AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-08-27Fixed more of the slowness around fetching and retryingJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Show the available versions in the debug log messageJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Log a warning when unable to fetch the openstack versionsJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Just use os.path.exists directlyJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Add logging around failure to read optional/mandatory pathsJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Optimize away most of the path_exists checksJoshua Harlow
2014-08-26Fix pep8 issues, drop pylint.Jay Faulkner
2014-08-26further remove evidence of pylint.Scott Moser
2014-08-26Remove pylintJay Faulkner
2014-08-26fix(pep8): Fix various pep8 violations and version-lock pep8Jay Faulkner
2014-08-26ssh_authkey_fingerprints: fix bug that prevented disabling the moduleScott Moser get_instance_metadata explicitly add trailing /Scott Moser
2014-08-22docs: fix disk-setup to reference 'table_type'Scott Moser
2014-08-21fix rendering resolv.conf if no 'options' are providedScott Moser
2014-08-21settings: fix typo resulting in OpenStack and GCE not running.Scott Moser
2014-08-21systemd: make cloud-init block ssh service startup to guarantee keys existScott Moser
2014-08-21use url_helper to combine urlScott Moser
2014-08-13remove un-used 'end' in result.json and status.jsonScott Moser
2014-07-31ubuntu-init-switch: support disabling of reboot, minor tweeks.Scott Moser
2014-07-31ubuntu-init-switch: fix for determining if systemdScott Moser
2014-07-31add ubuntu-init-switch module for testing systemd.Scott Moser
2014-07-31exit and warn if no 'dpkg' (probably wrong distro)Scott Moser
2014-07-31add some doc to moduleScott Moser
2014-07-31fix path to systemdScott Moser
2014-07-31fix for config, allow specifying target for cloud-init --singleScott Moser
2014-07-31initial commit oif iniit_switchScott Moser
2014-07-29cc_power_state_change: improve TypeError messagesScott Moser
2014-07-29do not put comments in /etc/timezoneScott Moser
2014-07-24SeLinuxGuard: remove invalid check for sanity around restorecon, fix testScott Moser
2014-07-24test: make selinux test skipped if selinux not available.Scott Moser
2014-07-24change trunk packaging to be more modern.Scott Moser
2014-07-24pep8 fixes (2 unrelated to this mp)Scott Moser
2014-07-24remove duplicate entry in control.inScott Moser
2014-07-24remove print statement from setup.pyScott Moser
2014-07-24merge from trunkScott Moser
2014-07-24bddeb: do not sign by defaultScott Moser
2014-07-24default bddeb to building both systemd and upstartScott Moser
2014-07-24change default path of systemd files to /lib/sysemd/system.Scott Moser
2014-07-24Merge systemd instlal paths.Dimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-24refactor redundant systemd_rootDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-24Use pkg-configDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-24Yeah, tests pass now.Dimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23fix httpretty based test cases if http_proxy is set.Scott Moser
2014-07-23moreDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23use override targetsDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23moreDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23moreDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23moreDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23more import statementsDimitri John Ledkov
2014-07-23Use nosetests and absolute importsDimitri John Ledkov