# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import cloudinit from cloudinit.config.schema import ( CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER, SchemaValidationError, annotated_cloudconfig_file, get_schema_doc, get_schema, validate_cloudconfig_file, validate_cloudconfig_schema, main) from cloudinit.util import write_file from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock, skipUnlessJsonSchema from copy import copy import itertools import pytest from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from yaml import safe_load class GetSchemaTest(CiTestCase): def test_get_schema_coalesces_known_schema(self): """Every cloudconfig module with schema is listed in allOf keyword.""" schema = get_schema() self.assertCountEqual( [ 'cc_apk_configure', 'cc_apt_configure', 'cc_bootcmd', 'cc_locale', 'cc_ntp', 'cc_resizefs', 'cc_runcmd', 'cc_snap', 'cc_ubuntu_advantage', 'cc_ubuntu_drivers', 'cc_write_files', 'cc_zypper_add_repo', 'cc_chef' ], [subschema['id'] for subschema in schema['allOf']]) self.assertEqual('cloud-config-schema', schema['id']) self.assertEqual( 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#', schema['$schema']) # FULL_SCHEMA is updated by the get_schema call from cloudinit.config.schema import FULL_SCHEMA self.assertCountEqual(['id', '$schema', 'allOf'], FULL_SCHEMA.keys()) def test_get_schema_returns_global_when_set(self): """When FULL_SCHEMA global is already set, get_schema returns it.""" m_schema_path = 'cloudinit.config.schema.FULL_SCHEMA' with mock.patch(m_schema_path, {'here': 'iam'}): self.assertEqual({'here': 'iam'}, get_schema()) class SchemaValidationErrorTest(CiTestCase): """Test validate_cloudconfig_schema""" def test_schema_validation_error_expects_schema_errors(self): """SchemaValidationError is initialized from schema_errors.""" errors = (('key.path', 'unexpected key "junk"'), ('key2.path', '"-123" is not a valid "hostname" format')) exception = SchemaValidationError(schema_errors=errors) self.assertIsInstance(exception, Exception) self.assertEqual(exception.schema_errors, errors) self.assertEqual( 'Cloud config schema errors: key.path: unexpected key "junk", ' 'key2.path: "-123" is not a valid "hostname" format', str(exception)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(exception, ValueError)) class ValidateCloudConfigSchemaTest(CiTestCase): """Tests for validate_cloudconfig_schema.""" with_logs = True @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_schema_non_strict_emits_warnings(self): """When strict is False validate_cloudconfig_schema emits warnings.""" schema = {'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string'}}} validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': -1}, schema, strict=False) self.assertIn( "Invalid config:\np1: -1 is not of type 'string'\n", self.logs.getvalue()) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_schema_emits_warning_on_missing_jsonschema(self): """Warning from validate_cloudconfig_schema when missing jsonschema.""" schema = {'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string'}}} with mock.patch.dict('sys.modules', **{'jsonschema': ImportError()}): validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': -1}, schema, strict=True) self.assertIn( 'Ignoring schema validation. python-jsonschema is not present', self.logs.getvalue()) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_schema_strict_raises_errors(self): """When strict is True validate_cloudconfig_schema raises errors.""" schema = {'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string'}}} with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': -1}, schema, strict=True) self.assertEqual( "Cloud config schema errors: p1: -1 is not of type 'string'", str(context_mgr.exception)) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_schema_honors_formats(self): """With strict True, validate_cloudconfig_schema errors on format.""" schema = { 'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'email'}}} with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_schema({'p1': '-1'}, schema, strict=True) self.assertEqual( "Cloud config schema errors: p1: '-1' is not a 'email'", str(context_mgr.exception)) class TestCloudConfigExamples: schema = get_schema() params = [ (schema["id"], example) for schema in schema["allOf"] for example in schema["examples"]] @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_id,example", params) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_schema_of_example(self, schema_id, example): """ For a given example in a config module we test if it is valid according to the unified schema of all config modules """ config_load = safe_load(example) validate_cloudconfig_schema( config_load, self.schema, strict=True) class ValidateCloudConfigFileTest(CiTestCase): """Tests for validate_cloudconfig_file.""" def setUp(self): super(ValidateCloudConfigFileTest, self).setUp() self.config_file = self.tmp_path('cloudcfg.yaml') def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_absent_file(self): """On absent config_path, validate_cloudconfig_file errors.""" with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_file('/not/here', {}) self.assertEqual( 'Configfile /not/here does not exist', str(context_mgr.exception)) def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_invalid_header(self): """On invalid header, validate_cloudconfig_file errors. A SchemaValidationError is raised when the file doesn't begin with CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER. """ write_file(self.config_file, '#junk') with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, {}) self.assertEqual( 'Cloud config schema errors: format-l1.c1: File {0} needs to begin' ' with "{1}"'.format( self.config_file, CLOUD_CONFIG_HEADER.decode()), str(context_mgr.exception)) def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_non_yaml_scanner_error(self): """On non-yaml scan issues, validate_cloudconfig_file errors.""" # Generate a scanner error by providing text on a single line with # improper indent. write_file(self.config_file, '#cloud-config\nasdf:\nasdf') with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, {}) self.assertIn( 'schema errors: format-l3.c1: File {0} is not valid yaml.'