diff options
6 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/config/ b/cloudinit/config/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91feb603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Ubuntu Drivers: Interact with third party drivers in Ubuntu."""
+from textwrap import dedent
+from cloudinit.config.schema import (
+ get_schema_doc, validate_cloudconfig_schema)
+from cloudinit import log as logging
+from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE
+from cloudinit import type_utils
+from cloudinit import util
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+frequency = PER_INSTANCE
+distros = ['ubuntu']
+schema = {
+ 'id': 'cc_ubuntu_drivers',
+ 'name': 'Ubuntu Drivers',
+ 'title': 'Interact with third party drivers in Ubuntu.',
+ 'description': dedent("""\
+ This module interacts with the 'ubuntu-drivers' command to install
+ third party driver packages."""),
+ 'distros': distros,
+ 'examples': [dedent("""\
+ drivers:
+ nvidia:
+ license-accepted: true
+ """)],
+ 'frequency': frequency,
+ 'type': 'object',
+ 'properties': {
+ 'drivers': {
+ 'type': 'object',
+ 'additionalProperties': False,
+ 'properties': {
+ 'nvidia': {
+ 'type': 'object',
+ 'additionalProperties': False,
+ 'required': ['license-accepted'],
+ 'properties': {
+ 'license-accepted': {
+ 'type': 'boolean',
+ 'description': ("Do you accept the NVIDIA driver"
+ " license?"),
+ },
+ 'version': {
+ 'type': 'string',
+ 'description': (
+ 'The version of the driver to install (e.g.'
+ ' "390", "410"). Defaults to the latest'
+ ' version.'),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "ubuntu-drivers: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'install'")
+__doc__ = get_schema_doc(schema) # Supplement python help()
+def install_drivers(cfg, pkg_install_func):
+ if not isinstance(cfg, dict):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "'drivers' config expected dict, found '%s': %s" %
+ (type_utils.obj_name(cfg), cfg))
+ cfgpath = 'nvidia/license-accepted'
+ # Call translate_bool to ensure that we treat string values like "yes" as
+ # acceptance and _don't_ treat string values like "nah" as acceptance
+ # because they're True-ish
+ nv_acc = util.translate_bool(util.get_cfg_by_path(cfg, cfgpath))
+ if not nv_acc:
+ LOG.debug("Not installing NVIDIA drivers. %s=%s", cfgpath, nv_acc)
+ return
+ if not util.which('ubuntu-drivers'):
+ LOG.debug("'ubuntu-drivers' command not available. "
+ "Installing ubuntu-drivers-common")
+ pkg_install_func(['ubuntu-drivers-common'])
+ driver_arg = 'nvidia'
+ version_cfg = util.get_cfg_by_path(cfg, 'nvidia/version')
+ if version_cfg:
+ driver_arg += ':{}'.format(version_cfg)
+ LOG.debug("Installing NVIDIA drivers (%s=%s, version=%s)",
+ cfgpath, nv_acc, version_cfg if version_cfg else 'latest')
+ try:
+ util.subp(['ubuntu-drivers', 'install', '--gpgpu', driver_arg])
+ except util.ProcessExecutionError as exc:
+ LOG.warning('the available version of ubuntu-drivers is'
+ ' too old to perform requested driver installation')
+ elif 'No drivers found for installation.' in exc.stdout:
+ LOG.warning('ubuntu-drivers found no drivers for installation')
+ raise
+def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args):
+ if "drivers" not in cfg:
+ log.debug("Skipping module named %s, no 'drivers' key in config", name)
+ return
+ validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema)
+ install_drivers(cfg['drivers'], cloud.distro.install_packages)
diff --git a/cloudinit/config/tests/ b/cloudinit/config/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efba4ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/config/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import copy
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, skipUnlessJsonSchema, mock
+from cloudinit.config.schema import (
+ SchemaValidationError, validate_cloudconfig_schema)
+from cloudinit.config import cc_ubuntu_drivers as drivers
+from cloudinit.util import ProcessExecutionError
+MPATH = "cloudinit.config.cc_ubuntu_drivers."
