#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import unittest from glob import glob from ipaddress import IPv4Network from netifaces import interfaces from vyos.configsession import ConfigSession from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError from vyos.util import cmd from vyos.util import process_named_running from vyos.util import read_file PROCESS_NAME = 'openvpn' base_path = ['interfaces', 'openvpn'] ca_cert = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_ca.pem' ssl_cert = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_server.pem' ssl_key = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_server.key' dh_pem = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_dh.pem' s2s_key = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_site2site.key' remote_port = '1194' protocol = 'udp' path = [] interface = '' remote_host = '' vrf_name = 'mgmt' def get_vrf(interface): for upper in glob(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/upper*'): # an upper interface could be named: upper_bond0.1000.1100, thus # we need top drop the upper_ prefix tmp = os.path.basename(upper) tmp = tmp.replace('upper_', '') return tmp class TestInterfacesOpenVPN(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.session = ConfigSession(os.getpid()) self.session.set(['interfaces', 'dummy', 'dum1301', 'address', '']) self.session.set(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name, 'table', '12345']) def tearDown(self): self.session.delete(base_path) self.session.delete(['interfaces', 'dummy', 'dum1301']) self.session.delete(['vrf', 'name', vrf_name]) self.session.commit() del self.session def test_client_verify(self): """ Create OpenVPN client interface and test verify() steps """ interface = 'vtun2000' path = base_path + [interface] self.session.set(path + ['mode', 'client']) # check validate() - cannot specify both "encryption disable-ncp" and # "encryption ncp-ciphers" at the same time self.session.set(path + ['encryption', 'disable-ncp']) self.session.set(path + ['encryption', 'ncp-ciphers', 'aes192gcm']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['encryption', 'ncp-ciphers']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-port in client mode self.session.set(path + ['local-port', '5000']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['local-port']) # check validate() - cannot specify local-host in client mode self.session.set(path + ['local-host', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['local-host']) # check validate() - cannot specify protocol tcp-passive in client mode self.session.set(path + ['protocol', 'tcp-passive']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['protocol']) # check validate() - remote-host must be set in client mode with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.set(path + ['remote-host', 'openvpn.vyos.net']) # check validate() - cannot specify "tls dh-file" in client mode self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'dh-file', dh_pem]) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['tls']) # check validate() - must specify one of "shared-secret-key-file" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.set(path + ['shared-secret-key-file', s2s_key]) # check validate() - must specify one of "shared-secret-key-file" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['shared-secret-key-file', s2s_key]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'ca-cert-file', ca_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'cert-file', ssl_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'key-file', ssl_key]) # client commit must pass self.session.commit() self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_client_interfaces(self): """ Create OpenVPN client interfaces connecting to different server IP addresses. Validate configuration afterwards. """ num_range = range(10, 15) for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' remote_host = f'192.0.2.{ii}' path = base_path + [interface] auth_hash = 'sha1' self.session.set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) self.session.set(path + ['encryption', 'cipher', 'aes256']) self.session.set(path + ['hash', auth_hash]) self.session.set(path + ['mode', 'client']) self.session.set(path + ['persistent-tunnel']) self.session.set(path + ['protocol', protocol]) self.session.set(path + ['remote-host', remote_host]) self.session.set(path + ['remote-port', remote_port]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'ca-cert-file', ca_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'cert-file', ssl_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'key-file', ssl_key]) self.session.set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' remote_host = f'192.0.2.