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+Network Working Group W. Simpson
+Request for Comments: 1994 DayDreamer
+Obsoletes: 1334 August 1996
+Category: Standards Track
+ PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
+Status of this Memo
+ This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
+ Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
+ improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
+ Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
+ and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+ The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [1] provides a standard method for
+ transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links.
+ PPP also defines an extensible Link Control Protocol, which allows
+ negotiation of an Authentication Protocol for authenticating its peer
+ before allowing Network Layer protocols to transmit over the link.
+ This document defines a method for Authentication using PPP, which
+ uses a random Challenge, with a cryptographically hashed Response
+ which depends upon the Challenge and a secret key.
+Table of Contents
+ 1. Introduction .......................................... 1
+ 1.1 Specification of Requirements ................... 1
+ 1.2 Terminology ..................................... 2
+ 2. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol ........... 2
+ 2.1 Advantages ...................................... 3
+ 2.2 Disadvantages ................................... 3
+ 2.3 Design Requirements ............................. 4
+ 3. Configuration Option Format ........................... 5
+ 4. Packet Format ......................................... 6
+ 4.1 Challenge and Response .......................... 7
+ 4.2 Success and Failure ............................. 9
+ SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS ...................................... 10
+ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................. 11
+ REFERENCES ................................................... 12
+ CONTACTS ..................................................... 12
+Simpson [Page i]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+1. Introduction
+ In order to establish communications over a point-to-point link, each
+ end of the PPP link must first send LCP packets to configure the data
+ link during Link Establishment phase. After the link has been
+ established, PPP provides for an optional Authentication phase before
+ proceeding to the Network-Layer Protocol phase.
+ By default, authentication is not mandatory. If authentication of
+ the link is desired, an implementation MUST specify the
+ Authentication-Protocol Configuration Option during Link
+ Establishment phase.
+ These authentication protocols are intended for use primarily by
+ hosts and routers that connect to a PPP network server via switched
+ circuits or dial-up lines, but might be applied to dedicated links as
+ well. The server can use the identification of the connecting host
+ or router in the selection of options for network layer negotiations.
+ This document defines a PPP authentication protocol. The Link
+ Establishment and Authentication phases, and the Authentication-
+ Protocol Configuration Option, are defined in The Point-to-Point
+ Protocol (PPP) [1].
+1.1. Specification of Requirements
+ In this document, several words are used to signify the requirements
+ of the specification. These words are often capitalized.
+ MUST This word, or the adjective "required", means that the
+ definition is an absolute requirement of the specification.
+ MUST NOT This phrase means that the definition is an absolute
+ prohibition of the specification.
+ SHOULD This word, or the adjective "recommended", means that there
+ may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to
+ ignore this item, but the full implications must be
+ understood and carefully weighed before choosing a
+ different course.
+ MAY This word, or the adjective "optional", means that this
+ item is one of an allowed set of alternatives. An
+ implementation which does not include this option MUST be
+ prepared to interoperate with another implementation which
+ does include the option.
+Simpson [Page 1]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+1.2. Terminology
+ This document frequently uses the following terms:
+ authenticator
+ The end of the link requiring the authentication. The
+ authenticator specifies the authentication protocol to be
+ used in the Configure-Request during Link Establishment
+ phase.
+ peer The other end of the point-to-point link; the end which is
+ being authenticated by the authenticator.
+ silently discard
+ This means the implementation discards the packet without
+ further processing. The implementation SHOULD provide the
+ capability of logging the error, including the contents of
+ the silently discarded packet, and SHOULD record the event
+ in a statistics counter.
+2. Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
+ The Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is used to
+ periodically verify the identity of the peer using a 3-way handshake.
+ This is done upon initial link establishment, and MAY be repeated
+ anytime after the link has been established.
+ 1. After the Link Establishment phase is complete, the
+ authenticator sends a "challenge" message to the peer.
+ 2. The peer responds with a value calculated using a "one-way
+ hash" function.
+ 3. The authenticator checks the response against its own
+ calculation of the expected hash value. If the values match,
+ the authentication is acknowledged; otherwise the connection
+ SHOULD be terminated.
+ 4. At random intervals, the authenticator sends a new challenge to
+ the peer, and repeats steps 1 to 3.
