path: root/data
diff options
authorChristian Poessinger <>2021-02-14 18:22:38 +0100
committerChristian Poessinger <>2021-02-14 18:22:40 +0100
commitd969fd1f4dc0f4f7a0c935272857595e29ff0032 (patch)
tree7db5d694f4296722ef607b659eb3abb6026d3b98 /data
parent9756e54926af81b48bc579c7de16b602cc54efcc (diff)
templates: convert DOS -> UNIX line endings
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
8 files changed, 175 insertions, 175 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_chap_secrets_radius.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_chap_secrets_radius.j2
index 4e2254b21..49af3a228 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_chap_secrets_radius.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_chap_secrets_radius.j2
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-{% if authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'local' %}
-chap-secrets={{ chap_secrets_file }}
-{% elif authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
-{% for server, options in authentication.radius.server.items() if not options.disable is defined %}
-server={{ server }},{{ options.key }},auth-port={{ options.port }},acct-port={{ options.acct_port }},req-limit=0,fail-time={{ options.fail_time }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter is defined and authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter is not none %}
-acct-interim-jitter={{ authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter }}
-{% endif %}
-acct-timeout={{ authentication.radius.acct_timeout }}
-timeout={{ authentication.radius.timeout }}
-max-try={{ authentication.radius.max_try }}
-{% if authentication.radius.nas_identifier is defined and authentication.radius.nas_identifier is not none %}
-nas-identifier={{ authentication.radius.nas_identifier }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if authentication.radius.nas_ip_address is defined and authentication.radius.nas_ip_address is not none %}
-nas-ip-address={{ authentication.radius.nas_ip_address }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if authentication.radius.source_address is defined and authentication.radius.source_address is not none %}
-bind={{ authentication.radius.source_address }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server is defined and authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server is not none %}
-dae-server={{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server }}:{{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.port }},{{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.key }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{# Both chap-secrets and radius block required the gw-ip-address #}
-{% if gateway_address is defined and gateway_address is not none %}
-gw-ip-address={{ gateway_address }}
-{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'local' %}
+chap-secrets={{ chap_secrets_file }}
+{% elif authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
+{% for server, options in authentication.radius.server.items() if not options.disable is defined %}
+server={{ server }},{{ options.key }},auth-port={{ options.port }},acct-port={{ options.acct_port }},req-limit=0,fail-time={{ options.fail_time }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter is defined and authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter is not none %}
+acct-interim-jitter={{ authentication.radius.acct_interim_jitter }}
+{% endif %}
+acct-timeout={{ authentication.radius.acct_timeout }}
+timeout={{ authentication.radius.timeout }}
+max-try={{ authentication.radius.max_try }}
+{% if authentication.radius.nas_identifier is defined and authentication.radius.nas_identifier is not none %}
+nas-identifier={{ authentication.radius.nas_identifier }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.radius.nas_ip_address is defined and authentication.radius.nas_ip_address is not none %}
+nas-ip-address={{ authentication.radius.nas_ip_address }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.radius.source_address is defined and authentication.radius.source_address is not none %}
+bind={{ authentication.radius.source_address }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server is defined and authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server is not none %}
+dae-server={{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.server }}:{{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.port }},{{ authentication.radius.dynamic_author.key }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{# Both chap-secrets and radius block required the gw-ip-address #}
+{% if gateway_address is defined and gateway_address is not none %}
+gw-ip-address={{ gateway_address }}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_mode.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_mode.j2
index 5eca76f91..e3d578b38 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_mode.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_mode.j2
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{% if authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'local' %}
-{% elif authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
-{% endif %}
+{% if authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'local' %}
+{% elif authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_protocols.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_protocols.j2
index e122d6c48..454d37792 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_protocols.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_auth_protocols.j2
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{% for protocol in authentication.protocols %}
-{# this should be fixed in the CLI by a migrator #}
