# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import os from tests.cloud_tests import config, util from tests.cloud_tests import LOG ARG_SETS = { 'COLLECT': ( (('-p', '--platform'), {'help': 'platform(s) to run tests on', 'metavar': 'PLATFORM', 'action': 'append', 'choices': config.list_enabled_platforms(), 'default': []}), (('-n', '--os-name'), {'help': 'the name(s) of the OS(s) to test', 'metavar': 'NAME', 'action': 'append', 'choices': config.list_enabled_distros(), 'default': []}), (('-t', '--test-config'), {'help': 'test config file(s) to use', 'metavar': 'FILE', 'action': 'append', 'default': []}),), 'CREATE': ( (('-c', '--config'), {'help': 'cloud-config yaml for testcase', 'metavar': 'DATA', 'action': 'store', 'required': False, 'default': None}), (('-e', '--enable'), {'help': 'enable testcase', 'required': False, 'default': False, 'action': 'store_true'}), (('name',), {'help': 'testcase name, in format "<category>/<test>"', 'action': 'store'}), (('-d', '--description'), {'help': 'description of testcase', 'required': False}), (('-f', '--force'), {'help': 'overwrite already existing test', 'required': False, 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),), 'INTERFACE': ( (('-v', '--verbose'), {'help': 'verbose output', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}), (('-q', '--quiet'), {'help': 'quiet output', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),), 'OUTPUT': ( (('-d', '--data-dir'), {'help': 'directory to store test data in', 'action': 'store', 'metavar': 'DIR', 'required': True}),), 'RESULT': ( (('-r', '--result'), {'help': 'file to write results to', 'action': 'store', 'metavar': 'FILE'}),), 'SETUP': ( (('--deb',), {'help': 'install deb', 'metavar': 'FILE', 'action': 'store'}), (('--rpm',), {'help': 'install rpm', 'metavar': 'FILE', 'action': 'store'}), (('--script',), {'help': 'script to set up image', 'metavar': 'DATA', 'action': 'store'}), (('--repo',), {'help': 'repo to enable (implies -u)', 'metavar': 'NAME', 'action': 'store'}), (('--ppa',), {'help': 'ppa to enable (implies -u)', 'metavar': 'NAME', 'action': 'store'}), (('-u', '--upgrade'), {'help': 'upgrade before starting tests', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False}),), } SUBCMDS = { 'collect': ('collect test data', ('COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT', 'SETUP')), 'create': ('create new test case', ('CREATE', 'INTERFACE')), 'run': ('run test suite', ('COLLECT', 'INTERFACE', 'RESULT', 'SETUP')), 'verify': ('verify test data', ('INTERFACE', 'OUTPUT', 'RESULT')), } def _empty_normalizer(args): """ do not normalize arguments """ return args def normalize_create_args(args): """ normalize CREATE arguments args: parsed args return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred """ # ensure valid name for new test if len(args.name.split('/')) != 2: LOG.error('invalid test name: %s', args.name) return None if os.path.exists(config.name_to_path(args.name)): msg = 'test: {} already exists'.format(args.name) if args.force: LOG.warning('%s but ignoring due to --force', msg) else: LOG.error(msg) return None # ensure test config valid if specified if isinstance(args.config, str) and len(args.config) == 0: LOG.error('test config cannot be empty if specified') return None # ensure description valid if specified if (isinstance(args.description, str) and (len(args.description) > 70 or len(args.description) == 0)): LOG.error('test description must be between 1 and 70 characters') return None return args def normalize_collect_args(args): """ normalize COLLECT arguments args: parsed args return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred """ # platform should default to all supported if len(args.platform) == 0: args.platform = config.list_enabled_platforms() args.platform = util.sorted_unique(args.platform) # os name should default to all enabled # if os name is provided ensure that all provided are supported if len(args.os_name) == 0: args.os_name = config.list_enabled_distros() else: supported = config.list_enabled_distros() invalid = [os_name for os_name in args.os_name if os_name not in supported] if len(invalid) != 0: LOG.error('invalid os name(s): %s', invalid) return None args.os_name = util.sorted_unique(args.os_name) # test configs should default to all enabled # if test configs are provided, ensure that all provided are valid if len(args.test_config) == 0: args.test_config = config.list_test_configs() else: valid = [] invalid = [] for name in args.test_config: if os.path.exists(name): valid.append(name) elif os.path.exists(config.name_to_path(name)): valid.append(config.name_to_path(name)) else: invalid.append(name) if len(invalid) != 0: LOG.error('invalid test config(s): %s', invalid) return None else: args.test_config = valid args.test_config = util.sorted_unique(args.test_config) return args def normalize_output_args(args): """ normalize OUTPUT arguments args: parsed args return_value: updated args, or None if errors occurred """ if not args.data_dir: LOG.error('--data-dir must be specified') return None # ensure clean output dir if collect # ensure data exists if verify if args.subcmd == 'collect': if not util.is_clean_writable_dir(args.data_dir): LOG.error('data_dir must be empty/new and must be writable') return None elif args.subcmd == 'verify': if not os.path.exists(args.data_dir): LOG.error('data_dir %s does not exist', args.data_dir) return None return args def normalize_setup_args(args): """ normalize SETUP arguments args: parsed args return_value: updated_args, or None if errors occurred """ # ensure deb or rpm valid if specified for pkg in (args.deb, args.rpm): if pkg is not None and not os.path.exists(pkg): LOG.error('cannot find package: %s', pkg) return None # if repo or ppa to be enabled run upgrade if args.repo or args.ppa: args.upgrade = True # if ppa is specified, remove leading 'ppa:' if any _ppa_header = 'ppa:' if args.ppa and args.ppa.startswith(_ppa_header): args.ppa = args.ppa[len(_ppa_header):] return args NORMALIZERS = { 'COLLECT': normalize_collect_args, 'CREATE': normalize_create_args, 'INTERFACE': _empty_normalizer, 'OUTPUT': normalize_output_args, 'RESULT': _empty_normalizer, 'SETUP': normalize_setup_args, } # 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