# # Create groups and users with various options # required_features: - ubuntu_user cloud_config: | #cloud-config # Add groups to the system groups: - secret: [foobar,barfoo] - cloud-users # Add users to the system. Users are added after groups are added. users: - default - name: foobar gecos: Foo B. Bar primary-group: foobar groups: users expiredate: 2038-01-19 lock_passwd: false passwd: $6$j212wezy$7H/1LT4f9/N3wpgNunhsIqtMj62OKiS3nyNwuizouQc3u7MbYCarYeAHWYPYb2FT.lbioDm2RrkJPb9BZMN1O/ - name: barfoo gecos: Bar B. Foo sudo: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL groups: cloud-users lock_passwd: true - name: cloudy gecos: Magic Cloud App Daemon User inactive: true system: true collect_scripts: group_ubuntu: | #!/bin/bash getent group ubuntu group_cloud_users: | #!/bin/bash getent group cloud-users user_ubuntu: | #!/bin/bash getent passwd ubuntu user_foobar: | #!/bin/bash getent passwd foobar user_barfoo: | #!/bin/bash getent passwd barfoo user_cloudy: | #!/bin/bash getent passwd cloudy # vi: ts=4 expandtab