From bae9b11da9ed7dd0b16fe5adeaf4774b7cc628cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Falcon Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 20:16:38 -0600 Subject: Adopt Black and isort (SC-700) (#1157) Applied Black and isort, fixed any linting issues, updated tox.ini and CI. --- tests/unittests/ | 817 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 490 insertions(+), 327 deletions(-) (limited to 'tests/unittests/') diff --git a/tests/unittests/ b/tests/unittests/ index b210bd3b..d614350e 100644 --- a/tests/unittests/ +++ b/tests/unittests/ @@ -1,27 +1,29 @@ # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import os - from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial from unittest.mock import patch -from cloudinit import ssh_util +from cloudinit import ssh_util, util from tests.unittests import helpers as test_helpers -from cloudinit import util # -FakePwEnt = namedtuple('FakePwEnt', [ - 'pw_name', - 'pw_passwd', - 'pw_uid', - 'pw_gid', - 'pw_gecos', - 'pw_dir', - 'pw_shell', -]) +FakePwEnt = namedtuple( + "FakePwEnt", + [ + "pw_name", + "pw_passwd", + "pw_uid", + "pw_gid", + "pw_gecos", + "pw_dir", + "pw_shell", + ], +) FakePwEnt.__new__.__defaults__ = tuple( - "UNSET_%s" % n for n in FakePwEnt._fields) + "UNSET_%s" % n for n in FakePwEnt._fields +) def mock_get_owner(updated_permissions, value): @@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ def mock_getpwnam(users, username): # the testdata for OpenSSH, and their private keys are available # VALID_CONTENT = { - 'dsa': ( + "dsa": ( "AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAIrjOQSlSea19bExXBMBKBvcLhBoVvNBjCppNzllipF" "W4jgIOMcNanULRrZGjkOKat6MWJNetSbV1E6IOFDQ16rQgsh/OvYU9XhzM8seLa" "A21VszZuhIV7/2DE3vxu7B54zVzueG1O1Deq6goQCRGWBUnqO2yluJiG4HzrnDa" @@ -69,12 +71,12 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "JNDnIqDHxTkc6LY2vu8Y2pQ3/bVnllZZOda2oD5HQ7ovygQa6CH+fbaZHbdDUX/" "5z7u2rVAlDw==" ), - 'ecdsa': ( + "ecdsa": ( "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBITrGBB3cgJ" "J7fPxvtMW9H3oRisNpJ3OAslxZeyP7I0A9BPAW0RQIwHVtVnM7zrp4nI+JLZov/" "Ql7lc2leWL7CY=" ), - 'rsa': ( + "rsa": ( "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3I7VUf2l5gSn5uavROsc5HRDpZdQueUq5oz" "emNSj8T7enqKHOEaFoU2VoPgGEWC9RyzSQVeyD6s7APMcE82EtmW4skVEgEGSbD" "c1pvxzxtchBj78hJP6Cf5TCMFSXw+Fz5rF1dR23QDbN1mkHs7adr8GW4kSWqU7Q" @@ -82,11 +84,10 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "YWpMfYdPUnE7u536WqzFmsaqJctz3gBxH9Ex7dFtrxR4qiqEr9Qtlu3xGn7Bw07" "/+i1D+ey3ONkZLN+LQ714cgj8fRS4Hj29SCmXp5Kt5/82cD/VN3NtHw==" ), - 'ed25519': ( - "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA1J77+CrJ8p6/vWCEzuylqJNMHUP/XmeYyGVWb" - "8lnDd" + "ed25519": ( + "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA1J77+CrJ8p6/vWCEzuylqJNMHUP/XmeYyGVWb8lnDd" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAKGVjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYtY2VydC12MDFAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAA" "gQIfwT/+UX68/hlKsdKuaOuAVB6ftTg03SlP/uH4OBEwAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAA" "BBBEjA0gjJmPM6La3sXyfNlnjilvvGY6I2M8SvJj4o3X/46wcUbPWTaj4RF3EXw" @@ -101,12 +102,12 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "2tM3QXkDcwdP0SxSEW5yy4XV5oAAAAhANNMm1cdVlAt3hmycQgdD82zPlg5YvVO" "iN0SQTbgVD8i" ), - 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256': ( + "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256": ( "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEjA0gjJmPM" "6La3sXyfNlnjilvvGY6I2M8SvJj4o3X/46wcUbPWTaj4RF3EXwHvNxplYBwdPlk" "2zEecvf9Cs2BM=" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAKGVjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAzODQtY2VydC12MDFAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAA" "grnSvDsK1EnCZndO1IyGWcGkVgVSkPWi/XO2ybPFyLVUAAAAIbmlzdHAzODQAAA" "BhBAaYSQs+8TT0Tzciy0dorwhur6yzOGUrYQ6ueUQYWbE7eNdHmhsVrlpGPgSaY" @@ -123,12 +124,12 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "RVYqYQgAAADAiit0UCMDAUbjD+R2x4LvU3x/t8G3sdqDLRNfMRpjZpvcS8AwC+Y" "VFVSQNn0AyzW0=" ), - 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384': ( + "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384": ( "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAzODQAAAAIbmlzdHAzODQAAABhBAaYSQs+8TT" "0Tzciy0dorwhur6yzOGUrYQ6ueUQYWbE7eNdHmhsVrlpGPgSaYByhXtAJiPOMqL" "U5h0eb3sCtM3ek4NvjXFTGTqPrrxJI6q0OsgrtkGE7UM9ZsfMm7q6BOA==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAKGVjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEtY2VydC12MDFAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAA" "gGmRzkkMvRFk1V5U3m3mQ2nfW20SJVXk1NKnT5iZGDcEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAA" "CFBAHosAOHAI1ZkerbKYQ72S6uit1u77PCj/OalZtXgsxv0TTAZB273puG2X94C" @@ -147,13 +148,13 