+ "ubuntu-drivers: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'install' "
+ "(choose from 'list', 'autoinstall', 'devices', 'debug')\n")
+class TestUbuntuDrivers(CiTestCase):
+ cfg_accepted = {'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': True}}}
+ install_gpgpu = ['ubuntu-drivers', 'install', '--gpgpu', 'nvidia']
+ with_logs = True
+ @skipUnlessJsonSchema()
+ def test_schema_requires_boolean_for_license_accepted(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ SchemaValidationError, ".*license-accepted.*TRUE.*boolean"):
+ validate_cloudconfig_schema(
+ {'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': "TRUE"}}},
+ schema=drivers.schema, strict=True)
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", return_value=('', ''))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=False)
+ def _assert_happy_path_taken(self, config, m_which, m_subp):
+ """Positive path test through handle. Package should be installed."""
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ drivers.handle('ubuntu_drivers', config, myCloud, None, None)
+ self.assertEqual([['ubuntu-drivers-common'])],
+ myCloud.distro.install_packages.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual([],
+ m_subp.call_args_list)
+ def test_handle_does_package_install(self):
+ self._assert_happy_path_taken(self.cfg_accepted)
+ def test_trueish_strings_are_considered_approval(self):
+ for true_value in ['yes', 'true', 'on', '1']:
+ new_config = copy.deepcopy(self.cfg_accepted)
+ new_config['drivers']['nvidia']['license-accepted'] = true_value
+ self._assert_happy_path_taken(new_config)
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", side_effect=ProcessExecutionError(
+ stdout='No drivers found for installation.\n', exit_code=1))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=False)
+ def test_handle_raises_error_if_no_drivers_found(self, m_which, m_subp):
+ """If ubuntu-drivers doesn't install any drivers, raise an error."""
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ drivers.handle(
+ 'ubuntu_drivers', self.cfg_accepted, myCloud, None, None)
+ self.assertEqual([['ubuntu-drivers-common'])],
+ myCloud.distro.install_packages.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual([],
+ m_subp.call_args_list)
+ self.assertIn('ubuntu-drivers found no drivers for installation',
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", return_value=('', ''))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=False)
+ def _assert_inert_with_config(self, config, m_which, m_subp):
+ """Helper to reduce repetition when testing negative cases"""
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ drivers.handle('ubuntu_drivers', config, myCloud, None, None)
+ self.assertEqual(0, myCloud.distro.install_packages.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(0, m_subp.call_count)
+ def test_handle_inert_if_license_not_accepted(self):
+ """Ensure we don't do anything if the license is rejected."""
+ self._assert_inert_with_config(
+ {'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': False}}})
+ def test_handle_inert_if_garbage_in_license_field(self):
+ """Ensure we don't do anything if unknown text is in license field."""
+ self._assert_inert_with_config(
+ {'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': 'garbage'}}})
+ def test_handle_inert_if_no_license_key(self):
+ """Ensure we don't do anything if no license key."""
+ self._assert_inert_with_config({'drivers': {'nvidia': {}}})
+ def test_handle_inert_if_no_nvidia_key(self):
+ """Ensure we don't do anything if other license accepted."""
+ self._assert_inert_with_config(
+ {'drivers': {'acme': {'license-accepted': True}}})
+ def test_handle_inert_if_string_given(self):
+ """Ensure we don't do anything if string refusal given."""
+ for false_value in ['no', 'false', 'off', '0']:
+ self._assert_inert_with_config(
+ {'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': false_value}}})
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "install_drivers")
+ def test_handle_no_drivers_does_nothing(self, m_install_drivers):
+ """If no 'drivers' key in the config, nothing should be done."""
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ myLog = mock.MagicMock()
+ drivers.handle('ubuntu_drivers', {'foo': 'bzr'}, myCloud, myLog, None)
+ self.assertIn('Skipping module named',
+ myLog.debug.call_args_list[0][0][0])
+ self.assertEqual(0, m_install_drivers.call_count)
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", return_value=('', ''))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=True)
+ def test_install_drivers_no_install_if_present(self, m_which, m_subp):
+ """If 'ubuntu-drivers' is present, no package install should occur."""