.format( self.config_file), str(context_mgr.exception)) def test_validateconfig_file_error_on_non_yaml_parser_error(self): """On non-yaml parser issues, validate_cloudconfig_file errors.""" write_file(self.config_file, '#cloud-config\n{}}') with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, {}) self.assertIn( 'schema errors: format-l2.c3: File {0} is not valid yaml.'.format( self.config_file), str(context_mgr.exception)) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_validateconfig_file_sctrictly_validates_schema(self): """validate_cloudconfig_file raises errors on invalid schema.""" schema = { 'properties': {'p1': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'string'}}} write_file(self.config_file, '#cloud-config\np1: -1') with self.assertRaises(SchemaValidationError) as context_mgr: validate_cloudconfig_file(self.config_file, schema) self.assertEqual( "Cloud config schema errors: p1: -1 is not of type 'string'", str(context_mgr.exception)) class GetSchemaDocTest(CiTestCase): """Tests for get_schema_doc.""" def setUp(self): super(GetSchemaDocTest, self).setUp() self.required_schema = { 'title': 'title', 'description': 'description', 'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'frequency': 'frequency', 'distros': ['debian', 'rhel']} def test_get_schema_doc_returns_restructured_text(self): """get_schema_doc returns restructured text for a cloudinit schema.""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'properties': { 'prop1': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'prop-description', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}}}}) self.assertEqual( dedent(""" name ---- **Summary:** title description **Internal name:** ``id`` **Module frequency:** frequency **Supported distros:** debian, rhel **Config schema**: **prop1:** (array of integer) prop-description\n\n"""), get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_handles_multiple_types(self): """get_schema_doc delimits multiple property types with a '/'.""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'properties': { 'prop1': {'type': ['string', 'integer'], 'description': 'prop-description'}}}) self.assertIn( '**prop1:** (string/integer) prop-description', get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_handles_enum_types(self): """get_schema_doc converts enum types to yaml and delimits with '/'.""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'properties': { 'prop1': {'enum': [True, False, 'stuff'], 'description': 'prop-description'}}}) self.assertIn( '**prop1:** (true/false/stuff) prop-description', get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_handles_nested_oneof_property_types(self): """get_schema_doc describes array items oneOf declarations in type.""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'properties': { 'prop1': {'type': 'array', 'items': { 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'integer'}]}, 'description': 'prop-description'}}}) self.assertIn( '**prop1:** (array of (string)/(integer)) prop-description', get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_handles_string_examples(self): """get_schema_doc properly indented examples as a list of strings.""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'examples': ['ex1:\n [don\'t, expand, "this"]', 'ex2: true'], 'properties': { 'prop1': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'prop-description', 'items': {'type': 'integer'}}}}) self.assertIn( dedent(""" **Config schema**: **prop1:** (array of integer) prop-description **Examples**:: ex1: [don't, expand, "this"] # --- Example2 --- ex2: true """), get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_properly_parse_description(self): """get_schema_doc description properly formatted""" full_schema = copy(self.required_schema) full_schema.update( {'properties': { 'p1': { 'type': 'string', 'description': dedent("""\ This item has the following options: - option1 - option2 - option3 The default value is option1""") } }} ) self.assertIn( dedent(""" **Config schema**: **p1:** (string) This item has the following options: - option1 - option2 - option3 The default value is option1 """), get_schema_doc(full_schema)) def test_get_schema_doc_raises_key_errors(self): """get_schema_doc raises KeyErrors on missing keys.""" for key in self.required_schema: invalid_schema = copy(self.required_schema) invalid_schema.pop(key) with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context_mgr: get_schema_doc(invalid_schema) self.assertIn(key, str(context_mgr.exception)) class AnnotatedCloudconfigFileTest(CiTestCase): maxDiff = None def test_annotated_cloudconfig_file_no_schema_errors(self): """With