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+Network Working Group B. Aboba
+Requests for Commments: 2716 D. Simon
+Category: Experimental Microsoft
+ October 1999
+ PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol
+Status of this Memo
+ This memo defines an Experimental Protocol for the Internet
+ community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
+ Discussion and suggestions for improvement are requested.
+ Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
+Copyright Notice
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.
+1. Abstract
+ The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) provides a standard method for
+ transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links. PPP
+ also defines an extensible Link Control Protocol (LCP), which can be
+ used to negotiate authentication methods, as well as an Encryption
+ Control Protocol (ECP), used to negotiate data encryption over PPP
+ links, and a Compression Control Protocol (CCP), used to negotiate
+ compression methods. The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is
+ a PPP extension that provides support for additional authentication
+ methods within PPP.
+ Transport Level Security (TLS) provides for mutual authentication,
+ integrity-protected ciphersuite negotiation and key exchange between
+ two endpoints. This document describes how EAP-TLS, which includes
+ support for fragmentation and reassembly, provides for these TLS
+ mechanisms within EAP.
+2. Introduction
+ The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), described in [5],
+ provides a standard mechanism for support of additional
+ authentication methods within PPP. Through the use of EAP, support
+ for a number of authentication schemes may be added, including smart
+ cards, Kerberos, Public Key, One Time Passwords, and others. To date
+ however, EAP methods such as [6] have focussed on authenticating a
+ client to a server.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ However, it may be desirable to support mutual authentication, and
+ since PPP encryption protocols such as [9] and [10] assume existence
+ of a session key, it is useful to have a mechanism for session key
+ establishment. Since design of secure key management protocols is
+ non-trivial, it is desirable to avoid creating new mechanisms for
+ this. The EAP protocol described in this document allows a PPP peer
+ to take advantage of the protected ciphersuite negotiation, mutual
+ authentication and key management capabilities of the TLS protocol,
+ described in [12].
+2.1. Requirements language
+ In this document, the key words "MAY", "MUST, "MUST NOT", "optional",
+ "recommended", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT", are to be interpreted as
+ described in [11].
+3. Protocol overview
+3.1. Overview of the EAP-TLS conversation
+ As described in [5], the EAP-TLS conversation will typically begin
+ with the authenticator and the peer negotiating EAP. The
+ authenticator will then typically send an EAP-Request/Identity packet
+ to the peer, and the peer will respond with an EAP-Response/Identity
+ packet to the authenticator, containing the peer's userId.
+ From this point forward, while nominally the EAP conversation occurs
+ between the PPP authenticator and the peer, the authenticator MAY act
+ as a passthrough device, with the EAP packets received from the peer
+ being encapsulated for transmission to a RADIUS server or backend
+ security server. In the discussion that follows, we will use the term
+ "EAP server" to denote the ultimate endpoint conversing with the
+ peer.
+ Once having received the peer's Identity, the EAP server MUST respond
+ with an EAP-TLS/Start packet, which is an EAP-Request packet with
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS, the Start (S) bit set, and no data. The EAP-TLS
+ conversation will then begin, with the peer sending an EAP-Response
+ packet with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS. The data field of that packet will
+ encapsulate one or more TLS records in TLS record layer format,
+ containing a TLS client_hello handshake message. The current cipher
+ spec for the TLS records will be TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL and null
+ compression. This current cipher spec remains the same until the
+ change_cipher_spec message signals that subsequent records will have
+ the negotiated attributes for the remainder of the handshake.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ The client_hello message contains the client's TLS version number, a
+ sessionId, a random number, and a set of ciphersuites supported by
+ the client. The version offered by the client MUST correspond to TLS
+ v1.0 or later.
+ The EAP server will then respond with an EAP-Request packet with
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS. The data field of this packet will encapsulate one
+ or more TLS records. These will contain a TLS server_hello handshake
+ message, possibly followed by TLS certificate, server_key_exchange,
+ certificate_request, server_hello_done and/or finished handshake
+ messages, and/or a TLS change_cipher_spec message. The server_hello
+ handshake message contains a TLS version number, another random
+ number, a sessionId, and a ciphersuite. The version offered by the
+ server MUST correspond to TLS v1.0 or later.
