# configsession -- the write API for the VyOS running config
# Copyright (C) 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

import os
import re
import sys
import subprocess

from vyos.util import call

CLI_SHELL_API = '/bin/cli-shell-api'
SET = '/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_set'
DELETE = '/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_delete'
COMMENT = '/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_comment'
COMMIT = '/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_commit'
DISCARD = '/opt/vyatta/sbin/my_discard'
SHOW_CONFIG = ['/bin/cli-shell-api', 'showConfig']
LOAD_CONFIG = ['/bin/cli-shell-api', 'loadFile']
SAVE_CONFIG = ['/opt/vyatta/sbin/vyatta-save-config.pl']
INSTALL_IMAGE = ['/opt/vyatta/sbin/install-image', '--url']
REMOVE_IMAGE = ['/opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-boot-image.pl', '--del']
GENERATE = ['/opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper', 'generate']
SHOW = ['/opt/vyatta/bin/vyatta-op-cmd-wrapper', 'show']

# Default "commit via" string
APP = "vyos-http-api"

# When started as a service rather than from a user shell,
# the process lacks the VyOS-specific environment that comes
# from bash configs, so we have to inject it
# XXX: maybe it's better to do via a systemd environment file
def inject_vyos_env(env):
    env['VYATTA_CFG_GROUP_NAME'] = 'vyattacfg'
    env['VYATTA_USER_LEVEL_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/etc/shell/level/admin'
    env['VYATTA_PROCESS_CLIENT'] = 'gui2_rest'
    env['VYOS_HEADLESS_CLIENT'] = 'vyos_http_api'
    env['vyatta_bindir']= '/opt/vyatta/bin'
    env['vyatta_cfg_templates'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates'
    env['vyatta_configdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/config'
    env['vyatta_datadir'] = '/opt/vyatta/share'
    env['vyatta_datarootdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/share'
    env['vyatta_libdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/lib'
    env['vyatta_libexecdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/libexec'
    env['vyatta_op_templates'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-op/templates'
    env['vyatta_prefix'] = '/opt/vyatta'
    env['vyatta_sbindir'] = '/opt/vyatta/sbin'
    env['vyatta_sysconfdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/etc'
    env['vyos_bin_dir'] = '/usr/bin'
    env['vyos_cfg_templates'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates'
    env['vyos_completion_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos/completion'
    env['vyos_configdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/config'
    env['vyos_conf_scripts_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode'
    env['vyos_datadir'] = '/opt/vyatta/share'
    env['vyos_datarootdir']= '/opt/vyatta/share'
    env['vyos_libdir'] = '/opt/vyatta/lib'
    env['vyos_libexec_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos'
    env['vyos_op_scripts_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos/op_mode'
    env['vyos_op_templates'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-op/templates'
    env['vyos_prefix'] = '/opt/vyatta'
    env['vyos_sbin_dir'] = '/usr/sbin'
    env['vyos_validators_dir'] = '/usr/libexec/vyos/validators'

    # if running the vyos-configd daemon, inject the vyshim env var
    ret = call('systemctl is-active --quiet vyos-configd.service')
    if not ret:
        env['vyshim'] = '/usr/sbin/vyshim'

    return env

class ConfigSessionError(Exception):

class ConfigSession(object):
    The write API of VyOS.
    def __init__(self, session_id, app=APP):
         Creates a new config session.

              session_id (str): Session identifier
              app (str): Application name, purely informational

            The session identifier MUST be globally unique within the system.
            The best practice is to only have one ConfigSession object per process
            and used the PID for the session identifier.

        env_str = subprocess.check_output([CLI_SHELL_API, 'getSessionEnv', str(session_id)])
        self.__session_id = session_id

        # Extract actual variables from the chunk of shell it outputs
        # XXX: it's better to extend cli-shell-api to provide easily readable output
        env_list = re.findall(r'([A-Z_]+)=([^;\s]+)', env_str.decode())

        session_env = os.environ
        session_env = inject_vyos_env(session_env)
        for k, v in env_list:
            session_env[k] = v

        self.__session_env = session_env
        self.__session_env["COMMIT_VIA"] = app

        self.__run_command([CLI_SHELL_API, 'setupSession'])

    def __del__(self):
            output = subprocess.check_output([CLI_SHELL_API, 'teardownSession'], env=self.__session_env).decode().strip()
            if output:
                print("cli-shell-api teardownSession output for sesion {0}: {1}".format(self.__session_id, output), file=sys.stderr)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Could not tear down session {0}: {1}".format(self.__session_id, e), file=sys.stderr)

    def __run_command(self, cmd_list):
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.__session_env)
        result = p.wait()
        output = p.stdout.read().decode()
        if result != 0:
            raise ConfigSessionError(output)
        return output

    def get_session_env(self):
        return self.__session_env

    def set(self, path, value=None):
        if not value:
            value = []
            value = [value]
        self.__run_command([SET] + path + value)

    def delete(self, path, value=None):
        if not value:
            value = []
            value = [value]
        self.__run_command([DELETE] + path + value)

    def comment(self, path, value=None):
        if not value:
            value = [""]
            value = [value]
        self.__run_command([COMMENT] + path + value)

    def commit(self):
        out = self.__run_command([COMMIT])
        return out

    def discard(self):

    def show_config(self, path, format='raw'):
        config_data = self.__run_command(SHOW_CONFIG + path)

        if format == 'raw':
            return config_data

    def load_config(self, file_path):
        out = self.__run_command(LOAD_CONFIG + [file_path])
        return out

    def save_config(self, file_path):
        out = self.__run_command(SAVE_CONFIG + [file_path])
        return out

    def install_image(self, url):
        out = self.__run_command(INSTALL_IMAGE + [url])
        return out

    def remove_image(self, name):
        out = self.__run_command(REMOVE_IMAGE + [name])
        return out

    def generate(self, path):
        out = self.__run_command(GENERATE + path)
        return out

    def show(self, path):
        out = self.__run_command(SHOW + path)
        return out