<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="service">
      <node name="salt-minion" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/salt-minion.py">
          <help>Salt Minion</help>
          <leafNode name="hash">
              <help>Hash used when discovering file on master server (default: sha256)</help>
                <list>md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512</list>
          <leafNode name="master">
              <help>The hostname or IP address of the master.</help>
                <description>Remote syslog server IPv4 address</description>
                <description>Remote syslog server FQDN</description>
                <validator name="ip-address"/>
                <validator name="fqdn"/>
              <constraintErrorMessage>Invalid FQDN or IP address</constraintErrorMessage>
          <leafNode name="id">
              <help>Explicitly declare ID for this minion to use (default: hostname)</help>
          <leafNode name="interval">
              <help>Interval in minutes between updates (default: 60)</help>
                <description>Update interval in minutes</description>
                <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-1440"/>
          <leafNode name="master-key">
              <help>URL with signature of master for auth reply verification</help>