+ If the client's sessionId is null or unrecognized by the server, the
+ server MUST choose the sessionId to establish a new session;
+ otherwise, the sessionId will match that offered by the client,
+ indicating a resumption of the previously established session with
+ that sessionID. The server will also choose a ciphersuite from those
+ offered by the client; if the session matches the client's, then the
+ ciphersuite MUST match the one negotiated during the handshake
+ protocol execution that established the session.
+ The purpose of the sessionId within the TLS protocol is to allow for
+ improved efficiency in the case where a client repeatedly attempts to
+ authenticate to an EAP server within a short period of time. While
+ this model was developed for use with HTTP authentication, it may
+ also have application to PPP authentication (e.g. multilink).
+ As a result, it is left up to the peer whether to attempt to continue
+ a previous session, thus shortening the TLS conversation. Typically
+ the peer's decision will be made based on the time elapsed since the
+ previous authentication attempt to that EAP server. Based on the
+ sessionId chosen by the peer, and the time elapsed since the previous
+ authentication, the EAP server will decide whether to allow the
+ continuation, or whether to choose a new session.
+ In the case where the EAP server and authenticator reside on the same
+ device, then client will only be able to continue sessions when
+ connecting to the same NAS or tunnel server. Should these devices be
+ set up in a rotary or round-robin then it may not be possible for the
+ peer to know in advance the authenticator it will be connecting to,
+ and therefore which sessionId to attempt to reuse. As a result, it is
+ likely that the continuation attempt will fail. In the case where the
+ EAP authentication is remoted then continuation is much more likely
+ to be successful, since multiple NAS devices and tunnel servers will
+ remote their EAP authentications to the same RADIUS server.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ If the EAP server is resuming a previously established session, then
+ it MUST include only a TLS change_cipher_spec message and a TLS
+ finished handshake message after the server_hello message. The
+ finished message contains the EAP server's authentication response to
+ the peer. If the EAP server is not resuming a previously established
+ session, then it MUST include a TLS server_certificate handshake
+ message, and a server_hello_done handshake message MUST be the last
+ handshake message encapsulated in this EAP-Request packet.
+ The certificate message contains a public key certificate chain for
+ either a key exchange public key (such as an RSA or Diffie-Hellman
+ key exchange public key) or a signature public key (such as an RSA or
+ DSS signature public key). In the latter case, a TLS
+ server_key_exchange handshake message MUST also be included to allow
+ the key exchange to take place.
+ The certificate_request message is included when the server desires
+ the client to authenticate itself via public key. While the EAP
+ server SHOULD require client authentication, this is not a
+ requirement, since it may be possible that the server will require
+ that the peer authenticate via some other means.
+ The peer MUST respond to the EAP-Request with an EAP-Response packet
+ of EAP-Type=EAP-TLS. The data field of this packet will encapsulate
+ one or more TLS records containing a TLS change_cipher_spec message
+ and finished handshake message, and possibly certificate,
+ certificate_verify and/or client_key_exchange handshake messages. If
+ the preceding server_hello message sent by the EAP server in the
+ preceding EAP-Request packet indicated the resumption of a previous
+ session, then the peer MUST send only the change_cipher_spec and
+ finished handshake messages. The finished message contains the
+ peer's authentication response to the EAP server.
+ If the preceding server_hello message sent by the EAP server in the
+ preceeding EAP-Request packet did not indicate the resumption of a
+ previous session, then the peer MUST send, in addition to the
+ change_cipher_spec and finished messages, a client_key_exchange
+ message, which completes the exchange of a shared master secret
+ between the peer and the EAP server. If the EAP server sent a
+ certificate_request message in the preceding EAP-Request packet, then
+ the peer MUST send, in addition, certificate and certificate_verify
+ handshake messages. The former contains a certificate for the peer's
+ signature public key, while the latter contains the peer's signed
+ authentication response to the EAP server. After receiving this
+ packet, the EAP server will verify the peer's certificate and digital
+ signature, if requested.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ If the peer's authentication is unsuccessful, the EAP server SHOULD
+ send an EAP-Request packet with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS, encapsulating a TLS
+ record containing the appropriate TLS alert message. The EAP server
+ SHOULD send a TLS alert message rather immediately terminating the
+ conversation so as to allow the peer to inform the user of the cause
+ of the failure and possibly allow for a restart of the conversation.
