path: root/_sources/guides
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4 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_sources/guides/BRAS_tuning.rst.txt b/_sources/guides/BRAS_tuning.rst.txt
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index 0000000..14395eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_sources/guides/BRAS_tuning.rst.txt
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+BRAS tuning
+Recommendations for BRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server) performance.
+Network tuning
+Disable kernel mitigations to maximize performance
+Edit file ``/etc/default/grub``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="intel_idle.max_cstate=0 processor.max_cstate=1 idle=poll quiet mitigations=off"
+Additional GRUB CMD arguments:
+ * ixgbe.allow_unsupported_sfp=1 - Allow to use not original Intel SFP+ modules
+ * pcie_aspm=off - Disable Active-State Power Management
+After saving, please update grub settings
+.. code-block:: sh
+ $sudo update-grub
+Warning! Enabling the idle loop (``idle=poll``) parameter can cause 100% CPU utilization on your VM (if you're using virtual enviroments like ProxMox, VMWare, etc.)
+Disable NIC offloads
+Disable hardware offloads,increase Tx/Rx buffers and queue length on your NICs to prevent speed problems.
+Please note, that GSO offload changed to tx-gso-partial in Linux kernels 4.15 and later.
+Debian ``/etc/network/interfaces``:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ allow-hotplug eth0
+ iface eth0 inet manual
+ up ethtool -K eth0 tso off gso off gro off rxvlan off txvlan off rx-vlan-filter off ntuple on &> /dev/null
+ up ethtool -K eth0 tx-gso-partial off &> /dev/null
+ up ethtool -G eth0 rx 4096 tx 4096 &> /dev/null
+ up ip link set eth0 txqueuelen 10000 &> /dev/null
+Please determine your NIC queue and buffers limit before increase:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ ethtool -g eth0
+Fix Download speed problem (shaper)
+Change shaper from htb to tbf
+.. code-block:: sh
+ [shaper]
+ …
+ down-limiter=tbf
+Default rate limits (shaper)
+If radius-server Access-Accept answer has no compatible speed attributes - to prevent unlimited session speed you can add default rate-limits (in Kbps).
+``nano /etc/accel-ppp.conf``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ [shaper]
+ rate-limit=888/888
+Change PPPoE MTU
+You can adjust allowed PPPoE min/max MTU/MRU settings:
+``nano /etc/accel-ppp.conf``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ [ppp]
+ verbose=1
+ min-mtu=1280
+ mtu=1492
+ mru=1492
+Hotplug optimization
+To generate hotplug events on IPoE interfaces (Debian 10):
+``nano /lib/udev/ifupdown-hotplug``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ case "$ACTION" in
+ add)
+ # these interfaces generate hotplug events *after* they are brought up
+ case $INTERFACE in
+ ppp*|ippp*|isdn*|plip*|lo|irda*|ipsec*
+just add ``|ipoe*`` after ``|ipsec*``
+repeat with file ``/lib/udev/net.agent``
+SYSTEMD-UDEV optimizations
+1. Delete ```` from ``/lib/systemd/network/`` directory
+.. code-block:: sh
+ rm /lib/systemd/network/
+2. Change ``/lib/udev/rules.d/99-systemd.rules``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL!="lo|ppp*|ipoe*", RUN+="/lib/systemd/systemd-sysctl --prefix=/net/ipv4/conf/$name --prefix=/net/ipv4/neigh/$name --prefix=/net/ipv6/conf/$name --prefix=/net/ipv6/neigh/$name"
+Add ``|ppp*|ipoe*`` to ``KERNEL!="lo"``
+3. Change ``/lib/udev/rules.d/80-ifupdown.rules``
+.. code-block:: sh
+ SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add|remove", KERNEL!="ppp*|ipoe*", RUN+="ifupdown-hotplug"
+Add ``KERNEL!="ppp*|ipoe*"``
diff --git a/_sources/guides/control_features.rst.txt b/_sources/guides/control_features.rst.txt
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+++ b/_sources/guides/control_features.rst.txt
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+Control features
+Accel-ppp support next features for control daemon and sessions:
+ * ``accel-cmd``
+ * ``telnet``
+ * ``snmp``
+ * ``RADIUS COA``
+Common available commands for ``accel-cmd`` and ``telnet``. Also possible show this help message with one of commands ``accel-cmd help`` and ``telnet 2000`` then run ``help``.
