# Copyright 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# The sole purpose of this module is to hold common functions used in
# all kinds of implementations to verify the CLI configuration.
# It is started by migrating the interfaces to the new get_config_dict()
# approach which will lead to a lot of code that can be reused.

# NOTE: imports should be as local as possible to the function which
# makes use of it!

from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos.util import dict_search

def verify_mtu(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation if the specified MTU can be used by the underlaying
    from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
    if 'mtu' in config:
        mtu = int(config['mtu'])

        tmp = Interface(config['ifname'])
        min_mtu = tmp.get_min_mtu()
        max_mtu = tmp.get_max_mtu()

        if mtu < min_mtu:
            raise ConfigError(f'Interface MTU too low, ' \
                              f'minimum supported MTU is {min_mtu}!')
        if mtu > max_mtu:
            raise ConfigError(f'Interface MTU too high, ' \
                              f'maximum supported MTU is {max_mtu}!')

def verify_mtu_ipv6(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation if the specified MTU can be used when IPv6 is
    configured on the interface. IPv6 requires a 1280 bytes MTU.
    from vyos.template import is_ipv6
    if 'mtu' in config:
        # IPv6 minimum required link mtu
        min_mtu = 1280
        if int(config['mtu']) < min_mtu:
            interface = config['ifname']
            error_msg = f'IPv6 address will be configured on interface "{interface}" ' \
                        f'thus the minimum MTU requirement is {min_mtu}!'

            for address in (dict_search('address', config) or []):
                if address in ['dhcpv6'] or is_ipv6(address):
                    raise ConfigError(error_msg)

            tmp = dict_search('ipv6.address', config)
            if tmp and 'no_default_link_local' not in tmp:
                raise ConfigError('link-local ' + error_msg)

            if tmp and 'autoconf' in tmp:
                raise ConfigError(error_msg)

            if tmp and 'eui64' in tmp:
                raise ConfigError(error_msg)

def verify_vrf(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of VRF configuration.
    from netifaces import interfaces
    if 'vrf' in config:
        if config['vrf'] not in interfaces():
            raise ConfigError('VRF "{vrf}" does not exist'.format(**config))

        if 'is_bridge_member' in config:
            raise ConfigError(
                'Interface "{ifname}" cannot be both a member of VRF "{vrf}" '
                'and bridge "{is_bridge_member}"!'.format(**config))

def verify_eapol(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of EAPoL configuration.
    if 'eapol' in config:
        if not {'cert_file', 'key_file'} <= set(config['eapol']):
            raise ConfigError('Both cert and key-file must be specified '\
                              'when using EAPoL!')

def verify_mirror(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of mirror interface configuration.

    It makes no sense to mirror traffic back at yourself!
    if 'mirror' in config:
        for direction, mirror_interface in config['mirror'].items():
            if mirror_interface == config['ifname']:
                raise ConfigError(f'Can not mirror "{direction}" traffic back ' \
                                   'the originating interface!')

def verify_address(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of IP address assignment when interface is part
    of a bridge or bond.
    if {'is_bridge_member', 'address'} <= set(config):
        raise ConfigError(
            'Cannot assign address to interface "{ifname}" as it is a '
            'member of bridge "{is_bridge_member}"!'.format(**config))

def verify_bridge_delete(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to
    perform recurring validation of IP address assignmenr
    when interface also is part of a bridge.
    if 'is_bridge_member' in config:
        raise ConfigError(
            'Interface "{ifname}" cannot be deleted as it is a '
            'member of bridge "{is_bridge_member}"!'.format(**config))

def verify_interface_exists(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation if an interface actually exists.
    from netifaces import interfaces
    if not config['ifname'] in interfaces():
        raise ConfigError('Interface "{ifname}" does not exist!'

def verify_source_interface(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to
    perform recurring validation of the existence of a source-interface
    required by e.g. peth/MACvlan, MACsec ...
    from netifaces import interfaces
    if 'source_interface' not in config:
        raise ConfigError('Physical source-interface required for '
                          'interface "{ifname}"'.format(**config))

    if config['source_interface'] not in interfaces():
        raise ConfigError('Specified source-interface {source_interface} does '
                          'not exist'.format(**config))

    if 'source_interface_is_bridge_member' in config:
        raise ConfigError('Invalid source-interface {source_interface}. Interface '
                          'is already a member of bridge '

    if 'source_interface_is_bond_member' in config:
        raise ConfigError('Invalid source-interface {source_interface}. Interface '
                          'is already a member of bond '

def verify_dhcpv6(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of DHCPv6 options which are mutually exclusive.
    if 'dhcpv6_options' in config:
        from vyos.util import dict_search

        if {'parameters_only', 'temporary'} <= set(config['dhcpv6_options']):
            raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options '
                              'are mutually exclusive!')

