#!/usr/bin/env bash source ./auto/helper-logic # Clear the screen and print the header PrintHeader # Ensure we are running as root EnsureRoot # Ensure stage 6 is complete EnsureStageIsComplete 6 # If the username and token has been saved, we use those instead of asking the user. if ([ ! -f $USERNAME_FILE ] || [ ! -f $TOKEN_FILE ]); then echo read -p "Please enter your username here: " USERNAME read -p "Please enter your Jenkins token here: " TOKEN echo else USERNAME=`cat $USERNAME_FILE` TOKEN=`cat $TOKEN_FILE` fi # Define the JENKINS url using the username and token provided. JENKINS_URL="http://${USERNAME}:${TOKEN}@" # Ensure the Jenkins CLI has been downloaded. EnsureJenkinsCli # Test the connection to make sure Jenkins is ready. TestJenkinsConnection $USERNAME $TOKEN echo # Build the jobs. BuildJobs "jobs/project-jobs.json" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "All packages have been built." echo "Part 7 of the installer is now done." echo "Please run part eight (8-nginx.sh) to set up NGINX." echo else echo echo "One or more packages failed to build." echo "A list of failed jobs is printed above." echo "Please check inside Jenkins to see what went wrong, and run a new build of the failed package." echo "Once this is done, please run part eight (8-nginx.sh) to set up NGINX." echo fi # Create marker file CreateMarkerFile 7