej) layer->send_code_rej(layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_perm(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Req_Sent;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_bad(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- switch(layer->fsm_state)
- {
- case FSM_Opened:
- if (layer->layer_down) layer->layer_down(layer);
- --layer->restart_counter;
- layer->send_term_req(layer);
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopping;
- break;
- case FSM_Closing:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Closed;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- case FSM_Stopping:
- case FSM_Req_Sent:
- case FSM_Ack_Rcvd:
- case FSM_Ack_Sent:
- layer->fsm_state=FSM_Stopped;
- if (layer->layer_finished) layer->layer_finished(layer);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-static void stop_timer(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- if (fsm->restart_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&fsm->restart_timer);
-static void init_req_counter(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer,int timeout)
- layer->restart_counter = timeout;
- if (!layer->restart_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(layer->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &layer->restart_timer, 0);
-static void zero_req_counter(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer)
- layer->restart_counter=0;
- if (!layer->restart_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(layer->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &layer->restart_timer, 0);
-static void restart_timer_func(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct ppp_fsm_t *layer = container_of(t, typeof(*layer), restart_timer);
- log_ppp_debug("fsm timeout\n");
- if (layer->restart_counter>0)
- ppp_fsm_timeout0(layer);
- else
- ppp_fsm_timeout1(layer);
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "max-terminate");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_terminate = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "max-configure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_configure = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "max-failure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_failure = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("ppp", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
-void __init fsm_init(void)
- load_config();
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6010240a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_fsm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_FSM_H
-#define PPP_FSM_H
-typedef enum {FSM_Initial=0,FSM_Starting,FSM_Closed,FSM_Stopped,FSM_Closing,FSM_Stopping,FSM_Req_Sent,FSM_Ack_Rcvd,FSM_Ack_Sent,FSM_Opened} FSM_STATE;
- * CP (LCP, IPCP, etc.) codes.
- */
-#define CONFREQ 1 /* Configuration Request */
-#define CONFACK 2 /* Configuration Ack */
-#define CONFNAK 3 /* Configuration Nak */
-#define CONFREJ 4 /* Configuration Reject */
-#define TERMREQ 5 /* Termination Request */
-#define TERMACK 6 /* Termination Ack */
-#define CODEREJ 7 /* Code Reject */
-#define PROTOREJ 8 /* Code Reject */
-#define ECHOREQ 9 /* Echo Request */
-#define ECHOREP 10 /* Echo Reply */
-#define IDENT 12 /* Identification */
-struct ppp_t;
-struct ppp_fsm_t
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- FSM_STATE fsm_state;
- uint16_t proto;
- struct triton_timer_t restart_timer;
- int restart_counter;
- int max_terminate;
- int max_configure;
- int max_failure;
- int timeout;
- int conf_failure;
- int id;
- int recv_id;
- //fsm handling
- void (*layer_up)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*layer_down)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*layer_started)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*layer_finished)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- int (*send_conf_req)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_conf_ack)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_conf_nak)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_conf_rej)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_code_rej)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_term_req)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
- void (*send_term_ack)(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-void ppp_fsm_init(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-void ppp_fsm_free(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-int ppp_fsm_lower_up(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-void ppp_fsm_lower_down(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-int ppp_fsm_open(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-void ppp_fsm_close(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-void ppp_fsm_timeout0(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_timeout1(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_unk(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
-void ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_bad(struct ppp_fsm_t *layer);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cdcdbc1..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_ipcp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct recv_opt_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- int len;
- int state;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
-static LIST_HEAD(option_handlers);
-static void ipcp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void ipcp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void ipcp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*);
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void ipcp_options_init(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- struct ipcp_option_handler_t *h;
- ipcp->conf_req_len = sizeof(struct ipcp_hdr_t);
- list_for_each_entry(h,&option_handlers,entry) {
- lopt = h->init(ipcp);
- if (lopt) {
- lopt->h = h;
- list_add_tail(&lopt->entry, &ipcp->options);
- ipcp->conf_req_len += lopt->len;
- }
- }
-static void ipcp_options_free(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- while (!list_empty(&ipcp->options)) {
- lopt = list_entry(ipcp->, typeof(*lopt), entry);
- list_del(&lopt->entry);
- lopt->h->free(ipcp, lopt);
- }
-static struct ppp_layer_data_t *ipcp_layer_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = _malloc(sizeof(*ipcp));
- memset(ipcp, 0, sizeof(*ipcp));
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_init\n");
- ipcp->ppp = ppp;
- ipcp->fsm.ppp = ppp;
- ipcp->hnd.proto = PPP_IPCP;
- ipcp->hnd.recv = ipcp_recv;
- ppp_register_unit_handler(ppp, &ipcp->hnd);
- ipcp->fsm.proto = PPP_IPCP;
- ppp_fsm_init(&ipcp->fsm);
- ipcp->fsm.layer_up = ipcp_layer_up;
- ipcp->fsm.layer_finished = ipcp_layer_down;
- ipcp->fsm.send_conf_req = send_conf_req;
- ipcp->fsm.send_conf_ack = send_conf_ack;
- ipcp->fsm.send_conf_nak = send_conf_nak;
- ipcp->fsm.send_conf_rej = send_conf_rej;
- ipcp->fsm.send_term_req = send_term_req;
- ipcp->fsm.send_term_ack = send_term_ack;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ipcp->options);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ipcp->ropt_list);
- return &ipcp->ld;
-int ipcp_layer_start(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ipcp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_start\n");
- ipcp_options_init(ipcp);
- ppp_fsm_lower_up(&ipcp->fsm);
- if (ppp_fsm_open(&ipcp->fsm))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-void ipcp_layer_finish(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ipcp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_finish\n");
- ipcp->fsm.fsm_state = FSM_Closed;
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_finished\n");
- ppp_layer_finished(ipcp->ppp, &ipcp->ld);
-void ipcp_layer_free(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(ld, typeof(*ipcp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_free\n");
- ppp_unregister_handler(ipcp->ppp, &ipcp->hnd);
- ipcp_options_free(ipcp);
- ppp_fsm_free(&ipcp->fsm);
- _free(ipcp);
-static void ipcp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_started\n");
- if (!ipcp->started) {
- ipcp->started = 1;
- ppp_layer_started(ipcp->ppp, &ipcp->ld);
- }
-static void ipcp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("ipcp_layer_finished\n");
- if (ipcp->started) {
- ipcp->started = 0;
- ppp_layer_finished(ipcp->ppp, &ipcp->ld);
- } else
- ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
-static void print_ropt(struct recv_opt_t *ropt)
- int i;
- uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr;
- log_ppp_info2("<");
- for (i = 0; i < ropt->len; i++) {
- log_ppp_info2(" %x", ptr[i]);
- }
- log_ppp_info2(" >");
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(ipcp->conf_req_len), *ptr = buf;
- struct ipcp_hdr_t *ipcp_hdr = (struct ipcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- int n;
- ipcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_IPCP);
- ipcp_hdr->code = CONFREQ;
- ipcp_hdr->id = ++ipcp->;
- ipcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*ipcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- n = lopt->h->send_conf_req(ipcp, lopt, ptr);
- if (n < 0)
- return -1;
- if (n) {
- ptr += n;
- lopt->print = 1;
- } else
- lopt->print = 0;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP ConfReq id=%x", ipcp_hdr->id);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt,&ipcp->options,entry) {
- if (lopt->print) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, NULL);
- }
- }
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- }
- ipcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, ipcp_hdr, ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
- return 0;
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- struct ipcp_hdr_t *hdr = (struct ipcp_hdr_t*)ipcp->ppp->unit_buf;
- hdr->code = CONFACK;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP ConfAck id=%x]\n", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, hdr, ntohs(hdr->len) + 2);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(ipcp->conf_req_len), *ptr = buf;
- struct ipcp_hdr_t *ipcp_hdr = (struct ipcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP ConfNak id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- ipcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_IPCP);
- ipcp_hdr->code = CONFNAK;
- ipcp_hdr->id = ipcp->fsm.recv_id;
- ipcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*ipcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ipcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- if (ropt->state == IPCP_OPT_NAK) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- ropt->lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, ropt->lopt, NULL);
- }
- ptr += ropt->lopt->h->send_conf_nak(ipcp, ropt->lopt, ptr);
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- ipcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr-buf-2);
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, ipcp_hdr, ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(ipcp->ropt_len + sizeof(struct ipcp_hdr_t)), *ptr = buf;
- struct ipcp_hdr_t *ipcp_hdr = (struct ipcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP ConfRej id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- ipcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_IPCP);
- ipcp_hdr->code = CONFREJ;
- ipcp_hdr->id = ipcp->fsm.recv_id;
- ipcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*ipcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ipcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- if (ropt->state == IPCP_OPT_REJ) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- if (ropt->lopt)
- ropt->lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, ropt->lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- else
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- memcpy(ptr, ropt->hdr, ropt->len);
- ptr += ropt->len;
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- ipcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, ipcp_hdr, ptr-buf);
- _free(buf);
-static int ipcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- int r,ret = 1;
- ipcp->ropt_len = size;
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- ropt = _malloc(sizeof(*ropt));
- memset(ropt, 0, sizeof(*ropt));
- if (hdr->len > size)
- ropt->len = size;
- else
- ropt->len = hdr->len;
- ropt->hdr = hdr;
- ropt->state = IPCP_OPT_NONE;
- list_add_tail(&ropt->entry, &ipcp->ropt_list);
- data += ropt->len;
- size -= ropt->len;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry)
- lopt->state=IPCP_OPT_NONE;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP ConfReq id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ipcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == ropt->hdr->id) {
- ropt->lopt = lopt;
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ropt->lopt) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- }
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- }
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &ipcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == ropt->hdr->id) {
- r = lopt->h->recv_conf_req(ipcp, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- if (ipcp->ppp->stop_time)
- return -1;
- lopt->state = r;
- ropt->state = r;
- ropt->lopt = lopt;
- if (r < ret)
- ret = r;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ropt->lopt) {
- ropt->state = IPCP_OPT_REJ;
- ret = IPCP_OPT_REJ;
- }
- }
- /*list_for_each_entry(lopt,&ipcp->options,entry)
- {
- if (lopt->state==IPCP_OPT_NONE)
- {
- r=lopt->h->recv_conf_req(ipcp,lopt,NULL);
- lopt->state=r;
- if (r<ret) ret=r;
- }
- }*/
- return ret;
-static void ipcp_free_conf_req(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp)
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- while (!list_empty(&ipcp->ropt_list)) {
- ropt = list_entry(ipcp->, typeof(*ropt), entry);
- list_del(&ropt->entry);
- _free(ropt);
- }
-static int ipcp_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP ConfRej id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ipcp->fsm.recv_id != ipcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_rej)
- res = -1;
- else if (lopt->h->recv_conf_rej(ipcp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int ipcp_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP ConfNak id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ipcp->fsm.recv_id != ipcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2,lopt,data);
- }
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_nak && lopt->h->recv_conf_nak(ipcp, lopt, data))
- res =- 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int ipcp_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ipcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP ConfAck id=%x", ipcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (ipcp->fsm.recv_id != ipcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &ipcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, data);
- }
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_ack)
- break;
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_ack(ipcp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- struct ipcp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_IPCP),
- .code = TERMREQ,
- .id = ++ipcp->,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP TermReq id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*ipcp), fsm);
- struct ipcp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_IPCP),
- .code = TERMACK,
- .id = ipcp->fsm.recv_id,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [IPCP TermAck id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_unit_send(ipcp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-static void ipcp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*h)
- struct ipcp_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ppp_ipcp_t *ipcp = container_of(h, typeof(*ipcp), hnd);
- int r;
- if (ipcp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Initial || ipcp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Closed || ipcp->ppp->terminating) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("IPCP: discarding packet\n");
- return;
- }
- if (ipcp->ppp->unit_buf_size < PPP_HEADERLEN + 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("IPCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- hdr = (struct ipcp_hdr_t *)ipcp->ppp->unit_buf;
- if (ntohs(hdr->len) < PPP_HEADERLEN) {
- log_ppp_warn("IPCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- ipcp->fsm.recv_id = hdr->id;
- switch(hdr->code) {
- case CONFREQ:
- r = ipcp_recv_conf_req(ipcp,(uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- if (ipcp->ppp->stop_time) {
- ipcp_free_conf_req(ipcp);
- return;
- }
- switch(r) {
- case IPCP_OPT_ACK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_ack(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- case IPCP_OPT_NAK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_nak(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- case IPCP_OPT_REJ:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_rej(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- }
- ipcp_free_conf_req(ipcp);
- if (r == IPCP_OPT_FAIL)
- ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- break;
- case CONFACK:
- if (ipcp_recv_conf_ack(ipcp,(uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_ack(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- case CONFNAK:
- ipcp_recv_conf_nak(ipcp,(uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- case CONFREJ:
- if (ipcp_recv_conf_rej(ipcp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- case TERMREQ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP TermReq id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_term_req(&ipcp->fsm);
- ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 0);
- break;
- case TERMACK:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP TermAck id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- //ppp_fsm_recv_term_ack(&ipcp->fsm);
- //ppp_terminate(ipcp->ppp, 0);
- break;
- case CODEREJ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [IPCP CodeRej id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_bad(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- default:
- ppp_fsm_recv_unk(&ipcp->fsm);
- break;
- }
-int ipcp_option_register(struct ipcp_option_handler_t *h)
- /*struct ipcp_option_drv_t *p;
- list_for_each_entry(p,option_drv_list,entry)
- if (p->id==h->id)
- return -1;*/
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &option_handlers);
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_layer_t ipcp_layer =
- .init = ipcp_layer_init,
- .start = ipcp_layer_start,
- .finish = ipcp_layer_finish,
- .free = ipcp_layer_free,
-static void __init ipcp_init(void)
- ppp_register_layer("ipcp", &ipcp_layer);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9559872..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_ipcp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_IPCP_H
-#define PPP_IPCP_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ppp_fsm.h"
- * Options.
- */
-#define CI_COMP 2 /* IP-Compress-Protocol */
-#define CI_ADDR 3 /* IP-Address */
-#define CI_DNS1 129 /* Primary-DNS-Address */
-#define CI_DNS2 131 /* Secondary-DNS-Address */
-struct ipcp_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t
- uint8_t id;
- uint8_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ipcp_opt8_t
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ipcp_opt16_t
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint16_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct ipcp_opt32_t
- struct ipcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint32_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-#define IPCP_OPT_NONE 0
-#define IPCP_OPT_ACK 1
-#define IPCP_OPT_NAK -1
-#define IPCP_OPT_REJ -2
-#define IPCP_OPT_FAIL -3
-struct ppp_ipcp_t;
-struct ipcp_option_handler_t;
-struct ipcp_option_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- int len;
- int state;
- int print:1;
- struct ipcp_option_handler_t *h;
-struct ipcp_option_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ipcp_option_t* (*init)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*);
- int (*send_conf_req)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_rej)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_nak)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_req)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_rej)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_nak)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_ack)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- void (*free)(struct ppp_ipcp_t*,struct ipcp_option_t*);
- void (*print)(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct ipcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
-struct ppp_ipcp_t
- struct ppp_layer_data_t ld;
- struct ppp_handler_t hnd;
- struct ppp_fsm_t fsm;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct list_head options;
- struct list_head ropt_list; // last received ConfReq
- int ropt_len;
- int conf_req_len;
- int started:1;
-int ipcp_option_register(struct ipcp_option_handler_t *h);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e40e3212..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ppp_lcp.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct recv_opt_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- int len;
- int state;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
-static int conf_echo_interval = 0;
-static int conf_echo_failure = 3;
-static LIST_HEAD(option_handlers);
-static struct ppp_layer_t lcp_layer;
-static void lcp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void lcp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void lcp_layer_finished(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void send_code_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t*);
-static void start_echo(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void stop_echo(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp);
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm);
-static void lcp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*);
-static void lcp_options_init(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- struct lcp_option_handler_t *h;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lcp->options);
- lcp->conf_req_len = sizeof(struct lcp_hdr_t);
- list_for_each_entry(h, &option_handlers, entry) {
- lopt = h->init(lcp);
- if (lopt) {
- lopt->h = h;
- list_add_tail(&lopt->entry, &lcp->options);
- lcp->conf_req_len += lopt->len;
- }
- }
-static void lcp_options_free(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- while (!list_empty(&lcp->options)) {
- lopt = list_entry(lcp->, typeof(*lopt), entry);
- list_del(&lopt->entry);
- lopt->h->free(lcp, lopt);
- }
-static struct ppp_layer_data_t *lcp_layer_init(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = _malloc(sizeof(*lcp));
- memset(lcp, 0, sizeof(*lcp));
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_init\n");
- lcp->ppp = ppp;
- lcp->fsm.ppp = ppp;
- lcp->hnd.proto = PPP_LCP;
- lcp->hnd.recv = lcp_recv;
- ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &lcp->hnd);
- lcp->fsm.proto = PPP_LCP;
- ppp_fsm_init(&lcp->fsm);
- lcp->fsm.layer_up = lcp_layer_up;
- lcp->fsm.layer_down = lcp_layer_down;
- lcp->fsm.layer_finished = lcp_layer_finished;
- lcp->fsm.send_conf_req = send_conf_req;
- lcp->fsm.send_conf_ack = send_conf_ack;
- lcp->fsm.send_conf_nak = send_conf_nak;
- lcp->fsm.send_conf_rej = send_conf_rej;
- lcp->fsm.send_code_rej = send_code_rej;
- lcp->fsm.send_term_req = send_term_req;
- lcp->fsm.send_term_ack = send_term_ack;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&lcp->ropt_list);
- return &lcp->ld;
-int lcp_layer_start(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(ld, typeof(*lcp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_start\n");
- lcp_options_init(lcp);
- ppp_fsm_lower_up(&lcp->fsm);
- if (ppp_fsm_open(&lcp->fsm))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static void _lcp_layer_finished(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- ppp_layer_finished(lcp->ppp, &lcp->ld);
-void lcp_layer_finish(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(ld,typeof(*lcp),ld);
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_finish\n");
- if (lcp->started) {
- stop_echo(lcp);
- ppp_fsm_close(&lcp->fsm);
- } else
- triton_context_call(lcp->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)_lcp_layer_finished, lcp);
-void lcp_layer_free(struct ppp_layer_data_t *ld)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(ld, typeof(*lcp), ld);
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_free\n");
- stop_echo(lcp);
- ppp_unregister_handler(lcp->ppp, &lcp->hnd);
- lcp_options_free(lcp);
- ppp_fsm_free(&lcp->fsm);
- triton_cancel_call(lcp->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)_lcp_layer_finished);
- _free(lcp);
-static void lcp_layer_up(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_started\n");
- if (!lcp->started) {
- lcp->started = 1;
- ppp_layer_started(lcp->ppp, &lcp->ld);
- }
- start_echo(lcp);
-static void lcp_layer_down(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- //ppp_fsm_close(&lcp->fsm);
- stop_echo(lcp);
- //ppp_layer_finished(lcp->ppp,&lcp->ld);
-static void lcp_layer_finished(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- log_ppp_debug("lcp_layer_finished\n");
- stop_echo(lcp);
- if (lcp->started) {
- lcp->started = 0;
- if (lcp->ppp->terminating)
- ppp_layer_finished(lcp->ppp, &lcp->ld);
- else
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- } else
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
-static void print_ropt(struct recv_opt_t *ropt)
- int i;
- uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr;
- log_ppp_info2("<");
- for (i = 0; i < ropt->len; i++) {
- log_ppp_info2(" %x", ptr[i]);
- }
- log_ppp_info2(" >");
-static int send_conf_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(lcp->conf_req_len), *ptr = buf;
- struct lcp_hdr_t *lcp_hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- int n;
- lcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_LCP);
- lcp_hdr->code = CONFREQ;
- lcp_hdr->id = ++lcp->;
- lcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*lcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry) {
- n = lopt->h->send_conf_req(lcp, lopt, ptr);
- if (n < 0)
- return -1;
- if (n) {
- ptr += n;
- lopt->print = 1;
- } else
- lopt->print = 0;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP ConfReq id=%x", lcp_hdr->id);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt,&lcp->options,entry) {
- if (lopt->print) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, NULL);
- }
- }
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- }
- lcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, lcp_hdr, ptr-buf);
- _free(buf);
- return 0;
-static void send_conf_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- struct lcp_hdr_t *hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)lcp->ppp->chan_buf;
- hdr->code = CONFACK;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP ConfAck id=%x ]\n", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, hdr, ntohs(hdr->len) + 2);
-static void send_code_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- struct lcp_hdr_t *hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)lcp->ppp->chan_buf;
- hdr->code = CONFACK;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP CodeRej %x id=%x ]\n",hdr->code, lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, hdr, ntohs(hdr->len) + 2);
-static void send_conf_nak(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(lcp->conf_req_len), *ptr = buf;
- struct lcp_hdr_t *lcp_hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP ConfNak id=%x", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- lcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_LCP);
- lcp_hdr->code = CONFNAK;
- lcp_hdr->id = lcp->fsm.recv_id;
- lcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*lcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->state == LCP_OPT_NAK) {
- ptr+=lopt->h->send_conf_nak(lcp,lopt,ptr);
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- lcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, lcp_hdr,ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
-static void send_conf_rej(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- uint8_t *buf = _malloc(lcp->ropt_len + sizeof(struct lcp_hdr_t)), *ptr = buf;
- struct lcp_hdr_t *lcp_hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)ptr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP ConfRej id=%x ", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- lcp_hdr->proto = htons(PPP_LCP);
- lcp_hdr->code = CONFREJ;
- lcp_hdr->id = lcp->fsm.recv_id;
- lcp_hdr->len = 0;
- ptr += sizeof(*lcp_hdr);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &lcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- if (ropt->state == LCP_OPT_REJ) {
- memcpy(ptr, ropt->hdr, ropt->len);
- ptr += ropt->len;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- if (ropt->lopt)
- ropt->lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, ropt->lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- else
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- lcp_hdr->len = htons(ptr - buf - 2);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, lcp_hdr, ptr - buf);
- _free(buf);
-static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- int r, ret = 1;
- lcp->ropt_len = size;
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- ropt = _malloc(sizeof(*ropt));
- memset(ropt, 0, sizeof(*ropt));
- if (hdr->len > size)
- ropt->len = size;
- else
- ropt->len = hdr->len;
- ropt->hdr = hdr;
- ropt->state = LCP_OPT_NONE;
- list_add_tail(&ropt->entry, &lcp->ropt_list);
- data += ropt->len;
- size -= ropt->len;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry)
- lopt->state = LCP_OPT_NONE;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP ConfReq id=%x", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- list_for_each_entry(ropt, &lcp->ropt_list, entry) {
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == ropt->hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- }
- r = lopt->h->recv_conf_req(lcp, lopt, (uint8_t*)ropt->hdr);
- lopt->state = r;
- ropt->state = r;
- ropt->lopt = lopt;
- if (r<ret)
- ret = r;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ropt->lopt) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- print_ropt(ropt);
- }
- ropt->state=LCP_OPT_REJ;
- ret=LCP_OPT_REJ;
- }
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- /*list_for_each_entry(lopt,&lcp->options,entry)
- {
- if (lopt->state==LCP_OPT_NONE)
- {
- r=lopt->h->recv_conf_req(lcp,lopt,NULL);
- lopt->state=r;
- if (r<ret) ret=r;
- }
- }*/
- return ret;
-static void lcp_free_conf_req(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct recv_opt_t *ropt;
- while (!list_empty(&lcp->ropt_list)) {
- ropt = list_entry(lcp->, typeof(*ropt), entry);
- list_del(&ropt->entry);
- _free(ropt);
- }
-static int lcp_recv_conf_rej(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP ConfRej id=%x", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, (uint8_t*)hdr);
- }
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_rej)
- res = -1;
- else if (lopt->h->recv_conf_rej(lcp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_nak(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res = 0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP ConfNak id=%x", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt,&lcp->options,entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, data);
- }
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_nak && lopt->h->recv_conf_nak(lcp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static int lcp_recv_conf_ack(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct lcp_option_t *lopt;
- int res=0;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP ConfAck id=%x", lcp->fsm.recv_id);
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp-> {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2(": id mismatch ]\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (size > 0) {
- hdr = (struct lcp_opt_hdr_t *)data;
- list_for_each_entry(lopt, &lcp->options, entry) {
- if (lopt->id == hdr->id) {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2(" ");
- lopt->h->print(log_ppp_info2, lopt, data);
- }
- if (!lopt->h->recv_conf_ack)
- break;
- if (lopt->h->recv_conf_ack(lcp, lopt, data))
- res = -1;
- break;
- }
- }
- data += hdr->len;
- size -= hdr->len;
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("]\n");
- return res;
-static void lcp_recv_echo_repl(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp, uint8_t *data, int size)
- uint32_t magic = *(uint32_t *)data;
- if (size != 4) {
- log_ppp_error("lcp:echo: magic number size mismatch\n");
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- }
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("recv [LCP EchoRep id=%x <magic %x>]\n", lcp->fsm.recv_id, magic);
- if (magic == lcp->magic) {
- log_ppp_error("lcp: echo: loop-back detected\n");
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- }
- lcp->echo_sent = 0;
-static void send_echo_reply(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- struct lcp_hdr_t *hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t*)lcp->ppp->chan_buf;
- uint32_t magic = *(uint32_t *)(hdr + 1);
- hdr->code = ECHOREP;
- *(uint32_t *)(hdr + 1) = lcp->magic;
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("send [LCP EchoRep id=%x <magic %x>]\n", hdr->id, magic);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, hdr, ntohs(hdr->len) + 2);
-static void send_echo_request(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(t, typeof(*lcp), echo_timer);
- struct lcp_echo_req_t
- {
- struct lcp_hdr_t hdr;
- uint32_t magic;
- } __attribute__((packed)) msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_LCP),
- .hdr.code = ECHOREQ,
- = ++lcp->,
- .hdr.len = htons(8),
- .magic = lcp->magic,
- };
- if (++lcp->echo_sent > lcp->echo_failure) {
- log_ppp_warn("lcp: no echo reply\n");
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 1);
- } else {
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("send [LCP EchoReq id=%x <magic %x>]\n",, msg.magic);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp,&msg,ntohs(msg.hdr.len)+2);
- }
-static void start_echo(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- lcp->echo_interval = conf_echo_interval;
- lcp->echo_failure = conf_echo_failure;
- lcp->echo_timer.period = lcp->echo_interval * 1000;
- lcp->echo_timer.expire = send_echo_request;
- if (lcp->echo_timer.period && !lcp->echo_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_add(lcp->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &lcp->echo_timer, 0);
-static void stop_echo(struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp)
- if (lcp->echo_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&lcp->echo_timer);
-static void send_term_req(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp=container_of(fsm,typeof(*lcp),fsm);
- struct lcp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_LCP),
- .code = TERMREQ,
- .id = ++lcp->,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP TermReq id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-static void send_term_ack(struct ppp_fsm_t *fsm)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(fsm, typeof(*lcp), fsm);
- struct lcp_hdr_t hdr = {
- .proto = htons(PPP_LCP),
- .code = TERMACK,
- .id = lcp->fsm.recv_id,
- .len = htons(4),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP TermAck id=%i]\n",;
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, &hdr, 6);
-void lcp_send_proto_rej(struct ppp_t *ppp, uint16_t proto)
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(ppp_find_layer_data(ppp, &lcp_layer), typeof(*lcp), ld);
- struct rej_msg_t
- {
- struct lcp_hdr_t hdr;
- uint16_t proto;
- } __attribute__((packed)) msg = {
- .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_LCP),
- .hdr.code = PROTOREJ,
- = ++lcp->,
- .hdr.len = htons(6),
- .proto = ntohs(proto),
- };
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("send [LCP ProtoRej id=%i <%04x>]\n",, proto);
- ppp_chan_send(lcp->ppp, &msg, sizeof(msg));
-static void lcp_recv(struct ppp_handler_t*h)
- struct lcp_hdr_t *hdr;
- struct ppp_lcp_t *lcp = container_of(h, typeof(*lcp), hnd);
- int r;
- char *term_msg;
- if (lcp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Initial || lcp->fsm.fsm_state == FSM_Closed || lcp->ppp->terminating) {
- /*if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_warn("LCP: discaring packet\n");
- lcp_send_proto_rej(ccp->ppp, htons(PPP_CCP));*/
- return;
- }
- if (lcp->ppp->chan_buf_size < PPP_HEADERLEN + 2) {
- log_ppp_warn("LCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- hdr = (struct lcp_hdr_t *)lcp->ppp->chan_buf;
- if (ntohs(hdr->len) < PPP_HEADERLEN) {
- log_ppp_warn("LCP: short packet received\n");
- return;
- }
- lcp->fsm.recv_id = hdr->id;
- switch(hdr->code) {
- case CONFREQ:
- r = lcp_recv_conf_req(lcp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- switch(r) {
- case LCP_OPT_ACK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_ack(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case LCP_OPT_NAK:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_nak(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case LCP_OPT_REJ:
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_req_rej(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- }
- lcp_free_conf_req(lcp);
- if (r == LCP_OPT_FAIL)
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- break;
- case CONFACK:
- if (lcp_recv_conf_ack(lcp,(uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp->
- break;
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_ack(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case CONFNAK:
- lcp_recv_conf_nak(lcp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp->
- break;
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case CONFREJ:
- if (lcp_recv_conf_rej(lcp,(uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN))
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0);
- else
- if (lcp->fsm.recv_id != lcp->
- break;
- ppp_fsm_recv_conf_rej(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case TERMREQ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP TermReq id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_term_req(&lcp->fsm);
- ppp_terminate(lcp->ppp, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 0);
- break;
- case TERMACK:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP TermAck id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_term_ack(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case CODEREJ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP CodeRej id=%x]\n", hdr->id);
- ppp_fsm_recv_code_rej_bad(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- case ECHOREQ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_debug("recv [LCP EchoReq id=%x <magic %x>]\n", hdr->id, *(uint32_t*)(hdr + 1));
- send_echo_reply(lcp);
- break;
- case ECHOREP:
- lcp_recv_echo_repl(lcp, (uint8_t*)(hdr + 1), ntohs(hdr->len) - PPP_HDRLEN);
- break;
- case PROTOREJ:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP ProtoRej id=%x <%04x>]\n", hdr->code, hdr->id, ntohs(*(uint16_t*)(hdr + 1)));
- ppp_recv_proto_rej(lcp->ppp, ntohs(*(uint16_t *)(hdr + 1)));
- break;
- case IDENT:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose) {
- term_msg = _strndup((char*)(hdr + 1) + 4, ntohs(hdr->len) - 4 - 4);
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP Ident id=%x <%s>]\n", hdr->id, term_msg);
- _free(term_msg);
- }
- break;
- default:
- if (conf_ppp_verbose)
- log_ppp_info2("recv [LCP Unknown %x]\n", hdr->code);
- ppp_fsm_recv_unk(&lcp->fsm);
- break;
- }
-int lcp_option_register(struct lcp_option_handler_t *h)
- /*struct lcp_option_drv_t *p;
- list_for_each_entry(p,option_drv_list,entry)
- if (p->id==h->id)
- return -1;*/
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &option_handlers);
- return 0;
-static struct ppp_layer_t lcp_layer=
- .init = lcp_layer_init,
- .start = lcp_layer_start,
- .finish = lcp_layer_finish,
- .free = lcp_layer_free,
-static void load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("lcp", "echo-interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_echo_interval = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("lcp", "echo-failure");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_echo_failure = atoi(opt);
-static void __init lcp_init(void)
- load_config();
- ppp_register_layer("lcp", &lcp_layer);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.h b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d67b698..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_lcp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PPP_LCP_H
-#define PPP_LCP_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "ppp_fsm.h"
- * Options.
