path: root/src/conf_mode/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/conf_mode/')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e893dba47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2018 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import syslog as sl
+import subprocess
+from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos import ConfigError
+dir = r'/config/auth/wireguard'
+pk = dir + '/private.key'
+pub = dir + '/public.key'
+psk_file = r'/tmp/psk'
+def check_kmod():
+ if not os.path.exists('/sys/module/wireguard'):
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "loading wirguard kmod")
+ if os.system('sudo modprobe wireguard') != 0:
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "modprobe wireguard failed")
+ raise ConfigError("modprobe wireguard failed")
+def get_config():
+ c = Config()
+ if not c.exists('interfaces wireguard'):
+ return None
+ c.set_level('interfaces')
+ intfcs = c.list_nodes('wireguard')
+ intfcs_eff = c.list_effective_nodes('wireguard')
+ new_lst = list(set(intfcs) - set(intfcs_eff))
+ del_lst = list(set(intfcs_eff) - set(intfcs))
+ config_data = {
+ 'interfaces' : {}
+ }
+ ### setting defaults and determine status of the config
+ for intfc in intfcs:
+ cnf = 'wireguard ' + intfc
+ # default data struct
+ config_data['interfaces'].update(
+ {
+ intfc : {
+ 'addr' : '',
+ 'descr' : intfc, ## snmp ifAlias
+ 'lport' : '',
+ 'status' : 'exists',
+ 'state' : 'enabled',
+ 'mtu' : '1420',
+ 'peer' : {}
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ### determine status either delete or create
+ for i in new_lst:
+ config_data['interfaces'][i]['status'] = 'create'
+ for i in del_lst:
+ config_data['interfaces'].update(
+ {
+ i : {
+ 'status': 'delete'
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ### based on the status, setup conf values
+ for intfc in intfcs:
+ cnf = 'wireguard ' + intfc
+ if config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['status'] != 'delete':
+ ### addresses
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' address'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['addr'] = c.return_values(cnf + ' address')
+ ### interface up/down
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' disable'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['state'] = 'disable'
+ ### listen port
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' port'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['lport'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' port')
+ ### description
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' description'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['descr'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' description')
+ ### mtu
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' mtu'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['mtu'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' mtu')
+ ### peers
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer'):
+ for p in c.list_nodes(cnf + ' peer'):
+ if not c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' disable'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'].update(
+ {
+ p : {
+ 'allowed-ips' : [],
+ 'endpoint' : '',
+ 'pubkey' : ''
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' pubkey'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'][p]['pubkey'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' pubkey')
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' allowed-ips'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'][p]['allowed-ips'] = c.return_values(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' allowed-ips')
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' endpoint'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'][p]['endpoint'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' endpoint')
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' persistent-keepalive'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'][p]['persistent-keepalive'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' persistent-keepalive')
+ if c.exists(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' preshared-key'):
+ config_data['interfaces'][intfc]['peer'][p]['psk'] = c.return_value(cnf + ' peer ' + p + ' preshared-key')
+ return config_data
+def verify(c):
+ if not c:
+ return None
+ for i in c['interfaces']:
+ if c['interfaces'][i]['status'] != 'delete':
+ if not c['interfaces'][i]['addr']:
+ raise ConfigError("address required for interface " + i)
+ if not c['interfaces'][i]['peer']:
+ raise ConfigError("peer required on interface " + i)
+ for p in c['interfaces'][i]['peer']:
+ if not c['interfaces'][i]['peer'][p]['allowed-ips']:
+ raise ConfigError("allowed-ips required on interface " + i + " for peer " + p)
+ if not c['interfaces'][i]['peer'][p]['pubkey']:
+ raise ConfigError("pubkey from your peer is mandatory on " + i + " for peer " + p)
+def apply(c):
+ ### no wg config left, delete all wireguard devices on the os
+ if not c:
+ net_devs = os.listdir('/sys/class/net/')
+ for dev in net_devs:
+ if os.path.isdir('/sys/class/net/' + dev):
+ buf = open('/sys/class/net/' + dev + '/uevent', 'r').read()
+ if"DEVTYPE=wireguard", buf, re.I|re.M):
+ wg_intf = re.sub("INTERFACE=", "","INTERFACE=.*", buf, re.I|re.M).group(0))
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "removing interface " + wg_intf)
+['ip l d dev ' + wg_intf + ' >/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ return None
+ ###
+ ## find the diffs between effective config an new config
+ ###
+ c_eff = Config()
+ c_eff.set_level('interfaces wireguard')
+ ### link status up/down aka interface disable
+ for intf in c['interfaces']:
+ if not c['interfaces'][intf]['status'] == 'delete':
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['state'] == 'disable':
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "disable interface " + intf)
+['ip l s dev ' + intf + ' down ' + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ else:
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "enable interface " + intf)
+['ip l s dev ' + intf + ' up ' + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ ### deletion of a specific interface
+ for intf in c['interfaces']:
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['status'] == 'delete':
