path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 215 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index eab580083..0c179b724 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
@@ -19,12 +19,16 @@ import os
from sys import exit
from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
from vyos.configdict import node_changed
-from vyos import ConfigError
-from vyos.util import call
+from vyos.configverify import verify_common_route_maps
+from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists
+from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
from vyos.util import dict_search
-from vyos.template import render
+from vyos.util import get_interface_config
from vyos.template import render_to_string
+from vyos.xml import defaults
+from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import frr
from vyos import airbag
@@ -34,131 +38,172 @@ def get_config(config=None):
conf = config
conf = Config()
- base = ['protocols', 'isis']
- isis = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True)
+ base = ['protocols', 'isis']
+ isis = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ get_first_key=True)
+ interfaces_removed = node_changed(conf, base + ['interface'])
+ if interfaces_removed:
+ isis['interface_removed'] = list(interfaces_removed)
+ # Bail out early if configuration tree does not exist
+ if not conf.exists(base):
+ isis.update({'deleted' : ''})
+ return isis
+ # We have gathered the dict representation of the CLI, but there are default
+ # options which we need to update into the dictionary retrived.
+ # XXX: Note that we can not call defaults(base), as defaults does not work
+ # on an instance of a tag node.
+ default_values = defaults(base)
+ # merge in default values
+ isis = dict_merge(default_values, isis)
+ # We also need some additional information from the config, prefix-lists
+ # and route-maps for instance. They will be used in verify().
+ #
+ # XXX: one MUST always call this without the key_mangling() option! See
+ # vyos.configverify.verify_common_route_maps() for more information.
+ tmp = conf.get_config_dict(['policy'])
+ # Merge policy dict into "regular" config dict
+ isis = dict_merge(tmp, isis)
return isis
def verify(isis):
# bail out early - looks like removal from running config
- if not isis:
+ if not isis or 'deleted' in isis:
return None
- for process, isis_config in isis.items():
- # If more then one isis process is defined (Frr only supports one)
- #
- if len(isis) > 1:
- raise ConfigError('Only one isis process can be defined')
- # If network entity title (net) not defined
- if 'net' not in isis_config:
- raise ConfigError('ISIS net format iso is mandatory!')
- # last byte in IS-IS area address must be 0
- tmp = isis_config['net'].split('.')
- if int(tmp[-1]) != 0:
- raise ConfigError('Last byte of IS-IS network entity title must always be 0!')
- # If interface not set
- if 'interface' not in isis_config:
- raise ConfigError('ISIS interface is mandatory!')
- # If md5 and plaintext-password set at the same time
- if 'area_password' in isis_config:
- if {'md5', 'plaintext_password'} <= set(isis_config['encryption']):
- raise ConfigError('Can not use both md5 and plaintext-password for ISIS area-password!')
- # If one param from delay set, but not set others
- if 'spf_delay_ietf' in isis_config:
- required_timers = ['holddown', 'init_delay', 'long_delay', 'short_delay', 'time_to_learn']
- exist_timers = []
- for elm_timer in required_timers:
- if elm_timer in isis_config['spf_delay_ietf']:
- exist_timers.append(elm_timer)
- exist_timers = set(required_timers).difference(set(exist_timers))
- if len(exist_timers) > 0:
- raise ConfigError('All types of delay must be specified: ' + ', '.join(exist_timers).replace('_', '-'))
- # If Redistribute set, but level don't set
- if 'redistribute' in isis_config:
- proc_level = isis_config.get('level','').replace('-','_')
- for proto, proto_config in isis_config.get('redistribute', {}).get('ipv4', {}).items():
+ if 'net' not in isis:
+ raise ConfigError('Network entity is mandatory!')
+ # last byte in IS-IS area address must be 0
+ tmp = isis['net'].split('.')
+ if int(tmp[-1]) != 0:
+ raise ConfigError('Last byte of IS-IS network entity title must always be 0!')
+ verify_common_route_maps(isis)
+ # If interface not set
+ if 'interface' not in isis:
+ raise ConfigError('Interface used for routing updates is mandatory!')
+ for interface in isis['interface']:
+ verify_interface_exists(interface)
+ # Interface MTU must be >= configured lsp-mtu
+ mtu = Interface(interface).get_mtu()
+ area_mtu = isis['lsp_mtu']
+ # Recommended maximum PDU size = interface MTU - 3 bytes
+ recom_area_mtu = mtu - 3
+ if mtu < int(area_mtu) or int(area_mtu) > recom_area_mtu:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Interface {interface} has MTU {mtu}, ' \
+ f'current area MTU is {area_mtu}! \n' \
+ f'Recommended area lsp-mtu {recom_area_mtu} or less ' \
+ '(calculated on MTU size).')
+ # If md5 and plaintext-password set at the same time
+ for password in ['area_password', 'domain_password']:
+ if password in isis:
+ if {'md5', 'plaintext_password'} <= set(isis[password]):
+ tmp = password.replace('_', '-')
+ raise ConfigError(f'Can use either md5 or plaintext-password for {tmp}!')
