#!/usr/bin/env bash # Define colors. RED='\033[0;91m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' LIGHTBLUE='\033[0;94m' GRAY='\033[0;90m' NOCOLOR='\033[0m' # Define color indicators. EMPTY_INDICATOR="[ ]" OK_INDICATOR="[ ${GREEN}OK${NOCOLOR} ]" ERROR_INDICATOR="[ ${RED}!!${NOCOLOR} ]" # Define job indicators. JOB_NOT_STARTED_INDICATOR="[ ${LIGHTBLUE}Not Started${NOCOLOR} ]" JOB_RUNNING_INDICATOR="[ ${LIGHTBLUE}Running${NOCOLOR} ]" JOB_COMPLETED_INDICATOR="[ ${GREEN}Completed${NOCOLOR} ]" JOB_FAILED_INDICATOR="[ ${RED}Failed!${NOCOLOR} ]" # Define Jenkins config files. JENKINS_CONFIG_FILE=/var/lib/jenkins/config.xml JENKINS_GLOBALLIBRARIES_FILE=/var/lib/jenkins/org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.libs.GlobalLibraries.xml JENKINS_DOCKERDECLARATIVE_FILE=/var/lib/jenkins/org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.workflow.declarative.GlobalConfig.xml # Define the job template variables. TEMPLATE_FILE="jobs/jobTemplate.xml" WORKDIR="/tmp/seed-jobs" SETTINGS_DIR="/var/cache/vyos-installer" if [ ! -d "$SETTINGS_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$SETTINGS_DIR" fi # Define username and token filenames. USERNAME_FILE="$SETTINGS_DIR/installer_username" TOKEN_FILE="$SETTINGS_DIR/installer_token" function IsFlagSet { flag="$1" shift for arg; do if [[ $arg == "$flag" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } # Skip the stage check STAGE_CHECK_DISABLED=false if IsFlagSet "--force" "$@"; then STAGE_CHECK_DISABLED=true fi # Remember branding removal (load if present and $NOT_VYOS is unset) NOT_VYOS_MEMORY="$SETTINGS_DIR/vyos_branding_removal" if [[ -z ${NOT_VYOS+x} ]] && [ -f "$NOT_VYOS_MEMORY" ]; then NOT_VYOS=$(cat "$NOT_VYOS_MEMORY") else echo "$NOT_VYOS" > "$NOT_VYOS_MEMORY" fi # Remember branch (load if present and $BRANCH is unset) SELECTED_BRANCH_MEMORY="$SETTINGS_DIR/vyos_selected_branch" if [[ -z ${BRANCH+x} ]] && [ -f "$SELECTED_BRANCH_MEMORY" ]; then BRANCH=$(cat "$SELECTED_BRANCH_MEMORY") else echo "$BRANCH" > "$SELECTED_BRANCH_MEMORY" fi # Filters to limit jobs to specific branch EXCLUDED_DESCRIPTION="" SELECTED_BRANCH="$BRANCH" if [ "$SELECTED_BRANCH" == "sagitta" ]; then EXCLUDED_DESCRIPTION="equuleus-only" SELECTED_BRANCH_REGEX="(sagitta|current)" elif [ "$SELECTED_BRANCH" == "equuleus" ]; then EXCLUDED_DESCRIPTION="sagitta-only" SELECTED_BRANCH_REGEX="equuleus" else if [ "$SELECTED_BRANCH" != "" ]; then >&2 echo -e "${RED}Unknown branch: $SELECTED_BRANCH, please provide valid \$BRANCH (sagitta or equuleus)${NOCOLOR}" exit 1 fi fi function PrintHeader { # Print banner echo "#################################################" echo "# Unofficial VyOS package mirror installer v1.0 #" echo "#################################################" echo echo "-- Currently executing '$(basename $0)' --" echo } function EnsureRoot { # Ensure we are root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then >&2 echo -e "${RED}Please run as root${NOCOLOR}" exit 1 fi } function ClearPreviousLine { tput cuu1 tput el } function PrintEmptyIndicator { echo -e "$EMPTY_INDICATOR $1" } function PrintOkIndicator { echo -e "$OK_INDICATOR $1" } function PrintErrorIndicator { >&2 echo -e "$ERROR_INDICATOR $1" exit 1 } function PrintJobExcluded { tput el echo -e "[ ${GRAY}Skipped${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $1 - Branch: $2 (excluded)" } function PrintJobNotStarted { tput el echo -e "[ ${LIGHTBLUE}Not Started${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $1 - Branch: $2" } function PrintJobRunning { tput el echo -e "[ ${LIGHTBLUE}Running${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $1 - Branch: $2" } function PrintJobCompleted { tput el echo -e "[ ${GREEN}Completed${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $1 - Branch: $2" } function PrintJobFailed { tput el >&2 echo -e "[ ${RED}Failed!