path: root/_sources/configuration/shaper.rst.txt
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diff --git a/_sources/configuration/shaper.rst.txt b/_sources/configuration/shaper.rst.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bd1ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/configuration/shaper.rst.txt
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+.. _shaper:
+Accel-ppp support many ways customisation rate-limit. Also limiting clients bandwidths sometimes called as QoS (Quality of Service), but QoS has more possibilities. For enable rate-liniter, we can sets ``shaper`` in section ``[modules]``.
+Config overview
+ By default: ``attr=Filter-Id``.
+ Specifies which radius attribute contains rate information. RADIUS server can transmit ``Filter-Id=1000``, means 1000Kbit both up-stream and down-stream rate or ``Filter-Id=2000/3000``, means 2000Kbit down-stream rate and 3000Kbit up-stream rate.
+ By default is not defined.
+ Specifies which radius attribute contains rate information for **upstream**. Often used if needs separate *upstream* and *downstream* attributes.
+ By default is not defined.
+ Specifies which radius attribute contains rate information for **downstream**. Often used if needs separate *upstream* and *downstream* attributes.
+ By default is not defined.
+ Specifies vendor name for support attributes of other vendors like *Cisco-AVPair* or *Mikrotik*.
+Example for Cisco:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ vendor=Cisco
+ attr=Cisco-AVPair
+Example for Mikrotik:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ vendor=Mikrotik
+ attr=Mikrotik-Rate-Limit
+ By default is not defined.
+ Burst will be calculated as rate multiply burst-factor. Common ``burst-factor`` for upstream calculated as ``burst-factor*10``.
+ By default is ``up-burst-factor=1``
+ Specifies burst factor for **upstream**.
+ By default is ``down-burst-factor=0.1``
+ Specifies burst factor for **downstream**.
+ By default is ``cburst=1534``
+ Specifies amount of bytes that can be burst at 'infinite' speed. Recommendation: cburst should be equal to at most one average packet
+ By default is ``latency=0.05``
+ Specifies latency (in milliseconds) parameter of tbf qdisc which set maximum amount of time a packet can sit in the TBF.
+ By default is ``mpu=0``
+ Specifies mpu parameter in bytes of tbf qdisc and policer. Determines the minimal token usage for a packet.
+ By default is ``r2q=10``
+ Specifies r2q parameter of root htb qdisc.
+ By default is ``quantum=1500``
+ Specifies quantum parameter of htb classes. Amount of bytes a flow is allowed to dequeue before the scheduler moves to the next class.
+ By default is disabled ``moderate-quantum=0``
+ If fixed quantum is not specified and this option is specified then shaper module will check for quantum value is valid (in range 1000-200000).
+ By default is disabled: ``fwmark=0``
+ Specifies the fwmark for traffic that won't be passed through shaper.
+ By default is: ``up-limiter=police``
+ Specifes upstream rate limiting method.
+ By default is: ``down-limiter=tbf``
+ Specifies downstream rate limiting method.
+ By default ``ifb=ifb0``
+ Specifies name of ifb interface, used only for ``up-limiter=htb``
+**leaf-qdisc=qdisc parameters**
+ By default is not defined.
+ In case if htb is used as up-limiter or down-limiter specified leaf qdisc can be attached automaticaly. At present *sfq* and *fq_codel qdiscs* are implemented. *CoDel* (the name comes from "controlled delay") is Active Queue Manager. Parameters are same as for tc:
+ ``sfq [limit NUMBER] [perturb SECS] [quantum BYTES]``
+ ``fq_codel [limit PACKETS] [flows NUMBER] [target TIME] [interval TIME] [quantum BYTES] [[no]ecn]``
+ By default is ``rate-multiplier=1``
+ Due to accel-ppp operates with rates in kilobit basis if you send rates in different basis then you can use this option to bring your values to kilobits. For ``vendor=Mikrotik`` often sets ``rate-multiplier=0.001``
+ By default is not defined.
+ Specifies default speed if there are no radius attributes.
+ By default is not defined.
+ Specifies time ranges for automatic rate reconfiguration. You can specify multiple such options.
+ Configuration example:
+.. code-block:: none
+ [shaper]
+ time-range=1,1:00-3:00
+ time-range=2,3:00-5:00
+ time-range=3,5:00-7:00
+The first number is time range identifier. To define a specific rates uses following format of radius attributes: range-id,rate, range-id,down-rate/up-rate or cisco-like.
+As an example:
+.. code-block:: none
+ Filter-Id=1000
+ Filter-Id=1,2000
+ Filter-Id=2,3000
+ Filter-Id=3,4000
+That means: set 1000Kbit by default, set 2000Kbit in time range 1, set 3000Kbit in time range 2 and set 4000Kbit in time range 3.
+You have to pass multiple Filter-Id attributes to utilize this functionality.
+Cisco AVPair