path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
10 files changed, 85 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/doc/examples/cloud-config-seed-random.txt b/doc/examples/cloud-config-seed-random.txt
index 08f69a9f..142b10cd 100644
--- a/doc/examples/cloud-config-seed-random.txt
+++ b/doc/examples/cloud-config-seed-random.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
# Note: command could be ['pollinate',
# '--server=http://local.pollinate.server']
# which would have pollinate populate /dev/urandom from provided server
file: '/dev/urandom'
data: 'my random string'
encoding: 'raw'
diff --git a/doc/rtd/ b/doc/rtd/
index 8a391f21..66b3b654 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/
+++ b/doc/rtd/
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ version = version.version_string()
release = version
# Set the default Pygments syntax
-highlight_language = 'python'
+highlight_language = 'yaml'
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
index 0d7d4aca..3a9c808c 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/datasources.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
.. _datasources:
What is a datasource?
Datasources are sources of configuration data for cloud-init that typically come
from the user (aka userdata) or come from the stack that created the configuration
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ The current interface that a datasource object must provide is the following:
def get_package_mirror_info(self)
The EC2 datasource is the oldest and most widely used datasource that cloud-init
supports. This datasource interacts with a *magic* ip that is provided to the
@@ -130,61 +130,61 @@ To see which versions are supported from your cloud provider use the following U
Config Drive
.. include:: ../../sources/configdrive/README.rst
.. include:: ../../sources/opennebula/README.rst
Alt cloud
.. include:: ../../sources/altcloud/README.rst
No cloud
.. include:: ../../sources/nocloud/README.rst
For now see:
.. include:: ../../sources/cloudstack/README.rst
For now see:
.. include:: ../../sources/openstack/README.rst
This is the fallback datasource when no other datasource can be selected. It is
the equivalent of a *empty* datasource in that it provides a empty string as userdata
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst
index 8815d33d..6dcb22ce 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/dir_layout.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Directory layout
Cloudinits's directory structure is somewhat different from a regular application::
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/examples.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/examples.rst
index 36508bde..2e6cfa1e 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/examples.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/examples.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
.. _yaml_examples:
Cloud config examples
Including users and groups
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-user-groups.txt
:language: yaml
@@ -21,21 +21,21 @@ Writing out arbitrary files
Adding a yum repository
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-yum-repo.txt
:language: yaml
Configure an instances trusted CA certificates
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-ca-certs.txt
:language: yaml
Configure an instances resolv.conf
*Note:* when using a config drive and a RHEL like system resolv.conf
will also be managed 'automatically' due to the available information
@@ -47,28 +47,28 @@ that wish to have different settings use this module.
Install and run `chef`_ recipes
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-chef.txt
:language: yaml
Setup and run `puppet`_
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-puppet.txt
:language: yaml
Add apt repositories
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-add-apt-repos.txt
:language: yaml
Run commands on first boot
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-boot-cmds.txt
:language: yaml
@@ -80,21 +80,21 @@ Run commands on first boot
Alter the completion message
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-final-message.txt
:language: yaml
Install arbitrary packages
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-install-packages.txt
:language: yaml
Run apt or yum upgrade
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-update-packages.txt
:language: yaml
@@ -108,26 +108,46 @@ Adjust mount points mounted
Call a url when finished
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-phone-home.txt
:language: yaml
Reboot/poweroff when finished
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-power-state.txt
:language: yaml
Configure instances ssh-keys
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-ssh-keys.txt
:language: yaml
+Additional apt configuration
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-apt.txt
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+Disk setup
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-disk-setup.txt
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+Register RedHat Subscription
+.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/cloud-config-rh_subscription.txt
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
.. _chef:
.. _puppet:
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/format.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/format.rst
index eba9533f..1dd92309 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/format.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/format.rst
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
User data that will be acted upon by cloud-init must be in one of the following types.
Gzip Compressed Content
Content found to be gzip compressed will be uncompressed.
The uncompressed data will then be used as if it were not compressed.
This is typically is useful because user-data is limited to ~16384 [#]_ bytes.
Mime Multi Part Archive
This list of rules is applied to each part of this multi-part file.
Using a mime-multi part file, the user can specify more than one type of data.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Supported content-types:
- text/cloud-boothook
Helper script to generate mime messages
.. code-block:: python
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Helper script to generate mime messages
User-Data Script
Typically used by those who just want to execute a shell script.
