path: root/cloudinit/reporting/
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authorAndy Liu <>2018-08-24 22:25:37 +0000
committerServer Team CI Bot <>2018-08-24 22:25:37 +0000
commit2320c3de2712c2f320b0d8af4aa129219cc2ad04 (patch)
treee13c9bc0269ae71a4b32ea7eb89053b6362015df /cloudinit/reporting/
parentdab59087155d3963849a36b3f63ee662047f708b (diff)
logging: Add logging config type hyperv for reporting via Azure KVP
Linux guests can provide information to Hyper-V hosts via KVP. KVP allows the guests to provide any string key-value-pairs back to the host's registry. On linux, kvp communication pools are presented as pool files in /var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_#. The following reporting configuration can enable this kvp reporting in addition to default logging if the pool files exist: reporting:     logging:         type: log     telemetry:         type: hyperv
Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/reporting/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/reporting/ b/cloudinit/reporting/
index 4066076c..4b4bb396 100644
--- a/cloudinit/reporting/
+++ b/cloudinit/reporting/
@@ -1,17 +1,34 @@
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
import abc
+import fcntl
import json
import six
+import os
+import re
+import struct
+import threading
+import time
from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit.registry import DictRegistry
from cloudinit import (url_helper, util)
+from datetime import datetime
+if six.PY2:
+ import multiprocessing.queues as queue
+ from multiprocessing.queues import JoinableQueue as JQueue
+ import queue
+ from queue import Queue as JQueue
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ReportException(Exception):
+ pass
class ReportingHandler(object):
"""Base class for report handlers.
@@ -85,9 +102,247 @@ class WebHookHandler(ReportingHandler):
LOG.warning("failed posting event: %s", event.as_string())
+class HyperVKvpReportingHandler(ReportingHandler):
+ """
+ Reports events to a Hyper-V host using Key-Value-Pair exchange protocol
+ and can be used to obtain high level diagnostic information from the host.
+ To use this facility, the KVP user-space daemon (hv_kvp_daemon) has to be
+ running. It reads the kvp_file when the host requests the guest to
+ enumerate the KVP's.
+ This reporter collates all events for a module (origin|name) in a single
+ json string in the dictionary.
+ For more information, see
+ """
+ MSG_KEY = 'msg'
+ RESULT_KEY = 'result'
+ DESC_IDX_KEY = 'msg_i'
+ JSON_SEPARATORS = (',', ':')
+ KVP_POOL_FILE_GUEST = '/var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_1'
+ def __init__(self,
+ kvp_file_path=KVP_POOL_FILE_GUEST,
+ event_types=None):
+ super(HyperVKvpReportingHandler, self).__init__()
+ self._kvp_file_path = kvp_file_path
+ self._event_types = event_types
+ self.running = False
+ self.queue_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.running_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.q = JQueue()
+ self.kvp_file = None
+ self.incarnation_no = self._get_incarnation_no()
+ self.event_key_prefix = u"{0}|{1}".format(self.EVENT_PREFIX,
+ self.incarnation_no)
+ self._current_offset = 0
+ def _get_incarnation_no(self):
+ """
+ use the time passed as the incarnation number.
+ the incarnation number is the number which are used to
+ distinguish the old data stored in kvp and the new data.
+ """
+ uptime_str = util.uptime()
+ try:
+ return int(time.time() - float(uptime_str))
+ except ValueError:
+ LOG.warning("uptime '%s' not in correct format.", uptime_str)
+ return 0
+ def _iterate_kvps(self, offset):
+ """iterate the kvp file from the current offset."""
+ try:
+ with open(self._kvp_file_path, 'rb+') as f:
+ self.kvp_file = f
+ fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ record_data =
+ while len(record_data) == self.HV_KVP_RECORD_SIZE:
+ self._current_offset += self.HV_KVP_RECORD_SIZE
+ kvp_item = self._decode_kvp_item(record_data)
+ yield kvp_item
+ record_data =
+ fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ finally:
+ self.kvp_file = None
+ def _event_key(self, event):
+ """
+ the event key format is:
+ CLOUD_INIT|<incarnation number>|<event_type>|<event_name>
+ """
+ return u"{0}|{1}|{2}".format(self.event_key_prefix,
+ event.event_type,
+ def _encode_kvp_item(self, key, value):
+ data = (struct.pack("%ds%ds" % (
+ key.encode('utf-8'), value.encode('utf-8')))
+ return data
+ def _decode_kvp_item(self, record_data):
+ record_data_len = len(record_data)
+ if record_data_len != self.HV_KVP_RECORD_SIZE:
+ raise ReportException(
+ "record_data len not correct {0} {1}."