{ii}' config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-key', config) self.assertIn(f'proto {protocol}', config) self.assertIn(f'rport {remote_port}', config) self.assertIn(f'remote {remote_host}', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-tun', config) self.assertIn(f'auth {auth_hash}', config) self.assertIn(f'cipher aes-256-cbc', config) # TLS options self.assertIn(f'ca {ca_cert}', config) self.assertIn(f'cert {ssl_cert}', config) self.assertIn(f'key {ssl_key}', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.session.delete(base_path) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_server_interfaces(self): """ Create OpenVPN server interfaces using different client subnets. Validate configuration afterwards. """ auth_hash = 'sha256' num_range = range(20, 25) port = '' for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' path = base_path + [interface] port = str(2000 + ii) self.session.set(path + ['device-type', 'tun']) self.session.set(path + ['encryption', 'cipher', 'aes192']) self.session.set(path + ['hash', auth_hash]) self.session.set(path + ['mode', 'server']) self.session.set(path + ['local-port', port]) self.session.set(path + ['server', 'subnet', subnet]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'ca-cert-file', ca_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'cert-file', ssl_cert]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'key-file', ssl_key]) self.session.set(path + ['tls', 'dh-file', dh_pem]) self.session.set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' subnet = f'192.0.{ii}.0/24' port = str(2000 + ii) config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'persist-key', config) self.assertIn(f'proto udp', config) # default protocol self.assertIn(f'auth {auth_hash}', config) self.assertIn(f'cipher aes-192-cbc', config) self.assertIn(f'topology net30', config) self.assertIn(f'lport {port}', config) # TLS options self.assertIn(f'ca {ca_cert}', config) self.assertIn(f'cert {ssl_cert}', config) self.assertIn(f'key {ssl_key}', config) self.assertIn(f'dh {dh_pem}', config) # IP pool configuration netmask = IPv4Network(subnet).netmask network = IPv4Network(subnet).network_address self.assertIn(f'server {network} {netmask} nopool', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.session.delete(base_path) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) def test_site2site_verify(self): """ Create one OpenVPN site2site interface and check required verify() stages """ interface = 'vtun5000' path = base_path + [interface] self.session.set(path + ['mode', 'site-to-site']) # check validate() - encryption ncp-ciphers cannot be specified in site-to-site mode self.session.set(path + ['encryption', 'ncp-ciphers', 'aes192gcm']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['encryption']) # check validate() - must specify "local-address" or add interface to bridge with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.set(path + ['local-address', '']) # check validate() - cannot specify more than 1 IPv4 local-address self.session.set(path + ['local-address', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['local-address', '']) # check validate() - IPv4 "local-address" requires IPv4 "remote-address" # or IPv4 "local-address subnet" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.set(path + ['remote-address', '']) # check validate() - Cannot specify more than 1 IPv4 "remote-address" self.session.set(path + ['remote-address', '']) with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.delete(path + ['remote-address', '']) # check validate() - Must specify one of "shared-secret-key-file" and "tls" with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError): self.session.commit() self.session.set(path + ['shared-secret-key-file', s2s_key]) self.session.commit() def test_site2site_interfaces(self): """ Create two OpenVPN site-to-site interfaces """ num_range = range(30, 35) port = '' local_address = '' remote_address = '' for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' local_address = f'192.0.{ii}.1' remote_address = f'172.16.{ii}.1' path = base_path + [interface] port = str(3000 + ii) self.session.set(path + ['mode', 'site-to-site']) self.session.set(path + ['local-port', port]) self.session.set(path + ['local-address', local_address]) self.session.set(path + ['remote-port', port]) self.session.set(path + ['shared-secret-key-file', s2s_key]) self.session.set(path + ['remote-address', remote_address]) self.session.set(path + ['vrf', vrf_name]) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' local_address = f'192.0.{ii}.1' remote_address = f'172.16.{ii}.1' port = str(3000 + ii) config_file = f'/run/openvpn/{interface}.conf' config = read_file(config_file) self.assertIn(f'dev {interface}', config) self.assertIn(f'dev-type tun', config) self.assertIn(f'secret {s2s_key}', config) self.assertIn(f'lport {port}', config) self.assertIn(f'rport {port}', config) self.assertIn(f'ifconfig {local_address} {remote_address}', config) self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME)) self.assertEqual(get_vrf(interface), vrf_name) self.assertIn(interface, interfaces()) # check that no interface remained after deleting them self.session.delete(base_path) self.session.commit() for ii in num_range: interface = f'vtun{ii}' self.assertNotIn(interface, interfaces()) if __name__ == '__main__': # Our SSL certificates need a subject ... subject = '/C=DE/ST=BY/O=VyOS/localityName=Cloud/commonName=vyos/' \ 'organizationalUnitName=VyOS/emailAddress=maintainers@vyos.io/' if (not os.path.isfile(ssl_key) and not os.path.isfile(ssl_cert) and not os.path.isfile(ca_cert) and not os.path.isfile(dh_pem) and not os.path.isfile(s2s_key)): # Generate mandatory SSL certificate tmp = f'openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 '\ f'-keyout {ssl_key} -out {ssl_cert} -subj {subject}' out = cmd(tmp) print(out) # Generate "CA" tmp = f'openssl req -new -x509 -key {ssl_key} -out {ca_cert} -subj {subject}' out = cmd(tmp) print(out) # Generate "DH" key tmp = f'openssl dhparam -out {dh_pem} 2048' out = cmd(tmp) print(out) # Generate site-2-site key tmp = f'openvpn --genkey --secret {s2s_key}' out = cmd(tmp) print(out) for file in [ca_cert, ssl_cert, ssl_key, dh_pem, s2s_key]: cmd(f'sudo chown openvpn:openvpn {file}') unittest.main()