- */
-#define CI_VENDOR 0 /* Vendor Specific */
-#define CI_MRU 1 /* Maximum Receive Unit */
-#define CI_ASYNCMAP 2 /* Async Control Character Map */
-#define CI_AUTH 3 /* Authentication Type */
-#define CI_QUALITY 4 /* Quality Protocol */
-#define CI_MAGIC 5 /* Magic Number */
-#define CI_PCOMP 7 /* Protocol Field Compression */
-#define CI_ACCOMP 8 /* Address/Control Field Compression */
-#define CI_FCSALTERN 9 /* FCS-Alternatives */
-#define CI_SDP 10 /* Self-Describing-Pad */
-#define CI_NUMBERED 11 /* Numbered-Mode */
-#define CI_CALLBACK 13 /* callback */
-#define CI_MRRU 17 /* max reconstructed receive unit; multilink */
-#define CI_SSNHF 18 /* short sequence numbers for multilink */
-#define CI_EPDISC 19 /* endpoint discriminator */
-#define CI_MPPLUS 22 /* Multi-Link-Plus-Procedure */
-#define CI_LDISC 23 /* Link-Discriminator */
-#define CI_LCPAUTH 24 /* LCP Authentication */
-#define CI_COBS 25 /* Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing */
-#define CI_PREFELIS 26 /* Prefix Elision */
-#define CI_MPHDRFMT 27 /* MP Header Format */
-#define CI_I18N 28 /* Internationalization */
-#define CI_SDL 29 /* Simple Data Link */
-struct lcp_hdr_t
- uint16_t proto;
- uint8_t code;
- uint8_t id;
- uint16_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct lcp_opt_hdr_t
- uint8_t id;
- uint8_t len;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct lcp_opt8_t
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint8_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct lcp_opt16_t
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint16_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-struct lcp_opt32_t
- struct lcp_opt_hdr_t hdr;
- uint32_t val;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/*struct lcp_options_t
- int magic;
- int mtu;
- int mru;
- int accomp; // 0 - disabled, 1 - enable, 2 - allow, disabled, 3 - allow,enabled
- int pcomp; // 0 - disabled, 1 - enable, 2 - allow, disabled, 3 - allow,enabled
- // negotiated options;
- int neg_mru;
- int neg_mtu;
- int neg_accomp; // -1 - rejected
- int neg_pcomp;
- int neg_auth[AUTH_MAX];
-#define LCP_OPT_NONE 0
-#define LCP_OPT_ACK 1
-#define LCP_OPT_NAK -1
-#define LCP_OPT_REJ -2
-#define LCP_OPT_FAIL -3
-struct ppp_lcp_t;
-struct lcp_option_handler_t;
-struct lcp_option_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- int len;
- int state;
- int print:1;
- struct lcp_option_handler_t *h;
-struct lcp_option_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct lcp_option_t* (*init)(struct ppp_lcp_t*);
- int (*send_conf_req)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_rej)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*send_conf_nak)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_req)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_rej)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_nak)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- int (*recv_conf_ack)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
- void (*free)(struct ppp_lcp_t*,struct lcp_option_t*);
- void (*print)(void (*print)(const char *fmt,...), struct lcp_option_t*,uint8_t*);
-struct ppp_lcp_t
- struct ppp_layer_data_t ld;
- struct ppp_handler_t hnd;
- struct ppp_fsm_t fsm;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- struct list_head options;
- struct triton_timer_t echo_timer;
- int echo_interval;
- int echo_failure;
- int echo_sent;
- int magic;
- struct list_head ropt_list; // last received ConfReq
- int ropt_len;
- int conf_req_len;
- int started:1;
-int lcp_option_register(struct lcp_option_handler_t *h);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_notify.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_notify.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9fd1fc..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_notify.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#include "ppp.h"
-static LIST_HEAD(notified_list);
-void __export ppp_register_notified(struct ppp_notified_t *n)
- list_add_tail(&n->entry, &notified_list);
-void __export ppp_unregister_notified(struct ppp_notified_t *n)
- list_del(&n->entry);
-void ppp_notify_starting(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_notified_t *n;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &notified_list, entry) {
- if (n->starting)
- n->starting(n, ppp);
- }
-void ppp_notify_started(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_notified_t *n;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &notified_list, entry) {
- if (n->started)
- n->started(n, ppp);
- }
-void ppp_notify_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_notified_t *n;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &notified_list, entry) {
- if (n->finished)
- n->finished(n, ppp);
- }
-void ppp_notify_finishing(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_notified_t *n;
- list_for_each_entry(n, &notified_list, entry) {
- if (n->finishing)
- n->finishing(n, ppp);
- }
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_pd.c b/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_pd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f7702083..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/ppp/ppp_pd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-int ppp_store_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp, pd_key_t key, void *data)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry)
- if (pd->key == key)
- return -1;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/pwdb.c b/accel-pptpd/pwdb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0ab02e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/pwdb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static LIST_HEAD(pwdb_handlers);
-int __export pwdb_check(struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username, int type, ...)
- struct pwdb_t *pwdb;
- int r, res = PWDB_NO_IMPL;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, type);
- list_for_each_entry(pwdb, &pwdb_handlers, entry) {
- if (!pwdb->check)
- continue;
- r = pwdb->check(pwdb, ppp, username, type, args);
- if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL)
- continue;
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS)
- return PWDB_SUCCESS;
- res = r;
- }
- return res;
-__export char *pwdb_get_passwd(struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username)
- struct pwdb_t *pwdb;
- char *r = NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(pwdb, &pwdb_handlers, entry) {
- if (!pwdb->get_passwd)
- continue;
- r = pwdb->get_passwd(pwdb, ppp, username);
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- return r;
-void __export pwdb_register(struct pwdb_t *pwdb)
- list_add_tail(&pwdb->entry, &pwdb_handlers);
-void __export pwdb_unregister(struct pwdb_t *pwdb)
- list_del(&pwdb->entry);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/pwdb.h b/accel-pptpd/pwdb.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c2cedb..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/pwdb.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef PWDB_H
-#define PWDB_H
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "list.h"
-struct ppp_t;
-#define PWDB_SUCCESS 0
-#define PWDB_DENIED 1
-#define PWDB_NO_IMPL 2
-struct pwdb_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int (*check)(struct pwdb_t *, struct ppp_t *, const char *username, int type, va_list args);
- char* (*get_passwd)(struct pwdb_t *, struct ppp_t *, const char *username);
-int pwdb_check(struct ppp_t *, const char *username, int type, ...);
-char *pwdb_get_passwd(struct ppp_t *, const char *username);
-void pwdb_register(struct pwdb_t *);
-void pwdb_unregister(struct pwdb_t *);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/radius/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b8e67d4..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- dict.c
- req.c
- packet.c
- auth.c
- acct.c
- dm_coa.c
- radius.c
-ADD_LIBRARY(radius SHARED ${sources})
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
-INSTALL(FILES ${dict} DESTINATION share/accel-pptp/radius)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/acct.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/acct.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ddb3e086..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/acct.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include "linux_ppp.h"
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define STAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL (10 * 60 * 1000)
-static int req_set_RA(struct rad_req_t *req, const char *secret)
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- if (rad_packet_build(req->pack, req->RA))
- return -1;
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, req->pack->buf, req->pack->len);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, secret, strlen(secret));
- MD5_Final(req->pack->buf + 4, &ctx);
- return 0;
-static void req_set_stat(struct rad_req_t *req, struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ifpppstatsreq ifreq;
- time_t stop_time;
- if (ppp->stop_time)
- stop_time = ppp->stop_time;
- else
- time(&stop_time);
- memset(&ifreq, 0, sizeof(ifreq));
- ifreq.stats_ptr = (void *)&ifreq.stats;
- strcpy(ifreq.ifr__name, ppp->ifname);
- if (ioctl(sock_fd, SIOCGPPPSTATS, &ifreq)) {
- log_ppp_error("radius: failed to get ppp statistics: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- if (ifreq.stats.p.ppp_ibytes < req->rpd->acct_input_octets)
- req->rpd->acct_input_gigawords++;
- req->rpd->acct_input_octets = ifreq.stats.p.ppp_ibytes;
- if (ifreq.stats.p.ppp_obytes < req->rpd->acct_output_octets)
- req->rpd->acct_output_gigawords++;
- req->rpd->acct_output_octets = ifreq.stats.p.ppp_obytes;
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Octets", ifreq.stats.p.ppp_ibytes);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Octets", ifreq.stats.p.ppp_obytes);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Packets", ifreq.stats.p.ppp_ipackets);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Packets", ifreq.stats.p.ppp_opackets);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Gigawords", req->rpd->acct_input_gigawords);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Gigawords", req->rpd->acct_output_gigawords);
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Time", stop_time - ppp->start_time);
-static int rad_acct_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct rad_req_t *req = container_of(h, typeof(*req), hnd);
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- int r;
- if (req->reply) {
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- req->reply = NULL;
- }
- while (1) {
- r = rad_packet_recv(h->fd, &pack, NULL);
- if (pack) {
- if (req->reply)
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- req->reply = pack;
- if (conf_interim_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv ");
- rad_packet_print(req->reply, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- }
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- if (!req->reply)
- return 0;
- if (req->reply->code != CODE_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE || req->reply->id != req->pack->id) {
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- req->reply = NULL;
- } else {
- if (req->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&req->timeout);
- }
- return 0;
-static void rad_acct_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct rad_req_t *req = container_of(t, typeof(*req), timeout);
- time_t ts, dt;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_interim_lost, 1);
- time(&ts);
- dt = ts - req->rpd->acct_timestamp;
- if (dt > conf_acct_timeout) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:acct: no response, terminating session...\n");
- ppp_terminate(req->rpd->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- return;
- }
- if (dt > conf_acct_timeout / 2) {
- req->timeout.period += 1000;
- triton_timer_mod(&req->timeout, 0);
- } else if (dt > conf_acct_timeout / 3) {
- if (req->timeout.period != conf_timeout * 2000) {
- req->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 2000;
- triton_timer_mod(&req->timeout, 0);
- }
- }
- req->pack->id++;
- rad_packet_change_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Delay-Time", dt);
- req_set_RA(req, conf_acct_secret);
- rad_req_send(req, conf_interim_verbose);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_interim_sent, 1);
-static void rad_acct_interim_update(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = container_of(t, typeof(*rpd), acct_interim_timer);
- if (rpd->acct_req->timeout.tpd)
- return;
- req_set_stat(rpd->acct_req, rpd->ppp);
- if (!rpd->acct_interim_interval)
- return;
- time(&rpd->acct_timestamp);
- rpd->acct_req->pack->id++;
- rad_packet_change_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Status-Type", "Interim-Update");
- rad_packet_change_int(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Delay-Time", 0);
- req_set_RA(rpd->acct_req, conf_acct_secret);
- rad_req_send(rpd->acct_req, conf_interim_verbose);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_interim_sent, 1);
- if (conf_acct_timeout) {
- rpd->acct_req->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- triton_timer_add(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &rpd->acct_req->timeout, 0);
- }
-int rad_acct_start(struct radius_pd_t *rpd)
- int i;
- time_t ts;
- rpd->acct_req = rad_req_alloc(rpd, CODE_ACCOUNTING_REQUEST, rpd->ppp->username);
- if (!rpd->acct_req) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (rad_req_acct_fill(rpd->acct_req)) {
- log_ppp_error("radius:acct: failed to fill accounting attributes\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- //if (rad_req_add_val(rpd->acct_req, "Acct-Status-Type", "Start", 4))
- // goto out_err;
- //if (rad_req_add_str(rpd->acct_req, "Acct-Session-Id", rpd->ppp->sessionid, PPP_SESSIONID_LEN, 1))
- // goto out_err;
- if (rpd->acct_req->reply) {
- rad_packet_free(rpd->acct_req->reply);
- rpd->acct_req->reply = NULL;
- }
- time(&rpd->acct_timestamp);
- for (i = 0; i < conf_max_try; i++) {
- time(&ts);
- rad_packet_change_int(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Delay-Time", ts - rpd->acct_timestamp);
- if (req_set_RA(rpd->acct_req, conf_acct_secret))
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_req_send(rpd->acct_req, conf_verbose))
- goto out_err;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_sent, 1);
- rad_req_wait(rpd->acct_req, conf_timeout);
- if (!rpd->acct_req->reply) {
- rpd->acct_req->pack->id++;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_lost, 1);
- continue;
- }
- if (rpd->acct_req->reply->id != rpd->acct_req->pack->id || rpd->acct_req->reply->code != CODE_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE) {
- rad_packet_free(rpd->acct_req->reply);
- rpd->acct_req->reply = NULL;
- rpd->acct_req->pack->id++;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_lost, 1);
- } else
- break;
- }
- if (!rpd->acct_req->reply) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:acct_start: no response\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- rpd->acct_req-> = rad_acct_read;
- triton_md_register_handler(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &rpd->acct_req->hnd);
- if (triton_md_enable_handler(&rpd->acct_req->hnd, MD_MODE_READ))
- goto out_err;
- rpd->acct_req->timeout.expire = rad_acct_timeout;
- rpd->acct_req->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000;
- rpd->acct_interim_timer.expire = rad_acct_interim_update;
- rpd->acct_interim_timer.period = rpd->acct_interim_interval ? rpd->acct_interim_interval * 1000 : STAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
- if (rpd->acct_interim_interval && triton_timer_add(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &rpd->acct_interim_timer, 0)) {
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&rpd->acct_req->hnd);
- triton_timer_del(&rpd->acct_req->timeout);
- goto out_err;
- }
- return 0;
- rad_req_free(rpd->acct_req);
- rpd->acct_req = NULL;
- return -1;
-void rad_acct_stop(struct radius_pd_t *rpd)
- int i;
- time_t ts;
- if (rpd->acct_interim_timer.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&rpd->acct_interim_timer);
- if (rpd->acct_req) {
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&rpd->acct_req->hnd);
- if (rpd->acct_req->timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&rpd->acct_req->timeout);
- switch (rpd->ppp->terminate_cause) {
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "User-Request");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "Session-Timeout");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "Admin-Reset");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "User-Error");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "NAS-Error");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "NAS-Request");
- break;
- rad_packet_add_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "NAS-Reboot");
- break;
- }
- rad_packet_change_val(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Status-Type", "Stop");
- req_set_stat(rpd->acct_req, rpd->ppp);
- req_set_RA(rpd->acct_req, conf_acct_secret);
- /// !!! rad_req_add_val(rpd->acct_req, "Acct-Terminate-Cause", "");
- if (rpd->acct_req->reply) {
- rad_packet_free(rpd->acct_req->reply);
- rpd->acct_req->reply = NULL;
- }
- time(&rpd->acct_timestamp);
- for(i = 0; i < conf_max_try; i++) {
- time(&ts);
- rad_packet_change_int(rpd->acct_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Delay-Time", ts - rpd->acct_timestamp);
- rpd->acct_req->pack->id++;
- if (req_set_RA(rpd->acct_req, conf_acct_secret))
- break;
- if (rad_req_send(rpd->acct_req, conf_verbose))
- break;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_sent, 1);
- rad_req_wait(rpd->acct_req, conf_timeout);
- if (!rpd->acct_req->reply) {
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_lost, 1);
- continue;
- }
- if (rpd->acct_req->reply->id != rpd->acct_req->pack->id || rpd->acct_req->reply->code != CODE_ACCOUNTING_RESPONSE) {
- rad_packet_free(rpd->acct_req->reply);
- rpd->acct_req->reply = NULL;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_acct_lost, 1);
- } else
- break;
- }
- if (!rpd->acct_req->reply)
- log_ppp_warn("radius:acct_stop: no response\n");
- rad_req_free(rpd->acct_req);
- rpd->acct_req = NULL;
- }
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/attr_defs.h b/accel-pptpd/radius/attr_defs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b617e4..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/attr_defs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-#define User_Name 1
-#define User_Password 2
-#define CHAP_Password 3
-#define NAS_IP_Address 4
-#define NAS_Port 5
-#define Service_Type 6
-#define Framed_Protocol 7
-#define Framed_IP_Address 8
-#define Framed_IP_Netmask 9
-#define Framed_Routing 10
-#define Filter_Id 11
-#define Framed_MTU 12
-#define Framed_Compression 13
-#define Login_IP_Host 14
-#define Login_Service 15
-#define Login_TCP_Port 16
-#define Reply_Message 18
-#define Callback_Number 19
-#define Callback_Id 20
-#define Framed_Route 22
-#define Framed_IPX_Network 23
-#define State 24
-#define Class 25
-#define Vendor_Specific 26
-#define Session_Timeout 27
-#define Idle_Timeout 28
-#define Termination_Action 29
-#define Called_Station_Id 30
-#define Calling_Station_Id 31
-#define NAS_Identifier 32
-#define Proxy_State 33
-#define Login_LAT_Service 34
-#define Login_LAT_Node 35
-#define Login_LAT_Group 36
-#define Framed_AppleTalk_Link 37
-#define Framed_AppleTalk_Network 38
-#define Framed_AppleTalk_Zone 39
-#define CHAP_Challenge 60
-#define NAS_Port_Type 61
-#define Port_Limit 62
-#define Login_LAT_Port 63
-#define Service_Type_Login_User 1
-#define Service_Type_Framed_User 2
-#define Service_Type_Callback_Login_User 3
-#define Service_Type_Callback_Framed_User 4
-#define Service_Type_Outbound_User 5
-#define Service_Type_Administrative_User 6
-#define Service_Type_NAS_Prompt_User 7
-#define Service_Type_Authenticate_Only 8
-#define Service_Type_Callback_NAS_Prompt 9
-#define Service_Type_Call_Check 10
-#define Service_Type_Callback_Administrative 11
-#define Framed_Protocol_PPP 1
-#define Framed_Protocol_SLIP 2
-#define Framed_Protocol_ARAP 3
-#define Framed_Protocol_Gandalf_SLML 4
-#define Framed_Protocol_Xylogics_IPX_SLIP 5
-#define Framed_Protocol_X_75_Synchronous 6
-#define Framed_Routing_None 0
-#define Framed_Routing_Broadcast 1
-#define Framed_Routing_Listen 2
-#define Framed_Routing_Broadcast_Listen 3
-#define Framed_Compression_None 0
-#define Framed_Compression_Van_Jacobson_TCP_IP 1
-#define Framed_Compression_IPX_Header_Compression 2
-#define Framed_Compression_Stac_LZS 3
-#define Login_Service_Telnet 0
-#define Login_Service_Rlogin 1
-#define Login_Service_TCP_Clear 2
-#define Login_Service_PortMaster 3
-#define Login_Service_LAT 4
-#define Login_Service_X25_PAD 5
-#define Login_Service_X25_T3POS 6
-#define Login_Service_TCP_Clear_Quiet 8
-#define Login_TCP_Port_Telnet 23
-#define Login_TCP_Port_Rlogin 513
-#define Login_TCP_Port_Rsh 514
-#define Termination_Action_Default 0
-#define Termination_Action_RADIUS_Request 1
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Async 0
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Sync 1
-#define NAS_Port_Type_ISDN 2
-#define NAS_Port_Type_ISDN_V120 3
-#define NAS_Port_Type_ISDN_V110 4
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Virtual 5
-#define NAS_Port_Type_PIAFS 6
-#define NAS_Port_Type_HDLC_Clear_Channel 7
-#define NAS_Port_Type_X_25 8
-#define NAS_Port_Type_X_75 9
-#define NAS_Port_Type_G_3_Fax 10
-#define NAS_Port_Type_SDSL 11
-#define NAS_Port_Type_ADSL_CAP 12
-#define NAS_Port_Type_ADSL_DMT 13
-#define NAS_Port_Type_IDSL 14
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Ethernet 15
-#define NAS_Port_Type_xDSL 16
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Cable 17
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Wireless_Other 18
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Wireless_802_11 19
-#define Acct_Status_Type 40
-#define Acct_Delay_Time 41
-#define Acct_Input_Octets 42
-#define Acct_Output_Octets 43
-#define Acct_Session_Id 44
-#define Acct_Authentic 45
-#define Acct_Session_Time 46
-#define Acct_Input_Packets 47
-#define Acct_Output_Packets 48
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause 49
-#define Acct_Multi_Session_Id 50
-#define Acct_Link_Count 51
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Start 1
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Stop 2
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Alive 3
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Interim_Update 3
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Accounting_On 7
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Accounting_Off 8
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Failed 15
-#define Acct_Authentic_RADIUS 1
-#define Acct_Authentic_Local 2
-#define Acct_Authentic_Remote 3
-#define Acct_Authentic_Diameter 4
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_User_Request 1
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Lost_Carrier 2
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Lost_Service 3
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Idle_Timeout 4
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Session_Timeout 5
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Admin_Reset 6
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Admin_Reboot 7
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Error 8
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_NAS_Error 9
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_NAS_Request 10
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_NAS_Reboot 11
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Unneeded 12
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Preempted 13
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Suspended 14
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Service_Unavailable 15
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Callback 16
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_User_Error 17
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Host_Request 18
-#define Acct_Tunnel_Connection 68
-#define Acct_Tunnel_Packets_Lost 86
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Start 9
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Stop 10
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Reject 11
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Link_Start 12
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Link_Stop 13
-#define Acct_Status_Type_Tunnel_Link_Reject 14
-#define Tunnel_Type 64
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type 65
-#define Tunnel_Client_Endpoint 66
-#define Tunnel_Server_Endpoint 67
-#define Tunnel_Password 69
-#define Tunnel_Private_Group_Id 81
-#define Tunnel_Assignment_Id 82
-#define Tunnel_Preference 83
-#define Tunnel_Client_Auth_Id 90
-#define Tunnel_Server_Auth_Id 91
-#define Tunnel_Type_PPTP 1
-#define Tunnel_Type_L2F 2
-#define Tunnel_Type_L2TP 3
-#define Tunnel_Type_ATMP 4
-#define Tunnel_Type_VTP 5
-#define Tunnel_Type_AH 6
-#define Tunnel_Type_IP 7
-#define Tunnel_Type_MIN_IP 8
-#define Tunnel_Type_ESP 9
-#define Tunnel_Type_GRE 10
-#define Tunnel_Type_DVS 11
-#define Tunnel_Type_IP_in_IP 12
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_IP 1
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_IPv4 1
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_IPv6 2
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_NSAP 3
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_HDLC 4
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_BBN_1822 5
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_IEEE_802 6
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_E_163 7
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_E_164 8
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_F_69 9
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_X_121 10
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_IPX 11
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_Appletalk 12
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_DecNet_IV 13
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_Banyan_Vines 14
