# We have our own, simpler dependencies stuff in 'reconf' AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = no-dependencies foreign @SET_MAKE@ export LIBDIR=$(libdir)/pptpd INCLUDES = -I. ## Change this if you don't have gcc ## -pedantic removed for now (OpenBSD header files). ## -Werror removed for now (getopt stuff on OSF/1 throws a ## warning with -Wmissing-prototypes). ## -Wmissing-prototypes removed (eg, Linux 2.2.6 headers ## aren't up to it). CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-builtin -Wall -DSBINDIR='"$(sbindir)"' -I$(kernel_headers) #CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-builtin -Wall -ansi -DSBINDIR='"$(sbindir)"' #CFLAGS = -O2 -fno-builtin -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wmissing-prototypes -Werror -DSBINDIR='"$(sbindir)"' man_MANS = pptpd.8 pptpd.conf.5 EXTRA_DIST = \ html README* ChangeLog NEWS* TODO $(man_MANS) \ samples/chap-secrets samples/options.pptpd samples/pptpd.conf \ Makefile.uClinux config.embed.h version reconf \ tools/pptp-portslave tools/vpnstats tools/vpnstats.pl tools/vpnuser \ pptpd.init pptpd.spec makepackage \ plugins/Makefile plugins/*.h plugins/*.c \ debian/README.debian debian/changelog debian/conffiles debian/config \ debian/control debian/copyright debian/dirs debian/docs \ debian/examples debian/pptpd-options debian/pptpd.conf \ debian/pptpd.init debian/pptpdconfig.pl debian/rules debian/templates \ debian/po/POTFILES.in debian/po/fr.po debian/po/pt_BR.po \ debian/po/templates.pot EXTRA_PROGRAMS = sbin_PROGRAMS = pptpd pptpctrl bcrelay # Header files are only used to determine what to put in a distribution, not # for dependencies, so just attribute them all to pptpd. pptpd_SOURCES = \ pptpd.c configfile.c pptpmanager.c compat.c inststr.c getopt.c getopt1.c \ compat.h configfile.h ctrlpacket.h defaults.h inststr.h our_getopt.h \ our_syslog.h pptpdefs.h pptpmanager.h pptpctrl_SOURCES = \ pptpctrl.c ctrlpacket.c inststr.c compat.c pptpd_LDADD = $(XTRALIBS_MGR) pptpctrl_LDADD = $(XTRALIBS_CTRL) bcrelay_SOURCES = bcrelay.c defaults.h our_syslog.h our_getopt.h subdirs = plugins all-local: for d in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $$d all; done install-exec-local: for d in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $$d prefix=$(prefix) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install; done clean-local: for d in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $$d clean; done uninstall-local: for d in $(subdirs); do $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C $$d prefix=$(prefix) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) uninstall; done package: deb rpm deb: fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc rpm: fakeroot rpmbuild -ta pptpd-$(VERSION).tar.gz ##CLEANFILES = ## DO NOT ADD BELOW THIS POINT, DEPS ARE AUTOMATICALLY ADDED bcrelay.o: bcrelay.c config.h defaults.h our_syslog.h our_getopt.h compat.o: compat.c config.h compat.h our_syslog.h inststr.h configfile.o: configfile.c config.h defaults.h configfile.h our_syslog.h ctrlpacket.o: ctrlpacket.c config.h our_syslog.h pptpdefs.h pptpctrl.h \ ctrlpacket.h compat.h getopt.o: getopt.c config.h our_getopt.h getopt1.o: getopt1.c config.h our_getopt.h inststr.o: inststr.c config.h inststr.h compat.h pptpctrl.o: pptpctrl.c config.h our_syslog.h compat.h pptpctrl.h \ pptpdefs.h ctrlpacket.h defaults.h pptpd.o: pptpd.c config.h our_syslog.h our_getopt.h configfile.h \ defaults.h compat.h pptpmanager.h pptpmanager.o: pptpmanager.c config.h our_syslog.h configfile.h \ defaults.h pptpctrl.h pptpdefs.h pptpmanager.h compat.h