+ pkg_install = mock.MagicMock()
+ drivers.install_drivers(self.cfg_accepted['drivers'],
+ pkg_install_func=pkg_install)
+ self.assertEqual(0, pkg_install.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(['ubuntu-drivers')],
+ m_which.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual([],
+ m_subp.call_args_list)
+ def test_install_drivers_rejects_invalid_config(self):
+ """install_drivers should raise TypeError if not given a config dict"""
+ pkg_install = mock.MagicMock()
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, ".*expected dict.*"):
+ drivers.install_drivers("mystring", pkg_install_func=pkg_install)
+ self.assertEqual(0, pkg_install.call_count)
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", side_effect=ProcessExecutionError(
+ stderr=OLD_UBUNTU_DRIVERS_ERROR_STDERR, exit_code=2))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=False)
+ def test_install_drivers_handles_old_ubuntu_drivers_gracefully(
+ self, m_which, m_subp):
+ """Older ubuntu-drivers versions should emit message and raise error"""
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ drivers.handle(
+ 'ubuntu_drivers', self.cfg_accepted, myCloud, None, None)
+ self.assertEqual([['ubuntu-drivers-common'])],
+ myCloud.distro.install_packages.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual([],
+ m_subp.call_args_list)
+ self.assertIn('WARNING: the available version of ubuntu-drivers is'
+ ' too old to perform requested driver installation',
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+# Sub-class TestUbuntuDrivers to run the same test cases, but with a version
+class TestUbuntuDriversWithVersion(TestUbuntuDrivers):
+ cfg_accepted = {
+ 'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': True, 'version': '123'}}}
+ install_gpgpu = ['ubuntu-drivers', 'install', '--gpgpu', 'nvidia:123']
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.subp", return_value=('', ''))
+ @mock.patch(MPATH + "util.which", return_value=False)
+ def test_version_none_uses_latest(self, m_which, m_subp):
+ myCloud = mock.MagicMock()
+ version_none_cfg = {
+ 'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': True, 'version': None}}}
+ drivers.handle(
+ 'ubuntu_drivers', version_none_cfg, myCloud, None, None)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [['ubuntu-drivers', 'install', '--gpgpu', 'nvidia'])],
+ m_subp.call_args_list)
+ def test_specifying_a_version_doesnt_override_license_acceptance(self):
+ self._assert_inert_with_config({
+ 'drivers': {'nvidia': {'license-accepted': False,
+ 'version': '123'}}
+ })
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab
diff --git a/cloudinit/ b/cloudinit/
index a192091f..385f231c 100644
--- a/cloudinit/
+++ b/cloudinit/
@@ -703,6 +703,21 @@ def get_cfg_option_list(yobj, key, default=None):
# get a cfg entry by its path array
# for f['a']['b']: get_cfg_by_path(mycfg,('a','b'))
def get_cfg_by_path(yobj, keyp, default=None):
+ """Return the value of the item at path C{keyp} in C{yobj}.
+ example:
+ get_cfg_by_path({'a': {'b': {'num': 4}}}, 'a/b/num') == 4
+ get_cfg_by_path({'a': {'b': {'num': 4}}}, 'c/d') == None
+ @param yobj: A dictionary.
+ @param keyp: A path inside yobj. it can be a '/' delimited string,
+ or an iterable.
+ @param default: The default to return if the path does not exist.
+ @return: The value of the item at keyp."
+ is not found."""
+ if isinstance(keyp, six.string_types):
+ keyp = keyp.split("/")
cur = yobj
for tok in keyp:
if tok not in cur:
diff --git a/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl b/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
index 7513176b..25db43e0 100644
--- a/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
+++ b/config/cloud.cfg.tmpl
@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ cloud_final_modules:
- landscape
- lxd
{% endif %}
+{% if variant in ["ubuntu", "unknown"] %}
+ - ubuntu-drivers
+{% endif %}
{% if variant not in ["freebsd"] %}
- puppet
- chef
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
index d9720f6a..3dcdd3bc 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Modules
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ssh_import_id
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_timezone
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ubuntu_advantage
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ubuntu_drivers
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_update_etc_hosts
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_update_hostname
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_users_groups
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/
index 1bad07f6..e69a47a9 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/test_handler/
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class GetSchemaTest(CiTestCase):
+ 'cc_ubuntu_drivers',
[subschema['id'] for subschema in schema['allOf']])