# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import json import logging import os import shutil import six import tempfile from cloudinit import cloud from cloudinit.config import cc_chef from cloudinit import distros from cloudinit import helpers from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceNone from cloudinit import util from .. import helpers as t_help LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CLIENT_TEMPL = os.path.sep.join(["templates", "chef_client.rb.tmpl"]) class TestChef(t_help.FilesystemMockingTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestChef, self).setUp() self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.tmp) def fetch_cloud(self, distro_kind): cls = distros.fetch(distro_kind) paths = helpers.Paths({}) distro = cls(distro_kind, {}, paths) ds = DataSourceNone.DataSourceNone({}, distro, paths, None) return cloud.Cloud(ds, paths, {}, distro, None) def test_no_config(self): self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) cfg = {} cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) for d in cc_chef.CHEF_DIRS: self.assertFalse(os.path.isdir(d)) @t_help.skipIf(not os.path.isfile(CLIENT_TEMPL), CLIENT_TEMPL + " is not available") def test_basic_config(self): """ test basic config looks sane # This should create a file of the format... # Created by cloud-init v. 0.7.6 on Sat, 11 Oct 2014 23:57:21 +0000 log_level :info ssl_verify_mode :verify_none log_location "/var/log/chef/client.log" validation_client_name "bob" validation_key "/etc/chef/validation.pem" client_key "/etc/chef/client.pem" chef_server_url "localhost" environment "_default" node_name "iid-datasource-none" json_attribs "/etc/chef/firstboot.json" file_cache_path "/var/cache/chef" file_backup_path "/var/backups/chef" pid_file "/var/run/chef/client.pid" Chef::Log::Formatter.show_time = true """ tpl_file = util.load_file('templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl') self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) util.write_file('/etc/cloud/templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl', tpl_file) cfg = { 'chef': { 'server_url': 'localhost', 'validation_name': 'bob', 'validation_key': "/etc/chef/vkey.pem", 'validation_cert': "this is my cert", }, } cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) for d in cc_chef.CHEF_DIRS: self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir(d)) c = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_RB_PATH) # the content of these keys is not expected to be rendered to tmpl unrendered_keys = ('validation_cert',) for k, v in cfg['chef'].items(): if k in unrendered_keys: continue self.assertIn(v, c) for k, v in cc_chef.CHEF_RB_TPL_DEFAULTS.items(): if k in unrendered_keys: continue # the value from the cfg overrides that in the default val = cfg['chef'].get(k, v) if isinstance(val, six.string_types): self.assertIn(val, c) c = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_FB_PATH) self.assertEqual({}, json.loads(c)) def test_firstboot_json(self): self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) cfg = { 'chef': { 'server_url': 'localhost', 'validation_name': 'bob', 'run_list': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'initial_attributes': { 'c': 'd', } }, } cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) c = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_FB_PATH) self.assertEqual( { 'run_list': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c': 'd', }, json.loads(c)) @t_help.skipIf(not os.path.isfile(CLIENT_TEMPL), CLIENT_TEMPL + " is not available") def test_template_deletes(self): tpl_file = util.load_file('templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl') self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) util.write_file('/etc/cloud/templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl', tpl_file) cfg = { 'chef': { 'server_url': 'localhost', 'validation_name': 'bob', 'json_attribs': None, 'show_time': None, }, } cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) c = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_RB_PATH) self.assertNotIn('json_attribs', c) self.assertNotIn('Formatter.show_time', c) @t_help.skipIf(not os.path.isfile(CLIENT_TEMPL), CLIENT_TEMPL + " is not available") def test_validation_cert_and_validation_key(self): # test validation_cert content is written to validation_key path tpl_file = util.load_file('templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl') self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) util.write_file('/etc/cloud/templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl', tpl_file) v_path = '/etc/chef/vkey.pem' v_cert = 'this is my cert' cfg = { 'chef': { 'server_url': 'localhost', 'validation_name': 'bob', 'validation_key': v_path, 'validation_cert': v_cert }, } cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) content = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_RB_PATH) self.assertIn(v_path, content) util.load_file(v_path) self.assertEqual(v_cert, util.load_file(v_path)) def test_validation_cert_with_system(self): # test validation_cert content is not written over system file tpl_file = util.load_file('templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl') self.patchUtils(self.tmp) self.patchOS(self.tmp) v_path = '/etc/chef/vkey.pem' v_cert = "system" expected_cert = "this is the system file certificate" cfg = { 'chef': { 'server_url': 'localhost', 'validation_name': 'bob', 'validation_key': v_path, 'validation_cert': v_cert }, } util.write_file('/etc/cloud/templates/chef_client.rb.tmpl', tpl_file) util.write_file(v_path, expected_cert) cc_chef.handle('chef', cfg, self.fetch_cloud('ubuntu'), LOG, []) content = util.load_file(cc_chef.CHEF_RB_PATH) self.assertIn(v_path, content) util.load_file(v_path) self.assertEqual(expected_cert, util.load_file(v_path)) # 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