+ To ensure that the peer receives the TLS alert message, the EAP
+ server MUST wait for the peer to reply with an EAP-Response packet.
+ The EAP-Response packet sent by the peer MAY encapsulate a TLS
+ client_hello handshake message, in which case the EAP server MAY
+ allow the EAP-TLS conversation to be restarted, or it MAY contain an
+ EAP-Response packet with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS and no data, in which case
+ the EAP-Server MUST send an EAP-Failure packet, and terminate the
+ conversation. It is up to the EAP server whether to allow restarts,
+ and if so, how many times the conversation can be restarted. An EAP
+ Server implementing restart capability SHOULD impose a limit on the
+ number of restarts, so as to protect against denial of service
+ attacks.
+ If the peers authenticates successfully, the EAP server MUST respond
+ with an EAP-Request packet with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS, which includes, in
+ the case of a new TLS session, one or more TLS records containing TLS
+ change_cipher_spec and finished handshke messages. The latter
+ contains the EAP server's authentication response to the peer. The
+ peer will then verify the hash in order to authenticate the EAP
+ server.
+ If the EAP server authenticates unsuccessfully, the peer MAY send an
+ EAP-Response packet of EAP-Type=EAP-TLS containing a TLS Alert
+ message identifying the reason for the failed authentication. The
+ peer MAY send a TLS alert message rather than immediately terminating
+ the conversation so as to allow the EAP server to log the cause of
+ the error for examination by the system administrator.
+ To ensure that the EAP Server receives the TLS alert message, the
+ peer MUST wait for the EAP-Server to reply before terminating the
+ conversation. The EAP Server MUST reply with an EAP-Failure packet
+ since server authentication failure is a terminal condition.
+ If the EAP server authenticates successfully, the peer MUST send an
+ EAP-Response packet of EAP-Type=EAP-TLS, and no data. The EAP-Server
+ then MUST respond with an EAP-Success message.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+3.2. Retry behavior
+ As with other EAP protocols, the EAP server is responsible for retry
+ behavior. This means that if the EAP server does not receive a reply
+ from the peer, it MUST resend the EAP-Request for which it has not
+ yet received an EAP-Response. However, the peer MUST NOT resend EAP-
+ Response packets without first being prompted by the EAP server.
+ For example, if the initial EAP-TLS start packet sent by the EAP
+ server were to be lost, then the peer would not receive this packet,
+ and would not respond to it. As a result, the EAP-TLS start packet
+ would be resent by the EAP server. Once the peer received the EAP-TLS
+ start packet, it would send an EAP-Response encapsulating the
+ client_hello message. If the EAP-Response were to be lost, then the
+ EAP server would resend the initial EAP-TLS start, and the peer would
+ resend the EAP-Response.
+ As a result, it is possible that a peer will receive duplicate EAP-
+ Request messages, and may send duplicate EAP-Responses. Both the
+ peer and the EAP-Server should be engineered to handle this
+ possibility.
+3.3. Fragmentation
+ A single TLS record may be up to 16384 octets in length, but a TLS
+ message may span multiple TLS records, and a TLS certificate message
+ may in principle be as long as 16MB. The group of EAP-TLS messages
+ sent in a single round may thus be larger than the PPP MTU size, the
+ maximum RADIUS packet size of 4096 octets, or even the Multilink
+ Maximum Received Reconstructed Unit (MRRU). As described in [2], the
+ multilink MRRU is negotiated via the Multilink MRRU LCP option, which
+ includes an MRRU length field of two octets, and thus can support
+ MRRUs as large as 64 KB.
