# Author: Vaidas Jablonskis <jablonskis@gmail.com> # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import datetime import json from base64 import b64decode from contextlib import suppress as noop from cloudinit import dmi from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import sources, url_helper, util from cloudinit.distros import ug_util from cloudinit.net.dhcp import EphemeralDHCPv4 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) MD_V1_URL = "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/" BUILTIN_DS_CONFIG = {"metadata_url": MD_V1_URL} REQUIRED_FIELDS = ("instance-id", "availability-zone", "local-hostname") GUEST_ATTRIBUTES_URL = ( "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/" "v1/instance/guest-attributes" ) HOSTKEY_NAMESPACE = "hostkeys" HEADERS = {"Metadata-Flavor": "Google"} class GoogleMetadataFetcher(object): def __init__(self, metadata_address, num_retries, sec_between_retries): self.metadata_address = metadata_address self.num_retries = num_retries self.sec_between_retries = sec_between_retries def get_value(self, path, is_text, is_recursive=False): value = None try: url = self.metadata_address + path if is_recursive: url += "/?recursive=True" resp = url_helper.readurl( url=url, headers=HEADERS, retries=self.num_retries, sec_between=self.sec_between_retries, ) except url_helper.UrlError as exc: msg = "url %s raised exception %s" LOG.debug(msg, path, exc) else: if resp.code == 200: if is_text: value = util.decode_binary(resp.contents) else: value = resp.contents.decode("utf-8") else: LOG.debug("url %s returned code %s", path, resp.code) return value class DataSourceGCE(sources.DataSource): dsname = "GCE" perform_dhcp_setup = False def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths): sources.DataSource.__init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths) self.default_user = None if distro: (users, _groups) = ug_util.normalize_users_groups(sys_cfg, distro) (self.default_user, _user_config) = ug_util.extract_default(users) self.metadata = dict() self.ds_cfg = util.mergemanydict( [ util.get_cfg_by_path(sys_cfg, ["datasource", "GCE"], {}), BUILTIN_DS_CONFIG, ] ) self.metadata_address = self.ds_cfg["metadata_url"] def _get_data(self): url_params = self.get_url_params() network_context = noop() if self.perform_dhcp_setup: network_context = EphemeralDHCPv4(self.fallback_interface) with network_context: ret = util.log_time( LOG.debug, "Crawl of GCE metadata service", read_md, kwargs={ "address": self.metadata_address, "url_params": url_params, }, ) if not ret["success"]: if ret["platform_reports_gce"]: LOG.warning(ret["reason"]) else: LOG.debug(ret["reason"]) return False self.metadata = ret["meta-data"] self.userdata_raw = ret["user-data"] return True @property def launch_index(self): # GCE does not provide lauch_index property. return None def get_instance_id(self): return self.metadata["instance-id"] def get_public_ssh_keys(self): public_keys_data = self.metadata["public-keys-data"] return _parse_public_keys(public_keys_data, self.default_user) def publish_host_keys(self, hostkeys): for key in hostkeys: _write_host_key_to_guest_attributes(*key) def get_hostname(self, fqdn=False, resolve_ip=False, metadata_only=False): # GCE has long FDQN's and has asked for short hostnames. return self.metadata["local-hostname"].split(".")[0] @property def availability_zone(self): return self.metadata["availability-zone"] @property def region(self): return self.availability_zone.rsplit("-", 1)[0] class DataSourceGCELocal(DataSourceGCE): perform_dhcp_setup = True def _write_host_key_to_guest_attributes(key_type, key_value): url = "%s/%s/%s" % (GUEST_ATTRIBUTES_URL, HOSTKEY_NAMESPACE, key_type) key_value = key_value.encode("utf-8") resp = url_helper.readurl( url=url, data=key_value, headers=HEADERS, request_method="PUT", check_status=False, ) if resp.ok(): LOG.debug("Wrote %s host key to guest attributes.", key_type) else: LOG.debug("Unable to write %s host key to guest attributes.", key_type) def _has_expired(public_key): # Check whether an SSH key is expired. Public key input is a single SSH # public key in the GCE specific key format documented here: # https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/adding-removing-ssh-keys#sshkeyformat try: # Check for the Google-specific schema identifier. schema, json_str = public_key.split(None, 3)[2:] except (ValueError, AttributeError): return False # Do not expire keys if they do not have the expected schema identifier. if schema != "google-ssh": return False try: json_obj = json.loads(json_str) except ValueError: return False # Do not expire keys if there is no expriation timestamp. if "expireOn" not in json_obj: return False expire_str = json_obj["expireOn"] format_str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000" try: expire_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(expire_str, format_str) except ValueError: return False # Expire the key if and only if we have exceeded the expiration timestamp. return datetime.datetime.utcnow() > expire_time def _parse_public_keys(public_keys_data, default_user=None): # Parse the