path: root/src/conf_mode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/conf_mode/')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..53c8358a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import ipaddress
+from sys import exit
+from copy import deepcopy
+from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos.template import render
+from vyos.util import call
+from vyos.validate import is_subnet_connected, is_ipv6
+from vyos import ConfigError
+from vyos import airbag
+config_file = r'/run/dhcp-server/dhcpdv6.conf'
+default_config_data = {
+ 'preference': '',
+ 'disabled': False,
+ 'shared_network': []
+def get_config():
+ dhcpv6 = deepcopy(default_config_data)
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['service', 'dhcpv6-server']
+ if not conf.exists(base):
+ return None
+ else:
+ conf.set_level(base)
+ # Check for global disable of DHCPv6 service
+ if conf.exists(['disable']):
+ dhcpv6['disabled'] = True
+ return dhcpv6
+ # Preference of this DHCPv6 server compared with others
+ if conf.exists(['preference']):
+ dhcpv6['preference'] = conf.return_value(['preference'])
+ # check for multiple, shared networks served with DHCPv6 addresses
+ if conf.exists(['shared-network-name']):
+ for network in conf.list_nodes(['shared-network-name']):
+ conf.set_level(base + ['shared-network-name', network])
+ config = {
+ 'name': network,
+ 'disabled': False,
+ 'subnet': []
+ }
+ # If disabled, the shared-network configuration becomes inactive
+ if conf.exists(['disable']):
+ config['disabled'] = True
+ # check for multiple subnet configurations in a shared network
+ if conf.exists(['subnet']):
+ for net in conf.list_nodes(['subnet']):
+ conf.set_level(base + ['shared-network-name', network, 'subnet', net])
+ subnet = {
+ 'network': net,
+ 'range6_prefix': [],
+ 'range6': [],
+ 'default_router': '',
+ 'dns_server': [],
+ 'domain_name': '',
+ 'domain_search': [],
+ 'lease_def': '',
+ 'lease_min': '',
+ 'lease_max': '',
+ 'nis_domain': '',
+ 'nis_server': [],
+ 'nisp_domain': '',
+ 'nisp_server': [],
+ 'prefix_delegation': [],
+ 'sip_address': [],
+ 'sip_hostname': [],
+ 'sntp_server': [],
+ 'static_mapping': []
+ }
+ # For any subnet on which addresses will be assigned dynamically, there must be at
+ # least one address range statement. The range statement gives the lowest and highest
+ # IP addresses in a range. All IP addresses in the range should be in the subnet in
+ # which the range statement is declared.
+ if conf.exists(['address-range', 'prefix']):
+ for prefix in conf.list_nodes(['address-range', 'prefix']):
+ range = {
+ 'prefix': prefix,
+ 'temporary': False
+ }
+ # Address range will be used for temporary addresses
+ if conf.exists(['address-range' 'prefix', prefix, 'temporary']):
+ range['temporary'] = True
+ # Append to subnet temporary range6 list
+ subnet['range6_prefix'].append(range)
+ if conf.exists(['address-range', 'start']):
+ for range in conf.list_nodes(['address-range', 'start']):
+ range = {
+ 'start': range,
+ 'stop': conf.return_value(['address-range', 'start', range, 'stop'])
+ }
+ # Append to subnet range6 list
+ subnet['range6'].append(range)
+ # The domain-search option specifies a 'search list' of Domain Names to be used
+ # by the client to locate not-fully-qualified domain names.
+ if conf.exists(['domain-search']):
+ subnet['domain_search'] = conf.return_values(['domain-search'])
+ # IPv6 address valid lifetime
+ # (at the end the address is no longer usable by the client)
+ # (set to 30 days, the usual IPv6 default)
+ if conf.exists(['lease-time', 'default']):
+ subnet['lease_def'] = conf.return_value(['lease-time', 'default'])
+ # Time should be the maximum length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease.
+ # The only exception to this is that Dynamic BOOTP lease lengths, which are not
+ # specified by the client, are not limited by this maximum.
+ if conf.exists(['lease-time', 'maximum']):
+ subnet['lease_max'] = conf.return_value(['lease-time', 'maximum'])
+ # Time should be the minimum length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease
+ if conf.exists(['lease-time', 'minimum']):
+ subnet['lease_min'] = conf.return_value(['lease-time', 'minimum'])
+ # Specifies a list of Domain Name System name servers available to the client.
+ # Servers should be listed in order of preference.
