# -*- text -*-
# Version $Id: dictionary,v 1.155 2008/04/20 14:47:55 aland Exp $
#	The files in this directory are maintained and updated by
#	the FreeRADIUS project.  Newer releases of software may update
#	or change these files.
#	Use the main dictionary file (usually /etc/raddb/dictionary)
#	for local system attributes and $INCLUDEs.
#	This file contains dictionary translations for parsing
#	requests and generating responses.  All transactions are
#	composed of Attribute/Value Pairs.  The value of each attribute
#	is specified as one of 4 data types.  Valid data types are:
#	text       - printable, generally UTF-8 encoded (subset of 'string')
#	string     - 0-253 octets
#	ipaddr     - 4 octets in network byte order
#	integer    - 32 bit value in big endian order (high byte first)
#	date       - 32 bit value in big endian order - seconds since
#		     00:00:00 GMT,  Jan.  1,  1970
#	ifid       - 8 octets in network byte order
#	ipv6addr   - 16 octets in network byte order
#	ipv6prefix - 18 octets in network byte order
#	ether      - 6 octets of hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh
#		     where 'h' is hex digits, upper or lowercase.
#	FreeRADIUS includes extended data types which are not defined
#	in the RFC's.  These data types are:
#	abinary - Ascend's binary filter format.
#	octets  - raw octets, printed and input as hex strings.
#		  e.g.: 0x123456789abcdef
#	Enumerated values are stored in the user file with dictionary
#	VALUE translations for easy administration.
#	Example:
#	---------------   -----
#	Framed-Protocol = PPP
#	7		= 1	(integer encoding)

#	Include compatibility dictionary for older users file. Move
#	this directive to the end of this file if you want to see the
#	old names in the logfiles, INSTEAD OF the new names.
#	Include the RFC dictionaries next.
#	For a complete list of the standard attributes and values,
#	see:
#		http://www.iana.org/assignments/radius-types
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2865
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2866
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2867
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2868
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2869
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3162
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3576
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3580
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4072
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4372
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4679
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4818
$INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5176

$INCLUDE dictionary.microsoft
$INCLUDE dictionary.cisco
$INCLUDE dictionary.alcatel