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "AAAQgEzkIpX3yKXPaPcK17mNx40ujEDitm4ARmbhAge0sFhZtf7YIgI55b6vkI8" "JvMJkzQCBF1cpNOaIpVh1nFZNBphMQ==" ), - 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521': ( + "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521": ( "AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAHosAOHAI1" "ZkerbKYQ72S6uit1u77PCj/OalZtXgsxv0TTAZB273puG2X94CQ8yyNHcby87zF" "ZHdv5BSKyZ/cyREAAeiAcSakop9VS3+bUfZpEIqwBZXarwUjnRnxprkcQ0rfCCd" "agkGZr/OA7DemK2D8tKLTHsKoEEWNImo6/pXDkFxA==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAIHNzaC1lZDI1NTE5LWNlcnQtdjAxQG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIIxzuxl4z3u" "wAIslne8Huft+1n1IhHAlNbWZkQyyECCGAAAAIFOG6kY7Rf4UtCFvPwKgo/BztX" "ck2xC4a2WyA34XtIwZAAAAAAAAAAgAAAACAAAABmp1bGl1cwAAABIAAAAFaG9zd" @@ -162,12 +163,12 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "AAFMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAABABGTn+Bmz86Ajk+iqKCSdP5NClsYzn4alJd" "0V5bizhP0Kumc/HbqQfSt684J1WdSzih+EjvnTgBhK9jTBKb90AQ==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAInNrLWVjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTZAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAAIbmlzdHA" "yNTYAAABBBIELQJ2DgvaX1yQlKFokfWM2suuaCFI2qp0eJodHyg6O4ifxc3XpRK" "d1OS8dNYQtE/YjdXSrA+AOnMF5ns2Nkx4AAAAEc3NoOg==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAIHNzaC1lZDI1NTE5LWNlcnQtdjAxQG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIIxzuxl4z3u" "wAIslne8Huft+1n1IhHAlNbWZkQyyECCGAAAAIFOG6kY7Rf4UtCFvPwKgo/BztX" "ck2xC4a2WyA34XtIwZAAAAAAAAAAgAAAACAAAABmp1bGl1cwAAABIAAAAFaG9zd" @@ -176,11 +177,11 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "AAFMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAABABGTn+Bmz86Ajk+iqKCSdP5NClsYzn4alJd" "0V5bizhP0Kumc/HbqQfSt684J1WdSzih+EjvnTgBhK9jTBKb90AQ==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAICFo/k5LU8863u66YC9" "eUO2170QduohPURkQnbLa/dczAAAABHNzaDo=" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAHHNzaC1kc3MtY2VydC12MDFAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAAgdTlbNU9Hn9Qng3F" "HxwH971bxCIoq1ern/QWFFDWXgmYAAACBAPqS600VGwdPAQC/p3f0uGyrLVql0c" "Fn1zYd/JGvtabKnIYjLaYprje/NcjwI3CZFJiz4Dp3S8kLs+X5/1DMn/Tg1Y4D4" @@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "+F7SMGQAAAFMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAABAh/z1LIdNL1b66tQ8t9DY9BTB3B" "QKpTKmc7ezyFKLwl96yaIniZwD9Ticdbe/8i/Li3uCFE3EAt8NAIv9zff8Bg==" ), - 'ssh-dss': ( + "ssh-dss": ( "AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPqS600VGwdPAQC/p3f0uGyrLVql0cFn1zYd/JGvtab" "KnIYjLaYprje/NcjwI3CZFJiz4Dp3S8kLs+X5/1DMn/Tg1Y4D4yLB+6vCtHcJF7" "rVBFhvw/KZwc7G54ez3khyOtsg82fzpyOc8/mq+/+C5TMKO7DDjMF0k5emWKCsa" @@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "GIf95LiLSgaXMjko7joot+LK84ltLymwZ4QMnYjnZSSclf1UuyQMcUtb34+I0u9" "Ycnyhp2mSFsQt" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAIHNzaC1lZDI1NTE5LWNlcnQtdjAxQG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIIxzuxl4z3u" "wAIslne8Huft+1n1IhHAlNbWZkQyyECCGAAAAIFOG6kY7Rf4UtCFvPwKgo/BztX" "ck2xC4a2WyA34XtIwZAAAAAAAAAAgAAAACAAAABmp1bGl1cwAAABIAAAAFaG9zd" @@ -218,11 +219,10 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "AAFMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAABABGTn+Bmz86Ajk+iqKCSdP5NClsYzn4alJd" "0V5bizhP0Kumc/HbqQfSt684J1WdSzih+EjvnTgBhK9jTBKb90AQ==" ), - 'ssh-ed25519': ( - "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFOG6kY7Rf4UtCFvPwKgo/BztXck2xC4a2WyA34" - "XtIwZ" + "ssh-ed25519": ( + "AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFOG6kY7Rf4UtCFvPwKgo/BztXck2xC4a2WyA34XtIwZ" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAHHNzaC1yc2EtY2VydC12MDFAb3BlbnNzaC5jb20AAAAg98LhS2EHxLOWCLo" "pZPwHdg/RJXusnkOqQXSc9R7aITkAAAADAQABAAAAgQDLV5lUTt7FrADseB/CGh" "EZzpoojjEW5y8+ePvLppmK3MmMI18ud6vxzpK3bwZLYkVSyfJYI0HmIuGhdu7yM" @@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "he0jBkAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAQI3QGlUCzC07KorupxpDkkGy6tni" "aZ8EvBflzvv+itXWNchGvfUeHmVT6aX0sRqehdz/lR+GmXRoZBhofwh0qAM=" ), - 'ssh-rsa': ( + "ssh-rsa": ( "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDLV5lUTt7FrADseB/CGhEZzpoojjEW5y8" "+ePvLppmK3MmMI18ud6vxzpK3bwZLYkVSyfJYI0HmIuGhdu7yMrW6wb84gbq8C3" "1Xoe9EORcIUuGSvDKdNSM1SjlhDquRblDFB8kToqXyx1lqrXecXylxIUOL0jE+u" "0rU1967pDJx+w==" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAHXNzaC14bXNzLWNlcnQtdjAxQG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIM2UD0IH+Igsekq" "xjTO5f36exX4WGRMCtDGPjwfbXblxAAAAFVhNU1NfU0hBMi0yNTZfVzE2X0gxMA" "AAAEDI83/K5JMOy0BMJgQypRdz35ApAnoQinMJ8ZMoZPaEJF8Z4rANQlfzaAXum" @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ VALID_CONTENT = { "rNYClh8fQEQ8XuOCDpomMWu58YOTfbZNMDWs/Ou7RfCjX+VNwjPShDK9joMwWKc" "Jy3QalZbaoWtcyyvXxR2sqhVR9F7Cmasq4=" ), - '': ( + "": ( "AAAAFHNzaC14bXNzQG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAFVhNU1NfU0hBMi0yNTZfVzE2X0g" "xMAAAAECqptWnK94d+Sj2xcdTu8gz+75lawZoLSZFqC5IhbYuT/Z3oBZCim6yt+" "HAmk6MKldl3Fg+74v4sR/SII0I0Jv/" @@ -316,19 +316,25 @@ KEY_TYPES = list(VALID_CONTENT.keys()) TEST_OPTIONS = ( "no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding," - 'command="echo \'Please login as the user \"ubuntu\" rather than the' - 'user \"root\".