#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "if_pppox.h" #include "events.h" #include "list.h" #include "pptp_prot.h" #include "triton.h" #include "log.h" #include "ppp.h" #include "mempool.h" #include "iprange.h" #include "utils.h" #include "cli.h" #include "connlimit.h" #include "memdebug.h" #define STATE_IDLE 0 #define STATE_ESTB 1 #define STATE_PPP 2 #define STATE_FIN 3 #define STATE_CLOSE 4 struct pptp_conn_t { struct triton_context_t ctx; struct triton_md_handler_t hnd; struct triton_timer_t timeout_timer; struct triton_timer_t echo_timer; int call_id; int peer_call_id; int state; int echo_sent; uint8_t *in_buf; int in_size; uint8_t *out_buf; int out_size; int out_pos; struct ap_ctrl ctrl; struct ppp_t ppp; }; static int conf_timeout = 5; static int conf_echo_interval = 0; static int conf_echo_failure = 3; static int conf_verbose = 0; static int conf_mppe = MPPE_UNSET; static const char *conf_ip_pool; static const char *conf_ifname; static mempool_t conn_pool; static unsigned int stat_starting; static unsigned int stat_active; static int pptp_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h); static int pptp_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h); static void pptp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *); static void ppp_started(struct ap_session *); static void ppp_finished(struct ap_session *); static void pptp_ctx_switch(struct triton_context_t *ctx, void *arg) { if (arg) { struct ap_session *s = arg; net = s->net; } else net = def_net; log_switch(ctx, arg); } static void disconnect(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { log_ppp_debug("pptp: disconnect\n"); triton_md_unregister_handler(&conn->hnd, 1); if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd) triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer); if (conn->echo_timer.tpd) triton_timer_del(&conn->echo_timer); if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) { __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1); conn->state = STATE_CLOSE; ap_session_terminate(&conn->ppp.ses, TERM_LOST_CARRIER, 1); } else if (conn->state != STATE_CLOSE) __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1); triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_FINISHED, &conn->ppp.ses); log_ppp_info1("disconnected\n"); triton_context_unregister(&conn->ctx); if (conn->ppp.ses.chan_name) _free(conn->ppp.ses.chan_name); _free(conn->in_buf); _free(conn->out_buf); _free(conn->ctrl.calling_station_id); _free(conn->ctrl.called_station_id); mempool_free(conn); } static int post_msg(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, void *buf, int size) { int n; if (conn->out_size) { log_error("pptp: buffer is not empty\n"); return -1; } again: n=write(conn->hnd.fd, buf, size); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto again; else if (errno == EAGAIN) n = 0; else { if (errno != EPIPE) { if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("pptp: write: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } } } if ( nout_buf, buf + n, size - n); triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd, MD_MODE_WRITE); } return 0; } static int send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int reason) { struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RQST), .reason_result = hton8(reason), }; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Request ]\n", reason); return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)); } static int send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int reason, int err_code) { struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RPLY), .reason_result = hton8(reason), .error_code = hton8(err_code), }; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Reply ]\n", msg.reason_result, msg.error_code); return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)); } static int pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *)conn->in_buf; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Request ]\n", msg->reason_result); send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_STOP_OK, 0); return -1; } static int pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_stop_ctrl_conn*)conn->in_buf; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Stop-Ctrl-Conn-Reply ]\n", msg->reason_result, msg->error_code); return -1; } static int send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int res_code, int err_code) { struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RPLY), .version = htons(PPTP_VERSION), .result_code = res_code, .error_code = err_code, .framing_cap = htonl(PPTP_FRAME_ANY), .bearer_cap = htonl(PPTP_BEARER_ANY), .max_channels = htons(1), .firmware_rev = htons(PPTP_FIRMWARE_VERSION), }; memset(msg.hostname, 0, sizeof(msg.hostname)); strcpy((char*)msg.hostname, PPTP_HOSTNAME); memset(msg.vendor, 