-#define Tunnel_Medium_Type_E_164_NSAP 15
-#define Acct_Input_Gigawords 52
-#define Acct_Output_Gigawords 53
-#define Event_Timestamp 55
-#define ARAP_Password 70
-#define ARAP_Features 71
-#define ARAP_Zone_Access 72
-#define ARAP_Security 73
-#define ARAP_Security_Data 74
-#define Password_Retry 75
-#define Prompt 76
-#define Connect_Info 77
-#define Configuration_Token 78
-#define EAP_Message 79
-#define Message_Authenticator 80
-#define ARAP_Challenge_Response 84
-#define Acct_Interim_Interval 85
-#define NAS_Port_Id 87
-#define Framed_Pool 88
-#define ARAP_Zone_Access_Default_Zone 1
-#define ARAP_Zone_Access_Zone_Filter_Inclusive 2
-#define ARAP_Zone_Access_Zone_Filter_Exclusive 4
-#define Prompt_No_Echo 0
-#define Prompt_Echo 1
-#define Error_Cause 101
-#define Service_Type_Authorize_Only 17
-#define Error_Cause_Residual_Context_Removed 201
-#define Error_Cause_Invalid_EAP_Packet 202
-#define Error_Cause_Unsupported_Attribute 401
-#define Error_Cause_Missing_Attribute 402
-#define Error_Cause_NAS_Identification_Mismatch 403
-#define Error_Cause_Invalid_Request 404
-#define Error_Cause_Unsupported_Service 405
-#define Error_Cause_Unsupported_Extension 406
-#define Error_Cause_Administratively_Prohibited 501
-#define Error_Cause_Proxy_Request_Not_Routable 502
-#define Error_Cause_Session_Context_Not_Found 503
-#define Error_Cause_Session_Context_Not_Removable 504
-#define Error_Cause_Proxy_Processing_Error 505
-#define Error_Cause_Resources_Unavailable 506
-#define Error_Cause_Request_Initiated 507
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Supplicant_Restart 19
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Reauthentication_Failure 20
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Reinit 21
-#define Acct_Terminate_Cause_Port_Disabled 22
-#define NAS_Port_Type_Token_Ring 20
-#define NAS_Port_Type_FDDI 21
-#define Tunnel_Type_VLAN 13
-#define EAP_Key_Name 102
-#define Chargeable_User_Identity 89
-#define Error_Cause_Invalid_Attribute_Value 407
-#define Error_Cause_Multiple_Session_Selection_Unsupported 508
-#define Vendor_Microsoft 311
-#define MS_CHAP_Response 1
-#define MS_CHAP_Error 2
-#define MS_CHAP_CPW_1 3
-#define MS_CHAP_CPW_2 4
-#define MS_CHAP_LM_Enc_PW 5
-#define MS_CHAP_NT_Enc_PW 6
-#define MS_MPPE_Encryption_Policy 7
-#define MS_MPPE_Encryption_Type 8
-#define MS_MPPE_Encryption_Types 8
-#define MS_RAS_Vendor 9
-#define MS_CHAP_Domain 10
-#define MS_CHAP_Challenge 11
-#define MS_CHAP_MPPE_Keys 12
-#define MS_BAP_Usage 13
-#define MS_Link_Utilization_Threshold 14
-#define MS_Link_Drop_Time_Limit 15
-#define MS_MPPE_Send_Key 16
-#define MS_MPPE_Recv_Key 17
-#define MS_RAS_Version 18
-#define MS_Old_ARAP_Password 19
-#define MS_New_ARAP_Password 20
-#define MS_ARAP_PW_Change_Reason 21
-#define MS_Filter 22
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type 23
-#define MS_Acct_EAP_Type 24
-#define MS_CHAP2_Response 25
-#define MS_CHAP2_Success 26
-#define MS_CHAP2_CPW 27
-#define MS_Primary_DNS_Server 28
-#define MS_Secondary_DNS_Server 29
-#define MS_Primary_NBNS_Server 30
-#define MS_Secondary_NBNS_Server 31
-#define MS_BAP_Usage_Not_Allowed 0
-#define MS_BAP_Usage_Allowed 1
-#define MS_BAP_Usage_Required 2
-#define MS_ARAP_PW_Change_Reason_Just_Change_Password 1
-#define MS_ARAP_PW_Change_Reason_Expired_Password 2
-#define MS_ARAP_PW_Change_Reason_Admin_Requires_Password_Change 3
-#define MS_ARAP_PW_Change_Reason_Password_Too_Short 4
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type_PAP 1
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type_CHAP 2
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type_MS_CHAP_1 3
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type_MS_CHAP_2 4
-#define MS_Acct_Auth_Type_EAP 5
-#define MS_Acct_EAP_Type_MD5 4
-#define MS_Acct_EAP_Type_OTP 5
-#define MS_Acct_EAP_Type_Generic_Token_Card 6
-#define MS_Acct_EAP_Type_TLS 13
-#define Traffic_Shape_in 231
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/auth.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/auth.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 692830ed..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/auth.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "attr_defs.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int decrypt_chap_mppe_keys(struct rad_req_t *req, struct rad_attr_t *attr, const uint8_t *challenge, uint8_t *key)
- MD5_CTX md5_ctx;
- SHA_CTX sha1_ctx;
- uint8_t md5[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint8_t sha1[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- uint8_t plain[32];
- int i;
- if (attr->len != 32) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius: %s: incorrect attribute length (%i)\n", attr->attr->name, attr->len);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(plain, attr->val.octets, 32);
- MD5_Init(&md5_ctx);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, conf_auth_secret, strlen(conf_auth_secret));
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, req->pack->buf + 4, 16);
- MD5_Final(md5, &md5_ctx);
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- plain[i] ^= md5[i];
- MD5_Init(&md5_ctx);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, conf_auth_secret, strlen(conf_auth_secret));
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, attr->val.octets, 16);
- MD5_Final(md5, &md5_ctx);
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- plain[i + 16] ^= md5[i];
- SHA1_Init(&sha1_ctx);
- SHA1_Update(&sha1_ctx, plain + 8, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha1_ctx, plain + 8, 16);
- SHA1_Update(&sha1_ctx, challenge, 8);
- SHA1_Final(sha1, &sha1_ctx);
- memcpy(key, sha1, 16);
- return 0;
-static int decrypt_mppe_key(struct rad_req_t *req, struct rad_attr_t *attr, uint8_t *key)
- MD5_CTX md5_ctx;
- uint8_t md5[16];
- uint8_t plain[32];
- int i;
- if (attr->len != 34) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius: %s: incorrect attribute length (%i)\n", attr->attr->name, attr->len);
- return -1;
- }
- if ((attr->val.octets[0] & 0x80) == 0) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius: %s: incorrect salt value (%x)\n", attr->attr->name, attr->len);
- return -1;
- }
- MD5_Init(&md5_ctx);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, conf_auth_secret, strlen(conf_auth_secret));
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, req->pack->buf + 4, 16);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, attr->val.octets, 2);
- MD5_Final(md5, &md5_ctx);
- memcpy(plain, attr->val.octets + 2, 32);
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- plain[i] ^= md5[i];
- if (plain[0] != 16) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius: %s: incorrect key length (%i)\n", attr->attr->name, plain[0]);
- return -1;
- }
- MD5_Init(&md5_ctx);
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, conf_auth_secret, strlen(conf_auth_secret));
- MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, attr->val.octets + 2, 16);
- MD5_Final(md5, &md5_ctx);
- plain[16] ^= md5[0];
- memcpy(key, plain + 1, 16);
- return 0;
-static uint8_t* encrypt_password(const char *passwd, const char *secret, const uint8_t *RA, int *epasswd_len)
- uint8_t *epasswd;
- int i, j, chunk_cnt;
- uint8_t b[16], c[16];
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- if (strlen(passwd))
- chunk_cnt = (strlen(passwd) - 1) / 16 + 1;
- else {
- *epasswd_len = 0;
- return (uint8_t *)1;
- }
- epasswd = _malloc(chunk_cnt * 16);
- if (!epasswd) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(epasswd, 0, chunk_cnt * 16);
- memcpy(epasswd, passwd, strlen(passwd));
- memcpy(c, RA, 16);
- for (i = 0; i < chunk_cnt; i++) {
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, secret, strlen(secret));
- MD5_Update(&ctx, c, 16);
- MD5_Final(b, &ctx);
- for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
- epasswd[i * 16 + j] ^= b[j];
- memcpy(c, epasswd + i * 16, 16);
- }
- *epasswd_len = chunk_cnt * 16;
- return epasswd;
-static int rad_auth_send(struct rad_req_t *req)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < conf_max_try; i++) {
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_auth_sent, 1);
- if (rad_req_send(req, conf_verbose))
- goto out;
- rad_req_wait(req, conf_timeout);
- if (req->reply) {
- if (req->reply->id != req->pack->id) {
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_auth_lost, 1);
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- req->reply = NULL;
- } else
- break;
- } else
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_auth_lost, 1);
- }
- if (!req->reply)
- log_ppp_warn("radius:auth: no response\n");
- else if (req->reply->code == CODE_ACCESS_ACCEPT) {
- if (rad_proc_attrs(req))
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- return PWDB_SUCCESS;
- }
- return PWDB_DENIED;
-int rad_auth_pap(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args)
- struct rad_req_t *req;
- int r = PWDB_DENIED;
- //int id = va_arg(args, int);
- const char *passwd = va_arg(args, const char *);
- uint8_t *epasswd;
- int epasswd_len;
- req = rad_req_alloc(rpd, CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST, username);
- if (!req)
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- epasswd = encrypt_password(passwd, conf_auth_secret, req->RA, &epasswd_len);
- if (!epasswd)
- goto out;
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(req->pack, NULL, "User-Password", epasswd, epasswd_len)) {
- if (epasswd_len)
- _free(epasswd);
- goto out;
- }
- if (epasswd_len)
- _free(epasswd);
- if (conf_sid_in_auth)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Id", rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- return -1;
- r = rad_auth_send(req);
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS) {
- struct ev_radius_t ev = {
- .ppp = rpd->ppp,
- .request = req->pack,
- .reply = req->reply,
- };
- triton_event_fire(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, &ev);
- }
- rad_req_free(req);
- return r;
-int rad_auth_chap_md5(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args)
- int r = PWDB_DENIED;
- uint8_t chap_password[17];
- int id = va_arg(args, int);
- uint8_t *challenge = va_arg(args, uint8_t *);
- int challenge_len = va_arg(args, int);
- uint8_t *response = va_arg(args, uint8_t *);
- chap_password[0] = id;
- memcpy(chap_password + 1, response, 16);
- if (!rpd->auth_req) {
- rpd->auth_req = rad_req_alloc(rpd, CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST, username);
- if (!rpd->auth_req)
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- if (challenge_len == 16)
- memcpy(rpd->auth_req->RA, challenge, 16);
- else {
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "CHAP-Challenge", challenge, challenge_len))
- goto out;
- }
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "CHAP-Password", chap_password, 17))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (challenge_len == 16)
- memcpy(rpd->auth_req->RA, challenge, 16);
- else {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "CHAP-Challenge", challenge, challenge_len))
- goto out;
- }
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "CHAP-Password", chap_password, 17))
- goto out;
- if (rpd->attr_state) {
- if (rad_packet_find_attr(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State")) {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (rad_packet_build(rpd->auth_req->pack, rpd->auth_req->RA))
- return -1;
- }
- if (conf_sid_in_auth)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Id", rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- goto out;
- r = rad_auth_send(rpd->auth_req);
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS) {
- struct ev_radius_t ev = {
- .ppp = rpd->ppp,
- .request = rpd->auth_req->pack,
- .reply = rpd->auth_req->reply,
- };
- triton_event_fire(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, &ev);
- rpd->auth_req->pack->id++;
- }
- return r;
- rad_req_free(rpd->auth_req);
- rpd->auth_req = NULL;
- return r;
-static void setup_mppe(struct rad_req_t *req, const uint8_t *challenge)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- uint8_t mppe_recv_key[16];
- uint8_t mppe_send_key[16];
- struct ev_mppe_keys_t ev_mppe = {
- .ppp = req->rpd->ppp,
- };
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &req->reply->attrs, entry) {
- if (attr->vendor && attr->vendor->id == Vendor_Microsoft) {
- switch (attr->attr->id) {
- case MS_CHAP_MPPE_Keys:
- if (decrypt_chap_mppe_keys(req, attr, challenge, mppe_recv_key))
- continue;
- ev_mppe.recv_key = mppe_recv_key;
- ev_mppe.send_key = mppe_recv_key;
- break;
- case MS_MPPE_Recv_Key:
- if (decrypt_mppe_key(req, attr, mppe_recv_key))
- continue;
- ev_mppe.recv_key = mppe_recv_key;
- break;
- case MS_MPPE_Send_Key:
- if (decrypt_mppe_key(req, attr, mppe_send_key))
- continue;
- ev_mppe.send_key = mppe_send_key;
- break;
- case MS_MPPE_Encryption_Policy:
- ev_mppe.policy = attr->val.integer;
- break;
- case MS_MPPE_Encryption_Type:
- ev_mppe.type = attr->val.integer;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ev_mppe.recv_key && ev_mppe.send_key)
- triton_event_fire(EV_MPPE_KEYS, &ev_mppe);
-int rad_auth_mschap_v1(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args)
- int r = PWDB_DENIED;
- uint8_t response[50];
- int id = va_arg(args, int);
- const uint8_t *challenge = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- int challenge_len = va_arg(args, int);
- const uint8_t *lm_response = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- const uint8_t *nt_response = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- int flags = va_arg(args, int);
- response[0] = id;
- response[1] = flags;
- memcpy(response + 2, lm_response, 24);
- memcpy(response + 2 + 24, nt_response, 24);
- if (!rpd->auth_req) {
- rpd->auth_req = rad_req_alloc(rpd, CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST, username);
- if (!rpd->auth_req)
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Challenge", challenge, challenge_len))
- goto out;
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Response", response, sizeof(response)))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Challenge", challenge, challenge_len))
- goto out;
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Response", response, sizeof(response)))
- goto out;
- if (rpd->attr_state) {
- if (rad_packet_find_attr(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State")) {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (rad_packet_build(rpd->auth_req->pack, rpd->auth_req->RA))
- return -1;
- }
- if (conf_sid_in_auth)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Id", rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- goto out;
- r = rad_auth_send(rpd->auth_req);
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS) {
- struct ev_radius_t ev = {
- .ppp = rpd->ppp,
- .request = rpd->auth_req->pack,
- .reply = rpd->auth_req->reply,
- };
- triton_event_fire(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, &ev);
- setup_mppe(rpd->auth_req, challenge);
- rpd->auth_req->pack->id++;
- }
- return r;
- rad_req_free(rpd->auth_req);
- rpd->auth_req = NULL;
- return r;
-int rad_auth_mschap_v2(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args)
- int r = PWDB_DENIED;
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- uint8_t mschap_response[50];
- int id = va_arg(args, int);
- const uint8_t *challenge = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- const uint8_t *peer_challenge = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- const uint8_t *reserved = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- const uint8_t *response = va_arg(args, const uint8_t *);
- int flags = va_arg(args, int);
- uint8_t *authenticator = va_arg(args, uint8_t *);
- mschap_response[0] = id;
- mschap_response[1] = flags;
- memcpy(mschap_response + 2, peer_challenge, 16);
- memcpy(mschap_response + 2 + 16, reserved, 8);
- memcpy(mschap_response + 2 + 16 + 8, response, 24);
- if (!rpd->auth_req) {
- rpd->auth_req = rad_req_alloc(rpd, CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST, username);
- if (!rpd->auth_req)
- return PWDB_DENIED;
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Challenge", challenge, 16))
- goto out;
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP2-Response", mschap_response, sizeof(mschap_response)))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP-Challenge", challenge, 16))
- goto out;
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP2-Response", mschap_response, sizeof(mschap_response)))
- goto out;
- if (rpd->attr_state) {
- if (rad_packet_find_attr(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State")) {
- if (rad_packet_change_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- } else {
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "State", rpd->attr_state, rpd->attr_state_len))
- goto out;
- }
- }
- if (rad_packet_build(rpd->auth_req->pack, rpd->auth_req->RA))
- return -1;
- }
- if (conf_sid_in_auth)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(rpd->auth_req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Id", rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- goto out;
- r = rad_auth_send(rpd->auth_req);
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS) {
- ra = rad_packet_find_attr(rpd->auth_req->reply, "Microsoft", "MS-CHAP2-Success");
- if (!ra) {
- log_error("radius:auth:mschap-v2: 'MS-CHAP-Success' not found in radius response\n");
- } else
- memcpy(authenticator, ra->val.octets + 3, 40);
- }
- if (r == PWDB_SUCCESS) {
- struct ev_radius_t ev = {
- .ppp = rpd->ppp,
- .request = rpd->auth_req->pack,
- .reply = rpd->auth_req->reply,
- };
- triton_event_fire(EV_RADIUS_ACCESS_ACCEPT, &ev);
- setup_mppe(rpd->auth_req, NULL);
- rpd->auth_req->pack->id++;
- }
- return r;
- rad_req_free(rpd->auth_req);
- rpd->auth_req = NULL;
- return r;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9704569e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "list.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static struct rad_dict_t *dict;
-static char *skip_word(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' || *ptr == '\n')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static char *skip_space(char *ptr)
- for(; *ptr; ptr++)
- if (*ptr != ' ' && *ptr != '\t')
- break;
- return ptr;
-static int split(char *buf, char **ptr)
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- *buf = 0;
- buf = skip_space(buf + 1);
- if (!*buf)
- return i;
- ptr[i] = buf;
- }
- buf = skip_word(buf);
- //if (*buf == '\n')
- *buf = 0;
- //else if (*buf)
- // return -1;
- return i;
-struct rad_dict_attr_t *find_attr(struct list_head *items, const char *name)
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, items, entry)
- if (!strcmp(attr->name, name))
- return attr;
- return NULL;
-#define BUF_SIZE 1024
-static char *path, *fname1, *buf;
-static int dict_load(const char *fname)
- FILE *f;
- char *ptr[3], *endptr;
- int r, n = 0;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- struct list_head *items;
- f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (!f) {
- log_emerg("radius: open dictioanary '%s': %s\n", fname, strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- items = &dict->items;
- while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, f)) {
- n++;
- if (buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '\n' || buf[0] == 0)
- continue;
- r = split(buf, ptr);
- if (r == 1) {
- if (!strcmp(buf, "BEGIN-VENDOR")) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(ptr[0]);
- if (!vendor) {
- log_emerg("radius:%s:%i: vendor not found\n", fname, n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- items = &vendor->items;
- } else if (!strcmp(buf, "END-VENDOR"))
- items = &dict->items;
- else if (!strcmp(buf, "$INCLUDE")) {
- for (r = strlen(path) - 1; r; r--)
- if (path[r] == '/') {
- path[r + 1] = 0;
- break;
- }
- strcpy(fname1, path);
- strcat(fname1, ptr[0]);
- if (dict_load(fname1))
- goto out_err;
- } else
- goto out_err_syntax;
- } else if (r == 2) {
- if (!strcmp(buf, "VENDOR")) {
- vendor = malloc(sizeof(*vendor));
- if (!vendor) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- vendor->id = strtol(ptr[1], &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != 0)
- goto out_err_syntax;
- vendor->name = strdup(ptr[0]);
- if (!vendor->name) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vendor->items);
- list_add_tail(&vendor->entry, &dict->vendors);
- } else
- goto out_err_syntax;
- } else if (r == 3) {
- if (!strcmp(buf, "ATTRIBUTE")) {
- attr = malloc(sizeof(*attr));
- if (!attr) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&attr->values);
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, items);
- attr->name = strdup(ptr[0]);
- attr->id = strtol(ptr[1], &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != 0)
- goto out_err_syntax;
- if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "integer"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_INTEGER;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "string"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_STRING;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "date"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_DATE;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "ipaddr"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_IPADDR;
- else if (!strcmp(ptr[2], "octets"))
- attr->type = ATTR_TYPE_OCTETS;
- else {
- log_emerg("radius:%s:%i: unknown attribute type\n", fname, n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- } else if (!strcmp(buf, "VALUE")) {
- attr = find_attr(items, ptr[0]);
- if (!attr) {
- log_emerg("radius:%s:%i: unknown attribute\n", fname, n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- val = malloc(sizeof(*val));
- if (!val) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- memset(val, 0, sizeof(*val));
- list_add_tail(&val->entry, &attr->values);
- val->name = strdup(ptr[1]);
- switch (attr->type) {
- val->val.integer = strtol(ptr[2], &endptr, 10);
- if (*endptr != 0)
- goto out_err_syntax;
- break;
- val->val.string = strdup(ptr[2]);
- break;
- log_warn("radius:%s:%i: VALUE of type 'date' is not implemented yet\n", fname, n);
- break;
- log_warn("radius:%s:%i: VALUE of type 'ipaddr' is not implemented yet\n", fname, n);
- break;
- }
- } else
- goto out_err_syntax;
- } else
- goto out_err_syntax;
- }
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
- log_emerg("radius:%s:%i: syntaxis error\n", fname, n);
- fclose(f);
- return -1;
-int rad_dict_load(const char *fname)
- int r = -1;
- dict = malloc(sizeof(*dict));
- if (!dict) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dict->items);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dict->vendors);
- path = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!path) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_free_dict;
- }
- fname1 = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- if (!fname1) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_free_path;
- }
- buf = _malloc(BUF_SIZE);
- if (!buf) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- goto out_free_fname1;
- }
- strcpy(path, fname);
- r = dict_load(fname);
- _free(fname1);
- _free(path);
- if (r)
- rad_dict_free(dict);
- return r;
-void rad_dict_free(struct rad_dict_t *dict)
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- while (!list_empty(&dict->items)) {
- attr = list_entry(dict->, typeof(*attr), entry);
- while (!list_empty(&attr->values)) {
- val = list_entry(attr->, typeof(*val), entry);
- list_del(&val->entry);
- _free((char*)val->name);
- if (attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_STRING)
- _free((char*)val->val.string);
- _free(val);
- }
- list_del(&attr->entry);
- _free((char*)attr->name);
- _free(attr);
- }
- free(dict);
-static struct rad_dict_attr_t *dict_find_attr(struct list_head *items, const char *name)
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, items, entry)
- if (!strcmp(attr->name, name))
- return attr;
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_attr(const char *name)
- return dict_find_attr(&dict->items, name);
-__export struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_attr_id(struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor, int id)
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct list_head *items = vendor ? &vendor->items : &dict->items;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, items, entry)
- if (attr->id == id)
- return attr;
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_value_t *rad_dict_find_val_name(struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr, const char *name)
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- list_for_each_entry(val, &attr->values, entry)
- if (!strcmp(val->name, name))
- return val;
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_value_t *rad_dict_find_val(struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr, rad_value_t v)
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- if (attr->type != ATTR_TYPE_INTEGER)
- return NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(val, &attr->values, entry)
- if (val->val.integer == v.integer)
- return val;
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_vendor_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_name(const char *name)
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- list_for_each_entry(vendor, &dict->vendors, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(vendor->name, name))
- return vendor;
- }
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_vendor_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_id(int id)
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- list_for_each_entry(vendor, &dict->vendors, entry) {
- if (vendor->id == id)
- return vendor;
- }
- return NULL;
-__export struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor, const char *name)
- return dict_find_attr(&vendor->items, name);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary
deleted file mode 100644
index 27973105..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Version $Id: dictionary,v 1.155 2008/04/20 14:47:55 aland Exp $
-# The files in this directory are maintained and updated by
-# the FreeRADIUS project. Newer releases of software may update
-# or change these files.
