path: root/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 198 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl b/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cfa076d0..000000000
--- a/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-router isis VyOS {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is defined and vrf is not none }}
- net {{ net }}
-{% if dynamic_hostname is defined %}
- hostname dynamic
-{% endif %}
-{% if purge_originator is defined %}
- purge-originator
-{% endif %}
-{% if set_attached_bit is defined %}
- set-attached-bit
-{% endif %}
-{% if set_overload_bit is defined %}
- set-overload-bit
-{% endif %}
-{% if domain_password is defined and domain_password is not none %}
-{% if domain_password.md5 is defined and domain_password.md5 is not none %}
- domain-password md5 {{ domain_password.plaintext_password }}
-{% elif domain_password.plaintext_password is defined and domain_password.plaintext_password is not none %}
- domain-password clear {{ domain_password.plaintext_password }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if log_adjacency_changes is defined %}
- log-adjacency-changes
-{% endif %}
-{% if lsp_gen_interval is defined and lsp_gen_interval is not none %}
- lsp-gen-interval {{ lsp_gen_interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if lsp_mtu is defined and lsp_mtu is not none %}
- lsp-mtu {{ lsp_mtu }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if lsp_refresh_interval is defined and lsp_refresh_interval is not none %}
- lsp-refresh-interval {{ lsp_refresh_interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if max_lsp_lifetime is defined and max_lsp_lifetime is not none %}
- max-lsp-lifetime {{ max_lsp_lifetime }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if spf_interval is defined and spf_interval is not none %}
- spf-interval {{ spf_interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if traffic_engineering is defined and traffic_engineering is not none %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.enable is defined %}
- mpls-te on
-{% endif %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.address is defined %}
- mpls-te router-address {{ traffic_engineering.address }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.inter_as is defined %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.inter_as.level_1 is defined %}
- mpls-te inter-as level-1
-{% endif %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.inter_as.level_1_2 is defined %}
- mpls-te inter-as level-1-2
-{% endif %}
-{% if traffic_engineering.inter_as.level_2 is defined %}
- mpls-te inter-as level-2-only
-{% endif %}
-{% else %}
- mpls-te inter-as
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing is defined %}
-{% if segment_routing.enable is defined %}
- segment-routing on
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.maximum_label_depth is defined %}
- segment-routing node-msd {{ segment_routing.maximum_label_depth }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.global_block is defined %}
- segment-routing global-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.local_block is defined %}
- segment-routing local-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix is defined %}
-{% for prefixes in segment_routing.prefix %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute is defined %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.value is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} absolute {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.value }}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.explicit_null is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} absolute {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.value }} explicit-null
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.no_php_flag is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} absolute {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].absolute.value }} no-php-flag
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index is defined %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.value is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} index {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.value }}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.explicit_null is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} index {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.value }} explicit-null
-{% endif %}
-{% if segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.no_php_flag is defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefixes }} index {{ segment_routing.prefix[prefixes].index.value }} no-php-flag
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if spf_delay_ietf is defined and spf_delay_ietf.init_delay is defined and spf_delay_ietf.init_delay is not none %}
- spf-delay-ietf init-delay {{ spf_delay_ietf.init_delay }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if area_password is defined and area_password is not none %}
-{% if area_password.md5 is defined and area_password.md5 is not none %}
- area-password md5 {{ area_password.md5 }}
-{% elif area_password.plaintext_password is defined and area_password.plaintext_password is not none %}
- area-password clear {{ area_password.plaintext_password }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if default_information is defined and default_information.originate is defined and default_information.originate is not none %}
-{% for afi, afi_config in default_information.originate.items() %}
-{% for level, level_config in afi_config.items() %}
- default-information originate {{ afi }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} {{ 'always' if level_config.always is defined }} {{ 'route-map ' ~ level_config.route_map if level_config.route_map is defined }} {{ 'metric ' ~ level_config.metric if level_config.metric is defined }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if redistribute is defined %}
-{% if redistribute.ipv4 is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is not none %}
-{% for protocol, protocol_options in redistribute.ipv4.items() %}
-{% for level, level_config in protocol_options.items() %}
-{% if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
- redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} metric {{ level_config.metric }}
-{% elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
- redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} route-map {{ level_config.route_map }}
-{% else %}
- redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if redistribute.ipv6 is defined and redistribute.ipv6 is not none %}
-{% for protocol, protocol_options in redistribute.ipv6.items() %}
-{% for level, level_config in protocol_options.items() %}
-{% if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
- redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} metric {{ level_config.metric }}
-{% elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
- redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} route-map {{ level_config.route_map }}
-{% else %}
- redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if level is defined and level is not none %}
-{% if level == 'level-2' %}
- is-type level-2-only
-{% else %}
- is-type {{ level }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if interface is defined and interface is not none %}
-{% for iface, iface_config in interface.items() %}
-interface {{ iface }} {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is defined and vrf is not none }}
- ip router isis VyOS
- ipv6 router isis VyOS
-{% if iface_config.bfd is defined %}
- isis bfd
-{% endif %}
-{% if is defined and is defined %}
- isis network point-to-point
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.circuit_type is defined %}
- isis circuit-type {{ iface_config.circuit_type }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.hello_interval is defined and iface_config.hello_interval is not none %}
- isis hello-interval {{ iface_config.hello_interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.hello_multiplier is defined and iface_config.hello_multiplier is not none %}
- isis hello-multiplier {{ iface_config.hello_multiplier }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.hello_padding is defined %}
- isis hello padding
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.metric is defined and iface_config.metric is not none %}
- isis metric {{ iface_config.metric }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.passive is defined %}
- isis passive
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.password is defined and iface_config.password.plaintext_password is defined and iface_config.password.plaintext_password is not none %}
- isis password clear {{ iface_config.password.plaintext_password }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.priority is defined and iface_config.priority is not none %}
- isis priority {{ iface_config.priority }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.psnp_interval is defined and iface_config.psnp_interval is not none %}
- isis psnp-interval {{ iface_config.psnp_interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if iface_config.no_three_way_handshake is defined %}
- no isis three-way-handshake
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-! \ No newline at end of file