+ # If one param from delay set, but not set others
+ if 'spf_delay_ietf' in isis:
+ required_timers = ['holddown', 'init_delay', 'long_delay', 'short_delay', 'time_to_learn']
+ exist_timers = []
+ for elm_timer in required_timers:
+ if elm_timer in isis['spf_delay_ietf']:
+ exist_timers.append(elm_timer)
+ exist_timers = set(required_timers).difference(set(exist_timers))
+ if len(exist_timers) > 0:
+ raise ConfigError('All types of delay must be specified: ' + ', '.join(exist_timers).replace('_', '-'))
+ # If Redistribute set, but level don't set
+ if 'redistribute' in isis:
+ proc_level = isis.get('level','').replace('-','_')
+ for afi in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']:
+ if afi not in isis['redistribute']:
+ continue
+ for proto, proto_config in isis['redistribute'][afi].items():
if 'level_1' not in proto_config and 'level_2' not in proto_config:
- raise ConfigError('Redistribute level-1 or level-2 should be specified in \"protocols isis {} redistribute ipv4 {}\"'.format(process, proto))
- for redistribute_level in proto_config.keys():
- if proc_level and proc_level != 'level_1_2' and proc_level != redistribute_level:
- raise ConfigError('\"protocols isis {0} redistribute ipv4 {2} {3}\" cannot be used with \"protocols isis {0} level {1}\"'.format(process, proc_level, proto, redistribute_level))
- # Segment routing checks
- if dict_search('segment_routing', isis_config):
- if dict_search('segment_routing.global_block', isis_config):
- high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value', isis_config)
- low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value', isis_config)
- # If segment routing global block high value is blank, throw error
- if low_label_value and not high_label_value:
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing global block high value must not be left blank')
- # If segment routing global block low value is blank, throw error
- if high_label_value and not low_label_value:
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing global block low value must not be left blank')
- # If segment routing global block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
- if int(low_label_value) > int(high_label_value):
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing global block low value must be lower than high value')
- if dict_search('segment_routing.local_block', isis_config):
- high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value', isis_config)
- low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.low_label_value', isis_config)
- # If segment routing local block high value is blank, throw error
- if low_label_value and not high_label_value:
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing local block high value must not be left blank')
- # If segment routing local block low value is blank, throw error
- if high_label_value and not low_label_value:
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing local block low value must not be left blank')
- # If segment routing local block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
- if int(low_label_value) > int(high_label_value):
- raise ConfigError('Segment routing local block low value must be lower than high value')
+ raise ConfigError(f'Redistribute level-1 or level-2 should be specified in ' \
+ f'"protocols isis {process} redistribute {afi} {proto}"!')
+ for redistr_level, redistr_config in proto_config.items():
+ if proc_level and proc_level != 'level_1_2' and proc_level != redistr_level:
+ raise ConfigError(f'"protocols isis {process} redistribute {afi} {proto} {redistr_level}" ' \
+ f'can not be used with \"protocols isis {process} level {proc_level}\"')
+ # Segment routing checks
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.global_block', isis):
+ high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value', isis)
+ low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value', isis)
+ # If segment routing global block high value is blank, throw error
+ if (low_label_value and not high_label_value) or (high_label_value and not low_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing global block requires both low and high value!')
+ # If segment routing global block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
+ if int(low_label_value) > int(high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing global block low value must be lower than high value')
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.local_block', isis):
+ high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value', isis)
+ low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.low_label_value', isis)
+ # If segment routing local block high value is blank, throw error
+ if (low_label_value and not high_label_value) or (high_label_value and not low_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing local block requires both high and low value!')
+ # If segment routing local block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
+ if int(low_label_value) > int(high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing local block low value must be lower than high value')
return None
def generate(isis):
- if not isis:
- isis['new_frr_config'] = ''
+ if not isis or 'deleted' in isis:
+ isis['frr_isisd_config'] = ''
+ isis['frr_zebra_config'] = ''
return None
- # only one ISIS process is supported, so we can directly send the first key
- # of the config dict
- process = list(isis.keys())[0]
- isis[process]['process'] = process
- isis['new_frr_config'] = render_to_string('frr/isisd.frr.tmpl',
- isis[process])
+ isis['protocol'] = 'isis' # required for frr/route-map.frr.tmpl
+ isis['frr_zebra_config'] = render_to_string('frr/route-map.frr.tmpl', isis)
+ isis['frr_isisd_config'] = render_to_string('frr/isisd.frr.tmpl', isis)
return None
def apply(isis):
+ isis_daemon = 'isisd'
+ zebra_daemon = 'zebra'
# Save original configuration prior to starting any commit actions
frr_cfg = frr.FRRConfig()
- frr_cfg.load_configuration(daemon='isisd')
- frr_cfg.modify_section(r'interface \S+', '')
- frr_cfg.modify_section(f'router isis \S+', '')
- frr_cfg.add_before(r'(ip prefix-list .*|route-map .*|line vty)', isis['new_frr_config'])
- frr_cfg.commit_configuration(daemon='isisd')
- # If FRR config is blank, rerun the blank commit x times due to frr-reload
- # behavior/bug not properly clearing out on one commit.