+Simpson [Page 2]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+2.1. Advantages
+ CHAP provides protection against playback attack by the peer through
+ the use of an incrementally changing identifier and a variable
+ challenge value. The use of repeated challenges is intended to limit
+ the time of exposure to any single attack. The authenticator is in
+ control of the frequency and timing of the challenges.
+ This authentication method depends upon a "secret" known only to the
+ authenticator and that peer. The secret is not sent over the link.
+ Although the authentication is only one-way, by negotiating CHAP in
+ both directions the same secret set may easily be used for mutual
+ authentication.
+ Since CHAP may be used to authenticate many different systems, name
+ fields may be used as an index to locate the proper secret in a large
+ table of secrets. This also makes it possible to support more than
+ one name/secret pair per system, and to change the secret in use at
+ any time during the session.
+2.2. Disadvantages
+ CHAP requires that the secret be available in plaintext form.
+ Irreversably encrypted password databases commonly available cannot
+ be used.
+ It is not as useful for large installations, since every possible
+ secret is maintained at both ends of the link.
+ Implementation Note: To avoid sending the secret over other links
+ in the network, it is recommended that the challenge and response
+ values be examined at a central server, rather than each network
+ access server. Otherwise, the secret SHOULD be sent to such
+ servers in a reversably encrypted form. Either case requires a
+ trusted relationship, which is outside the scope of this
+ specification.
+Simpson [Page 3]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+2.3. Design Requirements
+ The CHAP algorithm requires that the length of the secret MUST be at
+ least 1 octet. The secret SHOULD be at least as large and
+ unguessable as a well-chosen password. It is preferred that the
+ secret be at least the length of the hash value for the hashing
+ algorithm chosen (16 octets for MD5). This is to ensure a
+ sufficiently large range for the secret to provide protection against
+ exhaustive search attacks.
+ The one-way hash algorithm is chosen such that it is computationally
+ infeasible to determine the secret from the known challenge and
+ response values.
+ Each challenge value SHOULD be unique, since repetition of a
+ challenge value in conjunction with the same secret would permit an
+ attacker to reply with a previously intercepted response. Since it
+ is expected that the same secret MAY be used to authenticate with
+ servers in disparate geographic regions, the challenge SHOULD exhibit
+ global and temporal uniqueness.
+ Each challenge value SHOULD also be unpredictable, least an attacker
+ trick a peer into responding to a predicted future challenge, and
+ then use the response to masquerade as that peer to an authenticator.
+ Although protocols such as CHAP are incapable of protecting against
+ realtime active wiretapping attacks, generation of unique
+ unpredictable challenges can protect against a wide range of active
+ attacks.
+ A discussion of sources of uniqueness and probability of divergence
+ is included in the Magic-Number Configuration Option [1].
+Simpson [Page 4]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+3. Configuration Option Format
+ A summary of the Authentication-Protocol Configuration Option format
+ to negotiate the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol is shown
+ below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Type | Length | Authentication-Protocol |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Algorithm |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Type
+ 3
+ Length
+ 5
+ Authentication-Protocol
+ c223 (hex) for Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol.
+ Algorithm
+ The Algorithm field is one octet and indicates the authentication
+ method to be used. Up-to-date values are specified in the most
+ recent "Assigned Numbers" [2]. One value is required to be
+ implemented:
+ 5 CHAP with MD5 [3]
+Simpson [Page 5]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+4. Packet Format
+ Exactly one Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol packet is
+ encapsulated in the Information field of a PPP Data Link Layer frame
+ where the protocol field indicates type hex c223 (Challenge-Handshake
+ Authentication Protocol). A summary of the CHAP packet format is
+ shown below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Data ...
+ +-+-+-+-+
+ Code
+ The Code field is one octet and identifies the type of CHAP
+ packet. CHAP Codes are assigned as follows:
+ 1 Challenge
+ 2 Response
+ 3 Success
+ 4 Failure
+ Identifier
+ The Identifier field is one octet and aids in matching challenges,
+ responses and replies.
+ Length
+ The Length field is two octets and indicates the length of the
+ CHAP packet including the Code, Identifier, Length and Data
+ fields. Octets outside the range of the Length field should be
+ treated as Data Link Layer padding and should be ignored on
+ reception.