+ if conf.exists(['name-server']):
+ subnet['dns_server'] = conf.return_values(['name-server'])
+ # Ancient NIS (Network Information Service) domain name
+ if conf.exists(['nis-domain']):
+ subnet['nis_domain'] = conf.return_value(['nis-domain'])
+ # Ancient NIS (Network Information Service) servers
+ if conf.exists(['nis-server']):
+ subnet['nis_server'] = conf.return_values(['nis-server'])
+ # Ancient NIS+ (Network Information Service) domain name
+ if conf.exists(['nisplus-domain']):
+ subnet['nisp_domain'] = conf.return_value(['nisplus-domain'])
+ # Ancient NIS+ (Network Information Service) servers
+ if conf.exists(['nisplus-server']):
+ subnet['nisp_server'] = conf.return_values(['nisplus-server'])
+ # Local SIP server that is to be used for all outbound SIP requests - IPv6 address
+ if conf.exists(['sip-server']):
+ for value in conf.return_values(['sip-server']):
+ if is_ipv6(value):
+ subnet['sip_address'].append(value)
+ else:
+ subnet['sip_hostname'].append(value)
+ # List of local SNTP servers available for the client to synchronize their clocks
+ if conf.exists(['sntp-server']):
+ subnet['sntp_server'] = conf.return_values(['sntp-server'])
+ # Prefix Delegation (RFC 3633)
+ if conf.exists(['prefix-delegation', 'start']):
+ for address in conf.list_nodes(['prefix-delegation', 'start']):
+ conf.set_level(base + ['shared-network-name', network, 'subnet', net, 'prefix-delegation', 'start', address])
+ prefix = {
+ 'start' : address,
+ 'stop' : '',
+ 'length' : ''
+ }
+ if conf.exists(['prefix-length']):
+ prefix['length'] = conf.return_value(['prefix-length'])
+ if conf.exists(['stop']):
+ prefix['stop'] = conf.return_value(['stop'])
+ subnet['prefix_delegation'].append(prefix)
+ #
+ # Static DHCP v6 leases
+ #
+ conf.set_level(base + ['shared-network-name', network, 'subnet', net])
+ if conf.exists(['static-mapping']):
+ for mapping in conf.list_nodes(['static-mapping']):
+ conf.set_level(base + ['shared-network-name', network, 'subnet', net, 'static-mapping', mapping])
+ mapping = {
+ 'name': mapping,
+ 'disabled': False,
+ 'ipv6_address': '',
+ 'client_identifier': '',
+ }
+ # This static lease is disabled
+ if conf.exists(['disable']):
+ mapping['disabled'] = True
+ # IPv6 address used for this DHCP client
+ if conf.exists(['ipv6-address']):
+ mapping['ipv6_address'] = conf.return_value(['ipv6-address'])
+ # This option specifies the client’s DUID identifier. DUIDs are similar but different from DHCPv4 client identifiers
+ if conf.exists(['identifier']):
+ mapping['client_identifier'] = conf.return_value(['identifier'])
+ # append static mapping configuration tu subnet list
+ subnet['static_mapping'].append(mapping)
+ # append subnet configuration to shared network subnet list
+ config['subnet'].append(subnet)
+ # append shared network configuration to config dictionary
+ dhcpv6['shared_network'].append(config)
+ # If all shared-networks are disabled, there's nothing to do.
+ if all(net['disabled'] for net in dhcpv6['shared_network']):
+ return None
+ return dhcpv6
+def verify(dhcpv6):
+ if not dhcpv6 or dhcpv6['disabled']:
+ return None
+ # If DHCP is enabled we need one share-network
+ if len(dhcpv6['shared_network']) == 0:
+ raise ConfigError('No DHCPv6 shared networks configured.\n' \
+ 'At least one DHCPv6 shared network must be configured.')