-{% if protocol == 'chap' %}
-{% elif protocol == 'mschap' %}
-{% else %}
-auth_{{ protocol.replace('-', '_') }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% for protocol in authentication.protocols %}
+{# this should be fixed in the CLI by a migrator #}
+{% if protocol == 'chap' %}
+{% elif protocol == 'mschap' %}
+{% else %}
+auth_{{ protocol.replace('-', '_') }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_ipv6.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_ipv6.j2
index e9ea4924b..02740ce7c 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_ipv6.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_modules_ipv6.j2
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-{% if ppp_options.ipv6 is defined and ppp_options.ipv6 != 'deny' %}
-{% endif %}
+{% if ppp_options.ipv6 is defined and ppp_options.ipv6 != 'deny' %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_shaper_radius.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_shaper_radius.j2
index 2a6641245..8de5f5df3 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_shaper_radius.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/config_shaper_radius.j2
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-{% if authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
-{% if authentication is defined and authentication.radius is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit.enable is defined %}
-attr={{ authentication.radius.rate_limit.attribute }}
-{% if authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor is not none %}
-vendor={{ authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
+{% if authentication is defined and authentication.mode is defined and authentication.mode == 'radius' %}
+{% if authentication is defined and authentication.radius is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit.enable is defined %}
+attr={{ authentication.radius.rate_limit.attribute }}
+{% if authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor is defined and authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor is not none %}
+vendor={{ authentication.radius.rate_limit.vendor }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/squid/sg_acl.conf.tmpl b/data/templates/squid/sg_acl.conf.tmpl
index cb1c3ccb0..ce72b173a 100644
--- a/data/templates/squid/sg_acl.conf.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/squid/sg_acl.conf.tmpl
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
-### generated by ###
-dbhome {{ squidguard_db_dir }}
-dest {{ category }}-{{ rule }} {
-{% if list_type == 'domains' %}
- domainlist {{ category }}/domains
-{% elif list_type == 'urls' %}
- urllist {{ category }}/urls
-{% elif list_type == 'expressions' %}
- expressionlist {{ category }}/expressions
-{% endif %}
-acl {
- default {
- pass all
- }
+### generated by ###
+dbhome {{ squidguard_db_dir }}
+dest {{ category }}-{{ rule }} {
+{% if list_type == 'domains' %}
+ domainlist {{ category }}/domains
+{% elif list_type == 'urls' %}
+ urllist {{ category }}/urls
+{% elif list_type == 'expressions' %}
+ expressionlist {{ category }}/expressions
+{% endif %}
+acl {
+ default {
+ pass all
+ }
diff --git a/data/templates/squid/squidGuard.conf.tmpl b/data/templates/squid/squidGuard.conf.tmpl
index 74de3a651..f530d1072 100644
--- a/data/templates/squid/squidGuard.conf.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/squid/squidGuard.conf.tmpl
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-### generated by ###
-{% macro sg_rule(category, log, db_dir) %}
-{% set expressions = db_dir + '/' + category + '/expressions' %}
-dest {{ category }}-default {
- domainlist {{ category }}/domains
- urllist {{ category }}/urls
-{% if expressions | is_file %}
- expressionlist {{ category }}/expressions
-{% endif %}
-{% if log is defined %}
- log blacklist.log
-{% endif %}
-{% endmacro %}
-{% if url_filtering is defined and url_filtering.disable is not defined %}
-{% if url_filtering.squidguard is defined and url_filtering.squidguard is not none %}
-{% set sg_config = url_filtering.squidguard %}
-{% set acl = namespace(value='local-ok-default') %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !in-addr' if sg_config.allow_ipaddr_url is not defined else acl.value %}
-dbhome {{ squidguard_db_dir }}
-logdir /var/log/squid
-rewrite safesearch {
- s@(.*\.google\..*/(custom|search|images|groups|news)?.*q=.*)@\1\&safe=active@i
- s@(.*\..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)@\1\&fyandex=1@i
- s@(.*\.yahoo\..*/search.*p=.*)@\1\&vm=r@i
- s@(.*\.live\..*/.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
- s@(.*\.msn\..*/.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
- s@(.*\.bing\..*/search.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
- log rewrite.log
-{% if sg_config.local_ok is defined and sg_config.local_ok is not none %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' local-ok-default' %}
-dest local-ok-default {
- domainlist local-ok-default/domains
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.local_ok_url is defined and sg_config.local_ok_url is not none %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' local-ok-url-default' %}
-dest local-ok-url-default {
- urllist local-ok-url-default/urls
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.local_block is defined and sg_config.local_block is not none %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-default' %}
-dest local-block-default {
- domainlist local-block-default/domains
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.local_block_url is defined and sg_config.local_block_url is not none %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-url-default' %}