\';echo;sleep 10"') + 'command="echo \'Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the' + 'user "root".\';echo;sleep 10"' +) class TestAuthKeyLineParser(test_helpers.CiTestCase): - def test_simple_parse(self): # test key line with common 3 fields (keytype, base64, comment) parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() for ktype in KEY_TYPES: content = VALID_CONTENT[ktype] - comment = 'user-%s@host' % ktype - line = ' '.join((ktype, content, comment,)) + comment = "user-%s@host" % ktype + line = " ".join( + ( + ktype, + content, + comment, + ) + ) key = parser.parse(line) self.assertEqual(key.base64, content) @@ -341,7 +347,12 @@ class TestAuthKeyLineParser(test_helpers.CiTestCase): parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() for ktype in KEY_TYPES: content = VALID_CONTENT[ktype] - line = ' '.join((ktype, content,)) + line = " ".join( + ( + ktype, + content, + ) + ) key = parser.parse(line) self.assertEqual(key.base64, content) @@ -355,8 +366,15 @@ class TestAuthKeyLineParser(test_helpers.CiTestCase): options = TEST_OPTIONS for ktype in KEY_TYPES: content = VALID_CONTENT[ktype] - comment = 'user-%s@host' % ktype - line = ' '.join((options, ktype, content, comment,)) + comment = "user-%s@host" % ktype + line = " ".join( + ( + options, + ktype, + content, + comment, + ) + ) key = parser.parse(line) self.assertEqual(key.base64, content) @@ -368,7 +386,7 @@ class TestAuthKeyLineParser(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # test key line with key type and base64 only parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() - baseline = ' '.join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT['rsa'], "user@host")) + baseline = " ".join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"], "user@host")) myopts = "no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding" key = parser.parse("allowedopt" + " " + baseline) @@ -379,59 +397,62 @@ class TestAuthKeyLineParser(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_parse_invalid_keytype(self): parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() - key = parser.parse(' '.join(["badkeytype", VALID_CONTENT['rsa']])) + key = parser.parse(" ".join(["badkeytype", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"]])) self.assertFalse(key.valid()) class TestUpdateAuthorizedKeys(test_helpers.CiTestCase): - def test_new_keys_replace(self): """new entries with the same base64 should replace old.""" orig_entries = [ - ' '.join(('rsa', VALID_CONTENT['rsa'], 'orig_comment1')), - ' '.join(('dsa', VALID_CONTENT['dsa'], 'orig_comment2'))] + " ".join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"], "orig_comment1")), + " ".join(("dsa", VALID_CONTENT["dsa"], "orig_comment2")), + ] new_entries = [ - ' '.join(('rsa', VALID_CONTENT['rsa'], 'new_comment1')), ] + " ".join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"], "new_comment1")), + ] - expected = '\n'.join([new_entries[0], orig_entries[1]]) + '\n' + expected = "\n".join([new_entries[0], orig_entries[1]]) + "\n" parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() found = ssh_util.update_authorized_keys( [parser.parse(p) for p in orig_entries], - [parser.parse(p) for p in new_entries]) + [parser.parse(p) for p in new_entries], + ) self.assertEqual(expected, found) def test_new_invalid_keys_are_ignored(self): """new entries that are invalid should be skipped.""" orig_entries = [ - ' '.join(('rsa', VALID_CONTENT['rsa'], 'orig_comment1')), - ' '.join(('dsa', VALID_CONTENT['dsa'], 'orig_comment2'))] + " ".join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"], "orig_comment1")), + " ".join(("dsa", VALID_CONTENT["dsa"], "orig_comment2")), + ] new_entries = [ - ' '.join(('rsa', VALID_CONTENT['rsa'], 'new_comment1')), - 'xxx-invalid-thing1', - 'xxx-invalid-blob2' + " ".join(("rsa", VALID_CONTENT["rsa"], "new_comment1")), + "xxx-invalid-thing1", + "xxx-invalid-blob2", ] - expected = '\n'.join([new_entries[0], orig_entries[1]]) + '\n' + expected = "\n".join([new_entries[0], orig_entries[1]]) + "\n" parser = ssh_util.AuthKeyLineParser() found = ssh_util.update_authorized_keys( [parser.parse(p) for p in orig_entries], - [parser.parse(p) for p in new_entries]) + [parser.parse(p) for p in new_entries], + ) self.assertEqual(expected, found) class TestParseSSHConfig(test_helpers.CiTestCase): - def