# vi: ts=4 expandtab # # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Scott Moser <scott.moser@canonical.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import yaml import os import os.path import errno import subprocess from Cheetah.Template import Template import urllib2 import urllib import logging import time import traceback import re try: import selinux HAVE_LIBSELINUX = True except ImportError: HAVE_LIBSELINUX = False def read_conf(fname): try: stream = open(fname,"r") conf = yaml.load(stream) stream.close() return conf except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return { } raise def get_base_cfg(cfgfile,cfg_builtin="", parsed_cfgs=None): kerncfg = { } syscfg = { } if parsed_cfgs and cfgfile in parsed_cfgs: return(parsed_cfgs[cfgfile]) syscfg = read_conf_with_confd(cfgfile) kern_contents = read_cc_from_cmdline() if kern_contents: kerncfg = yaml.load(kern_contents) # kernel parameters override system config combined = mergedict(kerncfg, syscfg) if cfg_builtin: builtin = yaml.load(cfg_builtin) fin = mergedict(combined,builtin) else: fin = combined if parsed_cfgs != None: parsed_cfgs[cfgfile] = fin return(fin) def get_cfg_option_bool(yobj, key, default=False): if not yobj.has_key(key): return default val = yobj[key] if val is True: return True if str(val).lower() in [ 'true', '1', 'on', 'yes']: return True return False def get_cfg_option_str(yobj, key, default=None): if not yobj.has_key(key): return default return yobj[key] def get_cfg_option_list_or_str(yobj, key, default=None): if not yobj.has_key(key): return default if yobj[key] is None: return [] if isinstance(yobj[key],list): return yobj[key] return([yobj[key]]) # get a cfg entry by its path array # for f['a']['b']: get_cfg_by_path(mycfg,('a','b')) def get_cfg_by_path(yobj,keyp,default=None): cur = yobj for tok in keyp: if tok not in cur: return(default) cur = cur[tok] return(cur) # merge values from src into cand. # if src has a key, cand will not override def mergedict(src,cand): if isinstance(src,dict) and isinstance(cand,dict): for k,v in cand.iteritems(): if k not in src: src[k] = v else: src[k] = mergedict(src[k],v) return src def write_file(file,content,mode=0644,omode="wb"): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file)) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise e f=open(file,omode) if mode != None: os.chmod(file,mode) f.write(content) f.close() restorecon_if_possible(file) def restorecon_if_possible(path, recursive=False): if HAVE_LIBSELINUX and selinux.is_selinux_enabled(): selinux.restorecon(path, recursive=recursive) # get keyid from keyserver def getkeybyid(keyid,keyserver): shcmd=""" k=${1} ks=${2}; exec 2>/dev/null [ -n "$k" ] || exit 1; armour=$(gpg --list-keys --armour "${k}") if [ -z "${armour}" ]; then gpg --keyserver ${ks} --recv $k >/dev/null && armour=$(gpg --export --armour "${k}") && gpg --batch --yes --delete-keys "${k}" fi [ -n "${armour}" ] && echo "${armour}" """ args=['sh', '-c', shcmd, "export-gpg-keyid", keyid, keyserver] return(subp(args)[0]) def runparts(dirp, skip_no_exist=True): if skip_no_exist and not os.path.isdir(dirp): return # per bug 857926, Fedora's run-parts will exit failure on empty dir if os.path.isdir(dirp) and os.listdir(dirp) == []: return cmd = [ 'run-parts', '--regex', '.*', dirp ] sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd) sp.communicate() if sp.returncode is not 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(sp.returncode,cmd) return def subp(args, input=None): sp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) out,err = sp.communicate(input) if sp.returncode is not 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(sp.returncode,args, (out,err)) return(out,err) def render_to_file(template, outfile, searchList): t = Template(file='/etc/cloud/templates/%s.tmpl' % template, searchList=[searchList]) f = open(outfile, 'w') f.write(t.respond()) f.close() def render_string(template, searchList): return(Template(template, searchList=[searchList]).respond()) # read_optional_seed # returns