<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node name="monitor">
      <node name="webproxy">
          <help>Monitor WebProxy service</help>
        <command>${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-monitor Webproxy squid</command>
          <node name="access-log">
              <help>Monitor the last lines of the squid access log</help>
            <command>if [ -f /var/log/squid/access.log ]; then sudo tail --follow=name /var/log/squid/access.log; else echo "WebProxy access-log does not exist"; fi</command>
          <node name="background">
              <help>Monitor Webproxy in the background</help>
              <node name="start">
                  <help>Start background monitoring of Webproxy</help>
                <command>${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-monitor-background Webproxy squid</command>
              <node name="stop">
                  <help>Stop background monitoring of Webproxy</help>
                <command>${vyatta_bindir}/vyatta-monitor-background-stop Webproxy </command>
          <node name="cache-log">
              <help>Monitor the last lines of the squid cache log</help>
            <command>if [ -f /var/log/squid/cache.log ]; then sudo tail --follow=name /var/log/squid/cache.log; else echo "WebProxy cache-log does not exist"; fi</command>
  <node name="restart">
      <node name="webproxy">
          <help>Restart WebProxy service</help>
        <command>if cli-shell-api existsActive service webproxy; then sudo systemctl restart squid.service; else echo "Service WebProxy not configured"; fi</command>
  <node name="show">
      <node name="webproxy">
          <help>Show WebProxy information</help>
          <!-- missing blacklist command -->
          <node name="blacklist">
              <help>Show webproxy blacklist information</help>
              <node name="categories">
                  <help>Show webproxy blacklist categories</help>
          <node name="log">
              <help>Show contents of WebProxy access log</help>
            <command>if [ -e /var/log/squid/access.log ]; then sudo less $_vyatta_less_options --prompt="file %i of %m, page %dt of %D" -- `printf "%s\n" /var/log/squid/access.log* | sort -nr`; else echo "No WebProxy log"; fi</command>
          <node name="update-log">
              <help>Show update log for url-filter database</help>
            <command>if [ -e /opt/vyatta/etc/config/url-filtering/squidguard/updatestatus ]; then cat /opt/vyatta/etc/config/url-filtering/squidguard/updatestatus; else echo "Update log not found"; fi</command>
  <node name="update">
      <node name="webproxy">
          <help>Update WebProxy</help>
          <node name="blacklists">
              <help>Update the webproxy blacklist database</help>
            <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/webproxy_update_blacklist.sh --update-blacklist</command>