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
index 4202338b..57892f2d 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/modules.rst
@@ -1,342 +1,57 @@
-Apt Configure
-**Internal name:** ``cc_apt_configure``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_apt_configure
-Apt Pipelining
-**Internal name:** ``cc_apt_pipelining``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_apt_pipelining
-**Internal name:** ``cc_bootcmd``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_bootcmd
-**Internal name:** ``cc_byobu``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_byobu
-Ca Certs
-**Internal name:** ``cc_ca_certs``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ca_certs
-**Internal name:** ``cc_chef``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_chef
- :members:
-**Internal name:** ``cc_debug``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_debug
- :members:
-Disable Ec2 Metadata
-**Internal name:** ``cc_disable_ec2_metadata``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_disable_ec2_metadata
-Disk Setup
-**Internal name:** ``cc_disk_setup``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_disk_setup
-Emit Upstart
-**Internal name:** ``cc_emit_upstart``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_emit_upstart
-Final Message
-**Internal name:** ``cc_final_message``
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_fan
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_final_message
-**Internal name:** ``cc_foo``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_foo
-**Internal name:** ``cc_growpart``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_growpart
-Grub Dpkg
-**Internal name:** ``cc_grub_dpkg``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_grub_dpkg
-Keys To Console
-**Internal name:** ``cc_keys_to_console``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_keys_to_console
-**Internal name:** ``cc_landscape``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_landscape
-**Internal name:** ``cc_locale``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_locale
-**Internal name:** ``cc_mcollective``
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_lxd
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_mcollective
-**Internal name:** ``cc_migrator``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_migrator
-**Internal name:** ``cc_mounts``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_mounts
-Package Update Upgrade Install
-**Internal name:** ``cc_package_update_upgrade_install``
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ntp
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_package_update_upgrade_install
-Phone Home
-**Internal name:** ``cc_phone_home``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_phone_home
-Power State Change
-**Internal name:** ``cc_power_state_change``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_power_state_change
-**Internal name:** ``cc_puppet``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_puppet
-**Internal name:** ``cc_resizefs``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs
-Resolv Conf
-**Internal name:** ``cc_resolv_conf``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_resolv_conf
-Rightscale Userdata
-**Internal name:** ``cc_rightscale_userdata``
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_rh_subscription
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_rightscale_userdata
-**Internal name:** ``cc_rsyslog``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_rsyslog
-**Internal name:** ``cc_runcmd``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_runcmd
-Salt Minion
-**Internal name:** ``cc_salt_minion``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_salt_minion
-Scripts Per Boot
-**Internal name:** ``cc_scripts_per_boot``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_per_boot
-Scripts Per Instance
-**Internal name:** ``cc_scripts_per_instance``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_per_instance
-Scripts Per Once
-**Internal name:** ``cc_scripts_per_once``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_per_once
-Scripts User
-**Internal name:** ``cc_scripts_user``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_user
-Scripts Vendor
-**Internal name:** ``cc_scripts_vendor``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_vendor
-Seed Random
-**Internal name:** ``cc_seed_random``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_seed_random
-Set Hostname
-**Internal name:** ``cc_set_hostname``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_set_hostname
-Set Passwords
-**Internal name:** ``cc_set_passwords``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_set_passwords
-**Internal name:** ``cc_ssh``
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_snappy
+.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_spacewalk
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ssh
-Ssh Authkey Fingerprints
-**Internal name:** ``cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ssh_authkey_fingerprints
-Ssh Import Id
-**Internal name:** ``cc_ssh_import_id``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ssh_import_id
-**Internal name:** ``cc_timezone``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_timezone
-Ubuntu Init Switch
-**Internal name:** ``cc_ubuntu_init_switch``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_ubuntu_init_switch
- :members:
-Update Etc Hosts
-**Internal name:** ``cc_update_etc_hosts``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_update_etc_hosts
-Update Hostname
-**Internal name:** ``cc_update_hostname``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_update_hostname
-Users Groups
-**Internal name:** ``cc_users_groups``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_users_groups
-Write Files
-**Internal name:** ``cc_write_files``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_write_files
-Yum Add Repo
-**Internal name:** ``cc_yum_add_repo``
.. automodule:: cloudinit.config.cc_yum_add_repo
diff --git a/doc/rtd/topics/moreinfo.rst b/doc/rtd/topics/moreinfo.rst
index 19e96af0..b34cb7dc 100644
--- a/doc/rtd/topics/moreinfo.rst
+++ b/doc/rtd/topics/moreinfo.rst
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
More information
Useful external references
- `The beauty of cloudinit`_
- `Introduction to cloud-init`_ (video)
diff --git a/doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst b/doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst
index b5d72ebb..0a54fda1 100644
--- a/doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst
+++ b/doc/sources/altcloud/README.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The format of the Custom Properties entry must be:
For example to pass a simple bash script:
+.. sourcecode:: sh
% cat simple_script.bash
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ For example, to pass the same ``simple_script.bash`` to vSphere:
Create the ISO
+.. sourcecode:: sh
% mkdir my-iso
NOTE: The file name on the ISO must be: ``user-data.txt``
+.. sourcecode:: sh
% cp simple_scirpt.bash my-iso/user-data.txt
% genisoimage -o user-data.iso -r my-iso
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ NOTE: The file name on the ISO must be: ``user-data.txt``
Verify the ISO
+.. sourcecode:: sh
% sudo mkdir /media/vsphere_iso
% sudo mount -o loop JoeV_CI_02.iso /media/vsphere_iso
diff --git a/doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst b/doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst
index 48ff579d..8c40735f 100644
--- a/doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst
+++ b/doc/sources/configdrive/README.rst
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The following criteria are required to as a config drive:
Version 2
The following criteria are required to as a config drive:
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ The following criteria are required to as a config drive:
- meta-data.json (not mandatory)
Keys and values
Cloud-init's behavior can be modified by keys found in the meta.js (version 1 only) file in the following ways.