path: root/cloudinit/sources/tests
diff options
authorChad Smith <>2017-12-05 16:42:35 -0700
committerChad Smith <>2017-12-05 16:42:35 -0700
commit0cf6db3617e0cebeb89c4809396f84360827e96c (patch)
tree834a950c7b2155c328b11ca4be3736d07fe039ea /cloudinit/sources/tests
parent30b4d15764a1a9644379cf95770e8b2480856882 (diff)
Datasources: Formalize DataSource get_data and related properties.
Each DataSource subclass must define its own get_data method. This branch formalizes our DataSource class to require that subclasses define an explicit dsname for sourcing cloud-config datasource configuration. Subclasses must also override the _get_data method or a NotImplementedError is raised. The branch also writes /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json. This file contains all meta-data, user-data and vendor-data and a standardized set of metadata keys in a json blob which other utilities with root-access could make use of. Because some meta-data or user-data is potentially sensitive the file is only readable by root. Generally most metadata content types should be json serializable. If specific keys or values are not serializable, those specific values will be base64encoded and the key path will be listed under the top-level key 'base64-encoded-keys' in instance-data.json. If json writing fails due to other TypeErrors or UnicodeDecodeErrors, a warning log will be emitted to /var/log/cloud-init.log and no instance-data.json will be created.
Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/sources/tests')
2 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/tests/ b/cloudinit/sources/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
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diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/tests/ b/cloudinit/sources/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af151154
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import os
+import six
+import stat
+from cloudinit.helpers import Paths
+from cloudinit.sources import (
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, skipIf
+from cloudinit.user_data import UserDataProcessor
+from cloudinit import util
+class DataSourceTestSubclassNet(DataSource):
+ dsname = 'MyTestSubclass'
+ def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths, custom_userdata=None):
+ super(DataSourceTestSubclassNet, self).__init__(
+ sys_cfg, distro, paths)
+ self._custom_userdata = custom_userdata
+ def _get_cloud_name(self):
+ return 'SubclassCloudName'
+ def _get_data(self):
+ self.metadata = {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'}
+ if self._custom_userdata:
+ self.userdata_raw = self._custom_userdata
+ else:
+ self.userdata_raw = 'userdata_raw'
+ self.vendordata_raw = 'vendordata_raw'
+ return True
+class InvalidDataSourceTestSubclassNet(DataSource):
+ pass
+class TestDataSource(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestDataSource, self).setUp()
+ self.sys_cfg = {'datasource': {'_undef': {'key1': False}}}
+ self.distro = 'distrotest' # generally should be a Distro object
+ self.paths = Paths({})
+ self.datasource = DataSource(self.sys_cfg, self.distro, self.paths)
+ def test_datasource_init(self):
+ """DataSource initializes metadata attributes, ds_cfg and ud_proc."""
+ self.assertEqual(self.paths, self.datasource.paths)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sys_cfg, self.datasource.sys_cfg)
+ self.assertEqual(self.distro, self.datasource.distro)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.userdata)
+ self.assertEqual({}, self.datasource.metadata)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.userdata_raw)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.vendordata)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.vendordata_raw)
+ self.assertEqual({'key1': False}, self.datasource.ds_cfg)
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.datasource.ud_proc, UserDataProcessor)
+ def test_datasource_init_gets_ds_cfg_using_dsname(self):
+ """Init uses DataSource.dsname for sourcing ds_cfg."""
+ sys_cfg = {'datasource': {'MyTestSubclass': {'key2': False}}}
+ distro = 'distrotest' # generally should be a Distro object
+ paths = Paths({})
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(sys_cfg, distro, paths)
+ self.assertEqual({'key2': False}, datasource.ds_cfg)
+ def test_str_is_classname(self):
+ """The string representation of the datasource is the classname."""
+ self.assertEqual('DataSource', str(self.datasource))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'DataSourceTestSubclassNet',
+ str(DataSourceTestSubclassNet('', '', self.paths)))
+ def test__get_data_unimplemented(self):
+ """Raise an error when _get_data is not implemented."""
+ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as context_manager:
+ self.datasource.get_data()
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'Subclasses of DataSource must implement _get_data',
+ str(context_manager.exception))
+ datasource2 = InvalidDataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, self.paths)
+ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as context_manager:
+ datasource2.get_data()
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'Subclasses of DataSource must implement _get_data',
+ str(context_manager.exception))
+ def test_get_data_calls_subclass__get_data(self):
+ """Datasource.get_data uses the subclass' version of _get_data."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}))
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ datasource.metadata)
+ self.assertEqual('userdata_raw', datasource.userdata_raw)
+ self.assertEqual('vendordata_raw', datasource.vendordata_raw)
+ def test_get_data_write_json_instance_data(self):
+ """get_data writes INSTANCE_JSON_FILE to run_dir as readonly root."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}))
+ datasource.get_data()
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ expected = {
+ 'base64-encoded-keys': [],
+ 'v1': {
+ 'availability-zone': 'myaz',
+ 'cloud-name': 'subclasscloudname',
+ 'instance-id': 'iid-datasource',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ 'ds': {
+ 'meta-data': {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ 'user-data': 'userdata_raw',
+ 'vendor-data': 'vendordata_raw'}}
+ self.assertEqual(expected, util.load_json(content))
+ file_stat = os.stat(json_file)
+ self.assertEqual(0o600, stat.S_IMODE(file_stat.st_mode))
+ def test_get_data_handles_redacted_unserializable_content(self):
+ """get_data warns unserializable content in INSTANCE_JSON_FILE."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': self.paths}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ expected_userdata = {
+ 'key1': 'val1',
+ 'key2': {
+ 'key2.1': "Warning: redacted unserializable type <class"
+ " 'cloudinit.helpers.Paths'>"}}
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_userdata, instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY3, "json serialization on <= py2.7 handles bytes")
+ def test_get_data_base64encodes_unserializable_bytes(self):
+ """On py3, get_data base64encodes any unserializable content."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'\x123'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ['ds/user-data/key2/key2.1'],
+ instance_json['base64-encoded-keys'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': 'EjM='}},
+ instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY2, "json serialization on <= py2.7 handles bytes")
+ def test_get_data_handles_bytes_values(self):
+ """On py2 get_data handles bytes values without having to b64encode."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'\x123'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual([], instance_json['base64-encoded-keys'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': '\x123'}},
+ instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY2, "Only python2 hits UnicodeDecodeErrors on non-utf8")
+ def test_non_utf8_encoding_logs_warning(self):
+ """When non-utf-8 values exist in py2 instance-data is not written."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'ab\xaadef'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(json_file))
+ self.assertIn(
+ "WARNING: Error persisting instance-data.json: 'utf8' codec can't"
+ " decode byte 0xaa in position 2: invalid start byte",
+ self.logs.getvalue())