- if isis['new_frr_config'] == '':
- for a in range(5):
- frr_cfg.commit_configuration(daemon='isisd')
- # Debugging
- '''
- print('')
- print('--------- DEBUGGING ----------')
- print(f'Existing config:\n{frr_cfg["original_config"]}\n\n')
- print(f'Replacement config:\n{isis["new_frr_config"]}\n\n')
- print(f'Modified config:\n{frr_cfg["modified_config"]}\n\n')
- '''
+ # The route-map used for the FIB (zebra) is part of the zebra daemon
+ frr_cfg.load_configuration(zebra_daemon)
+ frr_cfg.modify_section(r'(\s+)?ip protocol isis route-map [-a-zA-Z0-9.]+$', '', '(\s|!)')
+ frr_cfg.add_before(r'(ip prefix-list .*|route-map .*|line vty)', isis['frr_zebra_config'])
+ frr_cfg.commit_configuration(zebra_daemon)
+ frr_cfg.load_configuration(isis_daemon)
+ frr_cfg.modify_section(f'^router isis VyOS$', '')
+ for key in ['interface', 'interface_removed']:
+ if key not in isis:
+ continue
+ for interface in isis[key]:
+ frr_cfg.modify_section(f'^interface {interface}$', '')
+ frr_cfg.add_before(r'(ip prefix-list .*|route-map .*|line vty)', isis['frr_isisd_config'])
+ frr_cfg.commit_configuration(isis_daemon)
+ # Save configuration to /run/frr/config/frr.conf
+ frr.save_configuration()
return None
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 8ddd705f2..f36abbf90 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ def get_config(config=None):
- # Get distribute list interface
+ # Get distribute list interface
for dist_iface in conf.list_nodes('distribute-list interface'):
# Set level 'distribute-list interface ethX'
conf.set_level(base + ['distribute-list', 'interface', dist_iface])
@@ -301,6 +301,7 @@ def apply(rip):
if os.path.exists(config_file):
call(f'vtysh -d ripd -f {config_file}')
+ call('sudo vtysh --writeconfig --noerror')
print("File {0} not found".format(config_file))
diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/isis/0-to-1 b/src/migration-scripts/isis/0-to-1
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..93cbbbed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/isis/0-to-1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# T3417: migrate IS-IS tagNode to node as we can only have one IS-IS process
+from sys import argv
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+if (len(argv) < 1):
+ print("Must specify file name!")
+ exit(1)
+file_name = argv[1]
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+ config_file =
+base = ['protocols', 'isis']
+config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+if not config.exists(base):
+ # Nothing to do
+ exit(0)
+# Only one IS-IS process is supported, thus this operation is save
+isis_base = base + config.list_nodes(base)
+# We need a temporary copy of the config
+tmp_base = ['protocols', 'isis2']
+config.copy(isis_base, tmp_base)
+# Now it's save to delete the old configuration
+# Rename temporary copy to new final config (IS-IS domain key is static and no
+# longer required to be set via CLI)
+config.rename(tmp_base, 'isis')
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(config.to_string())
+except OSError as e:
+ print(f'Failed to save the modified config: {e}')
+ exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
deleted file mode 100755
index c34d41e80..000000000
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import json
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-version_file = r'/usr/share/vyos/version.json'
-def _get_sys_build_version():
- if not os.path.exists(version_file):
- return None
- buf = open(version_file, 'r').read()
- j = json.loads(buf)
- if not 'built_on' in j:
- return None
- return datetime.strptime(j['built_on'], '%a %d %b %Y %H:%M %Z')
-def _check_pkgs(build_stamp):
- pkg_diffs = {
- 'buildtime': str(build_stamp),
- 'pkg': {}
- }
- pkg_info = os.listdir('/var/lib/dpkg/info/')
- for file in pkg_info:
- if'\.list$', file):
- fts = os.stat('/var/lib/dpkg/info/' + file).st_mtime
- dt_str = (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
- fts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
- fdt = datetime.strptime(dt_str, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- if fdt > build_stamp:
- pkg_diffs['pkg'].update(
- {str(re.sub('\.list', '', file)): str(fdt)})
- if len(pkg_diffs['pkg']) != 0:
- return pkg_diffs
- else:
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- built_date = _get_sys_build_version()
- if not built_date:
- sys.exit(1)
- pkgs = _check_pkgs(built_date)
- if pkgs:
- print (
- "The following packages don\'t fit the image creation time\nbuild time:\t" + pkgs['buildtime'])
- for k, v in pkgs['pkg'].items():
- print ("installed: " + v + '\t' + k)