path: root/tests/unittests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-06-15FreeBSD: fix cdrom mounting failure if /mnt/cdrom/secure did not exist.Hongjiang Zhang
The current method is to attempt to mount the cdrom (/dev/cd0), if it is successful, /dev/cd0 is configured, otherwise, it is not configured. The problem is it forgets to check whether the mounting destination folder is created or not. As a result, mounting attempt failed even if cdrom is ready. LP: #1696295
2017-06-15write_file(s): Print permissions as octal, not decimalAndrew Jorgensen
Unix file modes are usually represented as octal, but they were being interpreted as decimal, for example 0o644 would be printed as '420'. Reviewed-by: Tom Kirchner <>
2017-06-14tools/run-centos: cleanups and move to using read-dependenciesScott Moser
These changes are all in an effort to get tools/run-centos using read-dependencies rather than the 'setup-centos' script with a separate set of dependencies listed. - tools/read-dependencies: support taking multiple --requirements options. This allows run-centos to get both test and build dependencies. Ultimately, I think it might be nicer for read-dependencies to take a list of "goals" (build, test, run or test-tox) rather than having the caller need to know to provide multiple --requirements. - packages/pkg-deps.json: drop the version on the sudo package. centos 6 has newer (1.8.6p3) version than listed, so its not a problem. - a test case here was using assertLogs which is not present in the version of unittest2 that is available in centos 6 epel. We just adjust it to use with_logs = True. - tools/run-cents: - improve usage with example - add 'inside_as_cd' to provide the dir you want to cd first to. - avoid the intermediate tarball on disk in the container. - add 'prep' subcommand and use it to install pre-dependencies. - use read-dependencies.
2017-06-12net: Allow for NetworkManager configurationRyan McCabe
In cases where the config json specifies nameserver entries, if there are interfaces configured to use dhcp, NetworkManager, if enabled, will clobber the /etc/resolv.conf that cloud-init has produced, which can break dns. If there are no interfaces configured to use dhcp, NetworkManager could clobber /etc/resolv.conf with an empty file. This patch adds a mechanism for dropping additional configuration into /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ and disables management of /etc/resolv.conf by NetworkManager when nameserver information is provided in the config. LP: #1693251 Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <>
2017-06-08net: normalize data in network_state objectScott Moser
The network_state object's network and route keys would have different information depending upon how the network_state object was populated. This change cleans that up. Now: * address will always contain an IP address. * prefix will always include an integer value that is the network_prefix for the address. * netmask will be present only if the address is ipv4, and its value will always correlate to the 'prefix'.
2017-06-07RHEL/CentOS: Fix default routes for IPv4/IPv6 configuration.Andreas Karis
Since f38fa413176, default routes get added to both ifcfg-* and route-* and route6-* files. Default routes should only go to ifcfg-* files, otherwise the information is redundant. LP: #1696176
2017-06-07test: Fix pyflakes complaint of unused import.Joshua Powers
The jsonschema package is used only when available, but the lint check thinks the import is unused across pyflakes and flake8. In order to avoid having exceptions for both assert that the import works right after and the import is considered used. The '# NOQA' doesn't affect pyflakes (only flake8). LP: #1695918
2017-06-06net: when selecting a network device, use natural sort orderMarc-Aurèle Brothier
The code deciding which interface to choose as the default to request the IP address through DHCP does not sort the interfaces correctly. On Ubuntu Xenial images for example, the interfaces are named ens1, ens2, ens3..., ens11, ... depending on the pci bus address. The python sorting will list 'ens11' before 'ens3' for example despite the fact that 'ens3' should be before 'ens11'. This patch address this issue and sort the interface names according to a human sorting. Signed-off-by: Marc-Aurèle Brothier <>
2017-06-02Tests: Skip jsonschema related unit tests when dependency is absent.Chad Smith
On some build environments we don't have python-jsonschema installed. Since this dependency is an optional runtime dependency, we can also make it an optional unit test dependency. Add a skip of related unittests when jsonschema is not present. Also, KeyError messages on CentOs don't have single quotes around the missing 'key-name'. Make our KeyError assertion a bit more flexible with the assertIn call. LP: #1695318
2017-06-01azure: identify platform by well known value in chassis asset tag.Chad Smith
Azure sets a known chassis asset tag to 7783-7084-3265-9085-8269-3286-77. We can inspect this in both ds-identify and DataSource.get_data to determine whether we are on Azure. Added unit tests to cover these changes and some minor tweaks to Exception error message content to give more context on malformed or missing ovf-env.xml files. LP: #1693939
2017-05-31ntp: Add schema definition and passive schema validation.Chad Smith
cloud-config files are very flexible and permissive. This adds a jsonsschema definition to the cc_ntp module and validation functions in cloudinit/config/schema which will log warnings about invalid configuration values in the ntp section. A cmdline tools/cloudconfig-schema is added which can be used in our dev environments to quickly attempt to exercise the ntp schema. It is also exposed as a main in cloudinit.config.schema. (python3 -m cloudinit.config.schema) LP: #1692916
2017-05-31Fix eni rendering for bridge params that require repeated key for values.Ryan Harper
There are a few bridge parameters which require repeating the key with each value in the list when rendering eni. Extend the network unittests to cover all of the known bridge parameters and check we render eni and netplan correctly.
