#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "ppp.h" #include "ppp_auth.h" #include "ppp_lcp.h" #include "pwdb.h" #include "memdebug.h" #define CHAP_CHALLENGE 1 #define CHAP_RESPONSE 2 #define CHAP_SUCCESS 3 #define CHAP_FAILURE 4 #define CHAP_MD5 5 #define VALUE_SIZE 16 #define MSG_FAILURE "Authentication failed" #define MSG_SUCCESS "Authentication successed" #define HDR_LEN (sizeof(struct chap_hdr_t)-2) static int conf_timeout = 5; static int conf_interval = 0; static int conf_max_failure = 3; static int conf_any_login = 0; static int urandom_fd; struct chap_hdr_t { uint16_t proto; uint8_t code; uint8_t id; uint16_t len; } __attribute__((packed)); struct chap_challenge_t { struct chap_hdr_t hdr; uint8_t val_size; uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE]; char name[0]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct chap_failure_t { struct chap_hdr_t hdr; char message[sizeof(MSG_FAILURE)]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct chap_success_t { struct chap_hdr_t hdr; char message[sizeof(MSG_SUCCESS)]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct chap_auth_data_t { struct auth_data_t auth; struct ppp_handler_t h; struct ppp_t *ppp; int id; uint8_t val[VALUE_SIZE]; struct triton_timer_t timeout; struct triton_timer_t interval; int failure; int started:1; }; static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad); static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h); static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t); static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t); static void print_buf(const uint8_t *buf, int size) { int i; for (i=0; i < size; i++) log_ppp_info("%x", buf[i]); } static void print_str(const char *buf, int size) { int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) log_ppp_info("%c", buf[i]); } static struct auth_data_t* auth_data_init(struct ppp_t *ppp) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = _malloc(sizeof(*d)); memset(d, 0, sizeof(*d)); d->auth.proto = PPP_CHAP; d->ppp = ppp; return &d->auth; } static void auth_data_free(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth); if (d->timeout.tpd) triton_timer_del(&d->timeout); if (d->interval.tpd) triton_timer_del(&d->interval); _free(d); } static int chap_start(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth); d->h.proto = PPP_CHAP; d->h.recv = chap_recv; d->timeout.expire = chap_timeout_timer; d->timeout.period = conf_timeout * 1000; d->interval.expire = chap_restart_timer; d->interval.period = conf_interval * 1000; ppp_register_chan_handler(ppp, &d->h); chap_send_challenge(d); return 0; } static int chap_finish(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth); if (d->timeout.tpd) triton_timer_del(&d->timeout); if (d->interval.tpd) triton_timer_del(&d->interval); ppp_unregister_handler(ppp, &d->h); return 0; } static void chap_timeout_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), timeout); if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: timeout\n"); if (++d->failure == conf_max_failure) { if (d->started) ppp_terminate(d->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0); else ppp_auth_failed(d->ppp); } else { --d->id; chap_send_challenge(d); } } static void chap_restart_timer(struct triton_timer_t *t) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(t, typeof(*d), interval); chap_send_challenge(d); } static int lcp_send_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr) { *ptr = CHAP_MD5; return 1; } static int lcp_recv_conf_req(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *d, uint8_t *ptr) { if (*ptr == CHAP_MD5) return LCP_OPT_ACK; return LCP_OPT_NAK; } static void chap_send_failure(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad) { struct chap_failure_t msg = { .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP), .hdr.code = CHAP_FAILURE, .hdr.id = ad->id, .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 1 - 2), .message = MSG_FAILURE, }; if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_info("send [CHAP Failure id=%x \"%s\"]\n", msg.hdr.id, MSG_FAILURE); ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2); } static void chap_send_success(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad) { struct chap_success_t msg = { .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP), .hdr.code = CHAP_SUCCESS, .hdr.id = ad->id, .