Example using GraphQL mutations to configure a DHCP server: This assumes that the http-api is running: 'set service https api' One can configure an address on an interface, and configure the DHCP server to run with that address as default router by requesting these 'mutations': mutation { createInterfaceEthernet (data: {interface: "eth1", address: "", description: "BOB"}) { success errors data { address } } } mutation { createDhcpServer(data: {sharedNetworkName: "BOB", subnet: "", defaultRouter: "", dnsServer: "", domainName: "vyos.net", lease: 86400, range: 0, start: "", stop: "", dnsForwardingAllowFrom: "", dnsForwardingCacheSize: 0, dnsForwardingListenAddress: ""}) { success errors data { defaultRouter } } } These requests can be set in the GraphQL playground, or made with curl: curl -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"query": "{hello}"}' https://{{ host_address }}/graphql replacing the query with the above mutations as JSON. What's here: services ├── api │   └── graphql │   ├── graphql │   │   ├── directives.py │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── mutations.py │   │   └── schema │   │   ├── dhcp_server.graphql │   │   ├── interface_ethernet.graphql │   │   └── schema.graphql │   ├── recipes │   │   ├── dhcp_server.py │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── interface_ethernet.py │   │   ├── recipe.py │   │   └── templates │   │   ├── dhcp_server.tmpl │   │   └── interface_ethernet.tmpl │   └── state.py ├── vyos-configd ├── vyos-hostsd └── vyos-http-api-server The GraphQL library that we are using, Ariadne, advertises itself as a 'schema-first' implementation: define the schema; define resolvers (handlers) for declared Query and Mutation types (Subscription types are not currently used). In the current approach to a high-level API, we consider the Jinja2-templated collection of configuration mode 'set'/'delete' commands as the Ur-data; the GraphQL schema is produced from those files, located in 'api/recipes/templates'. Resolvers for the schema Mutation fields are dynamically generated using a 'directive' added to the respective schema field. The directive, '@generate', is handled by the class 'DataDirective' in 'api/graphql/directives.py', which calls the 'make_resolver' function in 'api/graphql/mutations.py'; the produced resolver calls the appropriate wrapper in 'api/recipes', with base class doing the (overridable) configuration steps of calling all defined 'set'/'delete' commands. Integrating the above with vyos-http-api-server is ~10 lines of code. What needs to be done: • automate generation of schema and wrappers from templated configuration commands • investigate whether the inversion of control provided by the named wrappers in 'api/recipes' is sufficient for use cases which need to modify data • encapsulate the manipulation of 'canonical names' which transforms the prefixed camel-case schema names to various snake-case file/function names • consider mechanism for migration of templates: offline vs. on-the-fly • define the naming convention for those schema fields that refer to configuration mode parameters: e.g. how much of the path is needed as prefix to uniquely define the term