-# Use the main dictionary file (usually /etc/raddb/dictionary)
-# for local system attributes and $INCLUDEs.
-# This file contains dictionary translations for parsing
-# requests and generating responses. All transactions are
-# composed of Attribute/Value Pairs. The value of each attribute
-# is specified as one of 4 data types. Valid data types are:
-# text - printable, generally UTF-8 encoded (subset of 'string')
-# string - 0-253 octets
-# ipaddr - 4 octets in network byte order
-# integer - 32 bit value in big endian order (high byte first)
-# date - 32 bit value in big endian order - seconds since
-# 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970
-# ifid - 8 octets in network byte order
-# ipv6addr - 16 octets in network byte order
-# ipv6prefix - 18 octets in network byte order
-# ether - 6 octets of hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh
-# where 'h' is hex digits, upper or lowercase.
-# FreeRADIUS includes extended data types which are not defined
-# in the RFC's. These data types are:
-# abinary - Ascend's binary filter format.
-# octets - raw octets, printed and input as hex strings.
-# e.g.: 0x123456789abcdef
-# Enumerated values are stored in the user file with dictionary
-# VALUE translations for easy administration.
-# Example:
-# --------------- -----
-# Framed-Protocol = PPP
-# 7 = 1 (integer encoding)
-# Include compatibility dictionary for older users file. Move
-# this directive to the end of this file if you want to see the
-# old names in the logfiles, INSTEAD OF the new names.
-# Include the RFC dictionaries next.
-# For a complete list of the standard attributes and values,
-# see:
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2865
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2866
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2867
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2868
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2869
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3576
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3580
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4072
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4372
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4679
-$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5176
-ATTRIBUTE Traffic-Shape-in 231 integer
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/ b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1efbe8..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Accounting VSAs originally by
-# "Marcelo M. Sosa Lugones" <>
-# Version: $Id:,v 1.16 2006/06/05 16:55:21 pnixon Exp $
-# For documentation on Cisco RADIUS attributes, see:
-# For general documentation on Cisco RADIUS configuration, see:
-VENDOR Cisco 9
-# Standard attribute
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-AVPair 1 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-NAS-Port 2 string
-# T.37 Store-and-Forward attributes.
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Account-Id-Origin 3 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Msg-Id 4 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Pages 5 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Coverpage-Flag 6 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Modem-Time 7 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Connect-Speed 8 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Recipient-Count 9 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Process-Abort-Flag 10 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Dsn-Address 11 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Dsn-Flag 12 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Mdn-Address 13 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Mdn-Flag 14 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Fax-Auth-Status 15 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Email-Server-Address 16 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Email-Server-Ack-Flag 17 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Gateway-Id 18 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Call-Type 19 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Port-Used 20 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Abort-Cause 21 string
-# Voice over IP attributes.
-ATTRIBUTE h323-remote-address 23 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-conf-id 24 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-setup-time 25 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-call-origin 26 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-call-type 27 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-connect-time 28 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-disconnect-time 29 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-disconnect-cause 30 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-voice-quality 31 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-gw-id 33 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-incoming-conf-id 35 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-credit-amount 101 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-credit-time 102 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-return-code 103 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-prompt-id 104 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-time-and-day 105 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-redirect-number 106 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-preferred-lang 107 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-redirect-ip-address 108 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-billing-model 109 string
-ATTRIBUTE h323-currency 110 string
-ATTRIBUTE subscriber 111 string
-ATTRIBUTE gw-rxd-cdn 112 string
-ATTRIBUTE gw-final-xlated-cdn 113 string
-ATTRIBUTE remote-media-address 114 string
-ATTRIBUTE release-source 115 string
-ATTRIBUTE gw-rxd-cgn 116 string
-ATTRIBUTE gw-final-xlated-cgn 117 string
-# SIP Attributes
-ATTRIBUTE call-id 141 string
-ATTRIBUTE session-protocol 142 string
-ATTRIBUTE method 143 string
-ATTRIBUTE prev-hop-via 144 string
-ATTRIBUTE prev-hop-ip 145 string
-ATTRIBUTE incoming-req-uri 146 string
-ATTRIBUTE outgoing-req-uri 147 string
-ATTRIBUTE next-hop-ip 148 string
-ATTRIBUTE next-hop-dn 149 string
-ATTRIBUTE sip-hdr 150 string
-# Extra attributes sent by the Cisco, if you configure
-# "radius-server vsa accounting" (requires IOS11.2+).
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Multilink-ID 187 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Num-In-Multilink 188 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Pre-Input-Octets 190 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Pre-Output-Octets 191 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Pre-Input-Packets 192 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Pre-Output-Packets 193 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Maximum-Time 194 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause 195 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Data-Rate 197 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-PreSession-Time 198 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-PW-Lifetime 208 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-IP-Direct 209 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-PPP-VJ-Slot-Comp 210 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-PPP-Async-Map 212 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-IP-Pool-Definition 217 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Assign-IP-Pool 218 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Route-IP 228 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Link-Compression 233 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Target-Util 234 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Maximum-Channels 235 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Data-Filter 242 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Call-Filter 243 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Idle-Limit 244 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Account-Info 250 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Service-Info 251 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Command-Code 252 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Control-Info 253 string
-ATTRIBUTE Cisco-Xmit-Rate 255 integer
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Unknown 2
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause CLID-Authentication-Failure 4
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause No-Carrier 10
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Lost-Carrier 11
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause No-Detected-Result-Codes 12
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause User-Ends-Session 20
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Idle-Timeout 21
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Exit-Telnet-Session 22
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause No-Remote-IP-Addr 23
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Exit-Raw-TCP 24
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Password-Fail 25
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Raw-TCP-Disabled 26
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Control-C-Detected 27
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause EXEC-Program-Destroyed 28
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Timeout-PPP-LCP 40
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Failed-PPP-LCP-Negotiation 41
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Failed-PPP-PAP-Auth-Fail 42
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Failed-PPP-CHAP-Auth 43
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Failed-PPP-Remote-Auth 44
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause PPP-Remote-Terminate 45
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause PPP-Closed-Event 46
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Session-Timeout 100
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Session-Failed-Security 101
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Session-End-Callback 102
-VALUE Cisco-Disconnect-Cause Invalid-Protocol 120
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deleted file mode 100644
index 9ca6b8e9..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Microsoft's VSA's, from RFC 2548
-# $Id:,v 1.8 2005/08/08 22:23:37 aland Exp $
-VENDOR Microsoft 311
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Response 1 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Error 2 string
-ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Policy 7 integer
-# This is referred to as both singular and plural in the RFC.
-# Plural seems to make more sense.
-ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Type 8 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Encryption-Types 8 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-RAS-Vendor 9 integer # content is Vendor-ID
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Domain 10 string
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-Challenge 11 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP-MPPE-Keys 12 octets encrypt=1
-ATTRIBUTE MS-BAP-Usage 13 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Link-Utilization-Threshold 14 integer # values are 1-100
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Link-Drop-Time-Limit 15 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Send-Key 16 octets encrypt=2
-ATTRIBUTE MS-MPPE-Recv-Key 17 octets encrypt=2
-ATTRIBUTE MS-RAS-Version 18 string
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Old-ARAP-Password 19 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-New-ARAP-Password 20 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason 21 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Filter 22 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Acct-Auth-Type 23 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Acct-EAP-Type 24 integer
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP2-Response 25 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-CHAP2-Success 26 octets
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Primary-DNS-Server 28 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Secondary-DNS-Server 29 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Primary-NBNS-Server 30 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE MS-Secondary-NBNS-Server 31 ipaddr
-#ATTRIBUTE MS-ARAP-Challenge 33 octets
-# Integer Translations
-# MS-BAP-Usage Values
-VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Not-Allowed 0
-VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Allowed 1
-VALUE MS-BAP-Usage Required 2
-# MS-ARAP-Password-Change-Reason Values
-VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Just-Change-Password 1
-VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Expired-Password 2
-VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Admin-Requires-Password-Change 3
-VALUE MS-ARAP-PW-Change-Reason Password-Too-Short 4
-# MS-Acct-Auth-Type Values
-VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type PAP 1
-VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type CHAP 2
-VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type MS-CHAP-1 3
-VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type MS-CHAP-2 4
-VALUE MS-Acct-Auth-Type EAP 5
-# MS-Acct-EAP-Type Values
-VALUE MS-Acct-EAP-Type MD5 4
-VALUE MS-Acct-EAP-Type Generic-Token-Card 6
-VALUE MS-Acct-EAP-Type TLS 13
-END-VENDOR Microsoft
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2865 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2865
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5bf583..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2865
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 2865.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc2865,v 1.3 2005/08/10 20:59:40 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE User-Name 1 string
-ATTRIBUTE User-Password 2 octets
-ATTRIBUTE CHAP-Password 3 octets
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-IP-Address 4 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-Port 5 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Service-Type 6 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-Protocol 7 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-IP-Address 8 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-IP-Netmask 9 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-Routing 10 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Filter-Id 11 string
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-MTU 12 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-Compression 13 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Login-IP-Host 14 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE Login-Service 15 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Login-TCP-Port 16 integer
-# Attribute 17 is undefined
-ATTRIBUTE Reply-Message 18 string
-ATTRIBUTE Callback-Number 19 string
-ATTRIBUTE Callback-Id 20 string
-# Attribute 21 is undefined
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-Route 22 string
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-IPX-Network 23 ipaddr
-ATTRIBUTE State 24 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Class 25 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Vendor-Specific 26 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Session-Timeout 27 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Idle-Timeout 28 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Termination-Action 29 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Called-Station-Id 30 string
-ATTRIBUTE Calling-Station-Id 31 string
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-Identifier 32 string
-ATTRIBUTE Proxy-State 33 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Service 34 string
-ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Node 35 string
-ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Group 36 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Link 37 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Network 38 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-AppleTalk-Zone 39 string
-ATTRIBUTE CHAP-Challenge 60 octets
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-Port-Type 61 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Port-Limit 62 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Login-LAT-Port 63 integer
-# Integer Translations
-# Service types
-VALUE Service-Type Login-User 1
-VALUE Service-Type Framed-User 2
-VALUE Service-Type Callback-Login-User 3
-VALUE Service-Type Callback-Framed-User 4
-VALUE Service-Type Outbound-User 5
-VALUE Service-Type Administrative-User 6
-VALUE Service-Type NAS-Prompt-User 7
-VALUE Service-Type Authenticate-Only 8
-VALUE Service-Type Callback-NAS-Prompt 9
-VALUE Service-Type Call-Check 10
-VALUE Service-Type Callback-Administrative 11
-# Framed Protocols
-VALUE Framed-Protocol PPP 1
-VALUE Framed-Protocol SLIP 2
-VALUE Framed-Protocol ARAP 3
-VALUE Framed-Protocol Gandalf-SLML 4
-VALUE Framed-Protocol Xylogics-IPX-SLIP 5
-VALUE Framed-Protocol X.75-Synchronous 6
-# Framed Routing Values
-VALUE Framed-Routing None 0
-VALUE Framed-Routing Broadcast 1
-VALUE Framed-Routing Listen 2
-VALUE Framed-Routing Broadcast-Listen 3
-# Framed Compression Types
-VALUE Framed-Compression None 0
-VALUE Framed-Compression Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP 1
-VALUE Framed-Compression IPX-Header-Compression 2
-VALUE Framed-Compression Stac-LZS 3
-# Login Services
-VALUE Login-Service Telnet 0
-VALUE Login-Service Rlogin 1
-VALUE Login-Service TCP-Clear 2
-VALUE Login-Service PortMaster 3
-VALUE Login-Service LAT 4
-VALUE Login-Service X25-PAD 5
-VALUE Login-Service X25-T3POS 6
-VALUE Login-Service TCP-Clear-Quiet 8
-# Login-TCP-Port (see /etc/services for more examples)
-VALUE Login-TCP-Port Telnet 23
-VALUE Login-TCP-Port Rlogin 513
-VALUE Login-TCP-Port Rsh 514
-# Termination Options
-VALUE Termination-Action Default 0
-VALUE Termination-Action RADIUS-Request 1
-# NAS Port Types
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Async 0
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Sync 1
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type ISDN-V120 3
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type ISDN-V110 4
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Virtual 5
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type HDLC-Clear-Channel 7
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type X.25 8
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type X.75 9
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type G.3-Fax 10
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type SDSL 11
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type IDSL 14
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Ethernet 15
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type xDSL 16
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Cable 17
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Wireless-Other 18
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Wireless-802.11 19
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2866 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2866
deleted file mode 100644
index 15472bd5..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2866
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 2866.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc2866,v 1.2 2005/08/08 22:23:38 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Status-Type 40 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Delay-Time 41 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Input-Octets 42 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Output-Octets 43 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Session-Id 44 string
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Authentic 45 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Session-Time 46 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Input-Packets 47 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Output-Packets 48 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Terminate-Cause 49 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Multi-Session-Id 50 string
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Link-Count 51 integer
-# Accounting Status Types
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Start 1
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Stop 2
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Alive 3 # dup
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Interim-Update 3
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Accounting-On 7
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Accounting-Off 8
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Failed 15
-# Authentication Types
-VALUE Acct-Authentic RADIUS 1
-VALUE Acct-Authentic Local 2
-VALUE Acct-Authentic Remote 3
-VALUE Acct-Authentic Diameter 4
-# Acct Terminate Causes
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause User-Request 1
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Lost-Carrier 2
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Lost-Service 3
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Idle-Timeout 4
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Session-Timeout 5
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Admin-Reset 6
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Admin-Reboot 7
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Error 8
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause NAS-Error 9
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause NAS-Request 10
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause NAS-Reboot 11
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Unneeded 12
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Preempted 13
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Suspended 14
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Service-Unavailable 15
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Callback 16
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause User-Error 17
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Host-Request 18
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2867 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2867
deleted file mode 100644
index b018aba4..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2867
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 2867.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc2867,v 1.2 2005/08/08 22:23:38 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Tunnel-Connection 68 string
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Tunnel-Packets-Lost 86 integer
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Start 9
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Stop 10
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Reject 11
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Link-Start 12
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Link-Stop 13
-VALUE Acct-Status-Type Tunnel-Link-Reject 14
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2868 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2868
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a4047a..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2868
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 2868.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc2868,v 1.4 2007/02/13 13:28:17 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Type 64 integer has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Medium-Type 65 integer has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Client-Endpoint 66 string has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Server-Endpoint 67 string has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Password 69 string has_tag,encrypt=2
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Private-Group-Id 81 string has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Assignment-Id 82 string has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Preference 83 integer has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Client-Auth-Id 90 string has_tag
-ATTRIBUTE Tunnel-Server-Auth-Id 91 string has_tag
-# Tunnel Type
-VALUE Tunnel-Type PPTP 1
-VALUE Tunnel-Type L2F 2
-VALUE Tunnel-Type L2TP 3
-VALUE Tunnel-Type ATMP 4
-VALUE Tunnel-Type VTP 5
-VALUE Tunnel-Type AH 6
-VALUE Tunnel-Type IP 7
-VALUE Tunnel-Type MIN-IP 8
-VALUE Tunnel-Type ESP 9
-VALUE Tunnel-Type GRE 10
-VALUE Tunnel-Type DVS 11
-VALUE Tunnel-Type IP-in-IP 12
-# Tunnel Medium Type
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type IP 1
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type IPv4 1
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type IPv6 2
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type NSAP 3
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type HDLC 4
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type BBN-1822 5
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type IEEE-802 6
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type E.163 7
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type E.164 8
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type F.69 9
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type X.121 10
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type IPX 11
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type Appletalk 12
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type DecNet-IV 13
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type Banyan-Vines 14
-VALUE Tunnel-Medium-Type E.164-NSAP 15
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2869 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2869
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a2631ec..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc2869
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 2869.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc2869,v 1.2 2005/08/08 22:23:39 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Input-Gigawords 52 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Output-Gigawords 53 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Event-Timestamp 55 date
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Password 70 octets # 16 octets of data
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Features 71 octets # 14 octets of data
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Zone-Access 72 integer
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Security 73 integer
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Security-Data 74 string
-ATTRIBUTE Password-Retry 75 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Prompt 76 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Connect-Info 77 string
-ATTRIBUTE Configuration-Token 78 string
-ATTRIBUTE EAP-Message 79 octets
-ATTRIBUTE Message-Authenticator 80 octets
-ATTRIBUTE ARAP-Challenge-Response 84 octets # 8 octets of data
-ATTRIBUTE Acct-Interim-Interval 85 integer
-# 86: RFC 2867
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-Port-Id 87 string
-ATTRIBUTE Framed-Pool 88 string
-# ARAP Zone Access
-VALUE ARAP-Zone-Access Default-Zone 1
-VALUE ARAP-Zone-Access Zone-Filter-Inclusive 2
-VALUE ARAP-Zone-Access Zone-Filter-Exclusive 4
-# Prompt
-VALUE Prompt No-Echo 0
-VALUE Prompt Echo 1
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3576 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3576
deleted file mode 100644
index 35aeb326..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3576
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 3576.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc3576,v 1.2 2005/08/08 22:23:39 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Error-Cause 101 integer
-# Service Types
-VALUE Service-Type Authorize-Only 17
-# Error causes
-VALUE Error-Cause Residual-Context-Removed 201
-VALUE Error-Cause Invalid-EAP-Packet 202
-VALUE Error-Cause Unsupported-Attribute 401
-VALUE Error-Cause Missing-Attribute 402
-VALUE Error-Cause NAS-Identification-Mismatch 403
-VALUE Error-Cause Invalid-Request 404
-VALUE Error-Cause Unsupported-Service 405
-VALUE Error-Cause Unsupported-Extension 406
-VALUE Error-Cause Administratively-Prohibited 501
-VALUE Error-Cause Proxy-Request-Not-Routable 502
-VALUE Error-Cause Session-Context-Not-Found 503
-VALUE Error-Cause Session-Context-Not-Removable 504
-VALUE Error-Cause Proxy-Processing-Error 505
-VALUE Error-Cause Resources-Unavailable 506
-VALUE Error-Cause Request-Initiated 507
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3580 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3580
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd4ca3e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc3580
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 3580.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc3580,v 1.2 2005/08/08 22:23:39 aland Exp $
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Supplicant-Restart 19
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Reauthentication-Failure 20
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Reinit 21
-VALUE Acct-Terminate-Cause Port-Disabled 22
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type Token-Ring 20
-VALUE NAS-Port-Type FDDI 21
-VALUE Tunnel-Type VLAN 13
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4072 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4072
deleted file mode 100644
index 2280d075..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4072
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4072
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4072,v 1.1 2007/11/14 09:00:25 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE EAP-Key-Name 102 string
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4372 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4372
deleted file mode 100644
index b8af44ac..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4372
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4372.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4372,v 1.1 2007/04/07 14:47:34 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Chargeable-User-Identity 89 string
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4675 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4675
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d1187f4..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4675
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4675.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4675,v 1.1 2007/04/07 14:54:14 aland Exp $
-# High byte = '1' (0x31) means the frames are tagged.
-# High byte = '2' (0x32) means the frames are untagged.
-# Next 12 bits MUST be zero.
-# Lower 12 bits is the IEEE-802.1Q VLAN VID.
-ATTRIBUTE Egress-VLANID 56 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Ingress-Filters 57 integer
-# First byte == '1' (0x31) means that the frames are tagged.
-# First byte == '2' (0x32) means that the frames are untagged.
-ATTRIBUTE Egress-VLAN-Name 58 string
-ATTRIBUTE User-Priority-Table 59 octets # 8
-VALUE Ingress-Filters Enabled 1
-VALUE Ingress-Filters Disabled 2
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4679 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4679
deleted file mode 100644
index 39892a54..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4679
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4679.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4679,v 1.1 2007/04/08 14:18:01 aland Exp $
-VENDOR ADSL-Forum 3561
-# The first two attributes are prefixed with "ADSL-" because of
-# conflicting names in dictionary.redback.
-ATTRIBUTE ADSL-Agent-Circuit-Id 1 string
-ATTRIBUTE ADSL-Agent-Remote-Id 2 string
-ATTRIBUTE Actual-Data-Rate-Upstream 129 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Actual-Data-Rate-Downstream 130 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Minimum-Data-Rate-Upstream 131 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Minimum-Data-Rate-Downstream 132 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Attainable-Data-Rate-Upstream 133 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Attainable-Data-Rate-Downstream 134 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Maximum-Data-Rate-Upstream 135 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Maximum-Data-Rate-Downstream 136 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Minimum-Data-Rate-Upstream-Low-Power 137 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Minimum-Data-Rate-Downstream-Low-Power 138 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Maximum-Interleaving-Delay-Upstream 139 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Actual-Interleaving-Delay-Upstream 140 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Maximum-Interleaving-Delay-Downstream 141 integer
-ATTRIBUTE Actual-Interleaving-Delay-Downstream 142 integer
-# This next attribute has a weird encoding.
-# Octet[0] - 0x01 AAL5
-# Octet[0] - 0x02 Ethernet
-# Octet[1] - 0x00 Not Available
-# Octet[1] - 0x01 Untagged Ethernet
-# Octet[1] - 0x02 Single-Tagged Ethernet
-# Octet[2] - 0x00 Not available
-# Octet[2] - 0x01 PPPoA LLC
-# Octet[2] - 0x02 PPPoA Null
-# Octet[2] - 0x03 IPoA LLC
-# Octet[2] - 0x04 IPoA NULL
-# Octet[2] - 0x05 Ethernet over AAL5 LLC with FCS
-# Octet[2] - 0x06 Ethernet over AAL5 LLC without FCS
-# Octet[2] - 0x07 Ethernet over AAL5 Null with FCS
-# Octet[2] - 0x08 Ethernet over AAL5 Null without FCS
-ATTRIBUTE Access-Loop-Encapsulation 144 octets # 3
-# If this attribute exists, it means that IFW has been performed
-# for the subscribers session.
-ATTRIBUTE IWF-Session 252 octets # 0
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4818 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4818
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea59452..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4818
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4818.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4818,v 1.1 2007/05/16 10:06:36 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE Delegated-IPv6-Prefix 123 ipv6prefix
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4849 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4849
deleted file mode 100644
index 1738eea0..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc4849
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 4849.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc4849,v 1.2 2007/06/15 13:08:03 aland Exp $
-ATTRIBUTE NAS-Filter-Rule 92 string
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc5176 b/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc5176
deleted file mode 100644
index 93089612..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dict/dictionary.rfc5176
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# -*- text -*-
-# Attributes and values defined in RFC 5176.
