# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Base Azure Cloud instance.""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta from urllib.parse import urlparse from time import sleep import traceback import os # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService, BlobPermissions from msrestazure.azure_exceptions import CloudError from tests.cloud_tests import LOG from ..instances import Instance class AzureCloudInstance(Instance): """Azure Cloud backed instance.""" platform_name = 'azurecloud' def __init__(self, platform, properties, config, features, image_id, user_data=None): """Set up instance. @param platform: platform object @param properties: dictionary of properties @param config: dictionary of configuration values @param features: dictionary of supported feature flags @param image_id: image to find and/or use @param user_data: test user-data to pass to instance """ super(AzureCloudInstance, self).__init__( platform, image_id, properties, config, features) self.ssh_port = 22 self.ssh_ip = None self.instance = None self.image_id = image_id self.vm_name = 'ci-azure-i-%s' % self.platform.tag self.user_data = user_data self.ssh_key_file = os.path.join( platform.config['data_dir'], platform.config['private_key']) self.ssh_pubkey_file = os.path.join( platform.config['data_dir'], platform.config['public_key']) self.blob_client, self.container, self.blob = None, None, None def start(self, wait=True, wait_for_cloud_init=False): """Start instance with the platforms NIC.""" if self.instance: return data = self.image_id.split('-') release, support = data[2].replace('_', '.'), data[3] sku = '%s-%s' % (release, support) if support == 'LTS' else release image_resource_id = '/subscriptions/%s' \ '/resourceGroups/%s' \ '/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/%s' % ( self.platform.subscription_id, self.platform.resource_group.name, self.image_id) storage_uri = "http://%s.blob.core.windows.net" \ % self.platform.storage.name with open(self.ssh_pubkey_file, 'r') as key: ssh_pub_keydata = key.read() image_exists = False try: LOG.debug('finding image in resource group using image_id') self.platform.compute_client.images.get( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.image_id ) image_exists = True LOG.debug('image found, launching instance, image_id=%s', self.image_id) except CloudError: LOG.debug(('image not found, launching instance with base image, ' 'image_id=%s'), self.image_id) pass vm_params = { 'name': self.vm_name, 'location': self.platform.location, 'os_profile': { 'computer_name': 'CI-%s' % self.platform.tag, 'admin_username': self.ssh_username, "customData": self.user_data, "linuxConfiguration": { "disable_password_authentication": True, "ssh": { "public_keys": [{ "path": "/home/%s/.ssh/authorized_keys" % self.ssh_username, "keyData": ssh_pub_keydata }] } } }, "diagnosticsProfile": { "bootDiagnostics": { "storageUri": storage_uri, "enabled": True } }, 'hardware_profile': { 'vm_size': self.platform.vm_size }, 'storage_profile': { 'image_reference': { 'id': image_resource_id } if image_exists else { 'publisher': 'Canonical', 'offer': 'UbuntuServer', 'sku': sku, 'version': 'latest' } }, 'network_profile': { 'network_interfaces': [{ 'id': self.platform.nic.id }] }, 'tags': { 'Name': self.platform.tag, } } try: self.instance = self.platform.compute_client.virtual_machines.\ create_or_update(self.platform.resource_group.name, self.vm_name, vm_params) LOG.debug('creating instance %s from image_id=%s', self.vm_name, self.image_id) except CloudError: raise RuntimeError('failed creating instance:\n{}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) if wait: self.instance.wait() self.ssh_ip = self.platform.network_client.\ public_ip_addresses.get( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.platform.public_ip.name ).ip_address self._wait_for_system(wait_for_cloud_init) self.instance = self.instance.result() self.blob_client, self.container, self.blob =\ self._get_blob_client() def shutdown(self, wait=True): """Finds console log then stopping/deallocates VM""" LOG.debug('waiting on console log before stopping') attempts, exists = 5, False while not exists and attempts: try: attempts -= 1 exists = self.blob_client.get_blob_to_bytes( self.container, self.blob) LOG.debug('found console log') except Exception as e: if attempts: LOG.debug('Unable to find console log, ' '%s attempts remaining', attempts) sleep(15) else: LOG.warning('Could not find console log: %s', e) pass LOG.debug('stopping instance %s', self.image_id) vm_deallocate = \ self.platform.compute_client.virtual_machines.deallocate( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.image_id) if wait: vm_deallocate.wait() def destroy(self): """Delete VM and close all connections""" if self.instance: LOG.debug('destroying instance: %s', self.image_id) vm_delete = self.platform.compute_client.virtual_machines.delete( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.image_id) vm_delete.wait() self._ssh_close() super(AzureCloudInstance, self).destroy() def _execute(self, command, stdin=None, env=None): """Execute command on instance.""" env_args = [] if env: env_args = ['env'] + ["%s=%s" for k, v in env.items()] return self._ssh(['sudo'] + env_args + list(command), stdin=stdin) def _get_blob_client(self): """ Use VM details to retrieve container and blob name. Then Create blob service client for sas token to retrieve console log. :return: blob service, container name, blob name """ LOG.debug('creating blob service for console log') storage = self.platform.storage_client.storage_accounts.get_properties( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.platform.storage.name) keys = self.platform.storage_client.storage_accounts.list_keys( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.platform.storage.name ).keys[0].value virtual_machine = self.platform.compute_client.virtual_machines.get( self.platform.resource_group.name, self.instance.name, expand='instanceView') blob_uri = virtual_machine.instance_view.boot_diagnostics.\ serial_console_log_blob_uri container, blob = urlparse(blob_uri).path.split('/')[-2:] blob_client = BlockBlobService( account_name=storage.name, account_key=keys) sas = blob_client.generate_blob_shared_access_signature( container_name=container, blob_name=blob, protocol='https', expiry=datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=1), permission=BlobPermissions.READ) blob_client = BlockBlobService( account_name=storage.name, sas_token=sas) return blob_client, container, blob def console_log(self): """Instance console. @return_value: bytes of this instance’s console """ boot_diagnostics = self.blob_client.get_blob_to_bytes( self.container, self.blob) return boot_diagnostics.content