# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import datetime import logging import pytest import os import sys from tarfile import TarFile from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from tests.integration_tests import integration_settings from tests.integration_tests.clouds import ( AzureCloud, Ec2Cloud, GceCloud, ImageSpecification, IntegrationCloud, LxdContainerCloud, LxdVmCloud, OciCloud, ) from tests.integration_tests.instances import ( CloudInitSource, IntegrationInstance, ) log = logging.getLogger('integration_testing') log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) platforms = { 'ec2': Ec2Cloud, 'gce': GceCloud, 'azure': AzureCloud, 'oci': OciCloud, 'lxd_container': LxdContainerCloud, 'lxd_vm': LxdVmCloud, } os_list = ["ubuntu"] session_start_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d%H%M%S') def pytest_runtest_setup(item): """Skip tests on unsupported clouds. A test can take any number of marks to specify the platforms it can run on. If a platform(s) is specified and we're not running on that platform, then skip the test. If platform specific marks are not specified, then we assume the test can be run anywhere. """ all_platforms = platforms.keys() test_marks = [mark.name for mark in item.iter_markers()] supported_platforms = set(all_platforms).intersection(test_marks) current_platform = integration_settings.PLATFORM unsupported_message = 'Cannot run on platform {}'.format(current_platform) if 'no_container' in test_marks: if 'lxd_container' in test_marks: raise Exception( 'lxd_container and no_container marks simultaneously set ' 'on test' ) if current_platform == 'lxd_container': pytest.skip(unsupported_message) if supported_platforms and current_platform not in supported_platforms: pytest.skip(unsupported_message) image = ImageSpecification.from_os_image() current_os = image.os supported_os_set = set(os_list).intersection(test_marks) if current_os and supported_os_set and current_os not in supported_os_set: pytest.skip("Cannot run on OS {}".format(current_os)) # disable_subp_usage is defined at a higher level, but we don't # want it applied here @pytest.fixture() def disable_subp_usage(request): pass @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def session_cloud(): if integration_settings.PLATFORM not in platforms.keys(): raise ValueError( "{} is an invalid PLATFORM specified in settings. " "Must be one of {}".format( integration_settings.PLATFORM, list(platforms.keys()) ) ) cloud = platforms[integration_settings.PLATFORM]() cloud.emit_settings_to_log() yield cloud try: cloud.delete_snapshot() finally: cloud.destroy() def get_validated_source( source=integration_settings.CLOUD_INIT_SOURCE ) -> CloudInitSource: if source == 'NONE': return CloudInitSource.NONE elif source == 'IN_PLACE': if session_cloud.datasource not in ['lxd_container', 'lxd_vm']: raise ValueError( 'IN_PLACE as CLOUD_INIT_SOURCE only works for LXD') return CloudInitSource.IN_PLACE elif source == 'PROPOSED': return CloudInitSource.PROPOSED elif source.startswith('ppa:'): return CloudInitSource.PPA elif os.path.isfile(str(source)): return CloudInitSource.DEB_PACKAGE raise ValueError( 'Invalid value for CLOUD_INIT_SOURCE setting: {}'.format(source)) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def setup_image(session_cloud: IntegrationCloud): """Setup the target environment with the correct version of cloud-init. So we can launch instances / run tests with the correct image """ source = get_validated_source() if not source.installs_new_version(): return log.info('Setting up environment for %s', session_cloud.datasource) client = session_cloud.launch() client.install_new_cloud_init(source) # Even if we're keeping instances, we don't want to keep this # one around as it was just for image creation client.destroy() log.info('Done with environment setup') def _collect_logs(instance: IntegrationInstance, node_id: str, test_failed: bool): """Collect logs from remote instance. Args: instance: The current IntegrationInstance to collect logs from node_id: The pytest representation of this test, E.g.: tests/integration_tests/test_example.py::TestExample.test_example test_failed: If test failed or not """ if any([ integration_settings.COLLECT_LOGS == 'NEVER', integration_settings.COLLECT_LOGS == 'ON_ERROR' and not test_failed ]): return instance.execute( 'cloud-init collect-logs -u -t /var/tmp/cloud-init.tar.gz') node_id_path = Path( node_id .replace('.py', '') # Having a directory with '.py' would be weird .replace('::', os.path.sep) # Turn classes/tests into paths .replace('[', '-') # For parametrized names .replace(']', '') # For parameterized names ) log_dir = Path( integration_settings.LOCAL_LOG_PATH ) / session_start_time / node_id_path if not log_dir.exists(): log_dir.mkdir(parents=True) tarball_path = log_dir / 'cloud-init.tar.gz' instance.pull_file('/var/tmp/cloud-init.tar.gz', tarball_path) tarball = TarFile.open(str(tarball_path)) tarball.extractall(path=str(log_dir)) tarball_path.unlink() @contextmanager def _client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud): """Fixture implementation for the client fixtures. Launch the dynamic IntegrationClient instance using any provided userdata, yield to the test, then cleanup """ user_data = fixture_utils.closest_marker_first_arg_or( request, 'user_data', None) name = fixture_utils.closest_marker_first_arg_or( request, 'instance_name', None ) launch_kwargs = {} if name is not None: launch_kwargs = {"name": name} with session_cloud.launch( user_data=user_data, launch_kwargs=launch_kwargs ) as instance: previous_failures = request.session.testsfailed yield instance test_failed = request.session.testsfailed - previous_failures > 0 _collect_logs(instance, request.node.nodeid, test_failed) @pytest.yield_fixture def client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud, setup_image): """Provide a client that runs for every test.""" with _client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud) as client: yield client @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='module') def module_client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud, setup_image): """Provide a client that runs once per module.""" with _client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud) as client: yield client @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='class') def class_client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud, setup_image): """Provide a client that runs once per class.""" with _client(request, fixture_utils, session_cloud) as client: yield client def pytest_assertrepr_compare(op, left, right): """Custom integration test assertion explanations. See https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/assert.html#defining-your-own-explanation-for-failed-assertions for pytest's documentation. """ if op == "not in" and isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str): # This stanza emits an improved assertion message if we're testing for # the presence of a string within a cloud-init log: it will report only # the specific lines containing the string (instead of the full log, # the default behaviour). potential_log_lines = right.splitlines() first_line = potential_log_lines[0] if "DEBUG" in first_line and "Cloud-init" in first_line: # We are looking at a cloud-init log, so just pick out the relevant # lines found_lines = [ line for line in potential_log_lines if left in line ] return [ '"{}" not in cloud-init.log string; unexpectedly found on' " these lines:".format(left) ] + found_lines