+.. code-block:: text
+ show stat - shows various statistics information
+ terminate if <interface> [soft|hard]- terminate session by interface name
+ [match] username <username> [soft|hard]- terminate session by username
+ ip <address> [soft|hard]- terminate session by ip address
+ csid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by calling station id
+ sid <id> [soft|hard]- terminate session by session id
+ all [soft|hard]- terminate all sessions
+ reload - reload config file
+ restart [hard] - restart daemon
+ hard - restart immediatly
+ default action - terminate all connections then restart
+ shutdown [soft|hard|cancel]- shutdown daemon
+ default action - send termination signals to all clients and wait everybody disconnects
+ soft - wait until all clients disconnects, don't accept new connections
+ hard - shutdown now, don't wait anything
+ cancel - cancel 'shutdown soft' and return to normal operation
+ exit - exit cli
+ show sessions [columns] [order <column>] [match <column> <regexp>] - shows sessions
+ columns:
+ netns - network namespace name
+ ifname - interface name
+ username - user name
+ ip - IP address
+ ip6 - IPv6 address
+ ip6-dp - IPv6 delegated prefix
+ type - VPN type
+ state - state of session
+ uptime - uptime (human readable)
+ uptime-raw - uptime (in seconds)
+ calling-sid - calling station id
+ called-sid - called station id
+ sid - session id
+ comp - compression/encryption method
+ rx-bytes - received bytes (human readable)
+ tx-bytes - transmitted bytes (human readable)
+ rx-bytes-raw - received bytes
+ tx-bytes-raw - transmitted bytes
+ rx-pkts - received packets
+ tx-pkts - transmitted packets
+ ipoe-type - IPoE session type
+ rate-limit - rate limit down-stream/up-stream (Kbit)
+ pppoe mac-filter reload - reload mac-filter file
+ pppoe mac-filter add <address> - add address to mac-filter list
+ pppoe mac-filter del <address> - delete address from mac-filter list
+ pppoe mac-filter show - show current mac-filter list
+ pppoe interface add <name> - start pppoe server on specified interface
+ pppoe interface del <name> - stop pppoe server on specified interface and drop his connections
+ pppoe interface show - show interfaces on which pppoe server started
+ pppoe set verbose <n> - set verbosity of pppoe logging
+ pppoe set PADO-delay <delay[,delay1:count1[,delay2:count2[,...]]]> - set PADO delays (ms)
+ pppoe set Service-Name <name> - set Service-Name to respond
+ pppoe set Service-Name * - respond with client's Service-Name
+ pppoe set AC-Name <name> - set AC-Name tag value
+ pppoe show verbose - show current verbose value
+ pppoe show PADO-delay - show current PADO delay value
+ pppoe show Service-Name - show current Service-Name value
+ pppoe show AC-Name - show current AC-Name tag value
+ shaper change <interface> <value> [temp] - change shaper on specified interface, if temp is set then previous settings may be restored later by 'shaper restore'
+ shaper change all <value> [temp] - change shaper on all interfaces, if temp is set also new interfaces will have specified shaper value
+ shaper restore <interface> - restores shaper settings on specified interface made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag
+ shaper restore all - restores shaper settings on all interfaces made by 'shaper change' command with 'temp' flag
+This application is very powerful and often used if you have `cli` connection. Be default accel-ppp listen *TCP* port *2000* for input/output with accel-cmd. However `telnet` has same functions, but `accel-cmd` is more comfortable, allow send command without enter in to another environment. Detail about cli you may read at :ref:`cli_configuration` .Let's revise `accel-cmd` possible commands.
+ * `accel-cmd show stat` - one of more important command, allow display *accel-ppp* daemon statistics and information about connections types and something counters such as RADIUS auth, acct summary and lost queries. Detail below:
+radius CoA
+Example, terminate session by username: ``echo User-Name=username | radclient -x disconnect testing123``.
diff --git a/_sources/guides/radius_features.rst.txt b/_sources/guides/radius_features.rst.txt
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index 0000000..1f602d9
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+++ b/_sources/guides/radius_features.rst.txt
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+RADIUS and DM/CoA features
+Since from commit version 385c403 accel-ppp support VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding).
+Usually, this feature is useful to isolate clients e.g. put client interface to some context with different routing and firewall rules.
+User interface can be put to VRF context via RADIUS Access-Accept packet, or change it via RADIUS CoA.
+Accel-ppp uses own RADIUS vendor dictionary and RADIUS attribute ``Accel-VRF-Name``
+All VRFs should be manually created in advance:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ ip link add VRF_NAME type vrf table RT_TABLE_ID
+ ip link set dev VRF_NAME up
+Linux VRF documentation
+If ``Accel-VRF-Name`` is used in Access-Accept message, but VRF was not created then the session will not be established.
+Set VRF via CoA
+Put user interface to some VRF context
+.. code-block:: sh
+ echo 'User-Name=bob, Accel-VRF-Name="red"' | radclient -x coa testing123
+Delete user interface from VRF context
+.. code-block:: sh
+ echo 'User-Name=bob, Accel-VRF-Name="0"' | radclient -x coa testing123
+If ``Accel-VRF-Name`` is used in CoA message and VRF does not exist then CoA-NAK will be sent.
diff --git a/_sources/guides/recommendations.rst.txt b/_sources/guides/recommendations.rst.txt
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+Enable forwarding
+To enable packet forwarding need edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add or uncomment next:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
+ net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
+For apply this params now, use command ``sysctl -p`` or after reboot server this params will be applied automatically.
+If used vlan-per-user often required 802.1ad standard also called as QinQ or Q-in-Q, then need to set MTU on main interface and S-VLAN, because adding to headed one more field.
+Interface which using QinQ usually consist of ``<interface_name>.<S-VLAN>.<C-VLAN>``.
+S-VLAN (Service VLAN) is TAG which wrap C-VLAN (Customer VLAN).
+As example:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ 1504
+ | 1504
+ | | 1500
+ | | |
+ eth0.2001.101
+ | | |
+ | | C-VLAN
+ | S-VLAN
+ Interface
+Set up MTU on interface eth0 and interface with S-VLAN
+.. code-block:: sh
+ ip link set eth0 mtu 1504
+ ip link set eth0.2001 mtu 1504
+.. admonition:: Note:
+ If used ``bonding`` need change MTU on *bonding* (bond0) and *slaves* (eth0, eth1 ...) interfaces.
+Increase ARP cache size
+If accel-ppp used as DHCP BRAS important to increase ARP cache size, otherwise you can cache overflow and clients have lost connections. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add next:
+.. code-block:: sh
+ net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 = 4096
+ net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 = 8192
+ net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 12288
+ net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh1 = 4096
+ net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh2 = 8192
+ net.ipv6.neigh.default.gc_thresh3 = 12288
+For apply this params now, use command ``sysctl -p`` or after reboot server this params will be applied automatically.