2017-05-31net: remove systemd link file writing from eni rendererRyan Harper
During the network v2 merge, we inadvertently re-enabled rendering systemd .link files. This files are not required as cloud-init already has to do interface renaming due to issues with udevd which may refuse to rename certain interfaces (such as veth devices in a LXD container). As such, removing the code altogether.
2017-05-30AliYun: Enable platform identification and enable by default.Junjie Wang
AliYun cloud platform is now identifying themselves by setting the dmi product id to the well known value "Alibaba Cloud ECS". The changes here identify that properly in tools/ds-identify and in the DataSourceAliYun. Since the 'get_data' for AliYun now identifies itself correctly, we can enable AliYun by default. LP: #1638931
2017-05-26net: fix reading and rendering addresses in cidr format.Dimitri John Ledkov
Input (specifically OpenStack) that had: "ip_address" : "", "netmask" : "" Was being rendered to netplan as ''. That is now fixed to '' Also fixed is reading of a route that had a network prefix integer in the 'netmask' rather than a netmask. LP: #1689346 LP: #1684349
2017-05-26disk_setup: udev settle before attempting partitioning or fs creation.Scott Moser
This attempts to use udevadm settle to wait until devices have been fully "realized". If a device exists, there may still be events in the udev queue that would create its partition table entries. We need to wait until those have been processed also. LP: #1692093
2017-05-25GCE: Update the attribute used to find instance SSH keys.Daniel Watkins
Per the documentation at The instance-level SSH key was named 'sshKeys' and now is 'ssh-keys'. The project-level SSH key attribute has not changed so is intentionally not changed here. LP: #1693582
2017-05-25nplan: For bonds, allow dashed or underscore names of keys.Dimitri John Ledkov
As some of the bond paramemters are passed in as dashed, or underscored, depending on the input source. Also correct transmit-hash-policy netplan target key. LP: #1690480
2017-05-25python2.6: fix unit tests usage of assertNone and format.Scott Moser
python2.6 unittest.TestCase does not have the assertIsNone or assertIsNotNone. We just have to explicitly use the unittest2 version, which we get from helpers. The desire to use assertIsNone comes from flake8 (through hacking, I believe). Also, fix "{}.format('foo')" which is not valid in python2.6.
2017-05-24test: update docstring on test_configured_list_with_noneScott Moser
Simply improve the docstring on a test added in last commit.
2017-05-24fix tools/ds-identify to not write None twice.Scott Moser
If the user configured: datasource_list: ["Ec2", "None"] then ds-identify would write datasource_list: ["Ec2", "None", "None"] which would break the logic to avoid warning.
