import pytest from common import dhclient_process import tempfile, os # dhclient executable file name @pytest.fixture() def dhclient(pytestconfig): return pytestconfig.getoption("dhclient") # pppd configuration as command line args (might be redefined by specific test) # "-d" (do not daemonize) must be a part of the args @pytest.fixture() def dhclient_args(): # test setup: #lease_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) #lease_file_name = #lease_file.close() # just create, close and delete # test execution: yield ["-d", "-4", "--no-pid", "-lf", "/dev/null"] # test teardown: #os.unlink(lease_file_name) # setup and teardown for tests that required running dhclient (after accel-pppd) @pytest.fixture() def dhclient_instance(accel_pppd_instance, veth_pair_netns, dhclient, dhclient_args): # test setup: print("dhclient_instance: accel_pppd_instance = " + str(accel_pppd_instance)) is_started, dhclient_thread, dhclient_control = dhclient_process.start( veth_pair_netns["netns"], dhclient, dhclient_args, ) # test execution: yield { "is_started": is_started, "dhclient_thread": dhclient_thread, "dhclient_control": dhclient_control, } # test teardown: dhclient_process.end(dhclient_thread, dhclient_control)