setUp(self): - self.load_file_patch = patch('cloudinit.ssh_util.util.load_file') + self.load_file_patch = patch("cloudinit.ssh_util.util.load_file") self.load_file = self.load_file_patch.start() - self.isfile_patch = patch('cloudinit.ssh_util.os.path.isfile') + self.isfile_patch = patch("cloudinit.ssh_util.os.path.isfile") self.isfile = self.isfile_patch.start() self.isfile.return_value = True @@ -442,60 +463,61 @@ class TestParseSSHConfig(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_not_a_file(self): self.isfile.return_value = False self.load_file.side_effect = IOError - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('not a real file') + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("not a real file") self.assertEqual([], ret) def test_empty_file(self): - self.load_file.return_value = '' - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + self.load_file.return_value = "" + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual([], ret) def test_comment_line(self): - comment_line = '# This is a comment' + comment_line = "# This is a comment" self.load_file.return_value = comment_line - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(1, len(ret)) self.assertEqual(comment_line, ret[0].line) def test_blank_lines(self): - lines = ['', '\t', ' '] - self.load_file.return_value = '\n'.join(lines) - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + lines = ["", "\t", " "] + self.load_file.return_value = "\n".join(lines) + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(len(lines), len(ret)) for line in ret: - self.assertEqual('', line.line) + self.assertEqual("", line.line) def test_lower_case_config(self): - self.load_file.return_value = 'foo bar' - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + self.load_file.return_value = "foo bar" + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(1, len(ret)) - self.assertEqual('foo', ret[0].key) - self.assertEqual('bar', ret[0].value) + self.assertEqual("foo", ret[0].key) + self.assertEqual("bar", ret[0].value) def test_upper_case_config(self): - self.load_file.return_value = 'Foo Bar' - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + self.load_file.return_value = "Foo Bar" + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(1, len(ret)) - self.assertEqual('foo', ret[0].key) - self.assertEqual('Bar', ret[0].value) + self.assertEqual("foo", ret[0].key) + self.assertEqual("Bar", ret[0].value) def test_lower_case_with_equals(self): - self.load_file.return_value = 'foo=bar' - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + self.load_file.return_value = "foo=bar" + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(1, len(ret)) - self.assertEqual('foo', ret[0].key) - self.assertEqual('bar', ret[0].value) + self.assertEqual("foo", ret[0].key) + self.assertEqual("bar", ret[0].value) def test_upper_case_with_equals(self): - self.load_file.return_value = 'Foo=bar' - ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config('some real file') + self.load_file.return_value = "Foo=bar" + ret = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config("some real file") self.assertEqual(1, len(ret)) - self.assertEqual('foo', ret[0].key) - self.assertEqual('bar', ret[0].value) + self.assertEqual("foo", ret[0].key) + self.assertEqual("bar", ret[0].value) class TestUpdateSshConfigLines(test_helpers.CiTestCase): """Test the update_ssh_config_lines method.""" + exlines = [ "#PasswordAuthentication yes", "UsePAM yes", @@ -514,8 +536,8 @@ class TestUpdateSshConfigLines(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_new_option_added(self): """A single update of non-existing option.""" lines = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config_lines(list(self.exlines)) - result = ssh_util.update_ssh_config_lines(lines, {'MyKey': 'MyVal'}) - self.assertEqual(['MyKey'], result) + result = ssh_util.update_ssh_config_lines(lines, {"MyKey": "MyVal"}) + self.assertEqual(["MyKey"], result) self.check_line(lines[-1], "MyKey", "MyVal") def test_commented_out_not_updated_but_appended(self): @@ -543,8 +565,12 @@ class TestUpdateSshConfigLines(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_multiple_updates_with_add(self): """Verify multiple updates some added some changed, some not.""" - updates = {"UsePAM": "no", "X11Forwarding": "no", "NewOpt": "newval", - "AcceptEnv": "LANG ADD LC_*"} + updates = { + "UsePAM": "no", + "X11Forwarding": "no", + "NewOpt": "newval", + "AcceptEnv": "LANG ADD LC_*", + } lines = ssh_util.parse_ssh_config_lines(list(self.exlines)) result = ssh_util.update_ssh_config_lines(lines, updates) self.assertEqual(set(["UsePAM", "NewOpt", "AcceptEnv"]), set(result)) @@ -569,7 +595,7 @@ class TestUpdateSshConfigLines(test_helpers.CiTestCase): class TestUpdateSshConfig(test_helpers.CiTestCase): - cfgdata = '\n'.join(["#Option val", "MyKey ORIG_VAL", ""]) + cfgdata = "\n".join(["#Option val", "MyKey ORIG_VAL", ""]) def test_modified(self): mycfg = self.tmp_path("ssh_config_1") @@ -579,7 +605,7 @@ class TestUpdateSshConfig(test_helpers.CiTestCase): found = util.load_file(mycfg) self.assertEqual(self.cfgdata.replace("ORIG_VAL", "NEW_VAL"), found) # assert there is a newline at end of file (LP: #1677205) - self.assertEqual('\n', found[-1]) + self.assertEqual("\n", found[-1]) def test_not_modified(self): mycfg = self.tmp_path("ssh_config_2") @@ -596,72 +622,100 @@ class TestBasicAuthorizedKeyParse(test_helpers.CiTestCase): self.assertEqual( ["/opt/bobby/keys"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "/opt/%u/keys", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + "/opt/%u/keys", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_user_file(self): self.assertEqual( ["/opt/bobby"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "/opt/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + "/opt/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_user_file2(self): self.assertEqual( ["/opt/bobby/bobby"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "/opt/%u/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + "/opt/%u/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_multiple(self): self.assertEqual( ["/keys/path1", "/keys/path2"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "/keys/path1 /keys/path2", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + "/keys/path1 /keys/path2", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_multiple2(self): self.assertEqual( ["/keys/path1", "/keys/bobby"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "/keys/path1 /keys/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + "/keys/path1 /keys/%u", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_relative(self): self.assertEqual( ["/home/bobby/.secret/keys"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - ".secret/keys", "/home/bobby", "bobby")) + ".secret/keys", "/home/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_home(self): self.assertEqual( ["/homedirs/bobby/.keys"], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( - "%h/.keys", "/homedirs/bobby", "bobby")) + "%h/.keys", "/homedirs/bobby", "bobby" + ), + ) def test_all(self): self.assertEqual( - ["/homedirs/bobby/.keys", "/homedirs/bobby/.secret/keys", - "/keys/path1", "/opt/bobby/keys"], + [ + "/homedirs/bobby/.keys", + "/homedirs/bobby/.secret/keys", + "/keys/path1", + "/opt/bobby/keys", + ], ssh_util.render_authorizedkeysfile_paths( "%h/.keys .secret/keys /keys/path1 /opt/%u/keys", - "/homedirs/bobby", "bobby")) + "/homedirs/bobby", + "bobby", + ), + ) class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): - - def create_fake_users(self, names, mock_permissions, - m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, - m_getpwnam, users): + def create_fake_users( + self, + names, + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, + ): homes = [] - root = '/tmp/root' + root = "/tmp/root" fpw = FakePwEnt(pw_name="root", pw_dir=root) users["root"] = fpw for name in names: - home = '/tmp/home/' + name + home = "/tmp/home/" + name fpw = FakePwEnt(pw_name=name, pw_dir=home) users[name] = fpw homes.append(home) m_get_permissions.side_effect = partial( - mock_get_permissions, mock_permissions) + mock_get_permissions, mock_permissions + ) m_get_owner.side_effect = partial(mock_get_owner, mock_permissions) m_get_group.side_effect = partial(mock_get_group, mock_permissions) m_getpwnam.side_effect = partial(mock_getpwnam, users) @@ -676,23 +730,24 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): return authorized_keys def create_global_authorized_file(self, filename, content_key, keys): - authorized_keys = self.tmp_path(filename, dir='/tmp') + authorized_keys = self.tmp_path(filename, dir="/tmp") util.write_file(authorized_keys, VALID_CONTENT[content_key]) keys[authorized_keys] = content_key return authorized_keys def create_sshd_config(self, authorized_keys_files): - sshd_config = self.tmp_path('sshd_config', dir="/tmp") + sshd_config = self.tmp_path("sshd_config", dir="/tmp") util.write_file( - sshd_config, - "AuthorizedKeysFile " + authorized_keys_files + sshd_config, "AuthorizedKeysFile " + authorized_keys_files ) return sshd_config - def execute_and_check(self, user, sshd_config, solution, keys, - delete_keys=True): + def execute_and_check( + self, user, sshd_config, solution, keys, delete_keys=True + ): (auth_key_fn, auth_key_entries) = ssh_util.extract_authorized_keys( - user, sshd_config) + user, sshd_config + ) content = ssh_util.update_authorized_keys(auth_key_entries, []) self.assertEqual(auth_key_fn, solution) @@ -712,30 +767,35 