${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $1 - Branch: $2" } function Run { command="$1" infoMessage="$2" errorMessage="$3" successMessage="$4" if [ "$infoMessage" != "" ]; then echo -e "$EMPTY_INDICATOR $infoMessage" fi output=$( (set -e; eval "$command") 2>&1 1>/dev/null | tee /dev/fd/2; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) exitCode=$? if [ $exitCode -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$successMessage" != "" ]; then if [ "$output" == "" ]; then tput cuu1; tput el fi echo -e "$OK_INDICATOR $successMessage" fi else if [ "$output" == "" ]; then tput cuu1; tput el fi if [ "$successMessage" != "" ]; then >&2 echo -e "$ERROR_INDICATOR $errorMessage" else >&2 echo -e "$ERROR_INDICATOR Unexpected failure, exit code: $exitCode" fi exit $exitCode fi } function RunWithLazyStdout { set -e command=$1 # stop the background command on ctrl+c # and cleanup temporary file and tail on exit stty -echoctl trap stop INT TERM trap cleanup EXIT function stop { kill $pid || true wait $pid exitCode=$? cleanup exit $exitCode } function cleanup { stty echo if [ "$buffer" != "" ]; then rm -f $buffer 2> /dev/null || true fi if [ "$tailPid" != "" ]; then kill $tailPid || true fi } buffer=$(mktemp -p /tmp --suffix=-background-buffer) $command > $buffer & pid=$! echo "Show output? Press y..." while ps -p $pid > /dev/null do if [ "$tailPid" == "" ]; then read -s -n 1 -t 1 input || true if [ "$input" == "y" ]; then tail -f -n +1 $buffer & tailPid=$! fi else sleep 1 fi done wait $pid exit $? } function FilterStderr { ( set -e; eval "$1" 2>&1 1>&3 | (grep -v -E "$2" || true); exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}; ) 1>&2 3>&1 return $? } function EnsureJenkinsCli { if [ ! -f jenkins-cli.jar ]; then PrintEmptyIndicator "Download Jenkins CLI..." wget > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintOkIndicator "Downloaded Jenkins CLI successfully." else ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to download Jenkins CLI." fi fi } function TestJenkinsConnection { PrintEmptyIndicator "Testing jenkins connection..." java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth $1:$2 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintOkIndicator "Connected to Jenkins successfully." echo $1 > $USERNAME_FILE echo $2 > $TOKEN_FILE else ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to connect to Jenkins, please re-run stage 2 and make sure the username and token is correct." echo if [ -f $USERNAME_FILE ]; then rm $USERNAME_FILE fi if [ -f $TOKEN_FILE ]; then rm $TOKEN_FILE fi exit 1 fi } function StopJenkins { if [ $(systemctl is-active jenkins) == "active" ]; then PrintEmptyIndicator "Stopping Jenkins..." service jenkins stop > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintOkIndicator "Jenkins has been stopped." else ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to stop Jenkins." fi fi } function StartJenkins { if [ $(systemctl is-active jenkins) != "active" ]; then PrintEmptyIndicator "Starting Jenkins..." service jenkins start > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintOkIndicator "Jenkins has been started." else ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to start Jenkins." fi fi } function UrlGet { curl -sS -g --fail-with-body "${JENKINS_URL}${1}" } function UrlPost { curl -sS -g --fail-with-body -X POST "${JENKINS_URL}${1}" } function UrlPush { curl -sS -g --fail-with-body -X POST -d "@${2}" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" "${JENKINS_URL}${1}" } function ProvisionJob { # Extract the job name. JOB_NAME=$(echo "$1" | jq -r .name) # Parse the json. DESCRIPTION=$(echo "$1" | jq -r .description) GIT_URL=$(echo "$1" | jq -r .gitUrl) BRANCH_REGEX=$(echo "$1" | jq -r .branchRegex) JENKINS_FILE_PATH=$(echo "$1" | jq -r .jenkinsfilePath) # Branch filter if [ "$SELECTED_BRANCH" != "" ] && [[ "$BRANCH_REGEX" == *"|"* ]]; then if [ "$SELECTED_BRANCH" == "sagitta" ]; then if [[ "$BRANCH_REGEX" == *"current"* ]]; then if [[ "$BRANCH_REGEX" == *"sagitta"* ]]; then BRANCH_REGEX="(sagitta|current)" else BRANCH_REGEX="current" fi else BRANCH_REGEX="sagitta" fi else BRANCH_REGEX="equuleus" fi fi # Create the job xml file. JOBPATH="$WORKDIR/$JOB_NAME.xml" PROJECT="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.multibranch.WorkflowMultiBranchProject" BRANCH_SOURCE="$PROJECT/sources/data/jenkins.branch.BranchSource/source" REGEX_TRAIT="$BRANCH_SOURCE/traits/jenkins.scm.impl.trait.RegexSCMHeadFilterTrait" xmlstarlet ed --update "//$PROJECT/description" --value "$DESCRIPTION" \ --update "//$BRANCH_SOURCE/remote" --value "$GIT_URL" \ --update "//$REGEX_TRAIT/regex" --value "$BRANCH_REGEX" \ --update "//$PROJECT/factory/scriptPath" --value "$JENKINS_FILE_PATH" \ "$TEMPLATE_FILE" > "$JOBPATH" 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to create job xml for: $JOB_NAME" fi # Check if job already exists. RESULT=$(UrlGet "/checkJobName?value=$JOB_NAME" || true) if [[ "$RESULT" == *"already exists"* ]]; then # Job already exist, so we update it. UrlPush "/job/$JOB_NAME/config.xml" "$JOBPATH" else # Job doesn't exist, so we create it. UrlPush "/createItem?name=$JOB_NAME" "$JOBPATH" fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ClearPreviousLine PrintErrorIndicator "Failed to create job: $JOB_NAME" fi } function ProvisionJobs { # Create the jobs. echo "Provisioning jobs in Jenkins..." # Make sure the work directory exists. mkdir -p "$WORKDIR" # Declare the JOBS list. declare -a JOBS # Read one job at a time from the json file. # Store the single jobs in the JOBS array. while read item do # Find the name of the job. JOB_NAME=$(echo "$item" | jq -r .name) # Branch filter DESCRIPTION=$(echo "$item" | jq -r .description) if [ "$DESCRIPTION" == "$EXCLUDED_DESCRIPTION" ]; then PrintEmptyIndicator "$JOB_NAME (excluded - $DESCRIPTION)" continue fi JOBS+=( "$item" ) done < <(cat $1 | jq -c '.[]') BUILD_FAILED="false" echo "Total number of pipelines: ${#JOBS[@]}" # Has the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable been set? if [ "$(printenv CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT)" ]; then # Yes, so we use that value to define the number of concurrent jobs. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT=$(printenv CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT) echo "Concurrent jobs: $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT (Overridden by the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable)" else # No, so we read the number of CPU cores, and use that. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT="$(nproc)" # If less than 4 CPU cores is found, we set it to 4. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT=$(( $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT < 4 ? 4 : $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT)) echo "Concurrent jobs: $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT (Can be overridden by setting the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable)" fi echo declare -A JOB_RESULTS # While there are more jobs to build. while [ ${#JOBS[@]} -gt 0 ] do # Create a list to store the current "chunk" of jobs in. declare -a CURRENT_JOBS # Make sure it is empty. CURRENT_JOBS=() # While the number of jobs in the list is less than the concurrent job count. while [ ${#CURRENT_JOBS[@]} -lt $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT ] do # Are there any jobs left in the main list? if [ ${#JOBS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # Yes, so we take the first element. item=${JOBS[0]} # Remove it from the main list. JOBS=("${JOBS[@]:1}") ProvisionJob $item # Find the branches for the job. BRANCH_REGEX=$(echo "$item" | jq -r .branchRegex) # Split branch regex BRANCHES=$(sed -e 's/(//g' -e 's/)//g' -e 's/|/\n/g' <<< "${BRANCH_REGEX}") for BRANCH in $BRANCHES do # Branch filter if ! echo $BRANCH | grep -E "$SELECTED_BRANCH_REGEX" > /dev/null; then continue fi PrintJobNotStarted $JOB_NAME $BRANCH # And add it to our current list. CURRENT_JOBS+=( "$JOB_NAME|$BRANCH" ) done else # No more jobs, so we break out of the loop. break fi done while : do # Define the current state, and set it to true. # If anything isn't ready, we set it to false. FINISHED_THIS_RUN="true" # Move the cursor up one line for each job in the current job list. for job in "${CURRENT_JOBS[@]}"; do tput cuu1 done # For each job in the current job list. for job in "${CURRENT_JOBS[@]}"; do # Split into name and branch. jobSplit=(${job//|/ }) JOB_NAME="${jobSplit[0]}" JOB_BRANCH="${jobSplit[1]}" completed=false started=true url="${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/job/${JOB_BRANCH}/api/json" nextBuildNumber=$(curl -s -g "$url" | jq -r .nextBuildNumber 2> /dev/null) if [ "$nextBuildNumber" != "" ] && [ $nextBuildNumber -gt 2 ]; then completed=true else url="${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/job/${JOB_BRANCH}/1/api/json" if [ "$(curl -o /dev/null -s -w "%{http_code}\n" "${url}")" -eq 404 ]; then started=false fi fi if ! $started; then # The indexing hasn't started for this branch yet. PrintJobNotStarted $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH FINISHED_THIS_RUN="false" else # Indexing has started. if ! $completed; then RESULT=$(curl -Ss -g --fail-with-body "$url" | jq -r .result) if [[ "${RESULT}" != "SUCCESS" ]]; then # But it hasn't finished yet. PrintJobRunning $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH FINISHED_THIS_RUN="false" else completed=true fi fi if $completed; then PrintJobCompleted $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH fi fi done # When we get here, if FINISHED_THIS_RUN is true, everything is ready if [[ $FINISHED_THIS_RUN == "true" ]]; then break; else # Sleep 5 seconds sleep 5 fi done done } function BuildJobs { # Build the jobs. echo "Building jobs in Jenkins..." # Declare the JOBS list. declare -a JOBS # Read one job at a time from the json file. # Store the single jobs in the JOBS array. while read item do # Find the name of the job. JOB_NAME=$(echo "$item" | jq -r .name) # Find the branches for the job. BRANCH_REGEX=$(echo "$item" | jq -r .branchRegex) # Split branch regex BRANCHES=$(sed -e 's/(//g' -e 's/)//g' -e 's/|/\n/g' <<< "${BRANCH_REGEX}") for BRANCH in $BRANCHES do # Branch filter if ! echo $BRANCH | grep -E "$SELECTED_BRANCH_REGEX" > /dev/null; then continue fi JOBS+=( "$JOB_NAME|$BRANCH" ) done done < <(cat $1 | jq -c '.[]') BUILD_FAILED="false" echo "Total number of jobs: ${#JOBS[@]}" # Has the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable been set? if [ "$(printenv CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT)" ]; then # Yes, so we use that value to define the number of concurrent jobs. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT=$(printenv CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT) echo "Concurrent jobs: $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT (Overridden by the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable)" else # No, so we read the number of CPU cores, and use that. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT="$(nproc)" # If less than 4 CPU cores is found, we set it to 4. CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT=$(( $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT < 4 ? 4 : $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT)) echo "Concurrent jobs: $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT (Can be overridden by setting the CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT environment variable)" fi echo declare -A JOB_RESULTS # While there are more jobs to build. while [ ${#JOBS[@]} -gt 0 ] do # Create a list to store the current "chunk" of jobs in. declare -a CURRENT_JOBS # Make sure it is empty. CURRENT_JOBS=() # While the number of jobs in the list is less than the concurrent job count. while [ ${#CURRENT_JOBS[@]} -lt $CONCURRENT_JOBS_COUNT ] do # Are there any jobs left in the main list? if [ ${#JOBS[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # Yes, so we take the first element. ELEMENT=${JOBS[0]} # Remove it from the main list. JOBS=("${JOBS[@]:1}") # And add it to our current list. CURRENT_JOBS+=( "$ELEMENT" ) else # No more jobs, so we break out of the loop. break fi done # For each jobs in the current list. for job in "${CURRENT_JOBS[@]}"; do # Split into name and branch. jobSplit=(${job//|/ }) JOB_NAME="${jobSplit[0]}" JOB_BRANCH="${jobSplit[1]}" # Download job data and parse it. URL="${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/job/${JOB_BRANCH}/lastBuild/api/json" DATA=$(curl -Ss -g --fail-with-body "$URL") NUMBER="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .number)" INPROGRESS="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .inProgress)" RESULT="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .result)" # Get the branch build parameters. JSON=`cat $1 | jq --arg jobName "$JOB_NAME" --arg branch "$JOB_BRANCH" '.