path: root/cloudinit/net/tests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-05relocate tests/unittests/ to cloudinit/testsLars Kellogg-Stedman
This moves the base test case classes into into cloudinit/tests and updates all the corresponding imports.
2017-08-09ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.Chad Smith
This branch is a prerequisite for IPv6 support in AWS by allowing Ec2 datasource to query the metadata source version 2016-09-02 about whether or not it needs to configure IPv6 on interfaces. If version 2016-09-02 is not present, fallback to the min_metadata_version of 2009-04-04. The DataSourceEc2Local not run on FreeBSD because dhclient in doesn't support the -sf flag allowing us to run dhclient without filesystem side-effects. To query AWS' metadata address @, the instance must have a dhcp-allocated address configured. Configuring IPv4 link-local addresses result in timeouts from the metadata service. We introduced a DataSourceEc2Local subclass which will perform a sandboxed dhclient discovery which obtains an authorized IP address on eth0 and crawl metadata about full instance network configuration. Since ec2 IPv6 metadata is not sufficient in itself to tell us all the ipv6 knownledge we need, it only be used as a boolean to tell us which nics need IPv6. Cloud-init will then configure desired interfaces to DHCPv6 versus DHCPv4. Performance side note: Shifting the dhcp work into init-local for Ec2 actually gets us 1 second faster deployments by skipping init-network phase of alternate datasource checks because Ec2Local is configured in an ealier boot stage. In 3 test runs prior to this change: cloud-init runs were 5.5 seconds, with the change we now average 4.6 seconds. This efficiency could be even further improved if we avoiding dhcp discovery in order to talk to the metadata service from an AWS authorized dhcp address if there were some way to advertize the dhcp configuration via DMI/SMBIOS or system environment variables. Inspecting time costs of the dhclient setup/teardown in 3 live runs the time cost for the dhcp setup round trip on AWS is: test 1: 76 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.347 seconds metadata alone: 0.271 seconds test 2: 88 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.388 seconds metadata alone: 0.300 seconds test 3: 75 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.366 seconds metadata alone: 0.291 seconds LP: #1709772 add initialize_network_device function and testsChad Smith
This is not yet called, but will be called in a subsequent Ec2-related branch to manually initialize a network interface with the responses using dhcp discovery without any dhcp-script side-effects. The functionality has been tested on Ec2 ubuntu and CentOS vms to ensure that network interface initialization works in both OS-types. Since there was poor unit test coverage for the module, this branch adds a bunch of coverage to the functions in We can also now have unit tests local to the cloudinit modules. The benefits of having unittests under cloudinit module: - Proximity of unittest to cloudinit module makes it easier for ongoing devs to know where to augment unit tests. The tests.unittest directory is organizated such that it - Allows for 1 to 1 name mapping module -> tests/ - Improved test and module isolation, if we find unit tests have to import from a number of modules besides the module under test, it will better prompt resturcturing of the module. This also branch touches: - tox.ini to run unit tests found in cloudinit as well as include all test-requirements for pylint since we now have unit tests living within cloudinit package - to exclude any test modules under cloudinit when packaging