# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Author: Scott Moser # Author: Juerg Haefliger # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """ Runcmd ------ **Summary:** run commands Run arbitrary commands at a rc.local like level with output to the console. Each item can be either a list or a string. If the item is a list, it will be properly executed as if passed to ``execve()`` (with the first arg as the command). If the item is a string, it will be written to a file and interpreted using ``sh``. .. note:: all commands must be proper yaml, so you have to quote any characters yaml would eat (':' can be problematic) **Internal name:** ``cc_runcmd`` **Module frequency:** per instance **Supported distros:** all **Config keys**:: runcmd: - [ ls, -l, / ] - [ sh, -xc, "echo $(date) ': hello world!'" ] - [ sh, -c, echo "=========hello world'=========" ] - ls -l /root - [ wget, "http://example.org", -O, /tmp/index.html ] """ import os from cloudinit import util def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args): if "runcmd" not in cfg: log.debug(("Skipping module named %s," " no 'runcmd' key in configuration"), name) return out_fn = os.path.join(cloud.get_ipath('scripts'), "runcmd") cmd = cfg["runcmd"] try: content = util.shellify(cmd) util.write_file(out_fn, content, 0o700) except Exception: util.logexc(log, "Failed to shellify %s into file %s", cmd, out_fn) # vi: ts=4 expandtab