Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 980 Community name [REQUIRED] ^[^%]+$ Community string may not contain '%' Authorization type (rw or ro) (default: 'ro') (ro|rw) Authorization type must be either 'rw' or 'ro' IP address of SNMP client allowed to contact system Subnet of SNMP client(s) allowed to contact system ipv4net IP address and prefix length ipv6net IPv6 address and prefix length Contact information .{1,255} Contact information is limited to 255 characters or less Description information .{1,255} Description is limited to 255 characters or less IP address to listen for incoming SNMP requests ipv4 IPv4 address to listen for incoming SNMP requests ipv6 IPv6 address to listen for incoming SNMP requests Port for SNMP service (default: '161') 1-65535 Numeric IP port Port number must be in range 1 to 65535 Location information .{1,255} Location is limited to 255 characters or less Register a subtree for SMUX-based processing oid Object Identifier SNMP trap source address Address of trap target Community used when sending trap information Destination port used for trap notification 1-65535 Numeric IP port Port number must be in range 1 to 65535 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3 Specifies the EngineID that uniquely identify an agent (e.g. 0xff42) ^(0x){0,1}([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){1,18}$ ID must contain an even number (from 2 to 36) of hex digits Specifies the group with name groupname Define group access permission (default: 'ro') ro read only rw read write (ro|rw) Authorization type must be either 'rw' or 'ro' Defines security level (auth|priv) Defines the name of view service snmp v3 view Defines SNMP target for inform or traps for IP ipv4 IP address of trap target ipv6 IPv6 address of trap target Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for authentication ^0x[0-9a-f]*$ Key must start from '0x' and contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for authentication ^.{8,}$ Key must contain 8 or more characters Defines the protocol used for authentication (default: 'md5') md5 Message Digest 5 sha Secure Hash Algorithm (md5|sha) Specifies the EngineID that uniquely identify an agent (e.g. 0xff42) ^(0x){0,1}([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){1,18}$ ID must contain from 2 to 36 hex digits Specifies TCP/UDP port of destination SNMP traps/informs (default: '162') 1-65535 Numeric IP port Port number must be in range 1 to 65535 Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for privacy protocol ^0x[0-9a-f]*$ Key must start from '0x' and contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for privacy protocol ^.{8,}$ Key must contain 8 or more characters Defines the protocol for privacy (default: 'des') des Data Encryption Standard aes Advanced Encryption Standard (des|aes) Defines protocol for notification between TCP and UDP tcp Use Transmission Control Protocol for notifications udp Use User Datagram Protocol for notifications (tcp|udp) Specifies the type of notification between inform and trap (default: 'inform') inform Use INFORM trap Use TRAP (inform|trap) Defines username for authentication service snmp v3 user Specifies that the snmpd uses encryption Defines the server certificate fingerprint or key-file name Defines the port for TSM (default: '10161') 1-65535 Numeric IP port Port number must be in range 1 to 65535 Specifies the user with name username ^[^\(\)\|\-]+$ Illegal characters in name Specifies the auth Defines the encrypted key for authentication ^0x[0-9a-f]*$ Key must start from '0x' and contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for authentication ^.{8,}$ Key must contain 8 or more characters Defines the protocol used for authentication (default: 'md5') md5 Message Digest 5 sha Secure Hash Algorithm (md5|sha) Specifies the EngineID that uniquely identify an agent (e.g. 0xff42) ^(0x){0,1}([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]){1,18}$ ID must contain from 2 to 36 hex digits Specifies group for user name service snmp v3 group Define users access permission (default: 'ro') ro read only rw read write (ro|rw) Authorization type must be either 'rw' or 'ro' Defines the privacy Defines the encrypted key for privacy protocol ^0x[0-9a-f]*$ Key must start from '0x' and contain hex digits Defines the clear text key for privacy protocol ^.{8,}$ Key must contain 8 or more characters Defines the protocol for privacy (default: 'des') des Data Encryption Standard aes Advanced Encryption Standard (des|aes) Specifies finger print or file name of TSM certificate