# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
# either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
# without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

import glob

from os.path import join
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import dirname

import xmltodict

from vyos import debug
from vyos.xml import kw
from vyos.xml import definition

# where the files are located

_here = dirname(__file__)

configuration_definition = abspath(join(_here, '..', '..' ,'..', 'interface-definitions'))
configuration_cache = abspath(join(_here, 'cache', 'configuration.py'))

operational_definition = abspath(join(_here, '..', '..' ,'..', 'op-mode-definitions'))
operational_cache = abspath(join(_here, 'cache', 'operational.py'))

# This code is only ran during the creation of the debian package
# therefore we accept that failure can be fatal and not handled
# gracefully.

def _fatal(debug_info=''):
    raise a RuntimeError or if in developer mode stop the code
    if not debug.enabled('developer'):
        raise RuntimeError(str(debug_info))

    if debug_info:

def _safe_update(dict1, dict2):
    return a dict made of two, raise if any root key would be overwritten
    if set(dict1).intersection(dict2):
        raise RuntimeError('overlapping configuration')
    return {**dict1, **dict2}

def _merge(dict1, dict2):
    merge dict2 in to dict1 and return it
    for k in list(dict2):
        if k not in dict1:
            dict1[k] = dict2[k]
        if isinstance(dict1[k], dict) and isinstance(dict2[k], dict):
            dict1[k] = _merge(dict1[k], dict2[k])
        elif isinstance(dict1[k], dict) and isinstance(dict2[k], dict):
        elif dict1[k] == dict2[k]:
            # A definition shared between multiple files
            if k in (kw.valueless, kw.multi, kw.hidden, kw.node, kw.summary, kw.owner, kw.priority):
            raise RuntimeError('parsing issue - undefined leaf?')
            raise RuntimeError('parsing issue - we messed up?')
    return dict1

def _include(fname, folder=''):
    return the content of a file, including any file referenced with a #include
    if not folder:
        folder = dirname(fname)
    content = ''
    with open(fname, 'r') as r:
        for line in r.readlines():
            if '#include' in line:
                content += _include(join(folder,line.strip()[10:-1]), folder)
            content += line
    return content

def _format_nodes(inside, conf, xml):
    r = {}
    while conf:
        nodetype = ''
        nodename = ''
        if 'node' in conf.keys():
            nodetype = 'node'
            nodename = kw.plainNode
        elif 'leafNode' in conf.keys():
            nodetype = 'leafNode'
            nodename = kw.leafNode
        elif 'tagNode' in conf.keys():
            nodetype = 'tagNode'
            nodename = kw.tagNode
        elif 'syntaxVersion' in conf.keys():
            sv = conf.pop('syntaxVersion')
            if isinstance(sv, list):
                for v in sv:
                    xml[kw.component_version][v['@component']] = v['@version']
                xml[kw.component_version][sv['@component']] = sv['@version']

        nodes = conf.pop(nodetype)
        if isinstance(nodes, list):
            for node in nodes:
                name = node.pop('@name')
                into = inside + [name]
                if name in r:
                    r[name].update(_format_node(into, node, xml))
                    r[name] = _format_node(into, node, xml)
                r[name][kw.node] = nodename
                xml[kw.tags].append(' '.join(into))
            node = nodes
            name = node.pop('@name')
            into = inside + [name]
            if name in r:
                r[name].update(_format_node(inside + [name], node, xml))
                r[name] = _format_node(inside + [name], node, xml)
            r[name][kw.node] = nodename
            xml[kw.tags].append(' '.join(into))
    return r

def _set_validator(r, validator):
    v = {}
    while validator:
        if '@name' in validator:
            v[kw.name] = validator.pop('@name')
        elif '@argument' in validator:
            v[kw.argument] = validator.pop('@argument')

def _format_node(inside, conf, xml):
    r = {
        kw.valueless: False,
        kw.multi: False,
        kw.hidden: False,

    if '@owner' in conf:
        owner = conf.pop('@owner', '')
        r[kw.owner] = owner
        xml[kw.owners][' '.join(inside)] = owner

    while conf:
        keys = conf.keys()
        if 'children' in keys:
            children = conf.pop('children')

            if isinstance(conf, list):
                for child in children:
                    r = _safe_update(r, _format_nodes(inside, child, xml))
                child = children
                r = _safe_update(r, _format_nodes(inside, child, xml))

        elif 'properties' in keys:
            properties = conf.pop('properties')

            while properties:
                if 'help' in properties:
                    helpname = properties.pop('help')
                    r[kw.help] = {}
                    r[kw.help][kw.summary] = helpname

                elif 'valueHelp' in properties:
                    valuehelps = properties.pop('valueHelp')
                    if kw.valuehelp in r[kw.help]:
                    r[kw.help][kw.valuehelp] = []
                    if isinstance(valuehelps, list):
                        for valuehelp in valuehelps:
                        valuehelp = valuehelps

                elif 'constraint' in properties:
                    constraint = properties.pop('constraint')
                    r[kw.constraint] = {}
                    while constraint:
                        if 'regex' in constraint:
                            regexes = constraint.pop('regex')
                            if kw.regex in kw.constraint:
                            r[kw.constraint][kw.regex] = []
                            if isinstance(regexes, list):
                                r[kw.constraint][kw.regex] = []
                                for regex in regexes:
                                regex = regexes
                        elif 'validator' in constraint:
                            validators = constraint.pop('validator')
                            if kw.validator in r[kw.constraint]:
                            r[kw.constraint][kw.validator] = []
                            if isinstance(validators, list):
                                for validator in validators:
                                    _set_validator(r, validator)
                                validator = validators
                                _set_validator(r, validator)

                elif 'constraintGroup' in properties:

                elif 'constraintErrorMessage' in properties:
                    r[kw.error] = properties.pop('constraintErrorMessage')

                elif 'valueless' in properties:
                    r[kw.valueless] = True

                elif 'multi' in properties:
                    r[kw.multi] = True

                elif 'hidden' in properties:
                    r[kw.hidden] = True

                elif 'completionHelp' in properties:
                    completionHelp = properties.pop('completionHelp')
                    r[kw.completion] = {}
                    while completionHelp:
                        if 'list' in completionHelp:
                            r[kw.completion][kw.list] = completionHelp.pop('list')
                        elif 'script' in completionHelp:
                            r[kw.completion][kw.script] = completionHelp.pop('script')
                        elif 'path' in completionHelp:
                            r[kw.completion][kw.path] = completionHelp.pop('path')

                elif 'priority' in properties:
                    priority = int(properties.pop('priority'))
                    r[kw.priority] = priority
                    xml[kw.priorities].setdefault(priority, []).append(' '.join(inside))


        elif 'defaultValue' in keys:
            default = conf.pop('defaultValue')
            x = xml[kw.default]
            for k in inside[:-1]:
                x = x.setdefault(k,{})
            x[inside[-1]] = '' if default is None else default


    return r

def xml(folder):
    read all the xml in the folder 
    xml = definition.XML()
    for fname in glob.glob(f'{folder}/*.xml.in'):
        parsed = xmltodict.parse(_include(fname))
        formated = _format_nodes([], parsed['interfaceDefinition'], xml)
        _merge(xml[kw.tree], formated)
    # fix the configuration root node for completion
    # as we moved all the name "up" the chain to use them as index.
    xml[kw.tree][kw.node] = kw.plainNode
    # XXX: do the others
    return xml