-# $Id: dictionary.rfc5176,v 1.1 2008/03/08 16:17:44 aland Exp $
-VALUE Error-Cause Invalid-Attribute-Value 407
-VALUE Error-Cause Multiple-Session-Selection-Unsupported 508
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/ b/accel-pptpd/radius/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff0961e7..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import sys,re
-hdr = file(sys.argv[2],'w')
-def process(fname, hdr):
- for line in file(fname):
- if line[:-1].strip() == '':
- continue
- if line[0] == '#':
- continue
- f = re.compile('[$.a-zA-Z0-9\-]+').findall(line)
- if f[0] == 'ATTRIBUTE' or f[0] == 'VENDOR':
- hdr.write('#define {0} {1}\n'.format(f[1].replace('-','_').replace('.','_'), f[2]))
- elif f[0] == 'VALUE':
- hdr.write('#define {0}_{1} {2}\n'.format(f[1].replace('-','_').replace('.','_'), f[2].replace('-','_'),f[3]))
- elif f[0] == '$INCLUDE':
- process(f[1], hdr)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- process(sys.argv[1], hdr)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/dm_coa.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/dm_coa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 366bb417..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/dm_coa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define PD_COA_PORT 3799
-struct dm_coa_serv_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
-static struct dm_coa_serv_t serv;
-static int dm_coa_check_RA(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *secret)
- uint8_t RA[16];
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- memset(RA, 0, 16);
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, pack->buf, 4);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, RA, 16);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, pack->buf + 20, pack->len - 20);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, secret, strlen(secret));
- MD5_Final(RA, &ctx);
- return memcmp(RA, pack->buf + 4, 16);
-static void dm_coa_set_RA(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *secret)
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- MD5_Init(&ctx);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, pack->buf, pack->len);
- MD5_Update(&ctx, secret, strlen(secret));
- MD5_Final(pack->buf + 4, &ctx);
-static int dm_coa_send_ack(int fd, struct rad_packet_t *req, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
- struct rad_packet_t *reply;
- uint8_t RA[16];
- memcpy(RA, req->buf + 4, sizeof(RA));
- reply = rad_packet_alloc(req->code == CODE_COA_REQUEST ? CODE_COA_ACK : CODE_DISCONNECT_ACK);
- if (!reply)
- return -1;
- reply->id = req->id;
- if (rad_packet_build(reply, RA)) {
- rad_packet_free(reply);
- return -1;
- }
- dm_coa_set_RA(reply, conf_dm_coa_secret);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send ");
- rad_packet_print(reply, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- rad_packet_send(reply, fd, addr);
- rad_packet_free(reply);
- return 0;
-static int dm_coa_send_nak(int fd, struct rad_packet_t *req, struct sockaddr_in *addr, int err_code)
- struct rad_packet_t *reply;
- uint8_t RA[16];
- memcpy(RA, req->buf + 4, sizeof(RA));
- reply = rad_packet_alloc(req->code == CODE_COA_REQUEST ? CODE_COA_NAK : CODE_DISCONNECT_NAK);
- if (!reply)
- return -1;
- reply->id = req->id;
- if (err_code)
- rad_packet_add_int(reply, NULL, "Error-Cause", err_code);
- if (rad_packet_build(reply, RA)) {
- rad_packet_free(reply);
- return -1;
- }
- dm_coa_set_RA(reply, conf_dm_coa_secret);
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("send ");
- rad_packet_print(reply, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- rad_packet_send(reply, fd, addr);
- rad_packet_free(reply);
- return 0;
-static void disconnect_request(struct radius_pd_t *rpd)
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv ");
- rad_packet_print(rpd->dm_coa_req, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- dm_coa_send_ack(serv.hnd.fd, rpd->dm_coa_req, &rpd->dm_coa_addr);
- rad_packet_free(rpd->dm_coa_req);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&rpd->lock);
- rpd->dm_coa_req = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&rpd->lock);
- ppp_terminate(rpd->ppp, TERM_ADMIN_RESET, 0);
-static void coa_request(struct radius_pd_t *rpd)
- struct ev_radius_t ev = {
- .ppp = rpd->ppp,
- .request = rpd->dm_coa_req,
- };
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_ppp_info2("recv ");
- rad_packet_print(rpd->dm_coa_req, log_ppp_info2);
- }
- triton_event_fire(EV_RADIUS_COA, &ev);
- if (ev.res)
- dm_coa_send_nak(serv.hnd.fd, rpd->dm_coa_req, &rpd->dm_coa_addr, 0);
- else
- dm_coa_send_ack(serv.hnd.fd, rpd->dm_coa_req, &rpd->dm_coa_addr);
- rad_packet_free(rpd->dm_coa_req);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&rpd->lock);
- rpd->dm_coa_req = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&rpd->lock);
-void dm_coa_cancel(struct radius_pd_t *rpd)
- triton_cancel_call(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)disconnect_request);
- triton_cancel_call(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)coa_request);
- rad_packet_free(rpd->dm_coa_req);
-static int dm_coa_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd;
- int err_code;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- while (1) {
- if (rad_packet_recv(h->fd, &pack, &addr))
- return 0;
- if (!pack)
- continue;
- if (pack->code != CODE_DISCONNECT_REQUEST && pack->code != CODE_COA_REQUEST) {
- log_warn("radius:dm_coa: unexpected code (%i) received\n", pack->code);
- goto out_err_no_reply;
- }
- if (dm_coa_check_RA(pack, conf_dm_coa_secret)) {
- log_warn("radius:dm_coa: RA validation failed\n");
- goto out_err_no_reply;
- }
- if (conf_verbose) {
- log_debug("recv ");
- rad_packet_print(pack, log_debug);
- }
- if (rad_check_nas_pack(pack)) {
- log_warn("radius:dm_coa: NAS identification failed\n");
- err_code = 403;
- goto out_err;
- }
- rpd = rad_find_session_pack(pack);
- if (!rpd) {
- log_warn("radius:dm_coa: session not found\n");
- err_code = 503;
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (rpd->dm_coa_req) {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&rpd->lock);
- goto out_err_no_reply;
- }
- rpd->dm_coa_req = pack;
- memcpy(&rpd->dm_coa_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr));
- if (pack->code == CODE_DISCONNECT_REQUEST)
- triton_context_call(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)disconnect_request, rpd);
- else
- triton_context_call(rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx, (triton_event_func)coa_request, rpd);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&rpd->lock);
- continue;
- out_err:
- dm_coa_send_nak(h->fd, pack, &addr, err_code);
- out_err_no_reply:
- rad_packet_free(pack);
- }
-static void dm_coa_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct dm_coa_serv_t *serv = container_of(ctx, typeof(*serv), ctx);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&serv->hnd);
- close(serv->hnd.fd);
- triton_context_unregister(ctx);
-static struct dm_coa_serv_t serv = {
- .ctx.close = dm_coa_close,
- .ctx.before_switch = log_switch,
- = dm_coa_read,
-static void __init init(void)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- if (!conf_dm_coa_secret) {
- log_emerg("radius: no dm_coa_secret specified, DM/CoA disabled...\n");
- return;
- }
- serv.hnd.fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (serv.hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_emerg("radius:dm_coa: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return;
- }
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- addr.sin_port = htons (conf_dm_coa_port);
- if (conf_dm_coa_server)
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = conf_dm_coa_server;
- else
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
- if (bind (serv.hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) {
- log_emerg("radius:dm_coa: bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- if (fcntl(serv.hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_emerg("radius:dm_coa: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- close(serv.hnd.fd);
- return;
- }
- triton_context_register(&serv.ctx, NULL);
- triton_md_register_handler(&serv.ctx, &serv.hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&serv.hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- triton_context_wakeup(&serv.ctx);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/packet.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/packet.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e24dedc..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/packet.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static mempool_t packet_pool;
-static mempool_t attr_pool;
-struct rad_packet_t *rad_packet_alloc(int code)
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- pack = mempool_alloc(packet_pool);
- if (!pack) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset(pack, 0, sizeof(*pack));
- pack->code = code;
- pack->len = 20;
- pack->id = 1;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pack->attrs);
- return pack;
-void print_buf(uint8_t *buf,int size)
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<size;i++)
- printf("%x ",buf[i]);
- printf("\n");
-int rad_packet_build(struct rad_packet_t *pack, uint8_t *RA)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- uint8_t *ptr;
- if (pack->buf)
- ptr = _realloc(pack->buf, pack->len);
- else
- ptr = _malloc(pack->len);
- if (!ptr) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- pack->buf = ptr;
- *ptr = pack->code; ptr++;
- *ptr = pack->id; ptr++;
- *(uint16_t*)ptr = htons(pack->len); ptr+= 2;
- memcpy(ptr, RA, 16); ptr+=16;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (attr->vendor) {
- *ptr = 26; ptr++;
- *ptr = attr->len + 2 + 6; ptr++;
- *(uint32_t *)ptr = htonl(attr->vendor->id); ptr+=4;
- }
- *ptr = attr->attr->id; ptr++;
- *ptr = attr->len + 2; ptr++;
- switch(attr->attr->type) {
- *(uint32_t*)ptr = htonl(attr->val.integer);
- break;
- memcpy(ptr, attr->val.string, attr->len);
- break;
- *(in_addr_t*)ptr = attr->val.ipaddr;
- break;
- *(uint32_t*)ptr = htonl(attr->;
- break;
- default:
- log_emerg("radius:packet:BUG: unknown attribute type\n");
- abort();
- }
- ptr += attr->len;
- }
- //print_buf(pack->buf, pack->len);
- return 0;
-int rad_packet_recv(int fd, struct rad_packet_t **p, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *da;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- uint8_t *ptr;
- int n, id, len, vendor_id;
- socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(*addr);
- *p = NULL;
- pack = rad_packet_alloc(0);
- if (!pack)
- return 0;
- pack->buf = _malloc(REQ_LENGTH_MAX);
- if (!pack->buf) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- while (1) {
- if (addr)
- n = recvfrom(fd, pack->buf, REQ_LENGTH_MAX, 0, addr, &addr_len);
- else
- n = read(fd, pack->buf, REQ_LENGTH_MAX);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EAGAIN) {
- rad_packet_free(pack);
- return -1;
- }
- if (errno != ECONNREFUSED)
- log_ppp_error("radius:packet:read: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (n < 20) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet: short packed received (%i)\n", n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- ptr = (uint8_t *)pack->buf;
- pack->code = *ptr; ptr++;
- pack->id = *ptr; ptr++;
- pack->len = ntohs(*(uint16_t*)ptr); ptr += 2;
- if (pack->len > n) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet: short packet received %i, expected %i\n", pack->len, n);
- goto out_err;
- }
- ptr += 16;
- n -= 20;
- while (n>0) {
- id = *ptr; ptr++;
- len = *ptr - 2; ptr++;
- if (len < 0) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet short attribute len received\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (2 + len > n) {
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet: too long attribute received (%i, %i)\n", id, len);
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (id == 26) {
- vendor_id = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)ptr);
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_id(vendor_id);
- if (vendor) {
- ptr += 4;
- id = *ptr; ptr++;
- len = *ptr - 2; ptr++;
- n -= 2 + 4;
- } else
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet: vendor %i not found\n", id);
- } else
- vendor = NULL;
- da = rad_dict_find_attr_id(vendor, id);
- if (da) {
- attr = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!attr) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- goto out_err;
- }
- memset(attr, 0, sizeof(*attr));
- attr->vendor = vendor;
- attr->attr = da;
- attr->len = len;
- switch (da->type) {
- attr->val.string = _malloc(len+1);
- if (!attr->val.string) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- _free(attr);
- goto out_err;
- }
- memcpy(attr->val.string, ptr, len);
- attr->val.string[len] = 0;
- break;
- attr->val.octets = _malloc(len);
- if (!attr->val.octets) {
- log_emerg("radius:packet: out of memory\n");
- _free(attr);
- goto out_err;
- }
- memcpy(attr->val.octets, ptr, len);
- break;
- attr->val.integer = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)ptr);
- break;
- attr->val.integer = *(uint32_t*)ptr;
- break;
- }
- list_add_tail(&attr->entry, &pack->attrs);
- } else
- log_ppp_warn("radius:packet: unknown attribute received (%i,%i)\n", vendor ? vendor->id : 0, id);
- ptr += len;
- n -= 2 + len;
- }
- *p = pack;
- return 0;
- rad_packet_free(pack);
- return 0;
-void rad_packet_free(struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- if (pack->buf)
- _free(pack->buf);
- while(!list_empty(&pack->attrs)) {
- attr = list_entry(pack->, typeof(*attr), entry);
- list_del(&attr->entry);
- if (attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_STRING || attr->attr->type == ATTR_TYPE_OCTETS)
- _free(attr->val.string);
- mempool_free(attr);
- }
- mempool_free(pack);
-void rad_packet_print(struct rad_packet_t *pack, void (*print)(const char *fmt, ...))
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- print("[RADIUS ");
- switch(pack->code) {
- print("Access-Request");
- break;
- print("Access-Challenge");
- break;
- print("Access-Accept");
- break;
- print("Access-Reject");
- break;
- print("Accounting-Request");
- break;
- print("Accounting-Response");
- break;
- print("Disconnect-Request");
- break;
- print("Disconnect-ACK");
- break;
- print("Disconnect-NAK");
- break;
- print("CoA-Request");
- break;
- case CODE_COA_ACK:
- print("CoA-ACK");
- break;
- case CODE_COA_NAK:
- print("CoA-NAK");
- break;
- default:
- print("Unknown (%i)", pack->code);
- }
- print(" id=%x", pack->id);
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (attr->vendor)
- print("<%s %s ", attr->vendor->name, attr->attr->name);
- else
- print(" <%s ", attr->attr->name);
- switch (attr->attr->type) {
- val = rad_dict_find_val(attr->attr, attr->val);
- if (val)
- print("%s", val->name);
- else
- print("%u", attr->val.integer);
- break;
- print("\"%s\"", attr->val.string);
- break;
- print("%i.%i.%i.%i", attr->val.ipaddr & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 8) & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 16) & 0xff, (attr->val.ipaddr >> 24) & 0xff);
- break;
- }
- print(">");
- }
- print("]\n");
-int __export rad_packet_add_int(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, int val)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- if (pack->len + (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + 4 >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- if (vendor_name) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(vendor_name);
- if (!vendor)
- return -1;
- attr = rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(vendor, name);
- } else {
- vendor = NULL;
- attr = rad_dict_find_attr(name);
- }
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- ra = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- memset(ra, 0, sizeof(*ra));
- ra->vendor = vendor;
- ra->attr = attr;
- ra->len = 4;
- ra->val.integer = val;
- list_add_tail(&ra->entry, &pack->attrs);
- pack->len += (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + 4;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_change_int(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, int val)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- ra = rad_packet_find_attr(pack, vendor_name, name);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- ra->val.integer = val;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_add_octets(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const uint8_t *val, int len)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- if (pack->len + (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + len >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- if (vendor_name) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(vendor_name);
- if (!vendor)
- return -1;
- attr = rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(vendor, name);
- } else {
- vendor = NULL;
- attr = rad_dict_find_attr(name);
- }
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- ra = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!ra) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(ra, 0, sizeof(*ra));
- ra->vendor = vendor;
- ra->attr = attr;
- ra->len = len;
- ra->val.octets = _malloc(len);
- if (!ra->val.octets) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- _free(ra);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(ra->val.octets, val, len);
- list_add_tail(&ra->entry, &pack->attrs);
- pack->len += (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + len;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_change_octets(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const uint8_t *val, int len)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- ra = rad_packet_find_attr(pack, vendor_name, name);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- if (ra->len != len) {
- if (pack->len - ra->len + len >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- ra->val.octets = _realloc(ra->val.octets, len);
- if (!ra->val.octets) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- pack->len += len - ra->len;
- ra->len = len;
- }
- memcpy(ra->val.octets, val, len);
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_add_str(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const char *val)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- int len = strlen(val);
- if (pack->len + (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + len >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- if (vendor_name) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(vendor_name);
- if (!vendor)
- return -1;
- attr = rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(vendor, name);
- } else {
- vendor = NULL;
- attr = rad_dict_find_attr(name);
- }
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- ra = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!ra) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(ra, 0, sizeof(*ra));
- ra->vendor = vendor;
- ra->attr = attr;
- ra->len = len;
- ra->val.string = _malloc(len + 1);
- if (!ra->val.string) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- _free(ra);
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(ra->val.string, val, len);
- ra->val.string[len] = 0;
- list_add_tail(&ra->entry, &pack->attrs);
- pack->len += (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + len;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_change_str(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const char *val, int len)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- ra = rad_packet_find_attr(pack, vendor_name, name);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- if (ra->len != len) {
- if (pack->len - ra->len + len >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- ra->val.string = _realloc(ra->val.string, len + 1);
- if (!ra->val.string) {
- log_emerg("radius: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- pack->len += len - ra->len;
- ra->len = len;
- }
- memcpy(ra->val.string, val, len);
- ra->val.string[len] = 0;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_add_val(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const char *val)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *v;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- if (pack->len + (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + 4 >= REQ_LENGTH_MAX)
- return -1;
- if (vendor_name) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(vendor_name);
- if (!vendor)
- return -1;
- attr = rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(vendor, name);
- } else {
- vendor = NULL;
- attr = rad_dict_find_attr(name);
- }
- if (!attr)
- return -1;
- v = rad_dict_find_val_name(attr, val);
- if (!v)
- return -1;
- ra = mempool_alloc(attr_pool);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- memset(ra, 0, sizeof(*ra));
- ra->vendor = vendor;
- ra->attr = attr;
- ra->len = 4;
- ra->val = v->val;
- list_add_tail(&ra->entry, &pack->attrs);
- pack->len += (vendor_name ? 8 : 2) + 4;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_change_val(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, const char *val)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_value_t *v;
- ra = rad_packet_find_attr(pack, vendor_name, name);
- if (!ra)
- return -1;
- v = rad_dict_find_val_name(ra->attr, val);
- if (!v)
- return -1;
- ra->val = v->val;
- return 0;
-int __export rad_packet_add_ipaddr(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name, in_addr_t ipaddr)
- return rad_packet_add_int(pack, vendor_name, name, ipaddr);
-struct rad_attr_t __export *rad_packet_find_attr(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor_name, const char *name)
- struct rad_attr_t *ra;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- if (vendor_name) {
- vendor = rad_dict_find_vendor_name(vendor_name);
- if (!vendor)
- return NULL;
- } else
- vendor = NULL;
- list_for_each_entry(ra, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (vendor && vendor != ra->vendor)
- continue;
- if (strcmp(ra->attr->name, name))
- continue;
- return ra;
- }
- return NULL;
-int rad_packet_send(struct rad_packet_t *pack, int fd, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
- int n;
- while (1) {
- if (addr)
- n = sendto(fd, pack->buf, pack->len, 0, addr, sizeof(*addr));
- else
- n = write(fd, pack->buf, pack->len);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- log_ppp_error("radius:write: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- } else if (n != pack->len) {
- log_ppp_error("radius:write: short write %i, excpected %i\n", n, pack->len);
- return -1;
- }
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-static void __init init(void)
- attr_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct rad_attr_t));
- packet_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct rad_packet_t));
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8976a330..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "mempool.h"
-#include "events.h"
-#include "log.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "pwdb.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-#include "ppp_auth.h"
-#include "cli.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "attr_defs.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#define CHAP_MD5 5
-#define MSCHAP_V1 0x80
-#define MSCHAP_V2 0x81
-int conf_max_try = 3;
-int conf_timeout = 3;
-int conf_acct_timeout = 600;
-char *conf_nas_identifier;
-in_addr_t conf_nas_ip_address;
-in_addr_t conf_gw_ip_address;
-in_addr_t conf_bind;
-int conf_verbose;
-int conf_interim_verbose;
-in_addr_t conf_auth_server;
-int conf_auth_server_port = 1812;
-char *conf_auth_secret;
-in_addr_t conf_acct_server;
-int conf_acct_server_port = 1813;
-char *conf_acct_secret;
-in_addr_t conf_dm_coa_server;
-int conf_dm_coa_port = 3799;
-char *conf_dm_coa_secret;
-int conf_sid_in_auth;
-int conf_require_nas_ident;
-int conf_acct_interim_interval;
-unsigned long stat_auth_sent;
-unsigned long stat_auth_lost;
-unsigned long stat_acct_sent;
-unsigned long stat_acct_lost;
-unsigned long stat_interim_sent;
-unsigned long stat_interim_lost;
-static LIST_HEAD(sessions);
-static pthread_rwlock_t sessions_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static void *pd_key;
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb;
-static mempool_t rpd_pool;
-int rad_proc_attrs(struct rad_req_t *req)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- int res = 0;
- req->rpd->acct_interim_interval = conf_acct_interim_interval;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &req->reply->attrs, entry) {
- if (attr->vendor)
- continue;
- switch(attr->attr->id) {
- case Framed_IP_Address:
- if (!conf_gw_ip_address)
- log_ppp_warn("radius: gw-ip-address not specified, cann't assign IP address...\n");
- else {
- req->rpd->ipaddr.owner = &ipdb;
- req->rpd->ipaddr.peer_addr = attr->val.ipaddr;
- req->rpd->ipaddr.addr = conf_gw_ip_address;
- }
- break;
- case Acct_Interim_Interval:
- req->rpd->acct_interim_interval = attr->val.integer;
- break;
- case Session_Timeout:
- req->rpd->session_timeout.period = attr->val.integer * 1000;
- break;
- case Class:
- if (!req->rpd->attr_class)
- req->rpd->attr_class = _malloc(attr->len);
- else if (req->rpd->attr_class_len != attr->len)
- req->rpd->attr_class = _realloc(req->rpd->attr_class, attr->len);
- memcpy(req->rpd->attr_class, attr->val.octets, attr->len);
- req->rpd->attr_class_len = attr->len;
- break;
- case State:
- if (!req->rpd->attr_state)
- req->rpd->attr_state = _malloc(attr->len);
- else if (req->rpd->attr_state_len != attr->len)
- req->rpd->attr_state = _realloc(req->rpd->attr_state, attr->len);
- memcpy(req->rpd->attr_state, attr->val.octets, attr->len);
- req->rpd->attr_state_len = attr->len;
- break;
- case Termination_Action:
- req->rpd->termination_action = attr->val.integer;
- break;
- }
- }
- return res;
-static int check(struct pwdb_t *pwdb, struct ppp_t *ppp, const char *username, int type, va_list _args)
- int r = PWDB_NO_IMPL;
- va_list args;
- int chap_type;
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- va_copy(args, _args);
- switch(type) {
- case PPP_PAP:
- r = rad_auth_pap(rpd, username, args);
- break;
- case PPP_CHAP:
- chap_type = va_arg(args, int);
- switch(chap_type) {
- case CHAP_MD5:
- r = rad_auth_chap_md5(rpd, username, args);
- break;
- case MSCHAP_V1:
- r = rad_auth_mschap_v1(rpd, username, args);
- break;
- case MSCHAP_V2:
- r = rad_auth_mschap_v2(rpd, username, args);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- va_end(args);
- return r;
-static struct ipdb_item_t *get_ip(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (rpd->ipaddr.peer_addr)
- return &rpd->ipaddr;
- return NULL;
-static void session_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = container_of(t, typeof(*rpd), session_timeout);
- log_ppp_msg("radius: session timed out\n");
- if (rpd->ppp->stop_time)
- return;
- if (rpd->termination_action == Termination_Action_RADIUS_Request) {
- if (ppp_auth_restart(rpd->ppp))
- ppp_terminate(rpd->ppp, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 0);
- } else
- ppp_terminate(rpd->ppp, TERM_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 0);
-static void ppp_starting(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = mempool_alloc(rpd_pool);
- memset(rpd, 0, sizeof(*rpd));
- rpd->pd.key = &pd_key;
- rpd->ppp = ppp;
- pthread_mutex_init(&rpd->lock, NULL);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rpd->plugin_list);
- list_add_tail(&rpd->pd.entry, &ppp->pd_list);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&sessions_lock);
- list_add_tail(&rpd->entry, &sessions);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&sessions_lock);
-static void ppp_acct_start(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (rad_acct_start(rpd)) {
- ppp_terminate(rpd->ppp, TERM_NAS_ERROR, 0);
- return;
- }
- if (rpd->session_timeout.period) {
- rpd->session_timeout.expire = session_timeout;
- triton_timer_add(ppp->ctrl->ctx, &rpd->session_timeout, 0);
- }
-static void ppp_finishing(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- rad_acct_stop(rpd);
-static void ppp_finished(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&sessions_lock);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&rpd->lock);
- list_del(&rpd->entry);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&rpd->lock);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&sessions_lock);
- if (rpd->auth_req)
- rad_req_free(rpd->auth_req);
- if (rpd->acct_req)
- rad_req_free(rpd->acct_req);
- if (rpd->dm_coa_req)
- dm_coa_cancel(rpd);
- if (rpd->session_timeout.tpd)
- triton_timer_del(&rpd->session_timeout);
- if (rpd->attr_class)
- _free(rpd->attr_class);
- if (rpd->attr_state)
- _free(rpd->attr_state);
- list_del(&rpd->pd.entry);
- mempool_free(rpd);
-struct radius_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp)
- struct ppp_pd_t *pd;
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd;
- list_for_each_entry(pd, &ppp->pd_list, entry) {
- if (pd->key == &pd_key) {
- rpd = container_of(pd, typeof(*rpd), pd);
- return rpd;
- }
- }
- log_emerg("radius:BUG: rpd not found\n");
- abort();
-struct radius_pd_t *rad_find_session(const char *sessionid, const char *username, int port_id, in_addr_t ipaddr, const char *csid)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd;
- pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&sessions_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(rpd, &sessions, entry) {
- if (!rpd->ppp->username)
- continue;
- if (sessionid && strcmp(sessionid, rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- continue;
- if (username && strcmp(username, rpd->ppp->username))
- continue;