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_single_user_two_local_files( self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam ): - user_bobby = 'bobby' + user_bobby = "bobby" keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), } homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby], mock_permissions, m_get_group, m_get_owner, - m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home = homes[0] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'user_keys', 'dsa', keys + home, "user_keys", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -751,30 +811,35 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_single_user_two_local_files_inverted( self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam ): - user_bobby = 'bobby' + user_bobby = "bobby" keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), } homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby], mock_permissions, m_get_group, m_get_owner, - m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home = homes[0] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'user_keys', 'dsa', keys + home, "user_keys", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -790,38 +855,46 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_single_user_local_global_files( self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam ): - user_bobby = 'bobby' + user_bobby = "bobby" keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), } homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby], mock_permissions, m_get_group, m_get_owner, - m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home = homes[0] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'user_keys', 'dsa', keys + home, "user_keys", "dsa", keys ) authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys", "ecdsa", keys ) - options = "%s %s %s" % (authorized_keys_global, user_keys, - authorized_keys) + options = "%s %s %s" % ( + authorized_keys_global, + user_keys, + authorized_keys, + ) sshd_config = self.create_sshd_config(options) self.execute_and_check(user_bobby, sshd_config, user_keys, keys) @@ -833,38 +906,46 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_single_user_local_global_files_inverted( self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam ): - user_bobby = 'bobby' + user_bobby = "bobby" keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), } homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby], mock_permissions, m_get_group, m_get_owner, - m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home = homes[0] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'authorized_keys2', 'rsa', keys + home, "authorized_keys2", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home, 'user_keys3', 'dsa', keys + home, "user_keys3", "dsa", keys ) authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys", "ecdsa", keys ) - options = "%s %s %s" % (authorized_keys_global, authorized_keys, - user_keys) + options = "%s %s %s" % ( + authorized_keys_global, + authorized_keys, + user_keys, + ) sshd_config = self.create_sshd_config(options) self.execute_and_check(user_bobby, sshd_config, authorized_keys, keys) @@ -876,24 +957,29 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): def test_single_user_global_file( self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam ): - user_bobby = 'bobby' + user_bobby = "bobby" keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), } homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby], mock_permissions, m_get_group, m_get_owner, - m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home = homes[0] # /tmp/etc/ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) options = "%s" % authorized_keys_global @@ -912,31 +998,36 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) options = ".ssh/authorized_keys" @@ -957,31 +1048,36 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2 = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys2', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys2", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2 = rsa authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys2', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys2", "", keys ) options = ".ssh/authorized_keys2" @@ -1002,46 +1098,53 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/user_keys3': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/user_keys3": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2 = rsa self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys2', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys2", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3 = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'user_keys3', 'dsa', keys + home_bobby, "user_keys3", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys2 = rsa authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys2', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys2", "", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/authorized_keys = ecdsa authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys2', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys2", "ecdsa", keys ) - options = "%s %s %%h/.ssh/authorized_keys2" % \ - (authorized_keys_global, user_keys) + options = "%s %s %%h/.ssh/authorized_keys2" % ( + authorized_keys_global, + user_keys, + ) sshd_config = self.create_sshd_config(options) self.execute_and_check( @@ -1055,50 +1158,62 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_local_global_files_badguy( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/home/badguy': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/home/badguy/home': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/home/badguy/home/bobby': ('root', 'root', 0o655), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/badguy": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/home/badguy/home": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/home/badguy/home/bobby": ("root", "root", 0o655), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_badguy = 'badguy' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_badguy = "badguy" home_bobby, *_ = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_badguy], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_badguy], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) m_get_user_groups.side_effect = mock_get_user_groups # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys2 = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys2', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys2", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/user_keys3 = dsa user_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'user_keys3', 'dsa', keys + home_bobby, "user_keys3", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/badguy/home/bobby = "" - authorized_keys2 = self.tmp_path('home/bobby', dir="/tmp/home/badguy") - util.write_file(authorized_keys2, '') + authorized_keys2 = self.tmp_path("home/bobby", dir="/tmp/home/badguy") + util.write_file(authorized_keys2, "") # /tmp/etc/ssh/authorized_keys = ecdsa authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys2', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys2", "ecdsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config - options = "%s %%h/.ssh/authorized_keys2 %s %s" % \ - (authorized_keys2, authorized_keys_global, user_keys) + options = "%s %%h/.ssh/authorized_keys2 %s %s" % ( + authorized_keys2, + authorized_keys_global, + user_keys, + ) sshd_config = self.create_sshd_config(options) self.execute_and_check( @@ -1114,33 +1229,43 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_unaccessible_file( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - - '/tmp/etc': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/etc/ssh': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys': ('root', 'root', 0o700), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o600), - - '/tmp/home/badguy': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys': - ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/etc": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/etc/ssh": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys": ("root", "root", 0o700), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/badguy": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys": ( + "badguy", + "badguy", + 0o600, + ), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_badguy = 'badguy' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_badguy = "badguy" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_badguy], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_badguy], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) m_get_user_groups.side_effect = mock_get_user_groups home_bobby = homes[0] @@ -1148,22 +1273,22 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby = dsa # assume here that we can bypass userkeys, despite permissions self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby', 'dsa', keys + "etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys = authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_badguy, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_badguy, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy = ecdsa self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy", "ecdsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -1183,33 +1308,43 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_accessible_file( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - - '/tmp/etc': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/etc/ssh': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys': ('root', 'root', 