        # It is not allowed to have duplicate SLA-IDs as those identify an
        # assigned IPv6 subnet from a delegated prefix
        for pd in dict_search('dhcpv6_options.pd', config):
            sla_ids = []

            if not dict_search(f'dhcpv6_options.pd.{pd}.interface', config):
                raise ConfigError('DHCPv6-PD requires an interface where to assign '
                                  'the delegated prefix!')

            for interface in dict_search(f'dhcpv6_options.pd.{pd}.interface', config):
                sla_id = dict_search(
                    f'dhcpv6_options.pd.{pd}.interface.{interface}.sla_id', config)

            # Check for duplicates
            duplicates = [x for n, x in enumerate(sla_ids) if x in sla_ids[:n]]
            if duplicates:
                raise ConfigError('Site-Level Aggregation Identifier (SLA-ID) '
                                  'must be unique per prefix-delegation!')

def verify_vlan_config(config):
    Common helper function used by interface implementations to perform
    recurring validation of interface VLANs
    # 802.1q VLANs
    for vlan in config.get('vif', {}):
        vlan = config['vif'][vlan]

    # 802.1ad (Q-in-Q) VLANs
    for vlan in config.get('vif_s', {}):
        vlan = config['vif_s'][vlan]

        for vlan in config.get('vif_s', {}).get('vif_c', {}):
            vlan = config['vif_c'][vlan]

def verify_accel_ppp_base_service(config):
    Common helper function which must be used by all Accel-PPP services based
    on get_config_dict()
    # vertify auth settings
    if dict_search('authentication.mode', config) == 'local':
        if not dict_search('authentication.local_users', config):
            raise ConfigError('PPPoE local auth mode requires local users to be configured!')

        for user in dict_search('authentication.local_users.username', config):
            user_config = config['authentication']['local_users']['username'][user]

            if 'password' not in user_config:
                raise ConfigError(f'Password required for local user "{user}"')

            if 'rate_limit' in user_config:
                # if up/download is set, check that both have a value
                if not {'upload', 'download'} <= set(user_config['rate_limit']):
                    raise ConfigError(f'User "{user}" has rate-limit configured for only one ' \
                                      'direction but both upload and download must be given!')

    elif dict_search('authentication.mode', config) == 'radius':
        if not dict_search('authentication.radius.server', config):
            raise ConfigError('RADIUS authentication requires at least one server')

        for server in dict_search('authentication.radius.server', config):
            radius_config = config['authentication']['radius']['server'][server]
            if 'key' not in radius_config:
                raise ConfigError(f'Missing RADIUS secret key for server "{server}"')

    if 'gateway_address' not in config:
        raise ConfigError('PPPoE server requires gateway-address to be configured!')

    if 'name_server_ipv4' in config:
        if len(config['name_server_ipv4']) > 2:
            raise ConfigError('Not more then two IPv4 DNS name-servers ' \
                              'can be configured')

    if 'name_server_ipv6' in config:
        if len(config['name_server_ipv6']) > 3:
            raise ConfigError('Not more then three IPv6 DNS name-servers ' \
                              'can be configured')

    if 'client_ipv6_pool' in config:
        ipv6_pool = config['client_ipv6_pool']
        if 'delegate' in ipv6_pool:
            if 'prefix' not in ipv6_pool:
                raise ConfigError('IPv6 "delegate" also requires "prefix" to be defined!')

            for delegate in ipv6_pool['delegate']:
                if 'delegation_prefix' not in ipv6_pool['delegate'][delegate]:
                    raise ConfigError('delegation-prefix length required!')

def verify_diffie_hellman_length(file, min_keysize):
    """ Verify Diffie-Hellamn keypair length given via file. It must be greater
    then or equal to min_keysize """

        keysize = str(min_keysize)
        return False

    import os
    import re
    from vyos.util import cmd

    if os.path.exists(file):

        out = cmd(f'openssl dhparam -inform PEM -in {file} -text')
        prog = re.compile('\d+\s+bit')
        if prog.search(out):
            bits = prog.search(out)[0].split()[0]
            if int(bits) >= int(min_keysize):
                return True

    return False