# Copyright 2023 VyOS maintainers and contributors <maintainers@vyos.io>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

def colon_separated_to_dict(data_string, uniquekeys=False):
    """ Converts a string containing newline-separated entries
        of colon-separated key-value pairs into a dict.

        Such files are common in Linux /proc filesystem

        data_string (str): data string
        uniquekeys (bool): whether to insist that keys are unique or not

    Returns: dict

        ValueError: if uniquekeys=True and the data string has
            duplicate keys.

        If uniquekeys=True, then dict entries are always strings,
        otherwise they are always lists of strings.
    import re
    key_value_re = re.compile('([^:]+)\s*\:\s*(.*)')

    data_raw = re.split('\n', data_string)

    data = {}

    for l in data_raw:
        l = l.strip()
        if l:
            match = re.match(key_value_re, l)
            if match and (len(match.groups()) == 2):
                key = match.groups()[0].strip()
                value = match.groups()[1].strip()
                raise ValueError(f"""Line "{l}" could not be parsed a colon-separated pair """, l)
            if key in data.keys():
                if uniquekeys:
                    raise ValueError("Data string has duplicate keys: {0}".format(key))
                if uniquekeys:
                    data[key] = value
                    data[key] = [value]

    return data

def mangle_dict_keys(data, regex, replacement, abs_path=None, no_tag_node_value_mangle=False):
    """ Mangles dict keys according to a regex and replacement character.
    Some libraries like Jinja2 do not like certain characters in dict keys.
    This function can be used for replacing all offending characters
    with something acceptable.

        data (dict): Original dict to mangle
        regex, replacement (str): arguments to re.sub(regex, replacement, ...)
        abs_path (list): if data is a config dict and no_tag_node_value_mangle is True
                         then abs_path should be the absolute config path to the first
                         keys of data, non-inclusive
        no_tag_node_value_mangle (bool): do not mangle keys of tag node values

    Returns: dict
    import re
    from vyos.xml_ref import is_tag_value

    if abs_path is None:
        abs_path = []

    new_dict = type(data)()

    for k in data.keys():
        if no_tag_node_value_mangle and is_tag_value(abs_path + [k]):
            new_key = k
            new_key = re.sub(regex, replacement, k)

        value = data[k]

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            new_dict[new_key] = mangle_dict_keys(value, regex, replacement,
                                                 abs_path=abs_path + [k],
            new_dict[new_key] = value

    return new_dict

def _get_sub_dict(d, lpath):
    k = lpath[0]
    if k not in d.keys():
        return {}
    c = {k: d[k]}
    lpath = lpath[1:]
    if not lpath:
        return c
    elif not isinstance(c[k], dict):
        return {}
    return _get_sub_dict(c[k], lpath)

def get_sub_dict(source, lpath, get_first_key=False):
    """ Returns the sub-dict of a nested dict, defined by path of keys.

        source (dict): Source dict to extract from
        lpath (list[str]): sequence of keys

    Returns: source, if lpath is empty, else
             {key : source[..]..[key]} for key the last element of lpath, if exists
             {} otherwise
    if not isinstance(source, dict):
        raise TypeError("source must be of type dict")
    if not isinstance(lpath, list):
        raise TypeError("path must be of type list")
    if not lpath:
        return source

    ret =  _get_sub_dict(source, lpath)

    if get_first_key and lpath and ret:
        tmp = next(iter(ret.values()))
        if not isinstance(tmp, dict):
            raise TypeError("Data under node is not of type dict")
        ret = tmp

    return ret

def dict_search(path, dict_object):
    """ Traverse Python dictionary (dict_object) delimited by dot (.).
    Return value of key if found, None otherwise.

    This is faster implementation then jmespath.search('foo.bar', dict_object)"""
    if not isinstance(dict_object, dict) or not path:
        return None

    parts = path.split('.')
    inside = parts[:-1]
    if not inside:
        if path not in dict_object:
            return None
        return dict_object[path]
    c = dict_object
    for p in parts[:-1]:
        c = c.get(p, {})
    return c.get(parts[-1], None)

def dict_search_args(dict_object, *path):
    # Traverse dictionary using variable arguments
    # Added due to above function not allowing for '.' in the key names
    # Example: dict_search_args(some_dict, 'key', 'subkey', 'subsubkey', ...)
    if not isinstance(dict_object, dict) or not path:
        return None

    for item in path:
        if item not in dict_object:
            return None
        dict_object = dict_object[item]
    return dict_object

def dict_search_recursive(dict_object, key, path=[]):
    """ Traverse a dictionary recurisvely and return the value of the key
    we are looking for.