+ However, note that in order to protect against reassembly lockup and
+ denial of service attacks, it may be desirable for an implementation
+ to set a maximum size for one such group of TLS messages. Since a
+ typical certificate chain is rarely longer than a few thousand
+ octets, and no other field is likely to be anwhere near as long, a
+ reasonable choice of maximum acceptable message length might be 64
+ KB.
+ If this value is chosen, then fragmentation can be handled via the
+ multilink PPP fragmentation mechanisms described in [2]. While this
+ is desirable, there may be cases in which multilink or the MRRU LCP
+ option cannot be negotiated. As a result, an EAP-TLS implementation
+ MUST provide its own support for fragmentation and reassembly.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ Since EAP is a simple ACK-NAK protocol, fragmentation support can be
+ added in a simple manner. In EAP, fragments that are lost or damaged
+ in transit will be retransmitted, and since sequencing information is
+ provided by the Identifier field in EAP, there is no need for a
+ fragment offset field as is provided in IPv4.
+ EAP-TLS fragmentation support is provided through addition of a flags
+ octet within the EAP-Response and EAP-Request packets, as well as a
+ TLS Message Length field of four octets. Flags include the Length
+ included (L), More fragments (M), and EAP-TLS Start (S) bits. The L
+ flag is set to indicate the presence of the four octet TLS Message
+ Length field, and MUST be set for the first fragment of a fragmented
+ TLS message or set of messages. The M flag is set on all but the last
+ fragment. The S flag is set only within the EAP-TLS start message
+ sent from the EAP server to the peer. The TLS Message Length field is
+ four octets, and provides the total length of the TLS message or set
+ of messages that is being fragmented; this simplifies buffer
+ allocation.
+ When an EAP-TLS peer receives an EAP-Request packet with the M bit
+ set, it MUST respond with an EAP-Response with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS and
+ no data. This serves as a fragment ACK. The EAP server MUST wait
+ until it receives the EAP-Response before sending another fragment.
+ In order to prevent errors in processing of fragments, the EAP server
+ MUST increment the Identifier field for each fragment contained
+ within an EAP-Request, and the peer MUST include this Identifier
+ value in the fragment ACK contained within the EAP-Reponse.
+ Retransmitted fragments will contain the same Identifier value.
+ Similarly, when the EAP server receives an EAP-Response with the M
+ bit set, it MUST respond with an EAP-Request with EAP-Type=EAP-TLS
+ and no data. This serves as a fragment ACK. The EAP peer MUST wait
+ until it receives the EAP-Request before sending another fragment.
+ In order to prevent errors in the processing of fragments, the EAP
+ server MUST use increment the Identifier value for each fragment ACK
+ contained within an EAP-Request, and the peer MUST include this
+ Identifier value in the subsequent fragment contained within an EAP-
+ Reponse.
+3.4. Identity verification
+ As part of the TLS negotiation, the server presents a certificate to
+ the peer, and if mutual authentication is requested, the peer
+ presents a certificate to the server.
+ Note that since the peer has made a claim of identity in the EAP-
+ Response/Identity (MyID) packet, the EAP server SHOULD verify that
+ the claimed identity corresponds to the certificate presented by the
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ peer. Typically this will be accomplished either by placing the
+ userId within the peer certificate, or by providing a mapping between
+ the peer certificate and the userId using a directory service.
+ Similarly, the peer MUST verify the validity of the EAP server
+ certificate, and SHOULD also examine the EAP server name presented in
+ the certificate, in order to determine whether the EAP server can be
+ trusted. Please note that in the case where the EAP authentication is
+ remoted that the EAP server will not reside on the same machine as
+ the authenticator, and therefore the name in the EAP server's
+ certificate cannot be expected to match that of the intended
+ destination. In this case, a more appropriate test might be whether
+ the EAP server's certificate is signed by a CA controlling the
+ intended destination and whether the EAP server exists within a
+ target sub-domain.