- if (port_id >= 0 && port_id != rpd->ppp->unit_idx)
- continue;
- if (ipaddr && ipaddr != rpd->ppp->peer_ipaddr)
- continue;
- if (csid && rpd->ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id && strcmp(csid, rpd->ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id))
- continue;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&rpd->lock);
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&sessions_lock);
- return rpd;
- }
- pthread_rwlock_unlock(&sessions_lock);
- return NULL;
-struct radius_pd_t *rad_find_session_pack(struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- const char *sessionid = NULL;
- const char *username = NULL;
- const char *csid = NULL;
- int port_id = -1;
- in_addr_t ipaddr = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- switch(attr->attr->id) {
- case Acct_Session_Id:
- sessionid = attr->val.string;
- break;
- case User_Name:
- username = attr->val.string;
- break;
- case NAS_Port:
- port_id = attr->val.integer;
- break;
- case Framed_IP_Address:
- ipaddr = attr->val.ipaddr;
- break;
- case Calling_Station_Id:
- csid = attr->val.string;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!sessionid && !username && port_id == -1 && ipaddr == 0 && !csid)
- return NULL;
- if (username && !sessionid && port_id == -1 && ipaddr == 0)
- return NULL;
- return rad_find_session(sessionid, username, port_id, ipaddr, csid);
-int rad_check_nas_pack(struct rad_packet_t *pack)
- struct rad_attr_t *attr;
- const char *ident = NULL;
- in_addr_t ipaddr = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(attr, &pack->attrs, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(attr->attr->name, "NAS-Identifier"))
- ident = attr->val.string;
- else if (!strcmp(attr->attr->name, "NAS-IP-Address"))
- ipaddr = attr->val.ipaddr;
- }
- if (conf_require_nas_ident && !ident && !ipaddr)
- return -1;
- if (conf_nas_identifier && ident && strcmp(conf_nas_identifier, ident))
- return -1;
- if (conf_nas_ip_address && ipaddr && conf_nas_ip_address != ipaddr)
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client)
- cli_send(client, "radius:\r\n");
- cli_sendv(client, " auth sent: %lu\r\n", stat_auth_sent);
- cli_sendv(client, " auth lost: %lu\r\n", stat_auth_lost);
- cli_sendv(client, " acct sent: %lu\r\n", stat_acct_sent);
- cli_sendv(client, " acct lost: %lu\r\n", stat_acct_lost);
- cli_sendv(client, " interim sent: %lu\r\n", stat_interim_sent);
- cli_sendv(client, " interim lost: %lu\r\n", stat_interim_lost);
- return CLI_CMD_OK;
-void __export rad_register_plugin(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct rad_plugin_t *plugin)
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd = find_pd(ppp);
- if (!rpd)
- return;
- list_add_tail(&plugin->entry, &rpd->plugin_list);
-static struct ipdb_t ipdb = {
- .get = get_ip,
-static struct pwdb_t pwdb = {
- .check = check,
-static int parse_server(const char *opt, in_addr_t *addr, int *port, char **secret)
- char *str = _strdup(opt);
- char *p1, *p2;
- p1 = strstr(str, ":");
- p2 = strstr(str, ",");
- if (p1)
- *p1 = 0;
- if (p2)
- *p2 = 0;
- else
- return -1;
- *addr = inet_addr(str);
- if (p1) {
- *port = atoi(p1 + 1);
- if (*port <=0 )
- return -1;
- }
- p1 = _strdup(p2 + 1);
- p2 = *secret;
- *secret = p1;
- if (p2)
- _free(p2);
- _free(str);
- return 0;
-static int load_config(void)
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "max-try");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_max_try = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "acct-timeout");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_acct_timeout = atoi(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_verbose = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "interim-verbose");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_interim_verbose = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "nas-ip-address");
- if (opt)
- conf_nas_ip_address = inet_addr(opt);
- if (conf_nas_identifier)
- _free(conf_nas_identifier);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "nas-identifier");
- if (opt)
- conf_nas_identifier = _strdup(opt);
- else
- conf_nas_identifier = NULL;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "gw-ip-address");
- if (opt)
- conf_gw_ip_address = inet_addr(opt);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "bind");
- if (opt)
- conf_bind = inet_addr(opt);
- else if (conf_nas_ip_address)
- conf_bind = conf_nas_ip_address;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "auth-server");
- if (!opt)
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "auth_server");
- if (!opt) {
- log_emerg("radius: auth-server not specified\n");
- return -1;
- } else if (parse_server(opt, &conf_auth_server, &conf_auth_server_port, &conf_auth_secret)) {
- log_emerg("radius: failed to parse auth_server\n");
- return -1;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "acct-server");
- if (!opt)
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "acct_server");
- if (!opt)
- log_emerg("radius: acct-server not specified\n");
- if (opt && parse_server(opt, &conf_acct_server, &conf_acct_server_port, &conf_acct_secret)) {
- log_emerg("radius: failed to parse acct_server\n");
- return -1;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "dae-server");
- if (opt && parse_server(opt, &conf_dm_coa_server, &conf_dm_coa_port, &conf_dm_coa_secret)) {
- log_emerg("radius: failed to parse dae-server\n");
- return -1;
- }
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "sid_in_auth");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_sid_in_auth = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "require-nas-identification");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_require_nas_ident = 1;
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "acct-interim-interval");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- conf_acct_interim_interval = atoi(opt);
- return 0;
-static void __init radius_init(void)
- char *opt;
- char *dict = DICTIONARY;
- rpd_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct radius_pd_t));
- if (load_config())
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- opt = conf_get_opt("radius", "dictionary");
- if (opt)
- dict = opt;
- if (rad_dict_load(dict))
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- pwdb_register(&pwdb);
- ipdb_register(&ipdb);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_STARTING, (triton_event_func)ppp_starting);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_ACCT_START, (triton_event_func)ppp_acct_start);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_FINISHING, (triton_event_func)ppp_finishing);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_PPP_FINISHED, (triton_event_func)ppp_finished);
- triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config);
- cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_stat_exec, NULL, 2, "show", "stat");
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.h b/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ad229d22..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __RADIUS_H
-#define __RADIUS_H
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define REQ_LENGTH_MAX 4096
-#define ATTR_TYPE_DATE 3
-#define CODE_COA_REQUEST 43
-#define CODE_COA_ACK 44
-#define CODE_COA_NAK 45
-typedef union
- int integer;
- char *string;
- uint8_t *octets;
- time_t date;
- in_addr_t ipaddr;
-} rad_value_t;
-struct rad_dict_t
- struct list_head items;
- struct list_head vendors;
-struct rad_dict_vendor_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int id;
- const char *name;
- struct list_head items;
-struct rad_dict_value_t
- struct list_head entry;
- rad_value_t val;
- const char *name;
-struct rad_dict_attr_t
- struct list_head entry;
- const char *name;
- int id;
- int type;
- struct list_head values;
-struct rad_attr_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct rad_dict_attr_t *attr;
- struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor;
- //struct rad_dict_value_t *val;
- rad_value_t val;
- int len;
-struct rad_packet_t
- int code;
- uint8_t id;
- int len;
- struct list_head attrs;
- void *buf;
-struct rad_plugin_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int (*send_access_request)(struct rad_plugin_t *, struct rad_packet_t *pack);
- int (*send_accounting_request)(struct rad_plugin_t *, struct rad_packet_t *pack);
-struct ppp_t;
-void rad_register_plugin(struct ppp_t *, struct rad_plugin_t *);
-struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_attr(const char *name);
-struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_attr_id(struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor, int type);
-struct rad_dict_value_t *rad_dict_find_val_name(struct rad_dict_attr_t *, const char *name);
-struct rad_dict_value_t *rad_dict_find_val(struct rad_dict_attr_t *, rad_value_t val);
-struct rad_dict_vendor_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_name(const char *name);
-struct rad_dict_vendor_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_id(int id);
-struct rad_dict_attr_t *rad_dict_find_vendor_attr(struct rad_dict_vendor_t *vendor, const char *name);
-struct rad_attr_t *rad_packet_find_attr(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name);
-int rad_packet_add_int(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, int val);
-int rad_packet_add_val(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, const char *val);
-int rad_packet_add_str(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, const char *val);
-int rad_packet_add_octets(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, const uint8_t *val, int len);
-int rad_packet_change_int(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, int val);
-int rad_packet_change_val(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, const char *val);
-int rad_packet_change_octets(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, const uint8_t *val, int len);
-int rad_packet_add_ipaddr(struct rad_packet_t *pack, const char *vendor, const char *name, in_addr_t ipaddr);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius_p.h b/accel-pptpd/radius/radius_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 71c1a637..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/radius_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __RADIUS_P_H
-#define __RADIUS_P_H
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "radius.h"
-#include "ppp.h"
-#include "ipdb.h"
-struct radius_pd_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct ppp_pd_t pd;
- struct ppp_t *ppp;
- pthread_mutex_t lock;
- struct rad_req_t *auth_req;
- struct rad_req_t *acct_req;
- struct triton_timer_t acct_interim_timer;
- uint32_t acct_input_octets;
- uint32_t acct_output_octets;
- uint32_t acct_input_gigawords;
- uint32_t acct_output_gigawords;
- struct triton_timer_t session_timeout;
- struct rad_packet_t *dm_coa_req;
- struct sockaddr_in dm_coa_addr;
- struct ipdb_item_t ipaddr;
- int acct_interim_interval;
- time_t acct_timestamp;
- uint8_t *attr_class;
- int attr_class_len;
- uint8_t *attr_state;
- int attr_state_len;
- int termination_action;
- struct list_head plugin_list;
-struct rad_req_t
- struct triton_context_t ctx;
- struct triton_md_handler_t hnd;
- struct triton_timer_t timeout;
- uint8_t RA[16];
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- struct rad_packet_t *reply;
- in_addr_t server_addr;
- int server_port;
- struct radius_pd_t *rpd;
-extern int conf_max_try;
-extern int conf_timeout;
-extern int conf_acct_timeout;
-extern int conf_verbose;
-extern int conf_interim_verbose;
-extern char *conf_nas_identifier;
-extern in_addr_t conf_nas_ip_address;
-extern in_addr_t conf_bind;
-extern in_addr_t conf_gw_ip_address;
-extern in_addr_t conf_auth_server;
-extern char *conf_auth_secret;
-extern int conf_auth_server_port;
-extern in_addr_t conf_acct_server;
-extern char *conf_acct_secret;
-extern int conf_acct_server_port;
-extern char *conf_dm_coa_secret;
-extern int conf_sid_in_auth;
-extern int conf_require_nas_ident;
-extern in_addr_t conf_dm_coa_server;
-extern int conf_dm_coa_port;
-extern int conf_acct_interim_interval;
-extern unsigned long stat_auth_sent;
-extern unsigned long stat_auth_lost;
-extern unsigned long stat_acct_sent;
-extern unsigned long stat_acct_lost;
-extern unsigned long stat_interim_sent;
-extern unsigned long stat_interim_lost;
-int rad_check_nas_pack(struct rad_packet_t *pack);
-struct radius_pd_t *rad_find_session(const char *sessionid, const char *username, int port_id, in_addr_t ipaddr, const char *csid);
-struct radius_pd_t *rad_find_session_pack(struct rad_packet_t *pack);
-int rad_dict_load(const char *fname);
-void rad_dict_free(struct rad_dict_t *dict);
-struct rad_req_t *rad_req_alloc(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, int code, const char *username);
-int rad_req_acct_fill(struct rad_req_t *);
-void rad_req_free(struct rad_req_t *);
-int rad_req_send(struct rad_req_t *, int verbose);
-int rad_req_wait(struct rad_req_t *, int);
-struct radius_pd_t *find_pd(struct ppp_t *ppp);
-int rad_proc_attrs(struct rad_req_t *req);
-int rad_auth_pap(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args);
-int rad_auth_chap_md5(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args);
-int rad_auth_mschap_v1(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args);
-int rad_auth_mschap_v2(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, const char *username, va_list args);
-int rad_acct_start(struct radius_pd_t *rpd);
-void rad_acct_stop(struct radius_pd_t *rpd);
-struct rad_packet_t *rad_packet_alloc(int code);
-int rad_packet_build(struct rad_packet_t *pack, uint8_t *RA);
-int rad_packet_recv(int fd, struct rad_packet_t **, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-void rad_packet_free(struct rad_packet_t *);
-void rad_packet_print(struct rad_packet_t *pack, void (*print)(const char *fmt, ...));
-int rad_packet_send(struct rad_packet_t *pck, int fd, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-void dm_coa_cancel(struct radius_pd_t *pd);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/radius/req.c b/accel-pptpd/radius/req.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a384f236..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/radius/req.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "log.h"
-#include "radius_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int urandom_fd;
-static int rad_req_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h);
-static void rad_req_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t);
-struct rad_req_t *rad_req_alloc(struct radius_pd_t *rpd, int code, const char *username)
- struct rad_plugin_t *plugin;
- struct rad_req_t *req = _malloc(sizeof(*req));
- if (!req)
- return NULL;
- memset(req, 0, sizeof(*req));
- req->rpd = rpd;
- req->hnd.fd = -1;
- req->ctx.before_switch = log_switch;
- req->server_addr = conf_auth_server;
- req->server_port = conf_auth_server_port;
- while (1) {
- if (read(urandom_fd, req->RA, 16) != 16) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- log_ppp_error("radius:req:read urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- break;
- }
- req->pack = rad_packet_alloc(code);
- if (!req->pack)
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "User-Name", username))
- goto out_err;
- if (conf_nas_identifier)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "NAS-Identifier", conf_nas_identifier))
- goto out_err;
- if (conf_nas_ip_address)
- if (rad_packet_add_ipaddr(req->pack, NULL, "NAS-IP-Address", conf_nas_ip_address))
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "NAS-Port", rpd->ppp->unit_idx))
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_packet_add_val(req->pack, NULL, "NAS-Port-Type", "Virtual"))
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_packet_add_val(req->pack, NULL, "Service-Type", "Framed-User"))
- goto out_err;
- if (rad_packet_add_val(req->pack, NULL, "Framed-Protocol", "PPP"))
- goto out_err;
- if (rpd->ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "Calling-Station-Id", rpd->ppp->ctrl->calling_station_id))
- goto out_err;
- if (rpd->ppp->ctrl->called_station_id)
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "Called-Station-Id", rpd->ppp->ctrl->called_station_id))
- goto out_err;
- if (rpd->attr_class)
- if (rad_packet_add_octets(req->pack, NULL, "Class", rpd->attr_class, rpd->attr_class_len))
- goto out_err;
- list_for_each_entry(plugin, &req->rpd->plugin_list, entry) {
- switch (code) {
- if (plugin->send_access_request && plugin->send_access_request(plugin, req->pack))
- goto out_err;
- break;
- if (plugin->send_accounting_request && plugin->send_accounting_request(plugin, req->pack))
- goto out_err;
- break;
- }
- }
- return req;
- rad_req_free(req);
- return NULL;
-int rad_req_acct_fill(struct rad_req_t *req)
- req->server_addr = conf_acct_server;
- req->server_port = conf_acct_server_port;
- memset(req->RA, 0, sizeof(req->RA));
- if (rad_packet_add_val(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Status-Type", "Start"))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_val(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Authentic", "RADIUS"))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_str(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Id", req->rpd->ppp->sessionid))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Session-Time", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Octets", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Octets", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Packets", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Packets", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Input-Gigawords", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Output-Gigawords", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_int(req->pack, NULL, "Acct-Delay-Time", 0))
- return -1;
- if (rad_packet_add_ipaddr(req->pack, NULL, "Framed-IP-Address", req->rpd->ppp->peer_ipaddr))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-void rad_req_free(struct rad_req_t *req)
- if (req->hnd.fd >= 0 )
- close(req->hnd.fd);
- if (req->pack)
- rad_packet_free(req->pack);
- if (req->reply)
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- _free(req);
-static int make_socket(struct rad_req_t *req)
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- req->hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (req->hnd.fd < 0) {
- log_ppp_error("radius:socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
- addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- if (conf_bind) {
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = conf_bind;
- if (bind(req->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
- log_ppp_error("radius:bind: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- }
- addr.sin_addr.s_addr = req->server_addr;
- addr.sin_port = htons(req->server_port);
- if (connect(req->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
- log_ppp_error("radius:connect: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- if (fcntl(req->hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- log_ppp_error("radius: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- return 0;
- close(req->hnd.fd);
- req->hnd.fd = -1;
- return -1;
-int rad_req_send(struct rad_req_t *req, int verbose)
- if (req->hnd.fd == -1 && make_socket(req))
- return -1;
- if (!req->pack->buf && rad_packet_build(req->pack, req->RA))
- goto out_err;
- if (verbose) {
- log_ppp_info1("send ");
- rad_packet_print(req->pack, log_ppp_info1);
- }
- rad_packet_send(req->pack, req->hnd.fd, NULL);
- return 0;
- close(req->hnd.fd);
- req->hnd.fd = -1;
- return -1;
-static void req_wakeup(struct rad_req_t *req)
- struct triton_context_t *ctx = req->rpd->ppp->ctrl->ctx;
- triton_timer_del(&req->timeout);
- triton_md_unregister_handler(&req->hnd);
- triton_context_unregister(&req->ctx);
- triton_context_wakeup(ctx);
-static int rad_req_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h)
- struct rad_req_t *req = container_of(h, typeof(*req), hnd);
- struct rad_packet_t *pack;
- int r;
- while (1) {
- r = rad_packet_recv(h->fd, &pack, NULL);
- if (pack) {
- if (req->reply)
- rad_packet_free(req->reply);
- req->reply = pack;
- }
- if (r)
- break;
- }
- req_wakeup(req);
- return 1;
-static void rad_req_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct rad_req_t *req = container_of(t, typeof(*req), timeout);
- req_wakeup(req);
-int rad_req_wait(struct rad_req_t *req, int timeout)
- req-> = rad_req_read;
- req->timeout.expire = rad_req_timeout;
- triton_context_register(&req->ctx, req->rpd->ppp);
- triton_md_register_handler(&req->ctx, &req->hnd);
- triton_md_enable_handler(&req->hnd, MD_MODE_READ);
- req->timeout.period = timeout * 1000;
- triton_timer_add(&req->ctx, &req->timeout, 0);
- triton_context_wakeup(&req->ctx);
- triton_context_schedule();
- if (conf_verbose && req->reply) {
- log_ppp_info1("recv ");
- rad_packet_print(req->reply, log_ppp_info1);
- }
- return 0;
-void __init req_init(void)
- urandom_fd = open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY);
- if (!urandom_fd) {
- log_emerg("radius:req: open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- _exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
- }
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/CMakeLists.txt b/accel-pptpd/triton/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c6786d9..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- md.c
- timer.c
- triton.c
- conf_file.c
- loader.c
- log.c
- mempool.c
- event.c
- INCLUDE (CheckCSourceCompiles)
- #include <sys/syscall.h>
- int main()
- {
- syscall(SYS_timerfd_create);
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Your system is too old and is not supported by accel-pptp, sorry...")
- SET(sources_c ${sources_c} timerfd.c)
-ADD_LIBRARY(triton SHARED ${sources_c})
- LIBRARY DESTINATION lib/accel-pptp
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/conf_file.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/conf_file.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ce8549c9..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/conf_file.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-struct sect_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct conf_sect_t *sect;
-static pthread_mutex_t conf_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(sections);
-static char *conf_fname;
-static char* skip_space(char *str);
-static char* skip_word(char *str);
-static struct conf_sect_t *find_sect(const char *name);
-static struct conf_sect_t *create_sect(const char *name);
-static void sect_add_item(struct conf_sect_t *sect, const char *name, const char *val);
-static struct conf_option_t *find_item(struct conf_sect_t *, const char *name);
-static char *buf;
-int __conf_load(const char *fname, struct conf_sect_t *cur_sect)
- char *str,*str2;
- int cur_line = 0;
- FILE *f = fopen(fname, "r");
- if (!f) {
- perror("conf_file:open");
- return -1;
- }
- while(!feof(f)) {
- if (!fgets(buf, 1024, f))
- break;
- ++cur_line;
- if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')
- buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
- str = skip_space(buf);
- if (*str == '#' || *str == 0)
- continue;
- if (strncmp(str, "$include", 8) == 0) {
- str = skip_word(str);
- str = skip_space(str);
- if (__conf_load(str, cur_sect));
- break;
- continue;
- }
- if (*str == '[') {
- for (str2 = ++str; *str2 && *str2 != ']'; str2++);
- if (*str2 != ']') {
- fprintf(stderr, "conf_file:%s:%i: sintax error\n", fname, cur_line);
- return -1;
- }
- *str2 = 0;
- cur_sect = find_sect(str);
- if (!cur_sect)
- cur_sect = create_sect(str);
- continue;
- }
- if (!cur_sect) {
- fprintf(stderr, "conf_file:%s:%i: no section opened\n", fname, cur_line);
- return -1;
- }
- str2 = skip_word(str);
- if (*str2 == ' ') {
- *str2 = 0;
- ++str2;
- }
- str2 = skip_space(str2);
- if (*str2 == '=' || *str2 == ',') {
- *str2 = 0;
- str2 = skip_space(str2 + 1);
- if (*str2 && *(str2 + 1) && *str2 == '$' && *(str2 + 1) == '{') {
- char *s;
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- for (s = str2+2; *s && *s != '}'; s++);
- if (*s == '}') {
- *s = 0;
- str2 += 2;
- }
- opt = find_item(cur_sect, str2);
- if (!opt) {
- fprintf(stderr, "conf_file:%s:%i: parent option not found\n", fname, cur_line);
- return -1;
- }
- str2 = opt->val;
- }
- } else
- str2 = NULL;
- sect_add_item(cur_sect, str, str2);
- }
- fclose(f);
- return 0;
-int conf_load(const char *fname)
- int r;
- if (fname) {
- if (conf_fname)
- _free(conf_fname);
- conf_fname = _strdup(fname);
- } else
- fname = conf_fname;
- buf = _malloc(1024);
- r = __conf_load(fname, NULL);
- _free(buf);
- return r;
-int conf_reload(const char *fname)
- struct sect_t *sect;
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- int r;
- LIST_HEAD(sections_bak);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&conf_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&sections)) {
- sect = list_entry(, typeof(*sect), entry);
- list_del(&sect->entry);
- list_add_tail(&sect->entry, &sections_bak);
- }
- r = conf_load(fname);
- if (r) {
- while (!list_empty(&sections_bak)) {
- sect = list_entry(, typeof(*sect), entry);
- list_del(&sect->entry);
- list_add_tail(&sect->entry, &sections);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf_lock);
- } else {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&sections_bak)) {
- sect = list_entry(, typeof(*sect), entry);
- list_del(&sect->entry);
- while (!list_empty(&sect->sect->items)) {
- opt = list_entry(sect->sect->, typeof(*opt), entry);
- list_del(&opt->entry);
- if (opt->val)
- _free(opt->val);
- _free(opt->name);
- _free(opt);
- }
- _free((char *)sect->sect->name);
- _free(sect->sect);
- _free(sect);
- }
- }
- return r;
-static char* skip_space(char *str)
- for (; *str && *str == ' '; str++);
- return str;
-static char* skip_word(char *str)
- for (; *str && (*str != ' ' && *str != '='); str++);
- return str;
-static struct conf_sect_t *find_sect(const char *name)
- struct sect_t *s;
- list_for_each_entry(s, &sections, entry)
- if (strcmp(s->sect->name, name) == 0) return s->sect;
- return NULL;
-static struct conf_sect_t *create_sect(const char *name)
- struct sect_t *s = _malloc(sizeof(struct sect_t));
- s->sect = _malloc(sizeof(struct conf_sect_t));
- s->sect->name = (char*)_strdup(name);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->sect->items);
- list_add_tail(&s->entry, &sections);
- return s->sect;
-static void sect_add_item(struct conf_sect_t *sect, const char *name, const char *val)
- struct conf_option_t *opt = _malloc(sizeof(struct conf_option_t));
- opt->name = _strdup(name);
- opt->val = val ? _strdup(val) : NULL;
- list_add_tail(&opt->entry, &sect->items);
-static struct conf_option_t *find_item(struct conf_sect_t *sect, const char *name)
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &sect->items, entry) {
- if (strcmp(opt->name, name) == 0)
- return opt;
- }
- return NULL;
-__export struct conf_sect_t * conf_get_section(const char *name)
- return find_sect(name);
-__export char * conf_get_opt(const char *sect, const char *name)
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- struct conf_sect_t *s = conf_get_section(sect);
- if (!s)
- return NULL;
- opt = find_item(s, name);
- if (!opt)
- return NULL;
- return opt->val;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/event.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/event.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d45eca01..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/event.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static int max_events = 1024;
-static struct _triton_event_t **events;
-struct event_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- triton_event_func func;
-int event_init(void)
- events = malloc(max_events * sizeof(void *));
- if (!events) {
- fprintf(stderr,"event:cann't allocate memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- memset(events, 0, max_events * sizeof(void *));
- return 0;
-int __export triton_event_register_handler(int ev_id, triton_event_func func)
- struct _triton_event_t *ev;
- struct event_handler_t *h;
- if (ev_id >= max_events)
- return -1;
- ev = events[ev_id];
- if (!ev) {
- ev = malloc(sizeof(*ev));
- if (!ev) {
- triton_log_error("event: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ev->handlers);
- events[ev_id] = ev;
- }
- h = malloc(sizeof(*h));
- if (!h) {
- triton_log_error("event: out of memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- h->func = func;
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &ev->handlers);
- return 0;
-/*int triton_event_unregister_handler(int ev_id, triton_event_func func)
- struct _triton_event_t *ev;
- struct event_handler_t *h;
- if (ev_id >= max_events)
- return -1;
- ev = events[ev_id];
- if (!ev) {
- return -1;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(h, &ev->handlers, entry) {
- if (h->func == func) {
- if (ev->in_progress)
- h->func = NULL;
- else {
- list_del(&h->entry);
- _free(h);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-void __export triton_event_fire(int ev_id, void *arg)
- struct _triton_event_t *ev;
- struct event_handler_t *h;
- if (ev_id >= max_events)
- return;
- ev = events[ev_id];
- if (!ev)
- return;
- list_for_each_entry(h, &ev->handlers, entry)
- h->func(arg);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/list.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/list.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d95dd714..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LINUX_LIST_H
-#define _LINUX_LIST_H
-//#if defined(__KERNEL__) || defined(_LVM_H_INCLUDE)
-//#include <linux/prefetch.h>
- * Simple doubly linked list implementation.
