#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import sys import jinja2 import copy import os import vyos.validate from vyos import ConfigError from vyos.config import Config config_file = r'/tmp/ldpd.frr' # Please be careful if you edit the template. config_tmpl = """ ! {% if mpls_ldp -%} mpls ldp {% if old_router_id -%} no router-id {{ old_router_id }} {% endif -%} {% if router_id -%} router-id {{ router_id }} {% endif -%} {% for neighbor_id in old_ldp.neighbors -%} no neighbor {{neighbor_id}} password {{old_ldp.neighbors[neighbor_id].password}} {% endfor -%} {% for neighbor_id in ldp.neighbors -%} neighbor {{neighbor_id}} password {{ldp.neighbors[neighbor_id].password}} {% endfor -%} address-family ipv4 label local allocate host-routes {% if old_ldp.d_transp_ipv4 -%} no discovery transport-address {{ old_ldp.d_transp_ipv4 }} {% endif -%} {% if ldp.d_transp_ipv4 -%} discovery transport-address {{ ldp.d_transp_ipv4 }} {% endif -%} {% for interface in old_ldp.interfaces -%} no interface {{interface}} {% endfor -%} {% for interface in ldp.interfaces -%} interface {{interface}} {% endfor -%} ! ! exit-address-family ! {% if ldp.d_transp_ipv6 -%} address-family ipv6 label local allocate host-routes {% if old_ldp.d_transp_ipv6 -%} no discovery transport-address {{ old_ldp.d_transp_ipv6 }} {% endif -%} {% if ldp.d_transp_ipv6 -%} discovery transport-address {{ ldp.d_transp_ipv6 }} {% endif -%} {% for interface in old_ldp.interfaces -%} no interface {{interface}} {% endfor -%} {% for interface in ldp.interfaces -%} interface {{interface}} {% endfor -%} ! exit-address-family {% else -%} no address-family ipv6 {% endif -%} ! {% else -%} no mpls ldp {% endif -%} ! """ def sysctl(name, value): os.system('sysctl -wq {}={}'.format(name, value)) def get_config(): conf = Config() mpls_conf = { 'router_id' : None, 'mpls_ldp' : False, 'old_ldp' : { 'interfaces' : [], 'neighbors' : {}, 'd_transp_ipv4' : None, 'd_transp_ipv6' : None }, 'ldp' : { 'interfaces' : [], 'neighbors' : {}, 'd_transp_ipv4' : None, 'd_transp_ipv6' : None } } if not (conf.exists('protocols mpls') or conf.exists_effective('protocols mpls')): return None if conf.exists('protocols mpls ldp'): mpls_conf['mpls_ldp'] = True conf.set_level('protocols mpls ldp') # Get router-id if conf.exists_effective('router-id'): mpls_conf['old_router_id'] = conf.return_effective_value('router-id') if conf.exists('router-id'): mpls_conf['router_id'] = conf.return_value('router-id') # Get discovery transport-ipv4-address if conf.exists_effective('discovery transport-ipv4-address'): mpls_conf['old_ldp']['d_transp_ipv4'] = conf.return_effective_value('discovery transport-ipv4-address') if conf.exists('discovery transport-ipv4-address'): mpls_conf['ldp']['d_transp_ipv4'] = conf.return_value('discovery transport-ipv4-address') # Get discovery transport-ipv6-address if conf.exists_effective('discovery transport-ipv6-address'): mpls_conf['old_ldp']['d_transp_ipv6'] = conf.return_effective_value('discovery transport-ipv6-address') if conf.exists('discovery transport-ipv6-address'): mpls_conf['ldp']['d_transp_ipv6'] = conf.return_value('discovery transport-ipv6-address') # Get interfaces if conf.exists_effective('interface'): mpls_conf['old_ldp']['interfaces'] = conf.return_effective_values('interface') if conf.exists('interface'): mpls_conf['ldp']['interfaces'] = conf.return_values('interface') # Get neighbors for neighbor in conf.list_effective_nodes('neighbor'): mpls_conf['old_ldp']['neighbors'].update({ neighbor : { 'password' : conf.return_effective_value('neighbor {0} password'.format(neighbor)) } }) for neighbor in conf.list_nodes('neighbor'): mpls_conf['ldp']['neighbors'].update({ neighbor : { 'password' : conf.return_value('neighbor {0} password'.format(neighbor)) } }) # print(mpls_conf) # sys.exit(1) return mpls_conf def operate_mpls_on_intfc(interfaces, action): rp_filter = 0 if action == 1: rp_filter = 2 for iface in interfaces: sysctl('net.mpls.conf.{0}.input'.format(iface), action) # Operate rp filter sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.{0}.rp_filter'.format(iface), rp_filter) def verify(mpls): if mpls is None: return None if mpls['mpls_ldp']: # Requre router-id if not mpls['router_id']: raise ConfigError(f"MPLS ldp router-id is mandatory!") # Requre discovery transport-address if not mpls['ldp']['d_transp_ipv4'] and not mpls['ldp']['d_transp_ipv6']: raise ConfigError(f"MPLS ldp discovery transport address is mandatory!") # Requre interface if not mpls['ldp']['interfaces']: raise ConfigError(f"MPLS ldp interface is mandatory!") def generate(mpls): if mpls is None: return None tmpl = jinja2.Template(config_tmpl) config_text = tmpl.render(mpls) with open(config_file, 'w') as f: f.write(config_text) return None def apply(mpls): if mpls is None: return None # Set number of entries in the platform label table if mpls['mpls_ldp']: sysctl('net.mpls.platform_labels', '1048575') else: sysctl('net.mpls.platform_labels', '0') # Do not copy IP TTL to MPLS header sysctl('net.mpls.ip_ttl_propagate', '0') # Allow mpls on interfaces operate_mpls_on_intfc(mpls['ldp']['interfaces'], 1) # Disable mpls on deleted interfaces diactive_ifaces = set(mpls['old_ldp']['interfaces']).difference(mpls['ldp']['interfaces']) operate_mpls_on_intfc(diactive_ifaces, 0) if os.path.exists(config_file): os.system("sudo vtysh -d ldpd -f " + config_file) os.remove(config_file) return None if __name__ == '__main__': try: c = get_config() verify(c) generate(c) apply(c) except ConfigError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1)