no schema_errors, print the original content.""" content = b'ntp:\n pools: [ntp1.pools.com]\n' self.assertEqual( content, annotated_cloudconfig_file({}, content, schema_errors=[])) def test_annotated_cloudconfig_file_schema_annotates_and_adds_footer(self): """With schema_errors, error lines are annotated and a footer added.""" content = dedent("""\ #cloud-config # comment ntp: pools: [-99, 75] """).encode() expected = dedent("""\ #cloud-config # comment ntp: # E1 pools: [-99, 75] # E2,E3 # Errors: ------------- # E1: Some type error # E2: -99 is not a string # E3: 75 is not a string """) parsed_config = safe_load(content[13:]) schema_errors = [ ('ntp', 'Some type error'), ('ntp.pools.0', '-99 is not a string'), ('ntp.pools.1', '75 is not a string')] self.assertEqual( expected, annotated_cloudconfig_file(parsed_config, content, schema_errors)) def test_annotated_cloudconfig_file_annotates_separate_line_items(self): """Errors are annotated for lists with items on separate lines.""" content = dedent("""\ #cloud-config # comment ntp: pools: - -99 - 75 """).encode() expected = dedent("""\ ntp: pools: - -99 # E1 - 75 # E2 """) parsed_config = safe_load(content[13:]) schema_errors = [ ('ntp.pools.0', '-99 is not a string'), ('ntp.pools.1', '75 is not a string')] self.assertIn( expected, annotated_cloudconfig_file(parsed_config, content, schema_errors)) class TestMain: exclusive_combinations = itertools.combinations( ["--system", "--docs all", "--config-file something"], 2 ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("params", exclusive_combinations) def test_main_exclusive_args(self, params, capsys): """Main exits non-zero and error on required exclusive args.""" params = list(itertools.chain(*[a.split() for a in params])) with mock.patch('sys.argv', ['mycmd'] + params): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as context_manager: main() assert 1 == context_manager.value.code _out, err = capsys.readouterr() expected = ( 'Expected one of --config-file, --system or --docs arguments\n' ) assert expected == err def test_main_missing_args(self, capsys): """Main exits non-zero and reports an error on missing parameters.""" with mock.patch('sys.argv', ['mycmd']): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as context_manager: main() assert 1 == context_manager.value.code _out, err = capsys.readouterr() expected = ( 'Expected one of --config-file, --system or --docs arguments\n' ) assert expected == err def test_main_absent_config_file(self, capsys): """Main exits non-zero when config file is absent.""" myargs = ['mycmd', '--annotate', '--config-file', 'NOT_A_FILE'] with mock.patch('sys.argv', myargs): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as context_manager: main() assert 1 == context_manager.value.code _out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Configfile NOT_A_FILE does not exist\n' == err def test_main_prints_docs(self, capsys): """When --docs parameter is provided, main generates documentation.""" myargs = ['mycmd', '--docs', 'all'] with mock.patch('sys.argv', myargs): assert 0 == main(), 'Expected 0 exit code' out, _err = capsys.readouterr() assert '\nNTP\n---\n' in out assert '\nRuncmd\n------\n' in out def test_main_validates_config_file(self, tmpdir, capsys): """When --config-file parameter is provided, main validates schema.""" myyaml = tmpdir.join('my.yaml') myargs = ['mycmd', '--config-file', myyaml.strpath] myyaml.write(b'#cloud-config\nntp:') # shortest ntp schema with mock.patch('sys.argv', myargs): assert 0 == main(), 'Expected 0 exit code' out, _err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Valid cloud-config: {0}\n'.format(myyaml) == out @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.schema.read_cfg_paths') @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.schema.os.getuid', return_value=0) def test_main_validates_system_userdata( self, m_getuid, m_read_cfg_paths, capsys, paths ): """When --system is provided, main validates system userdata.""" m_read_cfg_paths.return_value = paths ud_file = paths.get_ipath_cur("userdata_raw") write_file(ud_file, b'#cloud-config\nntp:') myargs = ['mycmd', '--system'] with mock.patch('sys.argv', myargs): assert 0 == main(), 'Expected 0 exit code' out, _err = capsys.readouterr() assert 'Valid cloud-config: system userdata\n' == out @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.schema.os.getuid', return_value=1000) def test_main_system_userdata_requires_root(self, m_getuid, capsys, paths): """Non-root user can't use --system param""" myargs = ['mycmd', '--system'] with mock.patch('sys.argv', myargs): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as context_manager: main() assert 1 == context_manager.value.code _out, err = capsys.readouterr() expected = ( 'Unable to read system userdata as non-root user. Try using sudo\n' ) assert expected == err def _get_schema_doc_examples(): examples_dir = Path( cloudinit.__file__).parent.parent / 'doc' / 'examples' assert examples_dir.is_dir() all_text_files = (f for f in examples_dir.glob('cloud-config*.txt') if not f.name.startswith('cloud-config-archive')) return all_text_files class TestSchemaDocExamples: schema = get_schema() @pytest.mark.parametrize("example_path", _get_schema_doc_examples()) @skipUnlessJsonSchema() def test_schema_doc_examples(self, example_path): validate_cloudconfig_file(str(example_path), self.schema) # vi: ts=4 expandtab syntax=python