2017-05-24cc_ntp: Restructure cc_ntp unit tests.Chad Smith
Any CiTestCase subclass can now set a class attribute with_logs = True and tests can now make assertions on self.logs.getvalue(). This branch restructures a bit of cc_ntp module to get better test coverage of the module. It also restructures the handler_cc_ntp unit tests to avoid nested mocks where possible. Deeply nested mocks cause a couple of issues: - greater risk: mocks are permanent within the scope, so multiple call-sites could be affected by package mocks - less legible tests: each mock doesn't advertise the actual call-site - tight coupling: the unit test logic to tightly bound to the actual implementation in remote (unrelated) modules which makes it more costly to maintain code - false success: we should be testing the expected behavior not specific remote method names as we want to know if that underlying behavior changes and breaks us. LP: #1692794
2017-05-23flake8: move the pinned version of flake8 up to 3.3.0Scott Moser
This just moves flake8 and related tools up to newer versions and fixes the complaints associated with that. We added to the list of flake8 ignores: H102: do not put vim info in source files H304: no relative imports Also updates and pins the following in the flake8 environment: pep8: 1.7.0 => drop (although hacking still pulls it in). pyflakes 1.1.0 => 1.5.0 hacking 0.10.2 => 0.13.0 flake8 2.5.4 => 3.3.0 pycodestyle none => 2.3.1
2017-05-23RHEL/CentOS: Fix dual stack IPv4/IPv6 configuration.Andreas Karis
Dual stack IPv4/IPv6 configuration via config drive is broken for RHEL7. This patch fixes several scenarios for IPv4/IPv6/dual-stack with multiple IP assignment. Removes usage of unpopular IPv4 alias files and invalid IPv6 alias files. Also fix associated unit tests. LP: #1679817 LP: #1685534 LP: #1685532
2017-05-22disk_setup: fix several issues with gpt disk partitions.Scott Moser
This fixes several shortcomings of disk_setup with gpt disks. * 'sgdisk -p' was being used to determine the size of a disk. this can fail if it believes there is a bad gpt partition table. Instead we just use blockdev now for both mbr or gpt disks. * parsing of sgdisk -p output assumed that the 'name' of the partition type would not have any spaces (Microsoft basic data) * interaction with sgdisk did not realize that sgdisk wants input of '8300' rather than '83' and will output the same. LP: #1692087
2017-05-22Fix get_interfaces_by_mac for empty macsScott Moser
Some interfaces (greptap0 in the bug) have a mac address of '00:00:00:00:00:00'. That was causing a duplicate mac detection as the 'lo' device also has that mac. The change here is to just ignore macs other than 'lo' that have that. LP: #1692028
2017-05-19DigitalOcean: remove routes except for the public interface.Ben Howard
Previously, the datasource for DigitalOcean allowed for a gateway on each NIC. As a result, on Ubuntu 16.04, networking.service was broken. For 17.04 and later, Ubuntu _replaces_ the default gateway with the second gateway on 'ifup' after reboot. DigitalOcean is looking at changing the meta-data, however, this will result in another version of the meta-data JSON. LP: #1681531.
2017-05-19netplan: pass macaddress, when specified, for vlansDimitri John Ledkov
When vlan mac address is specified in config, render it for netplan and for ENI. LP: #1690388
2017-05-19cc_ntp: write template before installing and add service restartRyan Harper
On systems which installed ntp and specified servers or pools in the config ntpd didn't notice the updated configuration file and didn't use the correct configuration. Resolve this by rendering the template first which allows the package install to use the existing configuration. Additionally add a service restart to handle the case where ntp does not need to be installed but it may not have started. Add an integration test to confirm that cc_ntp enables ntp to use the specific servers and pools in the cloud-config. LP: #1645644
2017-05-18cloudstack: fix tests to avoid accessing /var/lib/NetworkManagerLars Kellogg-Stedman
on centos/fedora/rhel, /var/lib/NetworkManager has mode 700, causing the cloudstack unit tests to fail when run as a non-root user. This mocks out get_latest_lease so that we no longer try to read dhcp lease information during the unit tests.