[] | select(.name == $jobName) | .branchParameters[$branch]'` # Build command line. COMMAND="java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s -auth $USERNAME:$TOKEN build '$JOB_NAME/$JOB_BRANCH'" # Construct the command line with the parameters. if [[ $JSON != "null" ]]; then while read variable do name=$(echo "$variable" | jq -r .key) value=$(echo "$variable" | jq -r .value) COMMAND="$COMMAND -p $name=$value" done < <(echo "$JSON" | jq -c 'to_entries | .[]') fi # Is the latest job #1 (the branch indexing job)? if [[ "${NUMBER}" == "1" ]]; then # Yes, so we trigger a new build. eval $COMMAND || true # No, so if inProgress is not true, the result is not success and the result is not null. elif [[ "${INPROGRESS}" != "true" ]] && [[ "${RESULT}" != "SUCCESS" ]] && [[ "${RESULT}" != "null" ]]; then # We trigger a new build, since the last build is not running, but didn't succeed. eval $COMMAND || true # We need to store the build number we found in a variable. LAST_BUILD_NUMBER=$NUMBER # Keep downloading the info for the last build, until the build number doesn't match the one stored above. while : do URL="${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/job/${JOB_BRANCH}/lastBuild/api/json" DATA=$(curl -Ss -g --fail-with-body "$URL") NUMBER="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .number)" # When that happens, the new build has been started, and we can move on. if [[ "${NUMBER}" != "$LAST_BUILD_NUMBER" ]]; then break fi # If not yet, we sleep 5 seconds and try again. sleep 5 done fi # Once we get to here, we have asked Jenkins to start the job, so we create an initial status of "Not Started". echo -e "[ ${LIGHTBLUE}Not Started${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $JOB_NAME - Branch: $JOB_BRANCH" done while : do # Define the current state, and set it to true. # If anything isn't ready, we set it to false. FINISHED_THIS_RUN="true" # Move the cursor up one line for each job in the current job list. for job in "${CURRENT_JOBS[@]}"; do tput cuu1 done # For each job in the current job list. for job in "${CURRENT_JOBS[@]}"; do # Split into name and branch. jobSplit=(${job//|/ }) JOB_NAME="${jobSplit[0]}" JOB_BRANCH="${jobSplit[1]}" # Download job data and parse it. URL="${JENKINS_URL}/job/${JOB_NAME}/job/${JOB_BRANCH}/lastBuild/api/json" DATA=$(curl -Ss -g --fail-with-body "$URL") NUMBER="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .number)" INPROGRESS="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .inProgress)" RESULT="$(echo $DATA | jq -r .result)" if [[ "${NUMBER}" == "1" ]]; then # Job number is 1, so we have the branching indexing job. PrintJobNotStarted $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH FINISHED_THIS_RUN="false" else if [[ "${INPROGRESS}" == "true" ]]; then # inProgress is true, so the job is running. PrintJobRunning $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH FINISHED_THIS_RUN="false" else if [[ "${RESULT}" == "SUCCESS" ]]; then # result is SUCCESS, so the job is done. PrintJobCompleted $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH JOB_RESULTS[$job]="OK" else if [[ "${RESULT}" == "null" ]]; then # result is null, which means we can download the data for the job, but it hasn't started yet. PrintJobNotStarted $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH FINISHED_THIS_RUN="false" else # If we end up here, the job has failed. PrintJobFailed $JOB_NAME $JOB_BRANCH JOB_RESULTS[$job]="FAILED" BUILD_FAILED="true" fi fi fi fi done # When we get here, if FINISHED_THIS_RUN is true, everything is ready if [[ $FINISHED_THIS_RUN == "true" ]]; then break; else # Sleep 5 seconds sleep 5 fi done done if [[ $BUILD_FAILED == "false" ]]; then # All builds succeeded. return 0 else # One or more builds failed. # Print the name of those who failed. echo echo "List of failed jobs:" for job in "${!JOB_RESULTS[@]}" do jobSplit=(${job//|/ }) JOB_NAME="${jobSplit[0]}" JOB_BRANCH="${jobSplit[1]}" if [[ ${JOB_RESULTS[$job]} == "FAILED" ]]; then echo -e "[ ${RED}Failed!${NOCOLOR} ] Package: $JOB_NAME - Branch: $JOB_BRANCH" fi done return 1 fi } function CreateMarkerFile { touch "$SETTINGS_DIR/installer_stage_${1}_completed" } function EnsureStageIsComplete { if [ ! -f "$SETTINGS_DIR/installer_stage_${1}_completed" ] && [ $STAGE_CHECK_DISABLED == false ]; then >&2 echo -e "${RED}Stage ${1} has not been completed - please run that first.${NOCOLOR}" echo "You can override this check via --force option." exit 1 fi }