# skip all of this if dhclient-script running by stop command defined below
if [ -z ${CONTROLLED_STOP} ] ; then
    # stop dhclient for this interface, if it is not current one
    # get PID for current dhclient
    current_dhclient=`ps --no-headers --format ppid --pid $$ | awk '{ print $1 }'`

    # get PID for master process (current can be a fork)
    master_dhclient=`ps --no-headers --format ppid --pid $current_dhclient | awk '{ print $1 }'`

    # get IP version for current dhclient
    ipversion_arg=`ps --no-headers --format args --pid $current_dhclient | awk '{ print $2 }'`

    # get list of all dhclient running for current interface
    dhclients_pids=(`pgrep -f "dhclient $ipversion_arg.* $interface(\s|$)"`)

    logmsg info "Current dhclient PID: $current_dhclient, Parent PID: $master_dhclient, IP version: $ipversion_arg, All dhclients for interface $interface: ${dhclients_pids[@]}"
    # stop all dhclients for current interface, except current one
    for dhclient in ${dhclients_pids[@]}; do
        if ([ $dhclient -ne $current_dhclient ] && [ $dhclient -ne $master_dhclient ]); then
            logmsg info "Stopping dhclient with PID: ${dhclient}"
            # get path to PID-file of dhclient process
            local dhclient_pidfile=`ps --no-headers --format args --pid $dhclient | awk 'match($0, ".*-pf (/.*pid) .*", PF) { print PF[1] }'`
            # stop dhclient with native command - this will run dhclient-script with correct reason unlike simple kill
            dhclient -e CONTROLLED_STOP=yes -x -pf $dhclient_pidfile