+3.5. Key derivation
+ Since the normal TLS keys are used in the handshake, and therefore
+ should not be used in a different context, new encryption keys must
+ be derived from the TLS master secret for use with PPP encryption.
+ For both peer and EAP server, the derivation proceeds as follows:
+ given the master secret negotiated by the TLS handshake, the
+ pseudorandom function (PRF) defined in the specification for the
+ version of TLS in use, and the value random defined as the
+ concatenation of the handshake message fields client_hello.random and
+ server_hello.random (in that order), the value PRF(master secret,
+ "client EAP encryption", random) is computed up to 128 bytes, and the
+ value PRF("", "client EAP encryption", random) is computed up to 64
+ bytes (where "" is an empty string). The peer encryption key (the
+ one used for encrypting data from peer to EAP server) is obtained by
+ truncating to the correct length the first 32 bytes of the first PRF
+ of these two output strings. TheEAP server encryption key (the one
+ used for encrypting data from EAP server to peer), if different from
+ the client encryption key, is obtained by truncating to the correct
+ length the second 32 bytes of this same PRF output string. The
+ client authentication key (the one used for computing MACs for
+ messages from peer to EAP server), if used, is obtained by truncating
+ to the correct length the third 32 bytes of this same PRF output
+ string. The EAP server authentication key (the one used for
+ computing MACs for messages from EAP server to peer), if used, and if
+ different from the peer authentication key, is obtained by truncating
+ to the correct length the fourth 32 bytes of this same PRF output
+ string. The peer initialization vector (IV), used for messages from
+ peer to EAP server if a block cipher has been specified, is obtained
+ by truncating to the cipher's block size the first 32 bytes of the
+ second PRF output string mentioned above. Finally, the server
+ initialization vector (IV), used for messages from peer to EAP server
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ if a block cipher has been specified, is obtained by truncating to
+ the cipher's block size the second 32 bytes of this second PRF
+ output.
+ The use of these encryption and authentication keys is specific to
+ the PPP encryption mechanism used, such as those defined in [9] and
+ [10]. Additional keys or other non-secret values (such as IVs) can
+ be obtained as needed for future PPP encryption methods by extending
+ the outputs of the PRF beyond 128 bytes and 64 bytes, respectively.
+3.6. ECP negotiation
+ Since TLS supports ciphersuite negotiation, peers completing the TLS
+ negotiation will also have selected a ciphersuite, which includes key
+ strength, encryption and hashing methods. As a result, a subsequent
+ Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) conversation, if it occurs, has a
+ predetermined result.
+ In order to ensure agreement between the EAP-TLS ciphersuite
+ negotiation and the subsequent ECP negotiation (described in [6]),
+ during ECP negotiation the PPP peer MUST offer only the ciphersuite
+ negotiated inEAP-TLS. This ensures that the PPP authenticator MUST
+ accept the EAP-TLS negotiated ciphersuite in order for the
+ onversation to proceed. Should the authenticator not accept the
+ EAP-TLS negotiated ciphersuite, then the peer MUST send an LCP
+ terminate and disconnect.
+ Please note that it cannot be assumed that the PPP authenticator and
+ EAP server are located on the same machine or that the authenticator
+ understands the EAP-TLS conversation that has passed through it. Thus
+ if the peer offers a ciphersuite other than the one negotiated in
+ EAP-TLS there is no way for the authenticator to know how to respond
+ correctly.
