/* * lpack.c * a Lua library for packing and unpacking binary data * Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo * 29 Jun 2007 19:27:20 * This code is hereby placed in the public domain. * with contributions from Ignacio Castaņo and * Roberto Ierusalimschy . */ #define OP_ZSTRING 'z' /* zero-terminated string */ #define OP_BSTRING 'p' /* string preceded by length byte */ #define OP_WSTRING 'P' /* string preceded by length word */ #define OP_SSTRING 'a' /* string preceded by length size_t */ #define OP_STRING 'A' /* string */ #define OP_FLOAT 'f' /* float */ #define OP_DOUBLE 'd' /* double */ #define OP_NUMBER 'n' /* Lua number */ #define OP_CHAR 'c' /* char */ #define OP_BYTE 'b' /* byte = unsigned char */ #define OP_SHORT 'h' /* short */ #define OP_USHORT 'H' /* unsigned short */ #define OP_INT 'i' /* int */ #define OP_UINT 'I' /* unsigned int */ #define OP_LONG 'l' /* long */ #define OP_ULONG 'L' /* unsigned long */ #define OP_LITTLEENDIAN '<' /* little endian */ #define OP_BIGENDIAN '>' /* big endian */ #define OP_NATIVE '=' /* native endian */ #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lualib.h" #include "lauxlib.h" static void badcode(lua_State *L, int c) { char s[]="bad code `?'"; s[sizeof(s)-3]=c; luaL_argerror(L,1,s); } static int doendian(int c) { int x=1; int e=*(char*)&x; if (c==OP_LITTLEENDIAN) return !e; if (c==OP_BIGENDIAN) return e; if (c==OP_NATIVE) return 0; return 0; } static void doswap(int swap, void *p, size_t n) { if (swap) { char *a=p; int i,j; for (i=0, j=n-1, n=n/2; n--; i++, j--) { char t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t; } } } #define UNPACKNUMBER(OP,T) \ case OP: \ { \ T a; \ int m=sizeof(a); \ if (i+m>len) goto done; \ memcpy(&a,s+i,m); \ i+=m; \ doswap(swap,&a,m); \ lua_pushinteger(L,(lua_Integer)a); \ ++n; \ break; \ } #define UNPACKSTRING(OP,T) \ case OP: \ { \ T l; \ int m=sizeof(l); \ if (i+m>len) goto done; \ memcpy(&l,s+i,m); \ doswap(swap,&l,m); \ if (i+m+l>len) goto done; \ i+=m; \ lua_pushlstring(L,s+i,l); \ i+=l; \ ++n; \ break; \ } static int l_unpack(lua_State *L) /** unpack(s,f,[init]) */ { size_t len; const char *s=luaL_checklstring(L,1,&len); const char *f=luaL_checkstring(L,2); int i=luaL_optnumber(L,3,1)-1; int n=0; int swap=0; lua_pushnil(L); while (*f) { int c=*f++; int N=1; if (isdigit(*f)) { N=0; while (isdigit(*f)) N=10*N+(*f++)-'0'; if (N==0 && c==OP_STRING) { lua_pushliteral(L,""); ++n; } } while (N--) switch (c) { case OP_LITTLEENDIAN: case OP_BIGENDIAN: case OP_NATIVE: { swap=doendian(c); N=0; break; } case OP_STRING: { ++N; if (i+N>len) goto done; lua_pushlstring(L,s+i,N); i+=N; ++n; N=0; break; } case OP_ZSTRING: { size_t l; if (i>=len) goto done; l=strlen(s+i); lua_pushlstring(L,s+i,l); i+=l+1; ++n; break; } UNPACKSTRING(OP_BSTRING, unsigned char) UNPACKSTRING(OP_WSTRING, unsigned short) UNPACKSTRING(OP_SSTRING, size_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_NUMBER, lua_Number) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_DOUBLE, double) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_FLOAT, float) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_CHAR, int8_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_BYTE, uint8_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_SHORT, int16_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_USHORT, uint16_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_INT, int32_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_UINT, uint32_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_LONG, int64_t) UNPACKNUMBER(OP_ULONG, uint64_t) case ' ': case ',': break; default: badcode(L,c); break; } } done: lua_pushnumber(L,i+1); lua_replace(L,-n-2); return n+1; } #define PACKNUMBER(OP,T) \ case OP: \ { \ T a=(T)luaL_checknumber(L,i++); \ doswap(swap,&a,sizeof(a)); \ luaL_addlstring(&b,(void*)&a,sizeof(a)); \ break; \ } #define PACKSTRING(OP,T) \ case OP: \ { \ size_t l; \ const char *a=luaL_checklstring(L,i++,&l); \ T ll=(T)l; \ doswap(swap,&ll,sizeof(ll)); \ luaL_addlstring(&b,(void*)&ll,sizeof(ll)); \ luaL_addlstring(&b,a,l); \ break; \ } static int l_pack(lua_State *L) /** pack(f,...) */ { int i=2; const char *f=luaL_checkstring(L,1); int swap=0; luaL_Buffer b; luaL_buffinit(L,&b); while (*f) { int c=*f++; int N=1; if (isdigit(*f)) { N=0; while (isdigit(*f)) N=10*N+(*f++)-'0'; } while (N--) switch (c) { case OP_LITTLEENDIAN: case OP_BIGENDIAN: case OP_NATIVE: { swap=doendian(c); N=0; break; } case OP_STRING: case OP_ZSTRING: { size_t l; const char *a=luaL_checklstring(L,i++,&l); luaL_addlstring(&b,a,l+(c==OP_ZSTRING)); break; } PACKSTRING(OP_BSTRING, unsigned char) PACKSTRING(OP_WSTRING, unsigned short) PACKSTRING(OP_SSTRING, size_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_NUMBER, lua_Number) PACKNUMBER(OP_DOUBLE, double) PACKNUMBER(OP_FLOAT, float) PACKNUMBER(OP_CHAR, int8_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_BYTE, uint8_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_SHORT, int16_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_USHORT, uint16_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_INT, int32_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_UINT, uint32_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_LONG, int64_t) PACKNUMBER(OP_ULONG, uint64_t) case ' ': case ',': break; default: badcode(L,c); break; } } luaL_pushresult(&b); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg R[] = { {"pack", l_pack}, {"unpack", l_unpack}, {NULL, NULL} }; int luaopen_lpack(lua_State *L) { #ifdef USE_GLOBALS lua_register(L,"bpack",l_pack); lua_register(L,"bunpack",l_unpack); #else luaI_openlib(L, LUA_STRLIBNAME, R, 0); #endif return 0; }