SSH key data for the default user account. Public keys input is # a list containing SSH public keys in the GCE specific key format # documented here: # https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/adding-removing-ssh-keys#sshkeyformat public_keys = [] if not public_keys_data: return public_keys for public_key in public_keys_data: if not public_key or not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in public_key): continue split_public_key = public_key.split(":", 1) if len(split_public_key) != 2: continue user, key = split_public_key if user in ("cloudinit", default_user) and not _has_expired(key): public_keys.append(key) return public_keys def read_md(address=None, url_params=None, platform_check=True): if address is None: address = MD_V1_URL ret = { "meta-data": None, "user-data": None, "success": False, "reason": None, } ret["platform_reports_gce"] = platform_reports_gce() if platform_check and not ret["platform_reports_gce"]: ret["reason"] = "Not running on GCE." return ret # If we cannot resolve the metadata server, then no point in trying. if not util.is_resolvable_url(address): LOG.debug("%s is not resolvable", address) ret["reason"] = 'address "%s" is not resolvable' % address return ret # url_map: (our-key, path, required, is_text, is_recursive) url_map = [ ("instance-id", ("instance/id",), True, True, False), ("availability-zone", ("instance/zone",), True, True, False), ("local-hostname", ("instance/hostname",), True, True, False), ("instance-data", ("instance/attributes",), False, False, True), ("project-data", ("project/attributes",), False, False, True), ] metadata_fetcher = GoogleMetadataFetcher( address, url_params.num_retries, url_params.sec_between_retries ) md = {} # Iterate over url_map keys to get metadata items. for (mkey, paths, required, is_text, is_recursive) in url_map: value = None for path in paths: new_value = metadata_fetcher.get_value(path, is_text, is_recursive) if new_value is not None: value = new_value if required and value is None: msg = "required key %s returned nothing. not GCE" ret["reason"] = msg % mkey return ret md[mkey] = value instance_data = json.loads(md["instance-data"] or "{}") project_data = json.loads(md["project-data"] or "{}") valid_keys = [instance_data.get("sshKeys"), instance_data.get("ssh-keys")] block_project = instance_data.get("block-project-ssh-keys", "").lower() if block_project != "true" and not instance_data.get("sshKeys"): valid_keys.append(project_data.get("ssh-keys")) valid_keys.append(project_data.get("sshKeys")) public_keys_data = "\n".join([key for key in valid_keys if key]) md["public-keys-data"] = public_keys_data.splitlines() if md["availability-zone"]: md["availability-zone"] = md["availability-zone"].split("/")[-1] if "user-data" in instance_data: # instance_data was json, so values are all utf-8 strings. ud = instance_data["user-data"].encode("utf-8") encoding = instance_data.get("user-data-encoding") if encoding == "base64": ud = b64decode(ud) elif encoding: LOG.warning("unknown user-data-encoding: %s, ignoring", encoding) ret["user-data"] = ud ret["meta-data"] = md ret["success"] = True return ret def platform_reports_gce(): pname = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-product-name") or "N/A" if pname == "Google Compute Engine" or pname == "Google": return True # system-product-name is not always guaranteed (LP: #1674861) serial = dmi.read_dmi_data("system-serial-number") or "N/A" if serial.startswith("GoogleCloud-"): return True LOG.debug( "Not running on google cloud. product-name=%s serial=%s", pname, serial ) return False # Used to match classes to dependencies. datasources = [ (DataSourceGCELocal, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM,)), (DataSourceGCE, (sources.DEP_FILESYSTEM, sources.DEP_NETWORK)), ] # Return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies. def get_datasource_list(depends): return sources.list_from_depends(depends, datasources) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import sys from base64 import b64encode parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Query GCE Metadata Service") parser.add_argument( "--endpoint", metavar="URL", help="The url of the metadata service.", default=MD_V1_URL, ) parser.add_argument( "--no-platform-check", dest="platform_check", help="Ignore smbios platform check", action="store_false", default=True, ) args = parser.parse_args() data = read_md(address=args.endpoint, platform_check=args.platform_check) if "user-data" in data: # user-data is bytes not string like other things. Handle it specially. # If it can be represented as utf-8 then do so. Otherwise print base64 # encoded value in the key user-data-b64. try: data["user-data"] = data["user-data"].decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: sys.stderr.write( "User-data cannot be decoded. Writing as base64\n" ) del data["user-data"] # b64encode returns a bytes value. Decode to get the string. data["user-data-b64"] = b64encode(data["user-data"]).decode() print(json.dumps(data, indent=1, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ": "))) # vi: ts=4 expandtab