+3.7. CCP negotiation
+ TLS as described in [12] supports compression as well as ciphersuite
+ negotiation. However, TLS only provides support for a limited number
+ of compression types which do not overlap with the compression types
+ used in PPP. As a result, during the EAP-TLS conversation the EAP
+ endpoints MUST NOT request or negotiate compression. Instead, the PPP
+ Compression Control Protocol (CCP), described in [13] should be used
+ to negotiate the desired compression scheme.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+3.8. Examples
+ In the case where the EAP-TLS mutual authentication is successful,
+ the conversation will appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS certificate,
+ [TLS server_key_exchange,]
+ [TLS certificate_request,]
+ TLS server_hello_done)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS certificate,
+ TLS client_key_exchange,
+ [TLS certificate_verify,]
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Success
+ PPP Authentication
+ Phase complete,
+ NCP Phase starts
+ ECP negotiation
+ CCP negotiation
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ In the case where the EAP-TLS mutual authentication is successful,
+ and fragmentation is required, the conversation will appear as
+ follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start, S bit set)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS certificate,
+ [TLS server_key_exchange,]
+ [TLS certificate_request,]
+ TLS server_hello_done)
+ (Fragment 1: L, M bits set)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (Fragment 2: M bit set)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (Fragment 3)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS certificate,
+ TLS client_key_exchange,
+ [TLS certificate_verify,]
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS inished)(Fragment 1:
+ L, M bits set)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (Fragment 2)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Success
+ PPP Authentication
+ Phase complete,
+ NCP Phase starts
+ ECP negotiation
+ CCP negotiation
+ In the case where the server authenticates to the client
+ successfully, but the client fails to authenticate to the server, the
+ conversation will appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS certificate,
+ [TLS server_key_exchange,]
+ TLS certificate_request,
+ TLS server_hello_done)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS certificate,
+ TLS client_key_exchange,
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ TLS certificate_verify,
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request
+ (TLS Alert message)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Failure
+ (User Disconnected)
+ In the case where server authentication is unsuccessful, the
+ conversation will appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS certificate,
+ [TLS server_key_exchange,]
+ [TLS certificate_request,]
+ TLS server_hello_done)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS certificate,
+ TLS client_key_exchange,
+ [TLS certificate_verify,]
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS Alert message) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Failure
+ (User Disconnected)
+ In the case where a previously established session is being resumed,
+ and both sides authenticate successfully, the conversation will
+ appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS change_cipher_spec
+ TLS finished)
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Success
+ PPP Authentication
+ Phase complete,
+ NCP Phase starts
+ ECP negotiation
+ CCP negotiation
+ In the case where a previously established session is being resumed,
+ and the server authenticates to the client successfully but the
+ client fails to authenticate to the server, the conversation will
+ appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EA-Response/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request
+ (TLS Alert message)
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 15]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ PPP EAP-Response
+ EAP-Type=EAP-TLS ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Failure
+ (User Disconnected)
+ In the case where a previously established session is being resumed,
+ and the server authentication is unsuccessful, the conversation will
+ appear as follows:
+ Authenticating Peer Authenticator
+ ------------------- -------------
+ <- PPP LCP Request-EAP
+ auth
+ auth ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ Identity
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ Identity (MyID) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ EAP-Request/
+ (TLS Start)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS client_hello)->
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ (TLS server_hello,
+ TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS change_cipher_spec,
+ TLS finished)
+ <- PPP EAP-Request/
+ PPP EAP-Response/
+ (TLS Alert message) ->
+ <- PPP EAP-Failure
+ (User Disconnected)
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+4. Detailed description of the EAP-TLS protocol
+4.1. PPP EAP TLS Packet Format
+ A summary of the PPP EAP TLS Request/Response packet format is shown
+ below. The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Type | Data...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Code
+ 1 - Request
+ 2 - Response
+ Identifier
+ The identifier field is one octet and aids in matching responses
+ with requests.
+ Length
+ The Length field is two octets and indicates the length of the EAP
+ packet including the Code, Identifier, Length, Type, and Data
+ fields. Octets outside the range of the Length field should be
+ treated as Data Link Layer padding and should be ignored on
+ reception.
+ Type
+ 13 - EAP TLS
+ Data
+ The format of the Data field is determined by the Code field.
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+4.2. PPP EAP TLS Request Packet
+ A summary of the PPP EAP TLS Request packet format is shown below.
+ The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Type | Flags | TLS Message Length
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | TLS Message Length | TLS Data...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Code
+ 1
+ Identifier
+ The Identifier field is one octet and aids in matching responses
+ with requests. The Identifier field MUST be changed on each
+ Request packet.