+ Data
+ The Data field is zero or more octets. The format of the Data
+ field is determined by the Code field.
+Simpson [Page 6]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+4.1. Challenge and Response
+ Description
+ The Challenge packet is used to begin the Challenge-Handshake
+ Authentication Protocol. The authenticator MUST transmit a CHAP
+ packet with the Code field set to 1 (Challenge). Additional
+ Challenge packets MUST be sent until a valid Response packet is
+ received, or an optional retry counter expires.
+ A Challenge packet MAY also be transmitted at any time during the
+ Network-Layer Protocol phase to ensure that the connection has not
+ been altered.
+ The peer SHOULD expect Challenge packets during the Authentication
+ phase and the Network-Layer Protocol phase. Whenever a Challenge
+ packet is received, the peer MUST transmit a CHAP packet with the
+ Code field set to 2 (Response).
+ Whenever a Response packet is received, the authenticator compares
+ the Response Value with its own calculation of the expected value.
+ Based on this comparison, the authenticator MUST send a Success or
+ Failure packet (described below).
+ Implementation Notes: Because the Success might be lost, the
+ authenticator MUST allow repeated Response packets during the
+ Network-Layer Protocol phase after completing the
+ Authentication phase. To prevent discovery of alternative
+ Names and Secrets, any Response packets received having the
+ current Challenge Identifier MUST return the same reply Code
+ previously returned for that specific Challenge (the message
+ portion MAY be different). Any Response packets received
+ during any other phase MUST be silently discarded.
+ When the Failure is lost, and the authenticator terminates the
+ link, the LCP Terminate-Request and Terminate-Ack provide an
+ alternative indication that authentication failed.
+Simpson [Page 7]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+ A summary of the Challenge and Response packet format is shown below.
+ The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Value-Size | Value ...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Name ...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Code
+ 1 for Challenge;
+ 2 for Response.
+ Identifier
+ The Identifier field is one octet. The Identifier field MUST be
+ changed each time a Challenge is sent.
+ The Response Identifier MUST be copied from the Identifier field
+ of the Challenge which caused the Response.
+ Value-Size
+ This field is one octet and indicates the length of the Value
+ field.
+ Value
+ The Value field is one or more octets. The most significant octet
+ is transmitted first.
+ The Challenge Value is a variable stream of octets. The
+ importance of the uniqueness of the Challenge Value and its
+ relationship to the secret is described above. The Challenge
+ Value MUST be changed each time a Challenge is sent. The length
+ of the Challenge Value depends upon the method used to generate
+ the octets, and is independent of the hash algorithm used.
+ The Response Value is the one-way hash calculated over a stream of
+ octets consisting of the Identifier, followed by (concatenated
+ with) the "secret", followed by (concatenated with) the Challenge
+ Value. The length of the Response Value depends upon the hash
+ algorithm used (16 octets for MD5).
+Simpson [Page 8]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+ Name
+ The Name field is one or more octets representing the
+ identification of the system transmitting the packet. There are
+ no limitations on the content of this field. For example, it MAY
+ contain ASCII character strings or globally unique identifiers in
+ ASN.1 syntax. The Name should not be NUL or CR/LF terminated.
+ The size is determined from the Length field.
+4.2. Success and Failure
+ Description
+ If the Value received in a Response is equal to the expected
+ value, then the implementation MUST transmit a CHAP packet with
+ the Code field set to 3 (Success).
+ If the Value received in a Response is not equal to the expected
+ value, then the implementation MUST transmit a CHAP packet with
+ the Code field set to 4 (Failure), and SHOULD take action to
+ terminate the link.
+ A summary of the Success and Failure packet format is shown below.
+ The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Message ...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
+ Code
+ 3 for Success;
+ 4 for Failure.
+ Identifier
+ The Identifier field is one octet and aids in matching requests
+ and replies. The Identifier field MUST be copied from the
+ Identifier field of the Response which caused this reply.