0, sizeof(msg.vendor)); strcpy((char*)msg.vendor, PPTP_VENDOR); if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Start-Ctrl-Conn-Reply ]\n", msg.version, msg.result_code, msg.error_code, ntohl(msg.framing_cap), ntohl(msg.bearer_cap), ntohs(msg.max_channels)); return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)); } static int pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn *msg = (struct pptp_start_ctrl_conn *)conn->in_buf; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Start-Ctrl-Conn-Request ]\n", msg->version, ntohl(msg->framing_cap), ntohl(msg->bearer_cap), ntohs(msg->max_channels)); if (conn->state != STATE_IDLE) { log_ppp_warn("unexpected PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RQST\n"); if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_EXISTS, 0)) return -1; return 0; } if (msg->version != htons(PPTP_VERSION)) { log_ppp_warn("PPTP version mismatch: expecting %x, received %" PRIu32 "\n", PPTP_VERSION, msg->version); if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_PROTOCOL, 0)) return -1; return 0; } /*if (!(ntohl(msg->framing_cap) & PPTP_FRAME_SYNC)) { log_ppp_warn("connection does not supports sync mode\n"); if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_GE, 0)) return -1; return 0; }*/ if (send_pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rply(conn, PPTP_CONN_RES_SUCCESS, 0)) return -1; triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0); conn->state = STATE_ESTB; return 0; } static int send_pptp_out_call_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, struct pptp_out_call_rqst *rqst, int call_id, int res_code, int err_code) { struct pptp_out_call_rply msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_OUT_CALL_RPLY), .call_id = htons(call_id), .call_id_peer = rqst->call_id, .result_code = res_code, .error_code = err_code, .cause_code = 0, .speed = rqst->bps_max, .recv_size = rqst->recv_size, .delay = 0, .channel = 0, }; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Outgoing-Call-Reply ]\n", ntohs(msg.call_id), ntohs(msg.call_id_peer), msg.result_code, msg.error_code, ntohs(msg.cause_code), ntohl(msg.speed), ntohs(msg.recv_size), ntohs(msg.delay), ntohl(msg.channel)); return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)); } static int pptp_out_call_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_out_call_rqst *msg = (struct pptp_out_call_rqst *)conn->in_buf; struct sockaddr_pppox src_addr, dst_addr; struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t addrlen; int pptp_sock; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Outgoing-Call-Request ]\n", ntohs(msg->call_id), ntohs(msg->call_sernum), ntohl(msg->bps_min), ntohl(msg->bps_max), ntohl(msg->bearer), ntohl(msg->framing), ntohs(msg->recv_size), ntohs(msg->delay)); if (conn->state != STATE_ESTB) { log_ppp_warn("unexpected PPTP_OUT_CALL_RQST\n"); if (send_pptp_out_call_rply(conn, msg, 0, PPTP_CALL_RES_GE, PPTP_GE_NOCONN)) return -1; return 0; } memset(&src_addr, 0, sizeof(src_addr)); src_addr.sa_family = AF_PPPOX; src_addr.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_PPTP; src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id = 0; addrlen = sizeof(addr); getsockname(conn->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen); src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr = addr.sin_addr; memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr)); dst_addr.sa_family = AF_PPPOX; dst_addr.sa_protocol = PX_PROTO_PPTP; dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id = htons(msg->call_id); addrlen = sizeof(addr); getpeername(conn->hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &addrlen); dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr = addr.sin_addr; pptp_sock = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_STREAM, PX_PROTO_PPTP); if (pptp_sock < 0) { log_ppp_error("failed to create PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } fcntl(pptp_sock, F_SETFD, fcntl(pptp_sock, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); if (bind(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, sizeof(src_addr))) { log_ppp_error("failed to bind PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); close(pptp_sock); return -1; } addrlen = sizeof(src_addr); getsockname(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, &addrlen); if (connect(pptp_sock, (struct sockaddr*)&dst_addr, sizeof(dst_addr))) { log_ppp_error("failed to connect PPTP socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); close(pptp_sock); return -1; } if (send_pptp_out_call_rply(conn, msg, src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id, PPTP_CALL_RES_OK, 0)) return -1; conn->call_id = src_addr.sa_addr.pptp.call_id; conn->peer_call_id = msg->call_id; conn->ppp.fd = pptp_sock; conn->ppp.ses.chan_name = _strdup(inet_ntoa(dst_addr.sa_addr.pptp.sin_addr)); triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTED, &conn->ppp.ses); if (establish_ppp(&conn->ppp)) { close(pptp_sock); //if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0, 0)) conn->state = STATE_FIN; return -1; } conn->state = STATE_PPP; __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1); __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1); if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd) triton_timer_del(&conn->timeout_timer); if (conf_echo_interval) { conn->echo_timer.period = conf_echo_interval * 1000; triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->echo_timer, 0); } return 0; } static int send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(struct pptp_conn_t *conn, int result) { struct pptp_call_clear_ntfy msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_CALL_CLEAR_NTFY), .call_id = htons(conn->peer_call_id), .result_code = result, .error_code = 0, .cause_code = 0, }; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("send [PPTP Call-Disconnect-Notify ]\n", ntohs(msg.call_id), msg.result_code, msg.error_code, msg.cause_code); return post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg)); } static int pptp_call_clear_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_call_clear_rqst *rqst = (struct pptp_call_clear_rqst *)conn->in_buf; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Call-Clear-Request ]\n", ntohs(rqst->call_id)); if (conn->echo_timer.tpd) triton_timer_del(&conn->echo_timer); if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) { __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1); conn->state = STATE_CLOSE; ap_session_terminate(&conn->ppp.ses, TERM_USER_REQUEST, 1); } return send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 4); } static int pptp_echo_rqst(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_echo_rqst *in_msg = (struct pptp_echo_rqst *)conn->in_buf; struct pptp_echo_rply out_msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_ECHO_RPLY), .identifier = in_msg->identifier, .result_code = 1, }; if (conf_verbose) { log_ppp_debug("recv [PPTP Echo-Request ]\n", in_msg->identifier); log_ppp_debug("send [PPTP Echo-Reply ]\n", out_msg.identifier); } if (conn->echo_timer.tpd) triton_timer_mod(&conn->echo_timer, 0); return post_msg(conn, &out_msg, sizeof(out_msg)); } static int pptp_echo_rply(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_echo_rply *msg = (struct pptp_echo_rply *)conn->in_buf; if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_debug("recv [PPTP Echo-Reply ]\n", msg->identifier); conn->echo_sent = 0; return 0; } static void pptp_send_echo(struct triton_timer_t *t) { struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), echo_timer); struct pptp_echo_rqst msg = { .header = PPTP_HEADER_CTRL(PPTP_ECHO_RQST), }; if (++conn->echo_sent == conf_echo_failure) { log_ppp_warn("pptp: no echo reply\n"); disconnect(conn); return; } msg.identifier = random(); if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_debug("send [PPTP Echo-Request ]\n", msg.identifier); if (post_msg(conn, &msg, sizeof(msg))) disconnect(conn); } static int process_packet(struct pptp_conn_t *conn) { struct pptp_header *hdr = (struct pptp_header *)conn->in_buf; switch(ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type)) { case PPTP_START_CTRL_CONN_RQST: return pptp_start_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn); case PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RQST: return pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn); case PPTP_STOP_CTRL_CONN_RPLY: return pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rply(conn); case PPTP_OUT_CALL_RQST: return pptp_out_call_rqst(conn); case PPTP_ECHO_RQST: return pptp_echo_rqst(conn); case PPTP_ECHO_RPLY: return pptp_echo_rply(conn); case PPTP_CALL_CLEAR_RQST: return pptp_call_clear_rqst(conn); case PPTP_SET_LINK_INFO: if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("recv [PPTP Set-Link-Info]\n"); return 0; default: log_ppp_warn("recv [PPTP Unknown (%x)]\n", ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type)); } return 0; } static int pptp_read(struct triton_md_handler_t *h) { struct pptp_conn_t *conn=container_of(h,typeof(*conn),hnd); struct pptp_header *hdr=(struct pptp_header *)conn->in_buf; int n; while(1) { n = read(h->fd, conn->in_buf + conn->in_size, PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX - conn->in_size); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (errno == EAGAIN) return 0; log_ppp_error("pptp: read: %s\n",strerror(errno)); goto drop; } if (n == 0) { if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("pptp: disconnect by peer\n"); goto drop; } conn->in_size += n; if (conn->in_size >= sizeof(*hdr)) { if (hdr->magic != htonl(PPTP_MAGIC)) { log_ppp_error("pptp: invalid magic\n"); goto drop; } if (ntohs(hdr->length) >= PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX) { log_ppp_error("pptp: message is too long\n"); goto drop; } if (ntohs(hdr->length) > conn->in_size) continue; if (ntohs(hdr->length) <= conn->in_size) { if (ntohs(hdr->length) != PPTP_CTRL_SIZE(ntohs(hdr->ctrl_type))) { log_ppp_error("pptp: invalid message length\n"); goto drop; } if (process_packet(conn)) goto drop; conn->in_size -= ntohs(hdr->length); if (conn->in_size) memmove(conn->in_buf, conn->in_buf + ntohs(hdr->length), conn->in_size); } } } drop: disconnect(conn); return 1; } static int pptp_write(struct triton_md_handler_t *h) { struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(h, typeof(*conn), hnd); int n; while (1) { n = write(h->fd, conn->out_buf+conn->out_pos, conn->out_size-conn->out_pos); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (errno == EAGAIN) n = 0; else { if (errno != EPIPE) { if (conf_verbose) log_ppp_info2("pptp: post_msg: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } disconnect(conn); return 1; } } conn->out_pos += n; if (conn->out_pos == conn->out_size) { conn->out_pos = 0; conn->out_size = 0; triton_md_disable_handler(h, MD_MODE_WRITE); return 0; } } } static void pptp_timeout(struct triton_timer_t *t) { struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(t, typeof(*conn), timeout_timer); disconnect(conn); } static void pptp_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx) { struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ctx, typeof(*conn), ctx); if (conn->state == STATE_PPP) { __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1); conn->state = STATE_CLOSE; ap_session_terminate(&conn->ppp.ses, TERM_ADMIN_RESET, 1); if (send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 3)) { triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn); return; } } else { if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0)) { triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn); return; } } if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd) triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0); else triton_timer_add(ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0); } static void ppp_started(struct ap_session *ses) { log_ppp_debug("pptp: ppp started\n"); } static void ppp_finished(struct ap_session *ses) { struct ppp_t *ppp = container_of(ses, typeof(*ppp), ses); struct pptp_conn_t *conn = container_of(ppp, typeof(*conn), ppp); if (conn->state != STATE_CLOSE) { log_ppp_debug("pptp: ppp finished\n"); conn->state = STATE_CLOSE; __sync_sub_and_fetch(&stat_active, 1); if (send_pptp_call_disconnect_notify(conn, 3)) triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn); else if (send_pptp_stop_ctrl_conn_rqst(conn, 0)) triton_context_call(&conn->ctx, (void (*)(void*))disconnect, conn); else { if (conn->timeout_timer.tpd) triton_timer_mod(&conn->timeout_timer, 0); else triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0); } } } //================================== struct pptp_serv_t { struct triton_context_t ctx; struct triton_md_handler_t hnd; }; static int pptp_connect(struct triton_md_handler_t *h) { struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t size = sizeof(addr); int sock; struct pptp_conn_t *conn; while(1) { sock = accept(h->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &size); if (sock < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return 0; log_error("pptp: accept failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); continue; } if (ap_shutdown) { close(sock); continue; } if (conf_max_sessions && ap_session_stat.active + ap_session_stat.starting >= conf_max_sessions) { close(sock); continue; } if (triton_module_loaded("connlimit") && connlimit_check(cl_key_from_ipv4(addr.sin_addr.s_addr))) { close(sock); continue; } log_info2("pptp: new connection from %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr)); if (iprange_client_check(addr.sin_addr.s_addr)) { log_warn("pptp: IP is out of client-ip-range, droping connection...\n"); close(sock); continue; } if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) { log_error("pptp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s, closing connection...\n", strerror(errno)); close(sock); continue; } conn = mempool_alloc(conn_pool); memset(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); conn->hnd.fd = sock; conn->hnd.read = pptp_read; conn->hnd.write = pptp_write; conn->ctx.close = pptp_close; conn->ctx.before_switch = pptp_ctx_switch; conn->in_buf = _malloc(PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX); conn->out_buf = _malloc(PPTP_CTRL_SIZE_MAX); conn->timeout_timer.expire = pptp_timeout; conn->timeout_timer.period = conf_timeout * 1000; conn->echo_timer.expire = pptp_send_echo; conn->ctrl.ctx = &conn->ctx; conn->ctrl.started = ppp_started; conn->ctrl.finished = ppp_finished; conn->ctrl.terminate = ppp_terminate; conn->ctrl.max_mtu = PPTP_MAX_MTU; conn->ctrl.type = CTRL_TYPE_PPTP; conn->ctrl.ppp = 1; conn->ctrl.name = "pptp"; conn->ctrl.ifname = ""; conn->ctrl.mppe = conf_mppe; conn->ctrl.calling_station_id = _malloc(17); conn->ctrl.called_station_id = _malloc(17); u_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.calling_station_id); getsockname(sock, &addr, &size); u_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr.s_addr, conn->ctrl.called_station_id); ppp_init(&conn->ppp); conn->ppp.ses.ctrl = &conn->ctrl; if (conf_ip_pool) conn->ppp.ses.ipv4_pool_name = _strdup(conf_ip_pool); if (conf_ifname) conn->ppp.ses.ifname_rename = _strdup(conf_ifname); triton_context_register(&conn->ctx, &conn->ppp.ses); triton_md_register_handler(&conn->ctx, &conn->hnd); triton_md_enable_handler(&conn->hnd,MD_MODE_READ); triton_timer_add(&conn->ctx, &conn->timeout_timer, 0); triton_context_wakeup(&conn->ctx); triton_event_fire(EV_CTRL_STARTING, &conn->ppp.ses); __sync_add_and_fetch(&stat_starting, 1); } return 0; } static void pptp_serv_close(struct triton_context_t *ctx) { struct pptp_serv_t *s=container_of(ctx,typeof(*s),ctx); triton_md_unregister_handler(&s->hnd, 1); triton_context_unregister(ctx); } static struct pptp_serv_t serv= { .hnd.read = pptp_connect, .ctx.close = pptp_serv_close, .ctx.before_switch = pptp_ctx_switch, }; static int show_stat_exec(const char *cmd, char * const *fields, int fields_cnt, void *client) { cli_send(client, "pptp:\r\n"); cli_sendv(client," starting: %u\r\n", stat_starting); cli_sendv(client," active: %u\r\n", stat_active); return CLI_CMD_OK; } void __export pptp_get_stat(unsigned int **starting, unsigned int **active) { *starting = &stat_starting; *active = &stat_active; } static void load_config(void) { char *opt; opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "timeout"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) conf_timeout = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "echo-interval"); if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0) conf_echo_interval = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "echo-failure"); if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0) conf_echo_failure = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "verbose"); if (opt && atoi(opt) >= 0) conf_verbose = atoi(opt) > 0; conf_mppe = MPPE_UNSET; opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "mppe"); if (opt) { if (strcmp(opt, "deny") == 0) conf_mppe = MPPE_DENY; else if (strcmp(opt, "allow") == 0) conf_mppe = MPPE_ALLOW; else if (strcmp(opt, "prefer") == 0) conf_mppe = MPPE_PREFER; else if (strcmp(opt, "require") == 0) conf_mppe = MPPE_REQUIRE; } conf_ip_pool = conf_get_opt("pptp", "ip-pool"); conf_ifname = conf_get_opt("pptp", "ifname"); switch (iprange_check_activation()) { case IPRANGE_DISABLED: log_warn("pptp: iprange module disabled, improper IP configuration of PPP interfaces may cause kernel soft lockup\n"); break; case IPRANGE_NO_RANGE: log_warn("pptp: no IP address range defined in section [%s], incoming PPTP connections will be rejected\n", IPRANGE_CONF_SECTION); break; default: /* Makes compiler happy */ break; } } static void pptp_init(void) { struct sockaddr_in addr; char *opt; int fd; fd = socket(AF_PPPOX, SOCK_STREAM, PX_PROTO_PPTP); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); else if (system("modprobe -q pptp")) log_warn("failed to load pptp kernel module\n"); serv.hnd.fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (serv.hnd.fd < 0) { log_emerg("pptp: failed to create server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fcntl(serv.hnd.fd, F_SETFD, fcntl(serv.hnd.fd, F_GETFD) | FD_CLOEXEC); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "bind"); if (opt) addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(opt); else addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); opt = conf_get_opt("pptp", "port"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(opt)); else addr.sin_port = htons(PPTP_PORT); setsockopt(serv.hnd.fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &serv.hnd.fd, 4); if (bind (serv.hnd.fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof (addr)) < 0) { log_emerg("pptp: failed to bind socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(serv.hnd.fd); return; } if (listen (serv.hnd.fd, 100) < 0) { log_emerg("pptp: failed to listen socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(serv.hnd.fd); return; } if (fcntl(serv.hnd.fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)) { log_emerg("pptp: failed to set nonblocking mode: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(serv.hnd.fd); return; } conn_pool = mempool_create(sizeof(struct pptp_conn_t)); load_config(); triton_context_register(&serv.ctx, NULL); triton_md_register_handler(&serv.ctx, &serv.hnd); triton_md_enable_handler(&serv.hnd, MD_MODE_READ); triton_context_wakeup(&serv.ctx); cli_register_simple_cmd2(show_stat_exec, NULL, 2, "show", "stat"); triton_event_register_handler(EV_CONFIG_RELOAD, (triton_event_func)load_config); } DEFINE_INIT(20, pptp_init);