+ Length
+ The Length field is two octets and indicates the length of the EAP
+ packet including the Code, Identifier, Length, Type, and TLS
+ Response fields.
+ Type
+ 13 - EAP TLS
+ Flags
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |L M S R R R R R|
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ L = Length included
+ M = More fragments
+ S = EAP-TLS start
+ R = Reserved
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+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ The L bit (length included) is set to indicate the presence of the
+ four octet TLS Message Length field, and MUST be set for the first
+ fragment of a fragmented TLS message or set of messages. The M bit
+ (more fragments) is set on all but the last fragment. The S bit
+ (EAP-TLS start) is set in an EAP-TLS Start message. This
+ differentiates the EAP-TLS Start message from a fragment
+ acknowledgement.
+ TLS Message Length
+ The TLS Message Length field is four octets, and is present only
+ if the L bit is set. This field provides the total length of the
+ TLS message or set of messages that is being fragmented.
+ TLS data
+ The TLS data consists of the encapsulated TLS packet in TLS record
+ format.
+4.3. PPP EAP TLS Response Packet
+ A summary of the PPP EAP TLS Response packet format is shown below.
+ The fields are transmitted from left to right.
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Code | Identifier | Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Type | Flags | TLS Message Length
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | TLS Message Length | TLS Data...
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ Code
+ 2
+ Identifier
+ The Identifier field is one octet and MUST match the Identifier
+ field from the corresponding request.
+ Length
+ The Length field is two octets and indicates the length of the EAP
+ packet including the Code, Identifir, Length, Type, and TLS data
+ fields.
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 19]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ Type
+ 13 - EAP TLS
+ Flags
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ |L M S R R R R R|
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ L = Length included
+ M = More fragments
+ S = EAP-TLS start
+ R = Reserved
+ The L bit (length included) is set to indicate the presence of the
+ four octet TLS Message Length field, and MUST be set for the first
+ fragment of a fragmented TLS message or set of messages. The M bit
+ (more fragments) is set on all but the last fragment. The S bit
+ (EAP-TLS start) is set in an EAP-TLS Start message. This
+ differentiates the EAP-TLS Start message from a fragment
+ acknowledgement.
+ TLS Message Length
+ The TLS Message Length field is four octets, and is present only
+ if the L bit is set. This field provides the total length of the
+ TLS message or set of messages that is being fragmented.
+ TLS data
+ The TLS data consists of the encapsulated TLS packet in TLS record
+ format.
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 20]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+5. References
+ [1] Simpson, W., Editor, "The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)", STD
+ 51, RFC 1661, July 1994.
+ [2] Sklower, K., Lloyd, B., McGregor, G., Carr, D. and T. Coradetti,
+ "The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)", RFC 1990, August 1996.
+ [3] Simpson, W., Editor, "PPP LCP Extensions", RFC 1570, January
+ 1994.
+ [4] Rivest, R. and S. Dusse, "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm", RFC
+ 1321, April 1992.
+ [5] Blunk, L. and J. Vollbrecht, "PPP Extensible Authentication
+ Protocol (EAP)", RFC 2284, March 1998.
+ [6] Meyer, G., "The PPP Encryption Protocol (ECP)", RFC 1968, June
+ 1996.
+ [7] National Bureau of Standards, "Data Encryption Standard", FIPS
+ PUB 46 (January 1977).
+ [8] National Bureau of Standards, "DES Modes of Operation", FIPS PUB
+ 81 (December 1980).
+ [9] Sklower, K. amd G. Meyer, "The PPP DES Encryption Protocol,
+ Version 2 (DESE-bis)", RFC 2419, September 1998.
+ [10] Hummert, K., "The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (3DESE)",
+ RFC 2420, September 1998.
+ [11] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
+ Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
+ [12] Dierks, T. and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", RFC
+ 2246, November 1998.
+ [13] Rand, D., "The PPP Compression Control Protocol", RFC 1962, June
+ 1996.