-dest local-block-url-default {
- urllist local-block-url-default/urls
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.local_block_keyword is defined and sg_config.local_block_keyword is not none %}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-keyword-default' %}
-dest local-block-keyword-default {
- expressionlist local-block-keyword-default/expressions
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.block_category is defined and sg_config.block_category is not none %}
-{% for category in sg_config.block_category %}
-{{ sg_rule(category, sg_config.log, squidguard_db_dir) }}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !' + category + '-default' %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if sg_config.allow_category is defined and sg_config.allow_category is not none %}
-{% for category in sg_config.allow_category %}
-{{ sg_rule(category, False, squidguard_db_dir) }}
-{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' ' + category + '-default' %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-acl {
- default {
-{% if sg_config.enable_safe_search is defined %}
- rewrite safesearch
-{% endif %}
- pass {{ acl.value }} {{ 'none' if sg_config.default_action is defined and sg_config.default_action == 'block' else 'allow' }}
- redirect 302:http://{{ sg_config.redirect_url }}
-{% if sg_config.log is defined and sg_config.log is not none %}
- log blacklist.log
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
+### generated by ###
+{% macro sg_rule(category, log, db_dir) %}
+{% set expressions = db_dir + '/' + category + '/expressions' %}
+dest {{ category }}-default {
+ domainlist {{ category }}/domains
+ urllist {{ category }}/urls
+{% if expressions | is_file %}
+ expressionlist {{ category }}/expressions
+{% endif %}
+{% if log is defined %}
+ log blacklist.log
+{% endif %}
+{% endmacro %}
+{% if url_filtering is defined and url_filtering.disable is not defined %}
+{% if url_filtering.squidguard is defined and url_filtering.squidguard is not none %}
+{% set sg_config = url_filtering.squidguard %}
+{% set acl = namespace(value='local-ok-default') %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !in-addr' if sg_config.allow_ipaddr_url is not defined else acl.value %}
+dbhome {{ squidguard_db_dir }}
+logdir /var/log/squid
+rewrite safesearch {
+ s@(.*\.google\..*/(custom|search|images|groups|news)?.*q=.*)@\1\&safe=active@i
+ s@(.*\..*/yandsearch?.*text=.*)@\1\&fyandex=1@i
+ s@(.*\.yahoo\..*/search.*p=.*)@\1\&vm=r@i
+ s@(.*\.live\..*/.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
+ s@(.*\.msn\..*/.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
+ s@(.*\.bing\..*/search.*q=.*)@\1\&adlt=strict@i
+ log rewrite.log
+{% if sg_config.local_ok is defined and sg_config.local_ok is not none %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' local-ok-default' %}
+dest local-ok-default {
+ domainlist local-ok-default/domains
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.local_ok_url is defined and sg_config.local_ok_url is not none %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' local-ok-url-default' %}
+dest local-ok-url-default {
+ urllist local-ok-url-default/urls
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.local_block is defined and sg_config.local_block is not none %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-default' %}
+dest local-block-default {
+ domainlist local-block-default/domains
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.local_block_url is defined and sg_config.local_block_url is not none %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-url-default' %}
+dest local-block-url-default {
+ urllist local-block-url-default/urls
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.local_block_keyword is defined and sg_config.local_block_keyword is not none %}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !local-block-keyword-default' %}
+dest local-block-keyword-default {
+ expressionlist local-block-keyword-default/expressions
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.block_category is defined and sg_config.block_category is not none %}
+{% for category in sg_config.block_category %}
+{{ sg_rule(category, sg_config.log, squidguard_db_dir) }}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' !' + category + '-default' %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if sg_config.allow_category is defined and sg_config.allow_category is not none %}
+{% for category in sg_config.allow_category %}
+{{ sg_rule(category, False, squidguard_db_dir) }}
+{% set acl.value = acl.value + ' ' + category + '-default' %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+acl {
+ default {
+{% if sg_config.enable_safe_search is defined %}
+ rewrite safesearch
+{% endif %}
+ pass {{ acl.value }} {{ 'none' if sg_config.default_action is defined and sg_config.default_action == 'block' else 'allow' }}
+ redirect 302:http://{{ sg_config.redirect_url }}
+{% if sg_config.log is defined and sg_config.log is not none %}
+ log blacklist.log
+{% endif %}
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/system/ssh_config.tmpl b/data/templates/system/ssh_config.tmpl
index 509bd5479..abc03f069 100644
--- a/data/templates/system/ssh_config.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/system/ssh_config.tmpl
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-{% if ssh_client is defined and ssh_client.source_address is defined and ssh_client.source_address is not none %}
-BindAddress {{ ssh_client.source_address }}
-{% endif %}
+{% if ssh_client is defined and ssh_client.source_address is defined and ssh_client.source_address is not none %}
+BindAddress {{ ssh_client.source_address }}
+{% endif %}