2017-05-17tests: fix hardcoded path to mkfs.ext4Joshua Powers
A recent merge that added a mkfs.ext4 tests has a hard coded location for the binary of mkfs.ext4. On CentOS 7 the test failed because the command in a different location than Ubuntu. LP: #1691517
2017-05-17netplan: fix netplan render_network_state signature.Dimitri John Ledkov
tools/net-convert fails to output netplan config, because the positional arguments of render_network_state are the wrong way around for that function w.r.t. other renders. Fix the netplan renderer to have the correct signature. LP: #1685944
2017-05-17Azure: fix reformatting of ephemeral disks on resize to large types.Scott Moser
Large instance types have a different disk format on the newly partitioned ephemeral drive. So we have to adjust the logic in the Azure datasource to recognize that a disk with 2 partitions and an empty ntfs filesystem on the second one is acceptable. This also adjusts the datasources's builtin fs_setup config to remove the 'replace_fs' entry. This entry was previously ignored, and confusing. I've clarified the doc on that also. LP: #1686514
2017-05-16unittests: fix unittests run on centosJoshua Powers
Apt related tests were broken when running on centos becasue apt is not available. This fixes the unit test, with a small re-work of apt_configure. Also in 'tox -e centos6' only run nose on tests/unittests as tests/ also contain integration tests that should not be run.
2017-05-16Improve detection of snappy to include os-release and kernel cmdline.Scott Moser
Recent core snap images (edge channel revision 1886) do not contain the previously known files used to detect that a system is ubuntu core. The changes here are to look in 2 additional locations to determine if a system is snappy. LP: #1689944
2017-05-16Add address to config entry generated by _klibc_to_config_entry.Julien Castets
If /run/net-<name>.cfg contains an IPV4ADDR or an IPV6ADDR, the config file generated by _klibc_to_config_entry now contains the "address". LP: #1691135
2017-05-10sysconfig: Raise ValueError when multiple default gateways are present.Chad Smith
Fixed setting Route.has_set_default_ipv6 or *_ipv4 to track whether a route already has a default gateway defined. The code was setting Route.has_set_default which wasn't checked when raising "duplicate gateway" ValueErrors. Added unit tests to exercise this expected raised ValueError. Also moved is_ipv6 = subnet.get('ipv6') logic out of a for loop because we don't need to recalculate the same value every route iteration. LP: #1687485
2017-05-10FreeBSD: improvements and fixes for use on AzureHongjiang Zhang
This patch targets to make FreeBSD 10.3 or 11 work on Azure. The modifications abide by the rule of: * making as less modification as possible * delegate to the distro or datasource where possible. The main modifications are: 1. network configuration improvements, and movement into distro path. 2. Fix setting of password. Password setting through "pw" can only work through pipe. 3. Add 'root:wheel' to syslog_fix_perms field. 4. Support resizing default file system (ufs) 5. copy cloud.cfg for freebsd to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg rather than /usr/local/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. 6. Azure specific changes: a. When reading the azure endpoint, search in a different path and read a different option name (option-245 vs. unknown-245). so, the lease file path should be generated according to platform. b. adjust the handling of ephemeral mounts for ufs filesystem and for finding the ephemeral device. c. fix mounting of cdrom LP: #1636345
2017-05-10Add unit tests for ds-identify, fix Ec2 bug found.Scott Moser
This adds several unit tests for ds-identify, and fixes a bug in Ec2 detection that I found while writing these tests. The method of testing is to use the ds-identify code as a shell library. The TestDsIdentify:call basically does: * populate a (temp) directory with files that represent what ds-identify would see in /sys or other locations it reads. * create a file '_shwrap' that replaces the 3 programs that are executed in ds-identify code path. It supports setting their stdout, stderr, and exit code. * set the default policies explicitly (DI_DEFAULT_POLICY) so we can support testing different builtins. This is necessary because the Ubuntu branches patch the builtin value. If we did not explicilty set it, then testing there would fail. * execute sh to source the script and call its main.