- *
- * Some of the internal functions ("__xxx") are useful when
- * manipulating whole lists rather than single entries, as
- * sometimes we already know the next/prev entries and we can
- * generate better code by using them directly rather than
- * using the generic single-entry routines.
- */
-typedef struct list_head {
- struct list_head *next, *prev;
-} list_t;
-#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) }
-#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
- struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
-#define INIT_LIST_HEAD(ptr) do { \
- (ptr)->next = (ptr); (ptr)->prev = (ptr); \
-} while (0)
- * Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries.
- *
- * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
- * the prev/next entries already!
- */
-static void inline prefetch(void *p){}
-static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new,
- struct list_head *prev,
- struct list_head *next)
- next->prev = new;
- new->next = next;
- new->prev = prev;
- prev->next = new;
- * list_add - add a new entry
- * @new: new entry to be added
- * @head: list head to add it after
- *
- * Insert a new entry after the specified head.
- * This is good for implementing stacks.
- */
-static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)
- __list_add(new, head, head->next);
- * list_add_tail - add a new entry
- * @new: new entry to be added
- * @head: list head to add it before
- *
- * Insert a new entry before the specified head.
- * This is useful for implementing queues.
- */
-static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head)
- __list_add(new, head->prev, head);
- * Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries
- * point to each other.
- *
- * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know
- * the prev/next entries already!
- */
-static inline void __list_del(struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next)
- next->prev = prev;
- prev->next = next;
- * list_del - deletes entry from list.
- * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
- * Note: list_empty on entry does not return true after this, the entry is in an undefined state.
- */
-static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry)
- __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
- entry->next = (void *) 0;
- entry->prev = (void *) 0;
- * list_del_init - deletes entry from list and reinitialize it.
- * @entry: the element to delete from the list.
- */
-static inline void list_del_init(struct list_head *entry)
- __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(entry);
- * list_move - delete from one list and add as another's head
- * @list: the entry to move
- * @head: the head that will precede our entry
- */
-static inline void list_move(struct list_head *list, struct list_head *head)
- __list_del(list->prev, list->next);
- list_add(list, head);
- * list_move_tail - delete from one list and add as another's tail
- * @list: the entry to move
- * @head: the head that will follow our entry
- */
-static inline void list_move_tail(struct list_head *list,
- struct list_head *head)
- __list_del(list->prev, list->next);
- list_add_tail(list, head);
- * list_empty - tests whether a list is empty
- * @head: the list to test.
- */
-static inline int list_empty(struct list_head *head)
- return head->next == head;
-static inline void __list_splice(struct list_head *list,
- struct list_head *head)
- struct list_head *first = list->next;
- struct list_head *last = list->prev;
- struct list_head *at = head->next;
- first->prev = head;
- head->next = first;
- last->next = at;
- at->prev = last;
- * list_splice - join two lists
- * @list: the new list to add.
- * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
- */
-static inline void list_splice(struct list_head *list, struct list_head *head)
- if (!list_empty(list))
- __list_splice(list, head);
- * list_splice_init - join two lists and reinitialise the emptied list.
- * @list: the new list to add.
- * @head: the place to add it in the first list.
- *
- * The list at @list is reinitialised
- */
-static inline void list_splice_init(struct list_head *list,
- struct list_head *head)
- if (!list_empty(list)) {
- __list_splice(list, head);
- }
- * list_entry - get the struct for this entry
- * @ptr: the &struct list_head pointer.
- * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in.
- * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct.
- */
-#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
- ((type *)((char *)(ptr)-(unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))
- * list_for_each - iterate over a list
- * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
- * @head: the head for your list.
- */
-#define list_for_each(pos, head) \
- for (pos = (head)->next, prefetch(pos->next); pos != (head); \
- pos = pos->next, prefetch(pos->next))
- * __list_for_each - iterate over a list
- * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
- * @head: the head for your list.
- *
- * This variant differs from list_for_each() in that it's the
- * simplest possible list iteration code, no prefetching is done.
- * Use this for code that knows the list to be very short (empty
- * or 1 entry) most of the time.
- */
-#define __list_for_each(pos, head) \
- for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)
- * list_for_each_prev - iterate over a list backwards
- * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
- * @head: the head for your list.
- */
-#define list_for_each_prev(pos, head) \
- for (pos = (head)->prev, prefetch(pos->prev); pos != (head); \
- pos = pos->prev, prefetch(pos->prev))
- * list_for_each_safe - iterate over a list safe against removal of list entry
- * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
- * @n: another &struct list_head to use as temporary storage
- * @head: the head for your list.
- */
-#define list_for_each_safe(pos, n, head) \
- for (pos = (head)->next, n = pos->next; pos != (head); \
- pos = n, n = pos->next)
- * list_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type
- * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter.
- * @head: the head for your list.
- * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct.
- */
-#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \
- for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member), \
- prefetch(pos->; \
- &pos->member != (head); \
- pos = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member), \
- prefetch(pos->
-//#endif /* __KERNEL__ || _LVM_H_INCLUDE */
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/loader.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/loader.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a2a2e2f..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/loader.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-int load_modules(const char *name)
- struct conf_sect_t *sect;
- struct conf_option_t *opt;
- char *fname;
- char *path = MODULE_PATH;
- sect = conf_get_section(name);
- if (!sect) {
- fprintf(stderr, "loader: section '%s' not found\n", name);
- return -1;
- }
- fname = _malloc(PATH_MAX);
- list_for_each_entry(opt, &sect->items, entry) {
- if (!strcmp(opt->name,"path") && opt->val) {
- path = opt->val;
- continue;
- }
- strcpy(fname, path);
- strcat(fname, "/");
- strcat(fname, opt->name);
- if (access(fname, F_OK)) {
- strcpy(fname, path);
- strcat(fname, "/lib");
- strcat(fname, opt->name);
- strcat(fname, ".so");
- if (access(fname, F_OK)) {
- strcpy(fname, opt->name);
- if (access(opt->name, F_OK)) {
- triton_log_error("loader: '%s' not found\n", opt->name);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!dlopen(fname, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL)) {
- triton_log_error("loader: failed to load '%s': %s\n", opt->name, dlerror());
- _free(fname);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- _free(fname);
- return 0;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/log.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/log.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e6b7fe..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/log.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static FILE *f_error;
-static FILE *f_debug;
-static pthread_mutex_t lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-int log_init(void)
- char *log_error = conf_get_opt("core","log-error");
- char *log_debug = conf_get_opt("core","log-debug");
- if (log_error) {
- f_error = fopen(log_error, "a");
- if (!f_error) {
- perror("log:log_error:open");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (log_debug) {
- f_debug = fopen(log_debug, "a");
- if (!f_debug) {
- perror("log:log_debug:open");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void do_log(FILE *f, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
- struct timeval tv;
- struct tm tm;
- char date[64];
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm);
- strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%F %H:%M:%S", &tm);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&lock);
- fprintf(f, "[%s.%i]", date, (int)tv.tv_usec / 1000);
- vfprintf(f, fmt,ap);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock);
- fflush(f);
-void triton_log_error(const char *fmt,...)
- va_list ap;
- if (!f_error)
- return;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(f_error, fmt, ap);
-void triton_log_debug(const char *fmt,...)
- va_list ap;
- if (!f_debug)
- return;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- do_log(f_debug, fmt, ap);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/md.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/md.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 84073d05..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/md.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-extern int max_events;
-static int epoll_fd;
-static struct epoll_event *epoll_events;
-static pthread_t md_thr;
-static void *md_thread(void *arg);
-static mempool_t *md_pool;
-static pthread_mutex_t freed_list_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(freed_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(freed_list2);
-int md_init(void)
- epoll_fd = epoll_create(1);
- if (epoll_fd < 0) {
- perror("md:epoll_create");
- return -1;
- }
- epoll_events = _malloc(max_events * sizeof(struct epoll_event));
- if (!epoll_events) {
- fprintf(stderr,"md:cann't allocate memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- md_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct _triton_md_handler_t));
- return 0;
-void md_run(void)
- if (pthread_create(&md_thr, NULL, md_thread, NULL)) {
- triton_log_error("md:pthread_create: %s", strerror(errno));
- _exit(-1);
- }
-void md_terminate(void)
- pthread_cancel(md_thr);
- pthread_join(md_thr, NULL);
-static void *md_thread(void *arg)
- int i,n,r;
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h;
- sigset_t set;
- sigfillset(&set);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSTOP);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
- while(1) {
- n = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, epoll_events, max_events, -1);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- triton_log_error("md:epoll_wait: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- _exit(-1);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- h = (struct _triton_md_handler_t *)epoll_events[i].data.ptr;
- if (!h->ud)
- continue;
- spin_lock(&h->ctx->lock);
- if (h->ud) {
- h->trig_epoll_events |= epoll_events[i].events;
- if (!h->pending) {
- list_add_tail(&h->entry2, &h->ctx->pending_handlers);
- h->pending = 1;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.md_handler_pending, 1);
- r = triton_queue_ctx(h->ctx);
- } else
- r = 0;
- } else
- r = 0;
- spin_unlock(&h->ctx->lock);
- if (r)
- triton_thread_wakeup(h->ctx->thread);
- }
- while (!list_empty(&freed_list2)) {
- h = list_entry(, typeof(*h), entry);
- list_del(&h->entry);
- mempool_free(h);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&freed_list_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&freed_list)) {
- h = list_entry(, typeof(*h), entry);
- list_del(&h->entry);
- list_add(&h->entry, &freed_list2);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&freed_list_lock);
- }
- return NULL;
-void __export triton_md_register_handler(struct triton_context_t *ctx, struct triton_md_handler_t *ud)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h = mempool_alloc(md_pool);
- memset(h, 0, sizeof(*h));
- h->ud = ud;
- h-> = h;
- if (ctx)
- h->ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ctx->tpd;
- else
- h->ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)default_ctx.tpd;
- ud->tpd = h;
- spin_lock(&h->ctx->lock);
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &h->ctx->handlers);
- spin_unlock(&h->ctx->lock);
- triton_stat.md_handler_count++;
-void __export triton_md_unregister_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *ud)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h = (struct _triton_md_handler_t *)ud->tpd;
- triton_md_disable_handler(ud, MD_MODE_READ | MD_MODE_WRITE);
- spin_lock(&h->ctx->lock);
- h->ud = NULL;
- list_del(&h->entry);
- if (h->pending) {
- list_del(&h->entry2);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.md_handler_pending, 1);
- }
- spin_unlock(&h->ctx->lock);
- sched_yield();
- pthread_mutex_lock(&freed_list_lock);
- list_add_tail(&h->entry, &freed_list);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&freed_list_lock);
- triton_stat.md_handler_count--;
-int __export triton_md_enable_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *ud, int mode)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h = (struct _triton_md_handler_t *)ud->tpd;
- int r;
- int events = h->;
- if (mode & MD_MODE_READ)
- h-> |= EPOLLIN;
- if (mode & MD_MODE_WRITE)
- h-> |= EPOLLOUT;
- if (!h->trig_level)
- h-> |= EPOLLET;
- if (events)
- r = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, h->ud->fd, &h->epoll_event);
- else
- r = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, h->ud->fd, &h->epoll_event);
- if (r) {
- triton_log_error("md:epoll_ctl: %s\n",strerror(errno));
- abort();
- }
- return r;
-int __export triton_md_disable_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *ud,int mode)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h = (struct _triton_md_handler_t *)ud->tpd;
- int r=0;
- if (!h->
- return -1;
- if (mode & MD_MODE_READ)
- h-> &= ~EPOLLIN;
- if (mode & MD_MODE_WRITE)
- h-> &= ~EPOLLOUT;
- if (h-> & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT))
- r = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, h->ud->fd, &h->epoll_event);
- else {
- h-> = 0;
- r = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, h->ud->fd, NULL);
- }
- if (r) {
- triton_log_error("md:epoll_ctl: %s\n",strerror(errno));
- abort();
- }
- return r;
-void __export triton_md_set_trig(struct triton_md_handler_t *ud, int mode)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h = (struct _triton_md_handler_t *)ud->tpd;
- h->trig_level = mode;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 855e22e8..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <linux/mman.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-#ifdef VALGRIND
-#include <valgrind/memcheck.h>
-#define DELAY 5
-#define MAGIC1 0x2233445566778899llu
-struct _mempool_t
- struct list_head entry;
- int size;
- struct list_head items;
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
- struct list_head ditems;
- spinlock_t lock;
- uint64_t magic;
- int mmap:1;
-struct _item_t
- struct list_head entry;
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- time_t timestamp;
- struct _mempool_t *owner;
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
- const char *fname;
- int line;
- uint64_t magic2;
- uint64_t magic1;
- char ptr[0];
-static LIST_HEAD(pools);
-static spinlock_t pools_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-mempool_t __export *mempool_create(int size)
- struct _mempool_t *p = _malloc(sizeof(*p));
- memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->items);
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->ditems);
- spinlock_init(&p->lock);
- p->size = size;
- p->magic = (uint64_t)random() * (uint64_t)random();
- spin_lock(&pools_lock);
- list_add_tail(&p->entry, &pools);
- spin_unlock(&pools_lock);
- return (mempool_t *)p;
-mempool_t __export *mempool_create2(int size)
- struct _mempool_t *p = (struct _mempool_t *)mempool_create(size);
- p->mmap = 1;
- return (mempool_t *)p;
-#ifndef MEMDEBUG
-void __export *mempool_alloc(mempool_t *pool)
- struct _mempool_t *p = (struct _mempool_t *)pool;
- struct _item_t *it;
- uint32_t size = sizeof(*it) + p->size + 8;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- if (!list_empty(&p->items)) {
- it = list_entry(p->, typeof(*it), entry);
- list_del(&it->entry);
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size);
- it->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- return it->ptr;
- }
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- if (p->mmap)
- it = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON | MAP_32BIT, -1, 0);
- else
- it = _malloc(size);
- if (!it) {
- triton_log_error("mempool: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- it->owner = p;
- it->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- it->magic2 = p->magic;
- *(uint64_t*)(it->data + p->size) = it->magic2;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_allocated, size);
- return it->ptr;
-void __export *mempool_alloc_md(mempool_t *pool, const char *fname, int line)
- struct _mempool_t *p = (struct _mempool_t *)pool;
- struct _item_t *it;
- uint32_t size = sizeof(*it) + p->size + 8;
- int i, n;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- if (!list_empty(&p->items)) {
- it = list_entry(p->, typeof(*it), entry);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- if (it->timestamp + DELAY < time(NULL)) {
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&it->owner, size - sizeof(it->entry) - sizeof(it->timestamp));
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(it->ptr, p->size);
- list_del(&it->entry);
- list_add(&it->entry, &p->ditems);
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- it->fname = fname;
- it->line = line;
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size);
- it->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- return it->ptr;
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- }
- }
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- if (p->mmap) {
- n = (sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) - 1) / size + 1;
- it = mmap(NULL, n * size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON | MAP_32BIT, -1, 0);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_allocated, size * (n - 1));
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size * (n - 1));
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++, it) {
- it->owner = p;
- it->magic2 = p->magic;
- it->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- *(uint64_t*)(it->ptr + p->size) = it->magic2;
- list_add_tail(&it->entry,&p->items);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- it->timestamp = 0;
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(&it->owner, size - sizeof(it->entry) - sizeof(it->timestamp));
- it = (struct _item_t *)((char *)it + size);
- }
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- } else
- it = md_malloc(size, fname, line);
- if (!it) {
- triton_log_error("mempool: out of memory\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- it->owner = p;
- it->magic2 = p->magic;
- it->magic1 = MAGIC1;
- it->fname = fname;
- it->line = line;
- *(uint64_t*)(it->ptr + p->size) = it->magic2;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- list_add(&it->entry, &p->ditems);
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_allocated, size);
- return it->ptr;
-void __export mempool_free(void *ptr)
- struct _item_t *it = container_of(ptr, typeof(*it), ptr);
- struct _mempool_t *p = it->owner;
- uint32_t size = sizeof(*it) + it->owner->size + 8;
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
- if (it->magic1 != MAGIC1) {
- triton_log_error("mempool: memory corruption detected");
- abort();
- }
- if (it->magic2 != it->owner->magic) {
- triton_log_error("mempool: memory corruption detected");
- abort();
- }
- if (it->magic2 != *(uint64_t*)(it->ptr + it->owner->size)) {
- triton_log_error("mempool: memory corruption detected");
- abort();
- }
- it->magic1 = 0;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
- list_del(&it->entry);
- list_add_tail(&it->entry,&it->owner->items);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- time(&it->timestamp);
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(&it->owner, size - sizeof(it->entry) - sizeof(it->timestamp));
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- if (it->owner->mmap)
- munmap(it, size);
- else
- _free(it);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size);
-void __export mempool_clean(mempool_t *pool)
- struct _mempool_t *p = (struct _mempool_t *)pool;
- struct _item_t *it;
- uint32_t size = sizeof(*it) + p->size + 8;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- while (!list_empty(&p->items)) {
- it = list_entry(p->, typeof(*it), entry);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- if (it->timestamp + DELAY < time(NULL)) {
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&it->owner, size - sizeof(it->entry) - sizeof(it->timestamp));
- list_del(&it->entry);
- if (p->mmap)
- munmap(it, size);
- else
- _free(it);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_allocated, size);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- } else
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
-void __export mempool_show(mempool_t *pool)
- struct _mempool_t *p = (struct _mempool_t *)pool;
- struct _item_t *it;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- list_for_each_entry(it, &p->ditems, entry)
- triton_log_error("%s:%i %p\n", it->fname, it->line, it->ptr);
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
-void sigclean(int num)
- struct _mempool_t *p;
- struct _item_t *it;
- uint32_t size;
- triton_log_error("mempool: clean\n");
- spin_lock(&pools_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(p, &pools, entry) {
- if (p->mmap)
- continue;
- size = sizeof(*it) + p->size + 8;
- spin_lock(&p->lock);
- while (!list_empty(&p->items)) {
- it = list_entry(p->, typeof(*it), entry);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- if (it->timestamp + DELAY < time(NULL)) {
- VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_DEFINED(&it->owner, size - sizeof(it->entry) - sizeof(it->timestamp));
- list_del(&it->entry);
- _free(it);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_allocated, size);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.mempool_available, size);
-#ifdef VALGRIND
- } else
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&p->lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&pools_lock);
-static void __init init(void)
- sigset_t set;
- sigfillset(&set);
- struct sigaction sa = {
- .sa_handler = sigclean,
- .sa_mask = set,
- };
- sigaction(35, &sa, NULL);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb3e712..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/mempool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdint.h>
-struct mempool_stat_t
- uint32_t allocated;
- uint32_t available;
-typedef void * mempool_t;
-mempool_t *mempool_create(int size);
-mempool_t *mempool_create2(int size);
-void mempool_free(void*);
-struct mempool_stat_t mempool_get_stat(void);
-#ifdef MEMDEBUG
-void *mempool_alloc_md(mempool_t*, const char *fname, int line);
-#define mempool_alloc(pool) mempool_alloc_md(pool, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-void *mempool_alloc(mempool_t*);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/options.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/options.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a5214e21..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/options.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "conf_file.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-static struct conf_file_sect_t *sect=NULL;
-static const char* find_option(const char *name)
- struct option_t *opt;
- if (!sect)
- {
- sect=conf_file_get_section("options");
- if (!sect) return 0;
- }
- list_for_each_entry(opt,&sect->items,entry)
- {
- if (strcmp(opt->name,name)==0)
- return opt->val;
- }
- return NULL;
-int triton_get_int_option(const char *str)
- const char *val=find_option(str);
- if (!val) return 0;
- return atoi(val);
-const char* triton_get_str_option(const char *str)
- const char *val=find_option(str);
- return val;
-double triton_get_double_option(const char *str)
- const char *val=find_option(str);
- if (!val) return 0;
- return atof(val);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/spinlock.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/spinlock.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8dcf44..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/spinlock.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(FUTEX_SPINLOCK)
-/*#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <linux/futex.h>
-typedef volatile int __attribute__((aligned)) spinlock_t;
-static inline void _spin_lock(spinlock_t *l)
- syscall(SYS_futex, l, FUTEX_WAIT, r, NULL, NULL, 0);
-static inline void _spin_unlock(spinlock_t *l)
- syscall(SYS_futex, l, FUTEX_WAKE, 2, NULL, NULL, 0);
-#define spin_lock(l) _spin_lock(l)
-#define spin_unlock(l) _spin_unlock(l)
-#define spinlock_init(l) {*(l)=1;}*/
-#elif defined(GCC_SPINLOCK)
-typedef volatile int __attribute__((aligned)) spinlock_t;
-#define spin_lock(l) {while(__sync_lock_test_and_set(l,1));}
-#define spin_unlock(l) __sync_lock_release(l)
-#define spinlock_init(l) {*(l)=0;}
-#include <pthread.h>
-typedef pthread_mutex_t spinlock_t;
-#define spin_lock(l) pthread_mutex_lock(l)
-#define spin_unlock(l) pthread_mutex_unlock(l)
-#define spinlock_init(l) pthread_mutex_init(l,NULL)
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/timer.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/timer.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e419e938..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/timer.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/epoll.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <sys/timerfd.h>
-#include "timerfd.h"
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-extern int max_events;
-static int epoll_fd;
-static struct epoll_event *epoll_events;
-static pthread_t timer_thr;
-static void *timer_thread(void *arg);
-static mempool_t *timer_pool;
-static pthread_mutex_t freed_list_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(freed_list);
-static LIST_HEAD(freed_list2);
-int timer_init(void)
- epoll_fd = epoll_create(1);
- if (epoll_fd < 0) {
- perror("timer:epoll_create");
- return -1;
- }
- epoll_events = _malloc(max_events * sizeof(struct epoll_event));
- if (!epoll_events) {
- fprintf(stderr,"timer:cann't allocate memory\n");
- return -1;
- }
- timer_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct _triton_timer_t));
- return 0;
-void timer_run(void)
- if (pthread_create(&timer_thr, NULL, timer_thread, NULL)) {
- triton_log_error("timer:pthread_create: %s",strerror(errno));
- _exit(-1);
- }
-void timer_terminate(void)
- pthread_cancel(timer_thr);
- pthread_join(timer_thr, NULL);
-void *timer_thread(void *arg)
- int i,n,r;
- struct _triton_timer_t *t;
- sigset_t set;
- sigfillset(&set);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSTOP);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
- while(1) {
- n = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, epoll_events, max_events, -1);
- if (n < 0) {
- if (errno == EINTR)
- continue;
- triton_log_error("timer:epoll_wait: %s", strerror(errno));
- _exit(-1);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- t = (struct _triton_timer_t *)epoll_events[i].data.ptr;
- if (!t->ud)
- continue;
- spin_lock(&t->ctx->lock);
- if (t->ud) {
- if (!t->pending) {
- list_add_tail(&t->entry2, &t->ctx->pending_timers);
- t->pending = 1;
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.timer_pending, 1);
- r = triton_queue_ctx(t->ctx);
- } else
- r = 0;
- } else
- r = 0;
- spin_unlock(&t->ctx->lock);
- if (r)
- triton_thread_wakeup(t->ctx->thread);
- }
- while (!list_empty(&freed_list2)) {
- t = list_entry(, typeof(*t), entry);
- list_del(&t->entry);
- mempool_free(t);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&freed_list_lock);
- while (!list_empty(&freed_list)) {
- t = list_entry(, typeof(*t), entry);
- list_del(&t->entry);
- list_add(&t->entry, &freed_list2);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&freed_list_lock);
- }
- return NULL;
-int __export triton_timer_add(struct triton_context_t *ctx, struct triton_timer_t *ud, int abs_time)
- struct _triton_timer_t *t = mempool_alloc(timer_pool);
- memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t));
- t->ud = ud;
- t-> = t;
- if (ctx)
- t->ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ctx->tpd;
- else
- t->ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)default_ctx.tpd;
- t->fd = timerfd_create(abs_time ? CLOCK_REALTIME : CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
- if (t->fd < 0) {
- triton_log_error("timer:timerfd_create: %s", strerror(errno));
- mempool_free(t);
- return -1;
- }
- if (fcntl(t->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) {
- triton_log_error("timer: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- goto out_err;
- }
- ud->tpd = t;
- if (triton_timer_mod(ud, abs_time))
- goto out_err;
- spin_lock(&t->ctx->lock);
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &t->ctx->timers);
- spin_unlock(&t->ctx->lock);
- if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, t->fd, &t->epoll_event)) {
- triton_log_error("timer:epoll_ctl: %s", strerror(errno));
- spin_lock(&t->ctx->lock);
- t->ud = NULL;
- list_del(&t->entry);
- spin_unlock(&t->ctx->lock);
- goto out_err;
- }
- triton_stat.timer_count++;
- return 0;
- ud->tpd = NULL;
- close(t->fd);
- mempool_free(t);
- return -1;
-int __export triton_timer_mod(struct triton_timer_t *ud,int abs_time)
- struct _triton_timer_t *t = (struct _triton_timer_t *)ud->tpd;
- struct itimerspec ts = {
- .it_value.tv_sec = ud->expire_tv.tv_sec,
- .it_value.tv_nsec = ud->expire_tv.tv_usec * 1000,
- .it_interval.tv_sec = ud->period / 1000,
- .it_interval.tv_nsec = (ud->period % 1000) * 1000,
- };
- if (ud->expire_tv.tv_sec == 0 && ud->expire_tv.tv_usec == 0)
- ts.it_value = ts.it_interval;
- if (timerfd_settime(t->fd, abs_time ? TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME : 0, &ts, NULL)) {
- triton_log_error("timer:timerfd_settime: %s", strerror(errno));
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-void __export triton_timer_del(struct triton_timer_t *ud)
- struct _triton_timer_t *t = (struct _triton_timer_t *)ud->tpd;
- epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, t->fd, &t->epoll_event);
- close(t->fd);
- spin_lock(&t->ctx->lock);
- t->ud = NULL;
- list_del(&t->entry);
- if (t->pending) {
- list_del(&t->entry2);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.timer_pending, 1);
- }
- spin_unlock(&t->ctx->lock);
- sched_yield();
- pthread_mutex_lock(&freed_list_lock);
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &freed_list);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&freed_list_lock);
- ud->tpd = NULL;
- triton_stat.timer_count--;
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b026258f..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include "timerfd.h"
-int timerfd_create (clockid_t __clock_id, int __flags)
- return syscall(SYS_timerfd_create, __clock_id, __flags);
-int timerfd_settime (int __ufd, int __flags,
- __const struct itimerspec *__utmr,
- struct itimerspec *__otmr)
- return syscall(SYS_timerfd_settime, __ufd, __flags, __utmr, __otmr);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1bb06f5..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/timerfd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307 USA. */
-#ifndef _SYS_TIMERFD_H
-#define _SYS_TIMERFD_H 1
-#include <time.h>
-/* Bits to be set in the FLAGS parameter of `timerfd_create'. */
- {
- TFD_CLOEXEC = 02000000,
- TFD_NONBLOCK = 04000
- };
-/* Bits to be set in the FLAGS parameter of `timerfd_settime'. */
- {
- };
-/* Return file descriptor for new interval timer source. */
-extern int timerfd_create (clockid_t __clock_id, int __flags) __THROW;
-/* Set next expiration time of interval timer source UFD to UTMR. If
- FLAGS has the TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME flag set the timeout value is
- absolute. Optionally return the old expiration time in OTMR. */
-extern int timerfd_settime (int __ufd, int __flags,
- __const struct itimerspec *__utmr,
- struct itimerspec *__otmr) __THROW;
-/* Return the next expiration time of UFD. */
-extern int timerfd_gettime (int __ufd, struct itimerspec *__otmr) __THROW;
-#endif /* sys/timerfd.h */
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.c b/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 00dfcf6e..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include "triton_p.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-int thread_count = 2;
-int max_events = 64;
-static spinlock_t threads_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(threads);
-static LIST_HEAD(sleep_threads);
-static LIST_HEAD(ctx_queue);
-static spinlock_t ctx_list_lock = SPINLOCK_INITIALIZER;
-static LIST_HEAD(ctx_list);
-static int terminate;
-static int need_terminate;
-static int need_config_reload;
-static void (*config_reload_notify)(int);
-static mempool_t *ctx_pool;
-static mempool_t *call_pool;
-struct triton_stat_t __export triton_stat;
-static struct timeval ru_utime;
-static struct timeval ru_stime;
-static struct timespec ru_timestamp;
-static int ru_refs;
-static void ru_update(struct triton_timer_t *);
-static struct triton_timer_t ru_timer = {
- .period = 1000,
- .expire = ru_update,
-struct triton_context_t default_ctx;
-static struct triton_context_t __thread *this_ctx;
-#define log_debug2(fmt, ...)