+Simpson [Page 9]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+ Message
+ The Message field is zero or more octets, and its contents are
+ implementation dependent. It is intended to be human readable,
+ and MUST NOT affect operation of the protocol. It is recommended
+ that the message contain displayable ASCII characters 32 through
+ 126 decimal. Mechanisms for extension to other character sets are
+ the topic of future research. The size is determined from the
+ Length field.
+Security Considerations
+ Security issues are the primary topic of this RFC.
+ The interaction of the authentication protocols within PPP are highly
+ implementation dependent. This is indicated by the use of SHOULD
+ throughout the document.
+ For example, upon failure of authentication, some implementations do
+ not terminate the link. Instead, the implementation limits the kind
+ of traffic in the Network-Layer Protocols to a filtered subset, which
+ in turn allows the user opportunity to update secrets or send mail to
+ the network administrator indicating a problem.
+ There is no provision for re-tries of failed authentication.
+ However, the LCP state machine can renegotiate the authentication
+ protocol at any time, thus allowing a new attempt. It is recommended
+ that any counters used for authentication failure not be reset until
+ after successful authentication, or subsequent termination of the
+ failed link.
+ There is no requirement that authentication be full duplex or that
+ the same protocol be used in both directions. It is perfectly
+ acceptable for different protocols to be used in each direction.
+ This will, of course, depend on the specific protocols negotiated.
+ The secret SHOULD NOT be the same in both directions. This allows an
+ attacker to replay the peer's challenge, accept the computed
+ response, and use that response to authenticate.
+ In practice, within or associated with each PPP server, there is a
+ database which associates "user" names with authentication
+ information ("secrets"). It is not anticipated that a particular
+ named user would be authenticated by multiple methods. This would
+ make the user vulnerable to attacks which negotiate the least secure
+ method from among a set (such as PAP rather than CHAP). If the same
+Simpson [Page 10]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+ secret was used, PAP would reveal the secret to be used later with
+ Instead, for each user name there should be an indication of exactly
+ one method used to authenticate that user name. If a user needs to
+ make use of different authentication methods under different
+ circumstances, then distinct user names SHOULD be employed, each of
+ which identifies exactly one authentication method.
+ Passwords and other secrets should be stored at the respective ends
+ such that access to them is as limited as possible. Ideally, the
+ secrets should only be accessible to the process requiring access in
+ order to perform the authentication.
+ The secrets should be distributed with a mechanism that limits the
+ number of entities that handle (and thus gain knowledge of) the
+ secret. Ideally, no unauthorized person should ever gain knowledge
+ of the secrets. Such a mechanism is outside the scope of this
+ specification.
+ David Kaufman, Frank Heinrich, and Karl Auerbach used a challenge
+ handshake at SDC when designing one of the protocols for a "secure"
+ network in the mid-1970s. Tom Bearson built a prototype Sytek
+ product ("Poloneous"?) on the challenge-response notion in the 1982-
+ 83 timeframe. Another variant is documented in the various IBM SNA
+ manuals. Yet another variant was implemented by Karl Auerbach in the
+ Telebit NetBlazer circa 1991.
+ Kim Toms and Barney Wolff provided useful critiques of earlier
+ versions of this document.
+ Special thanks to Dave Balenson, Steve Crocker, James Galvin, and
+ Steve Kent, for their extensive explanations and suggestions. Now,
+ if only we could get them to agree with each other.
+Simpson [Page 11]
+RFC 1994 PPP CHAP August 1996
+ [1] Simpson, W., Editor, "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD
+ 51, RFC 1661, DayDreamer, July 1994.
+ [2] Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2, RFC
+ 1700, USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 1994.
+ [3] Rivest, R., and S. Dusse, "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm",
+ MIT Laboratory for Computer Science and RSA Data Security,
+ Inc., RFC 1321, April 1992.
+ Comments should be submitted to the mailing list.
+ This document was reviewed by the Point-to-Point Protocol Working
+ Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The working
+ group can be contacted via the current chair:
+ Karl Fox
+ Ascend Communications
+ 3518 Riverside Drive, Suite 101
+ Columbus, Ohio 43221
+ Questions about this memo can also be directed to:
+ William Allen Simpson
+ DayDreamer
+ Computer Systems Consulting Services
+ 1384 Fontaine
+ Madison Heights, Michigan 48071
+ (preferred)
+Simpson [Page 12]