0o755), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - '/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o600), - - '/tmp/home/badguy': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh': ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys': - ('badguy', 'badguy', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/etc": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/etc/ssh": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys": ("root", "root", 0o755), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/badguy": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh": ("badguy", "badguy", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys": ( + "badguy", + "badguy", + 0o600, + ), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_badguy = 'badguy' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_badguy = "badguy" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_badguy], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_badguy], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) m_get_user_groups.side_effect = mock_get_user_groups home_bobby = homes[0] @@ -1217,22 +1352,22 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby = dsa # assume here that we can bypass userkeys, despite permissions authorized_keys = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby', 'dsa', keys + "etc/ssh/userkeys/bobby", "dsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/badguy/.ssh/authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_badguy, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_badguy, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy = ecdsa authorized_keys2 = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/userkeys/badguy", "ecdsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -1252,26 +1387,34 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_hardcoded_single_user_file( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] @@ -1279,12 +1422,12 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -1303,26 +1446,34 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_hardcoded_single_user_file_inverted( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] @@ -1330,12 +1481,12 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys = authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config @@ -1354,26 +1505,34 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): @patch("cloudinit.util.get_owner") @patch("cloudinit.util.get_group") def test_two_users_hardcoded_user_files( - self, m_get_group, m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, - m_get_user_groups + self, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + m_get_user_groups, ): keys = {} users = {} mock_permissions = { - '/tmp/home/bobby': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('bobby', 'bobby', 0o600), - - '/tmp/home/suzie': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o700), - '/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys': ('suzie', 'suzie', 0o600), + "/tmp/home/bobby": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("bobby", "bobby", 0o600), + "/tmp/home/suzie": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o700), + "/tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys": ("suzie", "suzie", 0o600), } - user_bobby = 'bobby' - user_suzie = 'suzie' + user_bobby = "bobby" + user_suzie = "suzie" homes = self.create_fake_users( - [user_bobby, user_suzie], mock_permissions, m_get_group, - m_get_owner, m_get_permissions, m_getpwnam, users + [user_bobby, user_suzie], + mock_permissions, + m_get_group, + m_get_owner, + m_get_permissions, + m_getpwnam, + users, ) home_bobby = homes[0] home_suzie = homes[1] @@ -1381,22 +1540,25 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): # /tmp/home/bobby/.ssh/authorized_keys = rsa authorized_keys = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_bobby, 'authorized_keys', 'rsa', keys + home_bobby, "authorized_keys", "rsa", keys ) # /tmp/home/suzie/.ssh/authorized_keys = authorized_keys2 = self.create_user_authorized_file( - home_suzie, 'authorized_keys', '', keys + home_suzie, "authorized_keys", "", keys ) # /tmp/etc/ssh/authorized_keys = ecdsa authorized_keys_global = self.create_global_authorized_file( - 'etc/ssh/authorized_keys', 'ecdsa', keys + "etc/ssh/authorized_keys", "ecdsa", keys ) # /tmp/sshd_config - options = "%s %s %s" % \ - (authorized_keys_global, authorized_keys, authorized_keys2) + options = "%s %s %s" % ( + authorized_keys_global, + authorized_keys, + authorized_keys2, + ) sshd_config = self.create_sshd_config(options) self.execute_and_check( @@ -1404,4 +1566,5 @@ class TestMultipleSshAuthorizedKeysFile(test_helpers.CiTestCase): ) self.execute_and_check(user_suzie, sshd_config, authorized_keys2, keys) + # vi: ts=4 expandtab -- cgit v1.2.3