The ACCEL-PPTP v1.0 is completly new implementation of PPTP/PPPoE/L2TP which was written from null.
Userspace daemon has its own PPP implementation, so it does not uses pppd and one process (multi-threaded) manages all connections.
ACCEL-PPTP uses kernel module to increase performance and decrease system usage.
It is not fully tested yet so not recomended to use in production.
Also v1.0 is oriented for servers and does not containes client part, if you need client please use v0.8.x

1.  Modular architecture
2.  High-performance multi-threaded I/O core
3.  Supported PPTP
4.  Supported PPPoE
5.  Supported L2TPv2 (without IPsec)
5.  Radius authentication/accounting
6.  Radius DM/CoA extention
7.  Supported authentication types: PAP, CHAP (md5), Microsoft CHAP Extentions (including version 2), not supported - EAP
8.  Supported MPPE
9.  Compression is not supported
10. Extensible logging engine with per session logging support, implemented log to file, log to remote host and log to PostgreSQL targets
11. Extensible user/password database, implemented Radius, pppd compatible chap-secrets sources
12. Extensible IP pool, implemented Radius, chap-secrets and static pools
13. Supported pppd compatible ip-up/ip-down scripts
14. Builtin tbf shaper manager
15. Command line interface via telnet

1. modern linux distribution
2. kernel-2.6.25 or later
4. cmake-2.6 or later
5. libnl-2.0 or probably later (required for builtin shaper)

Compilation and instalation
Make sure you have configured kernel headers in /usr/src/linux,
or specify other location via KDIR.
1. cd /path/to/accel-pptp-1.3.1
2. mkdir build
3. cd build
   Please note that the double dot record in the end of the command is essential. You'll probably get error or misconfigured sources if you miss it.
   But while pptp is not present in mainline kernel you probably need BUILD_DRIVER.
   For example:
   will configure sources to build pptp driver, search kernel headers at /usr/src/linux, install to /usr/local,
   build with no debug, pgsql and shaper support, build with radius support.
5. If you want to use chap-secrets for authentication purpose then you need to disable radius support, configure as following:
   of course you can include additional options if needed.
6. make
7. make install

read man accel-pptp.conf

Warning !!!
1. The pptp driver conflicts with ip_gre driver (in kernel), so make sure that ip_gre is not built-in or loaded at run time
   (don't matter if you have 2.6.37 or later kernel).
2. Never mix connections of accel-pptp and original pptpd, before starting accel-pptp make sure that no connections
   of original pptpd exists.

Thanks to Kirill Yushkov for debug support and donations.

mail: xeb@mail.ru
ICQ: 337258064
Jabber: xeb@xeb.homelinux.net