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg)-1-2), .message = MSG_SUCCESS, }; if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_info("send [CHAP Success id=%x \"%s\"]\n", msg.hdr.id, MSG_SUCCESS); ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2); } static void chap_send_challenge(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad) { struct chap_challenge_t msg = { .hdr.proto = htons(PPP_CHAP), .hdr.code = CHAP_CHALLENGE, .hdr.id = ++ad->id, .hdr.len = htons(sizeof(msg) - 2), .val_size = VALUE_SIZE, }; read(urandom_fd, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE); memcpy(msg.val, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE); if (conf_ppp_verbose) { log_ppp_info("send [CHAP Challenge id=%x <", msg.hdr.id); print_buf(msg.val, VALUE_SIZE); log_ppp_info(">]\n"); } ppp_chan_send(ad->ppp, &msg, ntohs(msg.hdr.len) + 2); if (conf_timeout && !ad->timeout.tpd) triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->timeout, 0); } static void chap_recv_response(struct chap_auth_data_t *ad, struct chap_hdr_t *hdr) { MD5_CTX md5_ctx; uint8_t md5[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char *passwd; char *name; int r; struct chap_challenge_t *msg = (struct chap_challenge_t*)hdr; if (ad->timeout.tpd) triton_timer_del(&ad->timeout); if (conf_ppp_verbose) { log_ppp_info("recv [CHAP Response id=%x <", msg->hdr.id); print_buf(msg->val, msg->val_size); log_ppp_info(">, name=\""); print_str(msg->name, ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2); log_ppp_info("\"]\n"); } if (msg->hdr.id != ad->id) { if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_error("chap-md5: id mismatch\n"); chap_send_failure(ad); ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0); } if (msg->val_size != VALUE_SIZE) { log_ppp_error("chap-md5: incorrect value-size (%i)\n", msg->val_size); chap_send_failure(ad); ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0); } name = _strndup(msg->name,ntohs(msg->hdr.len) - sizeof(*msg) + 2); if (conf_any_login) { chap_send_success(ad); ad->started = 1; ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name); return; } r = pwdb_check(ad->ppp, name, PPP_CHAP, CHAP_MD5, ad->id, ad->val, VALUE_SIZE, msg->val); if (r == PWDB_NO_IMPL) { passwd = pwdb_get_passwd(ad->ppp,name); if (!passwd) { _free(name); if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: user not found\n"); chap_send_failure(ad); return; } MD5_Init(&md5_ctx); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,&msg->hdr.id,1); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,passwd,strlen(passwd)); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx,ad->val,VALUE_SIZE); MD5_Final(md5,&md5_ctx); if (memcmp(md5,msg->val,sizeof(md5))) { if (conf_ppp_verbose) log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: challenge response mismatch\n"); chap_send_failure(ad); if (ad->started) ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0); else ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp); }else { chap_send_success(ad); if (!ad->started) { ad->started = 1; if (conf_interval) triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0); ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name); } else _free(name); } _free(passwd); } else if (r == PWDB_DENIED) { chap_send_failure(ad); _free(name); if (ad->started) ppp_terminate(ad->ppp, TERM_USER_ERROR, 0); else ppp_auth_failed(ad->ppp); } else { chap_send_success(ad); if (!ad->started) { ad->started = 1; if (conf_interval) triton_timer_add(ad->ppp->ctrl->ctx, &ad->interval, 0); ppp_auth_successed(ad->ppp, name); } else _free(name); } } static int chap_check(uint8_t *ptr) { return *ptr == CHAP_MD5; } static int chap_restart(struct ppp_t *ppp, struct auth_data_t *auth) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(auth, typeof(*d), auth); chap_send_challenge(d); return 0; } static struct ppp_auth_handler_t chap= { .name = "CHAP-md5", .init = auth_data_init, .free = auth_data_free, .send_conf_req = lcp_send_conf_req, .recv_conf_req = lcp_recv_conf_req, .start = chap_start, .finish = chap_finish, .check = chap_check, .restart = chap_restart, }; static void chap_recv(struct ppp_handler_t *h) { struct chap_auth_data_t *d = container_of(h, typeof(*d), h); struct chap_hdr_t *hdr = (struct chap_hdr_t *)d->ppp->chan_buf; if (d->ppp->chan_buf_size < sizeof(*hdr) || ntohs(hdr->len) < HDR_LEN || ntohs(hdr->len) < d->ppp->chan_buf_size - 2) { log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: short packet received\n"); return; } if (hdr->code == CHAP_RESPONSE) chap_recv_response(d, hdr); else log_ppp_warn("chap-md5: unknown code received %x\n", hdr->code); } static void __init auth_chap_md5_init() { char *opt; opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "timeout"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) conf_timeout = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "interval"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) conf_interval = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "max-failure"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) conf_max_failure = atoi(opt); opt = conf_get_opt("auth", "any-login"); if (opt && atoi(opt) > 0) conf_any_login = 1; urandom_fd=open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY); if (urandom_fd < 0) { log_emerg("chap-md5: failed to open /dev/urandom: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } if (ppp_auth_register_handler(&chap)) log_emerg("chap-md5: failed to register handler\n"); }