# Copyright 2023-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from pathlib import Path from re import compile, MULTILINE, DOTALL from functools import wraps from copy import deepcopy from typing import Union from vyos.system import disk, grub, image, SYSTEM_CFG_VER from vyos.template import render TMPL_GRUB_COMPAT: str = 'grub/grub_compat.j2' # define regexes and variables REGEX_VERSION = r'^menuentry "[^\n]*{\n[^}]*\s+linux /boot/(?P<version>\S+)/[^}]*}' REGEX_MENUENTRY = r'^menuentry "[^\n]*{\n[^}]*\s+linux /boot/(?P<version>\S+)/vmlinuz (?P<options>[^\n]+)\n[^}]*}' REGEX_CONSOLE = r'^.*console=(?P<console_type>[^\s\d]+)(?P<console_num>[\d]+)(,(?P<console_speed>[\d]+))?.*$' REGEX_SANIT_CONSOLE = r'\ ?console=[^\s\d]+[\d]+(,\d+)?\ ?' REGEX_SANIT_INIT = r'\ ?init=\S*\ ?' REGEX_SANIT_QUIET = r'\ ?quiet\ ?' PW_RESET_OPTION = 'init=/opt/vyatta/sbin/standalone_root_pw_reset' class DowngradingImageTools(Exception): """Raised when attempting to add an image with an earlier version of image-tools than the current system, as indicated by the value of SYSTEM_CFG_VER or absence thereof.""" pass def mode(): if grub.get_cfg_ver() >= SYSTEM_CFG_VER: return False return True def find_versions(menu_entries: list) -> list: """Find unique VyOS versions from menu entries Args: menu_entries (list): a list with menu entries Returns: list: List of installed versions """ versions = [] for vyos_ver in menu_entries: versions.append(vyos_ver.get('version')) # remove duplicates versions = list(set(versions)) return versions def filter_unparsed(grub_path: str) -> str: """Find currently installed VyOS version Args: grub_path (str): a path to the grub.cfg file Returns: str: unparsed grub.cfg items """ config_text = Path(grub_path).read_text() regex_filter = compile(REGEX_VERSION, MULTILINE | DOTALL) filtered = regex_filter.sub('', config_text) regex_filter = compile(grub.REGEX_GRUB_VARS, MULTILINE) filtered = regex_filter.sub('', filtered) regex_filter = compile(grub.REGEX_GRUB_MODULES, MULTILINE) filtered = regex_filter.sub('', filtered) # strip extra new lines filtered = filtered.strip() return filtered def get_search_root(unparsed: str) -> str: unparsed_lines = unparsed.splitlines() search_root = next((x for x in unparsed_lines if 'search' in x), '') return search_root def sanitize_boot_opts(boot_opts: str) -> str: """Sanitize boot options from console and init Args: boot_opts (str): boot options Returns: str: sanitized boot options """ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_SANIT_CONSOLE) boot_opts = regex_filter.sub('', boot_opts) regex_filter = compile(REGEX_SANIT_INIT) boot_opts = regex_filter.sub('', boot_opts) # legacy tools add 'quiet' on add system image; this is not desired regex_filter = compile(REGEX_SANIT_QUIET) boot_opts = regex_filter.sub(' ', boot_opts) return boot_opts def parse_entry(entry: tuple) -> dict: """Parse GRUB menuentry Args: entry (tuple): tuple of (version, options) Returns: dict: dictionary with parsed options """ # save version to dict entry_dict = {'version': entry[0]} # detect boot mode type if PW_RESET_OPTION in entry[1]: entry_dict['bootmode'] = 'pw_reset' else: entry_dict['bootmode'] = 'normal' # find console type and number regex_filter = compile(REGEX_CONSOLE) entry_dict.update(regex_filter.match(entry[1]).groupdict()) speed = entry_dict.get('console_speed', None) entry_dict['console_speed'] = speed if speed is not None else '115200' entry_dict['boot_opts'] = sanitize_boot_opts(entry[1]) return entry_dict def parse_menuentries(grub_path: str) -> list: """Parse all GRUB menuentries Args: grub_path (str): a path to GRUB config file Returns: list: list with menu items (each item is a dict) """ menuentries = [] # read configuration file config_text = Path(grub_path).read_text() # parse menuentries to tuples (version, options) regex_filter = compile(REGEX_MENUENTRY, MULTILINE) filter_results = regex_filter.findall(config_text) # parse each entry for entry in filter_results: menuentries.append(parse_entry(entry)) return menuentries def prune_vyos_versions(root_dir: str = '') -> None: """Delete vyos-versions files of registered images subsequently deleted or renamed by legacy image-tools Args: root_dir (str): an optional path to the root directory """ if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() version_files = Path(f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_VYOS_VERS}').glob('*.cfg') for file in version_files: version = Path(file).stem if not Path(f'{root_dir}/boot/{version}').is_dir(): grub.version_del(version, root_dir) def update_cfg_ver(root_dir:str = '') -> int: """Get minumum version of image-tools across all installed images Args: root_dir (str): an optional path to the root directory Returns: int: minimum version of image-tools """ if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() prune_vyos_versions(root_dir) images_details = image.get_images_details() cfg_version = min(d['tools_version'] for d in images_details) return cfg_version def get_default(menu_entries: list, root_dir: str = '') -> Union[int, None]: """Translate default version to menuentry index Args: menu_entries (list): list of dicts of installed version boot data root_dir (str): an optional path to the root directory Returns: int: index of default version in menu_entries or None """ if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_CFG_MAIN}' image_name = image.get_default_image() sublist = list(filter(lambda x: x.get('version') == image_name, menu_entries)) if sublist: return menu_entries.index(sublist[0]) return None def update_version_list(root_dir: str = '') -> list[dict]: """Update list of dicts of installed version boot data Args: root_dir (str): an optional path to the root directory Returns: list: list of dicts of installed version boot data """ if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_CFG_MAIN}' # get list of versions in menuentries menu_entries = parse_menuentries(grub_cfg_main) menu_versions = find_versions(menu_entries) # get list of versions added/removed by image-tools current_versions = grub.version_list(root_dir) remove = list(set(menu_versions) - set(current_versions)) for ver in remove: menu_entries = list(filter(lambda x: x.get('version') != ver, menu_entries)) # reset boot_opts in case of config update for entry in menu_entries: entry['boot_opts'] = grub.get_boot_opts(entry['version']) add = list(set(current_versions) - set(menu_versions)) for ver in add: last = menu_entries[0].get('version') new = deepcopy(list(filter(lambda x: x.get('version') == last, menu_entries))) for e in new: boot_opts = grub.get_boot_opts(ver) e.update({'version': ver, 'boot_opts': boot_opts}) menu_entries = new + menu_entries return menu_entries def grub_cfg_fields(root_dir: str = '') -> dict: """Gather fields for rendering grub.cfg Args: root_dir (str): an optional path to the root directory Returns: dict: dictionary for rendering TMPL_GRUB_COMPAT """ if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_CFG_MAIN}' grub_vars = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_VARS}' fields = grub.vars_read(grub_vars) # 'default' and 'timeout' from legacy grub.cfg resets 'default' to # index, rather than uuid fields |= grub.vars_read(grub_cfg_main) fields['tools_version'] = SYSTEM_CFG_VER menu_entries = update_version_list(root_dir) fields['versions'] = menu_entries default = get_default(menu_entries, root_dir) if default is not None: fields['default'] = default modules = grub.modules_read(grub_cfg_main) fields['modules'] = modules unparsed = filter_unparsed(grub_cfg_main).splitlines() search_root = next((x for x in unparsed if 'search' in x), '') fields['search_root'] = search_root return fields def render_grub_cfg(root_dir: str = '') -> None: """Render grub.cfg for legacy compatibility""" if not root_dir: root_dir = disk.find_persistence() grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_CFG_MAIN}' fields = grub_cfg_fields(root_dir) render(grub_cfg_main, TMPL_GRUB_COMPAT, fields) def grub_cfg_update(func): """Decorator to update grub.cfg after function call""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if mode(): render_grub_cfg() return ret return wrapper