    Thankfully copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/19871956

    Modified to yield optional path to found keys
    if isinstance(dict_object, list):
        for i in dict_object:
            new_path = path + [i]
            for x in dict_search_recursive(i, key, new_path):
                yield x
    elif isinstance(dict_object, dict):
        if key in dict_object:
            new_path = path + [key]
            yield dict_object[key], new_path
        for k, j in dict_object.items():
            new_path = path + [k]
            for x in dict_search_recursive(j, key, new_path):
                yield x

def dict_set(key_path, value, dict_object):
    """ Set value to Python dictionary (dict_object) using path to key delimited by dot (.).
        The key will be added if it does not exist.
    path_list = key_path.split(".")
    dynamic_dict = dict_object
    if len(path_list) > 0:
        for i in range(0, len(path_list)-1):
            dynamic_dict = dynamic_dict[path_list[i]]
        dynamic_dict[path_list[len(path_list)-1]] = value

def dict_delete(key_path, dict_object):
    """ Delete key in Python dictionary (dict_object) using path to key delimited by dot (.).
    path_dict = dict_object
    path_list = key_path.split('.')
    inside = path_list[:-1]
    if not inside:
        del dict_object[path_list]
        for key in path_list[:-1]:
            path_dict = path_dict[key]
        del path_dict[path_list[len(path_list)-1]]

def dict_to_list(d, save_key_to=None):
    """ Convert a dict to a list of dicts.

    Optionally, save the original key of the dict inside
    dicts stores in that list.
    def save_key(i, k):
        if isinstance(i, dict):
            i[save_key_to] = k
        elif isinstance(i, list):
            for _i in i:
                save_key(_i, k)
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot save the key: the item is {type(i)}, not a dict")

    collect = []

    for k,_ in d.items():
        item = d[k]
        if save_key_to is not None:
            save_key(item, k)
        if isinstance(item, list):
            collect += item

    return collect

def dict_to_paths_values(conf: dict) -> dict:
    Convert nested dictionary to simple dictionary, where key is a path is delimited by dot (.).
    list_of_paths = []
    dict_of_options ={}
    for path in dict_to_key_paths(conf):
        str_path = '.'.join(path)

    for path in list_of_paths:
        dict_of_options[path] = dict_search(path,conf)

    return dict_of_options
def dict_to_key_paths(d: dict) -> list:
    """ Generator to return list of key paths from dict of list[str]|str
    def func(d, path):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            if not d:
                yield path
            for k, v in d.items():
                for r in func(v, path + [k]):
                    yield r
        elif isinstance(d, list):
            yield path
        elif isinstance(d, str):
            yield path
            raise ValueError('object is not a dict of strings/list of strings')
    for r in func(d, []):
        yield r

def dict_to_paths(d: dict) -> list:
    """ Generator to return list of paths from dict of list[str]|str
    def func(d, path):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            if not d:
                yield path
            for k, v in d.items():
                for r in func(v, path + [k]):
                    yield r
        elif isinstance(d, list):
            for i in d:
                for r in func(i, path):
                    yield r
        elif isinstance(d, str):
            yield path + [d]
            raise ValueError('object is not a dict of strings/list of strings')
    for r in func(d, []):
        yield r

def check_mutually_exclusive_options(d, keys, required=False):
    """ Checks if a dict has at most one or only one of
    mutually exclusive keys.
    present_keys = []

    for k in d:
        if k in keys:

    # Un-mangle the keys to make them match CLI option syntax
    from re import sub
    orig_keys = list(map(lambda s: sub(r'_', '-', s), keys))
    orig_present_keys = list(map(lambda s: sub(r'_', '-', s), present_keys))

    if len(present_keys) > 1:
        raise ValueError(f"Options {orig_keys} are mutually-exclusive but more than one of them is present: {orig_present_keys}")

    if required and (len(present_keys) < 1):
        raise ValueError(f"At least one of the following options is required: {orig_keys}")

class FixedDict(dict):
    FixedDict: A dictionnary not allowing new keys to be created after initialisation.

    >>> f = FixedDict(**{'count':1})
    >>> f['count'] = 2
    >>> f['king'] = 3
      File "...", line ..., in __setitem__
    raise ConfigError(f'Option "{k}" has no defined default')

    from vyos import ConfigError

    def __init__(self, **options):
        self._allowed = options.keys()

    def __setitem__(self, k, v):
        __setitem__ is a builtin which is called by python when setting dict values:
        >>> d = dict()
        >>> d['key'] = 'value'
        >>> d
        {'key': 'value'}

        is syntaxic sugar for

        >>> d = dict()
        >>> d.__setitem__('key','value')
        >>> d
        {'key': 'value'}
        if k not in self._allowed:
            raise ConfigError(f'Option "{k}" has no defined default')
        super().__setitem__(k, v)