-void triton_thread_wakeup(struct _triton_thread_t *thread)
- log_debug2("wake up thread %p\n", thread);
- pthread_kill(thread->thread, SIGUSR1);
-static void __config_reload(void (*notify)(int))
- struct _triton_thread_t *t;
- int r;
- log_debug2("config_reload: enter\n");
- r = conf_reload(NULL);
- notify(r);
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- need_config_reload = 0;
- list_for_each_entry(t, &threads, entry)
- triton_thread_wakeup(t);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- log_debug2("config_reload: exit\n");
-static void ctx_thread(struct _triton_context_t *ctx);
-static void* triton_thread(struct _triton_thread_t *thread)
- sigset_t set;
- int sig;
- sigfillset(&set);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&set, SIGSTOP);
- pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
- sigemptyset(&set);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR1);
- sigaddset(&set, SIGQUIT);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->sleep_lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->sleep_lock);
- while (1) {
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- if (!list_empty(&ctx_queue) && !need_config_reload) {
- thread->ctx = list_entry(, typeof(*thread->ctx), entry2);
- log_debug2("thread: %p: dequeued ctx %p\n", thread, thread->ctx);
- list_del(&thread->ctx->entry2);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- spin_lock(&thread->ctx->lock);
- thread->ctx->thread = thread;
- thread->ctx->queued = 0;
- spin_unlock(&thread->ctx->lock);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_pending, 1);
- } else {
- if (triton_stat.thread_count > thread_count + triton_stat.context_sleeping) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_count, 1);
- list_del(&thread->entry);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- pthread_detach(pthread_self());
- log_debug2("thread: %p: exit\n", thread);
- _free(thread);
- return NULL;
- }
- log_debug2("thread: %p: sleeping\n", thread);
- if (!terminate)
- list_add(&thread->entry2, &sleep_threads);
- if (__sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1) == 0 && need_config_reload) {
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- __config_reload(config_reload_notify);
- } else
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- if (terminate)
- return NULL;
- //printf("thread %p: enter sigwait\n", thread);
- sigwait(&set, &sig);
- //printf("thread %p: exit sigwait\n", thread);
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1);
- if (!thread->ctx) {
- list_del(&thread->entry2);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- continue;
- }
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- }
- log_debug2("thread %p: ctx=%p %p\n", thread, thread->ctx, thread->ctx ? thread->ctx->thread : NULL);
- this_ctx = thread->ctx->ud;
- if (thread->ctx->ud->before_switch)
- thread->ctx->ud->before_switch(thread->ctx->ud, thread->ctx->bf_arg);
- log_debug2("thread %p: switch to %p\n", thread, thread->ctx);
- ctx_thread(thread->ctx);
- log_debug2("thread %p: switch from %p %p\n", thread, thread->ctx, thread->ctx->thread);
- spin_lock(&thread->ctx->lock);
- if (thread->ctx->pending) {
- spin_unlock(&thread->ctx->lock);
- goto cont;
- }
- thread->ctx->thread = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&thread->ctx->lock);
- if (thread->ctx->need_free) {
- log_debug2("- context %p removed\n", thread->ctx);
- mempool_free(thread->ctx);
- }
- thread->ctx = NULL;
- }
-static void ctx_thread(struct _triton_context_t *ctx)
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h;
- struct _triton_timer_t *t;
- struct _triton_ctx_call_t *call;
- uint64_t tt;
- log_debug2("ctx %p %p: enter\n", ctx, ctx->thread);
- if (ctx->need_close) {
- if (ctx->ud->close)
- ctx->ud->close(ctx->ud);
- ctx->need_close = 0;
- }
- while (1) {
- spin_lock(&ctx->lock);
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_timers)) {
- t = list_entry(ctx->, typeof(*t), entry2);
- list_del(&t->entry2);
- t->pending = 0;
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.timer_pending, 1);
- read(t->fd, &tt, sizeof(tt));
- t->ud->expire(t->ud);
- continue;
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_handlers)) {
- h = list_entry(ctx->, typeof(*h), entry2);
- list_del(&h->entry2);
- h->pending = 0;
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.md_handler_pending, 1);
- if (h->trig_epoll_events & (EPOLLIN | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP))
- if (h->ud && h->ud->read)
- if (h->ud->read(h->ud))
- continue;
- if (h->trig_epoll_events & (EPOLLOUT | EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP))
- if (h->ud && h->ud->write)
- if (h->ud->write(h->ud))
- continue;
- h->trig_epoll_events = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_calls)) {
- call = list_entry(ctx->, typeof(*call), entry);
- list_del(&call->entry);
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- call->func(call->arg);
- mempool_free(call);
- continue;
- }
- ctx->pending = 0;
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- break;
- }
- log_debug2("ctx %p %p: exit\n", ctx, ctx->thread);
-struct _triton_thread_t *create_thread()
- struct _triton_thread_t *thread = _malloc(sizeof(*thread));
- if (!thread)
- return NULL;
- memset(thread, 0, sizeof(*thread));
- pthread_mutex_init(&thread->sleep_lock, NULL);
- pthread_cond_init(&thread->sleep_cond, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->sleep_lock);
- if (pthread_create(&thread->thread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*))triton_thread, thread)) {
- triton_log_error("pthread_create: %s", strerror(errno));
- return NULL;
- }
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_count, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1);
- return thread;
-int triton_queue_ctx(struct _triton_context_t *ctx)
- ctx->pending = 1;
- if (ctx->thread || ctx->queued || ctx->init)
- return 0;
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- if (list_empty(&sleep_threads) || need_config_reload) {
- if (ctx->priority)
- list_add(&ctx->entry2, &ctx_queue);
- else
- list_add_tail(&ctx->entry2, &ctx_queue);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- ctx->queued = 1;
- log_debug2("ctx %p: queued\n", ctx);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_pending, 1);
- return 0;
- }
- ctx->thread = list_entry(, typeof(*ctx->thread), entry2);
- ctx->thread->ctx = ctx;
- log_debug2("ctx %p: assigned to thread %p\n", ctx, ctx->thread);
- list_del(&ctx->thread->entry2);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- return 1;
-int __export triton_context_register(struct triton_context_t *ud, void *bf_arg)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = mempool_alloc(ctx_pool);
- log_debug2("ctx %p: register\n", ctx);
- if (!ctx)
- return -1;
- memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx));
- ctx->ud = ud;
- ctx->bf_arg = bf_arg;
- ctx->init = 1;
- spinlock_init(&ctx->lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->handlers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->timers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->pending_handlers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->pending_timers);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->pending_calls);
- ud->tpd = ctx;
- spin_lock(&ctx_list_lock);
- list_add_tail(&ctx->entry, &ctx_list);
- spin_unlock(&ctx_list_lock);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_sleeping, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_count, 1);
- return 0;
-void __export triton_context_unregister(struct triton_context_t *ud)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ud->tpd;
- struct _triton_ctx_call_t *call;
- struct _triton_thread_t *t;
- log_debug2("ctx %p: unregister\n", ctx);
- while (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_calls)) {
- call = list_entry(ctx->, typeof(*call), entry);
- list_del(&call->entry);
- mempool_free(call);
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->handlers)) {
- triton_log_error("BUG:ctx:triton_unregister_ctx: handlers is not empty");
- {
- struct _triton_md_handler_t *h;
- list_for_each_entry(h, &ctx->handlers, entry)
- if (h->ud)
- printf("%p\n", h->ud);
- }
- abort();
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_handlers)) {
- triton_log_error("BUG:ctx:triton_unregister_ctx: pending_handlers is not empty");
- abort();
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->timers)) {
- triton_log_error("BUG:ctx:triton_unregister_ctx: timers is not empty");
- abort();
- }
- if (!list_empty(&ctx->pending_timers)) {
- triton_log_error("BUG:ctx:triton_unregister_ctx: pending_timers is not empty");
- abort();
- }
- ctx->need_free = 1;
- spin_lock(&ctx_list_lock);
- list_del(&ctx->entry);
- if (__sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_count, 1) == 1) {
- if (need_terminate)
- terminate = 1;
- }
- spin_unlock(&ctx_list_lock);
- if (terminate) {
- list_for_each_entry(t, &threads, entry)
- triton_thread_wakeup(t);
- }
-void __export triton_context_set_priority(struct triton_context_t *ud, int prio)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ud->tpd;
- ctx->priority = prio > 0;
-void __export triton_context_schedule()
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)this_ctx->tpd;
- struct _triton_thread_t *t = NULL;
- log_debug2("ctx %p: enter schedule\n", ctx);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_sleeping, 1);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->thread->sleep_lock);
- while (1) {
- if (ctx->wakeup) {
- ctx->wakeup = 0;
- break;
- } else {
- if (!t && triton_stat.thread_count <= thread_count + triton_stat.context_sleeping) {
- t = create_thread();
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &threads);
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->sleep_lock);
- }
- pthread_cond_wait(&ctx->thread->sleep_cond, &ctx->thread->sleep_lock);
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->thread->sleep_lock);
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_sleeping, 1);
- __sync_add_and_fetch(&triton_stat.thread_active, 1);
- log_debug2("ctx %p: exit schedule\n", ctx);
-struct triton_context_t __export *triton_context_self(void)
- return this_ctx;
-void triton_context_print(void)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx;
- list_for_each_entry(ctx, &ctx_list, entry)
- printf("%p\n", ctx);
-void __export triton_context_wakeup(struct triton_context_t *ud)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ud->tpd;
- int r = 0;
- log_debug2("ctx %p: wakeup\n", ctx);
- if (ctx->init) {
- __sync_sub_and_fetch(&triton_stat.context_sleeping, 1);
- spin_lock(&ctx->lock);
- ctx->init = 0;
- if (ctx->pending)
- r = triton_queue_ctx(ctx);
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- if (r)
- triton_thread_wakeup(ctx->thread);
- return;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->thread->sleep_lock);
- ctx->wakeup = 1;
- pthread_cond_signal(&ctx->thread->sleep_cond);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->thread->sleep_lock);
-int __export triton_context_call(struct triton_context_t *ud, void (*func)(void *), void *arg)
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ud->tpd;
- struct _triton_ctx_call_t *call = mempool_alloc(call_pool);
- int r;
- if (!call)
- return -1;
- call->func = func;
- call->arg = arg;
- spin_lock(&ctx->lock);
- list_add_tail(&call->entry, &ctx->pending_calls);
- r = triton_queue_ctx(ctx);
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- if (r)
- triton_thread_wakeup(ctx->thread);
- return 0;
-void __export triton_cancel_call(struct triton_context_t *ud, void (*func)(void *))
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx = (struct _triton_context_t *)ud->tpd;
- struct list_head *pos, *n;
- struct _triton_ctx_call_t *call;
- list_for_each_safe(pos, n, &ctx->pending_calls) {
- call = list_entry(pos, typeof(*call), entry);
- if (call->func != func)
- continue;
- list_del(&call->entry);
- mempool_free(call);
- }
-void __export triton_collect_cpu_usage(void)
- struct rusage rusage;
- if (__sync_fetch_and_add(&ru_refs, 1) == 0) {
- triton_timer_add(NULL, &ru_timer, 0);
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ru_timestamp);
- ru_utime = rusage.ru_utime;
- ru_stime = rusage.ru_stime;
- triton_stat.cpu = 0;
- }
-void __export triton_stop_collect_cpu_usage(void)
- if (__sync_sub_and_fetch(&ru_refs, 1) == 0)
- triton_timer_del(&ru_timer);
-static void ru_update(struct triton_timer_t *t)
- struct timespec ts;
- struct rusage rusage;
- unsigned int dt;
- unsigned int val;
- getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
- dt = (ts.tv_sec - ru_timestamp.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (ts.tv_nsec - ru_timestamp.tv_nsec) / 1000000;
- val = (double)((rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec - ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec - ru_utime.tv_usec) +
- (rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec - ru_stime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec - ru_stime.tv_usec)) / dt * 100;
- if (val <= 100)
- triton_stat.cpu = val;
- ru_timestamp = ts;
- ru_utime = rusage.ru_utime;
- ru_stime = rusage.ru_stime;
-int __export triton_init(const char *conf_file)
- ctx_pool = mempool_create2(sizeof(struct _triton_context_t));
- call_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct _triton_ctx_call_t));
- if (conf_load(conf_file))
- return -1;
- if (log_init())
- return -1;
- if (md_init())
- return -1;
- if (timer_init())
- return -1;
- if (event_init())
- return -1;
- return 0;
-int __export triton_load_modules(const char *mod_sect)
- if (load_modules(mod_sect))
- return -1;
- return 0;
-void __export triton_conf_reload(void (*notify)(int))
- spin_lock(&threads_lock);
- need_config_reload = 1;
- config_reload_notify = notify;
- if (triton_stat.thread_active == 0) {
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
- __config_reload(notify);
- } else
- spin_unlock(&threads_lock);
-void __export triton_run()
- struct _triton_thread_t *t;
- int i;
- char *opt;
- opt = conf_get_opt("core", "thread-count");
- if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0)
- thread_count = atoi(opt);
- for(i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) {
- t = create_thread();
- if (!t)
- _exit(-1);
- list_add_tail(&t->entry, &threads);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->sleep_lock);
- }
- time(&triton_stat.start_time);
- md_run();
- timer_run();
- triton_context_register(&default_ctx, NULL);
- triton_context_wakeup(&default_ctx);
-void __export triton_terminate()
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx;
- struct _triton_thread_t *t;
- int r;
- need_terminate = 1;
- spin_lock(&ctx_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(ctx, &ctx_list, entry) {
- spin_lock(&ctx->lock);
- ctx->need_close = 1;
- r = triton_queue_ctx(ctx);
- if (r)
- triton_thread_wakeup(ctx->thread);
- spin_unlock(&ctx->lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&ctx_list_lock);
- list_for_each_entry(t, &threads, entry)
- pthread_join(t->thread, NULL);
- md_terminate();
- timer_terminate();
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6866d523..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TRITON_H
-#define TRITON_H
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "list.h"
-struct triton_context_t
- const void *tpd; // triton private data, don't touch
- void (*close)(struct triton_context_t*);
- void (*free)(struct triton_context_t*);
- void (*before_switch)(struct triton_context_t *ctx, void *arg);
-struct triton_md_handler_t
- const void *tpd; // triton private data, don't touch!
- int fd;
- int (*read)(struct triton_md_handler_t *);
- int (*write)(struct triton_md_handler_t *);
-struct triton_timer_t
- const void *tpd; // triton private data, don't touch!
- struct timeval expire_tv;
- int period;
- void (*expire)(struct triton_timer_t *);
-struct triton_sigchld_handler_t
- void *tpd;
- int pid;
- void (*handler)(struct triton_sigchld_handler_t *h, int status);
-struct conf_option_t
- struct list_head entry;
- char *name;
- char *val;
-struct conf_sect_t
- const char *name;
- struct list_head items;
-struct triton_stat_t
- unsigned int mempool_allocated;
- unsigned int mempool_available;
- unsigned int thread_count;
- unsigned int thread_active;
- unsigned int context_count;
- unsigned int context_sleeping;
- unsigned int context_pending;
- unsigned int md_handler_count;
- unsigned int md_handler_pending;
- unsigned int timer_count;
- unsigned int timer_pending;
- time_t start_time;
- unsigned int cpu;
-extern struct triton_stat_t triton_stat;
-int triton_context_register(struct triton_context_t *, void *arg);
-void triton_context_unregister(struct triton_context_t *);
-void triton_context_set_priority(struct triton_context_t *, int);
-void triton_context_schedule(void);
-void triton_context_wakeup(struct triton_context_t *);
-int triton_context_call(struct triton_context_t *, void (*func)(void *), void *arg);
-void triton_cancel_call(struct triton_context_t *, void (*func)(void *));
-struct triton_context_t *triton_context_self(void);
-#define MD_MODE_READ 1
-#define MD_MODE_WRITE 2
-#define MD_TRIG_EDGE 0
-#define MD_TRIG_LEVEL 1
-void triton_md_register_handler(struct triton_context_t *, struct triton_md_handler_t *);
-void triton_md_unregister_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *h);
-int triton_md_enable_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *h, int mode);
-int triton_md_disable_handler(struct triton_md_handler_t *h,int mode);
-void triton_md_set_trig(struct triton_md_handler_t *h, int mode);
-int triton_timer_add(struct triton_context_t *ctx, struct triton_timer_t*,int abs_time);
-int triton_timer_mod(struct triton_timer_t *,int abs_time);
-void triton_timer_del(struct triton_timer_t *);
-typedef void (*triton_event_func)(void *);
-int triton_event_register_handler(int ev_id, triton_event_func func);
-void triton_event_fire(int ev_id, void *arg);
-struct conf_sect_t *conf_get_section(const char *name);
-char *conf_get_opt(const char *sect, const char *name);
-void triton_conf_reload(void (*notify)(int));
-void triton_collect_cpu_usage(void);
-void triton_stop_collect_cpu_usage(void);
-#define TRITON_OK 0
-#define TRITON_ERR_NOMSG -6
-#define TRITON_ERR_BUSY -5
-int triton_init(const char *conf_file);
-int triton_load_modules(const char *md_sect);
-void triton_run(void);
-void triton_terminate(void);
-#define __init __attribute__((constructor))
-#define __exit __attribute__((destructor))
-#define __export __attribute__((visibility("default")))
-#undef offsetof
-#ifdef __compiler_offsetof
-#define offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER) __compiler_offsetof(TYPE,MEMBER)
-#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER)
-#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
- const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
- (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton_p.h b/accel-pptpd/triton/triton_p.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 235eb701..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/triton/triton_p.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef TRITON_P_H
-#define TRITON_P_H
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/epoll.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "list.h"
-#include "spinlock.h"
-#include "mempool.h"
-struct _triton_thread_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct list_head entry2;
- pthread_t thread;
- int terminate;
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx;
- pthread_mutex_t sleep_lock;
- pthread_cond_t sleep_cond;
-struct _triton_context_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct list_head entry2;
- spinlock_t lock;
- struct _triton_thread_t *thread;
- struct list_head handlers;
- struct list_head timers;
- struct list_head pending_handlers;
- struct list_head pending_timers;
- struct list_head pending_calls;
- int init;
- int queued;
- int wakeup;
- int need_close;
- int need_free;
- int pending;
- int priority;
- struct triton_context_t *ud;
- void *bf_arg;
-struct _triton_md_handler_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct list_head entry2;
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx;
- struct epoll_event epoll_event;
- uint32_t trig_epoll_events;
- int pending:1;
- int trig_level:1;
- struct triton_md_handler_t *ud;
-struct _triton_timer_t
- struct list_head entry;
- struct list_head entry2;
- struct epoll_event epoll_event;
- struct _triton_context_t *ctx;
- int fd;
- int pending:1;
- struct triton_timer_t *ud;
-struct _triton_event_t
- struct list_head handlers;
-struct _triton_ctx_call_t
- struct list_head entry;
- void *arg;
- void (*func)(void *);
-int log_init(void);
-int md_init();
-int timer_init();
-int event_init();
-void md_run();
-void md_terminate();
-void timer_run();
-void timer_terminate();
-extern struct triton_context_t default_ctx;
-int triton_queue_ctx(struct _triton_context_t*);
-void triton_thread_wakeup(struct _triton_thread_t*);
-int conf_load(const char *fname);
-int conf_reload(const char *fname);
-void triton_log_error(const char *fmt,...);
-void triton_log_debug(const char *fmt,...);
-int load_modules(const char *name);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/utils.c b/accel-pptpd/utils.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 491e6507..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/utils.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "triton.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "memdebug.h"
-void __export u_inet_ntoa(in_addr_t addr, char *str)
- sprintf(str, "%i.%i.%i.%i", addr & 0xff, (addr >> 8) & 0xff, (addr >> 16) & 0xff, (addr >> 24) & 0xff);
diff --git a/accel-pptpd/utils.h b/accel-pptpd/utils.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d4d058..00000000
--- a/accel-pptpd/utils.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __UTILS_H
-#define __UTILS_H
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-void u_inet_ntoa(in_addr_t, char *str);