+ .format(record_data_len, self.HV_KVP_RECORD_SIZE))
+ k = (record_data[0:self.HV_KVP_EXCHANGE_MAX_KEY_SIZE].decode('utf-8')
+ .strip('\x00'))
+ v = (
+ record_data[
+ ].decode('utf-8').strip('\x00'))
+ return {'key': k, 'value': v}
+ def _update_kvp_item(self, record_data):
+ if self.kvp_file is None:
+ raise ReportException(
+ "kvp file '{0}' not opened."
+ .format(self._kvp_file_path))
+, 1)
+ self.kvp_file.write(record_data)
+ def _append_kvp_item(self, record_data):
+ with open(self._kvp_file_path, 'rb+') as f:
+ fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ # seek to end of the file
+, 2)
+ f.write(record_data)
+ f.flush()
+ fcntl.flock(f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+ self._current_offset = f.tell()
+ def _break_down(self, key, meta_data, description):
+ del meta_data[self.MSG_KEY]
+ des_in_json = json.dumps(description)
+ des_in_json = des_in_json[1:(len(des_in_json) - 1)]
+ i = 0
+ result_array = []
+ message_place_holder = "\"" + self.MSG_KEY + "\":\"\""
+ while True:
+ meta_data[self.DESC_IDX_KEY] = i
+ meta_data[self.MSG_KEY] = ''
+ data_without_desc = json.dumps(meta_data,
+ separators=self.JSON_SEPARATORS)
+ room_for_desc = (
+ len(data_without_desc) - 8)
+ value = data_without_desc.replace(
+ message_place_holder,
+ '"{key}":"{desc}"'.format(
+ key=self.MSG_KEY, desc=des_in_json[:room_for_desc]))
+ result_array.append(self._encode_kvp_item(key, value))
+ i += 1
+ des_in_json = des_in_json[room_for_desc:]
+ if len(des_in_json) == 0:
+ break
+ return result_array
+ def _encode_event(self, event):
+ """
+ encode the event into kvp data bytes.
+ if the event content reaches the maximum length of kvp value.
+ then it would be cut to multiple slices.
+ """
+ key = self._event_key(event)
+ meta_data = {
+ "name":,
+ "type": event.event_type,
+ "ts": (datetime.utcfromtimestamp(event.timestamp)
+ .isoformat() + 'Z'),
+ }
+ if hasattr(event, self.RESULT_KEY):
+ meta_data[self.RESULT_KEY] = event.result
+ meta_data[self.MSG_KEY] = event.description
+ value = json.dumps(meta_data, separators=self.JSON_SEPARATORS)
+ # if it reaches the maximum length of kvp value,
+ # break it down to slices.
+ # this should be very corner case.
+ if len(value) > self.HV_KVP_EXCHANGE_MAX_VALUE_SIZE:
+ return self._break_down(key, meta_data, event.description)
+ else:
+ data = self._encode_kvp_item(key, value)
+ return [data]
+ def _publish_event_routine(self):
+ while True:
+ event = None
+ try:
+ # acquire the lock.
+ event = self.q.get_nowait()
+ need_append = True
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(self._kvp_file_path):
+ LOG.warning(
+ "skip writing events %s to %s. file not present.",
+ event.as_string(),
+ self._kvp_file_path)
+ encoded_event = self._encode_event(event)
+ # for each encoded_event
+ for encoded_data in (encoded_event):
+ for kvp in self._iterate_kvps(self._current_offset):
+ match = (
+ re.match(
+ r"^{0}\|(\d+)\|.+"
+ .format(self.EVENT_PREFIX),
+ kvp['key']
+ ))
+ if match:
+ match_groups = match.groups(0)
+ if int(match_groups[0]) < self.incarnation_no:
+ need_append = False
+ self._update_kvp_item(encoded_data)
+ break
+ if need_append:
+ self._append_kvp_item(encoded_data)
+ except IOError as e:
+ LOG.warning(
+ "failed posting event to kvp: %s e:%s",
+ event.as_string(), e)
+ self.running = False
+ break
+ finally:
+ self.q.task_done()
+ except queue.Empty:
+ with self.queue_lock:
+ # double check the queue is empty
+ if self.q.empty():
+ self.running = False
+ break
+ def trigger_publish_event(self):
+ if not self.running:
+ with self.running_lock:
+ if not self.running:
+ self.running = True
+ thread = threading.Thread(
+ target=self._publish_event_routine)
+ thread.start()
+ # since the saving to the kvp pool can be a time costing task
+ # if the kvp pool already contains a chunk of data,
+ # so defer it to another thread.
+ def publish_event(self, event):
+ if (not self._event_types or event.event_type in self._event_types):
+ with self.queue_lock:
+ self.q.put(event)
+ self.trigger_publish_event()
available_handlers = DictRegistry()
available_handlers.register_item('log', LogHandler)
available_handlers.register_item('print', PrintHandler)
available_handlers.register_item('webhook', WebHookHandler)
+available_handlers.register_item('hyperv', HyperVKvpReportingHandler)
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