2017-05-03fs_setup: if cmd is specified, use shell interpretation.Paul Meyer
If 'cmd' is provided to a fs_setup entry, then cloud-init was trying to execute the rendered string as a single name, rather than splitting the string. The change here will pass the string to shell for interpretation so that it is split there. Also fix some documentation errors and warn when fs_opts or overwrite is provided along with 'cmd'. LP: #1687712
2017-04-21Fix yum repo config where keys contain array valuesDylan Perry
ConfigObj produces configuration files that are incompatible with yum if multiple values are listed for a configuration key. Switch to the builtin configparser, and ConfigParser (Python 2) which correctly handles this case. Add additional test case for array values in yum_repos definition LP: #1592150
2017-04-20net: kernel lies about vlans not stealing mac addresses, when they doDimitri John Ledkov
Introduce is_vlan function and call that when building dictionary of interfaces by mac address. LP: #1682871
2017-04-12util: teach write_file about copy_mode optionLars Kellogg-Stedman
On centos/fedora/rhel/derivatives, /etc/ssh/sshd_config has mode 0600, but cloud-init unilaterally sets file modes to 0644 when no explicit mode is passed to util.write_file. On ubuntu/debian, this file has mode 0644. With this patch, write_file learns about the copy_mode option, which will cause it to use the mode of the existing file by default, falling back to the explicit mode parameter if the file does not exist. LP: #1644064 Resolves: rhbz#1295984
2017-04-11DigitalOcean: bind resolvers to loopback interface.Ben Howard
This change makes the DigitalOcean datasource consistent with OpenStack and Joyent by binding the resolver addresses to the loopback interface. This _is_ a work-around to bug 1675571. Part of bug 1676908.
2017-04-11tests: fix AltCloud tests to not rely on blkidScott Moser
This just mocks out the AltCloud tests to not invoke blkid. Our tests should not rely on system command returning any specific value. Also, shorten long lines with change in the import name of DataSourceAltCloud. LP: #1636531
2017-03-31Fix bug that resulted in an attempt to rename bonds or vlans.Scott Moser
When cloud-init ran in the init stage (after networking had come up). A bug could occur where cloud-init would attempt and fail to rename network devices that had "inherited" mac addresses. The intent of apply_network_config_names was always to rename only the devices that were "physical" per the network config. (This would include veth devices in a container). The bug was in creating the dictionary of interfaces by mac address. If there were multiple interfaces with the same mac address then renames could fail. This situation was guaranteed to occur with bonds or vlans or other devices that inherit their mac. The solution is to change get_interfaces_by_mac to skip interfaces that have an inherited mac. Also drop the 'devs' argument to get_interfaces_by_mac. It was non-obvious what the result should be if a device in the input list was filtered out. ie should the following have an entry for bond0 or not. get_interfaces_by_mac(devs=['bond0']) LP: #1669860
2017-03-31tests: update OpenNebula and Digital Ocean to not rely on host interfaces.Scott Moser
Mock the use use of get_interfaces_by_mac in Digital Ocean and OpenNebula. Its best to mock this for the tests as the results aren't expecting it to fail. Note, as it stands, OpenNebula relies on devices named 'eth0'. The metadata (context) does not provide mac addresses.
2017-03-30net: in netplan renderer delete known image-builtin content.Scott Moser
When rendering network configuration to netplan, remove known "builtin" configurations. The specific example here is Ubuntu Core that has netplan configuration in etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml. We also delete the derived files since netplan will have created these derived files in its generator that runs well before cloud-init. LP: #1675576
2017-03-27GCE: Search GCE in ds-identify, consider serial number in check.Scott Moser
While documentation indicates that the smbios product name should contain 'Google Compute Engine', experimentation and bug reports indicate that is not always the case. The change here is to change the check for GCE to also consider a serial number that starts with 'GoogleCompute-'. Also, ds-identify was not currently searching for GCE if no config of datasource_list was found. Most images have a datasource_list defined. So update the list to include GCE. LP: #1674861
2017-03-24Fix filesystem creation when using "partition: auto"Jonathan Ballet
Accordingly to the documentation: The ``partition`` option may also be set to ``auto``, in which this module will search for the existance of a filesystem matching the ``label``, ``type`` and ``device`` of the ``fs_setup`` entry and will skip creating the filesystem if one is found. However, using this "auto" flag always recreates the partition no matter if it has been done before or not. This commit fixes a bug in which the "partition" attribute was always set to None although in some cases it should not. LP: #1634678