+ # Inspect shared-network/subnet
+ subnets = []
+ listen_ok = False
+ for network in dhcpv6['shared_network']:
+ # A shared-network requires a subnet definition
+ if len(network['subnet']) == 0:
+ raise ConfigError('No DHCPv6 lease subnets configured for {0}. At least one\n' \
+ 'lease subnet must be configured for each shared network.'.format(network['name']))
+ range6_start = []
+ range6_stop = []
+ for subnet in network['subnet']:
+ # Ususal range declaration with a start and stop address
+ for range6 in subnet['range6']:
+ # shorten names
+ start = range6['start']
+ stop = range6['stop']
+ # DHCPv6 stop address is required
+ if start and not stop:
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 range stop address for start {0} is not defined!'.format(start))
+ # Start address must be inside network
+ if not ipaddress.ip_address(start) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network']):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 range start address {0} is not in subnet {1}\n' \
+ 'specified for shared network {2}!'.format(start, subnet['network'], network['name']))
+ # Stop address must be inside network
+ if not ipaddress.ip_address(stop) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network']):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 range stop address {0} is not in subnet {1}\n' \
+ 'specified for shared network {2}!'.format(stop, subnet['network'], network['name']))
+ # Stop address must be greater or equal to start address
+ if not ipaddress.ip_address(stop) >= ipaddress.ip_address(start):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 range stop address {0} must be greater or equal\n' \
+ 'to the range start address {1}!'.format(stop, start))
+ # DHCPv6 range start address must be unique - two ranges can't
+ # start with the same address - makes no sense
+ if start in range6_start:
+ raise ConfigError('Conflicting DHCPv6 lease range:\n' \
+ 'Pool start address {0} defined multipe times!'.format(start))
+ else:
+ range6_start.append(start)
+ # DHCPv6 range stop address must be unique - two ranges can't
+ # end with the same address - makes no sense
+ if stop in range6_stop:
+ raise ConfigError('Conflicting DHCPv6 lease range:\n' \
+ 'Pool stop address {0} defined multipe times!'.format(stop))
+ else:
+ range6_stop.append(stop)
+ # Prefix delegation sanity checks
+ for prefix in subnet['prefix_delegation']:
+ if not prefix['stop']:
+ raise ConfigError('Stop address of delegated IPv6 prefix range must be configured')
+ if not prefix['length']:
+ raise ConfigError('Length of delegated IPv6 prefix must be configured')
+ # We also have prefixes that require checking
+ for prefix in subnet['range6_prefix']:
+ # If configured prefix does not match our subnet, we have to check that it's inside
+ if ipaddress.ip_network(prefix['prefix']) != ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network']):
+ # Configured prefixes must be inside our network
+ if not ipaddress.ip_network(prefix['prefix']) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network']):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 prefix {0} is not in subnet {1}\n' \
+ 'specified for shared network {2}!'.format(prefix['prefix'], subnet['network'], network['name']))
+ # Static mappings don't require anything (but check if IP is in subnet if it's set)
+ for mapping in subnet['static_mapping']:
+ if mapping['ipv6_address']:
+ # Static address must be in subnet
+ if not ipaddress.ip_address(mapping['ipv6_address']) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network']):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 static mapping IPv6 address {0} for static mapping {1}\n' \
+ 'in shared network {2} is outside subnet {3}!' \
+ .format(mapping['ipv6_address'], mapping['name'], network['name'], subnet['network']))
+ # Subnets must be unique
+ if subnet['network'] in subnets:
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 subnets must be unique! Subnet {0} defined multiple times!'.format(subnet['network']))
+ else:
+ subnets.append(subnet['network'])
+ # DHCPv6 requires at least one configured address range or one static mapping
+ # (FIXME: is not actually checked right now?)
+ # There must be one subnet connected to a listen interface if network is not disabled.
+ if not network['disabled']:
+ if is_subnet_connected(subnet['network']):
+ listen_ok = True
+ # DHCPv6 subnet must not overlap. ISC DHCP also complains about overlapping
+ # subnets: "Warning: subnet 2001:db8::/32 overlaps subnet 2001:db8:1::/32"
+ net = ipaddress.ip_network(subnet['network'])
+ for n in subnets:
+ net2 = ipaddress.ip_network(n)
+ if (net != net2):
+ if net.overlaps(net2):
+ raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 conflicting subnet ranges: {0} overlaps {1}'.format(net, net2))
+ if not listen_ok:
+ raise ConfigError('None of the DHCPv6 subnets are connected to a subnet6 on\n' \
+ 'this machine. At least one subnet6 must be connected such that\n' \
+ 'DHCPv6 listens on an interface!')
+ return None
+def generate(dhcpv6):
+ if not dhcpv6 or dhcpv6['disabled']:
+ return None
+ render(config_file, 'dhcpv6-server/dhcpdv6.conf.tmpl', dhcpv6)
+ return None
+def apply(dhcpv6):
+ if not dhcpv6 or dhcpv6['disabled']:
+ # DHCP server is removed in the commit
+ call('systemctl stop isc-dhcp-server6.service')
+ if os.path.exists(config_file):
+ os.unlink(config_file)
+ else:
+ call('systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server6.service')
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ c = get_config()
+ verify(c)
+ generate(c)
+ apply(c)
+ except ConfigError as e:
+ print(e)
+ exit(1)