# vi: ts=4 expandtab # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import cloudinit.util as util import sys import random import string def handle(name,cfg,cloud,log,args): if len(args) != 0: # if run from command line, and give args, wipe the chpasswd['list'] password = args[0] if 'chpasswd' in cfg and 'list' in cfg['chpasswd']: del cfg['chpasswd']['list'] else: password = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg,"password",None) expire = True pw_auth = "no" change_pwauth = False plist = None if 'chpasswd' in cfg: chfg = cfg['chpasswd'] plist = util.get_cfg_option_str(chfg,'list',plist) expire = util.get_cfg_option_bool(chfg,'expire', expire) if not plist and password: user = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg,"user","ubuntu") plist = "%s:%s" % (user, password) errors = [] if plist: plist_in = [] randlist = [] users = [] for line in plist.splitlines(): u,p = line.split(':',1) if p == "R" or p == "RANDOM": p = rand_user_password() randlist.append("%s:%s" % (u,p)) plist_in.append("%s:%s" % (u,p)) users.append(u) ch_in = '\n'.join(plist_in) try: util.subp(['chpasswd'], ch_in) log.debug("changed password for %s:" % users) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) log.warn("failed to set passwords with chpasswd: %s" % e) if len(randlist): sys.stdout.write("%s\n%s\n" % ("Set the following passwords\n", '\n'.join(randlist) )) if expire: enum=len(errors) for u in users: try: util.subp(['passwd', '--expire', u]) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) log.warn("failed to expire account for %s" % u ) if enum == len(errors): log.debug("expired passwords for: %s" % u) if 'ssh_pwauth' in cfg: val = str(cfg['ssh_pwauth']).lower() if val in ( "true", "1", "yes"): pw_auth="yes" change_pwauth=True elif val in ( "false", "0", "no"): pw_auth="no" change_pwauth=True else: change_pwauth=False if change_pwauth: pa_s = "\(#*\)\(PasswordAuthentication[[:space:]]\+\)\(yes\|no\)" msg = "set PasswordAuthentication to '%s'" % pw_auth try: cmd = [ 'sed', '-i', 's,%s,\\2%s,' % (pa_s, pw_auth), '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' ] util.subp(cmd) log.debug(msg) except Exception as e: log.warn("failed %s" % msg) errors.append(e) try: p = util.subp(['service', cfg.get('ssh_svcname', 'ssh'), 'restart']) log.debug("restarted sshd") except: log.warn("restart of ssh failed") if len(errors): raise(errors[0]) return def rand_str(strlen=32, select_from=string.letters+string.digits): return("".join([random.choice(select_from) for x in range(0, strlen)])) def rand_user_password(pwlen=9): selfrom=(string.letters.translate(None,'loLOI') + string.digits.translate(None,'01')) return(rand_str(pwlen,select_from=selfrom))