boolean indicating success or failure (presense of files) # if files are present, populates 'fill' dictionary with 'user-data' and # 'meta-data' entries def read_optional_seed(fill,base="",ext="", timeout=5): try: (md,ud) = read_seeded(base,ext,timeout) fill['user-data']= ud fill['meta-data']= md return True except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: return False raise # raise OSError with enoent if not found def read_seeded(base="", ext="", timeout=5, retries=10, file_retries=0): if base.startswith("/"): base="file://%s" % base # default retries for file is 0. for network is 10 if base.startswith("file://"): retries = file_retries if base.find("%s") >= 0: ud_url = base % ("user-data" + ext) md_url = base % ("meta-data" + ext) else: ud_url = "%s%s%s" % (base, "user-data", ext) md_url = "%s%s%s" % (base, "meta-data", ext) raise_err = None for attempt in range(0,retries+1): try: md_str = readurl(md_url, timeout=timeout) ud = readurl(ud_url, timeout=timeout) md = yaml.load(md_str) return(md,ud) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: raise_err = e except urllib2.URLError as e: raise_err = e if isinstance(e.reason,OSError) and e.reason.errno == errno.ENOENT: raise_err = e.reason if attempt == retries: break #print "%s failed, sleeping" % attempt time.sleep(1) raise(raise_err) def logexc(log,lvl=logging.DEBUG): log.log(lvl,traceback.format_exc()) class RecursiveInclude(Exception): pass def read_file_with_includes(fname, rel = ".", stack=[], patt = None): if not fname.startswith("/"): fname = os.sep.join((rel, fname)) fname = os.path.realpath(fname) if fname in stack: raise(RecursiveInclude("%s recursively included" % fname)) if len(stack) > 10: raise(RecursiveInclude("%s included, stack size = %i" % (fname, len(stack)))) if patt == None: patt = re.compile("^#(opt_include|include)[ \t].*$",re.MULTILINE) try: fp = open(fname) contents = fp.read() fp.close() except: raise rel = os.path.dirname(fname) stack.append(fname) cur = 0 clen = len(contents) while True: match = patt.search(contents[cur:]) if not match: break loc = match.start() + cur endl = match.end() + cur (key, cur_fname) = contents[loc:endl].split(None,2) cur_fname = cur_fname.strip() try: inc_contents = read_file_with_includes(cur_fname, rel, stack, patt) except IOError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT and key == "#opt_include": inc_contents = "" else: raise contents = contents[0:loc] + inc_contents + contents[endl+1:] cur = loc + len(inc_contents) stack.pop() return(contents) def read_conf_d(confd): # get reverse sorted list (later trumps newer) confs = sorted(os.listdir(confd),reverse=True) # remove anything not ending in '.cfg' confs = filter(lambda f: f.endswith(".cfg"), confs) # remove anything not a file confs = filter(lambda f: os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (confd,f)),confs) cfg = { } for conf in confs: cfg = mergedict(cfg,read_conf("%s/%s" % (confd,conf))) return(cfg) def read_conf_with_confd(cfgfile): cfg = read_conf(cfgfile) confd = False if "conf_d" in cfg: if cfg['conf_d'] is not None: confd = cfg['conf_d'] if not isinstance(confd,str): raise Exception("cfgfile %s contains 'conf_d' with non-string" % cfgfile) elif os.path.isdir("%s.d" % cfgfile): confd = "%s.d" % cfgfile if not confd: return(cfg) confd_cfg = read_conf_d(confd) return(mergedict(confd_cfg,cfg)) def get_cmdline(): if 'DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE' in os.environ: cmdline = os.environ["DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE"] else: try: cmdfp = open("/proc/cmdline") cmdline = cmdfp.read().strip() cmdfp.close() except: cmdline = "" return(cmdline) def read_cc_from_cmdline(cmdline=None): # this should support reading cloud-config information from # the kernel command line. It is intended to support content of the # format: # cc: <yaml content here> [end_cc] # this would include: # cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, kirkland]\\n # cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob]\\nruncmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ] end_cc # cc:ssh_import_id: [smoser] end_cc cc:runcmd: [ [ ls, -l ] ] end_cc if cmdline is None: cmdline = get_cmdline() tag_begin="cc:" tag_end="end_cc" begin_l = len(tag_begin) end_l = len(tag_end) clen = len(cmdline) tokens = [ ] begin = cmdline.find(tag_begin) while begin >= 0: end = cmdline.find(tag_end, begin + begin_l) if end < 0: end = clen tokens.append(cmdline[begin+begin_l:end].lstrip().replace("\\n","\n")) begin = cmdline.find(tag_begin, end + end_l) return('\n'.join(tokens)) def ensure_dirs(dirlist, mode=0755): fixmodes = [] for d in dirlist: try: if mode != None: os.makedirs(d) else: os.makedirs(d, mode) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise if mode != None: fixmodes.append(d) for d in fixmodes: os.chmod(d, mode) def chownbyname(fname,user=None,group=None): uid = -1 gid = -1 if user == None and group == None: return if user: import pwd uid = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_uid if group: import grp gid = grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid os.chown(fname,uid,gid) def readurl(url, data=None, timeout=None): openargs = { } if timeout != None: openargs['timeout'] = timeout if data is None: req = urllib2.Request(url) else: encoded = urllib.urlencode(data) req = urllib2.Request(url, encoded) response = urllib2.urlopen(req, **openargs) return(response.read()) # shellify, takes a list of commands # for each entry in the list # if it is an array, shell protect it (with single ticks) # if it is a string, do nothing def shellify(cmdlist): content="#!/bin/sh\n" escaped="%s%s%s%s" % ( "'", '\\', "'", "'" ) for args in cmdlist: # if the item is a list, wrap all items in single tick # if its not, then just write it directly if isinstance(args,list): fixed = [ ] for f in args: fixed.append("'%s'" % str(f).replace("'",escaped)) content="%s%s\n" % ( content, ' '.join(fixed) ) else: content="%s%s\n" % ( content, str(args) ) return content def dos2unix(input): # find first end of line pos = input.find('\n') if pos <= 0 or input[pos-1] != '\r': return(input) return(input.replace('\r\n','\n')) def islxc(): # is this host running lxc? try: with open("/proc/1/cgroup") as f: if f.read() == "/": return True except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise try: # try to run a program named 'lxc-is-container'. if it returns true, then # we're inside a container. otherwise, no sp = subprocess.Popen(['lxc-is-container'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out,err = sp.communicate(None) return(sp.returncode == 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise return False def get_hostname_fqdn(cfg, cloud): # return the hostname and fqdn from 'cfg'. If not found in cfg, # then fall back to data from cloud if "fqdn" in cfg: # user specified a fqdn. Default hostname then is based off that fqdn = cfg['fqdn'] hostname = get_cfg_option_str(cfg,"hostname",fqdn.split('.')[0]) else: if "hostname" in cfg and cfg['hostname'].find('.') > 0: # user specified hostname, and it had '.' in it # be nice to them. set fqdn and hostname from that fqdn = cfg['hostname'] hostname = cfg['hostname'][:fqdn.find('.')] else: # no fqdn set, get fqdn from cloud. # get hostname from cfg if available otherwise cloud fqdn = cloud.get_hostname(fqdn=True) if "hostname" in cfg: hostname = cfg['hostname'] else: hostname = cloud.get_hostname() return(hostname, fqdn) def get_fqdn_from_hosts(hostname, filename="/etc/hosts"): # this parses /etc/hosts to get a fqdn. It should return the same # result as 'hostname -f <hostname>' if /etc/hosts.conf # did not have did not have 'bind' in the order attribute fqdn = None try: with open(filename, "r") as hfp: for line in hfp.readlines(): hashpos = line.find("#") if hashpos >= 0: line = line[0:hashpos] toks = line.split() # if there there is less than 3 entries (ip, canonical, alias) # then ignore this line if len(toks) < 3: continue if hostname in toks[2:]: fqdn = toks[1] break hfp.close() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass return fqdn