# Pypi requirements for cloud-init to work # Used for untemplating any files or strings with parameters. cheetah # This is used for any pretty printing of tabular data. PrettyTable # This one is currently only used by the MAAS datasource. If that # datasource is removed, this is no longer needed oauth # This is used to fetch the ec2 metadata into a easily # parseable format, instead of having to have cloud-init perform # those same fetchs and decodes and signing (...) that ec2 requires. boto # This is only needed for places where we need to support configs in a manner # that the built-in config parser is not sufficent (ie # when we need to preserve comments, or do not have a top-level # section)... configobj # All new style configurations are in the yaml format pyyaml # The new main entrypoint uses argparse instead of optparse argparse