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 21]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+6. Security Considerations
+6.1. Certificate revocation
+ Since the EAP server is on the Internet during the EAP conversation,
+ the server is capable of following a certificate chain or verifying
+ whether the peer's certificate has been revoked. In contrast, the
+ peer may or may not have Internet connectivity, and thus while it can
+ validate the EAP server's certificate based on a pre-configured set
+ of CAs, it may not be able to follow a certificate chain or verify
+ whether the EAP server's certificate has been revoked.
+ In the case where the peer is initiating a voluntary Layer 2 tunnel
+ using PPTP or L2TP, the peer will typically already have a PPP
+ interface and Internet connectivity established at the time of tunnel
+ initiation. As a result, during the EAP conversation it is capable
+ of checking for certificate revocation.
+ However, in the case where the peer is initiating an intial PPP
+ conversation, it will not have Internet connectivity and is therefore
+ not capable of checking for certificate revocation until after NCP
+ negotiation completes and the peer has access to the Internet. In
+ this case, the peer SHOULD check for certificate revocation after
+ connecting to the Internet.
+6.2. Separation of the EAP server and PPP authenticator
+ As a result of the EAP-TLS conversation, the EAP endpoints will
+ mutually authenticate, negotiate a ciphersuite, and derive a session
+ key for subsequent use in PPP encryption. Since the peer and EAP
+ client reside on the same machine, it is necessary for the EAP client
+ module to pass the session key to the PPP encryption module.
+ The situation may be more complex on the PPP authenticator, which may
+ or may not reside on the same machine as the EAP server. In the case
+ where the EAP server and PPP authenticator reside on different
+ machines, there are several implications for security. Firstly, the
+ mutual authentication defined in EAP-TLS will occur between the peer
+ and the EAP server, not between the peer and the authenticator. This
+ means that as a result of the EAP-TLS conversation, it is not
+ possible for the peer to validate the identity of the NAS or tunnel
+ server that it is speaking to.
+ The second issue is that the session key negotiated between the peer
+ and EAP server will need to be transmitted to the authenticator.
+ Therefore a mechanism needs to be provided to transmit the session
+ key from the EAP server to the authenticator or tunnel server that
+ needs to use the key. The specification of this transit mechanism is
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 22]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+ outside the scope of this document.
+6.3. Relationship of PPP encryption to other security mechanisms
+ It is envisaged that EAP-TLS will be used primarily with dialup PPP
+ connections. However, there are also circumstances in which PPP
+ encryption may be used along with Layer 2 tunneling protocols such as
+ PPTP and L2TP.
+ In compulsory layer 2 tunneling, a PPP peer makes a connection to a
+ NAS or router which tunnels the PPP packets to a tunnel server.
+ Since with compulsory tunneling a PPP peer cannot tell whether its
+ packets are being tunneled, let alone whether the network device is
+ securing the tunnel, if security is required then the client must
+ make its own arrangements. In the case where all endpoints cannot be
+ relied upon to implement IPSEC, TLS, or another suitable security
+ protocol, PPP encryption provides a convenient means to ensure the
+ privacy of packets transiting between the client and the tunnel
+ server.
+7. Acknowledgments
+ Thanks to Terence Spies, Glen Zorn and Narendra Gidwani of Microsoft
+ for useful discussions of this problem space.
+8. Authors' Addresses
+ Bernard Aboba
+ Microsoft Corporation
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052
+ Phone: 425-936-6605
+ EMail:
+ Dan Simon
+ Microsoft Corporation
+ One Microsoft Way
+ Redmond, WA 98052
+ Phone: 425-936-6711
+ EMail:
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 23]
+RFC 2716 PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol October 1999
+9. Full Copyright Statement
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999). All Rights Reserved.
+ This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
+ others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
+ or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
+ and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
+ kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
+ included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this
+ document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
+ the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
+ Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
+ developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
+ copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
+ followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
+ English.
+ The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
+ revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
+ This document and the information contained herein is provided on an
+ Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
+ Internet Society.
+Aboba & Simon Experimental [Page 24]