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "removing interface " + intf)
+['ip l d dev ' + intf + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ ### peer deletion
+ peer_eff = c_eff.list_effective_nodes( intf + ' peer')
+ peer_cnf = []
+ try:
+ for p in c['interfaces'][intf]['peer']:
+ peer_cnf.append(p)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ peer_rem = list(set(peer_eff) - set(peer_cnf))
+ for p in peer_rem:
+ pkey = c_eff.return_effective_value( intf + ' peer ' + p +' pubkey')
+ remove_peer(intf, pkey)
+ ### peer pubkey update
+ ### wg identifies peers by its pubky, so we have to remove the peer first
+ ### it will recreated it then below with the new key from the cli config
+ for p in peer_eff:
+ if p in peer_cnf:
+ ekey = c_eff.return_effective_value( intf + ' peer ' + p +' pubkey')
+ nkey = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['pubkey']
+ if nkey != ekey:
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "peer " + p + ' changed pubkey from ' + ekey + 'to key ' + nkey + ' on interface ' + intf)
+ remove_peer(intf, ekey)
+ ### new config
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['status'] == 'create':
+ if not os.path.exists(pk):
+ raise ConfigError("No keys found, generate them by executing: \'run generate wireguard keypair\'")
+['ip l a dev ' + intf + ' type wireguard 2>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ for addr in c['interfaces'][intf]['addr']:
+ add_addr(intf, addr)
+['ip l set up dev ' + intf + ' mtu ' + c['interfaces'][intf]['mtu'] + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ configure_interface(c, intf)
+ ### config updates
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['status'] == 'exists':
+ ### IP address change
+ addr_eff = re.sub("\'", "", c_eff.return_effective_values(intf + ' address')).split()
+ addr_rem = list(set(addr_eff) - set(c['interfaces'][intf]['addr']))
+ addr_add = list(set(c['interfaces'][intf]['addr']) - set(addr_eff))
+ if len(addr_rem) != 0:
+ for addr in addr_rem:
+ del_addr(intf, addr)
+ if len(addr_add) != 0:
+ for addr in addr_add:
+ add_addr(intf, addr)
+ ## mtu update
+ mtu = c['interfaces'][intf]['mtu']
+ if mtu != 1420:
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "setting mtu to " + mtu + " on " + intf)
+['ip l set mtu ' + mtu + ' dev ' + intf + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ ### persistent-keepalive
+ for p in c['interfaces'][intf]['peer']:
+ val_eff = ""
+ val = ""
+ try:
+ val = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['persistent-keepalive']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ if c_eff.exists_effective(intf + ' peer ' + p + ' persistent-keepalive'):
+ val_eff = c_eff.return_effective_value(intf + ' peer ' + p + ' persistent-keepalive')
+ ### disable keepalive
+ if val_eff and not val:
+ c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['persistent-keepalive'] = 0
+ ### set new keepalive value
+ if not val_eff and val:
+ c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['persistent-keepalive'] = val
+ ## wg command call
+ configure_interface(c, intf)
+ ### ifalias for snmp from description
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['status'] != 'delete':
+ descr_eff = c_eff.return_effective_value(intf + ' description')
+ cnf_descr = c['interfaces'][intf]['descr']
+ if descr_eff != cnf_descr:
+ with open('/sys/class/net/' + str(intf) + '/ifalias', 'w') as fh:
+ fh.write(str(cnf_descr))
+def configure_interface(c, intf):
+ for p in c['interfaces'][intf]['peer']:
+ ## config init for wg call
+ wg_config = {
+ 'interface' : intf,
+ 'port' : 0,
+ 'private-key' : pk,
+ 'pubkey' : '',
+ 'psk' : '/dev/null',
+ 'allowed-ips' : [],
+ 'fwmark' : 0x00,
+ 'endpoint' : None,
+ 'keepalive' : 0
+ }
+ ## mandatory settings
+ wg_config['pubkey'] = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['pubkey']
+ wg_config['allowed-ips'] = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['allowed-ips']
+ ## optional settings
+ # listen-port
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['lport']:
+ wg_config['port'] = c['interfaces'][intf]['lport']
+ ## endpoint
+ if c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['endpoint']:
+ wg_config['endpoint'] = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['endpoint']
+ ## persistent-keepalive
+ if 'persistent-keepalive' in c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]:
+ wg_config['keepalive'] = c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['persistent-keepalive']
+ ## preshared-key - is only read from a file, it's called via sudo redirection doesn't work either
+ if 'psk' in c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]:
+ old_umask = os.umask(0o077)
+ open(psk_file, 'w').write(str(c['interfaces'][intf]['peer'][p]['psk']))
+ os.umask(old_umask)
+ wg_config['psk'] = psk_file
+ ### assemble wg command
+ cmd = "sudo wg set " + intf
+ cmd += " listen-port " + str(wg_config['port'])
+ cmd += " private-key " + wg_config['private-key']
+ cmd += " peer " + wg_config['pubkey']
+ cmd += " preshared-key " + wg_config['psk']
+ cmd += " allowed-ips "
+ for ap in wg_config['allowed-ips']:
+ if ap != wg_config['allowed-ips'][-1]:
+ cmd += ap + ","
+ else:
+ cmd += ap
+ if wg_config['endpoint']:
+ cmd += " endpoint " + wg_config['endpoint']
+ if wg_config['keepalive'] != 0:
+ cmd += " persistent-keepalive " + wg_config['keepalive']
+ else:
+ cmd += " persistent-keepalive 0"
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, cmd)
+ #print (cmd)
+[cmd], shell=True)
+ """ remove psk_file """
+ if os.path.exists(psk_file):
+ os.remove(psk_file)
+def add_addr(intf, addr):
+ # see
+ ret =['ip a a dev ' + intf + ' ' + addr + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "ip a a dev " + intf + " " + addr)
+def del_addr(intf, addr):
+ ret =['ip a d dev ' + intf + ' ' + addr + ' &>/dev/null'], shell=True)
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "ip a d dev " + intf + " " + addr)
+def remove_peer(intf, peer_key):
+ cmd = 'sudo wg set ' + str(intf) + ' peer ' + peer_key + ' remove &>/dev/null'
+ ret =[cmd], shell=True)
+ sl.syslog(sl.LOG_NOTICE, "peer " + peer_key + " removed from " + intf)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ check_kmod()
+ c = get_config()
+ verify(c)
+ apply(c)
+ except ConfigError as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)